Wednesday, March 9, 2022


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New York’s Per Capita Balance of Payments Rank Among States Rises to 40th from Near Last Place

NY Received $1.59 for Every Tax Dollar Sent to DC in Federal Fiscal Year 2020, Still Below National Average of $1.92

 Historic relief funds from the federal government, provided in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, boosted New York’s per capita balance of payments from Washington from second-to-last in federal fiscal year (FFY) 2019 to 40th in FFY 2020 among states, according to a report released by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. New York received $146 billion, or $7,236 per capita, more in federal spending than residents paid in total taxes to the federal government in FFY 2020. Overall, the state received 6.4% of total federal spending compared to 5.9% it received last FFY. He noted that all states had a positive balance of payments for FFY 2020 due to the unprecedented influx of federal relief aid.

Prior to FFY 2020, the gap between the taxes New Yorkers paid and the spending the state received has fluctuated, but it remained consistently negative over DiNapoli’s five previous fiscal analyses, ranging from $19.9 billion in FFY 2013 and up to $40.9 billion in FFY 2016. The late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan pioneered the concept of this balance of payments analysis when he represented New York in the U.S. Senate, believing that this work could help produce a more equitable outcome for all Americans.

“The influx of federal relief funds was critical to helping states manage through the pandemic, but the money is temporary,” DiNapoli said. “Federal aid helped stabilize New York’s economy, but it is finite and will not resolve the long-standing imbalance of payments among the states. As federal pandemic spending winds down, the underlying trends we saw pre-pandemic are likely to return, with New York giving more to Washington than it gets back. As our rebuilding process continues, more must be done to achieve a more equitable distribution of federal funds to New York.”

For every tax dollar paid to Washington, New York received $1.59, an increase from 91 cents the prior year, but still below the national average of $1.92. Under this measurement, New York ranks 44th for FFY 2020. New Jersey received the least amount for every tax dollar paid at $1.36, while at $3.66, New Mexico netted the biggest return, as it has for the last five years.

New York generated 7.8% of the $3.2 trillion in tax payments to the federal government in FFY 2020. Compared to FFY 2019, tax dollars from New York fell at a rate more than twice the national average, reflecting in part the impact of the pandemic, including a decline of 11% in individual income tax payments from New Yorkers, compared to a national decline of 6.4%.

The state’s per capita federal taxes were 27.6% higher than the national average, ranking it fourth behind New Jersey, Massachusetts and Connecticut. In total, New Yorkers paid about $250 billion in FFY 2020 compared to $265 billion in FFY 2019, ranking third among the states behind California and Texas.

Federal spending in New York, including grants to state and local governments as well as direct payments to individuals, rose more rapidly than in other states. In total, New York received $19,589 in per capita federal spending, ranking above two-thirds of the states. This amount was 5% higher than the national figure of $18,599 per capita. New York's ranking rose to 17th in federal spending among the states in FFY 2020 from 24th in 2019. The improvement was primarily due to increased temporary federal grant and non-grant spending in response to the pandemic.

Direct payments to individuals for Social Security, Medicare, veterans’ benefits, food assistance and more made up the largest category of federal payments to the states in FFY 2020, totaling over $3.6 trillion, or 58%. This category increased by more than $1 trillion compared to FFY 2019, including large amounts of pandemic-related unemployment compensation and relief payments to households, which was more than 20% of spending in this category. New York received an estimated $228.3 billion in direct payments to individuals, with a per capita figure that was moderately higher than the national average.


Interactive Map with Balance of Payments Breakdown in the United States





Draft Criteria Developed by Climate Justice Working 

Group Released for 120-Day Public Comment Period

Climate Action Council’s Final Scoping Plan to 

Prioritize Emissions Reductions in Disadvantaged 


Draft Scoping Plan Currently Out for Public 

Comment and Review

New York State today announced the release of draft criteria developed by the Climate Justice Working Group (CJWG) for identifying disadvantaged communities. The draft criteria will guide the equitable implementation of New York’s ambitious Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). Pursuant to the Climate Act’s disadvantaged community provisions, the draft includes an interactive map and a list of communities the criteria would cover for directing programs and projects to reduce air pollution and climate-altering greenhouse gas emissions, provide economic development opportunities, and target clean energy and energy efficiency investments.  

State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner and Climate Action Council Co-Chair Basil Seggos said, “Advancing climate justice is central to New York’s Climate Act and our efforts to transition all New Yorkers to a cleaner, greener future. I thank the Climate Justice Working Group for the collaboration and extensive analysis that went into the draft disadvantaged communities list and criteria released today for public comment. This marks a significant milestone in New York’s efforts to advance climate justice and I encourage all New Yorkers to review these draft documents and support this ongoing work.”  

New York State Energy Research Development Authority (NYSERDA) President and CEO and Climate Action Council Co-Chair Doreen M. Harris said, “Along with this draft criteria for disadvantaged communities, I encourage the public to review the Climate Action Council’s draft scoping plan and participate in the public hearings to shape the final product as we work to implement a bold climate agenda. These efforts are clearly and mindfully incorporating climate justice at its core to deliver opportunities and improved quality of life to under resourced areas across New York State.” 

The Climate Act requires the State to invest or direct resources to ensure that disadvantaged communities receive at least 35 percent, with the goal of 40 percent, of overall benefits of spending on clean energy and energy efficiency programs – one of several ways the Climate Act focuses on prioritizing climate justice.  

The State’s CJWG, established by the Climate Act, voted unanimously to approve the release of draft criteria for public comment. Comprised of 13 representatives from organizations working in frontline Environmental Justice communities across New York State and supported by a team of State agency and technical experts, the CJWG worked to identify disadvantaged communities by evaluating 45 indicators including: environmental exposures, burdens, and climate change risks; sociodemographic factors such as age, race, and income; pollution characteristics; and health vulnerabilities. Using a methodology that worked at the census tract level, the working group combined and ranked all indicators into an overall score. DEC, NYSERDA, and the New York State Departments of Health and Labor supported the CJWG’s efforts.

In addition to the geographic component, the draft criteria include low-income households located anywhere in New York State for the purpose of investing or directing clean energy and energy efficiency programs, projects, and investments. These individual households report annual total income at or below 60 percent of the State median income, or households otherwise eligible for low-income programs. 

Criteria and methods for identifying disadvantaged communities will be reviewed annually to ensure the State is accurately targeting emissions reductions and investments.

DEC is accepting public comments until July 7, 2022, on the draft criteria and will hold at least six public hearings during the comment period. The draft criteria, community list, map, and supporting documentation are available on the New York State Climate Act website at

New Yorkers are encouraged to submit comments via the online public comment form, via email at, and via U.S. Mail to Attention: Draft DAC Comments, NYS DEC, Attn. Office of Environmental Justice, 625 Broadway, 14th Floor, Albany NY 12233. Information about the public hearings will be released soon. 

The Climate Act requires that the Climate Action Council’s Scoping Plan prioritize and maximize reduction of greenhouse gases and co-pollutants in disadvantaged communities. The Climate Action Council’s Draft Scoping Plan was released for public comment on Jan. 1, 2022. The draft plan provides several scenarios for the Climate Action Council to consider recommending policies and actions to help New York meet its ambitious climate directives. The Draft Scoping Plan is available for public review and comment, and the Climate Action Council will also hold a series of public hearings. For more information about the Draft Scoping Plan, or to submit comments or learn more about upcoming public hearings, visit  
New York State's nation-leading climate agenda is the most aggressive climate and clean energy initiative in the nation, calling for an orderly and just transition to clean energy that creates jobs and continues fostering a green economy as New York State recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. Enshrined into law through the CLCPA, New York is on a path to achieve its mandate of a zero-emission electricity sector by 2040, including 70 percent renewable energy generation by 2030, and to reach economy-wide carbon neutrality. It builds on New York's unprecedented investments to ramp-up clean energy including over $33 billion in 102 large-scale renewable and transmission projects across the state, $6.8 billion to reduce buildings emissions, $1.8 billion to scale up solar, more than $1 billion for clean transportation initiatives, and over $1.6 billion in NY Green Bank commitments. Combined, these investments are supporting nearly 158,000 jobs in New York's clean energy sector in 2020, a 2,100 percent growth in the distributed solar sector since 2011 and a commitment to develop 9,000 megawatts of offshore wind by 2035. Under the Climate Act, New York will build on this progress and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 85 percent from 1990 levels by 2050, while ensuring that at least 35 percent with a goal of 40 percent of the benefits of clean energy investments are directed to disadvantaged communities, and advance progress towards the state's 2025 energy efficiency target of reducing on-site energy consumption by 185 trillion BTUs of end-use energy savings. 

Third Founder Of Cryptocurrency Exchange Pleads Guilty To Bank Secrecy Act Violations


Samuel Reed Designed BitMEX as a Platform to Flout U.S. Anti-Money Laundering Rules

 Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that SAMUEL REED, one of three co-founders and a high-ranking executive of purportedly “off-shore” cryptocurrency derivatives exchange the Bitcoin Mercantile Exchange or “BitMEX,” pled guilty today to violating the Bank Secrecy Act (the “BSA”) by willfully failing to establish, implement, and maintain an anti-money laundering (“AML”) program at BitMEX.  Under the terms of his plea agreement, REED agreed to separately pay a $10 million criminal fine representing pecuniary gain derived from the offense.  REED pled guilty today before Chief U.S. District Judge Laura T. Swain, and will be sentenced by U.S. District Judge John G. Koeltl.  The other two founders of BitMEX, Arthur Hayes and Benjamin Delo, previously pled guilty to the same offense in February 2022.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said:  “Samuel Reed has now joined his co-founders, Arthur Hayes and Benjamin Delo, in admitting that they caused BitMEX to commit criminal violations of the anti-money laundering laws that govern financial institutions operating in the United States.  As today’s guilty plea reflects, this Office will not permit cryptocurrency exchanges to operate as a shadow financial system that enables criminal actors to move their illicit proceeds without detection, and will vigorously investigate and prosecute the operators of such exchanges who deliberately flout U.S. law.”

According to the Indictment, public court filings, and statements made in court:[1]

REED, together with Arthur Hayes and Benjamin Delo, was one of the three co-founders and the long-time Chief Technology Officer of BitMEX.  BitMEX is an online cryptocurrency derivatives exchange that, during the relevant time period, had U.S.-based operations and served thousands of U.S. customers, notwithstanding false representations to the contrary by the company.  From at least September 2015, and continuing at least through the time of the Indictment in September 2020, REED willfully caused BitMEX to fail to establish and maintain an AML program, including a program for verifying the identify of BitMEX’s customers (or a “know your customer” or “KYC” program).  As a result of its willful failure to implement AML and KYC programs, BitMEX was in effect a money laundering platform.  For example, in about May 2018, REED was notified of allegations that BitMEX was being used to launder the proceeds of a cryptocurrency hack.  Neither REED nor the company filed a suspicious activity report thereafter (indeed, BitMEX filed no suspicious activity reports at all between 2014 and September 2020), nor did BitMEX implement an AML or KYC program in response. 

REED failed to institute AML or KYC programs at BitMEX despite closely following U.S. regulatory developments that made clear his legal obligation to do so if BitMEX operated in the United States, which it did.  Despite repeatedly stating that BitMEX did not serve U.S. customers, including to individuals outside of BitMEX, REED knew that BitMEX’s purported withdrawal from the U.S. market in or about September 2015 was a sham, and that purported “controls” BitMEX put in place to prevent U.S. trading were an ineffective facade that did not, in fact, prevent users from accessing or trading on BitMEX from the United States.  REED not only understood that U.S. customers continued to trade on BitMEX, but derived substantial profits from BitMEX as a result of U.S.-based trading. 

REED, 32, of Massachusetts, pled guilty to one count of violating the Bank Secrecy Act, which carries a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison.  The maximum potential sentence in this case is prescribed by Congress and is provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge.

Mr. Williams praised the outstanding investigative work of the FBI’s New York Money Laundering Investigation Squad, and thanked the attorneys and investigators at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission whose expertise and diligence were integral to the development of this investigation.

[1] Two of REED’s co-defendants, Arthur Hayes and Benjamin Delo, pled guilty to violating the BSA in February 2022. As to REED’s remaining co-defendant, the entirety of the text of the Indictment, and the description of the Indictment set forth herein, constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

Attorney General James and State Police Superintendent Bruen Announce Arrest of Phony Attorney


Andrew Schnorr Allegedly Posed as Attorney and Defrauded Individuals Out of More Than $22,000 in Legal Fees

 New York Attorney General Letitia James and New York State Police Superintendent Kevin Bruen today announced the arrest and arraignment of Andrew Schnorr, 39, for practicing law without a license and defrauding New Yorkers in Buffalo out of more than $22,000 in legal fees. Despite never graduating from a law school nor passing a bar exam, Schnorr allegedly posed as a licensed attorney and even represented clients at numerous legal proceedings. Schnorr was charged with Unauthorized Practice of Law (a Class E felony) and Grand Larceny in the Third Degree (a Class D felony). If convicted, he faces up to 2 1/3 to 7 years in state prison. 

“Practicing law without a license undermines the integrity of our judicial system and jeopardizes the fate of New Yorkers who need legal services,” said Attorney General James. “This individual tricked vulnerable people by posing as an attorney who could help them, but instead cheated them out of tens of thousands of dollars while risking their future. New Yorkers must be able to trust that the professionals representing them are qualified and serving in their best interest.”

“This suspect lied about his credentials and as a result stole thousands from unsuspecting victims who were counting on him for legal advice based on education and training that he didn’t have,” said State Police Superintendent Bruen. “I commend our members and the Office of the Attorney General for their work to hold this suspect accountable for his actions.”

Today’s charges are the result of a joint investigation by the Office of the Attorney General’s (OAG) Criminal Enforcement and Financial Crimes Bureau and the New York State Police. The investigation began in the summer of 2019 when OAG received a complaint from an attorney concerning Schnorr’s lack of competence during a legal proceeding. As outlined in today’s complaint, the investigation revealed that Schnorr was in fact, not a licensed attorney, and that he had lied about graduating from New York University School of Law and lied about passing the bar exams in New York and California.

Schnorr secured his job at a Buffalo law firm by submitting a resume with fake credentials. He worked as an associate attorney at the firm and was tasked with civil matters involving depositions and settlement conferences. Altogether, he represented at least nine clients at the law firm beginning in 2019.

The OAG’s investigation remains ongoing. Any New Yorker who believes that they have been a victim of this type of crime or have additional information regarding this matter are encouraged to contact OAG at (716) 853-8400.

By law, attorneys must be licensed in New York state by the New York State Unified Court System’s Office of Court Administration (OCA). If possible, before meeting or retaining an attorney, individuals should confirm the person’s license on OCA’s website. For legal representation outside of New York state, individuals should contact the respective state's licensing authority to confirm whether a person is licensed to practice law in that jurisdiction.

Today’s charges against Schnorr are allegations and he is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.



 New York City Mayor Eric Adams today issued the following statement in support of the EQUAL Act — which would end the federal sentencing disparity between drug offenses involving crack cocaine and powder cocaine — in the upcoming spending omnibus package currently being negotiated by the U.S. Senate:


“Safety and justice go hand in hand, and the EQUAL Act of 2021 would correct a longstanding injustice that has devastated Black and Brown communities across the country. The sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine offenses is one of the worst vestiges of the war on drugs, and I’m pleased to join members of New York’s congressional delegation, civil rights groups, and law enforcement organizations in supporting this critical piece of legislation.” 



Officer Suffered a Fractured Ankle in Attack Caught on Body Camera Footage

 Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark today announced that a Manhattan man has been indicted on Aggravated Assault Upon a Police or a Peace Officer, first-degree Assault and numerous other charges for injuring an NYPD officer with his vehicle during a traffic stop.

 District Attorney Clark said, “The defendant was allegedly weaving through oncoming traffic and driving through red lights. When Police stopped the defendant and entered the vehicle, he allegedly put the car in drive and accelerated, dragging the officer, and injuring her. His alleged actions not only recklessly put the officers at risk, but also members of the community.”

 District Attorney Clark said the defendant, Usman Haruna, 23, of Manhattan, was arraigned today on Aggravated Assault Upon a Police or a Peace Officer, first-degree Assault, Assault on a Peace Officer, Police Officer, Fireman, or Emergency Medical Services Professional; four counts of second-degree Assault, second-degree Unlawful Fleeing a Police Officer in a Motor Vehicle, third-degree Unlawful Fleeing a Police Officer in a Motor Vehicle, three counts of thirddegree Assault, second-degree Reckless Endangerment, fourth-degree Criminal Possession of a Weapon, second-degree Obstructing Governmental Administration, Resisting Arrest, Reckless Driving, second-degree Aggravated Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle, third-degree Aggravated Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle, and Violations of the Vehicle and Traffic Law before Bronx Supreme Court Justice Beth Beller.

 According to the investigation on December 12, 2021, in the Fordham section of the Bronx, the defendant allegedly refused to pull over during a traffic stop near 194th Street and Marion Avenue. Haruna allegedly drove into oncoming traffic, through red lights, speeding, and at one point steered onto the sidewalk in an effort to avoid traffic. Police approached the vehicle, and the defendant allegedly punched one officer who attempted to put the vehicle in park. Another officer tried to open the front driver side door, and the defendant allegedly pushed her out of the vehicle, put the car into drive, accelerated and ran over the officer’s foot. He then crashed into another car. The officer sustained a fractured ankle and was taken to a local hospital for treatment.

 District Attorney Clark also thanked NYPD Detective Daniel Trancucci of the 52nd Precinct for his assistance in the investigation.

 An indictment is an accusatory instrument and is not proof of a defendant’s guilt.

Governor Hochul Announces Lincoln Center's $550 Million David Geffen Hall to be Completed in October 2022

 Rendering of the new David Geffen Hall

Project Complements Efforts to Revitalize New York State's Tourism Industry

New York State Providing $6.5 Million to Accelerate Completion and Support Major Expansion of Public Space

Expanded Public Space to Host Free Community-Based Public Programming

Renderings Available Here

 Governor Kathy Hochul today joined Lincoln Center leadership to announce that the $550 million renovation of Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts' new David Geffen Hall will be completed in October 2022, two years ahead of schedule. The hall is being reimagined from the inside out with expanded access to public space for the community, supported by a $6.5 million grant from Empire State Development. The project will transform the storied concert hall and home of the renowned New York Philharmonic into a world-class venue and destination that will further support New York City's post-pandemic economic recovery. 

"Lincoln Center is a central piece of New York's cultural heart and the new David Geffen Hall, complete with expanded public and community spaces, will make that heart beat even stronger," Governor Hochul said. "New York's comeback is just getting started and this project is a crucial part of that comeback, creating jobs and giving New Yorkers and visitors from across the globe the opportunity to experience world-class entertainment in a state-of-the-art venue. I look forward to seeing this magnificent facility introduce the next generation to the joy of the arts."

Empire State Development is providing up to $6.5 million to accelerate the transformation of David Geffen Hall, including approximately 21,000 square feet of renovated and expanded public space in and around the hall. Through this project, Lincoln Center has committed to creating 114 new full-time jobs. Additionally, the iconic venue plans to host new community-based public programming in the public space and launch a diversity and arts job training program that will provide paid fellowships to support the community-based programming.  

The reimagined David Geffen Hall will be the premier home for the New York Philharmonic and will improve the overall concert-goer experience, which will include a state-of-the-art theater for artists and audiences. The public spaces will expand by tens of thousands of square feet to create a deeper connection with the audience and community. This will improve the quality of the experience for both ticket holders and the general public, with a focus on equitable access to arts programming. Additional components of the public spaces project include: 

  • The main lobby will double in size and open on three sides to connect with the campus to allow community activity to flow. 
  • A media streaming wall at the core of the new lobby will show concerts and events for free in real time as well as other digital material.  
  • A new Welcome Center on Broadway will offer a portal to Lincoln Center for the public.   
  • The reconfigured and reenergized Grand Promenade will create one of the largest gathering spaces at a performance facility in New York City, with ability to welcome more than 1,000 people for an event.  
  • The Sidewalk Studio, visible from the street on the corner of 65th Street and Broadway, will be a home for educational, artistic, and community activities, and provide a window into the performers and ideas that live on campus.  

Empire State Development Acting Commissioner and President and CEO-designate Hope Knight said, "Lincoln Center is an iconic destination for New York's residents and visitors alike, and this expansion reflects the renewed energy of the city's cultural core. ESD's investment in David Geffen Hall will help to create jobs and support our tourism economy with new and expanded spaces that invite even more people to enjoy and explore Lincoln Center."  

The accelerated completion of David Geffen Hall furthers Governor Hochul's commitment to revitalize tourism in New York State. The tourism industry was among the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw significant losses in visitation, direct spending and economic impact. In November, Governor Hochul announced the "Bring Back Tourism, Bring Back Jobs" inclusive recovery package, featuring targeted programs and initiatives designed to support the industry's economic rebuild.  

Governor Hochul also recently announced the launch of new global I LOVE NY ads, representing the state's first paid tourism advertising to overseas markets. The new 30-second ad features a mix of newer attractions and iconic favorites from across New York City - including Lincoln Center - and encourages residents and visitors alike to plan a first-time trip or a return visit to find what they love and come be a part of all that New York State has to offer.  



The Department of Public Service Office of Consumer Services, which was cited as part of both veto memos for legislation to create a Utility Consumer Advocate in New York, has so far refused to advocate for consumers who try to file complaints about bill spikes from Con Edison.

 As reports of spiking energy bills from Con Edison continue to come in throughout New York, a group of legislators are renewing their push for the creation of a new, statewide Office of the Utility Consumer Advocate. A letter to the Governor asking to work together on strengthening New York State’s ability to directly advocate for consumers, was sent by Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz and State Senator Diane Savino, who are the two main sponsors of legislation to create such an office, as well as Assemblywoman Amy Paulin (Chair of the Assembly Committee on Corporations, Authorities, and Commissions which has oversight of the Public Service Commission and utility companies) and State Senator Michael Gianaris.

Legislation to create such an office has been vetoed twice by the Governor’s Office, in 2019 and 2021, with both veto memos citing redundant or duplicative roles between the proposed Utility Consumer Advocate and the Department of Public Service’s role in consumer advocacy. However, consumer experiences with the Public Service Commission in response to the recent bill spikes from Con Edison have offered a different perspective.


In multiple responses to utility consumer complaints about Con Edison bill spikes, the Department of Public Service offered a “brief explanation” and directed consumers to assistance programs or deferred payment agreements. DPS did not appear to include any complaint number that would indicate that the consumer complaint is being registered, investigated, or resolved.


The vetoed legislation is being reintroduced in 2022, with legislators hopeful that the Governor’s Office will engage in a productive dialogue about how to address concerns about redundancy between the proposed Utility Consumer Advocate and existing offices such as the DPS Office of Consumer Services and the Department of State’s Utility Intervention Unit.


Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz said: “If one thing is clear after the debacle that utility consumers have experienced with Con Edison’s extreme bills, our state does not have sufficient representation of consumer voices in our oversight of utility companies. The reality is that the Department of Public Service is not intended to advocate for the sole interests of utility consumers — their job is to focus on the whole system, which by its nature means that they have to also represent the interests of utility companies. A new, independent Office of the Utility Consumer Advocate would provide this dedicated voice for consumers and it would be insulated from the political preferences of utility companies and their lobbyists. I am hopeful that Governor Hochul will continue her trend of collaborating with the Legislature and that we can finally reach a consensus on how to create and office that more than forty other states already have in place.”