Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Street Co-Naming in Honor of Dr. Betty Shabazz


NEW YORK, NY 10032


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

STATEMENT FROM BOROUGH PRESIDENT DIAZ RE: Congressional Redistricting Plans & The Bronx


“For months, there has been countless speculation and innuendo concerning the future of our City’s Congressional districts. Almost all of this discussion has revolved around carving up the Bronx in order to benefit other counties.

“Over the past few years, the political leadership of the Bronx has been united as never before, and we remain united on the issue of redistricting. We will not stand for any Congressional redistricting plan that dilutes the voting power of the Bronx for the benefit of another county.

“The Bronx, through vibrant housing and economic development initiatives, has worked to bring more residents back to our borough.  Past censuses have shown that people were slowly returning to the Bronx and new immigrants were making the Bronx their home. The 2010 census shows that the work that was done has been successful.

“New congressional district lines should mirror the success that has occurred in the Bronx.  Emerging new and well-established communities should not be divided to dilute their growing electoral power.

“We will not stand for any plan that would slice the Bronx into many small pieces. For decades, the Bronx has had at least one Congressional district entirely within its borders, and this should not change.

“With that in mind, our current Voting Rights Act district, represented by Rep. Jose Serrano, must be respected and remain wholly within the Bronx. Both Rep. Serrano and Rep. Eliot Engel are lifelong Bronxites who have represented parts of our borough for their entire careers. If the Bronx were to lose their collected seniority in Washington—and the clout that comes with it—it would do our borough tremendous harm.

“Any attempt to diminish our political power to benefit another borough is an insult to our leadership, our communities, and our years of hard work.

“We speak with one voice on the issue of Congressional redistricting, and our message is crystal clear. The people of the Bronx have a right to be able to determine who their representatives will be. Any attempt to undermine that right through redistricting will be perceived as an effort to set back the considerable gains we have made over the past decade,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.


Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. and Community Activist Luis Sepulveda to Sue the MTA for Handicap Access to the Parkchester Subway Station

  When the #6 line Parkchester subway station was recently redone to the tune 34 million dollars only one escalator was installed for Manhattan bound riders. Senator Ruben Diaz Sr., Community Activist and lawyer Luis Sepulveda, Ms. Margret Walsh (of the Parkchester South Houses), Ms. Beverly Roberts (of the local NAACP), and about 75 others called for the MTA to install elevators so all subway riders could use the Parkchester subway station (one of the heaviest used station on the #6 line). 

   Senator Diaz and Mr. Sepulveda said that when the station was redone the "Americans With Disabilities Act" required that elevators be placed for handicap riders. That was not the case, and only one escalator was placed for the Manhattan bound riders. It was said that you can not get a wheelchair or walker (that many of the elderly residents of Parkchester use to help get around) on the escalator, so this station is inaccessible to up to 200,000 people..

   Mr. Sepulveda said that the MTA is violating the law, and on Friday  he will bring a lawsuit on behalf of the people to have the MTA install the elevators that should have been put in when the station was redone. 

   We spoke to an MTA employee who wanted to remain anonymous, and were told that the station was not high enough for an elevator. We were also told that a study was done, but because of the three tracks and only two platforms in use it could not be determined just where to place elevators without any hazards to the riders. 

  One note is that the #6 line Parkchester subway station is fully accessible to the handicap from the street level to the entrance gates.

Above is District Leader Julia Rodriguez next to Senator Diaz, with Mr. Luis Sepulvada next to Ms. Margret Walsh of the Parkchster South Houses, and others around them.

     Below is the entrance to the Manhattan bound side.

Senator Rivera Hosted Black History Month Celebration,
Honored Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson

State Senator Gustavo Rivera (D, Bronx) hosted a Black History Month celebration in conjunction with St. Joseph Church on Saturday, February 25, 2012.  Working together with community partners such as St. Joseph Catholic Church and the South Bronx Job Corps Culinary Program, Senator Rivera hosted a celebration that included the honoring of State Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson, words from a guest speaker, comedian Baratunde Thurston, author of How to be Black, and performances by Nene Ali (spoken word), Aquila Knight, who sang the Black National Anthem and Warriors for Christ Praise & Worship Dance Ministry from Creston Avenue Baptist Church in the 33rd Senate District.

“This month we remember that hard work of those who came before us and helped us bring a stronger sense of justice to our society,” said Senator Rivera. “They taught us that our future should not be predicated by race and external factors, but rather by what we do regardless of race, class, gender, sexual orientation or creed. On Saturday, we honored the memories of African-Americans who have shaped our past and those individuals who are shaping our nation’s and our state’s present and future. Their accomplishments are an integral part of American history and should be celebrated and shared, not just this month, but every day of the year.”

Over a hundred Bronxites attended Saturday’s Black History Month Celebration, including State Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson, City Comptroller John Liu, City Council Member Leticia James and many other elected officials. The South Bronx Job Corps Culinary provided a traditional AND healthy African-American meal for all those who attended. 

The very next day Sunday February 26th 
Senator Rivera joined Councilman G. Oliver Koppell, and current 80th Assemblywoman Naomi Rivera for another wonderful celebration of Black History Month that was held at Tracy Towers.  

Monday, February 27, 2012

Team Diaz Holds First African-American Abrazo 
in Honor of Black History Month

  Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. along with Assemblyman Marcos Crespo, and Community Leader Luis Sepulveda (aka Team Diaz 2012) hosted the first "African-American Abrazo" in honor of "Black History Month" last week. Joining Team Diaz were Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., Bronx DA Robert Johnson, Councilman Fernando Cabrera, Assemblywoman Vanessa Gibson, and a packed house even with the pouring rain outside that night. The Honorees were Lt. Colonel Floyd J. carter ( of the Tuskegee Air Force fame), Deputy Bronx Borough President Aurilia Greene, Rev. Albert Busch, Ms. Edith Hicks, and Mr. Warren Williams.

  Below are some pictures of the event, the honorees, the NYC Youth Chorus that performed during the celebration, and of course the elected officials.  Click on a photo to enlarge it.

Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz and Community Leader Luis Sepulveda announce intention to begin lawsuit against the MTA for an elevator at the Parkchester Train Station.

According to Senator Diaz, “It is shameful that the MTA spent nearly $89 million renovating the 6 Line but did not spend a dime making it more accessible to our disabled and seniors.  Without an elevator, many of my constituents cannot access the 6 Line and are captives in their community.  My office receives so many calls from the community about this problem and I will take the fight to the MTA to get the elevator installed.”
Community Leader Luis Sepulveda, an attorney organizing the lawsuit indicated that, “according to the Americans with Disabilities Acts, the MTA was required to allocate 20% of the renovation funds making it more accessible to the disabled. How can they justify constructing a new one at the Dyckman Station in Manhattan and not one here in Parkchester? Why the difference in treatment?”
Senator Diaz, Mr. Sepulveda and other community residents will hold the conference at the Parkchester Train Station, tomorrow Tuesday February 28, 2012  at 11:00 am.
For further information contact: Brendaliz Candelaria at 718-991-3161

Sunday, February 26, 2012

What You Should Know By Senator Rev. Ruben Diaz

By Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az 32nd Senatorial District  

Bronx County, New York 

The Bronx is not a colony.
You should know that I am just calling it the way I see it: the way the district lines have been drawn for New York’s Congressional seats indicates to me that there are some people who still believe in colonies.
I respectfully suggest that it is time for Bronx County Chair Carl Heastie and Bronx Borough President RubĂ©n DĂ­az, Jr. to call for a meeting of all Bronx elected officials – especially the Black and Hispanic officials – to be held in a private room and really find out where people stand.  It is important to find out if anyone in the room is trying to divide the Bronx into parcels.
Even though a new Congressional Hispanic District is among our highest consideration, we should not be blind and just sacrifice the entire borough for one new Congressional seat.  That said, I must insist again that the Bronx already has enough people to have its own Congressional seats without the need for outsiders to intrude in our ability to govern ourselves.
You should know that there are efforts underway to try to extend Congresswoman Nita Lowey’s district from White Plains in Northern Westchester to include parts of the Bronx, and efforts to extend Congressman Charles Rangel’s district from Harlem to include a chunk of the Bronx, and who knows who else!  I'm afraid that Congressman Jose Serrano's seat might even be compromised by these plans.
According to the 2010 Census, the population in the Bronx is booming! And I must repeat this because you should know that the Bronx is booming because of the hard work and dedication of Bronx elected leaders and representatives who created an environment for people to come to live in the Bronx.
No matter what parcel they may be trying to give away to undermine the Black and Hispanic achievements in the Bronx – political and otherwise – we should realize that this tactic harkens back to the Reconstruction Era when gerrymandering was used to dilute the new found political strength of African Americans in the South. What a disgrace to try to impose these efforts - against our will - now as we celebrate Black Heritage Month!
If all of us in the Bronx come together and speak as one, we can stop what they’re trying to do to the Bronx. We all see what they are doing in Queens: while everyone is keeping quiet, the State Senate seat occupied by Senator JosĂ© Peralta is being thrown to the wolves.
We in the Bronx cannot accept this.  We should not allow it. It is not right, and it should be stopped.
I am Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Senator Klein's Black History Month Breakfast

  On Saturday February 25th State Senator Jeff Klein held his 17th Annual Black History Month Breakfast. 

  The Keynote speaker was Bronx Assemblywoman Vanessa Gibson, who gave a rousing speech to the over 250 people that came. It was no coincidence that Assemblywoman Gibson the keynote speaker, also was elected to office after then Assemblywoman Aurelia Greene became Deputy Bronx Borough President. Deputy BP Greene was one of the four honorees of the event. Ms. Robin Miller (a teacher for almost 30 years), Dr. Tricia Joseph (a psychologist), and Ms. Nichole Stent (district manager of Community Board #8) were the other three honorees.

  A surprise guest was Manhattan Borough President (and mayoral candidate in 2013) Scott Stringer. Both Klein and Stringer served in the New York State Assembly before moving on to higher positions. 

From left to right are Ms. Robin Miller, Dr. Tricia Joseph, Deputy Bronx Borough President Aurelia Greene, Ms. Nichole Stent, Senator Klein, and Assemblywoman Gibson.