Sunday, December 24, 2023

Season’s Greetings From State Comptroller DiNapoli


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Season’s Greetings From State Comptroller DiNapoli

Lantern in the snow

Happy Holidays! I wish you all joy, health and the warmth of the season as we celebrate our many holiday traditions with family and friends.

Audit Finds OMH Needs To Improve Oversight of Supportive Housing Providers To Ensure Safety and Well-Being of Vulnerable New Yorkers

New York’s Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI) has not been meeting the needs of all the vulnerable New Yorkers it was created to serve, according to a new audit released by State Comptroller DiNapoli. The audit found significant deficiencies in the New York State Office of Mental Health’s (OMH) oversight of ESSHI, which was launched in 2016 with the goal of developing 20,000 units of supportive housing by 2031 across the State for homeless individuals, including people with specific needs such as serious mental illness or disability. OMH serves as the lead procurement agency for ESSHI.

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DiNapoli Finds State Needs to Do More to Address Nursing Home Pandemic Issues

The State Department of Health has made limited progress in addressing the widespread failures identified in a March 2022 audit of the State’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak in nursing homes, according to a follow-up report released by New York State Comptroller DiNapoli.

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NYC Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Balanced, but Out Year Gaps Continue to Grow

New York City faces spending risks that could increase its budget gaps for Fiscal Years 2025 through 2027 to an average of $12.6 billion annually, fueled by spending choices made during the pandemic, underbudgeting for recurring spending, and significant costs associated with the influx of asylum seekers into the five boroughs, according to a report released by State Comptroller DiNapoli.

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The Changing Face of Post-Pandemic New York City

Population shifts during and after the COVID-19 pandemic are changing the face of New York City and highlight significant policy implications moving forward, according to a report released by New York State Comptroller DiNapoli.

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Local Sales Tax Collections Grew 5.1% in November

Local sales tax collections in New York State increased by 5.1% in November compared to the same month in 2022, according to data released by State Comptroller DiNapoli. Overall, local collections totaled $1.81 billion, up $88.6 million compared to the same time last year.

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Municipal & School Audits


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Tom DiNapoli @NYSComptroller 

Santa Tweet

Congressman Adriano Espaillat - Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!



Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

From my family to yours, Merry Christmas! May your holiday be filled with warmth, comfort, and joy.

2023 has been a remarkable year, and I have been proud to work on your behalf to promote job growth, fight inflation, bolster education and training, and provide relief and opportunities for families across my district. 


As we enter the New Year, I’m proud of what we have accomplished together, and I look forward to continuing my work on behalf of NY-13 and the families who call my district home.

May your holiday season be filled with joy, peace, health, and family.


Adriano Espaillat
Member of Congress

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years


Governor Hochul Signs Legislation to Strengthen Protections for Rent Stabilized Tenants Throughout New York State

Apartments at the Lyceum

 Legislation S2980-C/A6216-B Strengthens Tenant Protections by Making Various Changes to Avoid Improper Deregulations or Rent Increases and Strengthen Enforcement of the Rent Stabilization Laws

Governor Kathy Hochul signed legislation to strengthen protections for rent stabilized tenants throughout New York State. Legislation S2980-C/A6216-B strengthens tenant protections by making various changes to avoid improper deregulations or rent increases and improve enforcement of the rent stabilization laws.

“This legislation will help to protect the one million New Yorkers living in rent-stabilized apartments and give our state better, stronger tools to enforce our rent stabilization laws,” Governor Hochul said. “As New York continues to face a costly housing crisis, my administration is committed to addressing the housing shortage, building new supply and making our state more affordable."

Legislation S2980-C/A6216-B strengthens tenant protections by clarifying the standards for determining whether a landlord has engaged in a fraudulent scheme to deregulate a unit, requiring landlords going forward to get approval from Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) prior to deregulating a unit due to a substantial rehabilitation, stiffening penalties for failing to register a unit, codifying methods for calculating rents after units are combined or modified, and reinforcing HCR’s authority to enforce the rent stabilization laws, among other measures.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Governor Hochul Signs Legislation to Expand Patient Access and Tackle the Rising Cost of Prescription Drugs


Legislation S.599-A/A.1707 Requires Manufacturers of Certain Prescription Drugs to Notify the Department of Financial Services of Any Proposed Wholesale Increase Costs for Prescription Drugs

Legislation A.6779-A/S.6337-A Expands Administration of Medications for Treatment of Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder and by a Pharmacist; Requires the Administering Pharmacist to Notify the Prescribing Physician of the Administration of the Medication

Governor Kathy Hochul today signed two pieces of legislation aimed at lowering the price of prescription drugs and making the administration of pharmaceutical drugs safer. Legislation S.599-A/A.1707 increases the transparency requirements concerning prescription drug costs. Legislation A.6779-A/S.6337-A makes the administration of drugs by pharmacists safer and more accessible to patients by authorizing administering of additional medications for treatment of mental health and substance use disorder and requiring communication of the administration between the pharmacist and the prescribing physician.

“Too many New Yorkers are struggling with the high cost of prescription drugs – and I am committed to doing everything in my power to help,” Governor Hochul said. “This legislation will increase transparency and safety for all New Yorkers.”

Legislation S.599-A/A.1707 increases price transparency by ensuring that price increases are reported to the State through the Department of Financial Services. Legislation A.6779-A/S.6337-A expands the universe of injectable medications available to patients through pharmacies and addresses medical transparency as it relates to pharmacists and prescribing physicians. By requiring pharmacists to notify prescribing physicians of the administration of medication, New York is requiring a layer of communication that will keep patients safe.