Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Bronx Jewish Community Council - Project HOPE Passover 2017

Project HOPE Passover Package Delivery 
Sunday, March 26, 2017 - 9am-11:30am

Share the joy of the holidays by 
bringing along  friends and family to deliver 3-5 Passover packages to lonely, home-bound or needy Jewish elderly!

  Whether or not you are able to come, you can always help by sponsoring a package for only $25
For groups, questions or to deliver to a particular senior contact 
Niti Minkove, Director of Volunteers at 

Learn more about Bronx Jewish Community Council's volunteer opportunities and how to get involved at www.bjcconline.org 

Bronx Jewish Community Council, 2930 Wallace Avenue, Bronx, NY 10467

Monday, January 23, 2017

Bronx Democratic Party - Upcoming Events

Dear Bronx Democrat,
Below is a list of upcoming events. Attached you will find flyers for each event.
Bronx Dems Annual Winter ReceptionWhen:  Wed. 2/15/17 from 6 - 9p
Where: Billy's Sports Bar (856 River Ave)

Chairman Marcos A. Crespo & The Bronx Democratic Party invite you to our Annual Winter Networking Reception. Enjoy an evening with Bronx representatives in Congress, State Senate, Assembly, City Council, Party leaders, and special guest appearances. In addition to our usual sponsorship levels, we've added a special price for students to join and network.

If you have any questions, please call us at 347-281-9759
Click to Enlarge
CM Gibson's Free Legal ServicesWhen:  Wed. 1/25/17 from 10a- 3p
Where: 1377 Jerome Avenue

New York City Council Member Vanessa L. Gibson, in partnership with New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG), is bringing FREE legal services to the Bronx via the Mobile Legal Help Center, which is a vehicle with private meeting rooms and technology enabling it to function as a full-service office providing legal assistance on issues related to housing, public benefits, immigration, domestic violence, and more. Everyone is eligible to receive free legal services, regardless of immigration status.

To make an appointment, please contact the Office of Council Member Gibson at 718-588-7500 or district16bronx@council.nyc.gov.
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NYPD & Mayor's Interfaith Service
When:  Thu. 1/26/17 from 6 - 8p
Where: Latino Pastoral Action Center, 14 W. 170th St.

Join police, clergy, community members, youth and business leaders for a special interfaith service hosted by the NYPD and Mayor's Community Affairs Unit on Thursday, January 26 from 6-8pmat Latino Pastoral Action Center (14 W. 170th Street).

Please RSVP to Lorraine.Perez@nypd.org.
Click to Enlarge
BP Diaz' Bronx Public Hearing on Mayor's BudgetWhen:  Thu. 1/26/17 from 10a - 12p
Where: 198 E. 161st Street, 10th Fl.

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. invites you to attend and speak at The Bronx Borough Board Public Hearing on the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 2018 and Capital and Service needs of the borough.

Anyone interested in presenting testimony should email their name, title, organization, and telephone number to bmccray@bronxbp.nyc.gov to register in advance of the hearing.
CM King's Discretionary Budget Workshop
When: Thu. 1/26/17 at 6:30-8:30p
Where: Williamsbridge NAACP ECE Center, 680 E. 219th Street
New York City Council Member Andy King presents his Discretionary Budget Workshop. Come learn about how the City Council's discretionary budget works and how it benefits our communities!

For more information, contact the 12th District Office at 718-684-5509.
Click to Enlarge
Senator Jamaal Bailey's Inauguration CeremonyWhen:  Sat. 1/28/17 at 3p
Where: Butler Memorial United Methodist Church, 3920 Paulding Avenue

You are cordially invited to attend the Inauguration Ceremony for New York State Senator Jamaal T. Bailey.

Kindly RSVP to senatorjtbailey@gmail.com or 347-866-8437.

Click to Enlarge

In solidarity,
Hon. Marcos A. Crespo, Chair
The Bronx Democratic Party
1640 Eastchester Rd.

News From 18th City Council Candidate Elvin Garcia


We did it! We raised more than twice the funds of anyone else in this race, with no institutional support organizing events on our behalf and we did so in one month --1/6 of the time that other campaigns have been actively fundraising. This is what grassroots people-power looks like. Because of YOU, we can now grow our team & reach more voters. 

Facts about our January 17th filing with the NYC Campaign Finance Board.
  • We received a total of 274 individual contributions totaling $33,240 in a very short period of time from 12/1/16 to 1/11/17.
  • More than 200 contributions were made exclusively online --from subscribers just like you-- via our website.
  • The average individual contribution was $121 and 78.5% of those contributions came from NYC residents. 
  • And our additional funds from the NYC public financing matching fund program is $12,185 thus far.
Thanks again to all of the friends, family, neighbors, activists, and supporters for making an investment in #ANewBronxTale of leadership for Council District 18. Together, we are going to defy the odds and usher in the change we need to lift up our communities and working families. 

With gratitude,

Elvin Garcia

PS: please visit our website at www.elvingarcia.nyc to learn more about our campaign. The next fundraising deadline will be March 11th. Thank you.


Campaign Finance Summary

2017 Citywide Elections

Updated: Jan 23 2017 4:11PM   18th Council District

Candidate            Private Funds            Spending            Balance

Farias, Amanda          15,607                       505                       15,102

Garcia, Elvin               33,240                      3,961                     29,279
Gathers, Dwayne *            -                           
 -                               -
 * Terminated campaign

It Appears that there are only two announced candidates as of 
Jan. 23rd CFB Finance Summary for the 18th Council District.
Not three as candidate Elvin Garcia claims.
Candidate Gathers terminated his campaign with no funds.

State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr. who said before he was 
re-elected to the state senate that he would be running in the 
18th council district has not yet filed with the CFB. 

News From Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz Urges DOE to Use Soon-To-Be Vacant School

  In a letter to NYC Department of Education (DOE) Chancellor Carmen Fariña, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz urged her to consider the use of the building located at 3120 Corlear Avenue to house students and alleviate the overcrowding issues plaguing schools in District 10.
In recent years, District 10 has dealt with chronic overcrowding issues at several schools, including P.S. 24 and P.S. 7 to name a few. The overcrowding problems at P.S. 24 were needlessly exacerbated last year by the DOE’s bungling of the lease-renewal for the Whitehall Annex. The subsequent loss of the Annex lost P.S. 24 over one hundred and fifty desperately needed seats at a time when poor decisions made at the school were already adding to the overcrowding problems.
In an effort to help the DOE redeem themselves in District 10, Assemblyman Dinowitz urges the DOE to consider using 3120 Corlear Avenue to house students from at least one of the overcrowded schools, if not several. The Tech International Charter School currently occupies the space, but failure to meet performance standards have forced the school to close. The building though, already suitable for educating students, should be available for use by September 2017 if the DOE acts now and seizes upon this opportunity to create additional space for students.
“It is indisputably in the interest of the NYC DOE to capitalize on this opportunity for the well-being and quality of education of the students in this district,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz.  “I firmly believe that the building could go a great way toward improving the education of those same students by providing them adequate space in which to learn. We have a large number of potential seats which could be ready in September. We would not have to wait several years for the DOE to construct a new facility.  It is urgent that the DOE act immediately”

Assemblyman Dinowitz Applauds High Turnout  in New York City Women’s March and Calls for Continued Action

  Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz along with Council Member Andrew Cohen and other local elected officials attended New York City’s Women’s March along 5th avenue this past Saturday together  with an estimated 400,000 people. The march in NYC was only one part of protests and rallies that spanned seven continents and included millions of people from nations across the globe, with several million in the U.S. alone. The purpose of the marches was initially to stand up to Trump and to stand up for women's rights. But the purpose seemed to broaden to encompass issues ranging from support for women's reproductive rights, affordable health care, fighting climate change, immigration reform and more. Those who came out to protest believe these issues are in jeopardy.
In the spirit of this march and in preparation for the long fight against Trump’s tyranny, the State Assembly has already begun to take measures to insulate itself from any subversion Trump and the U.S. Congress might attempt against the progressive laws and ideals that New York has upheld for decades. Assemblyman Dinowitz helped pass in the State Assembly two critical pieces of legislation to strengthen and protect women’s reproductive rights. The measures affirm a woman’s right to an abortion in New York State (A.1748) and require insurers to continue covering contraception at no cost to the consumer (A.1378).

Assemblyman Dinowitz was extremely proud that New York City had such a great turnout for the event, believing that it reflects the spirit of resistance and New York values that will be sorely needed in the years to come. He urges not only opponents of Trump but everyone that believes in women’s equality, immigration reform, affordable health care and basic human decency not to quit now but to continue in their fervor to oppose him.

News From Council Member Andrew Cohen


  Council Member Andrew Cohen announced today that he helped resolve over 1,000 constituent cases since he took office on January 1, 2014, including 393 cases in the 2016 calendar year.  These cases were brought to his attention by hundreds of constituents all throughout his district, from Riverdale to Wakefield and Kingsbridge to Bedford Park.  Council Member Cohen has assisted constituents on numerous issues, including quality of life concerns, traffic and public safety, and tenant and housing matters.  He has even gone further than helping individual constituents by organizing tenants in buildings throughout his district. 
“I am here to help,” said Council Member Cohen.  Constituent services are the cornerstone of my work as a City Council Member, and I am proud to have helped resolve a broad range of over 1,000 concerns since taking office.” 

Constituents may call or visit either of the Council Member’s two District Offices, or email District11@council.nyc.gov.  The Kingsbridge office, 277 West 231st Street, telephone 718-549-7300, is open Monday through Thursday (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.), and Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.  The Norwood office, 3450 DeKalb Avenue, telephone 718-882-4000 x 353, is open Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Thursday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.   

Council Member Andrew Cohen Gets New Speed Hump Approved by DOT
Dangerous Stretch of Post Road to be Made Safer

  Council Member Andrew Cohen has made it his priority to improve safety for pedestrians and drivers throughout his Council District.  Soon, there should be fewer motorists speeding along the dangerous stretch of Post Road between West 254th Street and Mosholu Avenue.  Council Member Cohen recently received confirmation from the NYC Department of Transportation (DOT) that his request for a speed hump on that stretch has been approved. 

A constituent who frequents the area reported to the Council Member that this long, narrow, residential section of Post Road, with no existing traffic controls along the entire stretch, had developed into a dangerous speed zone, with drivers using it to bypass lights and congestion on Broadway. Unfortunately, due to the hilly terrain, parking on both sides of the street, and sharp turns at corners, such speeding is very hazardous for both drivers and pedestrians.  There is also a school at the corner of 254th and Broadway, increasing the potential risk. 

Council Member Cohen and the constituent both reached out to the New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) and requested they study the feasibility of installing speed humps to slow down traffic. After completion of a traffic study, DOT approved the request.

Council Member Cohen commended this constituent for bringing the conditions to his attention. He also expressed appreciation that DOT heeded their requests:  “We must send a clear message to drivers that our local streets are not speedways.  Both drivers and pedestrians must exercise greater caution. I won’t rest from working with DOT and my colleagues in government to improve driver and pedestrian safety throughout my district."

Kudos to Senator Simcha Felder and Senator José Peralta - By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz

By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz 
District 32 Bronx County, New York 

  You should know that on January 17, 2017, the New York State Senate voted to protect our senior citizens, the poor and needy from being charged 5¢ for each plastic bag they get when they go shopping anywhere in New York City.

It is important for you to know that last year, the New York City Council passed legislation that is expected to go into effect on February 15, 2017, whereby people who shop in the five boroughs of New York will be charged 5¢ for each plastic bag. This means that if someone uses 5 plastic bags for groceries, they will be charged 5¢ for each one.

As you know, there are many NYC residents who shop for groceries that are packed in double bags.  There are also times when people can easily use 10 or more plastic bags to pack their groceries. If this law were to take effect, for each and every plastic bag, they will have to pay an extra 5¢.

Thanks to Senator Simcha Felder and the Republicans in the Senate for introducing a bill to do away with that piece of legislation that will only impose that fee on the people who shop in the five boroughs of the City of New York.
But surprise, surprise.  Every Democratic Senator who represent poor neighborhood in the City of New York, except for Senator José Peralta and myself, voted to maintain the City Council’s bill to impose the detrimental 5¢ fee on their constituents.

We all know that many of our constituents live in households where every dollar counts. Can you imagine the burden of adding 50 cents or more to each shopping trip makes on the elderly and the poor?
One minority Democratic Senator from Brooklyn amazingly said that he though 5¢ was too little and the fee should be 10¢ per plastic bag. Could you imagine that?

It was disheartening to see Senators who represent the City of New York supporting the 5¢ fee for plastic bags, but it was even worse that among all six Hispanic Senators, only two, Senator José Peralta and myself, were the only ones who voted to protect our constituents from this fee.

It is imperative for you to know, dear reader, that senior citizens, along with people on fixed incomes, low income families, families who live in homeless shelters, and hardworking people who struggle to make ends meet will be hurt by this 5¢ per plastic bag fee. It adds up.
New York City residents would be charged not only for groceries, but any time they shop at Macy's or any store that uses plastic bags, punishing the poor, the needy and senior citizens for environmental problems.

I don’t blame Senator Liz Kruger, who represents the Upper East Side from for supporting the 5¢ fee, because her constituents can afford it. But to see Senators who represent minority communities supporting this imposed fee… now that is shocking.

It is very important for you to know that even though the New York State Senate voted to stop this legislation, it is now up to the New York State Assembly to also vote to do the same.  Otherwise, our New York City residents will have to start paying the 5¢ fee on the week of St. Valentine's Day. What an irony!

And then, you will see these Senators going to senior citizen centers and campaigning in our neighborhoods telling the senior citizens how hard they fight for them, and how Republicans are the enemy. Ha ha ha!

I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.


 After saying kind words about his fellow State Senate Democrats last week and calling for unity while bashing the IDC for crossing the isle to work with Republicans in the State Senate, State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr. appears to be up to his old tricks of bashing all his fellow State Senate Democrats. 

  State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr. is proud to have voted with Republicans in the State Senate. He also mentions two other Democratic State Senators who voted with the Republicans.

  Since he is not announcing that he is running for the 18th City Council District term limited seat As he said he would, is State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr. looking to revive the 'Four Amigos' in the State Senate? He mentions two other state senators as well as State Senator Liz Kruger, is he looking to make her Amigo number four? 

 Should the State Assembly not agree to vote to with you on this issue,  could we look for the fingerprints of State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr. on the knife he has said is being placed in the back of the Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Marcos Crespo by Bronx Democratic elected officials?

That is what you need to know.