Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Former Park Avenue Bank Director Mendel Zilberberg And Co-Conspirator Charged In $1.4 Million Bank Fraud

  Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, William F. Sweeney Jr., Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), and Jay N. Lerner, Inspector General of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”), announced today the unsealing of an Indictment charging attorney MENDEL ZILBERBERG, a former director of Park Avenue Bank (the “Bank”), and ARON FRIED with bank fraud and related charges for perpetrating a fraudulent scheme to obtain a $1.4 million loan from the Bank.  The defendants caused the Bank to issue the loan to a straw borrower on the basis of false statements and misrepresentations, when in fact the defendants received and used the loan proceeds, resulting in a loss of over $1 million to the Bank when the loan defaulted.  ZILBERBERG was also separately charged with embezzlement and misappropriation of Bank funds while he was a director and insider of the Bank.  ZILBERBERG and FRIED were arrested this morning and will be presented later today before U.S. Magistrate Judge Katharine H. Parker.  The case has been assigned to U.S. District Judge George B. Daniels.

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “As alleged, Mendel Zilberberg and Aron Fried conspired with another to defraud the bank where Zilberberg served as a director.  In a textbook case of self-dealing and breach of fiduciary duty, Zilberberg allegedly exploited his position at the bank to grease the skids for a loan given under blatantly false pretenses, a huge chunk of the proceeds of which he himself dipped into.”
FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge William F. Sweeney Jr said:  “As alleged, when Fried and his co-conspirator realized they wouldn’t be able to secure a loan the traditional way – by legitimately obtaining the money from an authorized financial institution – they brought a straw borrower and bank director into their circle to effectively carry out the fraudulent activity.  As alleged, Mendel Zilberberg, the bank’s director, played a key role in carrying out this scheme, driving the loan through the approval process while shrouding the details in secrecy.  When the bank realized a loss of more than $1 million, the defendants allegedly walked away with the money from the defaulted loan.  Making false statements and misrepresentations on a loan application is a federal crime, a lesson those charged today have learned the hard way. Furthermore, bank insiders, of all people, should model the legal and ethical obligations of the financial institutions they serve, instead of breaking the law.”
According to the allegations contained in the Indictment[1] unsealed today in Manhattan federal court:
In or about 2009, ARON FRIED and a co-conspirator not named in the Indictment (“CC-1”) sought to obtain a fraudulent loan from the Bank in Manhattan in order to finance an investment in a home health care business.  However, knowing that CC-1 would not be credit-worthy and had a criminal record, FRIED and CC-1 used a straw borrower (the “Straw Borrower”) for the loan application who was recruited by CC-1.  To effectuate the scheme, FRIED and CC-1 partnered with MENDEL ZILBERBERG, then a director of the Bank, who had the power to personally shepherd the fraudulent loan through the Bank’s approval process and guard it from scrutiny.  Together, the defendants concocted a false premise for the loan, supported the loan application with false representations, and set up pass-through bank accounts to funnel the proceeds of the fraudulent loan to themselves.  Specifically, the defendants made or otherwise caused false statements to be made to the Bank regarding, among other things, (a) that the borrower on the loan was the Straw Borrower, when in fact the actual borrowers and beneficiaries of the loan were ZILBERBERG, FRIED, and CC-1; and (b) that the purpose of the loan was for business investments by the Straw Borrower, when in fact the actual purpose of the loan was to benefit ZILBERBERG, FRIED, and CC-1.  
Based on the false representations made to the Bank and ZILBERBERG’s involvement in the loan approval process, the Bank issued a $1.4 million loan to the Straw Borrower, which was quickly disbursed to the defendants through multiple bank accounts and transfers.  In total, ZILBERBERG received at least approximately $466,000 of the loan proceeds, FRIED received at least approximately $434,000 of the loan proceeds, and CC-1 received the remainder of the loan proceeds.  The loan ultimately defaulted, resulting in a loss of over $1 million.
ZILBERBERG, 61 of Monsey, New York, and FRIED, 46 of Toms River, New Jersey, are each charged with one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud, one count of bank fraud, and one count of making false statements to a bank, each of which carries a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison, as well as one count of conspiracy to make false statements to a bank, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison.  ZILBERBERG is also charged with one count of embezzlement and misappropriation of bank funds, which carries a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison.  The maximum potential sentences are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendants will be determined by the judge.
Mr. Berman praised the investigative work of the FBI and the FDIC, Office of the Inspector General, and noted that the investigation remains ongoing.  Mr. Berman also thanked the Office of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (“SIGTARP”) and the New York State Department of Financial Services for their assistance with the investigation.
The charges contained in the Indictment are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
 [1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Indictment and the description of the Indictment set forth herein, constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.


 Margaret Garnett, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”), announced today the resignation of City Marshal Vadim Barbarovich, Badge No. 8. The resignation, effective March 16, 2020, comes as part of a disciplinary stipulation following an investigation that began in 2018 after DOI received allegations that Barbarovich exceeded his judgment enforcement authority by serving levies outside of New York City, the jurisdictional boundary for all City Marshals. The disciplinary stipulation, which was received by DOI today, is attached to this release. 

 The rules regarding levies, and how Marshals may serve them, can be found on DOI’s website, in the NYC Marshals Handbook, Chapter II, Section I. City Marshals’ authority to serve executions against personal property, as well as all other mandates and processes, is limited to the geographical boundaries of the City of New York. Service on a corporation must be made according to the provisions of Section 311 of the New York Civil Practice Laws and Rules (“CPLR”); that is by personally serving, by hand, an officer or agent of the corporation.

 DOI’s investigation reviewed a sampling of Barbarovich’s cases between July 2017 and January 2018 and, during that review, DOI requested additional information from Barbarovich regarding dozens of levies he had served. Barbarovich provided a spreadsheet detailing some of the specifics. Through interviews, analysis of records, and surveillance recordings, among other investigative steps, DOI determined that Barbarovich misrepresented to DOI that he personally served 107 levies within New York City. In fact, DOII’s investigation found that Barbarovich’s official records contained proof of personal service on only 15 of those levies.

 DOI Commissioner Margaret Garnett said, “This resignation is an important step to ensuring that City Marshals operate in New York City with integrity, honesty, and a commitment to the rules and regulations. Marshals carry out important, sensitive functions that powerfully impact individuals’ livelihoods, and there is zero tolerance for any Marshal who intentionally obscures the facts or ignores the rules.”

 Barbarovich collected and disbursed approximately $157,880 on 11 out of the 92 levies examined by DOI, and he earned approximately $8,930 in total fees and poundage on those 11 levies. As part of the resignation, DOI demanded and received the $8,930 that Barbarovich earned for those 11 levies. Barbarovich did not collect on the remaining 81 levies.

 To ensure that open matters on Barbarovich’s docket are addressed properly, his business will have until the end of March 2020 to shut down fully; however, he will not accept any new cases or work as an associate for another City Marshal effective immediately.

Council Member Ruben Diaz Sr. - Con Edison Does Not Deserve More Money

What You Should Know
By Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz
District 18, Bronx County

Below please read my open letter addressed to the New York State Public Service Commission in regards to ConEdison's rate increase request:


  Public Advocate Jumaane D. Williams called for answers and policy reforms today after the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) planned to shut off heat at four developments as temperatures were set to hit seasonal lows for the year. The letter follows reports regarding expected outages at Castle Hill Houses (Bronx), Campos Plaza 2 (Manhattan), Fulton Houses (Manhattan), and the Whitman Houses (Brooklyn), where repairs were rescheduled for November 15th, and would leave 1,600 residents temporarily without heat. 

In a letter to Mayor Bill de Blasio, along with the NYCHA General Manager, Chair, and federal monitor, the Public Advocate questions why these repairs were not completed before heat season began, and what other developments are subject to outages, stating "I appreciate postponing these outages by a few days, but the people living in these units are not just numbers - they are human beings with families and lives to live."

He further proposes reforms including temporary heat centers and/or relocation for residents facing heat and hot water outages, adequate notice to residents about planned repairs, a prioritization toward repairs taking place during warmer months, and expediting the installation of new boilers. 

Williams has previously passed legislation requiring that during 'heat season,' which spans October 1 to May 31:
  • Between 6:00 A.M. and 10:00 P.M., inside temperatures are maintained at a minimum of 68 degrees Fahrenheit when the outdoor temperature falls below 55 degrees.
  • Between 10:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M., indoor temperatures must be maintained at a minimum of 62 degrees, regardless of the outdoor temperature.
The full text of the letter is below and can be downloaded here.
November 12, 2019

The Honorable Bill de Blasio
City of New York
City Hall
New York, NY 10007

Bart Schwartz
Guidepost Solutions
415 Madison Avenue, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Gregory Russ
New York City Housing Authority
250 Broadway
New York, NY 10007

Vito Mustaciuolo
General Manager and COO
New York City Housing Authority
250 Broadway
New York, NY 10017
Dear Colleagues:

I write regarding reported, planned heat outages for more than 1,600 New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) residents that were initially scheduled to commence this morning.

As you know, NYCHA announced planned heat outages at certain buildings in the Castle Hill Houses (Bronx), Campos Plaza 2 (Manhattan), Fulton Houses (Manhattan), and the Whitman Houses (Brooklyn) to make planned repairs. These outages would have covered more than 600 units across the four campuses on a day when temperatures were predicted to drop to as low as 25 degrees Fahrenheit with the possibility of snow. Though these planned outages were ultimately postponed until November 15 (when temperatures are predicted to be above freezing), other NYCHA tenants have not been as lucky - as more than 7,000 residents at NYCHA developments went without heat or hot water due to unexpected outages last Friday while temperatures fell to near-freezing levels. As such, I am concerned that NYCHA has failed to properly prepare all developments for the cold weather season, exposing some of our most vulnerable residents to frigid temperatures in their own homes. And as of this afternoon, thousands of NYCHA residents, including nearly 3,000 at the Lincoln Houses alone, are without heat and/or hot water as temperatures continue to drop due to unplanned outages.

Press reports show several residents expressing shock that, suddenly, their developments would be without critical services (even for repairs). I'm concerned that, every heat season, we're simply not doing enough without our own ability.

Why were these repairs not completed before heat season began? What other developments are subject to outages? I appreciate postponing these outages by a few days, but the people living in these units are not just numbers - they are human beings with families and lives to live.

To ensure New Yorkers retain their right to heat and hot water, I urge NYCHA to make the following policy changes immediately: 

  • For any heat or hot water repairs scheduled to last longer than 10 hours, NYCHA must move residents into hotels or another suitable temporary residential unit for the duration of the repairs, and not at any resident's expense. For any heat or hot water repairs planned to last for fewer than 10 hours, NYCHA must provide residents with access to a temporary heating center at or near the development, and not at any resident's expense.
  • Prior to all scheduled heat and hot water repairs, NYCHA must provide at least two weeks' notice to all affected residents that heat and hot water will be unavailable.
  • NYCHA must prioritize and schedule all vital heat and hot water repairs during warm weather months to ensure residents have heat during the fall and winter.
  • NYCHA must upgrade its online Service Interruptions Overview portal to provide residents with an estimated timeline for completion of the repairs.
  • The federal monitor should work to expedite the installation of new boilers at 25 developments using the $363 million he approved earlier this month and ensure these boilers are installed prior to the stated 2023 deadline

For any questions or further discussion, please contact Nick E. Smith, First Deputy Public Advocate for Policy, at Thank you very much for your time and your consideration.

Jumaane D. Williams
Public Advocate for the City of New York

Monday, November 11, 2019

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces $12.3 Million Settlement With Lenox Hill Hospital For Submitting Fraudulent Medicare Claims For Urology Procedures And Hospital Services

Defendants Admit Practices Resulted in Submission of Several Million Dollars of Inappropriate Claims to Medicare

  Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Scott J. Lampert, Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (“HHS-OIG”) New York Regional Office, announced today that the United States filed and settled a civil fraud lawsuit against LENOX HILL HOSPITAL (“Lenox Hill”) and its corporate parent NORTHWELL HEALTH, INC. (“Northwell”) (together, “Defendants”).  The Government’s Complaint-in-Intervention (the “Complaint”) alleges that Defendants violated the False Claims Act by fraudulently billing Medicare for healthcare services that did not comply with Medicare law.  The Complaint specifically alleges that in conjunction with Defendants’ employment of Lenox Hill’s former chair of the Department of Urology, David B. Samadi (“Samadi”), Defendants submitted claims for: (1) endoscopic procedures that were performed, at least in part, by insufficiently supervised medical residents; (2) robotic surgeries for which, at some point during the surgery, Samadi left the patient improperly unattended in order to supervise a different surgery; (3) medically unnecessary hospital services; and (4) designated health services referred to Lenox Hill by Samadi when his compensation arrangement violated the federal Stark Law. 

Under the settlement, approved by U.S. District Judge Denise Cote, Defendants agreed to pay $12.3 million to resolve the allegations in the Complaint.  As part of the settlement, Defendants also admitted, acknowledged, and accepted responsibility for conduct alleged in the Complaint, including that “Defendants’ practices resulted in the submission of several million dollars of inappropriate claims to Medicare.”
Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said: “Patients put great trust in hospitals, particularly when it comes to surgery.  Hospitals cannot pay surgeons for their referrals, and they cannot run their operating rooms like assembly lines.  Defendants prioritized maximizing their own revenues over regulatory compliance.  This Office will not tolerate such behavior, and today’s settlement makes clear that the Government will hold hospitals accountable when they engage in such misconduct.”
HHS-OIG Special Agent in Charge Scott J. Lampert said:  “Lenox Hill Hospital elected to increase their profits by paying handsomely for referrals without any regard to patient care – ultimately violating Medicare rules and regulations.  The Medicare program is designed to protect both beneficiaries and taxpayers.  We will continue working with our law enforcement partners to enforce these rules.”    
As alleged in the Complaint, from July 2013 through June 2018 (the “Covered Period”), Samadi oversaw Lenox Hill’s Department of Urology, including the training of its medical residents.  During Samadi’s tenure, Defendants encouraged and facilitated surgical practices that violated Medicare’s rules and regulations that govern a teaching physician’s presence and availability during both endoscopy and high-risk, complex surgery.  Although Medicare allows teaching institutions to utilize medical residents in the provision of surgical care, the law requires that a board certified senior surgeon provide adequate supervision.  Throughout the Covered Period, in order to maximize the revenues that Samadi generated for Lenox Hill, Defendants allowed Samadi to engage in an overlapping surgical practice wherein he was insufficiently available to provide the supervisory oversight required by Medicare.  Specifically, Defendants would schedule Samadi to perform two separate surgeries, one endoscopic and one robotic, at the exact same time.  During the course of the two surgeries, a medical resident would remain with the patient undergoing an endoscopic procedure or operation.  Meanwhile, Samadi himself would travel back and forth between the endoscopic room, and an adjacent operating room in which Samadi conducted high-risk, complex, surgeries utilizing a surgical robot.  This practice not only violated Medicare law, it also violated Northwell’s own resident supervision policy – and it resulted in Defendants’ submission of false claims.  Moreover, Samadi’s patients were never informed that their surgeries were scheduled to overlap with another of Samadi’s scheduled surgeries.
Samadi’s operating room practices also resulted in the submission of medically unnecessary claims.  In a further effort to maximize Samadi’s availability to perform revenue-generating surgeries, Defendants allowed Samadi to perform minor diagnostic procedures in a Lenox Hill operating room.  Operating room services, such as the services provided by operating room nurses and/or anesthesiologists, were medically unnecessary in the case of these minor procedures.  Nonetheless, in conjunction with the minor diagnostic procedures that Samadi’s patients underwent in a Lenox Hill operating room, Defendants submitted claims to Medicare for the medically unnecessary operating room services provided.  These unnecessary services were also ineligible for Medicare reimbursement.
Lastly, Defendants submitted claims for health services that violated the Stark Law.  The Stark Law is a federal law that prohibits a hospital from receiving Medicare reimbursement for services referred by a physician with whom the hospital has a prohibited financial relationship.  The law is intended to prevent conflicts of interest in physician referrals.  Throughout the Covered Period, Defendants paid Samadi a guaranteed salary of over two million dollars each year, as well as an annual incentive bonus of an additional two to five million dollars each year.  This compensation grossly exceeded fair market value because it factored in the value of Samadi’s referrals to Lenox Hill.  In addition, in calculating Samadi’s incentive bonus, Lenox Hill included revenues from services not personally performed by Samadi.  This inclusion of non-personally performed services in a physician’s incentive compensation also violated the Stark Law.  Given these facts, Samadi and Lenox Hill had a prohibited financial relationship under the Stark Law throughout the Covered Period.  Defendants therefore were not permitted to submit to Medicare reimbursement claims for the health services referred to them by Samadi.
As part of the settlement, Defendants admitted conduct alleged in the Complaint, including that:
  • At the time of Samadi’s recruitment and hiring, Defendants prepared internal documents that contained analyses of Samadi’s future referrals to Lenox Hill for designated health services.  These documents projected revenues of over four million dollars a year attributable to Samadi’s future referrals.  These documents also projected that, without taking into account these revenues, Lenox Hill would operate Samadi’s medical practice at a loss of over one million dollars each year.

  • Throughout the Covered Period, taking into account only the value of Samadi’s own collections, Lenox Hill operated Samadi’s medical practice at a loss of over one million dollars each year.

  • From October 2016 through at least July 1, 2017, Northwell had an internal policy stating that “[w]hen a Teaching Physician is not present during non-Critical non-Key Portions of the procedure and is participating in another surgical procedure, he/she must arrange for another qualified surgeon to immediately assist the resident in the other case should the need arise.”  The policy further stated, under the section titled “Teaching Physician Requirements for Endoscopy,” that “[t]he Teaching Physician must be present in the room for the entire viewing from the time the scope is inserted to the time the scope is removed.”

  • During much of the Covered Period, Samadi performed surgical operations and procedures at Lenox Hill in the following manner:
    • Samadi performed procedures in two operating rooms – OR 21 and OR 25, and sequenced the order of procedures such that portions of procedures performed in OR 21 overlapped with procedures performed in OR 25, and vice versa. 
    • During the portions of OR 21 and OR 25 procedures that overlapped, Samadi generally performed complex, robotic surgical procedures in OR 25, and residents assigned to be supervised by Samadi performed endoscopic operations and procedures in OR 21.
    • Samadi rarely designated another attending urologist to assist in OR 21 for the portions of the procedure from which Samadi himself was absent because of his participation in another surgical procedure occurring in OR 25.
    • In instances when Samadi stepped away from a procedure in OR 25 to supervise a procedure in OR 21, Samadi would freeze or pause the robotic equipment in OR 25 and leave the patient under the care of the anesthesiologist, operating room staff, and, in some instances, a urology resident.  No other attending urologist was present in OR 25 for the portion of time that Samadi was absent, even though the surgery had not yet concluded.  Samadi also did not inform any other attending urologist of the specific times during a surgery when he was absent from OR 25.
    • It was not Samadi’s personal practice to inform his patients when their surgeries were scheduled to overlap with another of Samadi’s scheduled surgeries.
  • Samadi performed cystograms and cystoscopies on patients in OR 21 in certain instances when it was not medically necessary to perform these procedures in an operating room setting.  Lenox Hill submitted to Medicare claims for payment associated with the services rendered by operating room staff in conjunction with these procedures.

  • Defendants’ practices resulted in the submission of several million dollars of inappropriate claims to Medicare.

On Veterans Day, Comptroller Stringer Unveils New Tax Reform Proposal to Support Veterans Struggling Through Affordability Crisis

Amid New York City’s affordability crisis, over 100,000 veterans make less than $35,000 a year
Stringer calls on City and State to create a Veterans’ Renter’s Tax Credit for veteran tenants
Proposal would alleviate growing rent-burden for 32,000 low-income veterans
 New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer called on the City and State to deliver economic relief to tens of thousands of veterans struggling through New York City’s affordability crisis. Comptroller Stringer’s plan would expand an existing tax relief program to target support to veterans who are renters – providing an estimated 32,000 low-income veterans with new support.
“In New York City, we honor and recognize the service and sacrifice that veterans have made to our country – and we must do more to recognize the hardships faced by veterans in our city,” said New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer. “On Veterans Day, and every day, we must recommit to supporting our veterans. It’s on us to stand up for veterans struggling through our affordability crisis, and we can honor their service by guaranteeing real relief.”
New York State and New York City’s current veteran-targeted tax credit programs leave tens of thousands of veterans without much-needed support – notably among veterans who rent their homes. At the same time, many veterans are struggling economically as the median income for New York City veterans is $35,000, compared to $57,000 citywide. Veterans are also more likely to experience homelessness. Comptroller Stringer’s proposal would expand on an existing program to address these limitations and support New York City’s veterans.
A Veterans’ Renter’s Tax Credit
Currently, veterans who are homeowners can receive tax exemptions to reduce their property taxes by as much as 25% if the veteran served in a combat zone and as much as 50% if the veteran was disabled as a result of their military service. According to the latest statistics, approximately 45,000 New York City veteran homeowners received property tax exemptions totaling $47 million, an average of just over $1,000.
Today, Comptroller Stringer is calling for a new Veterans’ Renter’s Tax Credit, modeled on the existing NYC Enhanced Property Tax Credit program. Comptroller Stringer proposes revising the credit to ensure that low income veterans who rent receive equivalent support as homeowners by making the refund more generous – the average credit last year was $39 for renters – and raising the maximum credit for veterans to $1000. The Comptroller’s office estimates this expanded benefit would provide over 32,000 low income veterans an average benefit of nearly $653 at a total cost of $21 million, a small amount compared to the total residential property taxes of more than $13 billion.
To read Comptroller Stringer’s full proposal, click here.



A wintry mix of rain and possible snow may cause slippery conditions Tuesday; a cold front moves in Tuesday afternoon bringing frigid temperatures and single-digit wind chill values

  As a low-pressure system moves into the New York City area Tuesday, the New York City Emergency Management Department reminds New Yorkers to prepare for the weather. According to the latest National Weather Service forecast, light rain moves into the area Tuesday morning, and may transition to light snow around noon. The precipitation is forecast to taper off early Tuesday afternoon. A coating to a tenth of an inch of snow is possible for New York City. New Yorkers should prepare for slippery road conditions, exercise caution when driving, walking, or biking, and consider taking public transportation whenever possible.

“With the potential for the first snowfall of the season and the cold weather to follow, you may experience slippery road conditions on Tuesday. We encourage New Yorkers to allow for extra travel time and exercise caution during your commutes,” said NYC Emergency Management Commissioner Deanne Criswell. “The temperatures will also drop drastically; be sure to bundle up, and remember to check on your friends and loved one who may need help during the cold weather.”

“Extremely cold temperatures can be very dangerous for anyone, but especially those at higher risk for hypothermia, such as those who are experiencing homelessness and those without heat at home,” said Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot. “We recommend New Yorkers stay inside as much as possible, but if you do have to go outside, please bundle up and dress warmly. If you are without heat at home, call 311. Stay alert for signs of hypothermia, like intense shivering, lack of coordination or dizziness, and if you experience them, seek medical attention or call 911.”

As precipitation tapers off, a strong cold front will move through the area Tuesday, bringing a sharp drop in temperatures throughout the day. Temperatures Tuesday night are forecast to be in the teens with single-digit wind chill values. Wind chill values will be in the teens Wednesday morning, with temperatures in the mid-30s. Seasonal temperatures return Thursday, with high temperatures in the mid-40s. 

Safety Tips

·   Allow for extra travel time, and exercise caution when driving, walking or biking. Consider taking public transportation wherever possible.
·    Keep your vehicle’s gas tank as full as possible.
·   Pedestrians should exercise caution and avoid slippery surfaces. Wear sturdy boots that provide traction to reduce slipping. Use handrails when using stairs.
·   Seniors should take extra care outdoors to avoid slips and falls.
·    Have heightened awareness of cars, particularly when approaching or crossing intersections.
·  Wear dry, warm clothing and cover exposed skin if you have to go outdoors. Keep fingertips, earlobes, and noses covered. Wear a hat, hood, scarf, and gloves.
·     Return indoors when shivering. Shivering is an important first sign that the body is losing heat.
·     Be safe when working outside. Working outdoors increases risks for cold-related illness, injury or death. Employers must ensure safe work practices, provide appropriate protective equipment, and train workers on cold and winter weather safety.
·   Limit alcohol intake. Drinking alcohol may make you feel warmer but it causes your body to lose heat faster and impairs judgment. As a result, alcohol actually increases your chances of hypothermia and frostbite.
·  Immediately tell your building superintendent, property manager or owner if you do not have heat. Call 311 if the problem is not fixed quickly and go to a warm place, such as a friend or family member’s home. If you stay at home, wear layers of clothing.
· Check on family, friends and neighbors who may need help in cold weather — especially older adults or people with disabilities — to make sure they are safe inside and have heat.

For more information, visit Yorkers are also encouraged to download the free Notify NYC mobile application, which is available from iTunes or Google Play. Notify NYC is the City’s free emergency notification system that allows New Yorkers to also receive phone calls, text messages, and/or email alerts about weather conditions and other emergencies. To learn more about the Notify NYC program or to sign up, visit or call 311. You can also follow @NotifyNYC on Twitter.