Thursday, March 4, 2021


In partnership with The Information Technology Disaster Resource Center (ITDRC), The Rockefeller Foundation, Zoom, Cielo Scholarship Foundation, and EducationSuperHighway, the City enhanced access to remote learning for thousands of young people in NYCHA communities with hi-speed Wi-Fi and broadband at existing Cornerstones

 Mayor Bill de Blasio, the New York City Mayor’s Office of the Chief Technology Officer (MOCTO), the New York City Department of Education (DOE), the New York City Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD), and the COVID-19 Public-Private Partnership Czar today announced a public-private partnership with The Information Technology Disaster Resource Center (ITDRC), The Rockefeller Foundation, Zoom, Cielo Scholarship Foundation, and EducationSuperHighway has delivered Wi-Fi and broadband upgrades to ensure that students learning remotely in the Learning Labs K-8 component of Learning Bridges at DYCD-funded Cornerstone Community Centers have access to free high-speed connectivity.
More than 12,000 young people and adults will benefit from the enhancements during active programming at the centers, in addition to thousands of community members who can access the free Wi-Fi hotspots provided by ITDRC as a result of this partnership.
 “Supporting our students as they navigate distance learning is critical, and connectivity is key,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “These community centers will be hubs for Internet access, and I am grateful for our partners for working with us to get this done.”
The sites with the greatest need were prioritized to receive the in-kind upgrades valued at more than a half million dollars following a survey of 143 programs that included Cornerstones, Learning Labs based in Cornerstones, and COMPASS Learning Labs in non-DOE buildings across the five boroughs. Of the 50 unique Cornerstones identified, twenty had both Wi-Fi and broadband installed, twenty received broadband, and ten were outfitted with Wi-Fi. In addition to supporting students in Learning Labs programs at Cornerstones, the enhancements will benefit young people and adults for years to come at Cornerstone afterschool, evening and weekend programs, and through community-accessible hot spots provided by ITDRC at 30 of the sites.
The City will continue efforts to address the digital divide in underserved communities through the Universal Solicitation for Broadband RFP, announced this week.
“This impressive cross-sector partnership will bring crucial support to young New Yorkers whose schooling has been moved online due to the pandemic,” said Deputy Mayor for Operations Laura Anglin. “The City of New York thanks The Information Technology Disaster Resource Center, The Rockefeller Foundation, Zoom, Cielo Scholarship Foundation, and EducationSuperHighway for their donations, and continued commitment to New York City students’ equitable access to education and technology.”
The public-private initiative was made possible due to the partnership between the City and the following organizations:
The Information Technology Disaster Resource Center (ITDRC) is a volunteer-driven non-profit that provides communities with the technical resources necessary to continue operations and recover after catastrophic events. As part of its projectConnect initiative, ITDRC provided and managed the installation of Wi-Fi and network equipment upgrades at the designated Learning Labs sites and is overseeing the transition to the new broadband system.
The Rockefeller Foundation, which works to bring together and support innovative initiatives to create meaningful change and drive development, is providing funds to support high-speed internet connectivity for students at the Learning Labs sites.
Zoom, the communications technology company that provides video, telephone and online chat services through a cloud-based peer-to-peer software platform, is providing funds to ensure quality, high-speed internet connectivity at each of the Learning Labs sites.
EducationSuperHighway, which works to create equitable digital learning opportunities for public school students by facilitating access to high-speed internet, played an integral role in creating this partnership. The national non-profit identified and brought together partners for this project, providing recommendations and expertise on broadband network architecture for the City.
Cielo Scholarship Foundation provided funding for broadband upgrades.
The following sites received upgrades (* denotes centers with community-accessible hot spots provided by ITDRC):



Provider Name 




286 East 156 Street 


Directions For Our Youth (DFOY) 

1368 Webster Avenue 


Mosholu Montefiore Community Center (MCCC) 

1150 East 229 Street 

Marble Hill 

Mosholu Montefiore Community Center (MMCC) 

5365 Broadway 

Boston Secor* 

Mosholu Montefiore Community Center (MMCC) 

3540 Bivona Street 



1221 Prospect Avenue 

Fort Independence* 

Mosholu Montefiore Community Center (MMCC) 

3350 Bailey Avenue 

“Accelerating broadband access for NYCHA families and young people is essential to ensuring that our residents are able to keep pace in a learning environment drastically altered by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said NYCHA EVP for Community Engagement and Partnerships Sideya Sherman. “We are excited to be a part of an initiative that will create additional hubs for expanding access to the technological resources public housing communities need and deserve during this unprecedented time.”
“We’re proud to participate in such an important initiative to expand connectivity at community centers throughout the city,” said Joe Hillis, Operations Director of ITDRC. “These enhancements will enable more students to connect for distance learning and improve the overall learning experience.”   
“New York City has been home to The Rockefeller Foundation for over 100 years, and we’re proud to work with the city to support equitable access to technology that students need to continue their educations now and in the future,” said Zia Khan, Senior Vice President for Innovation, The Rockefeller Foundation.
“Zoom is honored to partner with New York City to make sure every young person has access to learning and to connecting to their teachers and classmates. This pandemic has called us together across public, private, and social sectors to ensure excellence, care and equity for this generation of students,” said Janine Pelosi, Chief Marketing Officer, Zoom.
“In order to alleviate future debt, The Cielo Scholarship Foundation is committed to funding underprivileged individuals’ education in trade and technology to ensure stable future employment. We understand that when students do not have access to technology, this can limit their ability to further their education. Cielo is committed to helping close this gap at all ages,” said the Cielo Scholarship Foundation.
“Since the earliest days of the pandemic, collaborations between the public and private sectors have created new opportunities to ensure every student has equal access to educational opportunity,” said Evan Marwell, Founder and CEO at EducationSuperHighway. “We are proud to be part of this partnership, ensuring New York City students have the connectivity they need to continue learning and fulfill their potential.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress - Checking in


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress

Here’s what we’re working on:

  1. Preparing for a redistricting fight: New York could lose one or two of its representatives in Congress. AOC’s district could be redrawn or chopped apart as a result. We need to prepare for what comes after that, whether it’s another primary or a dramatically different district than the current NY-14.

  2. Passing progressive policies: The Squad has grown. But we can’t do it alone. We need to show our fellow legislators and President Biden that their constituents demand progressive change too. That’s why we train volunteers and host weekly Green New Deal phone banks to spread the word about this bill. With more resources we can organize even more before the bill is reintroduced and build the movement for other policies like the Roadmap to Freedom, Medicare for All, and more.

  3. Building resources to weigh in on critical races: We were able to help Jamaal Bowman win in NY-16. We sent over $880K to grassroots groups in Georgia organizing deep canvases and turning out the Latinx community. Think what we could do if we start preparing now for the elections in 2022.

  4. COVID and disaster relief: Alexandria fought for and won up to $7,000 for families to cover the cost of laying a loved one to rest. She launched a Homework Helpers tutoring program and trained 13,000 volunteers to virtually tutor. After Texas’ storms, Team AOC raised over $5 million for disaster relief. Resources from grassroots donors like you made all this possible.

We can only do this work because of the movement behind us.

Thank you for being such a key part of Team AOC.

Lauren Hitt
Communications Director
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress

Orange County Man Sentenced To 5 Years In Prison For Threatening To Attack School


 Audrey Strauss, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, William F. Sweeney Jr., Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), Dermot Shea, Commissioner of the New York City Police Department (“NYPD”), and Keith M. Corlett, Superintendent of the New York State Police (“NYSP”), announced that BRENDAN VAUGHAN was sentenced today to 60 months in prison, in connection with threats VAUGHAN made to classmates and law enforcement to carry out a school shooting in Washingtonville, New York.  VAUGHAN pled guilty to a three-count Information on December 3, 2019, before U.S. Magistrate Judge Judith C. McCarthy, and was sentenced today by U.S. District Judge Kenneth M. Karas. 

U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said:  “In the wake of the many recent tragic school shootings committed in our country, parents, school administrators, and students are increasingly alert to the frightening possibility that their community could be next.  The defendant callously preyed on those fears in one community with a series of terrifying threats spread out over months, and took steps to act on those threats.  Today’s sentencing sends a clear message that making violent threats will merit a serious prison sentence.”

FBI Assistant Director William F. Sweeney Jr. said:  “No child should have to live in a society where the simple act of going to school invokes a sense of fear.  Unfortunately, for many school-aged children, this has become an all-too-familiar reality.  Vaughan’s clear and direct threats to his fellow classmates and others were so egregious that he was ultimately charged and convicted of a federal crime.  May this, along with the sentencing he received today, serve as a message to others like him – there are life-changing penalties for this type of behavior.” 

State Police Superintendent Keith M. Corlett said:  “I applaud the work done by the State Police and our law enforcement partners on this case, which no doubt saved lives.  Threats to our schools and the communities we serve are always taken seriously, and investigated to the fullest. We are committed to working with our law enforcement partners to combat and prevent these types of crimes from occurring.  Our priority is the safety of all New Yorkers.”

According to the Information, court filings, and statements made during court proceedings: 

In May 2018, VAUGHAN, who was then a senior at a high school in Washingtonville, New York, communicated to a number of classmates via a social media chat group that he intended to carry out a school shooting on the final day of school.  Even after being visited by law enforcement toward the end of May 2018, VAUGHAN continued his threatening behavior by sending additional threatening messages to a classmate about committing a school shooting and asking that classmate “not to go to the cops.”  VAUGHAN also took some preliminary steps toward carrying out such an attack, including drafting a kill list, compiling lists of his “favorite” school shooters, researching “pipe bombs” on the Internet, accessing a website to purchase a firearm, and composing diary entries expressing his desire for imminent “revenge.”  VAUGHAN also told a law enforcement officer that he intended to kill a specific classmate. 

In August 2018, VAUGHAN sent a number of additional messages on social media in which he threatened an imminent attack in Washingtonville.  Specifically, on successive days, VAUGHAN posted:  

  • a message that said:  “I regret nothing,”
  • a graphic that included the text “The 845” (that is, the designated area code for Hudson Valley) and a series of 15 gun and bomb emojis,
  • a video depicting a red plastic gas container and pool chemicals with the text:  “[smiley face emoji] Plans [smiley face emoji] bang.bang,” and,
  • immediately following the posting of the pool chemical video, a video of himself in a car in which he was turning the ignition on and clutching the steering wheel.

After VAUGHAN was detained in March 2019, he continued his threatening behavior, compiling another kill list that included classmates, family members, medical personnel, and the FBI agent and Assistant U.S. Attorney assigned to his case.

In addition to his prison sentence, VAUGHAN, 20, of Campbell Hall, New York, was sentenced to three years of supervised release.

Ms. Strauss praised the outstanding efforts of the FBI’s New York Joint Terrorism Task Force, which principally consists of agents from the FBI and detectives from the New York City Police Department, the Washingtonville Police Department, the New York State Police, and the Orange County District Attorney’s Office.

This prosecution is being handled by the Office’s Terrorism and International Narcotics Unit.  Assistant U.S. Attorney Sam Adelsberg is in charge of the prosecution.

Mass Vaccination Site at Co-Op City Opens to the Public Today, With First Pilot Program to Administer Vaccines to Homebound Residents

Vaccination Site at The Largest Single Residential Development in the U.S. Will Eventually Administer 1,000 Shots a Day

 A mass vaccination site is opening today at Bronx’s Co-Op City, the largest single residential development in the United States. The vaccination site is open to all eligible COVID-19 vaccination recipients, and has also reserved 200 vaccinations exclusively for residents today. The Co-op City site will be open M-Sat 7am-7pm.

The vaccination site, run by the New York City Department of Health, will administer approximately 500 vaccines each day to start. The site will eventually administer 1,000 shots per day when the program is fully ramped up, with continued vaccinations reserved for Co-Op City residents.  

Additionally, New York City will kick-off its new program to vaccinate homebound elderly people starting in Co-Op City today, Mayor de Blasio announced, followed by Brighton Beach in Brooklyn on Friday. The program will eventually expand to other neighborhoods as the city receives more vaccine supply. 

“Co-Op City’s 50,000 residents can now easily access a vaccine right in their backyard,” says Robert Klehammer, Executive General Manager of Riverbay Corporation, which manages Co-Op City. “This is a big win for Co-Op City and its neighbors because it eliminates roadblocks and makes the vaccine easily accessible, especially for elderly and vulnerable homebound residents.”

The development is a New York State Mitchell-Lama housing cooperative (meaning it is affordable to the middle class) and lower-income New Yorkers have been disproportionately hurt by the pandemic. Despite statewide declines in COVID-19 positivity rates and hospitalizations, numbers remain high in the Bronx, particularly in the south and northeast sections of the borough, where Co-Op City is located. “This vaccination site is a much-welcomed positive step towards helping those who need it most, says Riverbay’s Executive General Manager Robert Klehammer. 

Attorney General James, FTC Shut Down Massive Charity Fraud Telefunding Operation


Company Made Over 1.3 Billion Deceptive Fundraising Calls, Including Over 72 Million Calls to New Yorkers and Illegally Solicited Funds for Sham Charities

 New York Attorney General Letitia James and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) today announced the shutdown of a massive telefunding operation that bombarded 67 million consumers with 1.3 billion deceptive charitable fundraising calls, most of which were illegal robocalls. Associated Community Services (ACS) and its affiliated companies and individuals made more than 72 million calls to New York residents alone, haranguing thousands of them more than 100 times each. This operation illegally collected more than $110 million by falsely claiming that funds would go to charities that support veterans, children, and firefighters. 

The defendants have agreed to settle charges by Attorney General James, the FTC, and agencies from 38 states and the District of Columbia that they duped generous Americans into donating to charities that failed to provide the services they promised. The complaint names ACS and its sister companies Central Processing Services and Community Services Appeal; their owners, Dick Cole, Bill Burland, Barbara Cole, and Amy Burland; and ACS senior managers Nikole Gilstorf, Tony Lia, John Lucidi, and Scot Stepek. In addition, the complaint names two fundraising companies allegedly operated by Gilstorf and Lia as spin-offs of ACS, Directele and The Dale Corporation.

“These telemarketers illegally solicited contributions from New Yorkers and inundated them with millions of harassing phone calls,” said Attorney General James. “There is no tolerance for this type of unlawful and predatory behavior. We will continue to work aggressively with partners around the country to stop deceptive fundraising tactics that cheat hardworking New Yorkers.”

According to the complaint, the defendants knew that the organizations for which they were fundraising spent little or no money on the charitable causes they claimed to support — in some cases as little as one-tenth of one percent. The defendants kept as much 90 cents of every dollar they solicited from generous donors on behalf of the charities. Since at least 2008, the defendants made these deceptive calls on behalf of numerous organizations that claimed to support homeless veterans, victims of house fires, breast cancer patients, children with autism, and other causes that well-meaning Americans were enticed to support.

The complaint also charges ACS with making harassing calls, noting that ACS called more than 1.3 million phone numbers more than 10 times in a single week and 7.8 million numbers more than twice in an hour. More than 500 phone numbers were even called 5,000 times or more. ACS made more than 72.6 million calls to New Yorkers over the last three and a half years. The fundraiser called 73,500 New Yorkers more than 10 times in a single week and called 477,000 New Yorkers two times or more within a single hour.

The ACS defendants were the subject of 20 prior law enforcement actions for their fundraising practices. The ACS defendants stopped operating in September 2019. Gilstorf purchased Directele and Dale Corp in October 2019 and, with Lia, the Directele defendants allegedly continued the deceptive fundraising and illegal telemarketing practices. The complaint alleges the defendants violated New York’s Executive Law §§ 63(12), 171-a through 175, the FTC Act, the TSR, and numerous other state laws.

The terms of the settlements with the defendants are as follows:

Associated Community Services Defendants

Each of these defendants will be permanently prohibited from conducting or consulting on any fundraising activities and from conducting telemarketing of any kind to sell goods or services. In addition, they will be prohibited from using any existing donor lists and from further violations of state charitable giving laws, as well as from making any misrepresentation about a product or service. The defendants will be also be subject to the following monetary judgments:

  • Associated Community Services, Inc.; Community Services, Inc.; Central Processing Services, Inc.; and Richard “Dick” Cole are subject to a monetary judgment of $110,063,843, which is suspended due to an inability to pay.
  • Community Services Appeal, Inc. and Barbara Cole are subject to a monetary judgment of $110,063,843, which is partially suspended due to an inability to pay. Barbara Cole also will be required to turn over the proceeds of the sale of a vacation home in Michigan.
  • Robert W. “Bill” Burland and Amy J. Burland are subject to a monetary judgment of $110,063,843, which is partially suspended due to an inability to pay. Amy Burland will be required to turn over $450,000.

Directele Defendants and ACS Senior Managers Scot Stepek and John Lucidi

Each of these defendants will be permanently prohibited from any fundraising work or consulting on behalf of any charitable organization or any nonprofit organization that claims to work on behalf of causes similar to those outlined in the complaint. They will also be prohibited from using robocalls for any form of telemarketing, using abusive calling practices, or making any misrepresentation about a product or service. In addition, the defendants will be required to clearly and conspicuously disclose when a donation they are requesting is not tax deductible.

In addition, the two corporate defendants — Directele Inc. and The Dale Corporation — will be required to cease operations and dissolve.

The defendants will also be subject to the following monetary judgments:

  • Scot Stepek will be subject to a monetary judgment of $110,063,843, which is partially suspended due to an inability to pay. Stepek will be required to sell a ski boat in his possession and turn over the net proceeds from the sale.
  • Directele Inc., The Dale CorporationNikole Gilstorf, and Antonio Lia will be subject to a monetary judgment of $1.6 million. Gilstorf and Lia also will be subject to a judgment of $110,063,843. The judgments are partially suspended due to an inability to pay. Gilstorf and Lia will each be required to turn over $10,000.
  • John Lucidi will be subject to a judgment of $110,063,843, which is partially suspended due to an inability to pay. He will be required to turn over $25,000.

The funds being surrendered by the defendants will be paid to an escrow fund held by the state of Florida, and, following a motion by the participating states and approval by the court, be contributed to one or more legitimate charities that support causes similar to those for which the defendants solicited.

Today’s settlement is the second time in six months that New York, in collaboration with the FTC and other states, has banned a fundraising network from fraudulent charitable fundraising. In September 2020, Attorney General James announced a settlement with Outreach Calling, Inc., its owner and various associated companies and individuals, barring them from all charitable fundraising and from deceiving consumers in any other fundraising effort.

Other state agencies joining in the case with Attorney General James and the FTC include the attorneys general of Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and the District of Columbia; the secretaries of state of Colorado, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, and Tennessee; the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; and the Utah Division of Consumer Protection.

The complaint and final orders were filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan.

The matter is being handled by Assistant Attorney General Peggy Farber, under the supervision of Enforcement Section Co-Chief Yael Fuchs and Bureau Chief James G. Sheehan. The Charities Bureau is a part of the Division for Social Justice, led by Chief Deputy Attorney General Meghan Faux, under the oversight of First Deputy Attorney General Jennifer Levy.

Leading Co-Founder Of Cryptocurrency Company Sentenced To 8 Years In Prison For ICO Fraud Scheme


 Ilan T. Graff, the Attorney for the United States, Acting Under Authority Conferred by 28 U.S.C. § 515, announced that SOHRAB SHARMA, a/k/a “Sam Sharma” was sentenced today to eight years in prison in connection with his leading role in a scheme to induce victims to invest more than $25 million worth of digital funds in Centra Tech, Inc. (“Centra Tech”), a Miami-based company he co-founded and that purported to offer cryptocurrency-related financial products.  SHARMA previously pled guilty to conspiring to commit securities fraud, wire fraud, and mail fraud in connection with his and his co-conspirators’ use of material misrepresentations and omissions to solicit investors to purchase securities, in the form of digital tokens issued by Centra Tech, through fraudulent fundraising efforts that included an initial coin offering (“ICO”) beginning in approximately July 2017.  U.S. District Judge Lorna G. Schofield imposed the sentence in Manhattan federal court.

Mr. Graff said:  “Sohrab Sharma led a scheme to deceive investors by falsely claiming that the start-up he co-founded had developed fully functioning, cutting-edge cryptocurrency-related financial products.  In reality, Sharma’s most notable inventions were the fake executives, fake business partnerships, and fake licenses that he and his co-conspirators touted to trick victims into handing over tens of millions of dollars.  We will continue to aggressively pursue digital securities frauds like this one.”

According to statements in the Superseding Information, and other filings and statements at public court proceedings in the case:

In or about July 2017, SHARMA, along with codefendants Robert Farkas and Raymond Trapani, founded a company called Centra Tech that claimed to offer cryptocurrency-related financial products, including a purported debit card, the “Centra Card,” that supposedly allowed users to make purchases using cryptocurrency at establishments accepting Visa or Mastercard payment cards.  From approximately July 30, 2017, through October 5, 2017, SHARMA and his codefendants solicited investors to purchase unregistered securities, in the form of digital tokens issued by Centra Tech (“Centra tokens” or “CTR tokens”), including through a so-called “initial coin offering” or “ICO.”  As part of this effort, SHARMA and his codefendants represented, in oral and written offering materials that were disseminated via the internet: (a) that Centra Tech had an experienced executive team with impressive credentials, including a purported CEO named “Michael Edwards” with more than 20 years of banking industry experience and a master’s degree in business administration from Harvard University; (b) that Centra Tech had formed partnerships with Bancorp, Visa, and Mastercard to issue Centra Cards licensed by Visa or Mastercard; and (c) that Centra Tech had money transmitter and other licenses in 38 states, among other claims.  Based in part on these claims, victims provided millions of dollars’ worth of digital funds in investments for the purchase of Centra Tech tokens.  In or about October 2017, at the end of the defendants’ fundraising efforts, those digital funds raised from victims were worth more than $25 million.  At certain times in 2018, as the defendants’ fraud scheme was ongoing, those funds were worth more than $60 million.

The claims that SHARMA and his co-conspirators made to help secure these investments, however, were false.  In fact, the purported CEO “Michael Edwards” and another supposed member of Centra Tech’s executive team were fictional people who were fabricated to dupe investors, Centra Tech had no such partnerships with Bancorp, Visa, or Mastercard, and Centra Tech did not have such licenses in a number of those states.

In 2018, this Office and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) seized, pursuant to judicially authorized seizure warrants, 100,000 Ether units, consisting of digital funds raised from victims who purchased digital tokens issued by Centra Tech during its fundraising efforts based on fraudulent misrepresentations and omissions.  The United States Marshals Service sold the seized Ether units for approximately $33.4 million earlier this year.  Following entry of a final order of forfeiture, these funds and other forfeited fraud proceeds will be available for potential use in a remission program that the Department of Justice intends to create to compensate victims of the Centra Tech fraud.

In addition to the prison term, SHARMA, 29, of Aventura, Florida, was also sentenced to three years of supervised release and ordered to pay a fine of $20,000.  He was further ordered to forfeit $36,088,960.

Mr. Graff praised the investigative work of the FBI and thanked the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for its assistance.

This case is being handled by the Office’s Securities and Commodities Fraud Task Force.  Assistant United States Attorneys Samson Enzer, Negar Tekeei, and Daniel Loss are in charge of the prosecution.

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress During COVID-19 Pandemic MARCH 4, 2021


Statewide Positivity Rate is 2.81%; Lowest Since November 21

5,177 Patient Hospitalizations Statewide; Lowest Since December 9

44 Percent Decline in Hospitalizations from Mid-January Peak

1,043 Patients in the ICU; Lowest Since December 13

712 Intubated; Lowest Since December 29

60 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

"New Yorkers have embodied the definition of New York Tough through this past year and we need to maintain our vigilance to win this war on COVID," Governor Cuomo said. "As we continue this battle, we cannot get complacent. There are precautions and guidelines in place that we know work - wearing masks, socially distancing, hand washing, and, when eligible, getting vaccinated. As we continue to vaccinate New Yorkers, we must continue these practices until we reach critical mass. The light at the end of the tunnel is in sight, and every day we are closer to reaching the end of this journey together." 

Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Test Results Reported - 270,089
  • Total Positive - 7,593
  • Percent Positive - 2.81%
  • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 3.12%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 5,177 (-146) 
  • Net Change Patient Hospitalization Past Week - -526
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 606
  • Hospital Counties - 53
  • Number ICU - 1,043 (-4) 
  • Number ICU with Intubation - 712 (-23)
  • Total Discharges - 148,355 (+625)
  • Deaths - 60
  • Total Deaths - 38,796

Governor Cuomo Announces 12 Community-Based Pop-Up Vaccination Sites Coming On Line This Week to Vaccinate More Than 4,000 New Yorkers



There are two sites listed for Manhattan, one for Brooklyn and one for Queens. Also there are eight sites listed for outside of New York City. 

The Bronx has been the hardest hit, but it looks like Governor Cuomo is just like Mayor de Blasio when it comes to the Bronx Missing in Action. Stop dumping on the Bronx and Help us.


Bolstering State's Commitment to Ensuring Fairness and Equity in Vaccine Distribution Process

Community-Based 'Pop Up' Vaccination Sites Have Enabled Over 50,000 New Yorkers to Receive First Dosage of Vaccine

Host Sites and Partner Providers Conduct Outreach Within Their Communities and Work with Community Leaders and Organizations to Identify Eligible New Yorkers and Schedule Vaccination Appointments

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced 12 community-based pop-up vaccination sites are coming online this week at public housing developments, churches, community centers, schools and fire stations. These sites are expected to vaccinate more than 4,000 people throughout the week. Since January 15, 120 community-based pop-up sites administered more than 50,000 first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. As has been the case with previous pop-up sites, these sites will be re-established in three weeks to administer second doses.

Moving forward as the federal vaccine supply increases, New York will continue to establish these sites at all 33 NYCHA Senior Housing Developments, which house more than 7,600 seniors. Pop-up locations will also continue to be established at other public housing complexes statewide, as well as at more than 300 churches and cultural centers which have volunteered to house these sites through Governor Cuomo's Vaccine Equity Task Force. 

"Reaching underserved communities across the state is critical to a vaccination strategy that serves all New Yorkers, and community-based pop-up sites bring the vaccine directly to those who have been hardest hit by the virus," Governor Cuomo said. "As we continue to expand access, we're also partnering with community leaders to address vaccine skepticism which remains a large problem in underserved communities. Fairness and equity in the vaccine distribution process remain our top priorities and we will not rest until COVID is defeated once and for all." 

The establishment of many of these vaccination sites was made possible through partnerships with multiple public and private health care providers. Host sites and partner providers conduct outreach within their communities and work with community leaders and organizations to identify eligible New Yorkers and schedule vaccination appointments. The 12 sites being established this week are located at the addresses below: 

Canaan Baptist Church
132 W 116th St
New York, NY 10026
Open: March 5, 2021; 9:00 AM-5:00 PM 

NYCHA Chelsea Addition
436 West 27 Drive
New York, NY 10001
Open: March 5, 2021; 9:00 AM-5:00 PM 

Jacob Riis Settlement
10-25 41st Ave
Queens, NY 11101
Open: March 7, 2021; 9:00 AM-8:00 PM 

Spring Creek Towers Community Center
1540 Van Siclen Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11239
Open: March 6 & 7, 2021; 9:00 AM-5:00 PM 

Uniondale High School
933 Goodrich Street
Uniondale, NY 11553
Open: March 4, 2021; 8:00 AM-12:00 PM

B.A.P.S Swaminarayan Hindu Temple
2 Deshon Drive
Melville, NY 11747
Open: March 5, 2021; 8:00 AM-12:00 PM 

Open Door Family Medical Center
Village of Ossining Ambulance Corps and Neighbors Link
165 Main St
Ossining, NY 10562
Open: March 6, 2021; 9:00 AM-5:00 PM

**all appointments already filled**

Hudson Central Firehouse
77 North 7th Street
Hudson, NY 12534
Open: March 6, 2021; 10:00 AM-1:00 PM

**all appointments already filled**

St. Paul's Baptist Church
219 Leah St
Utica, NY 13501
Open: March 4, 2021; 9:30 AM-1:30 PM 

Friendship Baptist Church
120 Pearl St
Corning, NY 14830
Open: March 5, 2021; 1:00 PM-4:00 PM 

Tucker Missionary Baptist Church
515 Oakwood Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13205
Open: March 5, 2021; 12:00 PM -3:30 PM 


Campbell Street R-Center
524 Campbell St
Rochester, NY 14611
Open: March 6, 2021; 9:00 AM-1:00 PM

This continued development of community-based 'pop up' vaccination sites furthers Governor Cuomo's mandate of ensuring the fair and equitable distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine. In late 2020, the Governor announced the launch of New York's Vaccine Equity Task Force chaired by Secretary of State Rossana Rosado, Attorney General Letitia James, National Urban League President & CEO Marc Morial, and Healthfirst President & CEO Pat Wang. Since its establishment, the Task Force has continued work to ensure vulnerable and underserved communities are not left behind by breaking down the barriers to vaccination and ensuring there is equitable distribution of the vaccine across the state.