Friday, April 23, 2021

Watch Out For Companies Trying to Get Information From You. Where is the New York State Attorney General's Office on this Attempted Fraud?


What is going on here, or is this fraud New York State Attorney General James

This company already has my information to ship this order so why are they having me take additional surveys that have nothing to do with this which keeps saying two more steps?


Order in Process

Free Shipping
$0.00 - No Cost
Complete the survey to qualify

2 more steps!

Quickly take our short survey and get matched to more savings

195 million American adults take at least 

1 prescription medication. 

How many do you take?

I take 1 prescription medication

I take 2-4 prescription medications

I take 5-10 prescription medications

I take 11 or more prescription medications

I do not take any prescription medications

2 more steps!

Quickly take our short survey and get matched to more savings

90% of Americans have health insurance. 

What is your primary plan?




Affordable Care Act (ACA)


I don't have insurance

2 more steps!

Quickly take our short survey and get matched to more savings

Over 30 million Americans have diabetes. 

Do you or a loved one have diabetes?

Yes I or a loved one have diabetes

Yes and I or a loved one test for blood sugar about two times per day

Yes and I or a loved one test for blood sugar four or more times per day

No we do not have diabetes

At this point I stopped and wrote this article.
    If it looks to good to be true, It probably isn't, 
    someone is trying to sell you something.
    We are now going to turn this over to the 
    New York State Attorney' General Office.

    254 Days and Counting


    It's January 1, 2021, this is my new job.

    So that's what I have to look forward to when I am term limited out of office.

    Thursday, April 22, 2021



    Officers Found $2 Million in Drugs During Traffic Stop in Mount Eden 

     Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark today announced that a Manhattan man has been indicted on multiple Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance charges after police found 15 pounds of cocaine, with a street value of over $2 million dollars, in his car during a traffic stop in the Bronx. 

     District Attorney Clark said, “The defendant was allegedly speeding and tried to flee from police when they attempted to conduct a traffic stop. When police arrested the defendant, they allegedly found six bricks of cocaine weighing a total of 15 pounds in his car. The police stopped a large amount of illegal drugs--whose profits fuel violence and other crimes--from being sold on our streets.” 

     District Attorney Clark said the defendant, Melvin Read-Svazo, 33, of 1980 Park Avenue, Manhattan, was arraigned today on first and second-degree Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance, two counts of third-degree Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance, fourth, fifth and seventh-degree Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance, third-degree Unlawful Fleeing of a Police Officer in a Motor Vehicle, second-degree Reckless Endangerment and Reckless Driving before Bronx Supreme Court Justice Efrain Alvarado. Bail was set at $75, 000 cash/$75,000 bond/$75,000 partially secured bond at 10 percent. The defendant is due back in court on July 9, 2021.

     According to the investigation, at approximately 12:27 a.m. on February 7, 2021 on the corner of Mount Eden Parkway and Selwyn Avenue, police officers in a marked car saw the defendant in a white BMW X6 with temporary New Jersey license plates speeding. Police Officers activated their lights and the defendant ignored them and continued to speed, driving through a red light. Read-Svazo, who had an open warrant, allegedly got out of the car and fled on foot. Police caught up to him and he was arrested on the corner of Walton Avenue and East 175th Street. When officers checked the defendant’s vehicle, they allegedly found two bags in the rear passenger floor which contained 6.8 kilos (15 pounds) of cocaine.

     An indictment is an accusatory instrument and not proof of a defendant’s guilt.

    Attorney General James’ Office of Special Investigation Releases Report on the Death of Michael Wallace


     New York Attorney General Letitia James’ Office of Special Investigation (OSI), formerly known as the Special Investigations and Prosecutions Unit (SIPU), released its report on the death of Michael Wallace. After a thorough and exhaustive investigation, including evidence from body-worn cameras, 911 recordings, medical records, and many hours of police and civilian witness interviews, OSI determined that the justification for the use of force in this situation exercised by the Schenectady Police Department (SPD) could not be disproven beyond a reasonable doubt.

    In the early hours of March 24, 2020, two separate incidents occurred involving Mr. Wallace and members of SPD. The first incident was initiated by a 911 call placed by Mr. Wallace at approximately 5:20 A.M. In his call to 911, Mr. Wallace was somewhat incoherent but the fact that he was experiencing a mental health issue was abundantly clear. Officers were sent to meet Mr. Wallace, and when they arrived at his apartment, he continued to exhibit signs of a mental health issue. His fiancé was with him at the time, and after assurances from Mr. Wallace and his fiancé that he was okay, officers left.

    Three hours later, a security guard at Mr. Wallace’s apartment complex placed an emergency call and reported that Mr. Wallace had pulled a gun on an employee of the apartment complex. When SPD officers arrived at the scene, they kicked the door to Mr. Wallace’s apartment and announced their presence. The door abruptly swung open, and Mr. Wallace appeared to be holding a pistol that was aimed at them. SPD officers then opened fire. Mr. Wallace was taken to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead. The weapon that was pointed at the officers was later confirmed as a CO2 pellet pistol.

    In this case, the critical factor was whether or not the officers reasonably believed that deadly physical force was necessary to defend themselves or another individual from what they reasonably believed to be the use or imminent use of unlawful deadly physical force by another person. Because it was reasonable for the shooting officers to believe that deadly physical force was necessary to defend themselves or other officers from what they believed to be the use or imminent use of deadly physical force by Mr. Wallace, OSI determined that criminal charges could not be pursued against any officer in this case.

    However, the totality of the circumstances involved in this tragic incident underscores the need for communities to develop programs that direct mental health professionals, not police officers, to mental health-related calls for assistance, where there is no indication that a police response is needed — such as Mr. Wallace’s initial 911 call. The OSI strongly recommends that SPD and its community partners work toward developing this type of response program for Schenectady.

    “This incident highlights the tragic reality that too many of our communities are ill-equipped to handle emergency mental health crises that demand a response from mental health professionals, not police,” said Attorney General James. “Mr. Wallace was clearly experiencing mental health concerns, and it’s a great tragedy that it resulted in a dangerous and ultimately fatal situation. It’s critical that the city of Schenectady and municipalities across the state develop systems that divert mental health calls away from a law enforcement response, and instead, are directed to mental health professionals who are trained to support individuals in these crises. I express my condolences to Michael Wallace’s family, friends, and loved ones, and I will continue to advocate for the change that is desperately needed.”

    Akayed Ullah Sentenced To Life In Prison For Bombing New York City Subway Station In 2017 On Behalf Of ISIS


     Audrey Strauss, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, John C. Demers, the Assistant Attorney General for National Security, William F. Sweeney Jr., Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), and Dermot Shea, Commissioner of the Police Department for the City of New York (“NYPD”), announced that AKAYED ULLAH was sentenced today in Manhattan federal court to life in prison for carrying out a terrorist bombing attack on behalf of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (“ISIS”) in a subway station under the Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York City on December 11, 2017.  In November 2018, a jury convicted ULLAH after a one-week trial of all six counts in the Indictment.  The sentence was imposed by the Honorable Richard J. Sullivan, who also presided over the trial. 

    Manhattan U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said:  “Akayed Ullah, previously convicted in a New York federal court of carrying out a lone-wolf bombing attack on behalf of ISIS at the Port Authority Bus Terminal, a bustling transit artery in New York City, admittedly intended to murder as many innocent Americans as possible. Ullah’s motive was clear and unambiguous: a deeply held ideological hatred for America. Ironically, Ullah’s actions resulted only in reaffirming the greatness of America by displaying the fairness and impartiality for which our justice system stands. Ullah received a speedy, fair, public trial, and was convicted by a jury of his peers. Akayed Ullah’s message of hatred clearly backfired; his just sentence of life in prison only exemplifies that cowardly acts of terrorism will be met with law enforcement’s unwavering resolve to protect our core values of freedom and democracy.”

    Assistant Attorney General John C. Demers said:  “Ullah constructed a pipe bomb and detonated it in a mass transit hub in the heart of New York City to harm and terrorize as many people as possible – and he admitted that he did it on behalf of ISIS. This case reminds us that the threat of ISIS-inspired terrorism remains real. This sentence holds Ullah accountable, as he will spend the rest of his life in federal prison for his crimes. I want to thank all of the agents, analysts, and prosecutors whose outstanding work made this result possible.”

    FBI Assistant Director William F. Sweeney Jr. said:  “Bound and determined to incite fear and create a mass casualty incident, Ullah detonated a pipe bomb of his own creation in one of New York City’s major transportation hubs during morning rush hour. The quick thinking of PAPD officers, who responded to the threat undeterred by the potential risk to their safety, in addition to the work of the FBI’s JTTF and the NYPD, is another example for the public of our joint commitment to keep the citizens and visitors of New York City safe. Today’s sentencing is a just ending in this case.”

    NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said:  “Akayed Ullah accepted the call from ISIS to target and kill New Yorkers. Through planning and research, he built a pipe bomb and detonated it in the heart of the New York City Transit System under the Port Authority Bus Terminal. Fortunately, this cowardly act resulted in no loss of life to New Yorkers.  I commend the FBI agents and NYPD detectives of the JTTF, prosecutors from the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and our other Law Enforcement partners for bringing this individual to Justice.”

    As set forth in the Complaint, Indictment, evidence presented at trial, and other court filings and proceedings:

    On December 11, 2017, at approximately 7:20 a.m., AKAYED ULLAH detonated a pipe bomb strapped to his chest in a subway station under the Port Authority Bus Terminal in midtown Manhattan.  Shortly after the blast, first responders located ULLAH lying on the ground in the station where he had detonated the improvised explosive device, and he was taken into custody.  Surveillance footage captured ULLAH walking through the station immediately prior to the explosion, and then detonating the bomb.

    ULLAH began radicalizing in about 2014.  ULLAH was angry at U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, and began seeking out online materials promoting radical Islamic terrorist ideology.  In particular, ULLAH was inspired by ISIS propaganda, including a video in which ISIS instructed supporters to carry out attacks in their homelands if they were unable to travel overseas to join ISIS.  ULLAH began researching how to build a bomb about a year prior to his attack.  He built his pipe bomb in the weeks leading up to the attack at his Brooklyn apartment.     

    Following the attack on December 11, 2017, law enforcement located remnants of the pipe bomb on ULLAH’s person and strewn across the attack site in the subway station.  Law enforcement found, among other things: (i) a nine-volt battery inside ULLAH’s pants pocket, which he used as the power source for triggering the bomb; (ii) wires connected to the battery and running underneath ULLAH’s jacket; (iii) plastic zip ties underneath ULLAH’s jacket, which he used to strap the bomb to his body; (iv) several fragments of a metal pipe, which ULLAH had filled with an explosive substance that he made using sugar and match heads; (v) fragments of Christmas tree lightbulbs attached to wires, which ULLAH used to ignite the explosion; and (vi) numerous metal screws.  ULLAH filled his pipe bomb with dozens of metal screws to function as shrapnel, for the purpose of causing maximum damage.

    On the morning of the attack, shortly before detonating his bomb, ULLAH posted a statement on Facebook referring to the then-President of the United States, stating: “Trump you failed to protect your nation.”  ULLAH also posted an ISIS slogan so that ISIS would know that he had carried out the attack on behalf of ISIS.

    After ULLAH was taken into custody following the attack, he waived his Miranda rights and spoke to law enforcement.  ULLAH stated, among other things, that he carried out the bombing on behalf of ISIS, and chose a busy weekday morning for the attack in order to “terrorize as many people as possible.”  One commuter who was inside the station when ULLAH detonated the pipe bomb suffered a shrapnel wound to his leg, and two other victims partly lost their hearing as a result of the blast.  ULLAH’s attack caused the Port Authority subway station and bus terminal to shut down temporarily, disrupting the lives of commuters across the New York City area.

    After the attack, law enforcement searched ULLAH’s apartment pursuant to a search warrant.  Agents recovered, among other things, ULLAH’s passport, which contained the handwritten statement, “O AMERICA, DIE IN YOUR RAGE.”  Less than two weeks before carrying out the attack, ULLAH had watched and drawn inspiration from a particular ISIS propaganda video that proclaimed, “die in your rage, America,” with an image of the U.S. Congress in the background.

    Later in December 2017, while in custody at the Metropolitan Correctional Center on the charges in this case, ULLAH began chanting “more is coming” at a correctional officer, and then told the officer: “You started this war, we will finish it. More is coming, you’ll see.”

    In addition to the prison term, ULLAH, 31, was sentenced to life of supervised release.   

    Ms. Strauss praised the outstanding investigative efforts of the FBI, the NYPD, and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police Department.  ULLAH’s conviction is the result of the close cooperative efforts of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York and the FBI’s New York Joint Terrorism Task Force, which consists of investigators and analysts from the FBI, the NYPD, and over 50 other federal, state, and local agencies. 

    Governor Cuomo Announces Lowest One-Day Positivity Since November 5, 2020


    3,567 Patient Hospitalizations Statewide; Lowest Hospitalizations Since November 29, 2020

    811 Patients in the ICU; Lowest ICU Patients Since December 3, 2020

    499 Intubated; Lowest Intubations Since December 7, 2020

    Statewide 7-Day Average Positivity Rate is 2.57%; Lowest 7-Day Positivity Since November 1, 2020

    45 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

     Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

    Earlier today, Governor Cuomo was on Long Island where he announced that the region's 7-day average positivity, 2.76 percent, is the lowest it has been since November 10, 2020, and the region's hospitalizations, 540, is the lowest it has been since November 30, 2020.

    "The dedication and determination of New Yorkers in fighting the COVID pandemic is stronger than ever and it shows in the numbers," Governor Cuomo said. "As our hospitalizations continue to decrease and vaccination rates increase, we are closer than ever to the light at the end of the tunnel. While we should all be encouraged by the progress we've made, this fight is not yet over and I urge New Yorkers to continue following the practices we know stop COVID in its tracks: wear a mask, wash your hands and social distance. We're all in this together, united, loving and New York Tough."

    Today's data is summarized briefly below:

    • Test Results Reported - 242,432
    • Total Positive - 4,996
    • Percent Positive - 2.06%
    • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 2.57%
    • Patient Hospitalization - 3,567 (-190)
    • Net Change Patient Hospitalization Past Week - -369
    • Patients Newly Admitted - 405
    • Hospital Counties - 51
    • Number ICU - 811 (-6)
    • Number ICU with Intubation - 499 (-6)
    • Total Discharges - 172,383 (+511)
    • Deaths - 45
    • Total Deaths - 41,678



     Mayor Bill de Blasio announced today, Earth Day, that the City of New York will resume its world-leading Curbside Composting Program, which had been put on hold due to the budgetary impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This new iteration of the program will be available to the 3.5 million New Yorkers who previously had curbside collection service, with buildings and residents able to voluntarily opt-in to receive free weekly curbside composting service. Enrollment will launch in August, with collection services set to begin in October and expand as more buildings opt in. Significant expansions of community composting, reuse, and hazardous waste disposal programs are included in the announcement as well.

    “Today is Earth Day, but New York City’s commitment to sustainability is year-round,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “No other municipality ran a compost program like ours, and this new citywide program will advance the cause of environmental justice in all five boroughs.”


    “When people think about the work of the Department of Sanitation, all too often they think it’s our job just to make trash disappear. But we are a sustainability organization – one of the largest municipal resource recovery operations in the world,” said Edward Grayson, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Sanitation. “I want to thank Mayor de Blasio for his commitment to this mission, and I’m excited to see brown bins back on the streets.”


    “Our students are the future leaders of New York City, and initiatives like our school composting program will empower them with the knowledge and resources to care for our environment,” said Schools Chancellor Meisha Porter. “We are thrilled for the return of curbside composting at our schools, and we’re grateful for our partners at DSNY for their continued commitment to educating our students on the importance of reducing waste and protecting our planet.”


    "Huzzah, the brown bins are back!" said Ben Furnas, Director of the Mayor's Office of Climate and Sustainability. "Reducing emissions from our waste stream and making important actions like composting more accessible are key to the fight against climate change. Congratulations to the Department of Sanitation on the return of these nation-leading programs."


    To allow the City to continue to devote resources to essential safety, health, shelter and food security needs, the City made a number of tough budget cuts in the spring of 2020, including those that affected the curbside composting program. Today’s announcement means curbside composting and seasonal leaf collections are being restored nearly a year ahead of schedule.


    In addition to the re-launch of voluntary curbside composting, the popular Food Scrap Drop-Off program will be significantly expanded, from over 100 community-based sites at present to more than 200 this fall. From September 2020 through February 2021, many food scrap drop-offs have broken participation records and have collected and diverted 1,300,000 pounds of material. Residents can find their closest site at


    Growth of this program will be achieved via a restoration of GrowNYC’s Greenmarket Composting program funding and an expansion of NYC Compost Project funding to support community-based drop-offs, composting and education. In addition, it will include a first-of-its-kind pilot of “smart bins,” in which New Yorkers use an app to access public food scrap drop-off bins, thus preventing cross-contamination and misuse.


    As part of this Earth Day announcement, School Curbside Composting service will also return in the 2021-2022 school year, and nearly 1,000 schools that had service prior to COVID-19 will resume curbside composting.


    Beyond composting, today’s announcement includes expansions or restorations of several other sustainability programs. SAFE Disposal Events, which collect Solvents, Automotive, Flammables, and Electronics products as well as other regulated waste, will expand from two per borough each year – a total of 10 – to nearly 60 per year, one for each community district. This six-fold expansion means fewer dangerous chemicals and products on our streets, in our waterways, or in landfills.


    Special Waste Drop-off locations, sites around the city where residents can drop off harmful materials that do not belong in household trash, will also be re-opening starting this July. These sites have been closed since March 2020.


    Finally, DSNY will begin offering Reuse Swap Events across the city to keep usable items out of landfills and help them find good homes. At these events, one person’s unwanted household goods can become another’s treasure.


    New York City Council Member Pleads Guilty To Tax Fraud


     Audrey Strauss, United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Jonathan D. Larsen, the Special Agent-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation (“IRS-CI”), and Margaret Garnett, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”), announced that CHAIM DEUTSCH, a New York City Council Member, was charged and pled guilty today in Manhattan federal court to filing a false tax return in connection with outside income he received from his real estate management corporation.  DEUTSCH pled guilty before United States Magistrate Judge James L. Cott.

    U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said:  “New York City Council Member Chaim Deutsch admitted today that he defrauded the IRS in connection with his real estate business.  As an elected official and community leader, Deutsch had a particular responsibility to follow the law.  Instead, over a multi-year period, Deutsch concealed his true business income to avoid paying his fair share of taxes.  My Office will continue to work tirelessly with our law enforcement partners to hold our elected officials accountable when they break the law for their own financial benefit.”   

    IRS-CI Special Agent-in-Charge Jonathan D. Larsen said:  “The defendant’s admissions today are the result of the hard work of a talented and dedicated cadre of IRS CI special agents and federal prosecutors.  This investigation should also make it clear that no one is above paying their fair share of taxes, even those who occupy elected office.”

    DOI Commissioner Margaret Garnett said:  “It is dispiriting when a sitting City Councilmember is convicted of a crime.  Rather than set an example of integrity and fidelity to the rule of law, this City Councilman’s actions placed personal advantage over the public interest, and undermined public trust in elected officials.  DOI was pleased to work side-by-side with our partners at the IRS and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York on this investigation.”

    According to the allegations contained in the Information, other court filings, statements made during court proceedings, and publicly available information:

    Since in or about 2014, DEUTSCH has served as the New York City Council Member for the 48th District, which includes portions of Brooklyn.  During at least a portion of that time, DEUTSCH was the sole owner of Chasa Management, Inc., a real estate management business.  In or about March 2016, DEUTSCH filed a personal tax return for calendar year 2015 that included false and fraudulent information concerning his income and business expenses in connection with operating Chasa Management.  In total, during the tax years 2013 through 2015, DEUTSCH’s failure to properly pay taxes on his income from Chasa Management evaded approximately $82,076 in taxes due to the IRS.  Effective on or about January 1, 2017, New York City Council Members were prohibited from earning most outside income.

    DEUTSCH, 52, of Brooklyn, New York, pled guilty to a single count of filing a false tax return for the tax year 2015, and agreed to restitution in the amount of at least $82,076 plus interest.  DEUTSCH is scheduled to be sentenced before Judge Cott on July 29, 2021, at 10:00 a.m.

    The charge against DEUTSCH carries a maximum sentence of one year in prison, a maximum term of one year of supervised release, a maximum fine of $100,000, and an order of restitution.  The maximum potential sentence is prescribed by Congress and is provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the Court.           

    Ms. Strauss praised the outstanding work of IRS-CI and the Special Agents of the U.S. Attorney’s Office.  Ms. Strauss also thanked the New York City Department of Investigation for its assistance in the investigation.

    The case is being prosecuted by the Office’s Public Corruption Unit.  Assistant U.S. Attorney Eli J. Mark is in charge of the prosecution.