Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bronx Israel Independence Day Festival 2013

   The Bronx Isreali Independence Day Festival 2013 went off without any problems, even with the bombings that went off the day before in Boston. Rabbi Avi Weiss a controversial Jewish leader and past target of many threats enjoyed the festival with hundreds of Bronx residents and Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. who co-sponsored the event. The event took place inside the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, and out on the street next to the institute. Inside was food and information while out side were inflatable rides & games for the kids, and the stage where performances went on. The two leading city council candidates for Councilman G. Oliver Koppells term limited seat were in attendance as you will see in the photos below including Community Board # 8 members Martin Wolpolf, William Stone, and Robert Press.
 Rabbi Weiss, BP Diaz, and city council candidate Andrew Cohen talk about several matters of importance.
 City council candidate Cliff Stanton at the festival. Stanton is holding the latest copy of the Bronx News.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

ECPW Wrestling Returned to St. Francis Xavier in Morris Park

 This past Saturday night ECPW Wrestling returned to the St. Francis Xavier gym. There were seven action packed matches including a battle royal and ECPW championship match. There was standing room only as the event was sold out. You can see some of the action you saw or missed in the photos below. Midway there was an intermission where the wrestlers came out to mingle with the crowd, take pictures with the kids, and sign autographs. A great time was had by all who attended, and the school wound up with some much needed funds. click on any photo to enlarge it.
The first match got underway between Big Ben Cromwell and Rocky Jones. Here you see each wrestler getting the other in holds on the mat.


Left - Rocky Jones was victorious as the referee tries to separate the wrestlers after the match.
Right - Action from the battle royal match.

Left - The Masked Superstar on the way to the ring with Ghetto Brown.
Right - Ghetto Brown was victorious as he climbs the rope to show off.

Below in a hotly contested three way match between Kevin Phoenix, The New Dynamite Kid, and Jason Speed on the left is Jason Speed on the ropes about to flip Kevin Phoenix.
Right - Phoenix was thrown out of the ring only to hear it from a young girl in the audience.

Left - Phoenix is pinned by Jason Speed.
Center - Kevin Phoenix finds a friendly fan in the audience.

Left - Rikishi signs a photo for a fan.
Right - Duke "Pitbull Snyder signs for a fan.

Left - Tristan Law seems to be getting the upper hand on the Punisher.
Right - Law was thrown out of the ring, and wound up losing the match.

Left- ECPW champ Andrew Anderson on his way to the ring.
Right - Anderson trash talks his opponent Frankie Flores.

Left - Flores was no match for Anderson.
Right - Anderson walks to the back holding his ECPW championship belt.

Left - In the last match Rikishi is held back by the referee as his partner is double teamed.
Right - It would not be a Rikishi match without a stink face by Rikishi.

8th Annual Cinco de Mayo Celebration Sat. May 4th

Cinco de Mayo Health Fair May 3rd

Cinco de Mayo English 2013
Cinco De Mayo Flier


Monday, April 15, 2013

Hispanic Ministers of New York 25th Annual Luncheon

  Saturday afternoon was the 25th Hispanic Ministers Organization of New York luncheon. All of the candidates for mayor of New York City were invited. Democrats John Liu, Bill Thompson, & Erick Salgado, Republicans Joe Lhota & John Catsimatidis, and even third party candidate Adolfo Carrion were in attendance as well as almost 700 ministers or supporters of the clergy. U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, New York State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, Bronx Assembly members Marcos Crespo & Luis Sepulveda, And Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. joined State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr. who was the Master of Ceremonies. City Council Speaker Christene Quinn and Public Advocate Bill Deblasio were not in attendance.
  There were speeches by the mayoral candidates, and here are some of their more memorable words. City Comptroller John Liu said "The city needs the Bronx", and looking at BP Diaz added "Its great to be here in God's Country". Joe Lhota spoke of his Bronx roots, and how as Deputy Mayor to Mayor Giuliani "500 jobs for Senator Diaz were created for his community". Not to be outdone John Catsimatidis spoke of being an alter boy, and how he helped build a church in the South Bronx. Former Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrion spoke about his job as Bronx Borough President. 


Left - Senator Diaz is at the microphone is about to introduce the candidates for mayor in attendance. Candidate for mayor John Liu gives the thumbs up.
Right - City Comptroller John Liu speaks to the packed room.

Left- Republican John Catsimatidis speaks to the crowd.
Right  - It was Republican Joe Lhota's turn at the Microphone.

Left - Bill Thompson speaking to the audience. 
Right - Rev. Erick Salgado Speaks with Bronx Conservative Party Leader Bill Newmark, possibly for Newmarks support for the Conservative line in the November election.

Left - New York State Comptroller Tom Di Napoli.
Right - 15th Council District candidate Reverend Joel Bauza (one of the honorees) and his wife.

Senator Diaz poses with both Republican candidates for mayor Joe Lhota (left), and John Catsimatidis (right).

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What You Should Know

By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York

Why Are We So Afraid of Governor Cuomo?

  You should know that today the New York State Senate will begin a public push to limit how Senate campaign funds can be spent. These campaign funds are donations from individuals and organizations given with the understanding that the candidate will use them as they see fit - like renting a car and paying for meals.

You should also know that while this effort to turn up the heat on Senators has begun, there is still no effort underway to restrict what Governor Cuomo does with resources he raises, and no demand for a complete disclosure of the names of the donors from the Committee to Save New York - his ally - a private lobbying committee not subject to state campaign finance law.  The names of many of their donors remain in the shadows.

The Committee to Save New York has been lockstep with Governor Cuomo's agenda and has spent more money on lobbying activities in 2012 than any other group.

You should know that the billionaires and business leaders who support Governor Cuomo's Committee to Save New York have won billions in government bailouts. Now they insists upon  “fiscal responsibility” for the rest of New York.

I would like to recommend to my colleagues that instead of going after each other and restricting how much money we spend from our donors to rent cars and pay for dinners for our campaigns, that we focus our attention on reviewing policy payoffs that impact our ability to legislate on behalf of our constituents - instead of on behalf of the groups who lobby and profit from their participation of the Committee to Save New York.

I would like to recommend that ethics reform in New York State begin in the Governor's mansion.

While we consider how to restrict Senate campaign donations that are used to pay for meals, I would like my readers to know that many of my colleagues are routinely invited to the Governor's mansion to eat his food and drink his wine with no oversight to who pays those bills.

While we consider how to restrict Senate campaign donations that are used to rent cars, I would like my readers to know that this past Thursday JCOPE quietly posted on their website on state ethics ruling that Governor Cuomo can bring Sandra Lee, his girlfriend and Food Network star who lives with him in Westchester County, along with his daughters on the state aircraft with him when he's on official business.

While we consider how to restrict Senate campaign donations that are used for our cell phones, You should know that the millions of dollars raised by the Committee to Save New York to expand casino gambling needs should be investigated.

You should know that corruption in New York State needs to be thoroughly investigated, and is far more important that the way we spend money donated to us from our supporters - who donate with the full knowledge that we decide how to spend it.

We should be more concerned with stopping big money influence of corporations,  groups and people that are getting access to meetings with Governors and others by contributing big donations and by the conflict of interest of legislators serving as of-counsels and those that are board members of institutions whose leaders contribute big money. Amen.

This is Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.

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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Bronx Chamber of Commerce Women of Distiction Luncheon

  Friday was the date of the Bronx Chamber of Commerce Women of Distinction Luncheon. The Mistress of Ceremony was WINS 1010 radio reporter Juliet Papa. The national anthem was sung by Preston High School student Brittany Mitchell. Sister Seline Mary Flores of the Providence Rest Nursing Home gave the invocation. The audience was then welcomed by Event Chair Geri Sciortino, the owner of the Bronx Design Group. BCC President Lenny Caro gave the opening remarks on how great it is to be in the Bronx today. He went into all of the new business opportunities and new businesses that have recently come to the Bronx.
BCC Chairman Joe Kelleher then added some more comments about the future of Bronx Business, and the new Metro North stations to be built in the East Bronx and how it would increase ridership to and from the Bronx.
  Keynote speaker Commissioner of the Department of Corrections Dora B. Schribo said that she is the fifth woman to run the DOC in its 100 year history. She spoke about the prison population, and how she is trying to decrease the return to prison ratio so that she in essence can be put out of business in the future.
  The five students awarded a one thousand dollar scholarships were Faith Daniel (Bronx Center for Science & Math), Selene Munoz (Gateway School of Environmental Research & Technology), Rosalias Read (Metropolitan High School), Yaritza Rendon (Bronx Aerospace High School), and Zoraya Almonte (Bronx Engineering & Technology Academy). 
  The two Honorees were NYPD Deputy Inspector Nilda Hofmann and Preston High School Dean of Studies Linda Youngren. 

Left - Mistress of Ceremony Juliet Papa of WINS 1010 radio.
Right - Preston High School student Brittany Mitchell sings the National Anthem.

Left - Sister Seline Mary Flores giving the invocation.
Right - Scholarship award winners Faith Daniel, Selene Munoz, Rosalias Read, and Yaritza Rendon hold up their $1,000.00 checks. Zoraya Almonte was unable to attend. 
 Starting from the left - BCC President Lenny Caro, Honoree and NYPD Deputy Inspector Nilda Hofmann, Honoree and Preston H.S. Dean Linda Youngren, Juliet Papa of 1010 WINS radio, and Event Chair Geri Sciortino.

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87th A.D. Office Grand Opening

   Saturday April 13th was the official grand opening of the 87th A.D. office of Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda at 1973 Westchester Avenue. This is the same office that the previous assemblyman Peter Rivera had, but according to Assemblyman Sepulveda the office was rearranged to what he and his staff feel will serve the community better. The front is a brighter and the front window will display important information such as job listings that were there on Saturday April 13th as you can see in the photos above and below.

Left - is one of the signs that was put up to announce the grand opening of the new 87th A.D. office of Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda.
Right - You can see job listings for the Bronx Botanical Garden posted on the front window of the new 87 A.D. office.
