Friday, September 2, 2011

Could There Be an End to The Silk Stocking Congressional District?

  The Daily News has a piece on how the Dominican American National Roundtable would radically change the 14th congressional district to make it possible to elect the first Dominican-American member of Congress. The story has the redistricting hopes of DANR which include changing current Bronx congressional districts also. 
  The 15th Congressional district drawn as a black minority district has changed, and is now more Hispanic than black, as the district lines were drawn. To correct that DANR proposes that the 15th CD extend through the Bronx into Mount Vernon to regain a black majority.
  The 14th CD would then pick up the Manhattan Dominican and other Dominicans from the Bronx to create a new Dominican-American congressional district. Current 14th Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney's district would go from a 2/3 majority of white upper east side Manhattan voters to a district with less than 1/3 of a white vote, and 2/3 Hispanic.
  You can read the whole story by Celeste Katz of the Daily News here.

From Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr.
Community  Leaders,  churches,  ministers  and the community in general are planning  to rally on behalf of undocumented immigrants, according to State Senator Rev. Ruben Díaz.

Almost four years ago, U.S. Senator Barack Obama, while campaigning for the presidency  of  the  nation,  promised that if he became president he would solve  the problem of the twelve million undocumented aliens that reside in the  United  States. Apparently, once Barack Obama was elected President of the United States he forgot his promise and has not yet found a solution to solve  the problem of the undocumented aliens. On the contrary, the problem has  multiplied  to the point that there have been more deportations in the last  three  years  than in any previous administration. President Obama is always  blaming  the  Republicans  and Congress  for the lack of action on behalf of the immigrants.

Now that the re-election is at hand, President Obama has promised to deport only  those immigrants with a lengthy criminal record and that are a threat to  the nation’s security. He has suggested stopping deportations for those that have minor offenses and those that do not pose a threat to the nation.

This  is  a  great  idea!  This will solve the situation of more than three hundred   thousand   (300,000)   people  that  are  facing  the  threat  of deportation.

This  is  why  a  group  of  religious  organizations, such as Radio Vision Cristiana  Intl.,  Radio  Cantico  Nuevo,  The  New  York  Hispanic  Clergy Organization, Conlico, and community organizations of the Metropolitan area have  decided to conduct a “Dignity for the Immigrants March” in support of the immigrant community.

This  march  will  take  place  on  Sunday,  October 2, 2011 at 12 noon, on Westchester Avenue, between Third Avenue and Bergen Avenue in Bronx County. From  there  we will march to the steps of the Bronx Supreme Court, located at 161st Street and Grand Concourse in the Bronx.

We would like to send a message to President Obama that “we will not accept excuses,  such  as,  blaming the Republicans or members of Congress for not achieving  such a wonderful idea. We will be calling on the President to be true  to his word and to be faithful to the undocumented immigrants in this country.”

Even  if  the  Republicans  and  members  of Congress oppose this wonderful initiative  to  deport  only hardened  criminals,  President  Obama  could implement  it  anyway.   If he really wants this to happen, he can do it by just  signing  an  executive order. “Si se puede Mr. President, “Yes we can Mr. President.” Only if you are willing to.

I am State Senator Ruben Díaz and this is what you should know.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Espada's Defense- My Accountants Said it Was Legal

Here is one we found on a Daily News Site titled

"Ex-Sen. Pedro Espada's Defense: My Accountants Said That Petting Zoo Was Totally Fine"

 Celeste Katz of the daily news writes "Espada claims expenses charged to a janitorial company the feds say he controlled - including pony rides and a petting zoo for a family member's birthday party, home repairs and a down payment on a Bentley - were all approved by accountants". 

The article goes on to say that the feds are looking back to 2001 in Soundview Health Centers financial records. You can access the article at this link and see for yourself.


Today, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and the New York Yankees co-hosted the inaugural “Borough President’s Cup” Little League Championship. The game featured a match-up between the Little League Raiders and the Rolando Paulino Little League, who competed for the title in a game at Yankee Stadium.

The Little League Raiders won the game, defeating the Rolando Paulino Little League 9-7 in extra innings.

To compete for the “Borough President’s Cup,” players for each Little League had to meet a set of requirements unrelated to their performance on the field. Those included a B-average in school, 90 percent or greater school attendance and a demonstrated commitment to community service.
 BP Diaz with little league Raiders presenting BP's Cup to the winner.

“This game is not about showcasing the best athletes in the Bronx, but those students who represent the best of our borough overall: good students who have shown us that they want to make the Bronx a better place,” said Borough President Diaz. “What better way to reward them then to give them a chance to walk in the footsteps of Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez and all the Yankee greats.”

“The Little League Raiders would like to thank Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and his staff for an outstanding job on putting together the Borough President’s Cup.   It is our pleasure to participate in this tournament. We are very excited to have the opportunity to play the championship game at Yankee Stadium. We would like to thank Mr. Brian Smith, SVP, Corporate/Community Relations and Mr. Rocky Halsey and staff of the New York Yankees organization for allowing us this opportunity. It makes us proud to say that we are from the Bronx,” said Peggy Guzman, director of the Little League Raiders.

“Thank you, Borough President Diaz and the New York Yankees, for this opportunity. The dreams of our players, to play at Yankee Stadium, have become a reality.  This moment will make a difference in the lives of these very promising young people, and we will never forget this game,” said Rolando Paulino, commissioner of the Rolando Paulino Little League.

The “Borough President’s Cup” will be an annual event.

September 11th Tenth Anniversary: The Bronx Remembers


Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.
The Supreme Court of Bronx County

Cordially invite you to join them and the Bronx community  
as they pay homage to our families, friends and neighbors  
 who perished on September 11, 2001.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
12:00-2:00 PM

Lou Gehrig Plaza
161st Street, between Grand Concourse & Walton Avenue
Bronx, New York

In partnership with
Bronx Tourism Council 
Sponsored by 
Kramer Dillof Livingston & Moore, Esqs.
John C. Dearie, Esq.
Louis Rose, M.D.  
 Trolman Glaser & Lichtman, Esqs.
Plumbers & Gasfitters Local Union No. 1

For Information and to confirm your attendance
please call:  718-590-3522


Upcoming Event:Townhall Meeting On Public Safety in Northern Manhattan

New York City Councilmember
Ydanis Rodriguez
10th Council District
New York State Senator
Adriano Espaillat
31st Senate District
New York State Assemblymember
Guillermo Linares
72nd Assembly District
Invite You To Attend A Townhall Meeting
On Public Safety And Meet
The New Commanding Officer of the 34th Precinct
Deputy Inspector Barry Buzzetti
Co-Sponsored by:
U.S. Congressman Charles Rangel, State Assemblymember Herman D. Farrell Jr.,
Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer,
City Councilmember Robert Jackson, Community Board 12, Manhattan,
New York City Parks & Recreation,
Isabella Geriatric Center and the 34th Precinct Community Council

 Date: Thursday, September 1, 2011 /  Time: 7:00pm -9:00pm
Place:   Isabella (Auditorium)
515 Audubon Avenue (On the Corner of W 190th St & Audubon Ave)

Representatives of the New York County District Attorney’s Office will be Present
Please call 917-521-2616 for further information. 


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Triple Shooting in West Farms: Elected Officials Respond

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.
“It saddens me how some people have no regard for human life.  Yesterday, a shooting occurred while families and young children were enjoying a beautiful evening on E. 181st and Daly Ave.  This time three people were shot: 20-year old, Ricky Rodriquez, two-year old Patience Boyd and six-year old Jayla Rodriquez. While Ricky and Jayla are in stable condition, Patience remains in critical condition, and may lose her life to a thug’s bullet.
“We cannot afford to lose life after life to senseless gun violence, and even though we have come so far we still have more work to do. My office will continue to work to take illegal guns off of our streets by speaking directly to youth, working to promote gun buyback programs and through our ‘Peace in our Streets’ campaign, which speaks directly to Bronx residents on the need to report illegal guns.  It hurts me greatly that young children cannot simply go outside and play on a nice summer day without fear of being struck down by a stray bullet,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

Senator Reverend Diaz, Councilmember Joel Rivera and Community Leader Luis Sepulveda Outraged Over Shooting of Bronx Children
New  York  State  Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx), Councilmember Joel Rivera  and  Community Leader  Luis Sepulveda will hold a press conference with  other  activists  on  Wednesday,  August  31, 2011 at 11:30 AM on the corner  of  East  181st  Street  and  Daly  Avenue  in The Bronx to express community outrage over gun violence.

Senator  Reverend Diaz stated:  “The random gun violence that took place on Monday  night  has struck down a 20-year old man along with two of our most vulnerable  citizens – a 2-year old girl and a 5-year old girl.  We hope to offer  some  comfort and compassion for the families and neighbors of those who  were shot, and to also offer comfort for parents in our community who are  afraid that their children may be at the wrong place at the wrong time when some criminal feels free to wreak havoc.  We will remain vigilant with our communities so they can live in safe and healthy neighborhoods.”

Mr.  Sepulveda  stated: “Although we are relieved that a suspect for Monday night’s  shooting has been identified, crime is prevalent in the West Farms community and it can not be tolerated.  How can it be that inside the walls of the Bronx Zoo – which is only one block away from this shooting – is one of  the safest areas of New York State, but outside of those walls crime is rampant?   We will continue to stand with our community and demand that the same  levels  of  safety  and protection that are afforded to guests of the Bronx   Zoo are also provided to Bronx residents who live nearby and should not live in fear.”

For further information, please contact Luis Sepulveda at (347) 582-8173.

CB 8 Public Hearing Sept 8th Re: Ice Skating Rink CANCELLED

5676 Riverdale Avenue, Suite 100 • Bronx, New York 10471-2194
Telephone: 718-884-3959 • Fax: 718-796-2763

Honorable Ruben Diaz, Jr.
Bronx Borough President
                               Chairperson      Robert Fanuzzi
                              District Manager     Nicole M. Stent




      DATE:    Thursday, September 8th, 2011

                   TIME:            7:30 p.m.

      PLACE:           Riverdale YM/YWHA  
                                  5625 Arlington Avenue, Social Hall
                                      Bronx, NY 10471

    SUBECT:        Proposed Ice Skating Rink in
                Van Cortlandt Park


Anyone wishing to speak may sign up at the door at time of hearing

We ask that you read our column 100 PERCENT this Thursday September 1st in the Bronx News or Parkchester News, for our comments. You can also view the column online at The Bronx News Website
clicking on the Bedford Park link on the left. You can also go directly to the column here and scroll down to this weeks column of 100 PERCENT.
