Friday, March 9, 2012

Bronx Chaber of Commerce 

Educational Seminar

Croton Facility Monitoring Committee Meeting
Thursday, March 15, 2012 – 7:00 PM 
DEP Office – 3660 Jerome Avenue,


I  Welcome                         Paul Foster, Chair

II Consider and Adopt This Meeting Agenda    CFMC Representatives

III Consider, Adopt 2/16/12 Meeting Minutes    CFMC Representatives

IV Update on JPR Jogging Path Approval        Steve Des Noyer, DPR
    By Public Design Commission

V  Presentation of Status of Croton-funded Parks    Hector Aponte,
                                                                      Steve Des Noyer, DPR

VI Croton Construction Update, Schedule      Bernard Daly, P.E., DEP
   And Costs
VII Croton Jobs and Bronx Purchases    Mark Lanaghan, DEP

VIII CFMC Discussion, Set Next Meeting        CFMC Representatives

IX   Adjourn

BP O'Diaz Helps Celebrate Irish Heritage Month

  It was a packed house at the "Rambling House" in Woodlawn last night to celebrate "Irish Heritage Month". Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. became BP "Ruben O'Diaz for the night Mr. Michael Fogarty sang the Irish National Anthem and BP O'Diaz honored four distinct individuals.

  The four honorees were Captain Russell Green (commander of the 45th Police Precinct), Deputy Inspector Kevin Nicholson (commander of the 49th Police Precinct), Ms. Christine Sheridan (President of the Woodlawn Heights Taxpayers and Community Association), and Mr. Peter Ryan (Deputy Consul General of Ireland). Mr. Joe Carty was also given a special honor for hosting the event along with delicious samples of Irish food and drink. 

  Not to leave anyone out, the Master of Ceremonies was Mr. James McQuade (owner, Schuyler Hill Funeral Parlor), Recording Artist Ms. Sara Sanabria sang the American National Anthem, Pastor Robert Bohler (St. Marks Lutheran Church) gave the Invocation, The Flynn School for Irish Dance provided the Irish Step Dancers, and in the first picture below are the New York State Courts Pipes and Drummers who opened the event.
  You can click on any picture to enlarge it.

New York State Courts Pipe and Drummers

Mr. Michael Fogarty singing the Irish National Anthem
Bronx BP Ruben O'Diaz Addressing the audience gathered
Ireland Deputy Consul General Ryan speaking to the audience
From left, Captain Green, Deputy Inspector Nicholson, BP O'Diaz, Ms. Christine Sheridan, Assemblyman Jeff O'Dinowitz, and Deputy Consul General Peter Ryan.

Here is the link to the video of the Bronx Irish Heritage Celebration 2012

Northwest Bronx for Change

  Northwest Bronx for Change will be holding a planning session for the meeting with the Obama reelection campaign this Saturday, March 10 at 12:30 pm.  


General Meeting


1) Help Us Draft Our Plans For The Obama 2012 Campaign With Lisa Steglich, Bronx Borough Coordinator For Organizing For America  


2) Update on Occupy Wall Street–What Are Their Plans For This Spring?  

    Date: Saturday, March 10, 2012 
    Time: 12:30 PM 
    Place: Ben Franklin Reform Democratic Club—304 West 231st Street (bet. Tibbett and Irwin)

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Audits Find Rats and Busted Equipment; Hazards Remain Long After Parks Department’s Own Inspectors Report Them 

City Comptroller John C. Liu today announced that a series of borough-specific audits found the Parks Department was slow to fix hazardous conditions in some playgrounds and may have missed others in its regular inspections.  Although Parks generally inspected playgrounds as required, in many instances the agency didn’t fix problems, including rusted and broken equipment, even after they were flagged for repair. 

“Parents shouldn’t have to worry about their children playing on broken equipment or near rat holes – especially after Parks’ own inspectors have already reported the hazards,” Comptroller Liu said.  “In some cases, the Parks Department is inexplicably slow to give its full attention to poor playground conditions and needs to better meet its own guidelines for making badly needed repairs.”

The Parks Department randomly inspects 205 playgrounds every two weeks – and each site in the City is usually inspected twice a year.  Inspection reports are forwarded to Parks staff for review and correction of unacceptable conditions.  Hazardous conditions such as protruding bolts, broken or damaged equipment or benches, etc., are supposed to be repaired within two to four weeks.  Parks inspectors then revisit those playgrounds to verify whether the problems have been corrected. 

Auditors inspected 107 playgrounds in all five boroughs in July 2011.  At many locations, they found problems were still present months after Parks’ own inspections had brought them to light.  In other cases, the auditors found hazards that had not been included on the most recent Parks inspection report. 

Auditors inspected 22 Manhattan playgrounds in July 2011. 

Dry Dock Playground, East 10th Street and Avenue D:
  • Parks inspectors reported that protruding cobblestones caused safety mats to be lifted and created a tripping hazard on December 2, 2010. When auditors visited 207 days later, in July 2011, they saw that the problem hadn’t been fixed and had grown worse.

East River Playground, FDR Drive and East 106th Street:
  • On February 8, 2011, Parks inspectors noted 10% of safety mats were broken or deteriorated.  When auditors visited 139 days later, they found the problem had expanded to 25% of the mats, a portion of which were now barricaded. 
  • Auditors found that bolts were missing from a wooden slat in a ramp used by children, a hazard not mentioned in Parks inspectors’ February report.

Tompkins Square Park:
  • Auditors found a rat infestation adjacent to the playground in July that was not mentioned in Parks Department inspectors’ reports filed in April and May 2011.

Auditors inspected 30 playgrounds in Brooklyn in July 2011.

Fox Playground, Avenue H and Avenue I at East 54th and East 55th streets:
  • Auditors found badly damaged benches with missing slats and peeling paint on July 14, 2011, but there was no mention of them in the Parks inspection report filed one day earlier.

Hickman Playground, Veterans Avenue between East 66th and East 68th streets:
  • A Parks inspection reported on April 1, 2011, that safety mats were no longer attached and uplifting, but auditors found the problem persisted 104 days later.

Homecrest Playground, Shore Parkway and Williams Court:
  • A Parks inspection report in December 2010 noted safety mats were no longer attached and uplifting. In July 2011, 279 days later, auditors found the problem had yet to be fixed. 

Auditors inspected 33 playgrounds in Queens in July 2011.

Hammel Playground, Rockaway Beach Boulevard, between Beach 84th and Beach 81st streets:
  • The auditors’ inspection in July 2011 found a dangerously protruding metal bracket at the entrance that was not mentioned in the Parks inspection two months earlier.

Highland Park, Lower Highland Playground, Jamaica Avenue and Elton Street:
  • The Parks inspection report on March 21, 2011, reported that a section of the safety surface was missing. When auditors visited 113 days later, the safety mats were scattered, overturned, and missing.

Auditors inspected 17 playgrounds in the Bronx in July 2011.

Soundview Playground, Bronx River at Lafayette Avenue:
  • Parks inspectors reported rotted and splintered playground equipment on March 28, 2011.  Auditors inspected the playground 106 days later and found conditions unchanged.

Noble Playground, Noble Avenue between Bronx River Avenue and East 177th Street:
  • Parks inspectors reported 15% of the safety mats were deteriorated on May 6, 2011. Auditors found the condition of the mats unchanged two months later.

Staten Island
Auditors inspected five playgrounds in Staten Island.
  • The auditors’ inspections determined that the condition of the playgrounds matched the reports filed by Parks inspectors and that problems were addressed in a timely manner.

The Parks Department, in its response, said it would “prioritize repairs depending on the severity of these conditions” and will make “the best effort to address outstanding items, which is dependent on existing resources and materials as well as the availability of manpower.”  However, it disagreed over whether certain hazards were not corrected in a timely manner.

The audit inspected 107 playgrounds.  Each inspection occurred at a specific time and, as a result, each inspection was unique to each playground and cannot be projected to others that are not part of the audit.  The audit inspected playgrounds in July 2011 and compared the findings to the most recent Parks Department reports.  The scope of the audits was July 2011 to November 2011.

Comptroller Liu credited Deputy Comptroller for Audit Tina Kim and the Audit Bureau for presenting the findings. The latest audit reports are available at:

2-TompkinsPark-500 E 9th St, New York
Rat holes in Tompkins Square Park (Manhattan)

8-Hammel Plgd-B83 St. & Rockaway Beach
Protruding metal at Hammel Playground (Far Rockaway)
17-Hickman Playground- Veterans Ave. btwn E. 66 St. & E.68 St.
Uplifting mats at Hickman Playground (Brooklyn)
14-Fox Playground- Ave H & Ave I
Broken benches at Fox Playground (Brooklyn)

5-Soundview Plgd-Lafayette Ave & Metcalf Ave Bx NY 10451
Chipped and peeled paint on equipment at Soundview Playground (Bronx)



Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Bronx Chamber of Commerce Irish Heritage Luncheon

   Wednesday March 7th was the Bronx Chamber of Commerce Irish Heritage Luncheon, but it was former Mayor Rudy Guiliani who was the Guest Speaker that was the center of attention. BCC President Lenny Caro opened the luncheon after a small press conference by former Mayor Guiliani. He welcomed everybody, and praised his excellent staff without whom the Chamber would not be able to do the work that it does. The National Anthem was sung by Ms. Caitlin Snyder (of Mercy College), and the Invocation was given by Father Richard Gorman (chairman of Community Board # 12). Mr. Caro mentioned that at 3:30 PM that Mayor Bloomberg was to sign the Westchester Avenue Business Improvement District proposal that several BCC members had worked on. 
   Councilman Fernando Cabrera then spoke about the Kingsbridge Armory, and the “Living Wage” issue. Cabrera said that he lives three blocks from the armory, and that the church where he is a pastor at is only one block away from the armory. He added that the community wants the Kingsbridge Armory to be an epicenter to bring people to the area from all over the city. The Burnside Avenue shopping district is his council district, and he said that he is looking to make that area into a BID also.

   Before introducing the honorees Mr. Caro introduced Mr. John Calvelli (of the Wildlife Conservation Society) who told the story of the opening of the New Congo Exhibit at the Bronx Zoo, where then Mayor Guiliani came dressed as the Lion King. Calvelli then gave former Mayor Guiliani a framed photo of the event.
   The Honorees included Mr. Chris Lemmon (the son of two time Oscar winning actor Jack Lemmon), Mr. Joseph Kelleher (President and CEO of the Hutchinson Metro Center), Father Richard Gorman (chair of CB 12), Ms. Elizabeth Barker Pinapfel (General Manager of the Pelham & Split Rock Golf Course), Mr. John Habermann ( Regional Executive of Capital One Bank), and Mr. Barry Fitzgerald (of F & F Insurance). 
   Guest Speaker former Mayor Rudy Guiliani then spoke about what it was like being mayor during the crisis in 2001 of the World Trade Center (aka 911). He said that he calmed New Yorkers by saying that New York City will still be here tomorrow. He then mentioned the heritage of the Irish immigrants that came to America to become police officers, firemen, and other valued members of society. Guiliani spoke of his days as the U.S. Attorney and eating with friends in a Bronx Italian restaurant after jailing several big Italian criminals. He said that the there was a newscast of an $800,000.00 dollar contract on him, and that the restaurant started to empty out. He then said that it was old news, that the FBI had already arrested those who had made the contract, and said that the FBI didn't give out that part of the story. Guiliani said that the next time he arrested a big criminal after the trial he was already elected mayor, and that contract on him was only $400,00.00. 
   Mayor Guiliani then went into the subject of energy, and how New York City only relies on 25 percent of its power from the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant. He added that 50 percent of the city's power still comes from coal burning plants, 20 percent from natural gas, and of the remaining 5 percent less than half comes from wind or solar power. He said as mayor that he was most worried about the electric grid that serves New York City, and mentioned the citywide blackouts of 1965, and 1977 where there was wide spread looting. During his watch as mayor there were two small blackouts, one in 1995 in Queens ,and !999 in Washington Heights. He stressed that in the two smaller blackouts and in 2003 under Mayor Bloomberg that there was minimal looting if any, adding by that it told him the city has turned around.
Continuing on the subject of energy, he spoke of foreign countries that are now building many nuclear power plants unlike in this country where only one is being built. Guiliani said that Indian Point had hired his security consulting firm as has many other companies from other countries. He added that he believes that New York should allow hydraulic fracturing, and ended by saying the most hallowed place in New York City is Yankee Stadium. He took a couple of questions about running for mayor again, and president which he said that the job he would love to do again is that as U.S. Attorney. 

Below are photos of the event. Click on them to enlarge.

 Father Gorman and Mike Tully of the FDNY above.
Mr. John Calvelli presenting Mayor Guiliani with the photo of the Congo Exhibit opening.

Left is Mr. Caro, Chris Lemmon, Joseph Kelleher, and Mayor Guiliani being served lunch.

Councilman Fernando Cabrera and Father Richard Gorman

Ms. Caitlin Snyder singing the National Anthem, while Father Gorman waits to give the Invocation.

 Councilman Fernando Cabrera addressing the audience.

Former Mayor Rudy Guiliani addressing the audience, as BCC President Lenny Caro looks on.