Wednesday, January 2, 2019


  Mayor Bill de Blasio today held a public hearing for and signed Intro. 1288, which makes all elections between now and the 2021 primary, including the upcoming special election, eligible for stronger campaign finance laws and helps the average New Yorker have more of a say in individual campaigns. New Yorkers voted for this reform overwhelmingly in the 2018 General Election, however it would not have gone into effect until 2021. The Mayor also signed a formal proclamation setting the date - February 26, 2019 - for the Special Election for Public Advocate. 

“With the upcoming special election, we’re expediting an important piece of legislation that will strengthen the voices of average New Yorkers by reforming campaign finance laws,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Originally, these reforms were set to go into effect in 2021, but New Yorkers deserve to have these reforms in place when choosing their new Public Advocate. I want to thank Council Speaker Corey Johnson, Council Member Ben Kallos and the rest of the City Council for passing this piece of legislation.”

Intro. 1288 allows candidates currently running in special elections to choose between two public financing options. Candidates can access the current system, which allows a maximum contribution of $2,550 from each New York City resident. The City will match the first $175 six to one.

Candidates may also have access to a second option that caps donations at $1,000 per New York City resident, but provides an eight-to-one match on the first $250.

Amy Loprest, the Executive Director of the Campaign Finance Board, said, “Increasing access to public matching funds and placing tighter limits on contributions will increase fairness and include more voices in city elections.”

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Speaker and Acting Public Advocate of the City of New York

City Council Speaker Corey Johnson assumed the role and office of Acting Public Advocate when the prior Public Advocate, Letitia James, became State Attorney General, on January 1, 2019.
The Public Advocate acts as an ombudsperson for all New Yorkers – a government official who champions the public and ensures government is responsive to their needs.
Pursuant to the City Charter, the Public Advocate, in addition to other duties, shall: monitor the operation of the public information and service complaint programs of city agencies and make proposals to improve such programs; review complaints of systemic problems with city services and programs, and make proposals to improve the city’s response to such complaints; and to take, investigate and otherwise attempt to resolve complaints from individuals concerning city services and other administrative actions of city agencies.
As the Acting Public Advocate, Corey Johnson looks forward to helping New Yorkers with any issues they might be facing and encourages everyone to submit concerns or complaints via this online form or call the Public Advocate’s office at (212) 669-7250 or visit at 1 Centre Street, 15th Floor North, New York, NY 10007.
There will be a special election to determine who will become the next Public Advocate on February 26, 2019. For more information on that election and who is running, please continue to check the Board of Elections website.

Letitia James Sworn In As New York State Attorney General

Letitia James Swearing In

   ALBANY, NEW YORK -- Just before midnight, Letitia James was officially sworn in as the 67th Attorney General for the State of New York. In a ceremony held at the State Capitol in Albany, Attorney General James took the oath of office and committed to protecting the values and interests of all New Yorkers.

“It is the highest honor to officially begin my time as the Attorney General for the great state of New York. Tonight, I made a commitment to use the rule of law to protect the rights and advance the interests of all New Yorkers, and I will never waver in upholding that promise. New Yorkers in every corner of our state must know that they have a champion fighting for them everyday,” said New York State Attorney General Letitia James.
Following the official swearing in at the Capitol in Albany, Attorney General James will participate in the inauguration ceremony on Ellis Island on January 1st. She will also host several informal meet and greets throughout the State to connect with New Yorkers and introduce them to the office and her priorities.
  We are happy to see a permanent and very capable replacement in the position of New York State Attorney General in the name of Letitia James. We only hope that the next New York City Public Advocate will continue to do the excellent job which Public Advocate Letitia James did.


     Mayor de Blasio, Department of Sanitation Commissioner Kathryn Garcia, and Mayor’s Office of Sustainability Director Mark Chambers announced today that the City’s styrofoam ban is in effect, eliminating a major source of petroleum based waste. Now, food service establishments, stores, and manufacturers may not possess, sell, or offer for use single service Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) foam food service articles or loose fill packaging, such as “packing peanuts.”

"Global warming is threatening our city, and to fight it, we have to change the way we live,” said Mayor de Blasio. “The 60 million pounds of styrofoam New Yorkers throw away each year clog our landfills and fuel the petroleum economy destroying our planet. We’re ending this dirty practice so we can ensure a cleaner, fairer future for our children."

“Foam products cannot be recycled, plain and simple, and they have no place in our daily lives,” said Sanitation Commissioner Kathryn Garcia. “Foam is a source of litter in our neighborhoods, and it clogs our storm drains and pollutes our beaches. We cannot achieve zero waste without addressing the single-use products ubiquitous in modern life. This is our first step. We have fought for four years to ban these products in favor of reusable, recyclable and compostable alternatives. Today, I am proud to say today that we have prevailed and are moving toward a foam-free NYC.”

As a result of the ban, manufacturers and stores may not sell or offer single-use foam items such as cups, plates, trays, or clamshell containers. There is a six month grace period from when the ban goes into effect on January 1, 2019 before fines can be imposed. DSNY, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and the Department of Consumer Affairs will continue to conduct outreach and education in multiple languages to businesses throughout all five boroughs. During the six-month warning period, businesses that still use foam products may receive a “warning card” reminding them of the ban and directing them to DSNY outreach resources.

“This long-overdue ban will put an end to Styrofoam littering our streets and clogging our waterways,” said Mark Chambers, Director of the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability. “Now we must build on this progress by cutting out other wasteful, outdated products like single-use plastic bags and plastic straws.”

New Yorkers throw away 60 million pounds of foam products each year. To help educate businesses about the new law, the Department of Sanitation has already contacted over 129,000 retailers and food service establishments. DSNY is also coordinating with elected officials, community boards, business improvement districts, business organizations and other stakeholders to ensure New Yorkers understand how to comply with this law. The Department’s Commercial Outreach team provides free in-person trainings and online webinars to businesses and will be conducting site visits around the city during the six-month warning period. Businesses can request to host a training or sign-up for a scheduled one by

Non-profits and small businesses with less than $500,000 in revenue per year may apply for hardship exemptions from the Department of Small Business Services if they can prove that the purchase of alternative products not composed of EPS would create undue financial hardship. Waivers granted will be valid for a one-year period beginning July 1, 2019 and on a rolling basis.

"Small businesses are the backbone of our city's economy - and DCA is committed to helping them thrive," said DCA Commissioner Lorelei Salas. "We are proud to partner with our fellow city agencies and play a role in ensuring zero waste to landfills by 2030 while also making sure businesses are not only aware of, but are operating under the law."

Under the de Blasio administration, New York City has become a global leader on climate change and sustainability. In 2014, Mayor de Blasio committed to reducing New York City’s greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050. In 2017, the Administration doubled down on its commitment to sustainability by delivering the first-ever city plan to align with the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting warming to the global 1.5° Celsius target. To protect New Yorkers, the City is also moving forward with a $20 billion resiliency program designed to ensure that our neighborhoods, economy, and public services will be ready to withstand and emerge stronger from the impacts of climate change.

The City is also holding polluters to account by suing the five largest investor-owned fossil fuel companies who have contributed the most to climate change and is standing up for future generations and New York City pension holders by being the first major city in the nation to commit to divesting pension funds from fossil fuels. Building on this commitment, Mayor de Blasio, Comptroller Scott Stringer, and City pension trustees recently announced a goal of doubling New York City’s pension fund investments in climate solutions to $4 billion by 2021. In 2018, the City also launched “Bring It,” a sustainability campaign focused on empowering young New Yorkers to reduce waste and create a cleaner, fairer city.

Who is Covered:
* For-profit or not-for-profit: food service establishments, mobile food commissaries, and stores that sell or use foam items; and
* Manufacturers and distributors of polystyrene foam packaging that are located or operate within any of the five boroughs of New York City.

What is Covered:
* Single-service foam items including cups, bowls, plates, takeout containers and trays.
* Foam loose fill packaging, commonly known as “packing peanuts.”

What is Not Covered:
* Foam containers used for prepackaged food that have been filled and sealed prior to receipt by the food service establishment, mobile food commissary, or store.
* Foam containers used to store raw meat, pork, fish, seafood or poultry sold from a butcher case or similar appliance.
* Foam blocks used as protective packaging in shipping.

For more information, visit:

About EPS:
* Expanded polystyrene is a plastic resin manufactured into consumer products such as “foam” cups, containers, trays, plates, clamshell cases and egg cartons.
* EPS is a major source of neighborhood litter and hazardous to marine life. EPS foam is a lightweight material that can clog storm drains and can also end up on our beaches and in New York Harbor. EPS containers can break down into smaller pieces, which marine animals may mistake for food. The environmental assessment prepared for the bill found that expanded polystyrene particles can wind up in the harbor, and in the floating gyre of non-biodegradable plastic debris that has been found in the Atlantic Ocean – creating a hazard for marine life such as sea turtles and fish.
* EPS is already banned in cities across the country, including Washington, DC, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Oakland, Portland, Albany, and Seattle. In total, more than seventy cities have banned foam and businesses large and small have shifted to alternative products that are biodegradable or otherwise recyclable.

Monday, December 31, 2018

Mayor de Blasio to Push the Button at 11:59 PM

Mayor de Blasio, First Lady McCray and Executive Director of the Committee to Protect Journalists Joel Simon will push the button at the New Year’s Eve Ball Drop.

Image result for new year in times square 2019 photos

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Parkchester Kwanzaa Celebration

  It was the 52nd Anniversary of Kwanzaa at St. Helena's Church in Parkchester. Nubia Leader was the Mistress of Ceremony, various holiday entrainment performed, the lighting of the Kwanzaa Candles, Parkchester 87th Assembly District Leader John Perez along with 79th Assemblyman Michael Blake (also a candidate for the vacant Public Advocate office), and lots of vendors made this a wonderful evening. 

Above - The lighting of the Kwanzaa Candles by Ms. Nana Zakia.
Below - Mr. Hilliard Greene on the Bass Fiddle.

Above - Mr. King Lagee and Ms. Sarah Thomas are with event organizer Debra Oguamah.
Below - Parkchester District Leader John Perez speaks with Ms. Ogusmah.

Above - Some more entertainment.
Below - Assemblyman (and candidate for Public Advocate) Michael Blake address the large crowd.

Christ Disciples International Ministries Food Pantry Saturday Mission

 Over 500 people came to the Christ Disciples International Ministries Food Pantry this past Saturday to pick up some much needed fresh fruits, vegetables, bread, and other food that a family needs but can not afford. This is a weekly occurrence by a few greatly appreciated donors such as Western Beef, Shabbir Gul, the Albanian American Open Hand Association, and the many volunteers who assist in handing out the free food.

Assemblyman Jose Rivera was on hand to capture some of the 'act of kindness' as he interviews Shabbir Gul a Bronx business owner and Mr. Aleksander Nilaj of the AAOHA. The fourth person is one of the volunteers. Also on hand was 87th A.D. District Leader Sergeant John Perez. No photos of the people receiving food were taken to uphold their dignity. About a full truckload of food was distributed. 

NYPD Outlines Security Measures for Security on New Year's Eve in Times Square

Hundreds of Thousands Expected to Safely Gather in Times Square to Ring in 2019

  The New York Police Department announced today security measures for the annual New Year's Eve celebration in Times Square. Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner James P. O'Neill were joined by other top officials at the announcement, which was held at NASDAQ. The New York Police Department continues to maintain a robust overlay of police officers to ensure the safety of the celebrators.

"The NYPD routinely does a great job of planning and securing large-scale events around New York City," Police Commissioner James P. O'Neill said. "Simply put, this is what we do — and New Year's Eve, when the eyes of the world are on us, is certainly no exception. Nothing in our profession is done alone, however, and our members work hand-in-hand with our law-enforcement partners — including the FBI, the New York State Police, the MTA Police, and many others — all throughout the year in preparation. This unrivaled collaboration allows us to carry out our shared mission of delivering the safest and most enjoyable event possible, up to and through the ball-drop in Times Square."
"New Yorkers have much to be thankful for and celebrate this year," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. "We're on track to becoming yet again the safest big city in our nation thanks to the women and men in blue who defend and protect our city every day. Our officers are fostering connections with community leaders and neighborhood organizations to build on our neighborhood policing progress and make New York City not just safest, but fairest big city in America."
As in years past, those attending the celebration in Times Square will be screened. Backpacks, large bags, umbrellas, and alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited. Property may not be left checkpoints. At approximately 11 a.m., attendees will be directed by police officers to gather in separate viewing pens. As the pens get populated, the entertainment from 43rd Street between Sixth and Eighth Avenues will continue to move north up to Central Park, due to the ball drop from the southern end. Please note, attendees who leave before the ball drops will not be able to regain entry to their original viewing area.
Beginning at 4 a.m. on Monday, December 31st, 2018, Times Square will be closed to vehicular traffic. People should avoid all cross-town streets from 34th to 59th Streets, as well as Sixth and Eighth Avenues. A traffic advisory with a comprehensive list of street closures is available on our website.
Mass transit is strongly encouraged due to expected heavy traffic delays and parking restrictions. Remember, large backpacks, lawn chairs, umbrellas and alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited. Anyone who sees suspicious activity should alert a police officer or call 911. The NYPD's terrorism hotline is 888-NYC-SAFE.
The New York Police Department announced today security measures for the annual New Year's Eve celebration in Times Square. Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner James P. O'Neill were joined by other top officials at the announcement, which was held at NASDAQ. The New York Police Department continues to maintain a robust overlay of police officers to ensure the safety of the celebrators.
"The NYPD routinely does a great job of planning and securing large-scale events around New York City," Police Commissioner James P. O'Neill said. "Simply put, this is what we do — and New Year's Eve, when the eyes of the world are on us, is certainly no exception. Nothing in our profession is done alone, however, and our members work hand-in-hand with our law-enforcement partners — including the FBI, the New York State Police, the MTA Police, and many others — all throughout the year in preparation. This unrivaled collaboration allows us to carry out our shared mission of delivering the safest and most enjoyable event possible, up to and through the ball-drop in Times Square."
"New Yorkers have much to be thankful for and celebrate this year," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. "We're on track to becoming yet again the safest big city in our nation thanks to the women and men in blue who defend and protect our city every day. Our officers are fostering connections with community leaders and neighborhood organizations to build on our neighborhood policing progress and make New York City not just safest, but fairest big city in America."
As in years past, those attending the celebration in Times Square will be screened. Backpacks, large bags, umbrellas, and alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited. Property may not be left checkpoints. At approximately 11 a.m., attendees will be directed by police officers to gather in separate viewing pens. As the pens get populated, the entertainment from 43rd Street between Sixth and Eighth Avenues will continue to move north up to Central Park, due to the ball drop from the southern end. Please note, attendees who leave before the ball drops will not be able to regain entry to their original viewing area.
Beginning at 4 a.m. on Monday, December 31st, 2018, Times Square will be closed to vehicular traffic. People should avoid all cross-town streets from 34th to 59th Streets, as well as Sixth and Eighth Avenues. A traffic advisory with a comprehensive list of street closures is available on our website.
Mass transit is strongly encouraged due to expected heavy traffic delays and parking restrictions. Remember, large backpacks, lawn chairs, umbrellas and alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited. Anyone who sees suspicious activity should alert a police officer or call 911. The NYPD's terrorism hotline is 888-NYC-SAFE.