Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Congressman Engel and Assemblyman Dinowitz March in " Celebrate Isreal Parade"

 On Sunday June 3rd, Congressman Eliot Engel and Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz marched down Fifth Avenue with Students from the Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz in the "Celebrate Israel Parade".
Congressman Engel, Assemblyman Dinowitz, and students from the Kinneret Day School marching in the Celebrate Israel Parade. 
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Monday, June 4, 2012

Bronx Puerto Rican Day Parade

  Sunday June 3rd was the 25th Annual Bronx Puerto Rican Day Parade up the Grand Concourse from West 192nd Street to Van Cortlandt Avenue where the reviewing stand was set up. Even a small down pour midway through the parade that had many running for cover could not dampen the spirits of the thousands of people watching and marching in the parade with dozens of cars, floats, bicycles, a vintage fire engine, and more. The sun quickly came back out as did the people watching the parade.Below are some photos that i was able to get of the parade and marchers. you can click on a photo to enlarge it.

Left - 80th Assembly candidate Mr. Mark Gjonaj speaks to parade goers gathered at West 192nd Street.
Right - Assemblyman Jose Rivera with his camera filming his daughters opponent Mark Gjonaj.

Left - The beginning of the 25th Annual Peurto Rican Day Parade.  
Right - a vintage fire engine in the parade.

Left - Congressman Charlie Rangel
Right - State Senator Adriano Espiallat.
Both are candidates in the new 13th Congressional District, that the parade went right through.
Congressman Jose Serrano with 78th A.D. State Committeeman Ricky Martinez (waving to the crowd), 80th A.D. Male District Leader Kenny Agosto (on crutches right), and some other local democratic leaders.   

Left - The Jose Rivera banner minus Assemblyman Rivera.
Right - first part of 80th Assembly candidate Mark Gjonaj entry in the parade.

Left - is the second part of 80th Assembly candidate Mark Gjonaj's
parade entry, beautiful colorfully dressed belly dancers.
Right - some of the marchers.

Left - a karate demonstration by some local youths.
Right - The Police Department ends the parade as they started it.

Both photos are just some of the action that took place on the reviewing stand as the parade went by.


  City Comptroller John C. Liu stated the following in response to questions about the board of directors election at Wal-Mart:

“Outside shareholders delivered a stinging rebuke to Wal-Mart’s top leadership by casting more than 30% of our votes against the company’s chairman, CEO and former CEO.  The results are a vote of no confidence that sends a message to Wal-Mart’s entire board, which has ignored our concerns and failed to safeguard the company’s standards of ethical and legal compliance.  It’s up to the board now to restore investor confidence.  Directors need to increase their independence and initiate a truly independent investigation into reports that Wal-Mart executives covered-up widespread bribery in Mexico and hold accountable any executives involved.” 

Comptroller Liu and the NYC Pension Funds encouraged fellow shareowners to vote against five Wal-Mart directors.  Because the Walton family, directors, and officers control 50.12% of Wal-Mart outstanding shares it was understood that a majority vote against re-election of board members was mathematically impossible. 

In order to present an accurate assessment of the board election votes cast non-insiders, we have deducted the 1.7 billion shares owned by company officers and directors, which includes members of the Walton family. Based on the remaining outside shares voted, the five directors opposed by Comptroller Liu and the NYC Pension Funds received the following votes in opposition: Former CEO H. Lee Scott Jr. (38.4% against), Christopher Williams, Audit Committee Chair (32.8% against), Michael T. Duke, CEO (32.2% against), S. Robson Walton, Chairman (31.2% against), Arne Sorenson, Audit Committee Director (9.9% against).


By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York 

It Does Not Make Sense

  Mayor Michael Bloomberg  wants  to dictate to us how much soda we should drink.  With this action Mayor Bloomberg confirmed what I wrote a few weeks ago on one of my “What You Should Know” columns, that some elected officials want to create in New York a Nanny State.
  For your information, in case you did not read it before I am including inserts of what I wrote before.
You should know that some Members of the New York State Legislature are pushing hard to prevent McDonald’s and certain restaurants from giving out toys to children when they receive their meals unless those meals meet certain standards.
  Senate Bill 6386, sponsored by Senator Gustavo Rivera, and Assembly Bill 7662, sponsored by Assembly Member Felix Ortiz, both Hispanic and Puerto Rican, are calling for a law to dictate which restaurants may or may not distribute toys or as they call them, “incentives,” to children, especially poor children in our communities, when their parents take them to McDonald’s or any other restaurant to purchase a meal.  Now Mayor Michael Bloomberg has join them in banning the sale and purchase of  any  bottle of sodas of more than 16 ounces.
  It does not make sense and it is disturbing to see these same elected officials fight tooth and nail to give a woman the right to kill an unborn baby, because according to them, it is a woman’s choice to do what they want with their bodies.   Michael Bloomberg, Gustavo, Felix and others have no problem in being pro-choice and giving a woman a right to murder an unborn baby, but they have problems and are willing to take away the right of the mother and father or child to eat whatever they want. 
  Don’t get me wrong, I believe that obesity is a problem and that people should be more careful with what they eat, but if people want to be fat and eat hamburgers or anything they want, it is their right to allow them to eat whatever they want. I think that it is a lot better to be fat than to terminate the life of an unborn, innocent baby. Does anyone believe that people are elected into office to regulate what food and drinks moms and dads can serve their children? 
  Do these same elected officials who fight for any woman to have a supposed right to choose to kill her unborn baby realize that they are way out of line to try to assume authority over moms by telling them what to give her child to eat or drink?
  When pro-lifers like me state the obvious that abortion affects two lives and that the fetus is a life, and that to crack their skulls with forceps or to use saline water to be evaporated, the pro-choice, pro-abortion politicians argue back with that old clichĂ© “my body, my choice”. I’m pretty sure that Mayor Bloomberg, Assembly Member Ortiz and Senator Rivera would stand by their side.  How can those same  officials think they have the right to tell moms how they should feed their children or what to drink?
  Parents struggle to do what’s best for their children, and at least so far, in this country parents are not dictated to by local elected officials about how to feed their children.  If they want to cook at home, they can. If they want to go out and eat and drink 32 ounces of soda, they can.
You should know that there are more important issues before us in the State and City of New York, and we sure don’t need Mayor Bloomberg, Senator Rivera, Assembly Member Ortiz and others  to divert our attention by creating a Nanny State.
I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.
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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Bronx Democratic County Committee 2012 Dinner

Bronx Democratic County Committee
Assemblyman Carl E. Heastie, Chairman
2012 Annual Dinner
Marina del Rey
1 Marina Drive, Bronx, NY 10465
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Cocktails—6:00pm, Dinner and Program—7:00pm

Join us as we recognize these great honorees for their commitment to the Bronx

Simon Bergson
President and C.E.O.
Manhattan Beer Distributors

Fernando Brinn
Nandicarm, Ltd.

Marlene Cintron
Bronx Overall Economic Development Corp.

Ernest Logan
Council of School Supervisors and Administrators

Kathryn Wylde
President and C.E.O.
Partnership for New York City

Gregory Floyd
Teamsters Local 237

For more information, call (718) 704-7039, or email dinner2012@distinctivepa.com 


State Senator Rivera & Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. Launch Second Year of Bronx CAN Health Initiative

  State Senator Gustavo Rivera along with Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., Montefiore Medical Center and other community health partners launched the second year of the Bronx CAN Health Initiative on June 2nd at St. James Park. Dozens of Bronxites participated in Saturday's health fair, taking advantage of blood pressure screenings, a free yoga class and the advice of health care professionals.

"As an elected official that represents part of the Bronx, I was extremely concerned to learn that our borough the unhealthiest in the state and that there are higher rates of childhood obesity, diabetes and other preventable diseases in the 33rd Senate District,"  said Senator Gustavo Rivera.  "That is why last year when we launched the Bronx CAN Health Initiative, I pledged to make myself an example, losing over 27 lbs. since last June. This year I have pledged to continue to lose between 10-15 lbs. adhering to long-term goals that will ultimately have an enormous impact on my overall health. I encourage all Bronxites who haven't already joined me, to join me in taking the  Bronx CAN Health Challenge this year so that together we can make the Bronx healthier."

"I am delighted that the Bronx CAN Health Initiative is beginning its second year of education, inspiration and motivation for healthier lifestyles.  This year we will again launch the CAN Health Challenge, led by Senator Rivera, encouraging Bronxites to set some strategic wellness goals for the summer months.  We are also putting the finishing touches on a CAN Retail Challenge that is aimed at educating our Bronx retailers on the minor but significant adjustments they can make to provide healthier food options to their consumers," said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.  

"I am thrilled to join Senator Rivera and Borough President Diaz in the launch of the Bronx CAN Health Initiative" said Steven M. Safyer, MD, President & CEO of Montefiore Medical Center. "Our community leaders set tremendous examples for us, as does the partnership behind this important initiative. Montefiore is committed to furthering these efforts to promote physical exercise and healthier eating-choices crucial to reducing the rates of obesity and diabetes and to advancing the health of our borough.

"The Committee of interns and Residents is pleased to be partnering with the Bronx CAN Initiative for the second year in a row, " said Dr. Yusef Williams, Family Medicine Resident at Bronx Lebanon Hospital.  "As physicians practicing in the Bronx, we understand the importance of community projects like the Bronx CAN Initiative to empower Bronxites to make healthier choices.  We applaud Senator Rivera's and the Borough President's commitment to making the Bronx a healthier borough and we look forward to supporting the initiative."

The Bronx CAN Health Initiative was launched in response to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's study that showed the Bronx as the unhealthiest county in the state of New York. This initiative will tackle issues of obesity, nutrition, exercise and access to preventative health in the Bronx. The month of June and the June 2nd launch on the initiative will be focused on physical fitness and exercise.

Upcoming Bronx CAN events:
  • Saturday, July 7, 2012 - 1:30PM-3:30PM - Health Fair focused on Nutrition
  • Saturday, August 4, 2012 - 1:30PM - 3:30PM - Health Fair focused on Preventative Health & Health Screenings
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Thursday, May 31, 2012

RWDSU Slams Living Wage Veto

Statement from RWDSU President Stuart Appelbaum
Stuart Appelbaum, President of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU,UFCW), made the following statement in response to Mayor Bloomberg's veto of the Fair Wages for New Yorkers Act:
"This veto is a slap in the face to the overwhelming majority of New Yorkers who support the living wage legislation. Across the city, New Yorkers have built a movement for fairness and justice because they know the mayor's economic development policy has failed. Bloomberg will be remembered as the Mayor of Inequality. He forced taxpayers to line the pockets of a few wealthy developers while giving them nothing in return. On his watch, life has gotten worse, not better, for many New Yorkers--a shameful and alarming legacy to be sure. His policy of spending billions to perpetuate poverty-wage jobs has been an economic embarrassment and a moral outrage. Rest assured: we will work with the next mayor to implement the living wage bill, and put an end to this dark and disturbing chapter in the city's history." 

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STATEMENT FROM BOROUGH PRESIDENT DIAZ RE: Mayor Bloomberg's Veto of the 'Fair Wages for New Yorkers' Act

“It is unfortunate that Mayor Bloomberg has chosen to ignore the will of the City Council and the overwhelming majority of New Yorkers with his veto of the ‘Fair Wages for New Yorkers’ Act. This bill will ensure that, when our City’s tax dollars are used to make major development projects work, developers do better by their employees and pay them a ‘living wage.’

“This is an incredibly popular piece of legislation, one that has the potential to give City residents a chance to provide a better way of life for their families. I look forward to both the City Council’s override of this veto and to the day the ‘Fair Wages for New Yorkers’ Act becomes law,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.
