Thursday, May 8, 2014

State Senate Co-Leader Klein and UFT President Michael Mulgrew Announce $1.5 Million Investment in Community Schools

   State Senate Co-Leader Jeffrey D. Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester) and United Federation of Teachers President Michael Mulgrew announced a major $1.5 million citywide investment for New York City’s Community School Initiative on Thursday. The funding secured by the State Senate in the 2014-2015 New York State Budget will be allocated to enhance the academic, social, and community experience for city school children and their families.
“Community Schools have a profound, transformative effect in the lives of our school children and their families and I am pleased we were able to expand the initiative to new funding levels this year. These schools truly are schools for the 21st century, recognizing that the health and wellness of our students is as vital to their learning experience as educational programs,” said State Senator Jeffrey D. Klein.

"State Senator Jeff Klein has been an early and important supporter of Community Schools. He understands the value of placing much-needed health and community services where they have the most impact -- in our city schools. With Senator Klein's help we are working to spread Community Schools across the city,” said UFT President Michael Mulgrew.

The NYC Community Learning Schools Initiative is a non-profit organization that works to identify public schools in traditionally underserved neighborhoods and provide them with supplemental health, social and education services. Community Learning Schools are schools that are transformed into “hubs” through a collaboration of educators, school administrators, parents, volunteers, businesses, organizations and health services providers. Community schools already in operation offer a variety of services from school-based heath to youth development programs, tutoring and food banks. By integrating these services within an academic environment, students receive the care and comprehensive services and resources they need to succeed.

Selected schools are chosen to participate after submitting proposals to the NYC Community Learning Schools Initiative.

Wave Hill Events May 23–May 30: Celebrate Memorial Day!

Visiting artist Em Rooney invites us to create an environment of our liking for outdoor, spring enjoyment. Working primarily with air-dry, natural clay, make an inventive “patio” to take home with fossil-like imprints and structural features. Leave your patio in the rain and observe as it returns to nature. Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.

Sessions resume May 31.

Join a curatorial assistant for a tour of three current exhibitions. In the main gallery, Gregory Crewdson’s Fireflies series is being shown for the first time in its entirety. Crewdson’s photographs capture the fleeting light of these nocturnal creatures. Experience the natural landscape from the comfort of a domestic interior in Marek and Kristyna Milde’s Sunroom Project, an installation of planters shaped as couches and chairs. In the Sun Porch space, listen to With Hidden Noise, a traveling exhibition featuring evocative sounds, some recognizable from traditional instruments and field recordings, and others masked through electronic processes. Tours take place Tuesdays and Saturdays at 2PM. Free with admission to the grounds.

Visiting artist Em Rooney invites us to create an environment of our liking for outdoor, spring enjoyment. Working primarily with air-dry, natural clay, make an inventive “patio” to take home with fossil-like imprints and structural features. Leave your patio in the rain and observe as it returns to nature. Free with admission to the grounds.

Hatha Yoga sessions resume June 1.

Meditation sessions resume June 1.

Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free with admission to the grounds.

Wave Hill is open to the public.

Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights on this holiday Monday. Free with admission to the grounds.

Join us for an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free with admission to the grounds.

Join a curatorial assistant for a tour of three current exhibitions. In the main gallery, Gregory Crewdson’s Fireflies series is being shown for the first time in its entirety. Crewdson’s photographs capture the fleeting light of these nocturnal creatures. Experience the natural landscape from the comfort of a domestic interior in Marek and Kristyna Milde’s Sunroom Project, an installation of planters shaped as couches and chairs. In the Sun Porch space, listen to With Hidden Noise, a traveling exhibition featuring evocative sounds, some recognizable from traditional instruments and field recordings, and others masked through electronic processes. Tours take place Tuesdays and Saturdays at 2PM. Free with admission to the grounds.

A 28-acre public garden and cultural center overlooking the Hudson River  and Palisades, Wave Hill’s mission is to celebrate the artistry and legacy of its gardens and landscape, to preserve its magnificent views, and to explore human connections to the natural world through programs in horticulture, education and the arts.

HOURS  Open all year, Tuesday through Sunday and many major holidays: 9AM—4:30PM. Closes 5:30PM, March 15October 31.  
ADMISSION  $8 adults, $4 students and seniors 65+, $2 children 6—18. Free Saturday mornings until noon. Free until noon on Tuesdays in May. Free to Wave Hill Members and children under 6.

PROGRAM FEES  Programs are free with admission to the grounds unless otherwise noted.

Visitors to Wave Hill can take advantage of Metro-North’s one-day getaway offer. Purchase a discount round-trip rail far and discount admission to the gardens. More at

DIRECTIONS – Getting here is easy! Located only 30 minutes from midtown Manhattan, Wave Hill’s free shuttle van transports you to and from our front gate and Metro-North’s Riverdale station, as well as the 242nd Street stop on the #1 subway line. Limited onsite parking is available for $8 per vehicle. Free offsite parking is available nearby with continuous, complimentary shuttle service to and from the offsite lot and our front gate. Complete directions and shuttle bus schedule at

Information at 718.549.3200. On the web at

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Queens Councilman Ruben Willis Arrested on Corruption Charges

  Queens Councilman Ruben Willis has been taken into custody and charged with taking thousands of dollars in state and city monies for private use. The city money involved is reported to be $16,000.00 of matching campaign funds from Willis's 2009 campaign into a non profit bank account that went for personal purposes. The state monies include more than half of a $33,00.00 grant to the same non profit that were also used for personal purposes. Attorney General Eric Schniderman's office said that instead of going to help the people it was intended for the monies went to enhance Willis's reputation and aid in his election to office.

  Willis declared that he is innocent of all charges, and will fight them in court. Willis was elected to the city council in 2010, and was the former chief of staff to ex State Senator Shirley Huntley who was convicted of stealing from a different non profit and was given a one year sentence. The two cases are not related. Willis has since been stripped of the ability to steer any council funding. The full Daily News Article can be found here.


Senator Rivera and Assemblyman Pichardo Host a Job Fair

  In an effort to connect the Bronx’s diverse workforce with employers and help address our Borough’s unemployment rate, State Senator Gustavo Rivera and Assemblyman Victor M. Pichardo have partnered with community organization to host a job fair for local residents on Thursday, May 8th at the Police Athletic League.  Over 30 employers will be present at the event offering job seekers employment opportunities in a number of fields, including the healthcare, customer service and retail industries.

WHAT:     Job Fair  

WHO:      State Senator Gustavo Rivera
                 Assemblyman Victor M. Pichardo
                 World Changers Church
                 Bronx Chamber of Commerce
                 Boricua College      
                 The Bronx Library Center
                 Police Athletic League
WHEN:     Thursday, May 8, 2014   
                 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM   

WHERE:     Police Athletic League (PAL)
                  2255 Webster Avenue
                  Bronx, NY 10457      

* This event is free and open to the public. Job seekers are encouraged to dress in business attire and bring plenty of resumes. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Bronx Israel Independence Day Festival 2014

  With rain threatening the Israeli Independence Day Festival was moved indoors at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale. The two floors of space were filled with information tables upstairs while downstairs were the inflatables, clown, face painting, and entertainment. Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. was on hand to celebrate 66 year of Independence for the state of Israel. Councilman Andrew Cohen was also on hand, but Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz and State Senator Jeff Klein were stuck in Albany as both houses of the legislature are still in session.

Left - Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. colors in a section of the page.
Right - one of the many inflatables for the kids to enjoy.

Left - There was a face painter.
Right - Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr. with Mr. Clown who is pointing to his choice for BP, and no the clown was not another politician

Left - Councilman Andrew Cohen, BP Diaz, Rabbi Steven Exler, Rabbi Ari Holt (holding proclamation from BP Diaz), and Rabba Sara Hurwitz.
Right - The band Kids Rock for a Cause perform.

Avella Slams Koppell On Term Limits

 This one comes from the blog State of Politics. 
  Queens State Senator Tony Avella the latest member of the Independent Democratic Conference (IDC) is going after former Councilman and candidate for the 34th senate district for actively working to extend term limits during his time as a NYC councilman. 
  Avella in an interview said that Koppell is making negative remarks about IDC leader Senator Jeff Klein. It is Koppell however that did the most disgraceful, undemocratic action, ever by any elected official, that being to overturn the will of the people by extending term limits.Avella added that it happened while both he and Koppell were in the city council. You know if you want to talk about undemocratic action…he (Koppell) should be held to account to that. 

  The story continues by saying it was Koppell who introduced the legislation necessary to make that change. they quote Koppell as saying term limits “cut off people’s careers in politics which makes no sense”. From a 2009 Norwood News article on the term limit extension Koppell is quoted  “public can’t be trusted” to make good decisions about who to put into office to represent them. “Many people are not sophisticated enough to make some of these decisions. That’s why I believe in electing people who spend the better part of their lives working on these issues.”

  There is much more in the State of Politics story which can be found HERE.


NYC Rent Guidelines Board Announces Possible Rent Increase Rates

  In its first public meeting this year the NYC Rent Guidelines Board which determines allowable rent increases in the almost one million rent stabilized apartments in the city came back with an unusually low range of increases. For one year leases the Rent Guidelines Board has suggested a rent increase range from 0% - 3%. For two year leases the board has suggested a rent increase range of .5% - 4.5%. This is the lowest rent increase proposal in many years. The possibility of a 0% rent increase for the one year lease would be the lowest rent increase since the Rent Guidelines Board was created in 1969.

  The board consists of nine members - there are two members who represent tenants, two members who represent landlords, and five members of the public who have experience in housing, finance, or economics. The proposed Rent increase to take effect in October passed the first hurdle by an 8 - 1 vote. Tenant groups have lauded the proposed rent hikes, while representatives of owners are outraged by a possible 0% increase. 

  Last year the Rent Guidelines Board voted for a 4% increase for a one year lease, and 7.75% increase for a two year lease. The final decision of the Rent Guidelines Board will be announced at the boards June 23rd meeting at Cooper Union.

It is anticipated that the Rent Guidelines board will come in with a figure some where in the middle as has been done in the past. This will be the first test of how Mayor de Blasio is going to do on his commitment of building more affordable housing.

A Victory for the Conservatives of America

By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz

District 32 Bronx County, New York

A Victory for the Conservatives of America

You should know that on Monday May 5, 2014, the Unites States Supreme Court of America ruled in favor of a case established by a small town called Greece in upstate New York. This case was known as “The Case of the Town of Greece v. Galloway,” and it was in regards to prayers offered at public legislative meetings.

You should know that this was a ruling of immense importance and a great victory for the conservative movement, and for those religious organizations in America, and for the many people like us who have been fighting many years to bring prayer back to schools and to different public places. At the same time, it was a great defeat and setback for those that promote political correctness and for those that oppose prayer basing their opposition in not wanting to offend anyone.

It is surprising and shocking, but expected that most of the local newspapers and media completely ignored this magnificent victory and this great news. Those reporters who wrote something buried their articles deep on the inside pages of their publications. You should know that if the Supreme Court’s decision had been the other way, it would have been front page news.

Because of the importance of this news and what it means to many of us, I would like to quote two paragraphs written by Rev. Jason J. McGuire, Executive Director of New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms:
“The Supreme Court’s decision today is important and much-needed, as it protects the religious liberty of all Americans and upholds the quintessentially American tradition of prayer at government proceedings. The Court’s ruling clarifies once again that commencing government proceedings with prayer does not constitute an ‘establishment of religion’ in violation of the First Amendment. Further, the Court has reminded Americans that governing bodies which allow public prayer are not required to edit or regulate the content of the prayers that are offered, to go beyond the borders of their cities or towns to recruit a religiously diverse pool of prayer-givers, or to guarantee that no listeners are offended by what they hear during such prayers. So long as prayers at public meetings do not fall into a pattern of proselytizing others or denigrating different faiths, they do not violate the First Amendment.”

“Today’s decision is a victory for the free exercise of religion, for freedom of speech, and for freedom from judicial overreach. All Americans who believe that prayer and religious faith play a key role in our society should celebrate. All Christians should be thankful that our Supreme Court—unlike the Second Circuit Court of Appeals—has not given in to the voices of censorship and political correctness that would prevent us from praying in the name of Jesus in city, town, and village halls across the nation. And the Town of Greece and its legal counsel are to be commended for their perseverance in seeing this case through to its conclusion.”

How sweet it is, how great it is! Viva the Freedom of Speech and Viva the Freedom of Religion!
This is Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.