Saturday, May 14, 2016

Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. announce the celebration of “Abrazo Boricua in New York”

  Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz, in conjunction with  New York State Assemblymen Marcos Crespo, Luis Sepulveda, Michael Blake and newly-elected New York City Council Member Rafael Salamanca, will celebrate the Annual “Abrazo Boricua in New York.”   

Abrazo Boricua, a completely free annual banquet for 500 people, will take place at Maestro’s Caterers located at 1703 Bronxdale Avenue, Bronx, New York, on Thursday, June 9, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.  This event will honor the contributions of the Puerto Rican community in the State and City of New York .   

During the banquet Senator Ruben Diaz, together with the elected officials will be presenting proclamations and recognition to (5) distinguish members of the Puerto Rican community. 

For more Information, please call Leila Martinez at 718-991-3161.


   On Thursday, May 12th, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. in conjunction with The Hebrew Institute of Riverdale -“The Bayit,” hosted the Bronx Israeli Independence Festival.

“The Bronx joins with communities across the world in commemorating the 68th anniversary of the State of Israel, a historic day that instills joy and pride in Jewish people. This year’s celebration is even more special because it happens it falls during Bronx Week, when we get to highlight the best and brightest of our Borough. I can’t think of a better way to show the world that The Bronx is a friend of Israel and that the Jewish community in the Bronx is strong, vibrant and growing,” said Borough President Diaz.

The event was completely free and included a barbeque dinner, inflatable rides, puppet show, entertainment, music and much more.

Above - Long time Jewish leader not only Riverdale, and New York City, but the entire world Rabbi Avi Weiss, welcomes his good friend Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. to the Bayit the spiritual home of Rabbi Weiss. 
Below - Rabbi Weiss explains to BP Diaz just what the exhibits on the wall mean to the Jewish religion. 

Above - BP Diaz was so involved in the event, that he even helped out at one of the games for children who came to the event.
Below - Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz was on hand to help celebrate the event with BP Diaz, as was local Councilman Andrew Cohen (who is not in the photo).

Friday, May 13, 2016

The Bronx Chamber of Commerce - New Member Networking & Recognition Program May 25, 2016

Wednesday, May 25, 2016, 2:00-3:00 pm
Conference Center Hutch Metro Center
1200 Waters Place, Bronx, NY 10461
Network & Welcome the following companies that recently
joined The Bronx Chamber of Commerce:
Advance Auto PartsISE Office
Apple BankLafayette Avenue LLC
Arthur J GallagherNew Beginnings International Family Center
ATM Advantage LLCNew York Life Insurance
Celaj ManagementNew York Plumbing Supply
Children Foundation of AstorOriginal Energy
DJJ TechnologiesPark & Nguyen
Essen Metro UrgicareRescare, Inc.
Express Furniture WarehouseRite Check Cashing
Flushing BankS & M Moving & Storage
Green Street Solar PowerServco Industries
Houlihan-Parnes Realtors LLCStarAct LLC.
Hub Third Avenue Merchants AssociationWilliams Center
Membership Certificates and Membership Pins will be presented.

Refreshments will be available.
RSVP before May 20, 2016 by


Legislation Cracks Down on the Excessive Pricing of Lifesaving Pharmaceuticals

   Assembly Speaker Carl E. Heastie and Assemblyman Marcos A. Crespo announced the passage of legislation this week to prohibit medicine price gouging, an unscrupulous business practice involving lifesaving drugs that are in short supply and exorbitantly priced that then become unaffordable for patients who are fighting deadly illnesses.
“These falsely inflated medicine prices are crippling the ability of hospitals and health care providers to deliver the quality of care that patients expect and deserve,” said Heastie. “This bill will give the attorney general the authority to crackdown on these abuses and stop these profiteers who are preying on the vulnerability of sick people.”
“Overpriced medicines have been burdening our health care system and hindering the treatment of very ill patients for too long,” said Crespo. “The bill the Assembly passed will help restore fairness to the pricing of high-demand medicines and discourage nefarious pharmaceutical sales strategies that seek to make big bucks off the lives of sick people who are struggling to regain their health.”
The Assembly’s legislation (A.6731, Crespo) adds medicines, those that are publicly posted as drugs in short supply by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, to the list of goods and services that can be subjected to the state’s price gouging laws, and it empowers the state’s Attorney General to prosecute cases involving illegally priced medicines.
This anti-medicine gouging bill also permits the courts to determine when the price for a drug in short supply is unreasonably excessive and establishes the criteria for making such determinations.
Over the years there have been many media reports that have documented the impact of “gray market” vendors who purchase from small wholesalers or pharmacies quantities of scarce generic drugs that are then re-sold at prices many times higher than their initial price point. There have been news accounts involving vendors that have inflated the price of blood pressure medication from the normal price per dose of $25.90 to $1,200.
Medicine price gouging has caused significant disruptions to the medical treatment of patients who are battling life threatening health conditions. According to the data reported by the Associated Press in 2011, nearly two dozen experts found at least 15 deaths, in 15 months, that were blamed on the shortages of the right medicines not being readily available.

Editor's note:

However for this to become law it must also be approved by the State Senate, and then signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo. 

Ancient Order of Hibernians

1916 2016

Division #3

Bronx County

Remembering the Heroes of 1916

Annual Golf Tournament

Thomas Moore and Austin O’Hara

June 11 th Noon

Pelham / Split Rock GC.

Cost $150.00 Per Person

Returning to Jimmy Ryan’s Bar and Grill

3005 Middletown Road, Bronx, NY

Price includes:

Round of golf, Open Bar, Buffet

Prizes for best Golfer and Callaway winners

Hole sponsor from $100.00

Proceeds are awarded to 8 local catholic elementary graduating

student and St. Raymond’s GAA FC. Player of the year

Tournament Organizer; Danny Donovan 917-921- 2542

For more information, please contact:

President, Joe McManus 718-644- 1841

Bob Nolan 347-880- 1403



JUNE 11 TH 2016




Youth Got Talent (YGT):“Stirring Up The Gifts” Youth Summit May 21st

Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church
771 Fairmount Place
BronxNew York 10460
Reverend Dr. Torrence Robinson, Pastor
Church Telephone (718) 294-7129  Church Fax (347) 270-3207
 “Changing Position to Take Possession” (Joshua 3:1-5)

    The Youth Got Talent Committee of Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church (GMBC) invite you to attend our Youth Got Talent (YGT):“Stirring Up The Gifts” Youth Summit. It is scheduled to take place on (Saturday) May 21, 2016 (1:00 P.M.3:00 P.M) at GMBC, 771 Fairmount PlaceBronxN.Y. 10460; Reverend Dr. Torrence Robinson, Pastor.

The event is purposed to engage, motivate, challenge, and empower youth age 5 -25 years old  to think and act positively towards making healthy life choices; to make their dream of success reality.

The YGT Committee and Panelists will encourage and assist the youth to use their imagination, competitive edge, energy, talent, and creativity to participate in meaningful dialogue and strategic exercises to promote relational health development, effective dialogue, team building, and creative art performances. There will also be performances by youth whom auditioned last quarter for our annual YGT Competition & Show (which has been modified this year).

The desired outcomes of summit are for youth to:
  • Improve their level of communication with peers and adults;
  • Identify and develop leaders;
  • Assess their level of endurance, self control and time management;
  • Improve their ability to move beyond their current comfort levels and familiar groups to establish healthy and productive relationships through the use of their identified/unidentified gift, talent, and ability;
  • Improve their awareness of their strengths and self worth as a resource beneficial towards the growth and development of their family and community at large: socially, physically, emotionally, spiritually and economically. Also increase positive insight regarding their peers;
  • Prepare for participation in YGT: “SUTG” Competition & Show 2017;
  • Identify and engage/reengage in healthy and fun activities that supports refusal of  participation in  risky behaviors that can lead to alcohol & substance use/abuse, HIV infection, viral hepatitis, STD’s, incarceration, recidivism, and homelessness;
  • Ultimately glorify God in words, thoughts and deeds. entrepreneurship

We hope that you will be able to attend, and bring youth from your family and community. Light refreshment will be provided. The event is free. Charitable contributions are accepted. Please direct any questions to the YGT Committee Coordinator at (917) 226-7960.

Sis Carrie Taft, YGT Committee Coordinator
Youth Got Talent Committee Members:
Sisters Jordin Gill, Nakia Plummer, Deborah Mizell, Nakia Simmons;
Deacons Kim D. James, Elizabeth Gadson.

"Do not neglect the gift that is in you." 
(1Timothy 4:14a)


By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
District 32 Bronx County, New York

  You should know that if I had been the judge who sentenced Sheldon Silver, I would not have sentenced him to 12 years in prison.
It is important for you to know that in my political life, I have been a conservative democrat, with pro-life, anti-gay marriage, anti-gambling, anti-mixed martial arts, and anti-marijuana positions.
Sheldon Silver was my worst nightmare because he stood for everything I was against.
We all know that Sheldon Silver was arrested, indicted, and found guilty of extortion, fraud and money laundering, but in all of my political life, I have not seen anyone who has done more for senior citizens, women's rights, unions, funding for health care for the poor and needy, funding for public school education, and social service programs for straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender New Yorkers.
I don’t know anyone who has fought harder in government for the legalization of gay marriage than Sheldon Silver.  Sometimes I think that Sheldon Silver even put aside his Jewish religious beliefs in order to help the liberal movement and its causes.
It is true that he violated the law, and he should be punished, but where are all of the people he has represented and done so much for?
Sheldon Silver has experienced a public stoning in the media. He was berated and paraded in handcuffs, and forced to experience humiliation. For such a powerful person, he was forced to endure tremendous public shame.
Sheldon Silver lost his license to practice law, and lost his title as Speaker of the Assembly. He was forced to pay a $1.75 million dollar fine and forfeit $5.3 million dollars. His family has been put through hell.
My prayer is for Sheldon Silver, who is also battling prostrate cancer, and for his family. This is a very painful and difficult time for all of them.
We all know about Sheldon Silver’s miserable failings, but is everyone forgetting the good he has done for so many years? Where are all of the people he fought for? Where were all of the demonstrations and letters appealing to the judge for leniency before Sheldon Silver’s sentencing?
Sheldon Silver stood in the public arena and fought the good fight for liberal causes and rights, and I don’t see anyone who benefited from those fights anywhere, but I do see a public pile-on to completely destroy any memory of any good Sheldon Silver ever did for them.
For the record, Sheldon SIlver's fights were not for me, not for my beliefs, and not for my conservative democratic ideals.
After all Sheldon Silver has gone through: after being publicly stoned, punished and practically destroyed, after being handcuffed and humiliated, after having to lose his law license, title and Assembly seat, after all of the money that he had to pay back, and after putting his family through shame, I cannot comprehend the sentence he received.
The judge sentenced Sheldon Silver, a 72-year sick old man to 12 years in prison.
I believe that after all of the punishment described above, a few years would have been enough. Why have him die in prison?  I have seen murderers receive less time in prison for their crime .... as I always say, God hates ugly.
I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.

  If I was the Judge I would have thrown the book at him just like what happened. There is no place for elected officials like the former Assembly Speaker who abused his power for the almighty dollar. It is hoped that the U.S. Attorney roots out all corruption that has and is still going on at all levels of government. 
Maybe the former Speaker got sick worrying about what would happen if he got caught. Good health to you Senator Ruben Diaz Sr.

Statement Of U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara On Sentencing Of Former New York State Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos

    “In the span of just 16 months, we have seen the arrest, prosecution, conviction, and sentencing of both leaders of the New York State legislature.  The nearly simultaneous convictions of Sheldon Silver and Dean Skelos, whose corruption crimes were laid bare during fair and public trials, have no precedent.  And while Silver and Skelos deserve their prison sentences, the people of New York deserve better.  These cases show – and history teaches – that the most effective corruption investigations are those that are truly independent and not in danger of either interference or premature shutdown.  That will continue to be our guiding principle in exposing and punishing corruption throughout New York.  I thank the career investigators and prosecutors in my office, as well as FBI Assistant Director Diego Rodriguez and his entire team for their tremendous work in these two landmark prosecutions.  All New Yorkers who believe in clean government owe them an enormous debt of gratitude.”