Sunday, March 25, 2018

Just When is This Crater Going to Be Fixed?

  This could be on almost any New York City street, but this huge crater which can bend you rim and flatten your tire, as well as doing more unseen damage to your car has gone unrepaired since at least Friday when it was reported to the city.

  Here you can see just how large this crater is as it almost swallows up this tire , but just what damage did this crater do to this car?
  Where is this you say? 

  This crater is on East 210th Street just past the intersection with Rochambeau Avenue at the south entrance to Montefiore Hospital which is in the background. Hospital security said that the crater was called into the DOT on Friday so the city has had notification.

 When I e-mailed the Deputy Bronx Commissioner he sent out a crew to inspect the crater, and replied that the DOT notified the DEP since it is around a DEP sewer. He also answered my question as to when it would be fixed that I should ask DEP for the answer. 

There was also mention of suing the city for any damage to cars, and that goes through the City Comptrollers office or 311. 

City Council to Vote on Extending Rent Regulation Laws

Council to vote on Speaker’s bills enabling the State Legislature to expand rent regulations for all New Yorkers

  The New York City Council will vote to extend rent regulation laws in New York City.  The Council will also vote to require the Department of Education (DOE) to provide school-level data regarding students receiving special education services. In addition, The Council will vote to require the New York Police Department (NYPD) to report on the enforcement of marijuana possession. Finally, the Council will vote on a number of finance and land use items, including its FY 19 operating budget.
Extending Rent Regulation Laws
Introduction 600-A and Resolution 188-Asponsored by Speaker Corey Johnson,would extend the finding that a housing emergency exists in New York City, requiring the extension of rent regulation laws.
“Rent regulation is the most critical tool we have for maintaining affordable housing in New York City. Today, we are taking the first step by renewing the finding that we are still in a housing crisis, so the State can extend rent regulation for another three years.  This year’s Housing Vacancy Survey results are staggering and show that it is necessary for the City to extend rent regulation, and we will continue to work on legislation that protects tenants and we will continue to increase opportunities to access affordable housing. I thank Housing and Buildings Committee Chair Robert Cornegy for his support on this crucial legislation,” said Speaker Corey Johnson.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Attorney General Schneiderman And Governor Cuomo File Petition With Federal Government To Set Fair Fluke Quota

Outdated Fluke Allocation Hurts New York’s Commercial Fishing Industry
New York Retains Expert Fisheries Consultant to Improve Commercial License System
  Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman and Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced that New York has filed a petition with the federal government to establish fair quota allocations for the state’s commercial harvest of fluke, also known as summer flounder. The petition for revised allocations would put New York on more equitable footing with other East Coast states by correcting decades of injustice, increasing safety for fishers and allowing more fish to be landed in ports closer to where they are caught. New York’s petition, drafted by DEC and the Attorney General’s Office, is the first step in the legal process to bring equity to the state’s fluke quota.
“New York’s commercial fishing industry deserves a fair shake from the federal government,” Attorney General Schneiderman said. “Federal law requires that our nation’s marine fisheries be managed according to the best available science, and in a fair, efficient, and safe way.  Simply put, perpetuating New York’s unfair, outdated share of the commercial summer flounder fishery does not meet the requirements of the law.”
“Our federal government cannot rely on decades-old data to uphold these unreasonable fluke quotas, as they continue to put New York at a disadvantage to neighboring states, while ignoring the needs of communities across the state,” Governor Cuomo said. “New York’s commercial fishing industry has been held back by archaic federal restrictions for too long, and by taking action to defend fair treatment of our fishers, we will help this valuable industry reach its full potential.”
New York State has filed a petition with the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, and the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council to demand that commercial fluke allocations be revised to provide New York’s fishers with equitable access to summer flounder. New York is also reviewing other species where there is an unfair ‎allocation, including black sea bass and bluefish, and may pursue similar actions. 
“Low quotas and restrictive inter-state fishery management plans are putting unreasonable limits on New York’s commercial fishers,” said Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Basil Seggos. “These unfair and unbalanced quotas have forced New York State to restrict commercial fishing access and limit the prospects for new fishers in order to preserve viable opportunities for current participants. Changes to New York’s commercial licensing process must also be made to better serve New Yorkers and support our fishing industry.”
State-by-state allocations for commercial fluke were set in the early 1990s using incomplete landings data from 1980 through 1989. At that time, New York’s allocation was set at the region-low 7.6 percent of the coast-wide quota, while the state’s neighbors were allocated up to 15.7 percent for Rhode Island and 16.7 percent for New Jersey. Virginia and North Carolina were allocated 21.3 percent and 27.4 percent. New York’s commercial fishers and seafood dealers have suffered under this low allocation since the 1990s, resulting in daily trip limits of 50 pounds in 2017, and 70 pounds in 2016.
Scientific studies have shown that the distribution of summer flounder and the summer flounder fishery have shifted north toward New York waters since federal allocations were established. While these shifts should be acknowledged, neither the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council nor National Marine Fisheries Service require regular review and/or updating of allocations. In addition, an amendment to the fishery management plan that potentially includes the re-allocation of the commercial summer flounder quota has been slowly moving through the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council process since 2014, but has yet to result in the necessary updating and equitable changes to the system.
Commercial Fishing Licensing Revision
To modernize and improve the state’s commercial fishing licensing system and ensure it is a useful tool in managing the industry, DEC has retained the services of an experienced fishery management consultant. The consultant’s experience in managing state fisheries and licensing will enable him to capture the diverse views and needs of New York’s commercial fishing industry. ‎
Directed by DEC, the consultant will launch a comprehensive, stakeholder-driven analysis of New York’s current licensing system and will recommend strategic improvements to make it more efficient and better serve New York stakeholders. The work will begin immediately, and include a nine-part series of small, local meetings across Long Island, the New York City area, and Westchester to gather stakeholder input on issues such as latent licenses, transferability, the definition of a commercial fisher, license qualifiers, and the apprenticeship program.
Additional meetings with stakeholders and New York’s Marine Resource Advisory Council will be scheduled to gather feedback. The fisheries expert will make recommendations to DEC by the end of 2018 for action in 2019.
We don't normally comment on items such as this, but we are wondering why when Democratic President Obama came into office in 2008 this was not brought up. Now to wait until a Republican President is back in office seems to say what have the Governor and Attorney General of New York been doing the eight years before Donald Trump was elected? 

A.G. Schneiderman Announces State Prison Sentence For Long Island Man Convicted Of Stealing From Medicaid Funded Charity

John Cornachio Used “No-Show” Job to Steal More Than $800,000 from Bronx County Substance Abuse Treatment Provider Narco Freedom
John Cornachio Will Serve 2 to 6 Years in Prison, Pay $840,000 in Restitution  
All Defendants Indicted by AG Schneiderman in Connection with Narco Freedom Have Now Been Convicted
  Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman announced a state prison sentence of 2 to 6 years for John Cornachio, 63, of Oyster Bay, NY. Cornachio was convicted after trial of Grand Larceny in the Second Degree, a class C felony, for using a “no-show” job to steal from Narco Freedom Inc., a former Medicaid-funded, not-for-profit corporation based in the Bronx that was founded to provide substance abuse services throughout New York City. In addition to being sentenced to time in jail, Cornachio was ordered to pay $840,000 in restitution to the New York State Medicaid Fraud Restitution Fund.
“Stealing from Medicaid harms both our most vulnerable residents and New York taxpayers," said Attorney General Schneiderman. "No matter how sophisticated the scheme, my office will continue to prosecute Medicaid fraud and bring crooks to justice."
During the jury trial before Hon. Jeanette Rodriguez-Morick, the Attorney General’s office presented evidence that Cornachio colluded with Narco Freedom’s corrupt management and held a “no-show” job within the organization. Over a five year period, Cornachio collected over $500,000 in salary and benefits paid by Narco Freedom. As part of his “no-show” job, Narco Freedom provided Cornachio with health insurance, retirement benefits, and a generous car allowance that he used to lease a Land Rover, among other benefits. The evidence also showed that Cornachio obtained over $300,000 from Narco Freedom through B&C Management, a shell company with no actual business, which submitted fake invoices to Narco Freedom for services it never provided to the not-for-profit.  
In 2015, the Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (“MFCU”) indicted Narco Freedom Inc., CEO Alan Brand, Jason Brand, and other individuals and corporations for defrauding the state Medicaid program along with Cornachio. All defendants indicted by Attorney General Schneiderman in connection with Narco Freedom have now been convicted of various crimes, including Enterprise Corruption, Grand Larceny, and filing false information with government offices.
As part of the Narco Freedom investigation, the Attorney General also filed a civil action against Narco Freedom Inc. seeking asset forfeiture and other remedies, including treble damages and penalties under the New York State False Claims Act. The arrests and civil action stopped the illegal activity of Narco Freedom that exploited the Medicaid program and the vulnerability of thousands of Medicaid recipients, resulting in many millions of dollars in savings to Medicaid. As part of its plea and civil agreements, Narco Freedom acknowledged that it stole from Medicaid and admitted to filing false statements with various state agencies, including the New York State Department of Health and the Attorney General’s Charities Bureau, in efforts to deceive and defraud these agencies. In January 2016, Narco Freedom filed for bankruptcy. A bankruptcy court approved a $118 million settlement to settle Narco Freedom’s outstanding government claims, including those of New York State and the federal government; the precise amount to be recovered in the bankruptcy proceeding is yet to be determined. 
The Attorney General would like to thank the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, the Office of the New York State Medicaid Inspector General, the New York State Department of Health, the Human Resources Administration of the City of New York, and the Civil Division of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York.

Community Board 7 - 2nd Annual Women's Empowerment Summit

  The six hour event began in the Lehman College Lovinger Theatre, and ended in the Faculty Dinning Hall of the college. The event started with two Panel Sessions of five different successful women who gave a brief story of how they rose to the positions they currently are in. 

Panel One consisted of NYPD Chief of Community Affairs Nilda Hoffman, Councilwoman Vanessa Gibson, Ms. Sandra Erickson (President, Sandra Erickson Realty), Ms. KC Copeland (VP Morgan Stanley), and Bronx Parks Commissioner Iris Rodriguez-Rosa. 

Panel Two consisted of Ms. Maria Khury (President Khury Tours), Ms. Samantha Diliberti (Founder OrangeU Going), Television host Rhina Valentin, Suzanne M. Carter Esq., and Filmmaker and Producer Rachel Bradshaw.

The panels were also joined by Community Board 7 District Manager Ischia Bravo, and Community Board 7 Chair Adeline Walker-Santiago. 

After lunch in the Dinning Room of Lehman College awards were given to the following Mentors by CB 7. Chief of Operations for North Central Hospital Christina Contreras, Weight Management and Healthy Living Program Director Gloria Bent, Tracy Towers Tenant Association President Jean Hill, Fordham Hill Owners Corp. Board President Myrna Calderon, 52nd Precinct Community Affairs officer Crystal Reveron, Former Chief of Staff to Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj, and Bronx Regional Representative for Governor Andrew Cuomo Nathalia Fernandez, and Radio host Avril Francis. 

The seven Honorees with Community Board 7 Chair Adeline Walker-Santiago.

Republican/Conservative/Reform Candidate Gene DeFrancis opens Headquarters

  Today was the opening of the 80th Assembly Special Election headquarters for candidate Gene DeFrancis at the Bronx Republican office on Middletown Road in the Pelham Bay section of the Bronx. DeFrancis is the candidate of the Republican, Conservative, and Reform parties. He is running against Nathalia Fernandez the candidate of the Democratic and Independence Parties. 

  While the Republican Party of the Bronx has not had an elected official in office since the late State Senator Guy Velella that is not stopping the enthusiasm of the fifty plus people who turned out to meet and show their support for their candidate. 

  Candidate DeFrancis in a few interviews has told me that he will be running for the state assembly on his thirty year experience in the community versus what he said was his opponents lack of experience. He said that heis support is widely throughout the assembly district, and that he helped the former Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj in his win for the 13th City Council seat. For the record Councilman Gjonaj has endorsed Mr. DeFrancis's opponent. In speaking with Candidate DeFrancis today he said that his opponent seems to not want to debate him, as she has been either to busy or has other thing on her agenda. 

  Gary Axelbank's Bronxnet show Bronxtalk has a planned debate for the 80th Assembly District Special Election, but a date has not been chosen yet. there have been no announcements about any other debates as of yet. The date for the 80th A.D. Special Election is set for Tuesday April 24th.

Above - Candidate Gene DeFrancis meets supporters as he arrives at his ner campaign headquarters at the Bronx Republican office on Middletown Road. 
Below - DeFrancis goes inside to greet some more supporters.

Above - Candidate Gene DeFrancis speaks to his supporters about the upcoming special election.
Below - One of the variety of materials you may see for 80th A.D. candidate Gene DeFrancis.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Nine Iranians Charged With Conducting Massive Cyber Theft Campaign On Behalf Of The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps

Mabna Institute Hackers Penetrated Systems Belonging to Hundreds of Universities, Companies, and Other Victims to Steal Research, Academic Data, Proprietary Data, and Intellectual Property

  Rod J. Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General of the United States, Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, William F. Sweeney Jr., the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Field Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), and John C. Demers, Assistant Attorney General for National Security, announced today the unsealing of an indictment charging GHOLAMREZA RAFATNEJAD, EHSAN MOHAMMADI, ABDOLLAH KARIMA, a/k/a “Vahid Karima,” MOSTAFA SADEGHI, SEYED ALI MIRKARIMI, MOHAMMED REZA SABAHI, ROOZBEH SABAHI, ABUZAR GOHARI MOQADAM, and SAJJAD TAHMASEBI.  The defendants were each leaders, contractors, associates, hackers-for-hire, and affiliates of the Mabna Institute, an Iran-based company that was responsible for a coordinated campaign of cyber intrusions that began in at least 2013 into computer systems belonging to 144 U.S.-based universities, 176 universities across 21 foreign countries, 47 domestic and foreign private sector companies, the United States Department of Labor, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the State of Hawaii, the State of Indiana, the United Nations, and the United Nations Children’s Fund.  Through the activities of the defendants, the Mabna Institute conducted these intrusions to steal over 30 terabytes of academic data and intellectual property from universities, and email inboxes from employees of victim private sector companies, government victims, and non-governmental organizations.  The defendants conducted many of these intrusions on behalf of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s (“Iran”) Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (“IRGC”), one of several entities within the government of Iran responsible for gathering intelligence, as well as other Iranian government clients.  In addition to these criminal charges, today the Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated the Mabna Institute and the nine defendants for sanctions for the malicious cyber-enabled activity outlined in the Indictment.

Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein said:  “These nine Iranian nationals allegedly stole more than 31 terabytes of documents and data from more than 140 American universities, 30 American companies, five American government agencies, and also more than 176 universities in 21 foreign countries.  For many of these intrusions, the defendants acted at the behest of the Iranian government and, specifically, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.  The Department of Justice will aggressively investigate and prosecute hostile actors who attempt to profit from America’s ideas by infiltrating our computer systems and stealing intellectual property.  This case is important because it will disrupt the defendants’ hacking operations and deter similar crimes.”
Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “Today, in one of the largest state-sponsored hacking campaigns ever prosecuted by the Department of Justice, we have unmasked criminals who normally hide behind the ones and zeros of computer code.  As alleged, this massive and brazen cyber-assault on the computer systems of hundreds of universities in 22 countries, including the United States, and dozens of private sector companies and governmental organizations was conducted on behalf of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard.  The hackers targeted innovations and intellectual property from our country’s greatest minds.  These defendants are now fugitives from American justice, no longer free to travel outside Iran without risk of arrest.  The only way they will see the outside world is through their computer screens, but stripped of their greatest asset – anonymity.”     
FBI Assistant Director William F. Sweeney Jr. said:  “The numbers alone in this case are staggering, over 300 universities and 47 private sector companies both here in the United States and abroad were targeted to gain unauthorized access to online accounts and steal data.  An estimated 30 terabytes was removed from universities’ accounts since this attack began, which is roughly equivalent of 8 billion double-sided pages of text.  It is hard to quantify the value on the research and information that was taken from victims but it is estimated to be in the billions of dollars. The nine Iranians indicted today now find themselves wanted by the FBI and our partner law enforcement agencies around the globe – and like other cyber criminals they will soon learn their ability to freely move was just limited to the virtual world only.” 
According to the allegations contained in the Indictment[1] unsealed today in Manhattan federal court:
Background on the Mabna Institute
GHOLAMREZA RAFATNEJAD and EHSAN MOHAMMADI, the defendants, founded the Mabna Institute in approximately 2013 to assist Iranian universities and scientific and research organizations in stealing access to non-Iranian scientific resources.  In furtherance of its mission, the Mabna Institute employed, contracted, and affiliated itself with hackers-for-hire and other contract personnel to conduct cyber intrusions to steal academic data, intellectual property, email inboxes and other proprietary data, including ABDOLLAH KARIMA, a/k/a “Vahid Karima,” MOSTAFA SADEGHI, SEYED ALI MIRKARIMI, MOHAMMED REZA SABAHI, ROOZBEH SABAHI, ABUZAR GOHARI MOQADAM, and SAJJAD TAHMASEBI.  The Mabna Institute contracted with both Iranian governmental and private entities to conduct hacking activities on their behalf, and specifically conducted the university spearphishing campaign on behalf of the IRGC.  The Mabna Institute is located at Tehran, Sheikh Bahaii Shomali, Koucheh Dawazdeh Metri Sevom, Plak 14, Vahed 2, Code Posti 1995873351.
University Hacking Campaign
The Mabna Institute, through the activities of the defendants, targeted over 100,000 accounts of professors around the world.  They successfully compromised approximately 8,000 professor email accounts across 144 U.S.-based universities, and 176 universities located in foreign countries, including Australia, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.  The campaign started in approximately 2013, and has continued through at least December 2017, and broadly targeted all types of academic data and intellectual property from the systems of compromised universities, including, among other things, academic journals, theses, dissertations, and electronic books.  Through the course of the conspiracy, U.S.-based universities spent over approximately $3.4 billion to procure and access such data and intellectual property.
The hacking campaign against universities was conducted across multiple stages.  First, the defendants conducted online reconnaissance of university professors, including to determine these professors’ research interests and the academic articles they had published.  Second, using the information collected during the reconnaissance phase, the defendants created and sent spearphishing emails to targeted professors, which were personalized and created so as to appear to be sent from a professor at another university.  In general, those spearphishing emails indicated that the purported sender had read an article the victim professor had recently published, and expressed an interest in several other articles, with links to those additional articles included in the spearphishing email.  If the targeted professor clicked on certain links in the email, the professor would be directed to a malicious Internet domain named to appear confusingly similar to the authentic domain of the recipient professor’s university.  The malicious domain contained a webpage designed to appear to be the login webpage for the victim professor’s university.  It was the defendants’ intent that the victim professor would be led to believe that he or she had inadvertently been logged out of his or her university’s computer system, prompting the victim professor for his or her login credentials.  If a professor then entered his or her login credentials, those credentials were then logged and captured by the hackers.
Finally, the members of the conspiracy used stolen account credentials to obtain unauthorized access to victim professor accounts, through which they then exfiltrated intellectual property, research, and other academic data and documents from the systems of compromised universities, including, among other things, academic journals, theses, dissertations, and electronic books.  The defendants targeted data across all fields of research and academic disciplines, including science and technology, engineering, social sciences, medical, and other professional fields.  At least approximately 31.5 terabytes of academic data and intellectual property from compromised universities were stolen and exfiltrated to servers under the control of members of the conspiracy located in countries outside the United States.
In addition to stealing academic data and login credentials for university professors for the benefit of the Government of Iran, the defendants also sold the stolen data through two websites, (“Megapaper”) and (“Gigapaper”).  Megapaper was operated by Falinoos Company (“Falinoos”), a company controlled by ABDOLLAH KARIMA, a/k/a “Vahid Karima,” the defendant, and Gigapaper was affiliated with KARIMA.  Megapaper sold stolen academic resources to customers within Iran, including Iran-based public universities and institutions, and Gigapaper sold a service to customers within Iran whereby purchasing customers could use compromised university professor accounts to directly access the online library systems of particular United States-based and foreign universities.
Prior to the unsealing of the Indictment, the FBI provided foreign law enforcement partners with detailed information regarding victims within their jurisdictions, so that victims in foreign countries could be notified and so that foreign partners could assist in remediation efforts.
Private Sector Hacking Victims
In addition to targeting and compromising universities, the Mabna Institute defendants targeted and compromised employee email accounts for at least approximately 36 United States-based private companies, and at least approximately 11 private companies based in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, and exfiltrated entire email mailboxes from compromised employees’ accounts.  Among the United States-based private sector victims were three academic publishers, two media and entertainment companies, one law firm, 11 technology companies, five consulting firms, four marketing firms, two banking and/or investment firms, two online car sales companies, one healthcare company, one employee benefits company, one industrial machinery company, one biotechnology company, one food and beverage company, and one stock images company.
In order to compromise accounts of private sector victims, members of the conspiracy used a technique known as “password spraying,” whereby they first collected lists of names and email accounts associated with the intended victim company through open source Internet searches.  Then, they attempted to gain access to those accounts with commonly-used passwords, such as frequently used default passwords, in order to attempt to obtain unauthorized access to as many accounts as possible.  Once they obtained access to the victim accounts, members of the conspiracy, among other things, exfiltrated entire email mailboxes from the victims.  In addition, in many cases, the defendants established automated forwarding rules for compromised accounts that would prospectively forward new outgoing and incoming email messages from the compromised accounts to email accounts controlled by the conspiracy.
In connection with the unsealing of the Indictment, today the FBI issued a FBI Liaison Alert System (FLASH) message, providing detailed information regarding the vulnerabilities targeted and the intrusion vectors used by the Mabna Institute in their campaign against private sector companies, to provide the public with information to assist in detecting and remediating the threat.
U.S. Government and NGO Hacking Victims
In the same time period as the university and private sector hacking campaigns described above, the Mabna Institute also conducted a computer hacking campaign against various governmental and non-governmental organizations within the United States.  During the course of that campaign, employee login credentials were stolen by members of the conspiracy through password spraying.  Among the victims were the following, all based in the United States:  the United States Department of Labor, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the State of Hawaii, the State of Indiana, the State of Indiana Department of Education, the United Nations, and the United Nations Children’s Fund.  As with private sector victims, the defendants targeted for theft email inboxes of employees of these organizations.
GHOLAMREZA RAFATNEJAD, EHSAN MOHAMMADI, ABDOLLAH KARIMA, a/k/a “Vahid Karima,” MOSTAFA SADEGHI, SEYED ALI MIRKARIMI, MOHAMMED REZA SABAHI, ROOZBEH SABAHI, ABUZAR GOHARI MOQADAM, and SAJJAD TAHMASEBI, the defendants, are citizens and residents of Iran.  Each is charged with one count of conspiracy to commit computer intrusions, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison; one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison; two counts of unauthorized access of a computer, each of which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison; two counts of wire fraud, each of which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison; and one count of aggravated identity theft, which carries a mandatory sentence of two years in prison.  The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencings of the defendants will be determined by the assigned judge.
Mr. Berman praised the outstanding investigative work of the FBI, the assistance of the United Kingdom’s National Crime Agency (NCA), and the support of the OFAC.  The case is being handled by the Office’s Complex Frauds and Cybercrime Unit.  Assistant United States Attorneys Timothy T. Howard, Jonathan Cohen, and Richard Cooper are in charge of the prosecution, with assistance provided by Heather Alpino and Jason McCullough of the National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section.
The charges contained in the Indictment are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.   
 [1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Indictment, and the description of the Indictment set forth herein, constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

Doctor Sentenced To More Than 9 Years In Prison For Selling Fentanyl That Resulted In Manhattan Man’s Overdose Death

  Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that AVINOAM LUZON was sentenced this afternoon to 110 months in prison for selling fentanyl that resulted in the overdose death of Gabriel Tramiel, 32, of Manhattan, on October 22, 2016.  LUZON was sentenced today by United States District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan.

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “Today, Avinoam Luzon was sentenced to prison for selling a lethal dose of fentanyl that took the life of Gabriel Tramiel.  He committed this crime as a trained medical doctor and while enrolled as a graduate student in public health at a university in Manhattan.  Luzon’s conduct helped fuel the nation’s most serious health crisis, the opioid abuse epidemic.”
According to the Information and other documents filed in federal court, as well as statements made during LUZON’s plea proceeding and sentencing:
In the early morning hours of October 23, 2016, Gabriel Tramiel was found dead by his wife.  The medical examiner determined the cause of Tramiel’s death to be acute fentanyl intoxication.  The night before, LUZON and Tramiel met at a drug store on the Upper West Side of Manhattan where LUZON sold Tramiel a quantity of fentanyl. Tramiel then purchased a nasal spray bottle, and the two went to a nearby restaurant where Tramiel used the drugs in the restaurant bathroom. When Tramiel returned to the table, he was visibly inebriated from the effects of the narcotic. Shortly thereafter, surveillance video recovered from the apartment building where Tramiel died showed Tramiel inhaling the contents of the nasal spray bottle in the elevator. Tramiel died a few hours later.  When LUZON learned of Tramiel’s death the following morning, LUZON called Tramiel’s wife and said he “might be responsible” but claimed he had given Tramiel “liquid morphine.” The contents of the nasal spray bottle used by Tramiel were tested and determined to be fentanyl. Law enforcement later searched LUZON’s dorm room and recovered over 160 grams of fentanyl and numerous nasal spray bottles. 
In November 2017, LUZON pled guilty before United States Magistrate Judge Debra Freeman.  At his guilty plea, LUZON admitted that he had intentionally and knowingly distributed fentanyl to Tramiel on October 22, 2016.  Tramiel was found dead the next morning.
In addition to the prison term, LUZON, 33, of Mountain View, California, was sentenced to three years of supervised release.
Mr. Berman praised the outstanding work of the New York City Police Department.  Mr. Berman also thanked the New York State Department of Health’s Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement for their assistance with this investigation.