Thursday, June 21, 2018


Senator Rivera Calls On the NYS Office of Children and Family Services To Utilize Oversight to Ensure Safety and Reunification of Separated Migrant Children  

  State Senator Gustavo Rivera condemns the Trump administration's inhumane implementation of its "zero tolerance" immigration policy, which has forcibly separated migrant children from their families while they await immigration proceedings. Senator Rivera is also calling on New York State agencies to utilize their oversight authority over not-for-profit organizations operating in New York that have been contracted by the federal government to house children affected by this policy.

Today, the Trump administration signed an Executive Order claiming to end family separations. However, the administration still aims to continue its policy of criminally prosecuting anyone crossing the border and indefinitely detaining families at facilities. It has also neglected to announce a course of action for implementing reunification plans for the children they have already separated from their families.
In the last several weeks, it has been reported that approximately 100 or more of these separated migrant children have been placed in 10 private facilities designated for unaccompanied and refugee minors in New York State, including three in The Bronx. Echoing the public outcry and repudiation toward such an abhorrent policy, Senator Rivera joined fellow New Yorkers in their support of Governor Cuomo's plan to file a lawsuit against the federal government over this policy.
"The reports of children being separated from their families immigrating to our country are distressing, unsettling, and maddening. The placement of approximately 100 separated children in New York State obliges us to elevate our responsibility to them by providing them with the care they deserve, and ultimately ensuring that they are reunified with their families," said State Senator Gustavo Rivera. "While bringing attention to this issue is certainly critical, I urge my colleagues in government, in the media, and members of the community to respect the privacy of children in such facilities. Separated children are enduring an already traumatizing and invasive experience and we must do everything we can to limit further anguish. We will continue working to ensure their health and safety."
Senator Rivera is also calling on the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) to deploy inspectors and medical experts to these facilities to ensure the children are receiving adequate accommodations and developmentally appropriate services. OCFS should also assist these providers in identifying every resource possible to help the families in the process of reunification. To that effect, Senator Rivera and his staff have been in touch with state providers that may be housing separated children in their facilities and that generally hold contracts with the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement to house unaccompanied minors.

Read Senator Rivera's letter to OCFS here

Engel: Trump’s New Executive Order “Fails to Solve the Problem He Created”

 Congressman Eliot L. Engel released the following statement:

“President Trump’s new Executive Order fails to solve the problem that he created. Migrant families will still be detained together indefinitely, and there is no plan to reunite the thousands of children already separated from their parents. In America, we should not have to choose between separating or incarcerating children. 

“We’ve seen children in cages, and heard their cries. Now, we’ve found out that these children are being shipped thousands of miles across the country. Reports indicate that thousands of children have been ripped from their families and are being held at more than 100 shelters in 17 states. I’ve confirmed that children are being held in my district, in New York – 2,000 miles away from their parents, without any indication of when they will be reunited.

“Unfortunately, this Administration refuses to be transparent. First, they denied that families were being torn apart, then they tried to blame Democrats, now the President has signed an Executive Order to end separation by detaining families indefinitely. This cannot continue.

“We need to know where each and every child is being held. Every single one of them.

“And we need concrete answers on how the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Health and Human Services plan to reunite these children with their families.”


On Friday, BP Diaz & Bronx Clergy Task Force will host a prayer vigil and rally Calling for the reunification of these children with their parents

  “My staff and I have received numerous inquiries regarding the news that children who have been separated from their parents at the border are being housed in The Bronx.

“Since this news of this humanitarian crisis was made public, my office has been in contact with the two social service providers that are contracted with the federal government to provide services for these children in our borough, Catholic Guardian Services and Lutheran Social Services of New York.

“Both of these organizations had been previously contracted by the federal government to provide services for unaccompanied minors, and in recent days have been forced to take on a new population of children who have been separated from their parents at the border.

“I have been assured by leadership at both organizations that these children are receiving the best possible care. They are not in prisons. They are going to school, receiving medical and counseling services, and are afforded legal representation in immigration court where appropriate. Given the sensitive nature of the current situation, as well as the need to protect these children from unwanted attention, the organizations will not disclose the locations where these children are being housed.

“My office will continue to monitor this difficult situation and be in touch with these social service providers to ensure these children are receiving the best of care. In the coming days my office will also be in touch with institutions across the city regarding ways the lives of these children can be made easier and more comfortable during their stay in this borough.

“President Trump’s cruelty is a stain on this nation.  On Friday, my office will host a prayer vigil and rally to call on this administration to reunite these children with their families and reverse this shameful, hateful, reprehensible policy,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

The prayer vigil will take place on Friday, June 22, 2018, on the steps of The Bronx County Building, 851 Grand Concourse, Bronx, New York. The event will begin at12:00 p.m., and will be co-sponsored by the Bronx Clergy Task Force.

Chairman Crowley Statement on President Trump’s Executive Order that Continues the Detainment of Families

   House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley released the following statement on President’s Trump executive order that continues the detainment of families:
“Our country has always been a beacon of light for those seeking safety and refuge. Instead of upholding these American values, President Trump has caged innocent babies and children. Tearing children out of the hands of their parents is immoral and inhumane, and should never have happened, let alone been an official policy of the United States. 
“While this order stops the separation of children from their parents, it does not end the administration’s despicable policy of unreasonably detaining asylum seekers and families fleeing violence. And the legislation put forward by House Republicans this week doubles down on this policy not only by allowing indefinite detention, but also by removing court-ordered protections that ensure safe conditions for detained children. President Trump and Republicans are manipulating the law and claiming a false choice to justify their anti-immigrant ideology. It is utterly shameful. 
“Instead of pushing legislation that endorses the Trump administration’s policy of detaining families, House Republicans should join Democrats in calling for an end to the policy and in making sure we reunite the families that have been ripped apart. The thousands of children who have spent days, weeks, and months without the love and support of their parents deserve nothing less.”

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Councilman Mark Gjonaj's Small Business Rally!

Councilman Mark Gjonaj's Small Business Rally!
Thursday, June 28th
City Hall


For more information, please call Councilman Mark Gjonaj's Office at 718-931-1721


  Mayor Bill de Blasio, United Federation of Teachers President Michael Mulgrew, Office of Labor Relations Commissioner Robert Linn and Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza today announced an agreement to provide six weeks of paid parental leave at 100 percent of salary for 120,000 UFT-represented employees – including all New York City public school teachers.

Paid parental leave will be available for the birth of a child for both birth parents and non-birth parents and adoption or foster of a child under the age of 6. Birth parents will be able to combine their current paid sick leave provisions with parental leave for up to 12 to 14 weeks total. It is estimated that more than 4,000 new parents will use this benefit annually. The benefit will begin on September 4, 2018.

“No teacher should have to come to school sick because they’re saving their sick days to have a baby,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “That’s not fair to our teachers and that’s not fair to our students. Today, we right that wrong and make the city a little fairer. We were at the forefront of paid parental leave policies when we announced the benefit for managers in 2015 and now we build on that legacy, extending it to 120,000 more New Yorkers who can plan for their families knowing they’ll have the support of their employer.”

As we have said for months, in New York City where collective bargaining is so strong, the place to resolve parental leave is with the unions, at the negotiation table. Through collective bargaining with the UFT, we were able to reach an agreement to provide this parental leave benefit – and we did it in a way that is fair to workers, the City and taxpayers,” said Robert W. Linn, Commissioner of the Office of Labor Relations. “We worked hard, we worked together and we showed that public sector bargaining can indeed work. It’s a crucial way to deliver a resource that allows new parents to balance the great work they do while caring for a new life.”

“As a parent, I can’t overstate how important it is for new parents to have the opportunity to care for and bond with their newborn. As Chancellor, I’m proud of this major step forward that gives teachers the security they deserve to take care of their own families without having to worry about losing a paycheck,” said Schools Chancellor Richard A. Carranza. “Today we’ve shown that New York City is dedicated to ensuring our tireless and committed teachers have a strong support system.”

“Our educators give so much to the children in their classrooms. Now, New York City has a way for educators to spend more time with their own children. I give credit to Mayor de Blasio. He knew this was important for our city. No mayor before him was willing to do it, but he got it done,” said UFT President Michael Mulgrew.

“Teachers are parents too, and they should be entitled to the same paid leave as any other working New Yorker. Giving teachers paid parental leave will not only be fair for them and their families but also fairer for their students and colleagues. I thank Mayor de Blasio, Chancellor Carranza for coming to an agreement with Michael Mulgrew and the United Federation of Teachers so our teachers can finally get the break they deserve. Today is an historic day for our educators and I congratulate them on this victory,” said Council Speaker Corey Johnson.

Comptroller Scott Stringer said, “All New Yorkers deserve paid parental leave and this deal for our incredible public school teachers is a huge step toward that goal. I want to thank Mayor de Blasio and United Federation of Teachers President Michael Mulgrew for reaching a solution that will lift up more than 120,000 families in New York City. No parent should have to choose between spending their first precious moments with a newborn child and risking their job. No parent should have to run out of vacation and sick days to care for a newborn whose life depends on them. Finally, our public school teachers will no longer have to make those sacrifices. I commend this solution on paid parental leave and look forward to continuing this momentum until all New Yorkers have access to this fundamental benefit.”

The contract covers all of the approximately 79,000 New York City public school teachers, plus UFT-represented school nurses, therapists, guidance counselors, secretaries and others. Eligible full-time and part-time employees may initially claim the benefit after being on payroll for a total of one calendar year. While on leave, they will be paid their full salary.

The new benefit will come at no new cost to New York City taxpayers. The City will contribute approximately $51 million to the UFT Welfare Fund annually. This will be offset by extending the 2009-2018 UFT collective bargaining agreement by approximately two and one-half months, and fringe benefit and other savings.

Cynthia Nixon Releases Statement on the End of the State's Legislative Session

Despite many press conferences, the Governor and his allies fail to actually deliver, once again

Cynthia also released a video on Tuesday calling for the Governor to act on criminal justice reform before the legislature recesses 

  With the close of session today, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon released the following statement. 

"Another legislative session has come to a close, and, yet again, the Governor has failed to address the greatest drivers of inequity in our state: our education system and our criminal justice system.  

"Despite being sued by numerous parents in low-income school districts across the state, the Governor refused again this year to fully fund Foundation Aid, which would address the $10,000 gap in per pupil spending between our state's wealthiest and poorest school districts.  He also has refused to end over testing in schools and the punitive teacher evaluation system he put in place, which proved so unpopular that one in five of our state's children have opted out of these tests. Additionally, Cuomo refused to increase funding for CUNY and SUNY, even though tuition has risen by $1,700 during his time as governor and only 3.6 percent of students qualify for his so called free college program. Most, hypocritically, the Governor failed this session to pass legislation that would ensure a speedy trial and a more just discovery statute. While the Governor made these proposals a centerpiece of his budget address, he since broke his promise to the Browder family and others who have been devastated by our state's discriminatory justice system. 

We need a Governor who will invest in schools, not jails. After 17 years of fighting for education funding for our state's poorest districts, I am committed to destroying inequity in this state. After 8 years, the Governor has shown that he is far more interested in making headlines than he is in actually addressing the racial and economic inequality that plagues New York."


  Representative Eliot L. Engel, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, today made the following statement marking World Refugee Day:

“Around the world, nearly 70 million people—the highest number ever recorded—have been driven from their homes by conflict, violence, and disaster. From Central America to Venezuela to the DRC to Burma to Syria, upheaval has deprived these millions of their homes and possessions, destroyed communities, and eroded the bonds that knit families together.

“There was a time when the United States welcomed desperate people. There was a time when we could speak with moral clarity and demonstrate leadership to help ease their plight. There was a time when we treated refugees and asylum seekers in a way that reflected the best of our country.

“Today, as we mark World Refugee Day, that’s no longer the case. The United States is instead slamming the door on refugees, turning a blind eye to victims of violence, tearing families apart, and holding children ransom to a radical, anti-immigrant agenda. President Trump’s barbaric policies are an appalling betrayal of our values and an assault on the human rights of already vulnerable people.

“The President should immediately change course and abandon this heartless agenda.”