Monday, August 8, 2022

Governor Hochul Updates New Yorkers on State’s Progress Combating COVID-19 - AUGUST 8, 2022

Clinical specimen testing for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) at Wadsworth Laboratory

 Governor Encourages New Yorkers to Keep Using the Tools to Protect Against and Treat COVID-19: Vaccines, Boosters, Testing, and Treatment

16 Statewide Deaths Reported on Friday, August 5

 NOTE: Beginning June 24, 2022, the Vaccine data will be updated weekly on Fridays to align with CDC's updated data refresh schedule. For additional information on COVID-19 Vaccination Data provided by CDC, see     

Important Note: HERDS data collection from health care facilities is not currently required on weekends or holidays. The survey will resume today and the facility/death data will be displayed in tomorrow's report. The numbers below with an asterisk were reported on Friday, August 5.      

Governor Kathy Hochul today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combating COVID-19.      

"As we continue to monitor the numbers and prepare for any potential surges in the Fall, I remind all New Yorkers to take advantage of the tools we have that help protect against and treat COVID-19," Governor Hochul said. "The vaccine and booster are the best tools we have to prevent serious hospitalization from COVID-19, and I encourage those who are not up to date on their vaccine and booster doses to get caught up immediately. Take a test if you feel unwell and if you do test positive, talk to your doctor about potential treatment."        

Today's data is summarized briefly below:       

  • Cases Per 100k - 17.53
  • 7-Day Average Cases Per 100k - 29.38
  • Test Results Reported - 37,797
  • Total Positive - 3,425
  • Percent Positive - 8.96%**
  • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 8.51%    
  • Patient Hospitalization - 2,520 (-30)*
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 428*
  • Patients in ICU - 213 (-11)* 
  • Patients in ICU with Intubation - 83 (+2)*
  • Total Discharges - 328,587 (413)*
  • New deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 16*
  • Total deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 57,191*   

** Due to the test reporting policy change by the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and several other factors, the most reliable metric to measure virus impact on a community is the case per 100,000 data -- not percent positivity.

The Health Electronic Response Data System is a NYS DOH data source that collects confirmed daily death data as reported by hospitals, nursing homes and adult care facilities only.

Important Note: Effective Monday, April 4, the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is no longer requiring testing facilities that use COVID-19 rapid antigen tests to report negative results. As a result, New York State's percent positive metric will be computed using only lab-reported PCR results. Positive antigen tests will still be reported to New York State and reporting of new daily cases and cases per 100k will continue to include both PCR and antigen tests. Due to this change and other factors, including changes in testing practices, the most reliable metric to measure virus impact on a community is the case per 100,000 data -- not percent positivity.     

  • Total deaths reported to and compiled by the CDC - 73,090   

This daily COVID-19 provisional death certificate data reported by NYS DOH and NYC to the CDC includes those who died in any location, including hospitals, nursing homes, adult care facilities, at home, in hospice and other settings. 

Each New York City borough's 7-day average percentage of positive test results reported over the last three days is as follows **:     


Friday, Aug. 5, 2022 

Saturday, Aug. 6, 2022 

Sunday, Aug. 7, 2022 









New York 












United States Obtains Warrant For Seizure Of Airplane Of Sanctioned Russian Oligarch Andrei Skoch Worth Over $90 Million


 Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Lisa O. Monaco, the Deputy Attorney General of the United States, Michael J. Driscoll, the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), and Matthew S. Axelrod, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Enforcement, announced today that the United States of America has been authorized to seize an Airbus A319-100 (the “Airbus”) owned and controlled by sanctioned Russian oligarch Andrei Skoch, pursuant to a seizure warrant from the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, which found that the airplane is subject to seizure and forfeiture based on probable cause of violation of the federal anti-money laundering laws.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said:  “Today’s affidavit and warrant authorizing the seizure of Andrei Skoch’s private airplane demonstrate the Southern District’s partnership commitment with the task force to pursuing sanctioned Russian oligarchs and their blocked property.  We will continue to use every legal tool available to enforce our anti-money laundering laws and to pursue those who seek to use the U.S. financial system to violate and evade sanctions.” 

Task Force KleptoCapture Director Andrew C. Adams said:  “Once again U.S. law enforcement has demonstrated that international shell games will not suffice to hide the fruits of corruption and money laundering. Through today’s warrant, the Department of Justice lays out a roadmap for those engaged in the legitimate financial sector to follow when assessing transactions with Skoch’s laundering network, while taking steps to freeze, seize, and forfeit the fruits of his criminal activities.”

FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge Michael J. Driscoll said:  “An oligarchy is defined as a government in which a small group exercises control for their own selfish and corrupt gain.  Members of that group in Russia have long hid and disguised their illegal activities using the U.S. dollar in the process.  The sanctions levied by the U.S government and the work of this task force demonstrate to these offensively wealthy oligarchs who support Russia’s military aggression that they are not untouchable, and we are dramatically impacting their way of life.”

Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Enforcement Matthew S. Axelrod said:  “Today’s action demonstrates that the U.S. government will be relentless in our efforts to bring to justice those that are enabling Putin’s heinous war against Ukraine.  Coordination and collaboration between federal law enforcement and international partners is essential to effective enforcement of U.S. law, and I’m proud of our team of dedicated law enforcement professionals.”

According to the seizure warrant and affidavit sworn out today:[1]

Pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (“IEEPA”), the National Emergencies Act, and Executive Orders Issued by the President of the United States, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) designated Andrei Skoch as a Specially Designated National (“SDN”) on April 6, 2018 “for being an official of the Government of the Russian Federation,” “a deputy of the Russian Federation’s State Duma,” and because of his “longstanding ties to Russian organized criminal groups, including time spent leading one such enterprise.”  After Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, OFAC issued further sanctions against Skoch and his assets.  On March 24, 2022, OFAC designated Skoch and other members of the Duma, for “support[ing] the Kremlin’s efforts to violate Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”   On June 2, 2022, OFAC identified the Airbus as blocked property in which Skoch had an interest. 

Skoch is the beneficial owner of the Airbus through a series of shell companies and trusts tied to his romantic partner.  After OFAC designated Skoch in April 2018 and continuing through at least 2021, U.S. dollar transactions were made to pay for the registration of the Airbus in Aruba and for aviation insurance premiums for the Airbus, each of which was a necessary expense to maintain and operate the Airbus. 

The Airbus (pictured below), bearing tail number P4-MGU and serial number 5445, is believed to be worth more than $90 million.


Mr. Williams praised the outstanding work of the FBI and U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security.  Mr. Williams further thanked the Justice Department’s National Security Division and Office of International Affairs, and OFAC for their assistance in this investigation. 

The investigation was coordinated through the Justice Department’s Task Force KleptoCapture, an interagency law enforcement task force dedicated to enforcing the sweeping sanctions, export controls, and economic countermeasures that the United States, along with its foreign allies and partners, has imposed in response to Russia’s unprovoked military invasion of Ukraine.  Announced by the Attorney General on March 2 and run out of the Office of the Deputy Attorney General, the task force will continue to leverage all of the Department’s tools and authorities to combat efforts to evade or undermine the collective actions taken by the U.S. government in response to Russian military aggression.

[1] The burden to prove forfeitability in a forfeiture proceeding is upon the government.

News, Updates and More from NYC Council Member Rafael Salamanca, J



Team Salamanca took to the streets for National Night Out Against Crime. Council Member Salamanca joins each police precinct across the South Bronx.

Our commitment to engaging with one another in the community is critical to building strong police-community relationships.


Council Member Salamanca joins families, friends, and community to honor local community leaders across the District. 


As the 42nd Precinct celebrates National Night Out, Council Member Salamanca hosts the street co-naming ceremony for Former 42nd Precinct Council President by co-naming Third Ave & Brook Ave ‘Curtis Hamilton Way’.


Freddy Perez Sr. was a pioneer and an activist who fought for equity, inclusion and representation in the Bronx. Working with some of the biggest names in Latin music, Freddy helped shape what is now known as ‘El Condado De La Salsa’.

Council Member Salamanca joins the Perez Family co-named E. 156th St & Third Ave ‘Freddy Perez Sr Way’.


Russel wasn’t just a resident of public housing but an advocate who passionately cared for his residents and stepped up to lead without question. An unsung hero who Council Member Salamanca paid homage to by co-naming Courtlandt Ave & E 157th St. ‘Russell M Alston Way’.

Council Member Salamanca hosts a Community Movie Night at Yolanda Garcia Park for the showing of Space Jam: New Legacy. 

Joins us on Thursday, August 11th at Vidalia Park for the showing of Encanto!


Assemblymember Jessica González-Rojas and State Senator Gustavo Rivera Call for Actions That Center Equity in the State's Monkeypox Response


On August 3rd, State Senate Health Committee Chair Gustavo Rivera and Assemblymember Jessica González-Rojas who sits on the Assembly Health Committee sent a letter to Governor Kathy Hochul with recommendations on additional steps that can be taken to respond to monkeypox. The legislators noted that the recommendations outlined in the letter were sent with the hope that the state centers on equity in its approach to managing the public health crisis. The letter was sent amid a rise in monkeypox cases that has surpassed 1600 in New York State and as it continues to be the state with the majority of cases in the nation.

In the letter, the legislators requested that the state do what it can to ensure that testing, vaccines, and treatment, or TPOXX be made available to New Yorkers free of charge. They noted that this was particularly important given the many weeks an incubation period and isolation period could require of someone who has come into contact with monkeypox. The lawmakers also noted that a funding pot by the state, known as Article 6 funding, which allows counties to respond to public health emergencies had been changed by former Governor Cuomo so that the state’s reimbursement to New York City was 20% instead of 36% which all other counties receive. They asked that this be reverted back to the original 36% and that the change had cost New York City millions in funding that could have helped them better respond to the outbreak. Senator Rivera and Assemblymember González-Rojas also urged the state to make demographic data regarding who is being vaccinated available as well.

“We’re urging the Governor to act now within the emergency declaration to eliminate financial burdens to New Yorkers seeking testing and care for the monkeypox virus. It is unconscionable that our public health response would be hindered by New Yorkers’ fears of the high cost of healthcare. We also know from the COVID-19 pandemic that a lack of transparency around who is accessing a limited supply of vaccines can have detrimental consequences,” said State Senator Gustavo Rivera, Chair of the Senate Health Committee. “I am proud to work with Assembly Member Jessica Gonzalez Rojas to demand guaranteed healthcare during the monkeypox outbreak and in our efforts to make New York a leader in transforming our healthcare system to serve patients, not profits.”

“The COVID-19 pandemic taught us several lessons about the inequities of our healthcare system but now we must apply the lessons learned to our response to monkeypox. One of those lessons was that supply without the ability to access testing, treatment, and vaccines means communities of color and working class, and poor people will bear the greatest burden of this crisis. That is why I’m joining with Senator Gustavo Rivera to call for us to lift all possible financial barriers that can exist with accessing these resources and for our state to publish data on who is getting vaccinated so that no one is left behind,” said Assemblymember Jessica González-Rojas, a member of the Assembly Health Committee. “This is also a time to reassess Article funding provided to New York City so that as we prepare to respond to future public health crises our city has the resources necessary to do so. 

Read letter here. - It’s Hot 🥵

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress


We’re sure you’ve noticed these last few weeks have made for an especially uncomfortable summer in NYC, the rest of the country, and all over the world. Make no mistake, skyrocketing global temperatures are a result of the climate crisis, and we can expect these extreme weather conditions to worsen.

So, here at Team AOC, we want to make sure you know how to stay safe this summer from heat stroke and other health effects of heat:

Get creative with hydration.

It doesn’t just have to be water! Juices and electrolyte-infused drinks will help replace some of the energy lost in your sweat. You can even add DIY electrolytes to your beverages at home with this recipe from Mix together:

- 1/4 cup lemon juice
- 2 tbsp lime juice
- 2 tbsp raw honey
- 1/8 tsp of sea salt
- 2 cups of cold water

If you don’t have A/C, cover your windows with curtains or sheets – better yet, damp sheets.

The curtains will block the sun’s rays from further heating up your home, and the moisture in the fabric will cool down whatever air is flowing in from outside. This is an important tip from heat wave researcher Gulrez Shah Azhar — who grew up in Uttar Pradesh, India without A/C — in an article for NPR (read more here).

Mist yourself with cool water, or place a wet towel around the back of your neck.

Azhar also attests to how important it is to lower the temperature of your skin with moisture and breezes whenever possible. Soaking your feet in cool water will help lower that temp too!

Check on your neighbors.

Are the elders and unhoused in your neighborhood struggling to keep themselves cool? Post these tips in your lobby and knock on your neighbors’ doors to check in. Offer water and damp towels to the unhoused. Communities keep each other safe!

Keep the larger climate fight in mind.

If corporations and establishment politicians are going to continue to prioritize profit over protecting vulnerable communities, it’s up to us to educate and protect our neighbors from the dangers of extreme heat - which we know disproportionately affects lower-income communities and marginalized people.

It’s no secret as to why portions of The Bronx have the highest rates of childhood asthma in the country. As temperatures climb and air quality suffers, we have to stick together to fight these devastating health outcomes.

The climate crisis may be global, but Alexandria firmly believes that coordinated action at a local level is the best community protection money can’t buy.

Stay cool,

Team AOC

Governor Hochul Signs Legislation to Strengthen Housing Affordability for New York Seniors and Families

Governor Hochul signs legislation

 Legislation S.3085A/A.3956A Provides a Local Option to Expand Eligibility for the Property Tax Exemption for People Over 65 and People with Disabilities and Limited Income

Legislation S.8890/A.9135 Extends Local Option to Provide Property Tax Exemption to First-Time Home Buyers

Legislation S.9193/A.10271 Increases the Timeline for Completion and Amount Spent on Emergency Home Repairs for Low-to-Moderate Income Seniors Through RESTORE

New Legislation Affirms Governor's Commitment to Helping New Yorkers Through Nationwide Affordability Crisis

 Governor Kathy Hochul today signed a legislative package aimed at expanding tax relief for New York homeowners, particularly those 60 and over. The package, which was signed alongside members of the State Legislature and advocates, will help to support homeowners - from first-time homebuyers to senior citizens - as inflation, rising costs, and other factors drive a nationwide affordability crisis.  

"I am proud to sign these bills to put money back in the pockets of New York homeowners and help seniors and families stay in their homes," Governor Hochul said. "With inflation and rising costs putting a strain on families nationwide, this legislation will help to ensure that New Yorkers — from seniors to first-time homebuyers — get some much-needed relief. I thank the bill sponsors for getting this legislation over the finish line and for their partnership in our mission to keep New York affordable."

New Legislation  
The bills signed today will expand eligibility for New York property tax exemptions and the Residential Emergency Services to Offer (Home) Repairs to the Elderly (RESTORE) program, which provides financial resources for homeowners age 60 and over to make repairs that allow them to continue living independently in their homes. They include:  

  • Legislation S.3085A/A.3956A: this allows municipalities to increase the maximum income eligible for New York's real property tax exemption to $50,000 for people age 65 and over and people with disabilities. Before today, the maximum income eligible was $29,000 per year outside of New York City for seniors and people with disabilities.  
  • Legislation S.8890/A.9135: this extends the option for local municipalities to provide a property tax exemption for first-time homebuyers purchasing newly constructed homes through 2028. Before today, the option was set to expire at the end of this year.  
  • Legislation S.9193/A.10271: this bill provides greater benefits on a more flexible timeline for senior homeowners in need of emergency repairs by increasing the deadlines for RESTORE projects to 60 days and the maximum cost allowed per project to $20,000.  

Governor Hochul's Commitment to Senior Affordability   
Since taking office, Governor Hochul has made affordability a top priority. Today's bill signing affirms the Governor's commitment to lowering costs and providing tax relief to keep money in the hands of everyday New Yorkers, including New York seniors.  

Affordable Housing for Seniors 
Governor Hochul is tackling New York's housing affordability crisis with a $25 billion housing plan announced in this year's budget, which includes $300 million for the construction of new housing for seniors. In the past year, the State has announced the creation of over 1,400 units of senior housing.  

Tax Relief for Seniors 
New York State continues to provide several refundable and non-refundable tax credits benefiting people age 65 and older. The Long Term Care Insurance Credit benefits individuals and businesses who pay premiums for qualifying long-term care insurance policies. The Real Property Tax Credit benefits New York homeowners paying full or partial real property tax.  

In addition, as part of the Enacted Budget, the Governor and the State Legislature are providing $2.2 billion in tax relief to approximately 2.5 million homeowners across New York State through the Homeowner Rebate Tax Credit. More than 2 million checks have already been delivered and the remaining checks will be sent in the coming months.  

Expanding Medicaid Access 
Earlier this year, as part of the Enacted Budget, Governor Hochul and the New York State Legislature increased seniors' eligibility for Medicaid and the Medicare Savings Program by raising the income limit for New Yorkers 65 and up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level. This will ensure that more New Yorkers have access to reliable, affordable health coverage. The budget also increased eligibility for people with disabilities and undocumented individuals 65 and up.  

Expanding Access to SNAP Benefits 
The Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) has deployed a simpler application for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), making it easier for low-income working people, seniors, and people with disabilities to access benefits to purchase food. At Governor Hochul's direction, OTDA has also taken steps to ensure that eligible seniors can continue receiving SNAP benefits by extending how frequently they need to recertify their eligibility to 36 months, 12 months longer than the previous timeline. Additionally, seniors are no longer required to complete an interview to recertify eligibility - frequently one of the greatest impediments to successful recertification. 

U.S. Attorney Announces Return Of 30 Looted Antiquities To Kingdom Of Cambodia


The Statues and Artifacts Were Sold by Antiquities Dealer Douglas Latchford to Collectors and a Museum in the United States

 Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Ricky J. Patel, Acting Special Agent in Charge of Homeland Security Investigations (“HSI”) in New York, announced today the return to the Kingdom of Cambodia of 30 antiquities which were stolen from Cambodia as part of an organized looting network and sold by antiquities dealer Douglas Latchford.  Among the antiquities returned today was a 10th Century sculpture of Skanda on a Peacock and a monumental 10th Century sculpture of Ganesha, both looted from the ancient Khmer capital Koh Ker. Cambodian Ambassador to the United States Keo Chhea received the antiquities today during a ceremony at the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said:  “Today, we celebrate the return of Cambodia’s cultural heritage to the Cambodian people, and reaffirm our commitment to reducing the illicit trafficking of art and antiquities.  It is with great pleasure that we send the Skanda on a Peacock and the rest of these artworks on the final leg of their journey home.”

HSI Acting Special-Agent-in-Charge Ricky J. Patel said:  “These antiquities we return today were ripped from their country. Beyond their extraordinary beauty and craftsmanship, many are sacred artifacts pried from temples and palaces to be smuggled across borders and peddled by those seeking profit, without any regard to the intangible value they have to the people of their homeland.  For over five years, the agents and experts in HSI New York’s specialized dedicated Cultural Property, Arts and Antiquities Unit, alongside our government partners, hunted down leads, examined origin, reviewed financial records, and conducted dozens of interviews to find and recover these pieces we are returning today.  These artifacts belong to the people of Cambodia, and we are proud to participate in their recovery and their return home.”

The 30 antiquities returned to Cambodia today were the subjects of three civil forfeiture actions filed in this District. According to the civil forfeiture complaints filed in 2021 and 2022, and other documents filed in the cases:

The antiquities repatriated to Cambodia are sandstone and bronze sculptures and artifacts, ranging in age from the Bronze Age to the 12th Century, which were either removed illegally from Cambodia by looters, imported into the United States based on false statements to United States Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”), or both.

During the civil conflicts of late 20th century, statues and other artifacts were stolen from Koh Ker and other archeological sites in Cambodia and entered the international art market through an organized looting network.  Local teams of looters would first remove the statues from the original sites. The statues would then be transported to the Cambodia-Thailand border, and transferred to brokers, who would in turn transport them to dealers in Khmer artifacts located in Thailand, particularly Bangkok.  These dealers would sell the artifacts to local or international customers, who would either retain the pieces or sell them on the international art market.

Bangkok-based antiquities dealer Douglas Latchford, a/k/a “Pakpong Kriangsak” sold the antiquities to individuals in the Western art market, including the two private collectors and an American museum which were the prior owners of the pieces returned today. In 2019, Latchford was charged by this Office with wire fraud conspiracy and other crimes related to a many-year scheme to sell looted Cambodian antiquities on the international art market, primarily by creating false provenance documents and falsifying invoices and shipping documents. The indictment was ultimately dismissed due to the death of Latchford.

Once the prior owners were contacted by the United States, they agreed to relinquish possession of the antiquities and to waive all claims of right, title, and interest in them.

Mr. Williams thanked Homeland Security Investigations for its outstanding work on this investigation, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection for its invaluable assistance. Mr. Williams also thanked the Kingdom of Cambodia’s Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts for its assistance with this investigation.

Mayor Eric Adams and The Members of The NYC Council Cut More Than Two Million Dollars From The Education of Our Children


By Former NYC Councilman
Rev. Ruben Diaz Bronx County

 You should know that Mayor Eric Adams and the NYC City Council members have approved the budget for the Fiscal Year 2023, which will be devastating to the education of our children.
It is important for you to know that the Education of our children will receive a cut More than Two Million Dollars directly affecting the schools in low-income areas more so than in any of the other sectors.
Hundreds of teachers have already received their notices that they are not to report to their teaching jobs in the next coming school year because of these cuts.  Once again, the Democratic Party takes actions that directly affect the future of our children.
You should know that both Mayor Adams and the city council members ALL, during their political campaigns, promised to watch over and protect our children's education, lower rents, create affordable housing, and repair public housing.
According to news reports, during the COVID pandemic, Congress passed the "Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act."   This Act allocated $7 BILLION dollars to the City of New York and the Department of Education.  Out of those funds allocated to the City, $4.3 BILLION were not used and as a result those funds are now in reserve.   The question is why cut the funding for our children's education? And why keep this amount of funds, already allocated to the New York City Schools, in reserve?
How is it possible that Mayor Adams and the City Council, intend to cut More Than Two MILLION Dollars to the education of our children, and keep hidden $4.7 BILLION in reserve?  No doubt this will serve the Democrats with talking points to blame Donald Trump and the Republicans as racists, vile and perverse.  Which is ironic given that in the State of New York, the Governor, The Senate, the State Assembly, the Mayor and the City Council are all Democrats
You should know that this state is totally controlled by the Democratic Party. They are the ones who are ignoring the well-being and education of our children.
It is my responsibility, as a Conservative Democrat, to be the voice of one who cries out in the wilderness, and to inform my readers of the atrocities and barbarities that our own legislators and representatives have been subjecting us to year after year.
My advice to Mayor Adams and the members of the NYC City Council is to take the needed More Than Two MILLION Dollars out of the 4.7 BILLION that was not used from the "Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act.", and restore the funds they eliminated from our children’s Education and return the teachers to their classrooms.    It's as simple as That!
I am The Rev. Ruben Diaz, and this is What You Should Know.You should know that Mayor Eric Adams and the NYC City Council members have approved the budget for the Fiscal Year 2023, which will be devastating to the education of our children.
It is important for you to know that the Education of our children will receive a cut More than Two Million Dollars directly affecting the schools in low-income areas more so than in any of the other sectors.
Hundreds of teachers have already received their notices that they are not to report to their teaching jobs in the next coming school year because of these cuts.  Once again, the Democratic Party takes actions that directly affect the future of our children.
You should know that both Mayor Adams and the city council members ALL, during their political campaigns, promised to watch over and protect our children's education, lower rents, create affordable housing, and repair public housing.
According to news reports, during the COVID pandemic, Congress passed the "Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act."   This Act allocated $7 BILLION dollars to the City of New York and the Department of Education.  Out of those funds allocated to the City, $4.3 BILLION were not used and as a result those funds are now in reserve.   The question is why cut the funding for our children's education? And why keep this amount of funds, already allocated to the New York City Schools, in reserve?
How is it possible that Mayor Adams and the City Council, intend to cut More Than Two MILLION Dollars to the education of our children, and keep hidden $4.7 BILLION in reserve?  No doubt this will serve the Democrats with talking points to blame Donald Trump and the Republicans as racists, vile and perverse.  Which is ironic given that in the State of New York, the Governor, The Senate, the State Assembly, the Mayor and the City Council are all Democrats
You should know that this state is totally controlled by the Democratic Party. They are the ones who are ignoring the well-being and education of our children.
It is my responsibility, as a Conservative Democrat, to be the voice of one who cries out in the wilderness, and to inform my readers of the atrocities and barbarities that our own legislators and representatives have been subjecting us to year after year.
My advice to Mayor Adams and the members of the NYC City Council is to take the needed More Than Two MILLION Dollars out of the 4.7 BILLION that was not used from the "Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act.", and restore the funds they eliminated from our children’s Education and return the teachers to their classrooms.    It's as simple as That!
I am The Rev. Ruben Diaz, and this is What You Should Know.

We know the councilman repeats himself in the letter, but we think maybe he wanted to get his point across to the people.