Thursday, December 21, 2023




New York City according to Mayor Eric Adams and all his appointees. Come to the Bronx Mayor Adams to see the Real New York City and the fight to preserve the East Bronx. 

Mayor Adams’ Year Two Marked by Drop in Overall Crime, Economic Opportunity for Working People, Big Wins in Housing, Sanitation, and Public Space  

As he concludes his second year in office, New York City Mayor Eric Adams, senior City Hall leaders, and commissioners from agencies across city government today released a list of key wins delivered to New Yorkers — demonstrating how the Adams administration continues to prioritize public safety, public space, and working people halfway through his first term. 


“When we came into office 24 months ago, New York City was in crisis — a once-in-a-generation pandemic, a surge in crime, and a steep recession had brought our city to a standstill. But two years later, thanks to the impressive work of hundreds of thousands of public servants across our administration, jobs are up, crime is down, and we are delivering for working-class New Yorkers every day,” said Mayor Adams. “By putting public safety, public spaces, and working people at the center of our administration, we were able to deliver for New York City in 2023. And in 2024, our administration will continue to build on these historic wins, advance bold ideas, and use every tool at our disposal to continue to ‘Get Stuff Done’ for New Yorkers.”


“We experienced unprecedented challenges in 2023, and yet through collaboration, hard work, and community resilience, New York City has achieved significant milestones this year,” said First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright. “Our commitment to safety has led to a decrease in crime, focused initiatives have contributed to historic job numbers, and investments in our youth have changed how generations of future New Yorkers read and learn. I am proud of what the Adams administration has done for New York City and am excited to see all that we accomplish in 2024 and beyond.”


“Throughout this year, our team of dedicated public servants has worked tirelessly — in the face of difficult circumstances — to deliver for New Yorkers,” said Chief of Staff Camille Joseph Varlack. “We’re proud of the work we’ve done to promote public safety, build more housing, put money back into New Yorkers’ pockets, and fundamentally reimagine how we’re teaching our young people — all while managing a national crisis without enough national support.”


“Over the course of 2023, the Adams administration has made significant progress towards improving the lives of young people and their families across New York City,” said Deputy Mayor for Strategic Initiatives Ana J. Almanzar. “From expanding access to affordable child care for young families, to providing enrichment programs after school and during the summer to K-8 students, to setting more high school students on career paths through summer jobs, we are supporting our young people from cradle to career.”


“This has been a truly remarkable year for New York City’s recovery, and it’s cause to celebrate while redoubling our efforts in 2024,” said Deputy Mayor for Housing, Economic Development, and Workforce Maria Torres-Springer. “I’m proud of the wins we have delivered for New Yorkers. We came into the year with our moonshot goal of 500,000 new homes, and followed it up with historic action for working people: the jobs recovery, housing production numbers, ‘City of Yes’ zoning proposals, minimum pay rate for app-based delivery workers, rebuilding NYCHA, supporting small businesses, five major community plans, reducing red tape through ‘Get Stuff Built,’ action on ‘New’ New York proposals, and advanced toward our other ambitious apprenticeship and youth career goals. It is an honor to work with a mayor who pushes us toward these wins, and we look forward to an even bigger 2024.”


“Every day, for nearly two years, we have worked to deliver for New Yorkers, including longtime residents, students, older adults, those who have recently arrived, and so many others who call our city home,” said Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Anne Williams-Isom. “We have been able to improve access to housing, provide tele-mental health for young people, launch a campaign to extend life expectancy for every New Yorker, expand lifestyle medicine services, increase housing placements for those in shelter, ensure reproductive freedom for all New Yorkers, and so much more. We are energized heading into the next two years of the administration as we work to improve New Yorkers’ lives and make our city more fair, more just, and more equitable.”


“In 2023, we revolutionized our trash pickup and contained it, launched the nation’s largest permanent outdoor dining program, invested over $400 million in green infrastructure to fight the heavy storms that push traditional stormwater pipes beyond their limit, launched the nation’s largest organics pick-up program, implemented aggressive building and transportation emissions reduction through Local Law 97 rulemaking and the green rides program, created over a dozen football fields of new public space across all five boroughs, and, through the Adams administration’s infrastructure task force, brought over $1 billion to New York City,” said Deputy Mayor of Operations Meera Joshi. “This is just the start as we continue and accelerate the fundamental work of strengthening and evolving New York City’s operations and infrastructure.”


“From delivering on our promise to bring crime down to recovering all of the jobs lost during the pandemic more than a year ahead of schedule, 2023 was another year where the Adams administration continued to ‘Get Stuff Done’ for New Yorkers,” said Deputy Mayor for Communications Fabien Levy. “Every day, we communicated to this city how hundreds of thousands of city employees are delivering for them. And with the launch of our podcast, radio show, weekly evening broadcast interviews, and weekly in-person media availabilities, we gave New Yorkers even more opportunities to hear from and engage with Mayor Adams and other senior members of this administration. In 2024, we will double down on our efforts and show that the greatest city in the world is only getting greater.”


“It is an honor to be serving with a mayor who shows up for all New Yorkers, celebrates our city, rejects hate in all its sinister forms, and stands up for decency, morality, and commonsense on a daily basis,” said City Hall Chief Counsel Lisa Zornberg.


“I am extraordinarily proud of what our administration has accomplished for working-class New Yorkers over the past two years,” said Director of Intergovernmental Affairs Tiffany Raspberry. “Working with our partners across every level of government, we were able to deliver crucial funding for infrastructure, pass legislation to expand open space and protect jobs, and advocate for the needs of everyday New Yorkers. We look forward to building on that success in 2024 and continuing to ‘Get Stuff Done’ for our city.”


Highlights from the second year of the Adams administration include: 


Making New York City Safer: Under Mayor Adams’ leadership, overall crime is down in New York City. In 2023, year to date, the city has also seen a drop in five of the seven index crime categories, including a 10.7 percent decline in homicides and a 24.8 percent decrease in shooting incidents. Crime has fallen as a result of proactive strategies deployed by the Adams administration, including plans to crack down on auto thefts, combat retail thefts, and a $500+ million blueprint to keep communities safe from gun violence. The New York City Police Department (NYPD) also made the most grand larceny auto arrests in 20 years, shut down more than 50 illegal smoke shops while seizing more than $23 million in illegal products, and taken over 6,200 guns off the street this year — including the highest number of 3D-printed ghost guns in New York City history — bringing the total number of firearms taken off New York City streets to more than 13,000 since the start of the Adams administration. 


Driving the City’s Economic Recovery: Through historic investments in public safety, public space, and working people, Mayor Adams has steered New York City through a new chapter of its economic recovery, officially regaining all of the private sector jobs it lost during the COVID-19 pandemic — more than a year ahead of schedule. More than 282,000 private sector jobs and more than 44,000 businesses — the majority of which are small businesses — have been created since Mayor Adams took office. One in seven total businesses within the city opened within the last year. 


Making Safer Streets: Building on a successful implementation of 24/7 speed cameras, which has significantly reduced speeding and bucked street safety trends nationwide, Mayor Adams announced plans to double the rate of safety improvements at intersections — delivering upgrades to at least 2,000 intersections per year with lifesaving visibility improvements through a tool known as daylighting to at least 1,000 of those intersections each year.  Mayor Adams has also made a historic investment to build more than 40 miles of new protected bike infrastructure, bringing the city’s total network to more than 60 miles of greenway corridors. The city has completed a record number of new protected bike lanes this year, with over 33 miles of protected bike lanes, and over 10 miles in the Bronx. The city has hardened 20 miles of existing protected bike lanes in 2022 and 2023. Through the work of the Adams administration’s Infrastructure Task Force, the city received more than $50 million in road safety construction grants for Delancey Street and Queens Blvd. Excluding 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, New York City is on track to have the lowest number of pedestrian deaths in recorded history.


Cleaning City Streets: As New Yorkers produce over 44 million pounds of trash every day — the equivalent weight of 100 commercial planes — Mayor Adams has launched a nation-leading “trash revolution” to keep New York City’s streets clean. The administration has launched efforts to containerize 100 percent of business trash and is on track to do the same for residential trash. After decades of inaction, the administration implemented a new rule in April to drastically reduce the time trash bags could sit on city streets.


Winning the War on Rats: Delivering on a 2023 State of the City commitment, Mayor Adams appointed the city's first-ever citywide director of rodent mitigation to work in coordination with city agencies to reduce the rat population in New York City. As a result of the administration’s focus on rat mitigation and enhanced sanitation interventions, calls about rat activity dropped by 20 percent citywide and by 45 percent in “Rat Mitigation Zones” this summer.


Prioritizing Reading, Making Schools More Equitable: Mayor Adams launched “New York City Reads,” a major citywide campaign to declare literacy and reading the overriding priority at New York City public schools. The effort includes approximately $35 million in investments for teacher training and coaching. The administration also increased test scores while decreasing racial disparities in results, and increased school enrollment for the first time in eight years. Math test score proficiency increased by 12 percentage points from 2022 to 2023 and English language arts (ELA) proficiency increased by almost 3 percentage points during that same period. Black students also improved proficiency by 13.8 percent in math and 4.5 percent in ELA, reducing the gap with white students by 2.1 percent and 2.2 percent, respectively.


Supporting New Yorkers Experiencing Unsheltered Homelessness: Under Mayor Adams’ leadership, homeless outreach staff have referred 70 percent more people experiencing street homelessness to shelter during Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) compared to FY22 and have moved approximately 1,000 people from Safe Haven and stabilization beds to permanent housing during FY23 — more than double the number from FY22. The administration has also helped 50 of the 100 hardest to reach New Yorkers living on city streets get a roof over their heads. This represents a 145-percent increase over the prior year.


Finally Making Child Care Affordable: Through strategic investments and advocacy, the Adams administration reduced the per child co-payment or out-of-pocket cost of subsidized child care for a family earning $55,000 a year from $55 a week in 2022 to $4.80 a week today. Mayor Adams also created New York City’s first Mayor’s Office for Child Care and Early Childhood Education and increased the number of children enrolled in child care with the support of the New York City Administration for Children’s Services (ACS)-issued low-income vouchers from fewer than 8,000 in June 2022 to 29,000 in November 2023.​


Connecting Young New Yorkers to Jobs: Mayor Adams continued his administration’s investment in accessible career pipelines by releasing a $600 million roadmap to build inclusive pathways for up to 250,000 of the city's young people to discover their passion, receive hands-on career experience, and, ultimately, enter the workforce. The administration’s work to connect young people with accessible careers includes the expansion of FutureReadyNYC and The City University of New York Tech Equity Initiative, as well as through apprenticeship programs for nursing and other family-sustaining careers.


Meeting the Moment in a Humanitarian Crisis: Since the spring of 2022, more than 157,000 migrants have arrived in New York City seeking shelter while the city has effectively managed a humanitarian crisis almost entirely on its own. The Adams administration has taken fast and urgent action, launching application help centers to help new arrivals apply for over 23,000 asylum, work authorization, and Temporary Protected Status applications, as well as opening more than 210 emergency sites to provide shelter to asylum seekers, including 18 additional large-scale humanitarian relief centers. The city has also taken a leadership role amongst other cities in advocating for more federal support in response to this national crisis. 


Creating New Public Space for New Yorkers: Understanding that public space is where communities are built, culture is fostered, and opportunities are created, Mayor Adams committed $375 million to creating new public spaces in last year’s State of the City address. To further that effort, he appointed the city’s first-ever chief public realm officer and launched generational projects, including the expansion of “Broadway Vision” to create new public space and improved street safety between Madison Square and Herald Square; a plan to invest more than $40 million along Fulton Street and across Downtown Brooklyn; revitalized space under the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge in lower Manhattan; and an effort to reimagine Fifth Avenue into a pedestrian-centered boulevard from Bryant Park to Central Park. Beyond launching visionary projects to create new public space, Mayor Adams also signed the country’s largest permanent outdoor dining program into law to create better, cleaner, and more accessible sidewalks and roadway cafes and significantly expanded open street programs during the holiday and summer seasons.


Investing in Hundreds of Thousands of Union Workers: The Adams administration has delivered better wages and benefits to hundreds of thousands municipal workers, many who went years without a wage increase. By reaching agreements with over 93 percent of the unionized workforce and 100 percent of the city’s uniformed workforce — the quickest any mayoral administration has reached that milestone in modern city history — the Adams administration has delivered wage increases, ranging from 3 to 3.25 percent a year for its civilian employees and 2.25 to 4 percent for the uniformed workforce, and delivering thousands of additional dollars into pockets of workers.


Building a Sustainable and Resilient Future: Mayor Adams continues to lead the nation in fighting climate change, as New York City cuts emissions and protects its residents against heat, flooding, and storms. Outlining the administration’s vision for this work, Mayor Adams released a long-term strategic climate plan to protect New Yorkers from climate threats and build the city’s green economy. The administration advanced this work with significant efforts such as expanding the Bluebelt program, including the recently-completed New Creek Bluebelt on Staten Island, to create large ponds that absorb water during torrential storms — reducing household flooding and saving lives. The administration also continued to make significant infrastructure investments to protect New Yorkers from extreme weather, such as neighborhoods on the Brooklyn/Queens border, and invested $390 million in green infrastructure to support the fight against extreme rainfall and coastal flooding by expanding the city’s “Cloudburst Program.” To continue to cement New York City’s position as a leader in sustainability solutions, Mayor Adams unveiled plans for the first-in-the-nation climate research, education, and jobs hub on Governors Island.


Making Transportation More Sustainable: Mayor Adams made significant strides to make more sustainable modes of transportation accessible to New Yorkers, by launching his “Ferry Forward” plan for a more equitable and accessible citywide ferry system, made New York City the first U.S. city to commit to making rideshare vehicles entirely zero emissions or wheelchair accessible with the administration’s “Green Rides” rule, and unveiled a vision to transform the Downtown Manhattan Heliport into a first-of-its-kind hub for sustainable transportation and deliveries.


Launching Plan to Reduce Building Emissions: Mayor Adams released “Getting 97 Done,” a comprehensive plan to cut harmful carbon emissions from the city’s large buildings as part of their obligations under Local Law 97 of 2019 that will simultaneously create 140,000 jobs.


Winning Federal Dollars for City Infrastructure: Through the city’s Federal Infrastructure Funding Task Force, Mayor Adams helped secure more than $1 billion in federal infrastructure funds focused on strengthening roadways, upgrading water infrastructure, and preparing for a sustainable future. This includes $110 million for resiliency upgrades to the Hunts Point Terminal Produce Market, $25 million for New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) installations of safe e-bike charging and storage, $15 million in Urban and Community Forestry funds for parks and trees, and more than $310 million in post-disaster funds after Hurricane Ida.  


Advancing Women’s Health: After unveiling New York City’s first-ever “Women’s Health Agenda” earlier this year — aimed at dismantling decades of systemic inequity that have negatively impacted the health of women across the five boroughs — Mayor Adams launched telehealth abortion access at NYC Health + Hospitals facilities, making it the first public health system to do so and further expanding New Yorkers’ abortion access at a time when women’s reproductive rights are under attack nationwide.  


Supporting Small Businesses’ Growth: Continuing his commitment to small businesses and working people, Mayor Adams launched the historic NYC Small Business Opportunity Fund —the largest public-private loan fund directed at small businesses in the city’s history. Since its launch in January, the Opportunity Fund has awarded more than 900 businesses a total of over $70 million in capital, $55 million of which went to minority or women-owned businesses. 


Prioritizing Mental Health: Mayor Adams has made the mental health of New Yorkers a priority by releasing sweeping mental health agenda to invest in child and family mental health and the overdose crisis, and support New Yorkers living with serious mental illness. The administration also made "TeenSpace" — the city's tele-mental health service for all New York City teenagers between the ages of 13 and 17 years old — available at no cost via phone, video, and text. 


Building More Housing: The Adams administration continued its fight to combat the housing and affordability crisis by producing 26,682 affordable homes in FY23 through new construction and preservation deals — a 22 percent increase over the prior year. That total includes 12,278 homes that will be newly constructed, the second-highest number of new affordable homes funded in one year since tracking began almost 50 years ago. The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) also financed the highest number of supportive homes in city history, as well as the highest number of homes for New Yorkers who formerly experienced homelessness since tracking began in 2014. Looking towards the future, the administration continued to cut red tape and lengthy government processes to accelerate housing production and advanced historic projects like the transformation of Willets Point, the city’s largest 100-percent affordable housing project in 40 years.


Making NYCHA’s Voices Heard: The Adams administration continued its commitment to public housing and drove a transformational year for NYCHA that gave residents a say in the future of their homes, broke investment and fundraising records, and ushered in a new era for sustainability. With Nostrand Houses, the first development to vote, selecting to enter the Public Housing Preservation Trust — created by the Adams administration — the development will now be eligible to tap into new funding streams for comprehensive repairs. The Adams administration has already kicked off the engagement and voting process for the second development to vote, Bronx River Addition


Housing Vulnerable New Yorkers: Mayor Adams eliminated the 90-day length-of-stay requirement for New Yorkers in shelter to be eligible for the City Fighting Homelessness and Eviction Prevention Supplement (CityFHEPS) rental assistance voucher program, connected more households to permanent homes in New York City with CityFHEPS last year than in any year, and expanded CityFHEPS vouchers to be used for permanent, affordable housing anywhere in New York state. In FY23, the New York City Department of Social Services (DSS) helped 15,000 households move out of shelters and into permanent housing using a variety of tools and subsidies — an approximate increase of 18 percent over the prior fiscal year. 


Standing Up for the LGBTQIA+ Community: In another effort to strongly support the LGBTQ+ community, New York City Mayor Eric Adams signed Executive Order 32 to protect access to gender-affirming health care in New York City. Mayor Adams and the NYPD also launched a new process to re-examine cases involving LGBTQIA+ victims. 


Making New York City a “City of Yes”: Mayor Adams advanced his historic “City of Yes” proposals to modernize the city’s zoning codes to support small businesses, create housing, and promote sustainability. The administration’s first “City of Yes for Carbon Neutrality” proposal passed through the City Council in December, and kicked off public review processes for its economic and housing proposals, which will both be voted on in 2024. The administration also advanced several robust neighborhood planning efforts to deliver more housing and economic opportunities and investments to Central BrooklynMidtown SouthSouth RichmondLong Island CityJamaica, and the Metro North station area in the Bronx, among others.


Fighting for Vulnerable Workers: Delivering a win for working New Yorkers, the Adams administration set a first-of-its-kind minimum pay rate for app-based restaurant delivery workers. After the appeals court rejected the apps’ effort to halt the minimum pay rate, the appeals court issued two rulings to allow enforcement of the nation’s first minimum pay rate for third-party app-based restaurant delivery workers. In line with the rulings, apps — including Uber, DoorDash, and Grubhub — must pay workers at least $17.96 per hour, increasing to $19.96 per hour when fully implemented in 2025, and adjusted annually for inflation.


Reviving New York City’s Tourism Industry: The administration supported New York City’s tourism and entertainment industries to see a return of nearly 62 million visitors, recovering 93 percent of pre-pandemic levels. 


Leading on E-Lithium-Ion Batteries: Recognizing the risk of fires caused by lithium-ion batteries, the Adams administration advanced a suite of efforts to keep New Yorkers safe and promote safe electric-micromobility usage, including releasing its “Charge Safe, Ride Safe: New York City’s Electric Micromobility Action Plan,” launching an effort to educate e-bike users and expedite investigations into complaints made about potentially hazardous conditions involving lithium-ion batteries, and announcing a lithium-ion battery-charging pilot program for delivery workers to safely charge their bikes in public. New York City is also the first city in the nation to ban the sale of e-bikes and batteries that do not meet specific product safety standards.


Launching MyCity, a One-Stop Shop for Services and Benefits: Delivering on a 2021 campaign promise, Mayor Adams launched the first phases of the MyCity portal to help New Yorkers apply for child care subsidies, and start, operate, and grow businesses with the help of the city’s first citywide AI chatbot


Investing in Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBE): The Adams administration set a new record for spending on city-certified M/WBE firms in FY23 by awarding over $6 billion in total to M/WBE firms with a record-setting 1,903 certified vendor firms.  


Creating Job Hubs in the Outer Boroughs: Mayor Adams continued to drive a more equitable economic recovery and created job hubs outside of Manhattan by advancing projects such as the redevelopment of the Kingsbridge Armory in the Bronx, the “North Shore Action Plan” on Staten Island, and the transformation of Willets Point, which will deliver thousands of jobs and the largest 100 percent affordable housing development in 40 years.


Making New York an Inclusive City for All Ages: Ensuring that New York City works for everyone regardless of their age, Mayor Adams launched ‘Silver Corps’ — a new workforce development pilot program for older New Yorkers that will increase financial mobility among older adults, combat ageism in the workforce, and fill employment needs in local communities. The program will be funded by AmeriCorps Seniors and will make New York City one of just two municipalities in the nation that has received funding to develop and launch this type of pilot for older adults. 


Support Career Advancement for People With Disabilities: Mayor Adams launched a sweeping plan and Center for Workplace Accessibility and Inclusion to address the structural challenges many people with disabilities face when pursuing a career. The $8.8 million investment will help 2,500 New Yorkers with disabilities find career-track employment over the next three years.


Making New Yorkers Healthier: Mayor Adams unveiled “HealthyNYC,” an ambitious plan to address the greatest drivers of premature death — including chronic and diet-related diseases, screenable cancers, overdose, suicide, maternal mortality, violence, and COVID-19 — to improve and extend the average lifespan of all New Yorkers to 83 years by 2030.  


Growing New York City’s Life Sciences Sector: Following up on a recommendation from the “New” New York action plan to invest in future-focused sectors to build a more inclusive economic future, Mayor Adams unveiled the Science Park and Research Campus (SPARC) Kips Bay Master Plan for the first-of-its-kind life sciences career and education hub that will create 15,000 jobs and anchor the city’s industry. New York City was also recently selected by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to be the home of a new $300 million biomedical research hub in New York City that will leverage public-private investment to drive collaboration between leading research institutions and solve significant scientific challenges.  


Removing Ugly Scaffolding and Sheds: The Adams administration launched “Get Sheds Down,” a sweeping overhaul of rules governing sidewalk construction sheds and scaffolding that has already helped remove over 400 sidewalk sheds — accounting for 19 miles. The New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) also launched a design initiative for new sidewalk sheds that will improve lighting, safety, design, and overall streetscape experience.


Expanding Big Apple Connect: To further close the digital divide, Mayor Adams doubled down on his signature “Big Apple Connect” program, expanding it to reach a total of 220 NYCHA facilities and delivering free in-home internet and basic cable TV to more than 330,000 New Yorkers.  


Making the Tech Sector More Equitable: To continue to create accessible pipelines in one of New York City’s most vibrant sectors, the Adams administration opened Civic Hall at Union Square, a tech and digital skills training hub; launched the Venture Access Alliance, a coalition of more than 70 New York City startup investors to increase diversity in the city’s tech and venture ecosystem; and continued to grow the city’s “Founder Fellowship” to support diverse tech entrepreneurs with access to networking, fundraising, mentorship, business development, and other opportunities necessary to build and scale in New York.


Strengthening New York City’s Creative Economy: Mayor Adams maintained record-setting support for the city's cultural community with a budget for the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) that is among the largest in the agency's history. From those funds, DCLA awarded more capital investments for new cultural facilities, renovations, and equipment purchases for nearly 80 cultural institutions. Mayor Adams also launched the first-ever Live Performance Industry Council to identify best strategies to support and strengthen this sector, the heart and soul of this city. The administration also continues to invest in the film and television production industry through the creation of custom-built production facilities including Sunset Pier 94 Studios in Manhattan and East End Studios in Sunnyside, Queens, which will create more than 2,700 jobs between the two projects.


“Since the start of this administration, the men and women of the New York City Police Department have steadfastly focused on driving down violent crime,” said Police Commissioner Edward A. Caban. “With another year now drawing to a close, our determination is again reflected in continuing crime declines: hundreds of fewer shooting victims, shooting incidents, and murders, in addition to thousands of illegal guns taken off our streets. Heading into 2024, we are resolved to reduce crime further and enhance quality of life for all the people we serve. That is what New Yorkers expect and deserve – and what we intend to deliver.”


“Under Mayor Eric Adams’ administration, the New York City Department of Education has had a monumental year,” said New York City Department of Education Chancellor David C. Banks. “With the launch of NYC Reads, the gains we have made with our college and career pathways programming, and the increase in student enrollment, our school system continues to grow stronger. It is an honor to lead this system as we reimagine the student experience.” 


“In the last year, lithium-ion battery fires have become increasingly frequent, and we cannot do enough to educate the public on best practices for using these devices,” said Fire Department of the City of New York Commissioner Laura Kavanagh. “We are grateful to Mayor Adams for his leadership and innovation on an issue that presents a real threat to our members and public safety.” 


“This has been a banner year at the Department of Sanitation, cleaning areas that had been ignored for decades and taking the fight to the rats via containerization and composting,” said New York City Department of Sanitation Commissioner Jessica Tisch. “The Adams administration won't back down from delivering for all New Yorkers, even in these difficult times.”


“This administration and its Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has met the moment and is redefining public health for the post-COVID era by prioritizing the health of all New Yorkers, while centering equity and the vulnerable,” said New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan. “From launching HealthyNYC as a unifying vision of healthier, longer lives, to leading the response to our nation’s mental health and overdoses crises, to expanding our work in addressing the epidemic of diet-related chronic diseases, and building out a more nimble and response-ready organization, we are making targeted, strategic investments to build a stronger, healthier city for ourselves and our children. We look forward to continued progress in 2024.”


“Thanks to this administration’s wide-ranging reforms to expand access to city-funded rental assistance, unprecedented investments to address unsheltered homelessness, and the strengthening of interagency coordination and health supports for some of our most vulnerable New Yorkers, the New York City Department of Social Services marked important progress across key indicators this year,” said DSS Commissioner Molly Wasow Park. “In FY23, a record number of households obtained permanent housing using CityFHEPS vouchers and we saw a 17 percent increase in overall permanent housing placements from shelter, year over year. With more outreach staff, we were able to reach many more New Yorkers in need on our streets and subways while doubling permanent housing placements from low-barrier programs designed to serve their unique needs. Our efforts are clearly headed in the right direction, and we look forward to building on this vital progress in 2024.”


“I am proud to be part of an administration that is passionate about getting stuff done for all New Yorkers,” said Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs Commissioner Manuel Castro. “This year, our office continued to work alongside sister agencies to meet the needs of the humanitarian crisis, while still serving longtime immigrant New Yorkers.”


“It has been a landmark year at NYCHA,” said NYCHA Chief Executive Officer Lisa Bova-Hiatt. “We're ending the year strong with Nostrand Houses having selected the Public Housing Preservation Trust in the first-ever resident vote, and the PACT program closing a record $1.81 billion in financing and surpassing 20,000 units converted to Project-Based Section 8 funding. These achievements are representative of the lives of so many New Yorkers changing dramatically for the better, and we cannot be prouder of that. We extend our congratulations and deepest appreciation to the Adams administration and our city partners for their ongoing support."


“This year has been challenging, but we've emerged triumphant in our efforts to increase safety, equity, and access for all New Yorkers,” said New York City Department of Citywide Administrative Service (DCAS) Commissioner Dawn M. Pinnock. “Here at DCAS, we helped to reduce the city's vacancy rate by employing a first-of-its-kind community hiring model, which yielded more than 2,000 job offers and touched neighborhoods in all five boroughs. We've also expanded our fleet safety measures, including intelligent speed assistance and we've begun the transition to renewable diesel for heavy duty trucks. This is only a small sampling of the work we are doing across all facets of our agency to make our city greener, stronger, and more prosperous. We are excited for the prospects of the new year as we continue to make city government work for all New Yorkers."


“Whether expanding the Summer Youth Employment Program and Saturday Night Lights, or entrusting DYCD to oversee the Office of Neighborhood Safety and play a major role in the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, Mayor Adams and his forward-thinking vision have resulted in two years of incredible growth and unprecedented success for our agency and the city,” said New York City Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) Commissioner Keith Howard. “I am proud that DYCD has served more youth and adults under this administration than any other — the result of teamwork, collaborating with our sister agencies, and breaking down institutional silos. We are excited to provide New Yorkers with exceptional service and continued engagement, enrichment, and opportunity in the new year.” 


“From day one of our administration, Mayor Adams has championed the use of technology to improve the lives of everyday New Yorkers and make our government run better — a bold vision that paid substantial dividends throughout 2023,” said New York City Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Matthew Fraser. “We expanded free internet access to 330,000 New Yorkers living in public housing, created a one-stop shop that made it easier for working families and small business owners to secure vital city services and benefits online, and published the nation’s first comprehensive AI Action Plan to ensure city agencies effectively and responsibly use these transformative technologies. In addition, New York City affirmed its place as a global innovation hub, launching a testbed program for cutting-edge pilots and taking the lead in the United States in early-stage startups for the first time. As we approach the new year, the positive impacts of technology on New Yorkers and our city overall — growing our economy, protecting public safety, increasing government efficiency, and ensuring a more equitable New York —are greater than ever thanks to the forward-thinking leadership of Mayor Adams.”   


“The Adams administration is committed to transforming public spaces that bring New Yorkers together,” said Chief Public Realm Officer Ya-Ting Liu. “We're taking scaffolding down, cleaning up the outdoor dining program, expanding holiday streets and open streets, and creating more vibrant public spaces throughout the city. I'm proud of what we have delivered to date and excited to give New Yorkers even more reasons to go outside in the year to come.”


“From protecting consumers from the dangers of uncertified lithium-ion batteries to providing a dignified pay rate for our city’s restaurant delivery workers, I am proud of the work that the New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection and our sister agencies have done this year to support working New Yorkers,” said New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DWCP) Commissioner Vilda Vera Mayuga. “Thank you to Mayor Adams for pushing us to work creatively and collaboratively to get stuff done for our fellow New Yorkers. Let’s make next year even better!” 


"Thanks to the plan laid out in the mayor's Blueprint For Economic Recovery, 2023 was a banner year in our mission to unlock the economic potential of all New Yorkers," said New York City Small Business Services (SBS) Commissioner Kevin D. Kim. "From serving over 80,000 individuals at our 18 Workforce1 Career Centers, saving $36 million for 3,600 businesses through our NYC BEST team, establishing the landmark $75 million NYC Small Business Opportunity Fund, or the dozens of other SBS programs and initiatives, we’ve made tremendous progress in building a true City of Yes for entrepreneurs and small businesses."


“By breaking down entrenched silos between agencies, and getting rid of outdated regulations that have outlived their purpose, this administration is making government work for everyday New Yorkers in all five boroughs,” said New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) Commissioner Jimmy Oddo. “At DOB, we have made significant progress in the past twelve months with our partner agencies to improve public safety, speed up the development process, while making this city a more livable and sustainable place for all of our neighbors.”     


“This administration continues to deliver for New Yorkers, and 2023 brought a host of investments to enhance the city’s green and public spaces,” said New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Commissioner Sue Donoghue. “At DPR, we were proud to partner with Mayor Adams to unveil Freshkills North Park in Staten Island, which is the first section of the former landfill to open to the public and boasts amazing wildlife views, biking trails, and other amenities. We also broke ground on the new, $141 million Shirley Chisholm Recreation Center in Brooklyn, celebrated a major greenspace development at Starlight Park in the Bronx, introduced $9 million in renovations to Monsignor Kett Playground in Manhattan, and announced shoreline resiliency updates in Queens, among many other projects. In addition, the city planted its highest number of trees in the past six fiscal years, announced a historic expansion of its greenways, and completed a bluebelt expansion designed to prevent flooding. These enhancements to our parks and open spaces also serve as investments in public safety and public health, as we continue to provide high-quality resources while bolstering resiliency to ensure these spaces can be enjoyed well into the future.” 


"Recognizing the pivotal role early education plays in shaping a child's future, the Adams administration continued to make access to quality, affordable child care a reality for more New York City families," said Interim Executive Director for the Mayor’s Office of Child Care and Early Childhood Education Tovah Gottesman"By expanding eligibility for thousands of more children, streamlining the application process for child care assistance through the launch of MyCity, and making child care more affordable for working families, we are continuing to fulfill our goal of delivering accessible, equitable, high-quality affordable care to families in New York City. The Mayor’s Office of Child Care and Early Childhood Education is excited to build upon these successes through continued collaboration with city agencies, early childhood providers, parents, philanthropy and the private sector.”


I commend Mayor Adams for his leadership in making New York City a more accessible, inclusive, and prosperous place for everyone,” said Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD) Commissioner Christina CurryI am particularly proud of the administration’s launch of the Center for Workplace Accessibility and Inclusion, with its $8.8 million investment. It underscores Mayor Adams’ commitment to supporting career advancement for people with disabilities. This initiative aligns with our broader vision to create a city that embraces diversity and ensures equal opportunities for all.”


“In just two years, we’ve been able to make significant strides towards addressing the social and environmental challenges currently facing our city through innovative food forward initiatives,” said Mayor’s Office of Food Policy Executive Director Kate MacKenzie. “More New Yorkers are now able to access free, affordable, and culturally-appropriate food in more places than ever before. They’re also equipped with a deeper understanding of how every component of our food system interacts with the climate and local economy. Throughout our work, we’re building an equitable and sustainable food system for all New Yorkers that targets the major drivers of illness, food insecurity, environmental sustainability, and more by going upstream — the key to lasting resiliency as a city.”


“From protecting consumers from the dangers of uncertified lithium-ion batteries, to providing a dignified pay rate for our city’s restaurant delivery workers, I am proud of the work that DCWP and our sister agencies have done this year to support working New Yorkers,” said New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) Commissioner Vilda Vera Mayuga. “Thank you to Mayor Adams for pushing us to work creatively and collaboratively to get stuff done for our fellow New Yorkers. Let’s make next year even better!” 


“This administration understands that New York isn’t New York without its cultural community, and as a result we work tirelessly to support this indispensable part of our city,” said New York City Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) Commissioner Laurie Cumbo. “After two years in office, we’re proud of our efforts to invest in a vibrant, equitable cultural sector that will continue to drive our economic recovery, while also strengthening our social and community bonds in neighborhoods far and wide.”


“NYC Health + Hospitals has a lot to be proud of this year, including providing medical assessments and support for thousands of asylum seekers, launching telehealth abortion care through our Virtual ExpressCare service, and finding housing for 300 New Yorkers through Housing for Health – all of which we were able to do through the support of Mayor Adams and the administration,” said NYC Health + Hospitals President and CEO Mitchell Katz, MD. “We look forward to our continued partnership as we make NYC Health + Hospitals a great place to work and for our patients to receive care.”


“Diversity, equity, and inclusion are mainstays for New York City. From addressing disparities in childhood literacy to centering the health care needs of gender-expansive New Yorkers, this administration is committed to leveling the playing field for all,” said New York City Office of Equity & Racial Justice Commissioner and Chief Equity Officer Sideya Sherman. “This year, we placed racial equity at the heart of the city government, laying the foundation for structural reforms that will help advance and sustain this bold ‘working people’s’ agenda. We commend our colleagues across the government for their tireless commitment to service, and we look forward to continuing to deliver for New Yorkers. Here's to getting even more stuff done.”


“The administration has moved on all fronts to protect the environment, fortify the city against extreme weather and continue to deliver a reliable supply of the world’s best tap water,” said New York City Chief Climate Officer and Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Commissioner Rohit T. Aggarwala. “We also created a fair framework for reducing emissions from the city’s building stock, updated our long-term strategic climate plan, PlaNYC, completed the $110 million expansion of the New Creek Bluebelt on Staten Island, broke ground on the massive $1.6 billion project to clean up the Gowanus Canal, and expanded the popular noise camera program that targets obnoxiously loud cars on city streets.”


“This year, we have faced new and old emergencies ranging from humanitarian crises to extreme weather, fires, infrastructure, and more,” said New York City Emergency Management Commissioner Zach Iscol. “This administration’s commitment to assist New Yorkers before, during and after emergencies regardless of the crisis remains steadfast. As we close out the year, I remain so grateful for the men and women who work day and night to serve New Yorkers, and their families who provide them the support to do so.”


“From meeting the moment to provide shelter and care to thousands of asylum seekers, to a record-breaking year for affordable housing production — New York City Housing Preservation and Development is at the forefront of tackling the major crises facing our city today, and helping the Adams administration follow through on the promise to get stuff done for New Yorkers,” said HPD Commissioner Adolfo CarriĆ³n Jr. “At two years in, we are making enormous strides to deliver for New Yorkers the housing and care they need, and look forward to building on this momentum as we enter 2024.”


“It has been a banner year for economic development and building a vibrant, inclusive economy for the five boroughs,” said New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) President & CEO Andrew Kimball. “Having fully recovered the nearly million jobs lost during the pandemic this administration remains laser-focused on not only continuing our recovery, but building and fostering an economy that works for all New Yorkers. At NYCEDC, this past year we have launched transformative neighborhood projects like the Staten Island North Shore Action Plan, the redevelopment of the Kingsbridge Armory, and historic investments to transform the Broadway Junction area, to investing in our innovation sectors through the launch of the Venture Access Alliance and climate innovation pilot program at the Brooklyn Army Terminal. We look forward to building on this momentum and working alongside our partners in government and the private sector as we head into the new year.”


Housing Lottery Launches For Mount Hope Walton Apartments At 1761 Walton Avenue In Mount Hope, The Bronx


The affordable housing lottery has launched for Mount Hope Walton Apartments, a 14-story mixed-use building at 1761 Walton Avenue in Mount Hope, The Bronx. Developed by Procida Development Group and Mount Hope Housing Corporation and designed by Aufgang Architects, the structure yields 103 income-restricted apartments and a 9,500-square-foot community gymnasium. Available on NYC Housing Connect are 86 units for residents at 30 to 80 percent of the area median income (AMI), ranging in eligible income from $24,515 to $140,080.

Amenities include a virtual doorman, shared laundry facilities, common area Wi-Fi, two indoor recreation rooms, an outdoor terrace, package lockers, and bicycle storage. Residences have energy-efficient appliances, air conditioning, and name-brand kitchen finishes and countertops. Tenants are responsible for electricity.

At 30 percent of the AMI, there are two one-bedrooms with a monthly rent of $617 for incomes ranging from $24,515 to $38,130; four two-bedrooms with a monthly rent of $728 for incomes ranging from $29,383 to $45,750; and four three-bedrooms with a monthly rent of $830 for incomes ranging from $33,978 to $52,530.

At 50 percent of the AMI, there are 12 one-bedrooms with a monthly rent of $1,146 for incomes ranging from $42,652 to $63,550; eight two-bedrooms with a monthly rent of $1,364 for incomes ranging from $51,189 to $76,250; and five three-bedrooms with a monthly rent of $1,564 for incomes ranging from $59,143 to $87,550.

At 60 percent of the AMI, there are 18 one-bedrooms with a monthly rent of $1,411 for incomes ranging from $51,738 to $76,260; two two-bedrooms with a monthly rent of $1,682 for incomes ranging from $62,092 to $91,500; and one three-bedroom with a monthly rent of $1,931 for incomes ranging from $71,726 to $105,060.

At 80 percent of the AMI, there are 20 one-bedrooms with a monthly rent of $1,888 for incomes ranging from $68,092 to $101,680; six two-bedrooms with a monthly rent of $2,254 for incomes ranging from $81,703 to $122,000; and four three-bedrooms with a monthly rent of $2,592 for incomes ranging from $94,389 to $140,080.

Prospective renters must meet income and household size requirements to apply for these apartments. Applications must be postmarked or submitted online no later than February 13, 2024.

Members Of Bronx Crew Charged With Conducting Round-The-Clock Drug Operation Across The Street From A School


Defendants Allegedly Sold Fentanyl, Heroin, and Crack Cocaine, and Carried Guns

Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Edward A. Caban, the Commissioner of the New York City Police Department (“NYPD”), announced the unsealing of an Indictment charging three members of a Bronx-based narcotics trafficking organization with conspiring to distribute narcotics and with possessing firearms in furtherance of the narcotics trafficking conspiracyBRYANT ESTEVEZ, a/k/a “Smack,” and TEREL BYERS, a/k/a “Rell,” a/k/a “Raff,” were arrested yesterday and will be presented today before U.S. Magistrate Judge Stewart D. AaronA third defendant, JOHNNY MONTEDEOCA, a/k/a “Chi,” remains at largeThis case is assigned to U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero. 

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “As alleged, the defendants took over an apartment building in the Bronx and used it to sell fentanyl, heroin, and other drugs, and carried guns to protect their operation.  Worse still, they allegedly peddled these incredibly dangerous substances mere feet from a grade school.  Today’s arrests make abundantly clear that this level of disregard for the safety and well-being of the communities in this district will not be toleratedThanks to the work of law enforcement and the prosecutors of this Office, these defendants now face serious federal penalties.” 

NYPD Commissioner Edward A. Caban said: “These charges exemplify the NYPD’s efforts to eliminate illegal drugs and guns from New York City neighborhoods – especially in the vicinity of our schools.  I commend our dedicated NYPD investigators and everyone involved in this case from the office of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District because safeguarding our children will always be at the forefront of our shared public safety mission.”

As alleged in the Indictment unsealed today in Manhattan federal court and in other court filings:[1]

From at least in or about February 2023 through at least in or about December 2023, ESTEVEZ, BYERS, and MONTEDEOCA were part of a narcotics trafficking organization that sold drugs and firearms in the Bronx.  This organization (the “Concord Avenue Crew”) operated principally out of a residential building (the “Building”) located on Concord Avenue in the Bronx across the street from an elementary and middle school.  The Concord Avenue Crew sold drugs — including fentanyl-laced heroin, crack cocaine, and powder cocaine — from the Building at all hours of the day and night, seven days a week.  These sales were conducted, among other places, on the sidewalk in front of the Building; through the window of a street-level apartment in the Building; and inside a side entrance to the Building.  The Concord Avenue Crew’s narcotics trafficking operation caused drug customers to line up on the street outside the Building, interfered with residents’ access to the Building, and prompted repeated complaints to the NYPD by residents and by parents whose children attended school across the street.

Members of the Concord Avenue Crew routinely carried firearms in connection with their narcotics trafficking operation, including by carrying firearms on their persons and storing them in areas where they were stashing and selling narcotics.  On multiple occasions, members of the Concord Avenue Crew also sold firearms to undercover officers.

ESTEVEZ, 25, of the Bronx, New York; BYERS, 21, of the Bronx, New York; and MONTEDEOCA, 34, of the Bronx, New York, are each charged with conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute 40 grams and more of mixtures and substances containing a detectable amount of fentanyl and mixtures and substances containing detectable amounts of heroin, cocaine base, and cocaine.  This charge carries a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in prison and a maximum sentence of 40 years in prison.  Each of the defendants is also charged with possessing firearms in furtherance of the narcotics trafficking offense charged in the Indictment, which carries a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in prison, which must be served consecutively to any other sentence imposed, and a maximum sentence of life in prison.

The minimum and maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendants would be determined by the judge.

Mr. Williams praised the outstanding investigative work of the NYPD and thanked the Office of the New York State Attorney General for its assistance. 

The prosecution of this case is being handled by the Office’s Violent & Organized Crime Unit and Narcotics Unit.  Assistant U.S. Attorneys Patrick R. Moroney and Alexandra S. Messiter are in charge of the prosecution.

The charges contained in the Indictment are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Indictment and the description set forth herein constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

Justice Department Announces Terrorism Charges Against High-Ranking Hezbollah Member Who Helped Plan 1994 Bombing in Buenos Aires, Argentina


Samuel Salman El Reda Participated in Terrorist Operations for Hezbollah in South America, Asia and Lebanon, and Helped Plan and Execute Hezbollah’s July 18, 1994, Bombing of the AsociaciĆ³n Mutual Israelita Argentina Building in Buenos Aires, Killing 85 People

A Manhattan federal court unsealed terrorism charges against Samuel Salman El Reda, aka Samuel Salman El Reda El Reda, Salman Raouf Salman, Sulayman Rammal, Salman Ramal, Salman Raouf Salman, and Hajj, 58, a dual Colombian-Lebanese citizen and member of Hezbollah’s Islamic Jihad Organization (IJO), in connection with El Reda’s alleged role leading decades of terrorist activity on behalf of Hezbollah and the IJO.

El Reda is charged with, among other offenses, conspiring to provide and providing material support to Hezbollah, a designated foreign terrorist organization. El Reda is based in Lebanon and remains at large.

“Nearly three decades ago, long-time Hezbollah terrorist operative Samuel Salman El Reda allegedly helped plan and execute the heinous attack on a Buenos Aires Jewish community center that murdered 85 innocent people and injured countless others,” said Assistant Attorney General Matthew G. Olsen of the Justice Department’s National Security Division. “This indictment serves as a message to those who engage in acts of terror: that the Justice Department’s memory is long, and we will not relent in our efforts to bring them to justice.”

“As alleged, for decades, Samuel Salman El Reda has led terrorist operations on behalf of the Islamic Jihad Organization of Hezbollah, including a 1994 bombing in Buenos Aires that massacred 85 innocent victims,” said U.S. Attorney Damian Williams for the Southern District of New York. “The career prosecutors of this office have not forgotten the pain and suffering that El Reda has allegedly caused, and we thank the dedication of our law enforcement partners for pursuing this important case. The Southern District of New York continues to be a leader in prosecuting violent terrorists and terrorist organizations, and we will not rest until those who create chaos and destruction are brought to justice.”

“While it’s been nearly 30 years since this horrific terrorist attack, the FBI and our partners throughout the U.S. government are committed to delivering justice for the victims’ families,” said Executive Assistant Director Larissa L. Knapp of the FBI’s National Security Branch. “Our reach and our memory are long, as this investigation shows. The charges unsealed today are a result of the hard work and determination of the men and women of the FBI and Justice Department, and the assistance of our international partners in law enforcement.”

According to court documents, Hezbollah is a Lebanon-based Shia Islamic organization with political, social and terrorist components. Hezbollah was founded in the 1980s with support from Iran after the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, and its mission includes establishing a fundamentalist Islamic state in Lebanon. Since Hezbollah’s formation, the organization has been responsible for numerous terrorist attacks that have killed hundreds, including U.S. citizens and military personnel. In 1997, the Department of State designated Hezbollah as a foreign terrorist organization, pursuant to Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, and it remains so designated today. In 2001, pursuant to Executive Order 13224, the Department of the Treasury designated Hezbollah as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist entity. In 2010, State Department officials described Hezbollah as the most technically capable terrorist group in the world and a continued security threat to the United States.

The IJO, which is also known as the External Security Organization and “Unit 910,” is a component of Hezbollah responsible for the planning and coordination of intelligence, counterintelligence and terrorist activities on behalf of Hezbollah outside of Lebanon. In July 2012, an IJO operative detonated explosives on a bus transporting Israeli tourists in the vicinity of an airport in Burgas, Bulgaria, killing six people and injuring 32 others. Law enforcement authorities have disrupted several other IJO attack-planning operations around the world, including through the arrest of an IJO operative surveilling Israeli targets in Cyprus in 2012, the seizure of bomb-making precursor chemicals in Thailand in 2012, the seizure of similar chemicals in May 2015 in connection with the arrest of another IJO operative, and the seizure of approximately three tons of ammonium nitrate in London in the fall of 2015. Since June 2017, multiple IJO operatives have been arrested, charged and convicted in the Southern District of New York for terrorism-related offenses.

Beginning in at least 1993, El Reda has led terrorist operations on behalf of Hezbollah and the IJO in South America, Asia and Lebanon. El Reda was responsible for, among other things, helping to plan and execute the July 18, 1994, bombing of the AsociaiĆ³n Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA) building in Buenos Aires, which killed 85 people and injured hundreds more. El Reda’s activities for Hezbollah in connection with the AMIA bombing included relaying information to IJO operatives that was used for planning and executing the attack. In the decades following the attack, El Reda continued to engage in terrorist activity on Hezbollah’s behalf by recruiting, training and managing IJO operatives around the world. El Reda deployed IJO operatives to Thailand, Panama and Peru, among other places, to help Hezbollah and the IJO conduct pre-operational surveillance in support of attack planning and stockpile explosive precursor chemicals, including ammonium nitrate. For example, in or about May 2009, El Reda instructed an IJO operative to travel to Thailand to help destroy a cache of ammonium nitrate and other explosive materials that the IJO believed was under law enforcement surveillance. In or about February 2011, El Reda instructed an IJO operative to travel to Panama to surveil the Panama Canal and Embassies maintained by the United States and Israel, and in or about January 2012, El Reda instructed an IJO operative to travel again to Panama to conduct additional pre-operational surveillance.

El Reda is charged with: (i) providing material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison; (ii) conspiring to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison; (iii) aiding and abetting the receipt of military-type training from a designated foreign terrorist organization, which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison or a fine; and (iv) conspiring to receive military-type training from a designated foreign terrorist organization, which carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

The FBI’s New York Joint Terrorism Task Force, which principally consists of agents from the FBI and detectives from the New York Police Department, is investigating the case. The Justice Department’s Office of International Affairs provided valuable assistance.

Assistant U.S. Attorneys Jacob H. Gutwillig and Jason A. Richman for the Southern District of New York are prosecuting the case, with valuable assistance from Deputy Chief Larry Schneider of the National Security Division’s Counterterrorism Section.

An indictment is merely an allegation. All defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.



Defendants Allegedly Beat Officer Who Asked Them To Leave Train Station After Fight

 Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark today announced that two Westchester men were indicted on First-Degree Assault and additional charges for punching and kicking an NYPD Transit Lieutenant in a Bronx subway station.

 District Attorney Clark said, “New Yorkers must be able to use public transportation in safety. The defendants not only allegedly jeopardized the safety of straphangers going about their commute, they also allegedly brutally attacked an officer who was trying to defuse a dangerous situation, which is his job.” 

 District Attorney Clark said Brian Innocent, 24 of New Rochelle and Marquise Webb, 24, of Yonkers, were arraigned today on first-degree Assault, Assault on a Police Officer, two counts of second-degree Assault, second-degree Gang Assault, third-degree Assault, second-degree Obstructing Governmental Administration, Resisting Arrest, and Criminal Possession of a Weapon before Bronx Supreme Court Justice Kim Parker. Bail was set at $5,000 cash and $20,000 bond. The defendants are due back in court on February 27, 2024. 

 According to the investigation, on November 11, 2023, at approximately 8:55 p.m. Lieutenant Gypsy Pichardo of Transit District 3 responded to a fight on a northbound No. 1 train at the 238th Street station. When Pichardo asked the defendants to leave the station, they refused and tried to enter another train car. When he attempted to arrest the defendants, he was allegedly punched and stomped on by them. The defendants were later apprehended by police officers of the 50th Precinct at the 225th Street station. The victim received eight stitches around his eye and suffered impaired sight as well as swelling and bruising to his face. He has difficulty with balance when walking.

 District Attorney Clark thanked Captain Robert Rios of Transit District 3, and NYPD Police Officer Kyle Martin of the 50 Precinct for their work.

An indictment is an accusatory instrument and not proof of a defendant’s guilt.

Permits Filed For 280 East 161st Street In Concourse Village, The Bronx


Permits have been filed for a 19-story residential building to be used for shelter housing at 280 East 161st Street in Concourse Village, The Bronx. Located near the intersection of East 161st Street and Morris Avenue, the lot is near the 161st Street-Yankee Stadium subway station, serviced by the 4 train. Dimitrios Katehis of Gilbane Development Co. is listed as the owner behind the applications.

The proposed 191-foot-tall development will yield 202,957 square feet designated for community facility space. The building will have 266 residences with an average unit scope of 762 square feet. The concrete-based structure will also have a cellar and 79 open parking spaces.

Aufgang Architects is listed as the architect of record.

Demolition permits have not been filed yet. An estimated completion date has not been announced.

NYS Office of the Comptroller DiNapoli Finds State Needs To Do More To Address Nursing Home Pandemic Issues


Office of the New York State Comptroller News

The state Department of Health (DOH) has made limited progress in addressing the widespread failures identified in a March 2022 audit of the state’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak in nursing homes, according to a follow up report released by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.

The initial audit found the state was unprepared to respond to infectious disease outbreaks at nursing homes, even before the pandemic, under the previous administration. Also, the state’s persistent underinvestment in public health over the past decade may have limited DOH’s ability to prepare and respond in the most effective way. If DOH had better data, accurate information systems, and an established system of proactive infection control for facilities prior to the pandemic, it could have helped facilities be better prepared. Auditors also determined that DOH gave the public inaccurate COVID-19 death tallies and undercounted those deaths as the Executive took control of public updates on the pandemic.

“The COVID-19 pandemic devastated families and left many whose loved ones contracted the virus in nursing homes with unanswered questions,” said DiNapoli. “Last year, my office examined the extent to which residents in New York’s nursing homes were not adequately protected and the state’s shortfalls in managing the outbreak. Our follow-up review shows limited progress in fixing all that went wrong. Much more work must be done to address problems that still exist to this day. We have to learn from past mistakes, or we risk repeating them.”

Of the four recommendations to DOH in the initial audit, one was fully implemented, one was partially implemented, two others were unaddressed, and one recommendation to the Governor was partially implemented.

The initial audit recommended:

  • DOH expand its use of infection control data to identify patterns and find ways to improve infection control practices and nursing home surveys, among other recommendations. Status: Partially implemented. Auditors found that some improvements in data quality were made. They compared DOH’s publicly reported nursing home resident deaths from COVID-19 as of May 16, 2023, to its internal documentation and determined the data sets matched, which was not the case for nearly the entire scope of the initial audit. However, due to data limitations auditors were unable to test the completeness or accuracy of the data. Moreover, DOH has yet to fully use infection control data to detect or identify emerging infectious diseases to shape policies or develop an outbreak management system. Officials said they were strengthening their collection, use and analysis of data but did not provide specifics. DOH also did not provide supporting documentation, such as meeting minutes, to show it has strengthened communication and coordination with localities and epidemiologists.
  • DOH help facilities understand how to correctly submit information into the Nosocomial Outbreak Reporting Application (NORA) and maintain support for data submitted on Health Electronic Response Data System (HERDS) surveys to improve data quality, consistency and accountability. Status: Not implemented. DOH has not provided any new guidance to facilities on NORA submissions or support for data submitted on HERDS surveys. Because the initial audit found infections and outbreaks were significantly underreported in NORA, and inaccuracies in non-death COVID-19 data in HERDS, auditors urged DOH to guide facilities on submitting data. DOH’s failure to act on this recommendation means it is likely still collecting, reporting and analyzing data that is inaccurate, inconsistent, and incomplete.
  • DOH should improve controls over additions and deletions from the Centers for Medicaid & Medicare (CMS) database and determine if publicly reported nursing home survey data is reliable. Status: Not implemented. Auditors tested data in the initial audit and the follow-up and found a significant number of discrepancies, which means that not all publicly reported data is reliable. The reliability of this data is critical because it is used by the public to make decisions about nursing homes.
  • DOH evaluate and request resources as necessary to adequately address public health emergencies. Status: Implemented. DOH conducted a needs assessment and requested 74 new staff positions. 55 are currently filled.
  • The Governor should assess and document the adequacy of the internal control environment at DOH and the Executive Chamber and take steps to fix it. Status: Partially implemented. According to the Executive Chamber, it has required state agencies to develop transparency plans and post data online. It is working with health providers to collect operational information and has encouraged DOH to improve communication with stakeholders to address concerns about public disclosure of COVID-19 information. It has appointed a new leadership team at DOH, who have restructured the flow of information. However, the Executive Chamber did not provide detailed information to support that it had assessed the internal control environment.

A separate independent review is underway at the direction of the Executive. The review, conducted by an outside contractor, is evaluating the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Once public, this review may also give families more answers and help improve accountability.

Follow Up:

2022 Audit

Other Relevant audits:

Wednesday, December 20, 2023



New York City Mayor Eric Adams today released the following statement after the New York City Council voted to pass Intro. 586-A and Intro. 549-A, two bills that will make the city less safe:


“The New York City Council has taken action today that, if implemented, will unquestionably make our city less safe.


“Since day one, our administration has made public safety our top priority, and we have delivered results: Overall crime is down, shootings are down, and New Yorkers are safer than they were two years ago. The bills passed today will undermine two years of progress.


“When I was a police officer, I fought for transparency and against abusive policing tactics that targeted communities like the one where I grew up. Intro. 586-A would not advance those goals — it will slow down police response times and divert our officers from responding to emergency incidents. In every City Council district in this city, our officers will be forced to spend more time in their cars and on their phones, and less time walking the streets and engaging with New Yorkers. And as the city faces significant budget challenges, with an unprecedented $7 billion gap that must be closed next month by law, the City Council’s choice to pass this bill will mean millions of dollars in additional overtime costs that will force us to make further painful cuts.


“At the same time, our administration has achieved significant reductions in key indicators of violence in our correction system. And we have been clear: Our administration does not support solitary confinement in our jails, and New York City has not used the practice for years. But Intro. 549-A will also point us in the wrong direction. Under this bill, the Department of Correction will no longer be able to protect people in custody, or the predominantly Black and Brown union workers charged with their safety, from violent individuals. Furthermore, this bill raises serious potential conflicts with directions that the Department of Correction has received from the federal monitor.


“We are reviewing all options.”