Saturday, July 11, 2020

Comptroller Stringer Calls for Expanded Child Care Options and Transparency from DOE in New York City School Reopening Plans

Underscores critical need for innovation in staffing, urges clarity on school schedules and renews call for significant improvements in remote learning

  New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer sent a letter to Mayor Bill de Blasio and Department of Education Chancellor Richard Carranza demanding more clarity and transparency around the City’s plans to reopen schools for the 2020-2021 academic year. Comptroller Stringer’s letter underscores the DOE’s responsibility to significantly expand child care options for working families, improve remote learning prior to the beginning of the school year, and outlines concerns about school staffing and scheduling issues that are still lacking sufficient detail. The Comptroller stressed in his letter that addressing these challenges is particularly vital for communities of color, who are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, more likely to work in frontline industries, and desperately need quality school and child care options in order to survive the economic fallout of this crisis.
The full letter is available below and can be found here.
Dear Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Carranza:
There is no more critical task facing our city right now than re-opening our schools in a manner that is safe for students and staff alike, and that effectively addresses the enormous learning needs of our 1.1 million students. To that end, I was heartened to hear the Administration begin to discuss this week in broad outlines your plans for the fall – a conversation that so many school families, including my own, remain eager to engage in with the hope of bringing more clarity to what school will look like in the fall, and to think through challenges that could be more fully addressed in the near term, before school starts, so that our children and parents can be better served. My office detailed many relevant ideas in our latest report, Strong Schools for All: A Plan Forward for New York City. My hope is that the Administration can continue to answer questions and engage with parents in a manner that is open and transparent.
My purpose in writing today is two-fold: to underscore the DOE’s responsibility to significantly improve remote learning prior to the beginning of the 2020-21 school year, and to outline some core concerns – specifically around the need for expanded childcare options, and school staffing issues – that to date seem lacking in sufficient detail. While I recognize the need to defer certain decisions until closer to the start of school, when the state of the COVID-19 pandemic will be more fully known, these are all issues that we know now will be critical to the success of any back-to-school model, and that can and should be more fully built out as soon as possible. Addressing these issues is particularly vital for our communities of color, who today are confronting not just the pain and loss inflicted by COVID-19 at significantly higher rates than other communities, but are much more likely to work in frontline industries and desperately need quality school and child care options in order to economically survive this period.
Critical need for expanded child care options
A core challenge posed by the DOE’s outlined scheduling options is the need for greatly expanded child care options for working families. And yet information released to date fails to address where children are supposed to go during off days – or even present families with options. Identifying this piece of the puzzle should not be an afterthought or second-tier priority, especially given the dire financial situation many of our city’s child care providers are facing. Like schools, child care programs will have to limit the number of children in each classroom (though State guidelines set that number, inexplicably, higher at 15). But unlike our City schools, child care programs are overwhelmingly privately-run, relying on tuition fees and limited government subsidies to cover expenses, so fewer children means less revenue.
Without access to child care, parents with children in elementary and middle school in particular cannot feasibly return to work and provide for their families and our fragile economy faces enormous threat. The need is especially great for parents with lower incomes who have not been able to transition to remote work and whose jobs – in fields such as construction, retail, home health and domestic work – afford the least flexibility. And as we have seen with all of the impacts of COVID-19, communities of color will again be disproportionately impacted. Indeed, a full 75 percent of our frontline workers are people of color, including 82 percent of cleaning services employees. More than 40 percent of transit employees are Black, while over 60 percent of cleaning workers are Latinx. For these and so many other families, any back-to-school plan that does not acknowledge the absolute necessity of full-day care for children – in addition to shoring up care during “non-traditional” hours – is no plan at all. It is rather inequity and economic disaster on a massive scale.
Already, forced closures and low enrollment due to COVID-19, combined with scant financial aid, has brought the child care sector to a breaking point, and providers alone cannot be expected to make up the lost capacity in schools. We need a real plan to sustain the sector, while also building capacity for safe, out-of-school care across other human service organizations. And we need to provide these options to parents for free. History tells us that it will be women – who comprise the majority of single-parent households and secondary earners and have shouldered the most unpaid care work during the pandemic – who will suffer the most if we don’t.
One promising avenue could be partnering with our many educational- and youth non-profits who have traditionally provided both after-school and summer programming. To help accommodate family schedules, DOE should engage their educational partners in providing off-hour care, homework help, or enrichment programming in available spaces to help families manage staggered school schedules.
To that end, I ask that you provide my office with responses to the following questions:
  1. Has the City conducted a needs assessment to identify the capacity for out-of-school weekday care that will be needed, given the different limits on classroom sizes in child care and school?
  1. What steps, if any, has DOE taken to engage child care programs, including those not currently publicly-contracted, for their feedback and to assess what capacity may be available to care for children during the days in which they are not scheduled for school-based instruction?
  1. Is the DOE planning to issue an RFP for organizations interested in providing programming during non-school days? If so, when should organizations expect for that to be released, how much funding will be allocated, and what training and resources will be provided to support providers in facilitating remote learning?
  1. What plans, if any, does the City have to provide additional financial assistance to families and providers for child care, beyond the federal funds the State is drawing down from the CARES Act?
  1. What plans, if any, does the City have to require employers to provide accommodations for employees who have a need to schedule shifts around the proposed school hours and/or need time off to pick up or drop off their children?
Schedules and Remote Learning
What’s clear from the proposed schedules that the DOE has released to date is that all of them will require students to engage in significant amounts of remote learning. Indeed, under the three-cohort model, students could be in school as little as one day per week, which in and of itself is a serious concern – both for parents and children. How parents are supposed to work with so little in-school time for their children, and how students are supposed to stay engaged with school when so many of their days will be spent learning remotely, remain critical challenges that the DOE has done little to make easier with its choice of options to date. It’s one reason why I hope the DOE can still consider the possibility of double sessions each day, as the City has successfully done in its past. By splitting the school day in half and allowing some children to attend school in the morning and the rest in the afternoon, students would have some in-school time every day, and parents would have some predictable hours that they could devote to work on a daily basis.
Putting aside that conversation around schedules, there are still very few details about how remote learning will be improved in the fall. Because we are asking families to rely on this method of instruction, we must ensure that it is implemented effectively and consistently across schools, and that families and teachers are given the resources they need to succeed. Given the plans that have been released so far concerning schools in the fall, the educational focus must now be on improving remote instruction, including professional development for teachers, and closing the digital divide for families. Please provide responses to my office, pursuant to my office’s authority under Chapter 5 of the City Charter, to all numbered questions laid out below:
  1. What citywide standards for remote learning have been considered or adopted to date? Please include remote learning standards and practices related to, but not limited to, daily attendance, synchronous instruction, and proving feedback on students’ work.
  1. Please describe the ways in which you plan to incorporate regular, synchronous instruction for all students who are learning remotely.
  1. Please describe the use of any standardized learning platform for remote instruction. Specifically, how will content be created, and how will teachers be trained in using the content for their instruction?
  1. Will classroom teachers be responsible for providing live remote instruction each day, in addition to instruction provided in classrooms? If not, who will be leading remote learning, including monitoring attendance, engagement, and feedback for student work?
Need for innovation in staffing
The scheduling options you have presented provide a necessary baseline to a very complex problem. I appreciate that in weighing these options the Department of Education is clearly prioritizing small class sizes in order to maintain safe distances between students and staff. We all agree that the health and safety of every person inside a school building must be our top concern.
However, I also believe that the plans presented this week lack the innovation and vision necessary to meet this moment in our City’s trajectory. It does not have to be this way. The scale of the problem we are facing requires a great deal of investment and creative planning. Ultimately, to adequately meet the needs in classrooms this fall, we need more staff.
There are two primary categories of staffing needed: in-classroom support, and afterschool or child care. By ignoring the needs in either of these areas there will be long-term costs. In addition to my concerns about addressing afterschool child care needs which are documented above, more in-classroom support is necessary for obvious reasons. In the precious few hours students will spend in classrooms each week, there must be a robust level of individualized support to identify and address students’ academic and social-emotional needs. Moreover, many students will spend more time learning at home than they do in classrooms. For these reasons, there must be dedicated staff who can guide remote instruction in tandem with the learning happening in classrooms each day.
I urge you to consider the ideas to build additional capacity in schools that I have laid out in my recent report. While the need for action here is urgent, I believe it remains feasible if we begin the process of recruitment immediately and ask that you provide my office with responses to the options outlined below:
  1. Has any thought been given to establishing a large-scale hiring pipeline through a CUNY professional training program for classroom paraprofessionals? CUNY’s community colleges are especially well-positioned to become large-scale job training providers with capacity to quickly develop and offer training for in-classroom assistant positions, based on skills and competencies identified by DOE. To support this, the City should immediately convene instructional leaders to liaise with CUNY, identify existing training programs and work to scale new programs.
  1. Has the DOE engaged existing teacher training programs to expand in-classroom experience for teacher candidates? Many current graduate programs already place student teachers in classrooms to gain practical experience. These programs could be adjusted to extend the length of time student teachers are working in classrooms. Teaching residency programs – where aspiring teachers are placed in classrooms for a full year prior to being certified – should be immediately expanded.
  1. Have steps been taken to leverage educational non-profit partners to provide in-classroom supports? DOE works with numerous educational non-profits that provide afterschool and extracurricular programming. It is critical that these partnerships are preserved and that high-quality afterschool programming continues to be available for students. Where possible, some non-profit partnerships may also be able to provide in classroom support during the school day.
School Nurses
A public health crisis is no time to allow a long-standing school nursing shortage to continue. This circumstance is wholly unacceptable, and we must assure every family that their child attends a school with a full-time nurse on staff. For far too long, the City has relied on temporary staffing to cover gaps in school nursing positions, but this is an unsatisfactory solution. Temporary nurses cannot access a student’s medical history, an essential tool in providing adequate care in a school setting. To better understand the scope of the need, please provide my office with the following information:
  1. A detailed breakdown, by school, of full-time nursing staff available, and the primary agency (for example, Department of Education or Department of Health and Mental Hygiene) responsible for hiring.
  1. A description of any plans currently underway to recruit and/or train school nursing staff.
Lastly, it is my understanding that the City is conducting an inventory of schools for all available spaces that could be used as classrooms. To maximize the benefit of all available areas, it is my strong recommendation that your search includes non-DOE sites. City-owned properties, such as libraries and community centers, may be easier to convert into weekday child care centers or even classroom spaces. Private spaces, such as theaters or shared office spaces, and outdoor areas such as parks or streets blocked off from traffic surrounding schools, could also be considered for possible retrofitting and temporary space for classrooms, afterschool, or childcare. Recent news of the closure of 11 Catholic schools in the New York Archdiocese across the five boroughs presents a further opportunity of valuable space for the 2020-21 school year.
Again, I appreciate the complexity of these issues and recognize there is no perfect plan for re-opening schools. But that should not prevent a robust and public discussion of ideas, as well as the transparent release of data that can help to inform the road ahead. Parents, teachers and students alike must all be part of this conversation if the city is going to succeed in re-opening schools, and the time to have that conversation is now. Thank for your attention to these matters and I look forward to your responses.
Scott M. Stringer
New York City Comptroller

Michael Blake - Update on Ballot Count & Next Steps

Dear Supporters, Allies & Interested Parties,
First and foremost, THANK YOU!! Thank you for your calls of support, text messages, e-mails, prayers and even your corny and lame jokes. Your support means more to me than you could ever know. I want to provide you with a short update on the Unsettled status of the primary election and our next steps.
1. Every Vote Must Be Counted
As you know, based on the in-person votes cast, we are currently in 2nd place, trailing only by about 4,500 votes. But, that number doesn’t tell the full story:

  • 18,948 Absentee Ballots have been returned in CD15 that have NOT been counted - That's almost 50% of all votes cast on Election Day and through Early Voting.
  • 3,828 of the Absentee Ballots returned are from the 79th Assembly District, which I represent. 
  • There is also an unknown amount of uncounted Affidavit Ballots, which we believe is in the thousands.  
We anticipate the Board of Elections will begin counting the valid unopened Absentee and Affidavit Ballots this weekend. Learn more here. 

We must be extremely vigilant that all votes are counted. For example, the NYC Board of Elections has determined that a ballot that doesn't have a postmark and is received after June 24th likely won't be counted. Thus, the eligible total number of Absentee Ballots could be significantly reduced from 18,948. You may read this story for more details.
With respect to the Affidavit Ballots (also called provisional ballots in some locations), as noted above, we believe the likely total will be in the thousands. Note: If a Registered Democrat voted at the correct polling place but, for whatever reason, voted in the wrong Election District (otherwise known as a Precinct in other places), that vote should count. This reality increases the number of potential ballots to be counted.
As mentioned, we anticipate that ballot review within our District of Absentee and Affidavit Ballots will begin this weekend. The Board of Elections will count two (2) Assembly Districts at a time/likely only two per day until the count is completed. Remember, we have seven (7) Assembly Districts within our Congressional District.  Our Assembly District (79th) has the second highest total of returned Absentee Ballots.
We will be allowed to have two representatives from our campaign present per table. If you or any other Registered Democrat in New York is willing to count and review ballots with us, please contact: so we can slot you into a shift.

We are still seeking campaign donations so that we can cover legal expenses as we continue with this initial count of ballots and address outstanding primary campaign expenses. The same donation limits apply from the primary election. Please use this link to donate.

3. Tell The Story
Please let people know that this process is not complete, as we could have at least 20,000 ballots to be counted here. But, please also share that this Electoral process, including the oversight, must be improved IMMEDIATELY and certainly before November. We should know how many Affidavit Ballots were cast, have a clear timeline of when all ballots will be counted, not have changes AFTER an election while results are unsettled, get clear answers about polling place changes, and have transparency. Lastly, we have filed in Court to ensure that every valid ballot is counted and to address any unintentional or intentional Voter Suppression.
Please let us know if you have any questions or wish to be involved. Let's continue to help our people as we wait on results and continue pressing forward. Thank you for continuing to #BelieveInTheBx.


Thursday, July 9, 2020

BP Diaz, Bronx Tourism Council & BronxNet Debut 'The Best of The Bronx Summer Concert Series' On Bronxnet Television.

On Sunday, July 12, 2020, the office of Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., in collaboration with The Bronx Tourism Council and BronxNet will debut the telecast of "The Best of The Bronx Summer Concert Series."

Originally slated to take place from July through August at “The Bronx Riviera,” due to the gathering restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, BronxNet will air the best performances from The Bronx Summer Concert Series Salsa Fest that have taken place over the years.

“The Bronx has such rich musical history," said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. "As the birthplace of so many genres, from doo-wop to hip-hop to salsa, the 'The Bronx Summer Concert Series' has always had a special place in my heart. Orchard Beach’s Salsa Fest beautifully captures the unique flavor that makes The Bronx ‘El Condado de la Salsa,’ and while we would have loved to have hosted our 5th Annual Bronx Summer Concert Series, the safety of our residents takes priority as we continue to work together to not only flatten the curve, but eliminate COVID-19.”

Over the past five years, The Bronx Summer Concert Series has featured a wide-ranging variety of legendary artists - from The Mambo Legends Orchestra to Los Hermanos Moreno, as well as the best local talent and Bronx dance teams.

The virtual "Best of The Bronx Summer Concert Series" will be televised on BronxNet TV (channel 67 on Optimum / channel 33 on Verizon Fios) and streaming on BronxNet.TV every Sunday, from July 12 to August 30, launching with the 2018 Kickoff featuring N’Klabe and Coro.

BronxNet’s lineup includes:

  • July 12: Bronx Summer Concert Series 2018 Kickoff - N’Klabe and Coro
  • July 19: Bronx Summer Concert Series 2019 - Raulin Rosendo, Raul Acosta, and Oro Solido
  • July 26: Bronx Summer Concert Series 2019 - Tipica 73 and Hector Tricoche
  • August 2: Bronx Summer Concert Series 2017 - Ismael Miranda and TKA
  • August 9: Bronx Summer Concert Series 2018 - Ricardo Jerome & The Fusion Band, The Everything Covered Band, and Fuerza Positiva
  • August 16: Bronx Summer Concert Series 2019 - The Mambo Legends Orchestra
  • August 23: Bronx Summer Concert Series 2019 - Tony Vega & Bronx Charanga
  • August 30: Bronx Summer Concert Series 2016 -  Los Hermanos Moreno and Willy Valentin y Su Orquesta

“I want to thank The Bronx Tourism Council and BronxNet for helping put together these telecasts, showcasing the best performances that have made Orchard Beach a must-see summertime destination spot, not just for the borough but for the entire city of New York,” said Borough President Diaz Jr.

“We look forward to celebrating Bronx Salsa Fest together in the future, but in the spirit of keeping our brand alive, we are also offering some virtual activities in addition to the previous concerts being aired,” said Olga Luz Tirado, Executive Director of The Bronx Tourism Council. "Though, for now, we are keeping a safe distance, I am confident that we will dance together again!”

“BronxNet broadcasts programs that celebrate The Bronx as a cultural capital and nexus of the arts, said BronxNet Executive Director Michael Max Knobbe. “Through our longstanding partnership with the Bronx Borough President and The Bronx Tourism Council we are proud to broadcast the Bronx Summer Concert Series on BronxNet TV.”


(Bio Reference will not give you your test results unless you agree to their terms which include that your personal information is not secure because they use third parties.)

Mayor de Blasio today announced a hyper-local plan to prevent the spread of COVID-19. To engage communities hardest hit by the virus, the City will deploy resources and supportive services into neighborhoods where data shows low testing rates and a high percentage of positive tests. The City will also provide 10 million dollars in grants to community-based organizations—ranging from $50,000 to $750,000—in these hard hit areas to encourage the communities they serve to get tested and engage with contact tracing.

"Widespread testing and tracing is the key to re-opening our city safely, but that only works if we have the participation of all of our neighbors,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “We are making testing as fast and convenient in the neighborhoods that need it most to ensure New Yorkers have the tools they need to protect themselves and their loves ones."

Beginning first in the 10457 zip code in Tremont, Bronx, response teams will aim to test at least 2,500 people across the zip code over the next two weeks. Those who test positive will be connected to supportive services, and close contacts of these cases will be identified.

On-site resource navigators are stationed at rapid testing sites across the community, to immediately connect people with services, including hotel rooms if needed:

St. Simon Stock Church
2191 Valentine Avenue
Monday-Saturday: 11:00AM – 8:00 PM
Sunday: 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM 
Note this site will be available until 7/22

H+H Community Health Center
4006 3rd Avenue
Hours: 9-7pm 7 days a week. 
Note this site will provide testing until 7/19

St. Barnabas Hospital (by appointment)
4487 3rd Avenue
Monday - Friday 1:00 PM-5:00 PM
To get a COVID test, call 718-960-3730 for an appointment; responders are bi-lingual; all individuals entering the ambulatory site should wear a face covering.

BronxCare Testing Site
1650 Grand Concourse
Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
For appointments, call 718-99-BRONX (718-992-7669).

Mobile Testing Sites

Echo Park
North Entrance, between East Burnside and Valentine Avenues
Mon-Fri: 10:00AM-4:00 PM
Dates: July 6-10

Masjid Adam
2263 Crotona Avenue
Wed-Fri 10:00 AM-3:00 PM
Dates: July 8-10

Claremont Park
Southern Entrance
Mon-Tues 11:00 AM-4:00 PM
Dates: July 13 and 14

The City will also open new, COVID-19 pop up sites in the coming days:
Red Hook, Brooklyn 151 Bay Street July 10
Co-Op City, Bronx 105 Drieser Loop July 22

New Yorkers looking to get tested should text COVID TEST to 855-48 or

Multiple mobile locations in Manhattan will also be announced next week.

The City’s Test & Trace Corps is the City’s comprehensive effort to test, trace, and treat every case of COVID-19. Through a partnership between the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and NYC Health + Hospitals, the Corps allows the City to immediately isolate and care for those who test positive for the virus, and then rapidly track, assess, and quarantine anyone they came into contact with who they may have infected. Additional information, including program metrics and progress to-date, is available here.


  Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced that large events requiring a city events permit will be canceled through September 30th as the City works to prioritize open spaces for public use. The City will not issue a permit for any event in a location that interferes with the Open Streets or Open Restaurants program. Permits will also be denied for all events larger than one block, stage/video events that require amplification, street fairs, and events in parks that may unreasonably diminish public use. The City will refund or defer fees paid in connection with a denied permit.

"As New York has begun its reopening process, accessible open spaces are more important than ever," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. "While it pains me to call off some of the city's beloved events, our focus now must be the prioritization of city space for public use and the continuation of social distancing." 

Events that do not conflict with Open Streets or Open Restaurant areas and are for locations one city block or smaller can still apply for a permit. The Mayor's Executive Order will require all permit applicants to outline their plan to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 at the event site and clean the event space both during and after the event. Applicants will be expected to address these concerns without utilizing City services, personnel and resources. Demonstrations, religious events, and press conferences will be exempt from the Executive Order and may receive permits. This Executive Order will help ensure social distancing, allow for greater public use of open space, address traffic flow concerns, and allocate City resources efficiently.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Charges Against Nurse Practitioner For Illegally Distributing Oxycodone From Bronx Clinic

  Audrey Strauss, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Raymond P. Donovan, the Special Agent-in-Charge of the New York Field Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”), and Dermot Shea, Commissioner of the New York City Police Department (“NYPD”), announced today the unsealing of a criminal Complaint in Manhattan federal court charging PURIFICACION CRISTOBAL, a nurse practitioner who operated a medical clinic in the Bronx, New York, with illegally distributing large quantities of oxycodone.  CRISTOBAL was taken into custody this morning and is expected to be presented before Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn later today.

Acting U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said:  “As alleged, Purificacion Cristobal wrote prescriptions for highly addictive and potentially lethal opioids not based on medical necessity but on the payment of cash ‘gratuities’ by the ‘patients.’”
DEA Special Agent-in-Charge Raymond P. Donovan said:  “This investigation reiterates that drug traffickers can hide in plain sight, as was allegedly done by Purificacion Cristobal, a nurse practitioner who worked at a medical clinic in the Bronx.  Allegedly, Cristobal enabled opioid users by writing hundreds of unnecessary prescriptions, putting tens of thousands of oxycodone tablets into unsupervised hands.  Law enforcement is committed to identifying drug traffickers at all levels to keep our communities safe from the dangers of drug abuse, drug addiction, and drug-related violence.”   
NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said:  “These charges represent an alleged betrayal of medicine and the law for an illegal profit.  They highlight law enforcement’s ongoing commitment to investigate and prosecute anyone charged with illegally peddling opioids.”
According to the allegations in the Complaint unsealed today in Manhattan federal court:[[1]]
Since June 2019, PURIFICACION CRISTOBAL has illicitly diverted large quantities of oxycodone, unlawfully writing numerous prescriptions resulting in the distribution of tens of thousands of oxycodone pills to individuals she knew had no legitimate medical need for the pills.  In exchange for these prescriptions, CRISTOBAL and her staff at the Bronx clinic received cash payments or “gratuities” from the purported patients.
As alleged in the Complaint, CRISTOBAL, a certified nurse practitioner, operated a medical clinic in the Bronx.  Despite being certified to practice in psychiatry, family medicine, and pediatrics, CRISTOBAL regularly wrote more than 100 prescriptions for oxycodone per month, including prescriptions for some of the staff in her practice.  In total, from January 2019 to June 2020, CRISTOBAL wrote over 1,700 prescriptions for oxycodone, accounting for over 140,000 oxycodone tablets.
As detailed in the allegations set forth in the Complaint, CRISTOBAL performed little to no physical examination on purported patients receiving oxycodone prescriptions.  For example, on one occasion, without having performed any examination, CRISTOBAL asked a patient to choose which prescription drugs the patient preferred.  On another occasion, CRISTOBAL prescribed oxycodone after confirming it was the patient’s “favorite” drug.  CRISTOBAL even sometimes wrote prescriptions for oxycodone when the patients did not ever enter the clinic for a visit, so long as they paid the cash fees due for the illicit oxycodone.
PURIFICACION CRISTOBAL, 73, of Lyndhurst, New Jersey, is charged with one count of participating in a conspiracy to illicitly distribute narcotics, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.  The maximum potential penalty is prescribed by Congress and is provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant would be determined by the judge.
Ms. Strauss praised the outstanding investigative work of the DEA’s New York Tactical Diversion Squad, which comprises agents and officers from the DEA, the NYPD, the New York State Police, New York State Department of Financial Services, New York National Guard, New York City Department of Investigation, and New York State Department of Health Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement.
The charges contained in the Complaint are merely accusations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Complaint, and the description of the Complaint set forth herein, constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

Governor Cuomo Announces New York State Will Decide on Fall School Reopening During the First Week of August

County Fairs Canceled Until Further Notice

Malls Can Open in Phase IV Regions Beginning Friday Only with Enhanced HVAC Systems 

State to Provide Masks and Hand Sanitizer for Distribution on Fire Island

Long Island Enters Phase IV of Reopening Today

1.2 Percent of Yesterday's COVID-19 Tests were Positive

11 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday 

Confirms 692 Additional Coronavirus Cases in New York State - Bringing Statewide Total to 398,929; New Cases in 42 Counties

  Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that New York State will decide whether schools will reopen in the fall during the first week of August. New York State is now consulting with stakeholders on guidance, which will be finalized on July 13. Plans to reopen schools are due on July 31. 

The governor also announced that all county fairs will be canceled until further notice out of an abundance of caution. Governor Cuomo previously announced that the New York State Fair will be canceled this summer.

Statement from Speaker Corey Johnson on de Blasio Administration’s Plan To Open NYC Schools in 2020-2021 Academic Year

 “The plan outlined by the Mayor and Chancellor to reopen schools this September does little to alleviate parents’ concerns about child care for students when they are not physically in school. Abbreviated schedules and no afterschool means many parents can’t work. Sadly, we know that this will disproportionately hurt women who are too often pushed out of the workforce because they must choose between watching children or working. Not everyone has an understanding, flexible employer and the ad hoc plans released by the Department of Education (DOE) will fuel inequity if child care concerns are not addressed in a meaningful way.  I was pleased to hear that day care centers are allowed to open next week for our very young children, but we need a coordinated plan to keep all our children safe and healthy this fall. That is what working families need. The Council will continue to have conversations with the Administration, and I urge the Mayor and Chancellor to come up with innovative solutions to address child care options while prioritizing public health and safety.”