Thursday, May 1, 2014

Job Fair sponsored by NYS Rivera & Assm. Pichardo


Landmark agreement will bolster classroom innovation, retain good teachers, save more than $1 billion in health care costs, and empower parents

   Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced the City of New York and the United Federation of Teachers have reached a preliminary contract agreement.

The 9-year agreement will implement a number of groundbreaking reforms that will make New York City schools laboratories of innovation and improve public education for every student, while also making important changes that will provide more than $1 billion in health care cost savings over the next four years, and support excellence in teaching.

“Our administration knows that every child matters, the status quo isn’t working, and we must improve public education across the board. Working together with our dedicated teachers—instead of being locked in rancorous debate—we have found common ground today that moves us closer to those critical objectives,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Everyone needs to play a positive role in our children’s future, and this agreement deepens parental engagement, recognizes quality teachers, and ensures our students will benefit from a new era of educational reforms that will improve learning and performance in the classroom.”

UFT President Michael Mulgrew said, “Mayor de Blasio said we could make the city better if we all worked together in a spirit of respect and cooperation. This agreement—which works for students, parents, teachers and the city—is proof that with leadership like his, we can do it.”

“Today, you are seeing the results of educators coming together and doing what is best for our students. We believe the very essence of this city’s success is in our schools, and by restoring the dignity and respect to the people who teach our children, we are laying the foundation of grand reform and cultivating the next generation of great educators,” said Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña, a lifelong educator. “We are validating that teaching is a craft and should be a highly respected profession, marking a new era of inclusivity. We are changing the way teachers, school leaders and families work together to enable the highest quality learning for all students.” 

The agreement respects workers with a fair deal and provides pathways for teachers to help their colleagues while earning additional pay. The agreement also protects taxpayers, because it can be fully funded within the city’s current budget framework, without the need for tax increases.

The UFT’s 110,000 professional employees have worked without a contract since November 2009, and this agreement, once ratified by the union’s membership, would constitute the first major labor agreement struck by the de Blasio administration. It fulfills the mayor’s pledge to achieve an agreement that is respectful, fair, fiscally responsible, and embraces reform. The agreement covers the past four and a half years in which teachers went without a contract, and extends until 2018.

Those raises are made achievable in part through a historic and sweeping reform of public employee health care, amounting to more than $1 billion by 2018, along with additional city resources. Were these reforms, designed to save money while protecting current member benefits, extended across the municipal labor force, they would yield at least $3.4 billion total over the same four years, effectively bending the curve of rising health care costs for the first time.

Details of the agreement include:

Transforming Public Education to Better Serve Our Students and Schools

  • Bring Innovation to Scale in Public Schools: The new contract provides a pathway at up to 200 schools for innovations, ranging from reworking the school day and year, to giving teachers a greater voice in hiring decisions and wider variations in how a school day is programmed. The changes will be accomplished through exemptions to certain Chancellor’s Regulations or UFT contract provisions. A joint DOE-UFT panel will review proposals and select schools for the program—ultimately representing more than 10 percent of all public schools. For a school to participate, the principal and 65 percent of UFT staff in the building must agree to the proposal. 
  • More Parent Voice: The agreement repurposes existing time through a pilot program that dedicates 40 minutes every Tuesday for teachers to reach out to parents by email, letter, telephone, or face-to-face meetings. Teachers can also use this time to create newsletters, school or class websites, or other strategies to increase contact between parents and teachers. It increases the length of the parent-teacher conferences from 2.5 to 3 hours and doubles the number of evening parent-teacher conferences from 2 to 4 each school year. Evening conferences will be held in September, November, March and May.

  • Ongoing Learning: The agreement establishes a pilot program to provide 80 minutes of professional development time each Monday, a repurposed block of time teachers will use to strengthen their craft through peer-to-peer learning, coaching and training to better meet the needs of our students.

Rewarding and Retaining Great Teachers

  • Support Quality Public Schools in Underserved Communities: The agreement establishes new incentives to attract and retain quality teachers in high-need schools. The “Hard to Staff School Differential” will additionally compensate each instructor at up to 150 schools, selected at the Chancellor’s discretion.

  • Reward the Best Teachers and Keep them in the Classroom: The contract establishes an unprecedented career ladder for excellent teachers through new Ambassador, Model and Master Teacher positions, compensated with an additional $7,500, $7,500 and $20,000 per year, respectively. These positions, created at the Chancellor’s discretion, will give teachers who excel additional responsibilities beyond the classroom, including coaching their colleagues.

  • Streamline Teacher Evaluations: The new contract clarifies and simplifies the evaluation process, and significantly reduces paperwork. Evaluations will now be focused on eight components, instead of the current 22. Under the current system, teachers in grades or subjects not covered by tests can be evaluated in part on school-wide measures that include results for many students they do not teach. Under the new contract, teachers in non-tested subjects or grades will now have the ability to be graded only on the performance of students they actually teach.

Reforming Our School System

  • Fire Teachers who Behave Inappropriately: The agreement expands the definition of sexual misconduct to include behaviors like inappropriate texting.

  • Improving the ATR process: For the first time, there will be a clear, effective and expedited process requiring no more than 50 days to permanently remove teachers from the Absent Teacher Reserve pool for behavior inconsistent with the expectations established for professionals. Hearings are not to exceed one day. There will be no forced placements. The contract respects and preserves mutual consent hiring.

Delivering Significant Health Care Cost Savings

The City and the UFT have identified a menu of potential significant health care cost reductions. Pending approval by the Municipal Labor Committee, a range of cost-control measures designed to save costs while maintaining benefits will be implemented to achieve targeted savings. These initiatives include more efficient purchasing of health care services and other actions. Those changes will yield more than $1 billion over the next four years.

Providing Fair Wages

Under the proposed agreement, teachers would receive similar raises to those that had been granted by the previous administration to much of the municipal workforce of 4 percent each for 2009 and 2010. The raises will be restructured and provided to teachers in increments from 2015 to 2020. The agreement includes a one-time $1,000 ratification payment. Wage increases constituting a new pattern for the following years are on the schedule below:

·         May 2013:       1%

·         May 2014:       1%
·         May 2015:       1%

·         May 2016:       1.5%

·         May 2017:       2.5%
·         May 2018:       3%

The proposed 9-year contract would begin, retroactively, on November 1, 2009 and expire on October 31, 2018. The terms of the agreement must be approved by the union’s full in-service membership.


Preliminary Contract Agreement Between the City & the UFT
“Our teachers have long deserved a contract and a raise, and I applaud the Mayor and the UFT for reaching a responsible agreement that is good for the city and good for our workforce. This contract agreement contains fair and reform-minded terms, and I look forward to working with both Mayor de Blasio and President Mulgrew on making our schools work well for all our children,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Councilman Andy King Free Food Giveaway

  Councilman Andy King had his district office on Gun Hill Road set up with bags of groceries to be handed out to residents of his district who are in need. About one hundred of his constituents from the Eastchester Garden area were expected, but do to the heavy rain there were fewer people than expected who showed up. This being his first free food giveaway, and with some cans of food left Councilman King then set off to organize his second free food giveaway. 

  The non-perishable food was donated by the nearby Fine Fare Supermarket on Boston Road, The Palm Tree Market Also f Boston Road, and the Food Fest Depot at the Hunt's Point Market according to Councilman King's Chief of Staff Lee Lewis.

  I was able to ask Councilman King a few questions as to why he was hosting a free food giveaway. He said that this is just another service that he wants to offer his constituents. His believing in the lord and good family values has also taught him to help his fellow people without the thought of any rewards. As for the new city council, and the eagerness in making new laws and rules Councilman King (who was elected in a 2012 special election and will be able to serve more that just eight years) said that the new council members are learning their job. He added that he expects this council to be one that makes it mark that is recorded in NYC history, and is proud to be a part of it. 

Left - One of Councilman King's staffers fills bags with the non-perishable canned food.
Right - Councilman King speaks with his Chief of Staff Lee Lewis to make sure everything is ready.

Left - Councilman King gets into the middle of it as he gets bags of groceries to hand to the people waiting.
Right - Some of the many people who came pose with Councilman King.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Staten Island Congressman Hit With 20 Count Indictment

  Republican Staten Island Congressman Michael Grimm seems to be in a grim situation after being slapped with a 20 count federal indictment that can be found here . The 20 counts include Income Tax Evasion, Conspiracy to defraud the United States, 3 counts of aiding or assisting in the preparation of false or fraudulent tax returns, Health Care Fraud, 5 counts of wire fraud, 5 counts of mail fraud, 2 counts of perjury, obstruction, and unlawful employment of aliens. U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch is handling the case for the government.

  A statement from Grimm's lawyer Elizabeth Kase said that the embattled Republican Congressman has no plans to resign. She added that the indictment is part of a "Calculated campaign of leaks, rumors, innuendos, and speculation. Congressman Grimm is up for re-election this year and will probably face Democrat former City Councilman Dominick Recchia if Grimm makes it to the November general election.


   Oversight Hearing on Operation Crew Cut and Crime Reduction Strategies at NYCHA

  In 2011, approximately one-third of all shootings in New York City were committed by youth gangs, known as “crews” that are centered on specific blocks, communities and housing developments. The Committees will examine the cooperation and coordination between the NYPD, NYCHA, and the City’s District Attorneys to address this growing problem and to work with these entities, stakeholders and the public to eradicate crew violence throughout the City.

  On Monday, April 28, Council Member Ritchie Torres, chair of the Committee on Public Housing, Council Member Vanessa Gibson, Chair of the Committee on Public Safety, and Council Member Fernando Cabrera- Chair of the Committee on Juvenile Justice will hold a joint oversight hearing on the effectiveness of Operation Crew Cut and other anti-violence initiatives in reducing gang and crew related violence among youth.

  WHO: Committee on Public Safety, Committee on Juvenile Justice, and Committee on Public Housing, Council Member Vanessa Gibson, Council Member Fernando Cabrera, Council Member Ritchie Torres, Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance, NYPD Chief of Housing Carlos Gomez and Deputy Chief Michael Harrington; Steve Goldstein, Chief ADA at the Office of the Special Narcotics Prosecutor;  Carlos Laboy Diaz EVP of Operations for NYHCA, and NYCHA representatives from Community Operations and Family Services.

WHERE: Council Chambers, City Hall

WHEN: Monday, April 28, 1:00 PM


Sunday, April 27, 2014

ECPW Wrestling St. Francis Xavier School 2014

  ECPW professional wrestling returned to St. Francis Xavier School in the Morris Park section last night. It may not have been John Cena or the Rock, but Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, Bushwaker Luke, and Marty Jannetti were among the wrestlers on hand. The fun started before the first match as the wrestlers greeted the audience, signed autographs, and took photos (some for a fee) with those on hand to see the matches. The night was also special to one of the wrestlers who had his mother in the audience as he announced his retirement from wrestling after 20 years. There were 8 matches in all including 2 that were tag team ones. During the intermission the wrestlers came out again to meet the audience. The end result was that everyone in attendance had fun, that is except for the losers of the matches. You can click on any photo to enlarge it.

Left & Right - Wrestlers took photos with audience members.

Left - Some wrestlers were seated at tables.
Right - NY State Athletic Commission inspector John Scalesi checks out the ring.

Left - Buswaker Luke has his opponent in the corner.
Right - The Punisher is about to slam his opponent.


Left - Arron Bradley is picked up and then dropped to the mat by Luca the Freak.
Right - ECPW Champ Andrew Anderson on his way to the ring.

Left - ECPW champ Andrew Andersongoes at it with the crowd.
Right - Anderson and Greg "The Hammer" Valentine in a test of strength.
Left - The Hammer accidentally knocks down the ref and is Disqualified.
Right - Marty Jannetty can only watch from the corner as his partner is taking a beating.


Left - Marty Jannetty gets tagged in and is pounding his opponent in the corner.
Right - The New Dynamite Kid is joined by his partner tonight Marty Jannetty and his mother (who was at ringside) after he announced his retirement from wrestling due to back and knee problems.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

"Mary Lauro Way" Dedication

   It was a cool windy morning as the crowd gathered at the corner of Matilda Avenue and East 237th Street in the Wakefield section of the Bronx to honor Mary Lauro who passed away last June. Who was Mary Lauro you may say? Mary Lauro was a resident of Wakefield for over 50 years. Mary Lauro  was the president of the the Wakefield Taxpayers & Civic League Inc. for 25 years which was founded in 1913. It was her civic work in many areas including being a member of Community Board 12 that so many elected officials came for this street renaming in her honor. Mary Lauro also wrote a column in this newspaper where as always she never backed down on issues, one being why several homeless shelters were being built by Mayor Bloomberg in the Wakefield area. 
  As they spoke each elected official mentioned the fact that Mary Lauro had something to say of them and what Mary Lauro had meant to them. Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson said "Mary Lauro was the director of the office of Accountability". State senator Jeff Klein spoke of the mortgage problems in the Wakefield area she had him assist her on. Assemblyman Carl Heastie said that Mary Lauro cared about White Plains Road and the entire community. Congressman Eliot Engel mentioned that he read into the 113th Congressional Record a statement about Mary Lauro and her never ending work and love for her community. Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz said that all the elected officials on hand would be afraid if they had not come to honor such a great woman. Community Board 12 Chairman Father Richard Gorman an advisory of Mary Lauro on many issues said that her work is far from done, and more people like Mary Lauro are needed to help improve the community. The sister of Mary Lauro said that Mary is missed by the family, but the family did not know how much she is missed by the community.
  Councilman Andy King and former Councilman Oliver Koppell sponsored the legislation for the street sign bearing the name "Mary V. Lauro Way". Ms. Virginia Saunders has taken over as President of the Wakefield Taxpayers & Civic League Inc., and will have some very large shoes to fill.


Left - Ms. Virginia Saunders was the mistress of ceremony.
Right - The invocation was given by Rev. Dr. Dien Ashlry Taylor.


Left - Father Richard Gorman speaks of the many good deeds that were done by Mary Lauro as the elected officials wait their turn to speak. 
Right - Mary's niece Lorraine is about to pull the covering off of "Mary V. Lauro Way".


Left - Everyone had a laugh when the rope to pull the covering off the sign broke saying that it was a sign from Mary Lauro.
Right - The elected officials gather under the new "Mary V. Lauro Way" sign.

Please look at the first comment to see that I was incorrect in stating that Mary Lauro founded the Wakefield Taxpayers Civic and League inc that was founded in 1913. Ms Lauro was the President for 25 years. The story has been corrected.

Senator Klein Educational Leadership Award Ceremony

  Friday was the Senator Jeff Klein and Healthfirst Educational Leadership Award Ceremony Breakfast. Educators from the 300+ schools in the 34th State Senate district came to receive Certificates of Appreciation from 34th State Senator Jeff Klein. Senator Klein in his speech thanked those who came from the public and parochial  schools in his district, praising them for their hard work. He then went into the dynamics of the state budget and how he was able to secure 300 million dollars for Mayor de Blasio's Pre-K program for the next five years. 50,000 children are to receive full day Pre-K starting this September, and 70,000 the following school year. 
  Senator Klein in his speech mentioned the coming of Community Learning Centers. These centers are fashioned after the very successful ones that were put in place in Cincinnati. Klein also spoke about the very successful events that schools in the 34th district have done due to funding from Project Boost secured by him. He finished by saying all schools in the district will get grants from Project Boost.


Left - Senator Jeff Klein chats with some of the attendees.
Right - Senator Klein is explaining the state budget process, and how he was able to get the funding for Mayor de Blasio's Pre-K program.


Left & Right - Senator Klein with some of the educators who received Certificates of Appreciation from him.