Friday, July 28, 2023

Bronx Chamber of Commerce - Bronx Business News You Can Use


Upcoming Events, Legislative News, Grant Opportunities, & More
(Friday) Extra, Extra
Summer Friday Schedule - The Bronx Chamber of Commerce offices will be closed for professional development on Fridays beginning 7/7/2023 through Labor Day.
BID Formation & Merchant Organizing with Avenue NYC - Mott Haven
Brady Honored by NY Yankees & The Bronx Community Foundation
Bronx Chamber supports Throggsneck BID Health Festival

Legislative Updates & Advocacy
New Sanitation Rules Go into Effect
Outdoor Dining Legislation - Call to Action
Congestion Pricing Update

Business Success Story
MPG Parking

Upcoming Events
Summer BBQ Reception, 8/3/2023 - Pelham Bay Split Rock Golf Course, 6:00pm
Business to Business Back to School Festival, 8/31/2023 - 1377 Jerome Avenue, 11:00am - 6:00pm
2023 Gala - The Bronx is Building, 9/21/2023 - Marina Del Rey, 6:30pm
Friday Extra 2023 Announcement
The Bronx Chamber's Avenue NYC Program for the Mott Haven section of the South Bronx is launching an exciting initiative this Summer with NYC Department of Small Business Services and area property owners, businesses, and residents:

In August 2023, property owners and NYC SBS will convene to conduct a BID Formation Orientation, followed by a formal BID Formation launch in September 2023. The Avenue NYC Program is now in its third year serving the Mott Haven area and in that time has completed significant data collection as outlined in the Mott Haven Commercial District Needs Assessment, business and property owner coordination, joint marketing and placemaking, and sustained community engagement. Year 3 will focus on BID formation, Merchant Association creation, and community engagement and marketing.

For more information email:
The Bronx Chamber of Commerce's Senior Vice President for Economic Development and Policy, Michael Brady, was honored by the New York Yankees and The Bronx Community Foundation for his work lead the Bronx's economic development and small business opportunity and recovery portfolio during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Brady, alongside, the Board of Directors for the Foundation and fellow vertical captains, were acknowledged for providing services, leadership, and direction during one of our nation's most challenging times. Congratulations!
The Bronx Chamber team joined the Throggs Neck Business Improvement District for their annual health street festival joining community, businesses, and health professionals to promote the resources available in the District.

The Festival, a partnership with NYS Senator Nathalia Fernandez, seeks to bring community and business together while also providing a platform for health and wellness opportunities.

The Bronx Chamber will be partnering with Senator Fernandez on a small business listening townhall to better understand the business needs in the area and how the State can of assistance.

For more information:
The Bronx Chamber of Commerce urges you to contact your City Council Members ASAP and tell them to vote in favor of Int.31-C, the permanent outdoor dining bill!!!
If the City Council does not vote and pass this bill ALL outdoor dining (sidewalk cafes & streeteries) is at risk of total elimination very soon AND any future prospect of outdoor dining will be in question. This would be an unprecedented disaster for our city that will cause chaos and put restaurants and jobs on the chopping block and end outdoor dining for all who love dining alfresco.
Congestion Pricing & the Traffic Mobility Review Board: The Traffic Mobility Review Board (TMRB) held their first meeting to discuss tolling structures for the congestion pricing program. TMRB is tasked with making formal recommendations, which will then go to the MTA Board for final approval. The MTA gave an information presentation to the board, followed by a Q&A. TMRB is currently considering a variety of exemptions, though the MTA noted that all exemptions or discounts will have to be supplemented by drivers paying full price. A full memo of the meeting can be found here.
Summer BBQ Networking Reception
August 3 at 6:00pm
Pelham Bay & Split Rock, 870 Shore Road Bronx, NY

Join Bronx Chamber members, elected officials, and friends for a Summer evening of networking, great food & drinks, and conversation. The evening includes live music, barbeque, dancing, and networking.

Individuals wishing to golf before hand must contact Pelham Bay and Split Rock Golf Course directly.
Make Me Over NYC Grand Opening
August 8 at 1:00pm
1967 Turnbull Avenue, Suite 128 Bronx, NY

Join Bronx Chamber of Commerce for the Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting of new member, Make Me Over NYC, on August 8, 2023 at 1967 Turnbull Avenue, Suite 128.
Business to Business Street Festival
August 31 at 11:00am - 3:00pm
1377 Jerome Avenue Bronx, NY

Join Councilmember Althea Stevens, The Bronx Chamber of Commerce, New Settlement, and New York City government agencies in celebrating back to school while supporting local businesses.

Enjoy face painting
Bouncy Castles
Music & Games
Business to Business Networking
NYC Agencies On-Site Assistance
M/WBE Certification Information

This is the culmination of economic and business development work in District 16 and seeks to continue to build strong neighborhoods and relationships between businesses and our young people.

News from Senator Gustavo Rivera!





On July 7, Senator Rivera and Assemblymember Amy Paulin, Health Committee Chairs and sponsors of the New York Health Act, and the new Executive Director of the Campaign of New York Health, were joined by a diverse coalition of stakeholders to announce the re-introduction of the groundbreaking New York Health Act (S.7590).

The bill, which has been amended to respond to stakeholders’ input, proposes to expand healthcare coverage to include mental health, maternal care, prescription drugs, dental, vision, hearing, and long-term care. Amendments to the bill include:

  • The protection of existing benefits that have been secured by organized labor, including employer contributions to cover costs, and ensuring that any public employee or retiree health benefit, including local municipal benefits, are included in the program.

  • Clarifying that all members and health care providers participating in the program will receive full benefits and protections if existing federally-subsidized health programs are used for financial support.




On July 10th, after a 3-year hiatus due to the pandemic, Senator Rivera hosted a Senior Health Fair and Luncheon! More than 250 seniors joined the Senator and local community partners at Monroe College for an afternoon filled with free health screenings, delicious food, raffle prizes, and a great musical performance by the Morrisania Project Band.


The New York State Senate is currently holding its annual Summer Reading Program. Young people are encouraged to take part in this program and use the last month of summer to hone those reading skills. Go to to sign up!

The deadline for submissions is September 1, 2023. More resources and facts about summer reading can be found at:

New York's Libraries:

Scholastic's Kids and Families Reading Report:



In Effect for Friday, July 28, 2023

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos and State Department of Health (DOH) Commissioner Dr. James McDonald issued an Air Quality Health Advisory for the Long Island and New York City Metro regions for Friday, July 28, 2023.

The pollutant of concern is:

  • Ozone

The advisory is in effect 11:00 a.m. through 11:00 p.m.

DEC and DOH issue Air Quality Health Advisories when DEC meteorologists predict levels of pollution, either ozone or fine particulate matter (PM2.5) are expected to exceed an Air Quality Index (AQI) value of 100. The AQI was created as an easy way to correlate levels of different pollutants to one scale, with a higher AQI value indicating a greater health concern.

Summer heat can lead to the formation of ground-level ozone, a major component of photochemical smog. Automobile exhaust and out-of-state emission sources are the primary sources of ground-level ozone and are the most serious air pollution problems in the northeast. This surface pollutant should not be confused with the protective layer of ozone in the upper atmosphere.

Ozone is not a direct emission, and is produced indirectly when sunlight chemically reacts with nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from automobile exhaust and industrial emissions. High ozone isn't as visible as PM2.5 because it's a colorless gas, but it will produce hazy skies and reduce visibility in high concentrations.

People, especially young children, those who exercise outdoors, those involved in vigorous outdoor work and those who have respiratory disease (such as asthma) should consider limiting strenuous outdoor physical activity when ozone levels are the highest (generally afternoon to early evening). When outdoor levels of ozone are elevated, going indoors will usually reduce your exposure. Individuals experiencing symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain or coughing should consider consulting their doctor.

Ozone levels generally decrease at night and can be minimized during daylight hours by curtailment of automobile travel and the use of public transportation where available.

New Yorkers also are urged to take the following energy-saving and pollution-reducing steps:

  • use mass transit or carpool instead of driving, as automobile emissions account for about 60 percent of pollution in our cities;
  • conserve fuel and reduce exhaust emissions by combining necessary motor vehicle trips;
  • turn off all lights and electrical appliances in unoccupied areas;
  • use fans to circulate air. If air conditioning is necessary, set thermostats at 78 degrees;
  • close the blinds and shades to limit heat build-up and to preserve cooled air;
  • limit use of household appliances. If necessary, run the appliances at off-peak (after 7 p.m.) hours. These would include dishwashers, dryers, pool pumps and water heaters;
  • set refrigerators and freezers at more efficient temperatures;
  • purchase and install energy efficient lighting and appliances with the Energy Star label; and
  • reduce or eliminate outdoor burning and attempt to minimize indoor sources of PM 2.5 such as smoking. A toll-free Air Quality Hotline (1-800-535-1345) has been established by DEC to keep New Yorkers informed of the latest Air Quality situation.
Additional information on ozone and PM 2.5 is available on DEC's website and on DOH's website (PM 2.5) / DOH's website (ozone).To stay up-to-date with announcements from DEC, sign up to receive Air Quality Alerts through DEC Delivers: DEC's Premier Email Service.

The Friday, July 28, Air Quality Health Advisory regions consist of: Long Island, which includes Nassau and Suffolk counties and New York City Metro, which includes New York City, Rockland, and Westchester counties.




New York City Mayor Eric Adams released the following statement after joining a meeting hosted by members of the New York congressional delegation with U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in Washington, DC yesterday:


“First, I’d like to thank Leader Schumer, Leader Jeffries, Dean Nadler, and all the members of our state’s congressional delegation who invited me to today’s meeting with Secretary Mayorkas to discuss our city’s needs related to the asylum seeker crisis. We greatly appreciate the support delivered by our federal partners.


“We had a productive conversation today where we discussed the different ways we can work collaboratively to support New York City’s needs as we continue to see a unprecedented surge of migrants. Not only did we discuss the city’s federal funding needs, we also re-emphasized how crucial it is to expedite pathways to work authorization for those who are arriving and are already here. Asylum seekers arriving to our country are seeking to build the American Dream, so it’s time we finally give them a shot at it.


“Finally, we appreciate Secretary Mayorkas’ commitment to visiting the city and designating someone at DHS to serve as a point-person on our asylum seeker needs. We look forward to his visit and learning more about DHS’ plans for how this role will operate.


“New York City continues to see hundreds of asylum seekers arrive every day, on top of the more than 93,000 that have arrived since last spring. We continue to do more than any other city in the nation, but we need additional support from our federal and state partners. We look forward to working with them in the weeks and months ahead to bring an end to this crisis.”

VCJC News & Notes 7/28/23


Van Cortlandt Jewish Center
News and Notes

Here's this week's edition of the VCJC News and Notes

email. We hope you enjoy it and find it useful!



Shabbos information is, as always, available on our website
both in the information sidebar and the events calendar.
Here are the times you need:  
Shabbos Candles Friday 7/28/23 @ 7:57 pm
Shabbos morning services at 8:40 am.  Please join the 
services if you can do so safely. 
Shabbos Ends Saturday 7/29/23 @ 9:00 pm
Blood Drive, Sunday July 30 from 9:30 to 2

Full information is on our blog.
Tu B’Av, Wednesday, Aug. 2

Van Cortlandt Jewish Center
3880 Sedgwick Ave
Bronx, NY 10463

Community Board 10 Public Hearing and Vote on Westchester Avenue Cannabis Dispensary

Wednesday night Community Board 10 held a Public Hearing to hear from the community around a proposed Adult-use retail Cannabis Dispensary Green Sun Inc. located at 3220 Westchester Avenue. The board held an Executive meeting at the board office a week before where the owners of Green Sun Inc. gave a presentation, and only community board members were able to ask questions. CB 10 Chair Joe Russo said that a public hearing would be held on July 26, 2023 to hear from members of the community before the full board would take a vote for or against the cannabis dispensary. 

Partners Elana and Dragar Ristovsky, Bofan Tiepeheustov, and Edwin Ripoll with help from Desmond Lewis of the Bronx Community Foundation presented why they were opening an Adult-use retail Cannabis Dispensary at 3220 Westchester Avenue (the former 7 - 11 site). They have been partners in restaurants in Harlem and Brooklyn, they have worked with various non profits since 2013, and they described that the state chose the borough for them, and they decided on the location which has a parking lot. The store will be open  from 11 AM to 8 PM, have two security guards one inside and the other outside, and an armored car would pick up the receipts. It was mentioned that one of the three partners owns a detail shop in the Bronx.

When member of the public spoke, one person said that they live across the street and clean up garbage that is left all over the place which he believes will increase with the Cannabis store. One woman said that weed stores are getting robbed, and how can you make sure older children won't go into the store? One of the partners said that the Office of Cannabis Management will be tougher on the legal stores where product is so regulated that it is known from seed to finished product where it is going, and that a person will have to show proof of Identification at the door, and again at the time of purchase. 

A husband and wife said they moved to the area recently and were worried about their property value, children, and were against the store opening. Another resident said the quality of life is changing in the area and she too is against the store. A police officer living in the area of the cannabis store said that smoke shops are being robbed as are cell phone stores and he is against the store. Another resident who lives across the street with a five year old daughter was worried about children walking right past the Cannabis store. CB 10 Chair Joe Russo said that this was not another smoke shop but a Cannabis dispensary licensed by the state. Former CB 10 member Bob Bieder agreed with Chair Russo saying he sees no reason why CB 10 should deny this application. 

There were some more people in the negative while others were in the positive of having the Cannabis store in the area including one woman who uses the product to control her cancer. The last member of the public to peak was former city council candidate George Havranek, who said he had visited legal Cannabis stores in other states where they are stand alone stores, not in a business or community district where there are children. He said it would not have a positive influence on the community and he has not heard one word of what the Cannabis store is going to do for the affected community. He wanted to know which partner was involved in selling marijuana in the past and was arrested. Partner Edwin Ripoll said he was, but has changed his ways since then. 

Chair Russo closed the public hearing and asked if any board members had any questions. They included who will be on site all the time, the answer was at least one of the partners. Question, if you own restaurants in Harlem and Brooklyn why didn't you open a Cannabis store there, answer, that was where we were assigned to, Bronx county. Question, how much staff will there be, answer, minimum of five at any given time out of an expected fifteen people on the payroll at a minimum age of 25. Question, how will this close the illegal smoke shops, answer, call 311 to report an illegal smoke shop, and if there is a legal Cannabis store the illegal smoke shops will be told to close. Statement, the Office of Cannabis Management prevented NYC from opting out of the Cannabis program, but let other municipalities opt out of the program. 

After all questions from board member were asked a resolution to recommend approval of the Cannabis Dispensary at the 3220 Westchester Avenue location was presented and seconded. A role call vote gave the following results. Eleven in favor, eight against, with one abstention, thus the resolution passed, and the meeting was adjourned. 

The owners of the Cannabis store at 3220 Westchester Avenue. (R - L) Bofan Tiepeheustov, Ewin Ripoll, Elana and Dragar Ristovky, and Desmond Lewis of the Bronx Community Foundation.

Mr. and Mrs. Washington who recently moved into the area where the Cannabis store will be, voiced their displeasure.

Former city council candidate George Havranek wanted to know which partner was involved in illegal marijuana sales in the past.

Elana and Dragar Ristovsky answer a question from a CB 10 member.

It was a close vote, but the resolution passed for the Cannabis dispensary eleven to eight with one abstention.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

161st Street Business Improvement District - Flicks & Fun on the 161 - The Super Mario Bros. Movie


Join the 161st Street Business Improvement District tomorrow night for our first ever Open Streets Movie Night! We'll be playing the Super Mario Bros. Movie at 8:15 P.M. the earliest at Lou Gehrig Plaza. Bring your own lawn chairs to sit on 161st Street to view the movie or the steps to Joyce Kilmer Park. We home to see you tomorrow night!