Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Bronx 100 Scavenger Hunt


June 25, 2014, Bronx, NY—Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and The Bronx Tourism Council announced today that entries are on sale for the “Bronx 100 Scavenger Hunt,” which will pit teams of four from all over the region in a competition focusing on Bronx history, culture and the redevelopment of the “New Bronx.”
The event will take place all-day on Saturday, July 12, beginning at 9 a.m. at the Bronx County Courthouse. Teams will earn points by taking pictures of various Bronx landmarks and destinations, with the highest scoring team winning $2,500. The day will close with a party for scavenger hunt participants, and will feature other giveaways and prizes.
Only 40 teams will have an opportunity to participate in the event. Entries can be purchased for $40 per team at
“Throughout our centennial celebrations we have been focused on highlighting the ‘New Bronx.’ This contest will give teams from all over a chance to learn about our borough, see firsthand the progress we have made, and maybe even win a prize,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.
“It’s a fun and adventurous way to discover The Bronx, learn about its rich history, and meet new people!” said Olga Luz Tirado, executive director of The Bronx Tourism Council.

“New York Community Bancorp is proud to be the principal sponsor of the ‘Bronx 100 Scavenger Hunt.’ Great things are happening in The Bronx, and this event will help highlight many of the new projects and new developments that are changing the way the world thinks about this wonderful borough,” said Christopher B. Beck, Vice President of New York Community Bancorp.

For more information about the Bronx Centennial celebrations and other borough events,

13th Congressional Results

My prediction for the 13th congressional race was that Adriano Espiallat was going to be the victor, and I also had the number 44 with the prediction. I said that candidate Yolanda Garcia would be a non factor in this race getting only 1 percent of the vote. Candidate Michael Walrond was going to be the key to this election I said, and he certainly was. I thought that Mr. Walrond would wind up with 12 - 15 percent of the vote.

So how did I do?

The results were -

Congressman Charlie Rangel received 47 % 
Adriano Espiallat                        received 44 %
Michael Walrond                         received   8 %
Youlanda Garcia                          received   1 %   

Rangel won by 1828 votes this election over Espiallat, but with over 2,000 Absentee and affidavit ballots still to count candidate Espaillat has not conceded the election to Rangel. 

As for my prediction - I thought that candidate Warlond would do much better than he did, and it appears that his lack of getting more votes was the reason for the Rangel win. I was correct on the 44, as that appears to be the percentage that candidate Espiallat received, and had candidate Walrond gotten a higher percentage of the vote it would have been the difference in the election.

Congressman Charlie Rangel has said that he will get back at those Bronx elected officials who endorsed him in 2012, but failed to this year, and endorsed his opponent for this election.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

STATEMENT FROM BOROUGH PRESIDENT DIAZ RE: New York City's Rent Guidelines Board vote

RE: New York City’s Rent Guidelines Board vote

"Although the Rent Guidelines Board vote on Monday is a first step in the right direction for our City by keeping the increase to a historic minimum it does not go far enough. It is therefore vital to offer more relief to the poor and middle-class of our City, given how many residents are struggling and have not seen their own paychecks increase over the past few years. 

“In the future, in order to address the city’s growing income inequality, we should consider a rent freeze combined with a property tax decrease so that the people of this city have more money in their pockets, while also providing relief to property and home owners. The city needs to work to do more to diversify its housing stock not just by  creating opportunities for low and middle-income housing but also developing greater chances  for homeownership. New York City should be a place everyone can afford to live in and we should utilize every opportunity to preserve affordability for all New Yorkers,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

New R.A.I.N Senior Center

 Today was the ribbon cutting for the new R.A.I.N. (Regional Aid for Interim Needs inc.) senior center located at 3377 White Plains Road in the Gun Hill section of the Bronx. On hand were almost 200 R.A.I.N. supporters and local elected officials to cut the ribbon and give short speeches. Councilman Andy King was the hit of this event sporting a red checkered jacket with matching red bow-tie. Also on hand was Assemblyman Carl Heastie, representatives of Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., City Comptroller Scott Stringer, State Senator Ruth Hassel-Thompson, and soon to be 98 years old R.A.I.N. founder Ms. Beatrice Castiglia-Catullo.  

Left - Councilman Andy King shows his flare for clothes with his jacket and matching Bow-Tie. Norma Diego King's Director of Constituent Services is with him.
Right Councilman King speaks to Ms. Beatrice Castiglia-Catullo the founder of R.A.I.N. about just how R.A.I.N. is important to him and the community.

Left - Evelyn Cintron the director of this new R.A.I.N. senior center tells of the story of how she came to R.A.I.N. and became the director of this site.
Right - Just some of the standing room only crowd that was in attendance.
Finally after all the speeches the ribbon is cut to officially open the new R.A.I.N. senior center with 70 housing units located at 3377 White Plains road. 
On October 30th R.A.I.N. will be 50 years old, and its founder Ms. Beatrice Castigilia-Catullo (center with the scissors) will turn 98. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Croton Facility Monitoring Committee Meeting Agenda June 24, 2014

 Croton Facility Monitoring Committee Meeting

Tuesday, June 24, 2014 – 7:00 PM

DEP Office – 3660 Jerome Avenue, Bronx NY 10467 - 
(718) 231-8470

I Welcome and Chair’s Call to Order 
Father Richard Gorman

II Consider, Adopt June CFMC Agenda 
CFMC Representatives

III Consider, Adopt 5/27/14 Meeting Minutes 
& Consider, Adopt 4/22/14 Meeting Minutes
 CFMC Representatives

IV Update on Croton Construction & Costs at 
Van Cortlandt Park & Jerome Park Reservoir
VCP Golf Club House Schedule 
Additional JPR Tree Removal 
Vincent Moorehead, DEP

V Discussion - Old Business 
CFMC Representatives & the Public

VI Discussion - New Business 
CFMC Representatives & the Public

 Presentation by Karen Argenti 

VII CFMC Discussion &.Set Date for September 
CFMC Representatives 

VIII Adjourn

For Now, I Will Defer to Viverito

By Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az 
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York 

  For Now, I Will Defer to Viverito 

You should know that a lot has happened since the morning of Thursday, June 19, 2014, when I sent out a press release titled: "Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az, NY Hispanic Clergy Organization, and Members of the Community Are Disgusted by Recent Firings at El Diario la Prensa."  For example, on Thursday afternoon, I was happy to see that the NY Guild at El Diaro posted the following tweet: 

NYGuild at El Diario @eldiarionyguild 
@revrubendiaz we look forward to working together to hold @eldiariony accountable for their racism and degradation of quality journalism 
6/19/14, 1:32pm 

On Thursday, I was very happy to receive a phone call from Ms. Nastaran Mohit from the Newspaper Guild of New York, asking to meet.  This was good news, especially since Assemblyman JosĂ© Rivera and I were planning to hold a mass demonstration outside of El Diario la Prensa's executive offices on June 26th.   

You should know that except for Angelo Falcon, the President of the National Institute for Latino Policy, I was one of the first one to come out publicly to oppose offensive remarks by the new owners of El Diario la Prensa after they called the largest and oldest Spanish-language newspaper n New York City and it's readership "ghetto."  I was also the first one to take a position against the unexpected and unjust firing of many seasoned journalists at El Diario la Prensa – and I was quite willing to offer my help to a union representative. 

Ms. Nastaran Mohit thanked me for my support and requested that we meet during the next day to see how we could work together to demand justice for El Diario la Prensa's fired journalists and their readership.  On Friday, June 20th, she contacted me to reschedule since an emergency meeting had been called by the CEO of El Diaro's parent company, Francisco Seghezzo. Even though we agreed to meet on Friday evening, I not heard back from Ms. Nastaran Mohit. 

Since Friday, I did hear from several people - including my dear friend and former El Diario la Prensa columnist, Gerson Borrero - that some leaders in New York's Hispanic community - in particular the New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito - do not want me involved in this fight. 

Gerson Borrero @GersonBorrero 
Source says @MMViverito to get involved in @eldiario dispute. She doesn't want @revrubendiaz involved even though he took lead in issue 
6/21/14, 12:53pm 
You should know that in my capacity as a minister and as an elected official, I have always been there to fight for the rice and beans for the families in my community. My record shows that I am on the front lines fighting for housing, for senior citizens, for education for our children, for the poor and needy, for respect for our community, and so on.  Apparently, my unwavering positions to protect all human life and oppose abortion, and to support traditional marriage and oppose gay marriage are the reasons that New York Council Speaker Mark-Viverito does not want me involved. 

My dear reader, I don't want anyone to think for a moment that I am turning my back on our community who have been insulted by racist statements about Puerto Ricans and Dominicans by the new owners at El Diario la Prensa, nor that I am turning my back on the workers who were unjustly fired by El Diario la Prensa.  Instead of rejecting what might seem to be her censorship of me, I am going to defer to the wishes of the Speaker Mark-Viverito and this time, I am going to step out of the ring.  I will pull back and cancel any planned protest outside of the offices of El Diario la Prensa.  I will cease and desist any efforts to involve myself in this public arena, and I will completely defer to Council Speaker Mark-Viverito to handle this matter. 

You should know that since one of Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito's senior advisors is Erica Gonzalez, El Diaro la Prensa's former Executive Editor, I am confident that the Speaker will have all pertinent information accessible to her and be able to handle everything since her advisor knows all parties involved. 

Ladies and gentlemen, I will step aside and believe that with the intervention of New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and her troops, El Diario la Prensa's workers will be protected, and our community will receive the apology from the new owner that we all deserve.  But if I feel that the community and the workers are not being protected, and if we receive no apology, rest assured: I'll be back. 

This is Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Senator Klein introducesf New York City Speed Limit Bill

Senate version of New York City speed-limit bill creates community input process

State Senate Co-Leader Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester) on Monday introduced a Senate version of the New York City speed limit bill, which would allow the city’s Department of Transportation to uniformly reduce the speed limit to 25 miles per hour on all roadways where no signs are posted. The bill received broad support from local community boards.

Klein’s bill (S.7892) calls for community boards to offer advisory opinions to the city’s Department of Transportation in cases where the agency proposes a speed limit change in excess of five miles per hour.

“I believe in Mayor de Blasio’s Vision Zero plan as a comprehensive approach to ensuring our streets are safe. This legislation supports his life-saving vision and is aimed at reducing the high number of traffic related injuries and deaths each year. Our community boards are on the front lines of local concerns each and everyday and know their streets best, which is why they deserve to have a voice in this process,” said state Senator Klein.

Statistics show that lowering the speed limit to 25 miles per hour dramatically reduces the chance of fatality to 1 in 10 if a pedestrian is struck by a car. It also increases a motorist’s ability to stop and avoid a tragic collision. Earlier this year, Senator Klein delivered an additional 120 speed cameras to New York City’s school zones, also in line with the Mayor’s Vision Zero plan, to keep children and their families safe.

The Klein sponsored bill would allow the city’s Department of Transportation to unilaterally reduce the speed limit to 25 miles per hour on roadways where the speed limit is currently 30 miles per hour and is similar to the Assembly version of the bill (A.9731), with the exception of the community board input amendment.

 Editors Note: We applaud Senator Klein on this legislation, and other legislation Senator Klein has sponsored to make the streets safer for pedestrians. It is a well known fact however that unless there are enough real police officers to deter and catch offenders the situation will not get better. That is what we have seen over the past years when attrition took police officers off traffic duty and placed them elsewhere in the system to replace retiring personal, and to shrink the police force to its current level. 
We agree with the city council that 'more' police officers are needed on the streets and on the roads. 



By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
District 32 Bronx County, New York

  You should know that during these last days of the New York State 2014 Senate Session, some very interesting things are happening.

By this time of the year, when the session is about to end, it is traditional to see all the deal makers and shakers going from one place to another trying to get their projects and pieces of legislation passed before everyone goes back home for the rest of the year.

You should know that the number one topic here in Albany is about Senators Jeff Klein, Diane Savino, David Carlucci, David Valesky and Tony Avella, members of the Democratic breakaway faction making a political arrangement with the Republicans to maintain control of the State Senate.

After the face-saving arrangement between New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo and the Working Families Party and after all the promises and full of air commitment, and talks of both the Governor and the leader of the Working Families Party to bring the members of the Democratic Party back to become one in order for the Democrats to get control of the Senate. Now, the people are becoming aware that everything was a show for the media and a way for the Governor to get the party endorsement and the Working Families Party to assure their 50,000 votes on Election Day in order to keep being an official political party in New York State.

You should know that now the Governor is making and giving all kinds of excuses and reasons why he is not doing what he had promised and the Working Families Party is…well doing what they do best.

Meanwhile, Senator Jeff Klein is facing a primary by ex-New York State Comptroller Oliver Koppell and Senator Tony Avella is facing a primary by ex-New York City Comptroller John Liu.

The other day, Tony Avella was seen in the hallways of the Legislative Office Building taking some lessons from the members of the Bricklayers Local #1 on how to lay out bricks.  It seems that Senator Avella was trying to learn a new skill and become an expert in bricklaying, just in case!

A day before, The New York Post reported that the Independent Democratic Conference led by Senator Jeff Klein and the Regular Democratic Conference presided by Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins were involved in a dialogue to see how they could join together and do away with the Republicans.

The problem with the article is that it reported that in order for that to happen the “kingmakers” have to agree on making sure that the opponents of Jeff Klein and Tony Avella and every other person who is trying to oppose any member of Klein’s group will have to “cease and desist” and practically drop out of sight, out of view, and out of the primary.

You should know that after this report came out everyone started to panic, some worry that their power and control, e.g. Committee Chairs, good offices, staff and “lulus,” could soon be gone. Others, like Senators Timothy Kennedy and Gustavo Rivera started to ask: “What about us?” Rumor has it that they may be thrown to the wolves.

It is important for you to know that both Tim Kennedy and Gustavo Rivera and even Andrea Stewart-Cousins, have their opponents raising money, collecting petitions and telling everyone who wants to listen that they are in it to stay and that there is no way for them to “cease and desist” with their challenges.  So it will be very interesting to see who at the end will be faced with a primary and who will be the sacrificial lamb.

You should know that in the end, the bottom line is that all these kinds of negotiations are illegal under the law, they are quid pro quo, they are immoral, they are unethical and  people could get into big trouble if all these rumors are true.  Only the future will tell us.

I am State Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.