Friday, May 29, 2020

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. Give out 500 Boxes of Food

  In what he called 'Throw Back Thursday' Bronx Borough President  Ruben Diaz Jr. joined with his father Councilman (and 15th Congressional candidate) Ruben Diaz Sr. at the Moore Houses on Jackson Avenue to hand out five-hundred boxes of various foods provided by Fresh Direct.

  The Moore houses is where young Ruben Diaz Jr, lived. He went to the public school across the street up to grade two, when young Ruben Diaz Jr. was placed in a gifted and talented program in another school. The rest is history as he married his high school sweetheart, became the youngest member of the New York State Assembly, and then Bronx Borough President. The borough president said this was not an endorsement of his father for congress, as he had done the same with one of his father's opponents at another location. In all there were five-hundred happier people thanks to former tenants of the Moore houses Ruben Diaz Jr. and Ruben Diaz Sr.

Above - Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. hands this box of food to a woman.
Below - The borough President outs this box of food on this woman's cart.

Manhattan Doctor Sentenced To Prison For Illegally Distributing Oxycodone And Other Drugs

  Geoffrey S. Berman, United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that JOSEPH OLIVIERI, a physician who practiced in Manhattan, was sentenced to 40 months in prison for participating in a scheme to illegally distribute oxycodone and other controlled substances.  OLIVIERI previously pled guilty before U.S. District Judge Paul A. Crotty, who also imposed today’s sentence.  Matthew Brady, OLIVIERI’s co-defendant, was previously sentenced to 36 months in prison for his role in the same scheme.

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “Joseph Olivieri hid behind his medical license to sell addictive, dangerous narcotics.  In doing so, he violated his oath to practice medicine for the sole purpose of improving his patients’ health, and put peoples’ lives at risk to line his own pockets.  He now will serve time in prison for his crimes.”
According to the Superseding Indictment, public court filings, and statements made during court proceedings:
OLIVIERI, a physician who practiced in New York, New York, participated in a five-year-long scheme to illegally distribute oxycodone and other controlled substances.  OLIVIERI was one of the top 15 prescribers of opioids in New York State during much of the scheme.  He prescribed over 250,000 pills of controlled substances, including highly addictive opioids such as oxycodone, oxymorphone, and morphine sulfate, to individuals he knew did not have a legitimate medical need for them.  OLIVIERI was paid in cash for these prescriptions, often by other individuals, including co-defendant Brady, who arranged with OLIVIERI for individuals posing as “patients” to obtain the prescriptions from OLIVIERI, and then collected the pills for their unlawful re-sale.  OLIVIERI deposited more than $1 million in cash into his bank accounts during the scheme.
OLIVIERI, 73, of Scranton, Pennsylvania, pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to distribute controlled substances outside the scope of professional practice and not for a legitimate medical purpose.  In addition to the prison term, OLIVIERI was sentenced to three years of supervised release and ordered to forfeit $500,000.
Brady, 35, of Staten Island, New York, pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to unlawfully distribute controlled substances.  In addition to the prison term, Brady was sentenced to three years of supervised release and ordered to forfeit $100,000.
Mr. Berman praised the outstanding investigative work of the New York City Police Department, Homeland Security Investigations, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Office of Inspector General of the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

Governor Cuomo Issues Executive Order Authorizing Businesses to Deny Entry to Individuals Not Wearing Masks or Face-coverings

Partners with Rosie Perez and Chris Rock to Foster Communication and Education on the Importance of Wearing a Mask, Testing and Social Distancing

Announces State Will Distribute 1 Million Masks to New York City's Hardest-Hit Neighborhoods Today

Announces MTA Will Pilot the Use of UV Light Technology to Kill COVID-19 in Subway Cars and Crew Facilities

Confirms 1,768 Additional Coronavirus Cases in New York State - Bringing Statewide Total to 366,733; New Cases in 38 Counties

Governor Cuomo: "Today, I'm signing an Executive Order that authorizes private businesses to deny entrance to people who do not wear a mask or a face covering. I have been working to communicate this message about masks and how effective they are. They are deceptively effective. They are amazingly effective. We've made them mandatory in public settings, public transportation, et cetera. When we're talking about reopening stores and places of business, we're giving the store owners the right to say if you're not wearing a mask, you can't come in."

Cuomo: "I want to thank very much two great New Yorkers, two great performers, Chris Rock and Rosie Perez who are going to join us and I want to thank them very much. They're going to help communicate this, they're going to do advertisements for the State and they're going to help communicate this message that it's important for an individual's health, for a family's health and it's important for all our health. We're one family in New York. One family in Brooklyn. One family in Queens. One family New York City. And do it for the good of the family."

  Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today issued an Executive Order authorizing businesses to deny entry to individuals who do not wear masks or face-coverings. The Executive Order builds on the state's ongoing efforts to protect New Yorkers and slow the spread.

Governor Cuomo also announced a partnership with Rosie Perez and Chris Rock, who will help New York State build communication and education on the importance of wearing a mask and social distancing and the availability of testing and healthcare in the state.

The Governor also announced that New York State will distribute 1 million masks to New York City's hardest-hit neighborhoods today. The state has already distributed more than 8 million masks across New York City, including to NYCHA developments, food banks, churches and homeless shelters. New York State maintains a comprehensive testing network throughout the state, including more than 225 sites in New York City. New York's extensive testing—the state currently conducts tens of thousands of tests per day—now allows the government to pinpoint the state's hardest-hit neighborhoods for additional supplies and other aid.

The Governor also announced that the MTA will pilot the use of proven UV light technology to kill COVID-19 in subway cars and crew facilities. The MTA currently cleans and disinfects trains every day.

Senator Rivera on Emergency Rent Relief Act Vote

"Clearly, this is not a vote I took lightly and ultimately I am accountable for it. I understand and accept the disappointment among advocates or constituents, but I do believe it was necessary to avoid a first wave of evictions.

I believe the vote today needs to be only the beginning of structuring a subsidy program that will prevent evictions in our state. There are many more steps we must take to protect tenants and keep every New Yorker in their home during and beyond the pandemic. I recognize that even if every penny of this fund were to come to my district, it would not be enough to meet the need. I also recognize that the Emergency Rent Relief Act is imperfect and insufficient. However, I voted in the affirmative to ensure we start allocating federal funding to eviction prevention efforts for tenants who are facing mounting pressure and anxiety as the end of the eviction moratorium approaches.

I am committed to continue working with my colleagues for bolder, more inclusive solutions that keep a roof over every New Yorker's head. We must push for higher taxes on wealthy New Yorkers and I will not relent on this demand. We must also provide long-lasting protections for tenants that will address the homelessness and eviction crisis now as well as the structural inequities facing our state, which this crisis has only brought to the surface."

Thursday, May 28, 2020

MAYOR DE BLASIO on COVID-19 - May 28, 2020

  Mayor Bill de Blasio: Good morning, everybody. We've asked you now over the last two months to shelter in place to practice social distancing, to wear face coverings. It's a lot, and it hasn't been easy. It hasn't been easy for a single day. Everyone's been making huge adjustments and I've talked to so many New Yorkers who have told me it's been a struggle, but despite that you've done it. You've done it to a remarkable degree, and because you've done it so well, we're now actually in a position to start talking about opening things up step by step, phase by phase. You've proven it through your actions that we are getting to the point very, very soon where we can take the first step to restart in phase one. So, you have earned it. Everybody's thinking about it, everybody's talking about it, now we can really get ready for the real work, the tangible work of taking that big first step. So, I want to talk to you today about what that's going to look like and how the city of New York's going to help people into this first phase and through this first phase. And then if we keep doing things right, well beyond that to more and more reopening, and more and more steps towards a better situation for all of us.

So, first of all, it's important to remind everyone, we say restart, we do not mean rushing back to something that we used to think of as normal. We do not mean flicking a switch and suddenly everything's where it was again, of course not. We have to make sure this virus is in check. We've come a long way. We're not going to blow it now. We've talked in recent days about our test, trace, and take care effort. That is central to this, because that is the offensive. That's how you make sure you're pushing back the disease on top of everything all New Yorkers have done. Now a systematic effort based on examples from around the world, but bigger than anything we've ever seen in the history of this city or this country, a systematic effort to trace every single case, follow through, make sure people have the help they need to separate safely. This is a game changer, because it's going to be done on a vast scale and it's going to keep constraining the disease. Doing that is part of how we restart smartly, and that test, trace, and take care initiative grows with every week ahead so it gets bigger and bigger, more and more impact reducing the spread of the disease.

But now, we should talk about what restart looks like on the ground and phase one, and I want to say, I really give a lot of credit to the state of New York for a clear articulation of what is, what are the industries that are part of phase one, and then how each industry should think about the practicalities of reopening. The fact is the State gives out this guidance, and anyone who hasn't seen it, I really want to encourage you to look at it. It's written in a very helpful, straightforward manner. And this is for all of the industries that will restart in phase one. As I said, based on what we know today, that will be in either the first or second week of June. Anyone looking for this information can go to the State website And it lays out very practically what you need to do if you're a business owner, what you need to do to actually make it come together.

First of all, they tell us what we need to know about which industries. Construction, all the construction that's not going on now, that restarts. Manufacturing restarts, wholesale work restarts, and retail that hasn't been in that essential category. So, we know what essential has been, it has been pharmacies, grocery stores, supermarkets, but now we're talking about a whole range of other retail clothing stores, office supply stores, furniture stores, you name it, but restricted to curbside pickup or in store pickup. That means not wandering the aisles shopping or lingering or comparing things, but you know, placing an order and coming and getting it. So, it's a quick transaction with limited contact between people.

So, what does it mean? We think a minimum of 200,000 New Yorkers will be coming back to work, a maximum of 400,000. That's quite a range. A lot of other parts of the country that would be their entire city. But here, because we're in the great unknown, we've never been through a pandemic like this. Certainly not in the last hundred years. We can only give you a range to begin, but we're going to know really soon what the truth is. But even if you say 200,000 people, that's a lot of employees coming back to work. So, we want to make sure it's done the right way, and we want to emphasize safety throughout.

So now, let's talk about how we make it work, business by business. Every business has a set of rules that fit it's reality, the nature of its business. And so, there are very specific, you know, nuts and bolts rules that people can follow and make sense of. Now, let's talk about some of them so you get a grounding of what it means, physical distance to begin with. The whole concept here is you have to keep that six-foot difference. Distance, I should say. Look, there may be moments where people have to come closer together. Sometimes it's just the nature of the job. Sometimes there's an immediate situation that people have to deal with, but the goal is as much as possible, keep people six feet apart. On top of that, keep the occupancy in each location. Think about a manufacturing plant, keep it to under 50 percent of its normal capacity so you have room for people to spread out. If there's tight spaces, elevators, an area around a cash register, keep it to one person at a time to the maximum extent possible. These are sort of common-sense rules, and that look, it's all about limiting contact, limiting the potential spread of the disease. Obviously, PPE’s, some companies need more advanced PPE’s, but the vast majority just need a simple face covering for their employers. Employees, I should say, but it's crucial that every company makes sure every employee has one. They need to provide them for free to their employees. They need to make sure they're wearing them. Hygiene, cleaning, regular cleaning of any shared surfaces. 

We're all going to learn together that, you know look, our business community is extraordinary in this city when you're talking a mom and pop store, bodega, right on up to the biggest businesses. One thing businesses do is they adapt, they create, they move with the times, they move with new conditions. That's the nature of business. Our small businesses know that better than anyone. So, I am convinced our business community will work it out, but now I think it's important that there are city government give them a helping hand. So, I want to talk about the ways that we're going to help, and also the ways that we have to make sure the rules are followed.

We're going to provide a lot of support, of course, all support we provide to businesses will be free and it will come from different city agencies for construction. The support will be primarily from our department of buildings for the other sectors, primarily from our small business services department and from our department of consumer and worker protection. So, what are we going to do? First, we're going to publish industry guides, we've got the guidance from the State that's really helpful. We're then going to add to it with simple, plain English examples of how people can do this work, how they can implement these rules. What you do in a clothing store is different than what you do on a construction site, we're going to try and make it plain and easy to use examples. We're going to get that out next week and provide it to every business, that's a part of phase one.

Second, we're going to start a business restart hotline and the restart hotline is going to be real human beings who know the rules and know how to facilitate and help businesses think through it, that starting next week as well. Any business that's trying to understand the rules can't quite figure out how to implement them is confused about how much is good enough. How many times a day do you have to clean? How do you create the right line for customers waiting to buy something? We will work with each and every business through this hotline. If there's something that they need resolved, it could maybe be done right over the phone, if we need to send out a city official to work with them to come up with a solution. For example, if they're trying to figure out how to do a line outside their store the right way and socially distanced and they're trying to figure out how much of the sidewalk they can take up, we'll work with them on that right there in person to sort it out. So, that hotline will start next week as well. In the meantime, as we've said, many times, any small business owner dealing with any problem we talked about those loan programs from the federal government or any other challenge of course can call 3-1-1 for help. We'll have a specific hotline though that'll be all about restart and how to navigate it.

Third, we're going to have a team of small business advocates and compliance advisors. So, we're going to send a team of city personnel out to businesses to check in to make sure they understand, to see what kind of help they need sorting out. So, we'll do some of over the phone, but we want the ability to immediately, if people need in-person help send teams of city officials to do that, to work that through. We want this to work, and so if someone needs help in the business, we want to see businesses succeed, we want them to start and start safely. If they need someone to come through and literally do a walk through with them, we'll send out help to do that.

And then finally, our sector councils have been amazing. These advisory groups, we're going to keep that going through this phase one, but through all the phases and beyond, they're going to be crucial to us understanding what's working, what's not, what needs to be adjusted. We're going to be able to explain, you know, what's going on with the health situation and figure out if we have to make any adjustments. They're also going to help us figure out the long-term efforts to help small businesses and larger businesses come back strong. Again, no lack of confidence in our business community that they can take the skills they've always relied on and bring them to bear here and come back strong. But they need to know the city is going to be with them every step of the way and we will be.

For other sectors, it will be our office of special enforcement and depending on the issue, sanitation department, department of consumer and worker protection, small business services, or it could rise up to something that involves the police department, Sheriff's office or the FDNY. So, what we will do is what we normally do, but modified for this crisis there'll be random inspections, there'll be agencies going out, checking on the businesses, looking for how things are going, but with a supportive attitude. I want to be clear about this. This is not gotcha, this is not something where we want to find a problem, we're not intending to give fines in the first instance. This is, hey, you got an issue here, let's fix this issue together and every employer who works with it, great, we will be supportive. If department buildings goes out to a construction site and workers are not wearing face coverings. They're going to say, let's get the face coverings on right now, and if they see it happening, there's no problem, we move on. If we don't see compliance, of course we reserve the right if we need to use fines, if we need to take even more aggressive actions we can. That's not what we want to do, we just want to solve problems. We just want to get these businesses up and running. We want to protect health and safety and we can do that together, the right way, that is absolutely the goal and I believe overwhelmingly that's going to be what will happen.

Okay, that's phase one. We're going to have a lot more to say on it, I assure you over the next days, because we're still not there yet. I believe all indicators suggest it'll be announced in the first or second week in June. All businesses are paying attention, they're hearing from the state, they're hearing from the city, they're seeing that this is all coming down to this, so they have time to get ready, but we're going to work very closely with them to make sure all the details get worked out. But some of them will only get worked out once businesses are actually on the ground and open and that's okay. We know we'll work it through in practice, that's phase one.

Now, at the same time as we're getting ready to begin phase one, we're already looking ahead to the phases that will come thereafter. And one of the things I'm hearing the most from business leaders about is they're paying a lot of attention to what will happen with our schools because that will say so much to them about obviously how the city is doing in general, but also if their employees can depend on sending their kids back to school in September and that will tell them a lot about their business planning as well. We are doing work every single day and I've said it really clearly, it's going to be a plan A to reopen school as normal, but with lots of other alternative plans, depending on what the healthcare situation is, there'll be a plan B, C, D I assure you, we are adamant though we want to work with the hope that we can get as close to a normal school reopening as possible for September 10th. We had a great conversation last night with our education advisory council. Now this involves a lot of key stakeholders in our public schools, folks in the department education the unions who represent the people who do the work of education parent organizations, but also beyond our public schools, religious schools, private and independent schools. Higher education is represented by some of the leaders of the great higher education institutions in this city. We're all talking together about what it's going to take and many, many organizations as well that provides support for our kids and our youth in a variety of ways. 

We know some people are particularly vulnerable and certainly every day, but particularly in a crisis, homeless New Yorkers are vulnerable. So, let's talk about what we have learned about this new effort in the subway system, the nightly cleaning and the impact it has had on our ability to serve the homeless. We now have three full weeks of data, three full weeks of evidence, and it's pretty striking. So, I want to give you an update since the beginning of the nighttime cleaning shutdowns, we have had 1700 individuals except help 1,700 encounters that led to a homeless person accepting help. 506 unique individuals, so that means not multiple times, but people who specifically took help, 506 unique individuals, accepted placement and shelter for some period of time, 281 are still in shelter right now. Now again, for all of us who have worked on these issues for a long time, 281 people have come off the street and just the last three weeks and staying off the street is a remarkable number and that is a beginning of something much bigger as we seek to end permanent street homelessness in this city. Very importantly, another 432 accepted hospital care to address medical situations, that's huge. So something in the midst of this crisis, in the midst of all the pain, all the challenges, something actually good has happened here where we're finding a new way to serve homeless New Yorkers and a lot of them are accepting the offer and hopefully are well on their way now to changing their lives and never living on the streets again.

Some kids deal with particularly tough circumstances, some kids have to deal with in their own homes, threats to them. And this is where our administration for children's services comes in and they do amazing work. And I want to highlight them today because they don't get enough attention, they don't get enough appreciation in any time. But I got to tell you how hard it has been for our ACS workers who go out there. Our child protective specialist, the folks who focus their lives on protecting the lives of kids and under very complex circumstances. Imagine what it takes to understand if a child is in danger in their own home and how to navigate that and how to protect that child. Very complex work, very trying, difficult work, and it's been made more difficult by the pandemic. People can't get out to homes the same way, and obviously home life has been disrupted and it's become very tense in many homes. We've got 3,000 child protective specialists at ACS, they do the Lord's work, they do amazing work. And thank you to all of you. Thank you to everyone at ACS because whatever your job is, ACS, it is about protecting and uplifting children. So, I want to thank everyone at the administration for children's services and a particular appreciation to those protective workers. This is an important time to take stock. May is national “Foster Care Month,” it's a time to thank all of the folks who work in foster care as well; the caseworkers and the folks who choose to be foster care parents, really crucial role in our society. Everyone in this, everyone in this area is unsung. We don't talk about the incredibly important role that foster parents play in the lives they have saved and turned around. We don't talk about the workers who make it possible. We should more often because it's an area that really, really matters to a lot of kids who found themselves in a tough circumstance, but there are adults who are there to pick them up and help them move their lives forward. So, thank you to all.

Okay, it is time today to look at our indicators and thresholds and number one, the daily number of people admitted to hospitals for suspected COVID- 19 - good number today – congratulations, New York City, we have to stay under 200 we’re at only 59 today. So, we're showing some real consistency there. That means what you're doing is working. Daily, number two, daily number of people in our Health + Hospitals ICUs - so we want to get under 375 or 421. We're getting closer. You see that trend line, we are getting closer every day. We're very confident we can get to where we need to be, but we've got some more work to do. And then indicator number three, the percentage of the people tested citywide positive for COVID-19 the threshold is 15 percent. That we stay below 15 percent we can make it work, we can protect lives, we can keep the city moving. Here is a number that I am really happy to see – happens to be my personal favorite number – number six, and we have never been that low in these reports. This is a very good day, six percent positive and we're doing more and more testing. I told you about 27,000 tests per day and growing constantly. Here's the interesting thing a lot of folks have asked as you do more testing, do you expect the numbers to go up or down? To date as we do more and more and more testing basically the numbers are going down. The more New Yorkers we're reaching, the better picture we're getting at what's happening in the city; the fewer people were finding tests positive as a percentage. That's a great sign for the future of the city. So, congratulations, really good news on that number – a very good day.


  Mayor Bill de Blasio outlined additional guidance and support for the industries permitted to restart in phase one of the City’s reopening. With the Test and Trace Corps set to launch June 1, and the number of positive cases, hospitalizations, and cases in the ICU in continuous decline, New York City is moving closer to the day when construction, manufacturing, wholesale suppliers, and non-essential retail including clothing and electronics stores can reopen with some restrictions.

“New Yorkers have worked so hard for this progress, but we must remain vigilant in this fight. I know we are all eager to return to normal, and the guidelines for phase one are the first step on that path,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “We will support business so they can reopen while staying safe.” 


During phase one, the City estimates 200,000 to 400,000 employees may return to work. To ensure this is done safely and without causing a resurgence of this virus, all businesses must adhere to specific hygiene, distancing, and health protocols. Full guidance can be found here.

Basic rules for all sectors include:

-       Ensure frequent cleaning and disinfecting of any shared surfaces
Health Screenings
-       Implement mandatory health screenings for employees, such as questionnaires and temperature checks
-      create distance markers and post signage throughout the workplace reminding personnel to adhere to phase one guidance and rules
-       Employers must conspicuously post completed business safety plans on site
Social Distancing
-       Require six feet of distance between people unless safety or core function of the work activity requires less
-       Tightly confined spaces must reduce occupancy to under 50% of maximum capacity with all employees wearing face coverings
-       Limit occurrence of all in-person gatherings and meetings, and only hold them in large, well-ventilated areas with social distancing and a maximum of ten people  
Personal Protective Equipment
-       Provide employees with free clean face coverings and, if the nature of the work requires, stricter personal protective equipment like face shields
-       Encourage the use of face coverings at all times and require them if employees cannot keep 6 feet of distance due to safety or core work function


The Department of Buildings, Department of Consumer and Worker Protection and Small Business Services will educate and conduct outreach to businesses as they reopen for phase one. To support businesses and workers through this transition, the City will:

-       Launch a business re-start hotline that will be available for any business that needs additional support or clarification about regulations or resources
-       Release simplified industry guides to help educate businesses about proper protocols 
-       Train teams of City officials that will to go out to businesses and provide on the ground assistance
-       Continue to meet with the Sector Advisory Councils to gather feedback on reopening progress and address industry wide concerns and issues 

To ensure businesses are complying, enforcement agencies will conduct random visits to sites that are reopening. They will review reopening safety plans and provide guidance regarding best practices and applicable regulations. Summons or fines will be issued in the case of egregious or repeat violations. New Yorkers can call 311 to report a business that is violating the guidelines.

The City is expected to reach the threshold for phase one in the beginning of June. Businesses outlined in phase one cannot start to reopen until an exact date to do so is announced.

Former Member Of Venezuelan National Assembly Charged With Narco-Terrorism, Drug Trafficking, And Weapons Offenses

Adel El Zabayar Allegedly Worked with the Former President of Venezuela Nicol谩s Maduro Moros and Other Prominent Venezuelan Officials to Distribute Cocaine and Weapons In Coordination with Terrorist Organizations

  Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Timothy J. Shea, Acting Administrator U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”), announced today that ADEL EL ZABAYAR was charged in Manhattan federal court with participating in a narco-terrorism conspiracy, a cocaine importation conspiracy, and related weapons offenses involving the use and possession of machineguns and destructive devices, all based on his support of the Venezuelan C谩rtel de Los Soles and designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (“FARC”), Hizballah, and Hamas.

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “As alleged, Adel El Zabayar was part of the unholy alliance of government, military, and FARC members using violence and corruption to further their narco-terrorist aims.  El Zabayar was allegedly a key part of the apparatus that conspired to export literally tons of cocaine into the U.S.  We further allege today, for the first time, that the C谩rtel de Los Soles sought to recruit terrorists from Hizballah and Hamas to assist in planning and carrying out attacks on the U.S., and that El Zabayar was instrumental as a go-between.  Allegedly, El Zabayar obtained from the Middle East a cargo planeload of military-grade weaponry.  With today’s charges, El Zabayar joins the rogues’ gallery of defendants we charged two months ago, and he faces the possibility of life in a U.S. prison if and when he is apprehended.”
DEA Acting Administrator Timothy J. Shea said:  “Today’s charges against Adel El Zabayar for trading arms for cocaine, and recruiting extremists, further demonstrates the corruption inside the Maduro regime.  The actions charged in the complaint show that Maduro’s administration operates with no regard for its own citizens, instead choosing to flood the United States with cocaine and other drugs while enriching itself.  As the layers of the Maduro regime are exposed, so is its immoral, unethical, and dangerous actions.”
According to the allegations contained in the Complaint charging EL ZABAYAR and in the related Superseding Indictment charging Maduro Moros and others in the Southern District of New York, which was unsealed on March 26, 2020[1]:
EL ZABAYAR is a member of the C谩rtel de Los Soles, or “Cartel of the Suns.”  The Cartel’s name refers to the sun insignias affixed to the uniforms of high-ranking Venezuelan military officials.  For more than two decades, Cartel members, including EL ZABAYAR and Maduro Moros, have abused the Venezuelan people and corrupted the legitimate institutions of Venezuela – including parts of the military, intelligence apparatus, legislature, and the judiciary – to facilitate the importation of tons of cocaine into the United States.  The Cartel sought not only to enrich its members and enhance their power, but also to “flood” the United States with cocaine and inflict the drug’s harmful and addictive effects on users in the United States. 
The C谩rtel de Los Soles has worked in coordination with designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations, including the FARC, Hizballah, and Hamas.  EL ZABAYAR, in particular, has, among other things, participated in weapons-for-cocaine negotiations with the FARC, obtained anti-tank rocket launchers from the Middle East for the FARC as partial payment for cocaine, and recruited terrorists from Hizballah and Hamas for the purpose of helping to plan and organize attacks against United States interests.    
For example, in or about 2014, EL ZABAYAR participated in several meetings with Diosdado Cabello Rond贸n, the president of Venezuela’s National Constituent Assembly and a member of the C谩rtel de Los Soles, at a military base in Caracas, Venezuela.  During the meetings, Cabello Rond贸n directed EL ZABAYAR to travel to the Middle East to obtain weapons and recruit members of Hizballah and Hamas to train at clandestine training camps located in Venezuela.  Cabello Rond贸n explained during the meeting, among other things, that the purpose of recruiting members of Hizballah and Hamas to train in Venezuela was to create a large terrorist cell capable of attacking United States interests on behalf of the C谩rtel de Los Soles.  EL ZABAYAR agreed.  Several months later, after EL ZABAYAR returned to Venezuela from the Middle East, EL ZABAYAR, Cabello Rond贸n, and others traveled together to a hangar controlled by Maduro Moros at the Sim贸n Bol铆var International Airport in Maiquet铆a, Venezuela, where EL ZABAYAR received a Lebanese cargo plane full of weapons, including rocket-propelled grenade launchers, AK-103s, and sniper rifles, that EL ZABAYAR had obtained while he was in the Middle East, as Cabello Rond贸n had directed.   
During the course of EL ZABAYAR’s activities on behalf of the C谩rtel de Los Soles, EL ZABAYAR also acted as a liaison between the Venezuelan government and Syrian president Bashar Hafez al-Assad, fought in Syria on behalf of Assad’s Hizballah-backed forces in or about 2013, and appeared in at least two interviews released by Al Manar, Hizballah’s terrorist-designated propaganda arm, in or about 2013 and 2014.
The Complaint charges EL ZABAYAR, 56, with: (1) participating in a narco-terrorism conspiracy, which carries a 20-year mandatory minimum sentence and a maximum of life; (2) conspiring to import cocaine into the United States, which carries a 10-year mandatory minimum sentence and a maximum of life; (3) using and carrying machine guns and destructive devices during and in relation to, and possessing machine guns and destructive devices in furtherance of, the narco-terrorism and cocaine importation conspiracies, which carries a 30-year mandatory minimum sentence and a maximum of life; and (4) conspiring to use and carry machine guns and destructive devices during and in relation to, and to possess machine guns and destructive devices in furtherance of, the narco-terrorism and cocaine importation conspiracies, which carries a maximum sentence of life.  The potential mandatory minimum and maximum sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge.
Mr. Berman praised the outstanding investigative work of the DEA’s Special Operations Division Bilateral Investigations Unit and New York Strike Force.
The charges in the Complaint and Superseding Indictment S2 11 Cr. 205 are merely accusations, and EL ZABAYAR and the defendants named in the Superseding Indictment are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
 [1]  As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Complaint and the Superseding Indictment and the description of those documents set forth herein, constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

Attorney General James Sues Wholesaler for Price Gouging During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Quality King Gouged Prices of More Than 46,000 Cans of Lysol Disinfectant Spray,
Charging Retailers More Than Double As Pandemic Raged On

AG Seeking Restitution for All Consumers Forced to Pay
Excessive Prices Due to Quality King’s Unlawful Activity

  New York Attorney General Letitia James today filed a lawsuit against a wholesale grocery distributor for price gouging during the coronavirus pandemic. The lawsuit charges the wholesaler, Quality King Distributors, Inc., and its CEO, Glenn Nussdorf, with illegally increasing the company’s wholesale prices to sell Lysol disinfectant products to neighborhood grocery and discount stores in New York. Between January 2020 and April 2020, Quality King increased the price of Lysol Disinfectant Spray from about $4.25 per 19-ounce can to as high as $9.15 per can, even though the company did not incur increased costs for the product. The stores purchasing Lysol products from Quality King then passed on those increased prices to their customers, forcing them to pay far higher prices for Lysol products than they did before the pandemic. Consumers were charged as much as $16.99 for one can of Lysol that was previously sold at a retail price range of $5 to $8. The lawsuit seeks restitution from Quality King for those consumers who were forced to pay unlawfully high prices for these essential products. The Attorney General’s Office learned of Quality King’s price gouging after receiving complaints from consumers about retail stores’ high prices.

“Quality King’s profiteering during this time of crisis is appalling,” said Attorney General James. “Instead of ensuring New Yorkers could protect themselves from this virus and stop the spread, Quality King chose to prey on a global pandemic to line its own pockets. I won’t hesitate to take action against any company that tries to cheat New Yorkers during this crisis and beyond.”
Prior to the pandemic, Quality King sold Lysol Spray at the median wholesale price of about $4.25 for one 19-ounce can of the product or about $51 for a pack of 12 cans. The Attorney General’s lawsuit alleges that the company then steadily increased its prices as New York and the nation became gripped by the coronavirus pandemic — first to a wholesale price of about $5 per can ($60 per 12-pack) during February 2020, then about $7.95 per can ($95.45 per pack) by early March. By the end of March, Quality King charged as much as $9.15 per can of Lysol Spray (about $110 per pack), or more than double its typical price for the product just two months earlier.
During this time, Quality King’s own median costs to purchase Lysol Spray from its suppliers remained flat at around $3.54 per can or $42.50 per 12-pack. As a result, the company has been able to boost its gross profit margin on the product from about 21 percent before the pandemic crisis to more than 95 percent during the crisis, or almost a five-time increase.
The lawsuit alleges that Quality King’s price increases injured New York consumers, who sought to buy Lysol’s disinfectant products to kill the coronavirus on surfaces in their homes to reduce the risk of infection. Retail stores in New York paid Quality King’s high wholesale prices and then passed the price increases on to their customers.
As a result, consumers paid prices of $12, $13, and even $16.99 for cans of Lysol that were previously sold at a retail price range of $5 to $8, the complaint alleges. Between February 1, 2020 and April 7, 2020, Quality King sold Lysol Spray with gouged prices in at least 432 separate transactions. These sales accounted for at least 3,835 12-packs of Lysol Spray or 46,020 19-ounce cans.
The lawsuit alleges that Quality King has also increased prices on Lysol Disinfectant Wipes.
The Attorney General’s lawsuit against Quality King and its CEO is part of a broader investigation by the Attorney General into price gouging by wholesalers and retail stores during the coronavirus pandemic. Since February 2020, thousands of consumers have submitted reports to the Attorney General’s Office complaining that they have been charged excessive prices for necessary products during the crisis, including disinfectants, sanitizers, household paper products, and food staples. The Attorney General’s Office investigates consumers’ complaints to determine if price gouging occurred and which parties in the distribution chain — retails stores, producers, or wholesale distributors such as Quality King — are responsible for the excessive price increases.
The Attorney General filed its suit against Quality King in New York State Supreme Court for New York County. The Attorney General is suing for a permanent injunction barring the company and its CEO from continuing their illegal conduct, restitution for injured consumers, a civil penalty, and disgorgement of Quality King’s profits from their illegal practices.