Friday, February 9, 2024



Administration Will Partner With New York State’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative to Invest $56 Million in Chinatown


“Chinatown Connections” Will Kick Off With Public Engagement Period Starting This Month


Delivers on Key Commitment Made by Mayor Adams in This Year’s State of the City Address

New York City Mayor Eric Adams today launched “Chinatown Connections,” a joint city and state investment that will dramatically improve the public space in Chinatown through redesigning Park Row and Chatham/Kimlau Square — making the area safer, more-pedestrian friendly, and more welcoming to both residents and visitors. “Chinatown Connections” will bring together $44.3 million in city capital funding with $11.5 million from New York state’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative awards for a total project budget of $56 million. Building on an announcement in Mayor Adams’ State of the City address last month, “Chinatown Connections” furthers the Adams administration’s commitment to enhancing and expanding public space across the city.


“For far too long, Chinatown residents, neighbors, and tourists alike had to deal with confined public spaces and dangerous intersections at Chatham/Kimlau Square, but those days are coming to a close. Our $56 million joint investment with the state in ‘Chinatown Connections’ will allow us to reimagine the square with shortened street crossings, more public space, simpler intersections, and direct cyclist connections — making our streets even safer for all New Yorkers to share,” said Mayor Adams. “We’ll beautify Park Row, making it easier for New Yorkers and tourists to get from the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge to Chinatown and all the small businesses here, and we’ll give Chinatown the entrance it deserves with a new Welcome Gateway that honors this neighborhood’s rich cultural heritage. At every step of the way, we will work hand-in-hand with the local Chinatown community so that the project reflects what the community wants and needs from our city. This announcement is another step in our work to revitalize the future of Chinatown and reimagine the urban experience for all New Yorkers.”


“The state is not only committed to preserving the culture of the community but also investing in projects that enhance the livability, health and prosperity of communities to benefit residents, businesses, and tourists alike,” said Secretary of State Robert J. Rodriguez. “Today we celebrate the launch of three signature Chinatown Downtown Revitalization Initiative projects that together will re-envision Kimlau Square as a safe and attractive community destination, celebrate Chinatown’s local culture, and invite visitors back to Chinatown’s local restaurants and businesses.  We thank Mayor Eric Adams for working together with the state and community and for investing an additional $44.3 million towards these key undertakings. I am confident these, now enhanced projects, along with the other eight DRI funded community projects, will ensure local residents witness a greater beneficial neighborhood impact.”


Reimagining Chatham/Kimlau Square


Currently, Chatham/Kimlau Square features a five-point intersection with complex traffic movements; this results in many conflict points, which endanger drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians. This year, in consultation with the local Chinatown community, the administration will kick off a traffic study to inform redesigning Chatham/Kimlau Square to create a standard, four-way intersection, larger public space, shorter pedestrian crossings, and direct cyclist connections. The study will also evaluate the option of either keeping Park Row closed to private car traffic or reopening Park Row in the future with a redesigned Kimlau Square. The study will take into consideration both existing traffic conditions and future traffic conditions under congestion pricing. Following that study and a community engagement process, construction is scheduled to begin in 2027, with estimated completion in 2029. Approximately $5 million of the $11.5 million Downtown Revitalization Initiative award will go towards this redesign.


Kimlau Square


The five-point intersection currently at Chatham/Kimlau Square. Photo credit: New York City Economic Development Corporation


Beautifying the Park Row Connection to Chinatown


Park Row is a critical pedestrian and bike route connecting Lower Manhattan, Chinatown, the Brooklyn Bridge, and the new public space at the Brooklyn Bridge Arches. Starting this spring, the city will launch a Street Improvement Project on the Park Row connection to Chinatown, between Frankfort Street and Chatham/Kimlau Square. In consultation with the local community, the city will implement short-term improvements to enhance the pedestrian and bicyclist experience, including safety improvements, art interventions, new planters, and additional wayfinding and signage. In parallel, the city will engage with the local community to evaluate options for deploying $4 million of the $11.5 million Downtown Revitalization Initiative award for permanent improvements on Park Row. The project will begin with a community engagement period, and construction work will commence in 2024, with short-term improvements being installed throughout the year.


Creating a Chinatown Welcome Gateway


The city will also build a Chinatown Welcome Gateway, located in the vicinity of Chatham/Kimlau Square, finally giving one of New York City’s most historic districts the entrance it deserves. The Chinatown Welcome Gateway will commemorate the cultural heritage of the neighborhood and draw visitors to local businesses. The location, size, and design of the gateway will be informed by the traffic study, existing conditions assessment, and robust community engagement. The construction timeline for the Chinatown Welcome Gateway will depend on private fundraising to supplement $2.5 million of the $11.5 million Downtown Revitalization Initiative award.


This month, the city will convene a community working group of key stakeholders across Chinatown sectors to help guide the entire project design and implementation. The community working group is expected to convene at key milestones throughout an 18-month engagement process, and the public engagement process will expand to community board presentations and broader public meetings. These efforts build on three initial public workshops the city conducted with the Chinatown community last year.


“Since the beginning of this administration, we have been committed to making Chinatown a more livable, walkable community, with more and better public spaces for residents and visitors,” said Deputy Mayor for Operations Meera Joshi. “From the Arches to Kimlau Square, we are working closely with local leaders and residents to ensure that these public spaces are by and for residents — prioritizing safety, comfort, and connection. With deep thanks to our state partners, we look forward to continuing our robust public outreach and delivering an exciting new public space for Chinatown.”


“‘Chinatown Connections’ advances the administration’s commitment to celebrating this area’s cultural heritage while making significant public safety and infrastructure investments benefitting its residents, small businesses, and visitors,” said Deputy Mayor for Housing, Economic Development, and Workforce Maria Torres-Springer. “Similar to our other neighborhood planning efforts, we are excited to kick off this work with a comprehensive, community-focused engagement process that will deliver transformative improvements to Kimlau Square.”


“‘Chinatown Connections’ is a city and state collaboration that will bring dramatic public realm improvements to Chinatown and public safety improvements to one of the busiest intersections in Manhattan,” said New York City Economic Development Corporation President & CEO Andrew Kimball. “Reimagining public spaces with pedestrian safety and outdoor amenities continues to be a top priority for the Adams administration, and we are looking forward to working with DOT and NYC Parks to revitalize this culturally significant area of Manhattan.”


“The ‘Chinatown Connections’ project exemplifies the city’s dedication to fostering equitable streets and welcoming public spaces in our effort to reimagine the public realm for years to come,” said New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez. “This ambitious project aims to revitalize busy neighborhood areas, including Park Row, Chatham Square, and Kimlau Plaza, improving the overall pedestrian experience, creating new bicycle connections, and dramatically enhancing street safety and connectivity at a major Manhattan crossing. I am pleased DOT was able to allocate $44 million in support of the effort to deliver this project, and I look forward to continued collaboration with the community, as well as our city and state agency partners, to further enrich Chinatown.”


“We are thrilled to participate in ‘Chinatown Connections,’ an inter-agency collaboration that aligns with the Adams administration’s commitment to enhance and expand public spaces,” said New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (NYC Parks) Commissioner Sue Donoghue. “This effort is designed to increase open spaces, create safer walkways, and redirect traffic to better safeguard pedestrians. We thrive on collaboration, involving community residents to be a part of projects such as this one at Kimlau Square, which will honor the rich cultural heritage of the Chinatown neighborhood. Through this project, our agencies are committed to ensuring safety, enhancing the aesthetics of the space, and supporting community events to bring visitors to the heart of Chinatown — through the beautification of Park Row and the redesign of Kimlau Square.”


“Public space is a not a luxury, but a necessity for all communities throughout the city,” said Chief Public Realm Officer Ya-Ting Liu. “Today, the Adams administration is making an unprecedented investment to transform public space in Chinatown that will not only improve traffic safety and create a vibrant space for local residents that honors the history and cultural fabric of the neighborhood, but that will make Kimlau Square a destination for visitors to enjoy and experience what the many wonderful local businesses have to offer.”


“More public realm enhancements like this mean greater neighborhood vitality and safety for residents and visitors across the city,” said “New” New York Executive Director B.J. Jones. “The partnership between the city, state, and community leaders makes this gateway a testament to our joint commitment to make the necessary investments to fuel New York’s economic resurgence.”


NYCEDC will be the lead agency responsible for the procurement, engagement, design, and construction processes. Additionally, NYCEDC will coordinate between NYC Parks, DOT, and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA). NYC Parks will lead the Memorial Arch restoration and DOT will lead the Park Row improvements and the new Kimlau intersection, plaza, and gateway. DCLA will facilitate the artist selection process for the Chinatown Welcome Gateway.  


Understanding that public spaces are where communities are built, culture is fostered, and opportunities are created, Mayor Adams committed $375 million to creating new, vibrant public spaces in his 2023 State of the City address. To further that effort, he appointed Ya-Ting Liu as the city’s first-ever chief public realm officer and launched visionary projects in all five boroughs to create new public spaces, including the North Shore of Staten IslandBroadway Vision and Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, Broadway Junction in Brooklyn, the Met Hub in Queens, and new, world-class skateparks in the Bronx and Brooklyn. Mayor Adams also signed the country’s largest permanent outdoor dining program into law last year to create better, cleaner, and more accessible sidewalk and roadway cafes and significantly expanded open street programs during the holiday and summer seasons.


To keep the city’s public spaces clean and transform what it feels like to be outside in New York City, Mayor Adams and New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY) Commissioner Jessica Tisch launched efforts to containerize 100 percent of businesses’ trash and all residential trash from buildings with nine or fewer units. Building on the progress made over the course of the past two years, last week, the city unveiled a new, automated, side-loading garbage truck and a new data-driven containerization strategy in the city’s next phase of its war on black trash bags. The city will expand its Harlem on-street containerization pilot and take steps to get every single black trash bag off of New York City streets.


“The Chinatown connections project is a visionary project aimed at addressing the many issues in our community that have affected pedestrians and vehicles for all too long,” said Raymond Tsang, president, Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association. “With this project going forward from the support of the city and state government, our community will benefit from the improved traffic and pedestrian safety that it brings, and the tourists from near and far, to admire what a revitalized Chinatown has to offer.”


“Kimlau Square has historically been an important place — for open air markets or for the public to use the elevated train station,” said Wellington Chen, executive director, Chinatown Partnership. “It is also where we remember the veterans and honor those who served and paid the ultimate sacrifice as it is the vital key connection where streets converge. We look forward to having a better and proper setting for future commemorations and communal gatherings for generations to come.” 


“Community Board 3 is very excited to plan for the renovation of historic Kimlau Square,” said Andrea Gordillo, chair, Manhattan Community Board 3. “The renovation of this gateway to Chinatown will make a great impact every day on the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists, and improve and enlarge the public space used by many Chinatown residents. Community members have long requested that the intersection be redesigned and aligned so residents can cross safely. The pathway from Park Row to the Brooklyn Bridge will unify the neighborhood and encourage the flow of residential traffic through a beautified and accessible street.”


“Today, we stand at the threshold of a new era for Chinatown and Lower Manhattan, united in our efforts to foster a safer, more connected and vibrant urban landscape,” said Tammy Meltzer, chair, Manhattan Community Board 1. “This project will do more than just enhance the function and aesthetics of our city streets. It serves as a profound act of reconnection and healing, beginning to knit back together a divide that tore apart the very fabric of our communities on 9/11. A vital part of that reconnection is creating space for community stakeholders for those who live, work, study and visit the area. The commitment for an inclusive community outreach process initiated by the city, signals a future crafted in collaboration with these important neighborhoods, ensuring that local voices and visions shape the path forward. I thank the vital community leaders who have moved this project forward, and Mayor Adams and Governor Hochul for investing in their vision. Together, we are not just redesigning a square that honors Chinese-American soldiers who lost their lives defending the United States; we are redefining the future.”


About the Downtown Revitalization Initiative


Chinatown was the winner of round five of New York state’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative, a cornerstone of its economic development program, which transforms downtown neighborhoods into vibrant centers that offer a high-quality of life and are magnets for redevelopment, business, job creation, and economic and housing diversity. Led by the New York Department of State, with assistance from Empire State Development, Homes and Community Renewal, and the New York state Energy Research and Development Agency, the Downtown Revitalization Initiative represents an unprecedented and innovative “plan-then-act” strategy that couples strategic planning with immediate implementation and results in compact, walkable downtowns that are a key ingredient to helping New York state rebuild its economy from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to achieving the state’s bold climate goals by promoting the use of public transit and reducing dependence on private vehicles.


In the first six years of the program, the state committed $700 million investing in 69 downtowns ripe for revitalization. Participating communities are nominated by the state’s 10 Regional Economic Development Councils based on the downtown’s potential for transformation. Each community is awarded $10 million to develop a downtown strategic investment plan and implement key catalytic projects that advance the community's vision for revitalization and leverage additional private and public investments. More information on the Downtown Revitalization Initiative is available online.


Councilwoman Kristy Marmorato Guests at Van Nest Neighborhood Alliance February Meeting

It was a somber first meeting of the 2024 year for the Van Nest Neighborhood Alliance as  the VNNA Senior Advisor Bob Nolan passed away in December of 2023. There was a moment of silence, and VNNA President Bernadette Ferrara had only kind words for a man who served the Bronx in many various ways, the latest as a member of the Health and Hospitals Corporation Board. President Ferrara then spoke about the Community Board 11 meeting with City Planning representatives on the Metro North stations at Morri Park and Parkchester/Van Nest. 

After a brief year-end report by VNNA Secretary Marion Manfredi, VNNA Vice-President Sharlene Jackson-Mendez spoke about the Martin Luther Day Clean Up of Morris Park Avenue by the Metro North side of the street. Councilwoman Kristy Marmorato was then introduced. The councilwoman said she is located currently in the old office of the past councilwoman on East Tremont Avenue, and her office is working hard helping constituents. The councilwoman is doing a senior Valentines Day event in Throggs Neck where everyone is invited, and will be doing another clean up with the Friends of Pelham Parkway on Saturday February 17th. She is working with the Morris Park and Van Nest communities on the Metro North proposal, and wants to have a Town Hall meeting on the subject in early March. Besides the public hearing Councilwoman Marmorato is working on stopping the 'Just Home' Project at Jacobi Hospital, the City of Yes and Metro North rezonings, and she will be getting into budget season soon.

Councilwoman Kristy Marmorato speaks to the audience as VNNA President Bernadette Ferrara and Treasurer John Messinger sit at the table.

(L - R) VNNA Treasurer John Messinger, Councilwoman Kristy Marmorato, President Bernadette Ferrara, Secretary Marion Manfredi, Vice-President Sharlene Jackson-Mendez, and Sergeant of Arms John Fernandez. 

NYPD Announces January 2024 Citywide Crime Statistics


Ongoing reductions achieved in shootings, homicides, vehicle thefts, other major crimes

Continued declines across most major crime categories prevailed during January 2024, compared to the first month of last year, and included substantial drops in murder, rape, burglary, and felony assault. And for the second month in a row, the number of vehicles stolen in New York City was reduced by at least 3.8% (1,178 vs. 1,224).

Overall index crime dipped 2.9% citywide in January compared to the same month in 2023, more than reversing the slight increase experienced in December. In January, the category of murder decreased by 25% (27 vs. 36); rape by 24.4% (102 vs. 135); burglary by 19.8% (1,065 vs. 1,328); grand larceny auto by 3.8% (1,178 vs. 1,224); and felony assault by 1.5% (2,068 vs. 2,100). Arrests for all major index crimes citywide increased 5.7% (4,676 vs. 4,422) in January compared to the same time period a year ago.

Shooting incidents in January were reduced by 10.8% (66 vs. 74), which equated to an 11.5% (77 vs. 87) decrease in the number of shooting victims. Also in January, NYPD officers arrested 330 people for possession of an illegal firearm and seized 508 guns. Police have now taken more than 14,115 guns off New York City streets since the start of the administration two years ago.

“It is evident that the tremendous work being done by the men and women of the NYPD to confront gun violence head-on continues to drive significant reductions in violence and disorder across many categories,” said Police Commissioner Edward A. Caban. “These intensive efforts are having ripple effects citywide, and are enhancing quality of life and increasing public safety on a large scale.”

In January 2024 compared to the previous January, overall crime in public housing developments decreased by 11 major crimes (486 vs. 497). The total number of bias incidents investigated by the NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force across the five boroughs increased by 12 incidents (45 v. 33) in January, led by a month-over-month increase in anti-Jewish incidents.

Citywide in January, the category of robbery increased 5.4% (1,417 vs. 1,345) while grand larceny saw a 0.4% (4,056 vs. 4,041) uptick, fueled by organized pickpocket teams and individual “lush workers” – so named because they often target inebriated or sleeping victims in the subway system. The nation’s largest and most-travelled transit network, which accounts for just 2% of all major crime committed in New York City, saw an increase of 70 index crimes (222 vs. 152) in January. In demonstrating the NYPD’s ability to develop timely, intelligence-driven deployment plans, uniformed presence in the subway system was expanded in hot-spot areas and will be supported further over the coming weeks using a combination of Transit Bureau personnel and officers usually assigned to administrative duties department-wide. In addition to violent crime, officers will continue to focus on quality-of-life offenses, including fare evasion. 

*All crime statistics are preliminary and subject to further analysis, revision, or change.*

Index Crime Statistics: January 2024

+/-% Change
Felony Assault20682100-32-1.5%
Grand Larceny40564041150.4%
Grand Larceny Auto11781224-46-3.8%

Additional Statistics: January 2024



% Change
Shooting Incidents

Hate Crimes Statistics: January 2024

(Representing January 1 – January 31 for calendar years 2024 and 2023)

Motivation20242023Diff% Change
Sexual Orientation

Note: Statistics above are subject to change upon investigation, as active possible bias cases may be reclassified to non-bias cases and removed from counted data.


While crime is down citywide, it is up in the Bronx by twice a much or close to 6%.

Mayor Adams, why is it that a borough that has 18% of the cities population has almost 27% of the cities total crimes.

New York City Council Passes Legislation to Improve Health and Extend Life Expectancy for All New Yorkers

Council also passed bills that support survivors of domestic violence and the city’s elderly population 

The New York City Council passed legislation that aims to improve health and extend life expectancy for all New Yorkers by requiring the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to develop a 5-year population health agenda that improves public health outcomes, addresses health disparities, and improves quality of and access to health care for New Yorkers.

The Council also enacted legislation that expands safety support services for victims of domestic and gender-based violence, including door and window repair services for their homes and access to a personal emergency response device. Additionally, the Council approved a bill that provides eligible older adults living in Mitchell-Lama apartment buildings with access to prepopulated forms for rent increase exemption applications.

“The Council took comprehensive action to improve health outcomes and extend life expectancy for all New Yorkers,” said Speaker Adrienne Adams. “Our legislation will support our city in its efforts to recover from the lingering effects of the pandemic and help address the pre-existing disparities in health treatment and outcomes that were exacerbated by it. Our efforts to expand support services for survivors of domestic and gender-based violence to be safe are a continuation of this Council prioritizing help for crime victims. Older adults, who have contributed so much to our city, deserve our attention and support, and the Council’s bill to ease the application process for rent increase exemptions for those living in Mitchell-Lama apartments will help them age in place.”

Extending Life Expectancy for New Yorkers

Introduction 0093, sponsored by Council Member Lynn Schulman, would require the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) to develop a 5-year population health agenda to improve public health outcomes, increase overall quality of life, address health disparities, and expand access to health care for New Yorkers. In 2020, New York City experienced a stark drop in life expectancy from 82.6 years old in 2019 to 78 years old. The largest decreases in life expectancy occurred among Black and Latino New Yorkers; the pandemic worsened existing disparities faced by these New Yorkers. This bill seeks to address these ongoing issues and disparities as part of “Healthy NYC,” a campaign to improve and extend the average lifespan of all New Yorkers to 83 years by 2030, which was launched by Council Member Lynn Schulman, Mayor Eric Adams, and DOHMH Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan on November 1, 2023.

Establishing Support Services for Victims of Domestic and Gender Based Violence
Introduction 0093, sponsored by Council Member Shahana Hanif, would require the Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence (ENDGBV) to establish a trauma-informed program that connects eligible survivors of domestic or gender based violence to support services, including, but not limited to, door and window repair services for the dwellings of eligible survivors and a personal emergency response device. Evidence suggests that domestic violence is among the leading causes of housing instability, especially for women and children. In 2023, the HOME+ program — a program that provides free security and safety resources to help domestic violence victims stay in their homes instead of going to a shelter or somewhere else — was expanded to provide home security repair services. The bill would require ENDGBV to develop outreach and education materials on these services, and post such materials on its website, to inform residents about the program. It would also require annual reporting on the program to be submitted to the Mayor and Speaker of City Council.

Supporting Older Adults in Mitchell-Lama Apartment Buildings
Introduction 0025, sponsored by Council Member Eric Dinowitz, would require the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) to provide an application form for the senior citizen rent increase exemption (SCRIE) program to residents in Mitchell-Lama apartment buildings subject to city supervision who appear to be eligible for the SCRIE program with necessary application information pre-filled on the form. This populated form would be provided to potentially eligible residents along with a letter explaining the program’s features and information on how to review the application form and apply for the SCRIE program. Currently, 16.2% of older New Yorkers (residents aged 65 and older) account for the city’s population, with a projected increase of 20% by 2040. This bill seeks to make the SCRIE program more accessible to the City’s growing older adult population. 

Authorizing legal action to compel implementation of CityFHEPS Reform Laws

Resolution 0004, sponsored by Council Member Diana Ayala, authorizes the Speaker to commence legal action on behalf of the New York City Council to compel the Mayor and his Administration to implement CityFHEPS reform laws: Local Law 99Local Law 100Local Law 101, and Local Law 102 of 2023.

Land Use

2226 Third Avenue – REEC Third Ave LLC seeks a zoning map amendment to rezone the existing R7B to a C4-6, zoning text amendments to designate the site with MIH and amend the East Harlem Corridors special district to include the development site. These actions will facilitate the developmentof a new 10-story life sciences building, in Deputy Speaker Diana Ayala’s district.

Whitestone Lanes Rezoning – Mar Mar Realty LLC seeks a Zoning Map amendment to rezone the existing M1-1 to R7A and Zoning text amendment to amend Appendix F (Inclusionary Housing Designated Areas) of the Zoning Resolution of the City of New York to establish the Project Area as a Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH). These actions will facilitate a new 9-story residential building in Council Member Sandra Ung’s district. It will include 415 housing units, approximately 113 permanently affordable units, approximately 14,400 square feet of public access area, to including a range of tree plantings, seating, fitness equipment, table tennis, and 200 parking spaces on the cellar level.

166-11 91st Avenue Special Permit – Amar 16611 91st, LLCseeks to obtaina Special Permit and a Zoning Text amendment to designate a Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH) area. These actions will provide relief for a height restriction which uniquely impacts the development site within the Special Downtown Jamaica District. It will include a new 13-story mixed use residential and community facility building. It will include 28 housing units, approximately 9 affordable units, along with outdoor recreational areas and several terraces will be provided for the tenants, in Council Member Nantasha Williams’ district.

962 Pacific Street Rezoning – The Council voted on a resolution to disapprove this application, in favor of prioritizing the comprehensive plan that Council Member Crystal Hudson is co-leading with the local community and the Department of City Planning. The comprehensive planning effort underway is anticipated to create over 1,200 affordable homes and provide additional public services and infrastructure. We need to complete this planning process to ensure that the applicant’s project is consistent with the finalized neighborhood plan.

Governor Hochul Announces Opening of New Mobile Medication Unit to Provide Addiction Treatment Services in New York City

Commissioner Chinazo Cunningham cuts a ribbon 

Part of $6 Million Investment to Bring Mobile Medication Units to High-Needs Areas

Mobile Medication Units Allow People to Receive Medication for Addiction Treatment Outside of a Traditional Facility

New Unit to Provide Addiction Care, Including Medication, in the South Bronx

Governor Kathy Hochul today announced the opening of a new Mobile Medication Unit to provide addiction treatment services in the South Bronx neighborhood of New York City. MMUs offer a wide range of addiction services, and are authorized to dispense medication to treat substance use disorders, including methadone and buprenorphine, under the direction of the Office of Addiction Services and Supports. Such sites are designed to reach individuals who may face barriers to accessing traditional treatment. Funding for these mobile units was awarded under Governor Hochul in 2022, with two now active in New York City, and one additional coming online. OASAS has awarded more than $6 million in federal funding to support the development of MMUs across the state.

“It is time to start expanding access to resources for communities who have been underserved for far too long,” Governor Hochul said. “The opening of new Mobile Medication Units will provide those who have faced obstacles with the services and support needed to treat substance use disorders and live a more fulfilling life.”

New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports Commissioner Dr. Chinazo Cunningham said, “The MMU program is helping us to expand the reach of our treatment services, and help more people access the lifesaving help and support that they need. The South Bronx has one of the highest rates of overdose death in the state, and increasing access to medication for addiction treatment in this area is vital in our efforts to help those who have been impacted by addiction and prevent more overdose deaths.”

Services offered in MMUs include medical screenings, medication for addiction treatment, peer support, telehealth capability, and referrals and linkages to other health care services. The new mobile unit has a full-time counselor, peer specialist, and nurse practitioner, and offers services in both English and Spanish through Acacia Network. This innovative program is being supported with $550,000 in federal funding under the federal State Opioid Response III (SOR) Grant.

Acacia Network CEO Lymaris Albors said, “As a leading provider of integrated primary and behavioral health services in New York State, Acacia Network is thrilled to roll out our ‘Healing on Wheels’ initiative to bring accessible, culturally competent substance use treatment and health services to underserved communities in the Bronx through our new MMU, with four additional units to deploy soon in Brooklyn, Albany, Buffalo, and Dunkirk. We thank OASAS for their longstanding partnership and look forward to our continued work together to address the opioid epidemic through innovative harm reduction and accessible treatment initiatives such as the MMU.”

OASAS oversees one of the nation’s largest substance use disorder systems of care with approximately 1,700 prevention, treatment and recovery programs serving over 731,000 individuals per year. This includes the direct operation of 12 Addiction Treatment Centers where our doctors, nurses, and clinical staff provide inpatient and residential services to approximately 8,000 individuals per year.

New Yorkers struggling with an addiction, or whose loved ones are struggling, can find help and hope by calling the state’s toll-free, 24-hour, 7-day-a-week HOPEline at 1-877-8-HOPENY (1-877-846-7369) or by texting HOPENY (Short Code 467369).


Innovative Program Will Help 1,500 Households With CityFHEPS Vouchers Move Into Permanent Homes, Fast-Track 1,000 Through Emergency Declaration


New Approach to Nonprofit Partnerships Will Ensure Long-Term Affordability and Stability for Tenants


Follows Adams Administration’s Record-Breaking Efforts to Connect

New Yorkers in Shelter to Permanent, Affordable Homes 

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New York City Department of Social Services (DSS) Commissioner Molly Wasow Park launched the Affordable Housing Services (AHS) initiative — a new effort that will create 1,500 permanent affordable homes for New Yorkers in the shelter system with City Fighting Homelessness and Eviction Prevention Supplement (CityFHEPS) vouchers. Through an emergency declaration issued today, DSS will fast-track 1,000 of those units


With 10,600 households with CityFHEPS vouchers currently in the city’s shelter system unable to find housing due to the city’s severe housing shortage, the program will create a new, much-needed, and scalable pathway out of shelter. Through the Affordable Housing Services program, the city will help nonprofits purchase or enter long-term, building-wide leases on affordable housing sites — locking in long-term affordability with strong tenant protections for CityFHEPS voucher holders. The new initiative represents another major step in the Adams administration’s efforts to create affordable homes across the entire city.


“Time and time again, our administration has taken action to help New Yorkers in our shelter system move into permanent affordable homes, and our strategies have proven effective,” said Mayor Adams. “As 10,000 households eligible for CityFHEPS are currently living in shelters, the Affordable Housing Services initiative will create over 1,500 much-needed permanent affordable homes for New Yorkers experiencing homelessness. And as we act now to connect New Yorkers to the homes they need, we will continue to advance our historic ‘City of Yes’ proposal to build housing in every neighborhood and advocate for Albany to truly meet the need.”


“Throughout this administration, we have reaffirmed that every New Yorker deserves a permanent home, and we continue to take consistent, innovative steps to make that aim a reality,” said Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Anne Williams-Isom. “Today’s announcement of the Affordable Housing Services initiative will help 1,500 individuals and families transition more quickly from shelter to stable housing and will give nonprofit providers new tools to secure leases to further assist their clients as they transition from shelter to housing. Thank you to DSS for their steadfast commitment and creative solutions as we all work together to help every New Yorker in need of a permanent home.”


“The Affordable Housing Services initiative is an important avenue for accelerating pathways to housing for shelter residents,” said Deputy Mayor for Housing, Economic Development, and Workforce Maria Torres-Springer. “This effort builds on the increases in permanent housing placements this administration has already facilitated and serves as an example of our ongoing commitment to secure affordable housing for New Yorkers.”


“DSS administers rental subsidies for more than 70,000 households, effectively making us one of the largest housing authorities in the country,” said DSS Commissioner Wasow Park. “After taking significant steps to expand access to city-funded rental assistance for households in shelter, we are pursuing bold housing solutions and leveraging social service dollars to create critical permanent housing opportunities for them. The emergency use of the Affordable Housing Services initiative will fast-track connections to deeply affordable housing for 1,000 households in shelter while positioning them for long-term stability. This initiative will also be instrumental in helping build on the vital progress we’ve made increasing permanent housing placements from shelter last year. We are also grateful for Comptroller Lander’s partnership in this critical effort as we work collaboratively to realize new and innovative ways to deliver for some of our most vulnerable New Yorkers.”


The emergency declaration issued today will allow DSS to fast-track the creation of 1,000 units of affordable housing by cutting down time required to register contracts with non-profit providers, ultimately allowing providers to quickly move voucher holders into affordable units that are ready for immediate occupancy. The 1,000 fast-tracked units will all use the AHS long-term leasing model and take advantage of new-to-market buildings and existing housing stock ready for clients to move into. The additional 500 units in the AHS pipeline will be acquired by non-profit providers.


In total, the city’s pipeline for the program will create 1,500 units of subsidized housing for households with CityFHEPS vouchers. DSS has already finalized contracts with various nonprofit providers to create subsidized housing for nearly 700 households in shelter that are eligible for CityFHEPS vouchers. More than 150 households have already been placed in permanent housing made available through the program in 2023. The program also includes the first-of-its-kind project, done in partnership with Riseboro Community Partnership, to convert the former JFK Hilton Hotel to affordable housing.


The new initiative represents another major step in the Adams administration’s efforts to create affordable homes across the entire city, especially for families exiting the shelter system. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2023, the administration connected more New Yorkers to permanent housing using CityFHEPS vouchers than in any other year in the program’s history — building on a series of reforms the Adams administration has implemented to expand access to vouchers, eliminate the 90-day length-of-stay requirement for New Yorkers in shelter to be eligible for the vouchersexpand their use so voucher holders can obtain permanent housing anywhere in New York State, and further streamline the program with technological improvements for voucher holders.


In addition to setting records last year for creating affordable homes and helping New Yorkers move in, the Adams administration broke new ground in FY23 by financing the highest number of supportive homes in city history as well as the highest number of homes for New Yorkers who formerly experienced homelessness in a fiscal year, since tracking began in 2014. These signs of significant progress also follow bold steps to help voucher holders obtain affordable housing more quickly by eliminating credit checks for CityFHEPS voucher holders applying for affordable housing and make permanent affordable homes available for voucher holders more quickly.


“With more people in shelter and housing more expensive than ever, we need new, creative solutions to help people move into housing they can afford,” said New York City Comptroller Brad Lander. “Props to DSS Commissioner Molly Wasow Park and the Adams administration for coming up with this innovative and urgently-needed program — and for working with us to ensure it makes wise use of public dollars, addresses the short-term crisis but also builds toward longer-term solutions, and helps homeless New Yorkers find their way home.”


“For nearly 20 years, Acacia Network has been proud to partner with the City of New York to address some of our most pressing quality-of-life issues — from homelessness and housing affordability to the more recent COVID-19 and migrant crises,” said Lymaris Albors, CEO, Acacia Network. “This announcement by Mayor Adams and the Department of Social Services is a testament to the power of multi-sector collaboration and the value that non-profit providers bring to the table, and we look forward to continuing to work together by connecting homeless individuals and families to safe, permanent housing.”


“Housing is the bedrock of families, individuals, and community well-being,” said Debbian Fletcher-Blake, CEO, VIP Community Services. “We applaud Mayor Adams and Commissioner Park for their vision to invest in 1,500 affordable housing units for shelter residents through DSS’s Affordable Housing Services program. This innovative program represents a significant step in addressing homelessness in New York City. It will provide a direct pathway to equitable opportunities for low-income individuals. We are excited at the prospect of improving access to permanent and stable affordable housing in New York City.”


A long-term solution to homelessness has and will always start with a pathway to permanent, affordable housing, said Scott Short, CEO, RiseBoro Community PartnershipWe're honored to be a part of that solution through the ongoing conversion of JFK Hilton. Thank you to the mayor and the city for taking this very important step.