Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Four Times More Applicants Compared to Last Year, and Universal Access in Districts 7 and 23

  Mayor Bill de Blasio and Schools Chancellor Richard A. Carranza today announced 3,257 families are receiving offers to free, full-day, high-quality 3-K for All across six community school districts –up from 793 offers across two community school districts last year. There will be over 5,000 students attending 3-K for All this fall, up from over 1,500 during the 2017-18 school year and including approximately 2,000 additional existing seats for three-year-olds in EarlyLearn programs. All families who applied from Districts 7 and 23 will be able to attend 3-K for All this fall, fulfilling the City’s commitment to provide universal access in every district in its second year of expansion.

Families received 3-K for All offers two months earlier than last year. A total of 9,468 families across all 32 community school districts applied for a 3-K program, demonstrating high demand and the need for additional support from the State and Federal government to bring 3-K for All citywide by the 2021-22 school year.

“The first year of 3-K for All has been a resounding success and the demand shows it has transformed the lives of families in the South Bronx and Brownsville,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “As we expand to new districts in 3-K’s second year, we will give more of our youngest New Yorkers an invaluable head start in life and make our City fairer.”

“Four times more 3-K offers means four times as many children who will get a critical start to their education, but it’s clear that we need more seats,” said Schools Chancellor Richard A. Carranza. “The research is clear – high-quality 3-K and Pre-K for All are the foundation of our students’ long-term academic success – and parents want their children to benefit. I hope we will receive more support from our State and federal partners to meet New York City families’ demand for free, full-day, high-quality early childhood education.”

Earlier this year, Mayor de Blasio increased the City’s commitment to fully funding free, full-day, high-quality 3-K. With this increased commitment, the full schedule for 3-K expansion is: 
·         2017-18: District 7 (South Bronx) and District 23 (Brownsville). This year, over 1,500 three-year-olds are being served by 3-K for All in these two districts.
·         2018-19: District 4 (East Harlem), District 5 (Harlem), District 16 (Bedford-Stuyvesant), and District 27 (Broad Channel, Howard Beach, Ozone Park, Rockaways). There will be over 5,000 seats across the six districts offering 3-K for All in Fall 2018. 
·         2019-20: District 6 (Washington Heights and Inwood), District 9 (Grand Concourse, Highbridge, Morrisania), District 19 (East New York), and District 31 (Staten Island)
·         2020-21: District 12 (Central Bronx) and District 29 (Cambria Heights, Hollis, Laurelton, Queens Village, Springfield Gardens, St. Albans)

DOE outreach specialists will continue to work with families who received an offer throughout the summer, to ensure their children are able to attend 3-K for All this fall. Families without an offer are receiving information today on 3-K programs – including EarlyLearn – for which they may be eligible, and will receive ongoing support from the DOE outreach team to find a program that meets their needs. Families can continue to learn about available 3-K seats online at, over the phone by calling 311, or in person at a Family Welcome Center.

3-K for All is the nation’s most ambitious effort to provide universal, free, full-day, high-quality early childhood education for all three-year-olds, and builds on the success of Pre-K for All. Research has found every dollar invested in high-quality early education saves taxpayers as much as $13 long term.

Each district will have a two-year expansion, offering universal access in the second year. By fall 2021, the City will support approximately 19,000 3-K seats across the 12 community school districts. For the 2018-19 school year, 3-K for All will cost $66 million across six districts. At scale, the cost will be $203 million across the 12 City-funded districts. In order to achieve the vision of 3-K for All citywide, the City will need additional support from partners in the State and federal government.

There is extensive research supporting the transformative value of free, full-day, high-quality3-K for All, including the following:
·         Several studies have found that students who attend two years of preschool compared to one are better prepared for kindergarten, and that they perform significantly higher on academic and social outcome measures.
·         A study of the two-year Abbott Preschool Program in New Jersey found persistent gains in language arts and literacy, mathematics, and science through 4th and 5th grade, with larger test score gains for children who participated in two years of preschool. In addition, Abbott Preschool Program participation was linked to lower grade retention rates and fewer children needing special education.
·          A study of Head Start found that families of children who attended for two years were more likely to engage in recreational activities together that supported child development, and were likely to spend more hours reading together at home.
·         A Chicago study found that children who attended two years of public preschool were significantly less likely to receive special education services, to be abused or neglected, or to commit crimes in adulthood.

The 3-K for All expansion builds on the success of Pre-K for All. Parents with children enrolled in free, full-day pre-K save an average of $10,000 annually on childcare costs. Additionally, an NYU study last year found that Pre-K for All makes it more likely that a low-income child in New York City is properly diagnosed with asthma or vision problems, and receives screening or treatment for hearing or vision problems. Independent research from the NYC Center for Economic Opportunity demonstrated high satisfaction with Pre-K for all: 92 percent of families surveyed rated their program as excellent or good, and 83 percent of families said their child learned “a lot” in pre-K. Across the board, the research shows that both students and families are seeing critical benefits from Pre-K for All. 

Like Pre-K for All, 3-K for All relies on the partnership of community-based organizations, including Head Start, EarlyLearn providers, child care agencies, and family child care providers.
As part of the larger effort to strengthen birth-to-five care and education across the City, EarlyLearn programs are transitioning from ACS to management by DOE in 2019. This transition is being led by ACS and DOE, with engagement with other city agencies, such as the Human Resources Administration and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, as well as providers, early childhood care and education experts, and State and federal regulators. Creating a unified birth-to-five early care and education system will benefit children, families, and providers. It will enable consistent, high-quality standards, greater curricular alignment from early childhood through second grade, a single contracting relationship and set of supports for early childhood education providers, integrated data collection, and seamless connections between early childhood development and 3-K-through-12 education. In addition to programs serving three- and four-year-olds, EarlyLearn programs serving children from six-weeks-old through four-years-old are also transitioning to management by DOE, including center- and home-based programs.

3-K for All and Pre-K for All are part of the Mayor and Chancellor’s Equity and Excellence for All agenda. Together, the Equity and Excellence for All initiatives are building a pathway to success in college and careers for all students. Our schools are starting earlier – free, full-day, high-quality education for three-year-olds and four-year-olds through 3-K for All and Pre-K for All. They are strengthening foundational skills and instruction earlier – Universal Literacy so that every student is reading on grade level by the end of 2nd grade; and Algebra for All to improve elementary- and middle-school math instruction and ensure that all 8th graders have access to algebra. They are offering students more challenging, hands-on, college and career-aligned coursework – Computer Science for All brings 21st-century computer science instruction to every school, and AP for All will give all high school students access to at least five Advanced Placement courses. Along the way, they are giving students and families additional support through College Access for All, Single Shepherd, and investment in Community Schools. Efforts to create more diverse and inclusive classrooms through Diversity in New York City Public Schools, the City’s school diversity plan, are central to this pathway. 

"The statistics make clear that 3-K for All is resonating with New York City’s working families, easing the financial burden and giving our children the early start that is critical for development,” said Council Member Mark Treyger, Chair of the Committee on Education. “I commend Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Carranza for continuing to invest in positive academic, social, and economic outcomes of our city's students and families."


While we applaud the mayor and Chancellor's effort to move 3K For All, this is to little not soon enough. 

This plan should be implemented into the districts which are 'Districts in Need of Improvement', and that is far greater than the districts listed above. 

One major problem is that smaller districts are being given this program before other districts so that the numbers will show a large success rate. 

In order to be fair to all NYC students 3K For All must be implemented in each and every school in all NYC school districts.

Nixon Slams Cuomo For Being Unwilling to Fund Subway Fix

When presented with new plan to fix the subway, Cuomo punted
 In a statement, Governor Cuomo's spokeswoman refused to commit the state to funding the subway fixes. Today, Democratic candidate for Governor of New York Cynthia Nixon released the following statement on the Governor's reaction to the new plan to fix the MTA.
“We need a governor who will stop punting and take responsibility for funding and fixing our subways and trains. Cuomo's response to this new plan is a total failure of leadership. If he wants the MTA to talk to tech experts, he’s had 8 years to make that connection. And more importantly, he had 8 years to come up with a plan to fund the needed improvements. We can’t fix the subway until we have a governor who knows it’s her job to fund the MTA."

Bronx Chamber of Commerce - Top 5 Reasons to Participate in The June 9, 2018 BCC Expo

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Participate in 
The New Bronx Business & Real Estate Expo

Saturday, June 9, 2018, 11:00 am - 4:00 pm

1. Hundreds of consumers and attendees will be there!
2. Have an Edge over Your competition
3. Showcase Your Company or Organization
4. Easy access to mass transit and highways
5. Easy parking for 2,800 in garage plus outdoor spots

 "You never know where your next big deal is going to come from"!

Nunzio Del Greco
President and CEO
Bronx Chamber of Commerce
"The Network For Business Success"
1200 Waters Place, Suite 106
Bronx, NY 10461


  Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. has written a letter to Mayor Bill de Blasio urging the administration to speed up the full implementation of Intro 214-B, a.k.a. “Right to Counsel,” which secured legal representation for low-income tenants in New York City’s housing courts among other benefits.

In particular, Borough President Diaz is urging the de Blasio administration to hasten the rollout by a full two years ahead of the current July 2022 deadline imposed by the legislation, given the ongoing eviction crisis facing low-income tenants in the five boroughs.

“Our City's tenants simply cannot wait. We must work harder to keep them in their homes and neighborhoods, rather than deal with a crisis when they are evicted and forced into the shelter system,” said Borough President Diaz in the letter.

The full letter can be read at


  Three activist organizations in New York’s 34th State Senate District have joined the growing chorus of citizens’ groups and political leaders who are endorsing Alessandra Biaggi.
 The latest endorsement was announced today by Indivisible Westchester. Shannon Powell, co-founder of the progressive grassroots group, said: “Alessandra has the right combination of youthful energy and grounded experience that make her an outstanding choice to represent her community.”
 Indivisible Westchester cited Biaggi’s experience in state government and her deep roots in District 34, while criticizing incumbent Jeff Klein for creating a rogue conference that empowered the Republican minority in Albany.
 Biaggi’s bid is also being supported by both the Bronx Progressives and Northwest Bronx Indivisible. The Bronx Progressives promote social, racial, and economic justice and welfare as well as a safer environment for everyone in the borough. Members of the group are pledging to canvass for Biaggi in key neighborhoods of District 34, which includes much of the Bronx as well as part of Mount Vernon and the entire town of Pelham, both in Westchester County.
 Northwest Bronx Indivisible is an all-citizens political and legislative group dedicated to resisting the Trump administration and opposing the agenda of Republicans in Congress. The group co-sponsored a town hall last month in the Bronx neighborhood of Riverdale, hoping to hear from both candidates for the 34th District seat. Biaggi appeared and spoke at length to the group, while Klein informed the sponsors just hours before the event that he would not appear.
 Klein is the founder of the Independent Democratic Conference, a group of eight state senators who were elected as Democrats but caucused with the Republican Conference in Albany and handed control of the State Senate to the GOP. The IDC announced last month that it would dissolve. Progressive Democrats statewide blame the IDC for blocking more than two dozen bills that were passed by the Democratic-led Assembly, including a single-payer medical coverage plan, voting reforms, and reproductive health standards.
 Biaggi previously served Governor Cuomo’s administration in the Counsel’s office, writing legislation focused on advances in health care and women’s rights. Biaggi also worked in the NYS Office of Storm Recovery, taking a leading role in the rebuilding of homes and businesses after Hurricane Sandy.
 A Pelham resident, Biaggi graduated with honors from New York University and the Fordham University School of Law. This is her first campaign for public office.


"Our campaign expected today's convention to be a coronation for Cuomo & Hochul. It's disappointing though that the stale Democratic establishment had an opportunity to expand voting rights and unify the party by hosting an array of speakers, but did just the opposite instead. 

"I'm proud to have the support of courageous progressives-- such as the Working Families Party and those who cast their vote for me today-- and will move forward as planned by petitioning to ensure our campaign is on the Democratic line for Lt. Governor this fall."

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

U.S. Attorney Announces Charges Against Additional Members Of The “Harlem Mafia Rollin’ 30s” Crips, Including “Big Homie” Randy Torres

  Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, James P. O’Neill, the Police Commissioner of the City of New York (“NYPD”), and Angel M. Melendez, Special Agent in Charge of Homeland Security Investigations in New York City, announced the unsealing of a Superseding Indictment charging five additional defendants, including a leader of the Rollin’ 30s Crips, RANDY TORRES, a/k/a “Rico,” with racketeering and narcotics charges as a result of their membership in the violent Crips street gang.  TORRES, together with CHARLES VENTURA, a/k/a “Gutta,” DERRICK RICHARDSON, a/k/a “J Rock,” EARL BANKS, a/k/a “EJ,” and former Armed Services Member EMIL MATUTE, a/k/a “Silly,” join other members of the Rollin’ 30s who were previously charged with racketeering, firearms, and narcotics-related offenses, including WALSTON OWEN, a/k/a “Purpose,” RICHARD FELIZ, a/k/a “Dirt,” SHAQUILLE BAILEY, a/k/a “Shaq,” a/k/a “Jefe,” and MIGUEL CABA, a/k/a “Miggs.”

The Superseding Indictment charges FELIZ for the March 26, 2015, murder of Victor Chafla, an innocent bystander.  OWEN, FELIZ, BAILEY, CABA, VENTURA, and RICHARDSON are already in federal custody.  BANKS and MATUTE were arrested earlier today, and will be presented in Manhattan federal court before U.S. Magistrate Judge Katherine H. Parker.  The case is assigned to U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero.  TORRES remains at large.  
Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “As alleged, these defendants are members of a street gang that has engaged in drug trafficking, robbery, murder, and other acts of violence.  The indictment unsealed today alleges that Richard Feliz murdered innocent bystander Victor Chafla in a botched attempt to kill a rival gang member.  Gang violence is a threat to the safety and security of our neighborhoods, and we will continue to work to end it.”
NYPD Commissioner O’Neill said:  “The high level of collaboration employed by the NYPD and our federal partners increasingly results in appropriate, meaningful prison sentences for those convicted of engaging in these types of illegal enterprises and street violence.  I commend all of the detectives and investigators involved, and the U.S. Attorney for leveling these additional charges today.”
HSI Special Agent in Charge Angel M. Melendez said:  “The charges against these men span from racketeering to murder; from firearms to narcotics-related offenses.  These members of the violent Crips street gang allegedly did whatever it took to fund their criminal enterprise and protect their interest.  But it is in the interest of HSI and its law enforcements partners, like the NYPD, to ‘close up shop’ on these alleged criminal operations by arresting the operators and bringing them to justice.”
According to the allegations contained in the Superseding Indictment[1] and other documents in the public record, and statements made in court:
From at least in or about 2013 up to and including in or about 2017, in the Southern District of New York and elsewhere, RANDY TORRES, a/k/a “Rico,” WALSTON OWEN, a/k/a “Purpose,” RICHARD FELIZ, a/k/a “Dirt,” SHAQUILLE BAILEY, a/k/a “Shaq,” a/k/a “Jefe,” MIGUEL CABA, a/k/a “Miggs,” CHARLES VENTURA, a/k/a “Gutta,” DERRICK RICHARDSON, a/k/a “J Rock,” EARL BANKS, a/k/a “EJ,” and EMIL MATUTE, a/k/ “Silly,” were members or associates of a racketeering enterprise known as the “Rollin’ 30s,” also known as the “Harlem Mafia,” or “Dirt Gang.”  In order to fund the enterprise, protect and expand its interests, and promote its standing, members and associates of the Rollin’ 30s committed, conspired, attempted, and threatened to commit acts of violence, including murder, attempted murder, and robbery; and they conspired to distribute and possess with intent to distribute narcotics.
During a dispute with a member of an opposing crew, on March 26, 2015, FELIZ fired a gun in an attempt to kill that individual.  FELIZ instead hit an innocent father, Victor Chafla, in the head, while Chafla was standing outside the store where he worked stocking fruits and vegetables. Chafla died from his wounds a few days later.
Count Charges Defendants Maximum Penalties
2 Conspiracy To Commit Murder in Aid of Racketeering RICHARD FELIZ Life in prison
3 Murder in Aid of Racketeering RICHARD FELIZ Life in prison or death
4 Use of Firearms Resulting in Death RICHARD FELIZ Life in prison or death
5 Narcotics Conspiracy RANDY TORRES, WALSTON OWEN, RICHARD FELIZ, and SHAQUILLE BAILEY Life in prison   Mandatory minimum of ten years in prison
The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencings of the defendants will be determined by a judge
Mr. Berman praised the investigative work of the NYPD and HSI.
The charges contained in the Indictment are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Indictment and the description of the Indictment set forth below constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

Statement By Attorney General Barbara D. Underwood Upon Appointment By The Legislature

“I want to thank the legislature for entrusting me with the privilege of serving as New York’s 66th Attorney General.
It is a tremendous honor and I pledge to serve the people of the Great State of New York with honesty, integrity, and all of the skills I have acquired during decades of public service.
During my 11 years with the Attorney General’s office, I have seen first-hand the extraordinary talent and dedication of the people of this office. More than 700 attorneys, and another 1,000 investigators, analysts, support staff, and other professionals, are working hard every day to bring justice to the people of New York.
In the past few weeks, they have once again demonstrated their professionalism by pursuing the vital work of the people – rooting out fraud, fighting the opioid epidemic, protecting the vulnerable, and defending and enforcing the laws of our state.
At this moment, when so many New Yorkers are fearful of the effects of overreaching and discriminatory federal policies on them and their families, the role of the New York Attorney General’s office is more important than ever.
I’ve served in many roles in government throughout my career. But I believe this job – at this moment in history – is the most important job I have ever had.
I look forward to continuing to lead our office’s work to bring justice to all New Yorkers, without fear or favor.”