Tuesday, October 18, 2011


  Crown Trophy of the Bronx will hold their free Bi-annual Crown Trophy Fundraising Workshop and Product Expo this Wednesday, October 19, 2011, from 6pm-9pm at Villa Barone Ristorante in the Pelham Bay section of the Bronx.

Business owners, church groups, non-profit organizations, schools and sports teams and leagues can expect an enthusiastic and informative workshop facilitated by Greg Perry, owner of Crown Trophy of the Bronx since 1985 and current President of the Association of Merchants & Business Professionals of Westchester Square.

Join us as Mr. Perry shares his vast knowledge with attendees of various industries and reveals ideas, derived in part from focus groups, for future booster programs and fundraising campaigns that are mutually beneficial to multiple participants.

Greg Perry says, "At Crown Trophy of the Bronx, we realize that your purchase is more than just a cold exchange of funds and products. We value relationships that have come from doing business together and take the time to listen to and understand your needs."

Attend the Bi-Annual Crown Trophy Fundraising Workshop & Product Expo to learn ways in which you can maximize your fundraising efforts and see the wide variety of merchandising items available to you.

Hors d'oeuvres and refreshments will be provided.

To RSVP call 718.676.1626 or e-mail info@masmarketingny.com. For additional information call Crown Trophy at 718.824.4877

Event: Bi-Annual Crown Trophy Fundraising Workshop & Product Expo
Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Time: 6pm – 9pm
Location: Villa Barone Ristorante
Address: 3289 Westchester Avenue
Contact: Janett Florindo, 917.583.2075

Monday, October 17, 2011

This class was the first in a series of four classes

State Senator Gustavo Rivera (Bronx) last Thursday launched a series of community civic classes he will be teaching at the Bronx Library Center.
Senator Rivera’s civics course will start on  October 13th and will continue every Thursday until November 3rd with a graduation ceremony to celebrate the completion of the course. The course will focus on learning about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the different levels of government, as well as how government and elections work. 

“Drawing on my experience as a Professor of Political Science, I am excited to be teaching a community civics class in the 33rd Senate District to members of the community who want to learn more about government and civic participation,” said Senator Rivera. “Government is suppose to work for the people. I believe strongly that the more knowledgeable one is about how government works, the more able one is to advocate and demand more from your government and elected officials. I hope this course will help to empower the residents of the Bronx to get more involved in advocating for issues and policies they care about and that what they learn will be instrumental in them demanding more of their government.”
Join Senator Rivera for the following community civics classes - 

  • October 20 - Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
  • October 27 - State and Local Government
  • November 3 - Voting and Elections

This course is FREE TO THE PUBLIC and we encourage Bronxites of all ages to attend. Senator Rivera’s office is encouraging Bronxites to attend all four classes, but it is not necessary in order to participate. 



I strongly support the creation of a business improvement district (BID) for the neighborhood of Westchester Square. In addition, Bronx Community Boards #10 and #11, as well as the Bronx Borough Board have both voted unanimously to support the creation of the BID.

Westchester Square is one of the most important commercial strips in the Bronx, and each day it brings thousands of residents, students and visitors to its confines to shop, eat and converse with their neighbors. A business improvement district in this area would bring new services to the community, such as street cleaning, new marketing efforts, community events and holiday lighting that are greatly needed to insure the future vibrancy and economic vitality of this commercial district.

The merchants of Westchester Square have come together over the last few years to make this dream a reality. In addition to the organizing the BID, sponsoring Merchant Sales Days, luring the Bronx Council on the Arts to a new home on the Square and sponsoring events for community youths, they have worked closely with local elected officials to rehabilitate Owen Dolan Park, which is in the heart of the BID area. My office and Council Member James Vacca have both provided capital funds for this project, which will be a focal point for new and exciting programs for senior citizens and the youth of the community.

The addition of the Westchester Square BID to the other existing BID’s in the Bronx will make the commercial districts in the Bronx even stronger.

The Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation and its president, Marlene Cintron, have also expressed their support of the BID and look forward to continuing to work with the BID management as they move forward.

I am is thankful to John Bonizio, the president of the BID Steering Committee, the property owners and all of the merchants for their commitment to the Bronx in establishing this BID. I look forward to continuing to work with the BID to make Westchester Square a premier shopping district.

RE: Scheduled Hearing on ‘Fair Wages for New Yorkers’ Act

“I thank City Council Speaker Christine Quinn for scheduling a hearing for November 22 on the amended ‘Fair Wages for New Yorkers’ Act, and I look forward to testifying. Supporters of this bill have been very mindful of the concerns of our opposition, and we believe that the changes to this bill show a serious effort to address the issues raised. Given that, I hope that opponents of this important bill will now sign on in support of it.

“When significant taxpayer funding is used to make private projects a reality, developers must do better by the people they employ. The ‘Fair Wages for New Yorkers’ Act will ensure that happens,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.
The “Fair Wages for New Yorkers” Act, which was introduced into the City Council at the behest of Borough President Diaz, would require developers that receive heavy taxpayer subsidies to pay their employees a “living wage.” The bill, which was introduced by Council Members Annabel Palma and G. Oliver Koppell on behalf of the borough president, currently has 30 City Council co-sponsors.
In May, a poll by Baruch College Survey Research was released, showing that New Yorkers overwhelmingly support such “living wage” laws. The survey showed that 78 percent of New Yorkers agree with requiring employers that get taxpayer-funded city subsidies to pay $10-an-hour plus benefits, while just 15 percent do not. This includes 83 percent of all Democrats, 74 percent of independents, and 56 percent of Republicans.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Bronx Economic Financial Summit


“Saturday, October 15, marks the ninth annual National Latino AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD). This nationwide effort is a call to action for Hispanics/Latinos to protect their lives and the lives of those they love by getting tested and learning about HIV/AIDS.

“This year’s theme, ‘Latinos Unite! Let’s stay Healthy! Get Tested for HIV,’ highlights the importance of reducing harm and improving health in our community. In that spirit, I urge all potentially at-risk Bronxites to do themselves and their loved ones a favor and get tested for HIV/AIDS. Testing is simple and readily available, and one’s health is far too important to leave to chance,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.


Microsoft to Require Annual Sustainability Reporting by Vendors 
Program stems from conversations with New York City Comptroller John C. Liu’s office on behalf of the New York City Pension Funds.
Microsoft Corp. today announced that it will launch a new effort to enhance the information it shares about its vendors’ commitment to social and environmental policies, programs and performance in its annual Citizenship Report.
Starting in 2013, Microsoft will require a cross section of its suppliers to provide reports on their adherence to the requirements listed in the existing Microsoft Vendor Code of Conduct. The code of conduct sets standards for legal compliance, business ethics, labor and human rights standards, environmental protection, and respect for intellectual property. The new reporting mechanism complements and strengthens Microsoft’s existing auditing and assurance programs, which include third-party monitoring of its contract hardware manufacturers. The reporting requirement will also drive sustainability improvements in Microsoft’s supply chain. More information on Microsoft’s current Responsible Sourcing Initiatives is available at Microsoft’s 2011 Citizenship Report. Microsoft is taking this step in response to a shareholder proposal received from New York City Comptroller John C. Liu on behalf of the New York City Pension Funds. 
“We appreciate and value the discussions we’ve had with Comptroller Liu’s office and the opportunity to continue our collaborative work with shareholders on initiatives that further demonstrate our commitment to corporate citizenship,” said Brad Smith, general counsel and executive vice president of Legal and Corporate Affairs for Microsoft. “This new reporting requirement will help shareholders, customers and others understand how Microsoft and its suppliers are meeting their expectations for social responsibility.
Microsoft will begin informing a dozen of its key vendors about the new reporting process in the coming months. Starting in 2013, Microsoft will include a summary of information from the vendor reports in its annual Citizenship Report. Vendors also will be encouraged to make their reports public. The program will continue to be evaluated in subsequent years to identify options to expand it and provide further visibility to shareholders.
“Microsoft has taken an important step to promote sustainability and transparency among its global suppliers,” Liu said. “If more firms showed such leadership it would hold more suppliers accountable for protecting human and workers’ rights, and reduce the legal and reputational risks that companies and their shareholders face. The New York City Pension Funds are taking this proposal to other companies and expect that they will follow the prudent path Microsoft has chosen.”
As part of the reporting process, Microsoft will also encourage all its suppliers to consider use of the reporting guidelines provided by the Global Reporting Initiative, the leading framework for corporate sustainability reporting based on input from a wide range of civil society organizations, labor, businesses, academics and other experts.
Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tour De Bronx press conference

  Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz was joined today by Transportation Alternatives, Montefiore Medical Center, St. Barnabas Hospital, Bronx Lebanon Medical Center, Domino’s Pizza, the New York Botanical Garden and Woodlawn Cemetery to announce the 17th Annual Tour De Bronx , New York’s State largest free cycling event.  This year’s Tour De Bronx will take place on Sunday, October 23.  To register, please visit www.tourdebronx.org

   BP Diaz Said that he will be riding in the Tour De Bronx, but due to an ankle injury he would only be riding the 25 mile loop, and not the larger 40 mile route. 


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