Thursday, November 10, 2016


Chambers to lead City’s sustainability efforts as part of an integrated climate team – a new resiliency director to be appointed soon

   Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced the appointment of Mark Chambers as the Director of the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability. Chambers brings years of clean energy management and resource conservation experience to the Office of Sustainability.

Mark Chambers is a nationally-respected expert in clean energy, inclusive climate action and sustainability. He will lead the City’s sustainability programs, working to reduce the City’s contributions to the causes of climate change and expand environmental quality across the city. This includes significant initiatives to meet the City’s aggressive greenhouse gas emissions targets – an 80 percent reduction from 2005 levels by 2050 – and achieve important air quality and renewable energy goals, aspects of Mayor de Blasio’s OneNYC plan which aims to create a more equitable, resilient and sustainable city. Chambers most recently served as the Director of Sustainability and Energy in Washington D.C., and will start in his new role later this month.

Chambers will report to Daniel Zarrilli, Senior Director of Climate Policy and Programs and Chief Resilience Officer for the Office of the Mayor. Zarrilli will continue in his role leading the City’s integrated climate team, including overseeing the work of the Office of Recovery and Resiliency, the Office of Sustainability, the Office of Environmental Coordination and the OneNYC program.

“Our goals to cut the City’s greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050 and prepare the city for the impacts of climate change are ambitious,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “However, with the right talent and experience, the City will be in a position to meet these commitments as part of our broader OneNYC program to create a more equitable, sustainable and resilient city. Mark Chambers and his years of nationally-recognized experience are joining a larger team of extremely talented climate experts. I’m confident we’ll be able meet our goals with this team, and I look forward to working with them.”

“Climate change continues to be one of the greatest challenges of our time, demanding creativity and leadership. New York City and the de Blasio Administration continue to lead the globe through our ground-breaking OneNYC program of inclusive climate actions,” said Daniel Zarrilli, Senior Director for Climate Policy and Programs and Chief Resilience Officer for the Office of the Mayor. “With the addition of Mark Chambers to our team, the City will expand its global leadership on inclusive climate action as we prepare for the future. I’m thrilled to have Mark join the team as we raise the bar and achieve our ambitious climate commitments.”

“At no other time have City governments played as pivotal a leadership role in a global imperative as we are witnessing now in the response to our changing climate. The de Blasio Administration continues to set the standard for inclusive urban policy and I am excited to lead the Office of Sustainability forward on behalf of our great city”, said Mark Chambers, Director of the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability. “Reaching the Mayor’s OneNYC sustainability goals and responding to our global climate challenges will continue to require hard work, innovation and empathy for those most impacted and I’m excited to join this effort.” 

Statements from New York City Officials on the Victory by President Donald Trump


Like millions of New Yorkers, I'm deeply disappointed by the results of this election – but I’m equally dedicated to our democracy, and determined to preserve the values our City cherishes.

I congratulate the New Yorker who won the election, Donald Trump. And I honor the New Yorker who won our city’s vote and the popular vote nationally, Hillary Clinton.

I call on all New Yorkers to move forward together, resolute and determined to protect and preserve the City we love and the values we cherish.

It's no secret that I have profound political disagreements with president-elect Trump.  But now comes the hard part – governing. And I commit to working with the new administration, positively and constructively, to rebuild our infrastructure, create more jobs, protect our residents and preserve the liberties that New Yorkers enjoy.

I take solace in the fact that the president-elect is a dyed-in-the-wool New Yorker, and I hope and trust he will remember the lessons of a life lived in New York City.

New York believes in economic opportunity. This has always been a place where everyone had a chance to make it. We know that our City’s future depends on lifting the floor for all, no matter your zip code or ethnicity or gender. We know that income inequality has to be tackled.  We fight for the things that help working men and women, like paid sick leave, a higher minimum wage, affordable housing and paid parental leave. This was true in the time of Al Smith and Franklin Roosevelt, and it remains true today.   

New York believes in liberty.  We stand behind Lady Liberty with open arms to welcome immigrants and refugees. We always have and we always will.

New York believes in tolerance. We long ago showed the world that live and let live is the best policy. We embrace civil rights and religious diversity. We always have and we always will.

New York is the symbol of America to so much of the world. We are a showcase, but we are also a target because our values work. We embrace our role as America's greatest city.  We will continue to keep our people safe – all our people, regardless of who they are or where they come from.

We will continue to bind up the wounds and heal the relationship between our police and our communities. In the ultimate city of neighborhoods, we embrace a vision of neighborhood policing that keeps us strong, and safe, and more unified.

These are the values New Yorkers share. And these values have never been dependent on any one person or any one office.

They are a part of our identity.

They always have been, and they always will be.

Today is a time of reflection. Tomorrow, resolutely and purposefully, the work begins again.


“For her entire professional career, Hillary Clinton has outlined a positive vision for the future of our nation, and I have been proud to support and work with her every step of the way.
“Like so many others I am both saddened and disappointed that Secretary Clinton was unsuccessful in her historic bid for the White House. This was an extremely divisive campaign, and I expect that President-Elect Trump is sincere when he claims to be ready to work with all sides for the betterment of this nation.
"So many are ready and willing to extend their hand to help President-Elect Trump reunite our nation. For the good our city, our state and all of America, let’s hope he takes it, and seizes on the opportunity to demonstrate that he can be a President for everyone,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

Statement From Councilman Jumaane Williams

"As I gathered my thoughts I realized that now adding salt to the deep wound, are those trying to downplay the importance racism, xenophobia, jingoism, and misogyny played in this election. The very things that so many of us were consistently told weren't a part of America. And too many deny the impact it has on continually disenfranchising communities.

"I take some solace in history showing us that 'this too shall pass.' This is the expected backlash for progress being made. This type of response goes as far back as Reconstruction. After a period of lament those of good consciousness will step forward and organize to turn the ship back. I hope New York City will be a beacon for that fight.  Unfortunately, it will not happen without tremendous damage to real human beings, families and communities. How much damage depends on how quickly we are honest with what happened on Nov. 8 and why it happened?


"I am humbled and proud to have earned the respect, good faith and thanks that the residents of my district have shown me with their ballots," Sepulveda said.

"I have constantly worked hard for them, their neighborhoods and in Albany to return that support and to improve their lives. For their faith in me, I pledge to continue working for them, if not harder."

This legislator drew a record 27,614 votes - or 80.18% of the total count - while his only competitor, on the Conservative Party line, came in with 1,116 votes.

Sepulveda's vote count was the highest among the borough's Latino legislators, with the second highest percentage of votes in any of the borough's other assembly races.

Mayor de Blasio Comes to the Bronx on Election Day

   It was not your normal election day afternoon as polls were crowded, people were going to vote for a new president, and Mayor Bill de Blasio came to Fordham Road to get some last minute electioneering in for the Democratic candidate, or so it seemed. 
   As you can see by the photos below what started out to be a campaign stop on Fordham Road (complete with cardboard cutouts of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, along with what could have been the same for the 78th Assembly District, but Assemblyman Jose Rivera was real. This campaign stop however turned into a photo op with the mayor.

Above - Your favorite reporter (left) with cardboard cutouts of Hillary Clinton and Assemblyman Jose Rivera, correction Jose Rivera was there in person.
Below - Another sign of the beginning of a campaign stop by the mayor.

Above and Below - The campaign stop quickly turned into a photo op with the mayor.

Above and Below - More photos with the mayor.

Above and Below - The now photo op continued into the darkness. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


What You Should Know 
By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District 

  You should know that in Puerto Rico, when you are a soldier and you are all prepared to do something and cannot do a thing, we use the expression to describe this situation as being left with your rifle on your shoulder.
You should know that the General Elections in the United States of America took place yesterday and Americans have chosen Mr. Donald Trump to become the 45th President of the United States.
It is important for you to know that the Evangelicals throughout the nation threw their support en masse to elect Donald Trump. This triumph was inspired by Reverend Franklin Graham, the son of Evangelical Billy Graham, Reverend Jerry Falwell, Jr., and other evangelical leaders who were instrumental in Donald Trump’s victory.
President-Elect Donald Trump’s pro-life platform against abortion, along with his support for traditional family values, marriage as stated in the Bible as one man and one woman instead of same-sex marriage, in favor of prayer and the reading of sacred scripture in our public schools, and his promise to appoint conservative judges to the United States Supreme Court made Evangelicals and even Democrats who espouse those positions to support Donald Trump.
Donald Trump’s victory also helped Republicans to maintain control of the Unites States House of Representatives and protected them from losing majority in the United States Senate.
This has caused many people and institutions to be left out, leaving them all holding their rifles on their shoulders. Even though many of them had already planned to become whatever they wanted and do whatever they wanted, Donald Trump has thrown them to the ground.
Among the people and entities who are left holding their rifles on their shoulders are
(1)   Hillary Rodham Clinton, William Jefferson Clinton, and all of their political machinery.  Their aspirations to replace President Barack and Michelle Obama as the most important and powerful Democratic power brokers in the nation have evaporated.  Now, President Obama and his wife, Michelle will continue to be the most important and powerful leaders of the Democratic Party in our nation, due to the fact that Hillary Clinton’s machine was destroyed by Donald Trump.
(2)   Senator Chuck Schumer was also left holding the rifle on his shoulder. We Democrats in the State of New York were all wishing and planning to see Chuck Schumer serve as Leader of the US Senate. For me personally, last year during the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization’s Banquet, I introduced Chuck Schumer as the next President of the United States Senate.  Since this will no longer happen, we are all left holding the rifles on our shoulders.
(3)   Every publication, media outlet, radio and television station, newspaper, reporters and pundits that were making their plans while talking badly about Donald Trump have all seen their wishes disappear, and were left holding the rifles on their shoulders.
(4)   Reverend Al Sharpton and all of the Hollywood actors and personalities who expressed their desires to move out of the county if Donald Trump wins will now be forced to make the decision to be either a bluffer, or to move out of the country.
(5)   New York State Senator Jeff Klein and his Independent Democratic Conference comprised of seven rebellious Democratic Senators were also left holding the rifles on their shoulders. This was due to the fact that it was expected that the Republicans would lose seats in the Senate, leaving Jeff Klein and the Independent Democratic Conference in a situation where Jeff Klein would become the only and absolute Leader of the State Senate. Now that the Senate Republicans have obtained more seats than expected, and with the help of Senator Simcha Felder, they have 33 seats, leaving Jeff Klein and the Independent Democratic Conference in the same place than they were before Election Day.
Last but not least, I personally want to express my gratitude to the more that 72,000 residents of the 32nd Senatorial District who came out to give me more that 98% of the vote.
You should already know that during this past Democratic Primary, the residents of the 32nd Senatorial District helped me to make history in Bronx County by obtaining a victory close to 95%. That along with the results of the General Election where Democrats came out en masse to help me obtain 98% of the vote sends a strong message that this Black, Puerto Rican with kinky hair, and broken English from Bayamón, Puerto Rico is the one they prefer.  Because of that, I am honored.
I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.

Number Five is very interesting to me since it looks like Senator Diaz Sr. is trying to break up the relationship between the Republican Majority and the IDC. 
Is Senator Diaz Sr. saying that he wants to become a Simca Felder and become number 34 for the Republicans so they can let go of the IDC?
But wait Senator Diaz Sr. announced months ago his intentions to run for the 18th City Council seat next year when his friend Councilwoman Palma is term limited out of office.
One more thing Senator Diaz Sr. you did not get 98 percent of the vote in the general election. Your total vote count was 81,085 votes out of a total of 95,469 total votes cast in the 32nd State Senate District according to the New York State Board of Elections. That means you Senator Diaz Sr. only received 84.93 percent of the vote, again according to the New York State Board of elections. 
That is what the voters should know.


A reprint of part of my special article on the race for president six days before the election, Yes six days before the election. The parts about Anthony Weiner have been edited out.


   It looks like despite his own party, the media, and his own unforgiving behavior Donald Trump should become the next President of the United States. Last week I held out the chance of a Trump win, and this week with only a few days to go until election day it looks like President Donald Trump will be a reality.

 How did all this come about so soon after the last presidential debate?
  Candidate Trump had been gaining in polls, especially in what are called key states. The polls just before the renewal of the Clinton e-mail scandal had the two candidates in a virtual dead heat with candidate Trump ahead in a few key states. Now it seems that while there may be many people still voting for Hillary Clinton my call as to the outcome will be a Donald Trump victory with him receiving between 49 - 56 percent of the vote. As to the other two candidates they may now receive 4 - 8 percent of the vote.

    How this will affect down ballot races is to be seen especially in the U. S. Senate, Congress, and New York State Senate. Can the current Republican majority hold on to its majority with the new revaluations, or will voters cast them out for not supporting President Donald Trump. As I always say 'You never know what may happen next in politics.'

  So just what happened on Election day?
  It appears that the open seat on the Supreme Court may have pulled out every Republican and Conservative voter so that the Supreme Court stays the way it was before the death of Justice Scalia. 

   The key states that Democrats took for granted as being in their pocket wound up in the pocket of Donald Trump. One by one as the night wore on state after state went red, with some going the way they should have. However as election day ended, and the wee hours of the next day began the numbers were there for Donald Trump, but which network was going to be the first to call it a win for President Donald Trump. If you check my Facebook page under my name Robert Press you will see that I had called the race well before Ten PM. It was just a matter of time when the states would become red for Trump, and he would surpass the magic number of 270 in the electoral college. 

   How did the two houses do? They both remained Republican, and the New York State Senate has remained Republican as in the last election, and it is a question of what role will State Senator Jeff Klein and the IDC play there. 

Monday, November 7, 2016



We welcome Senator Jesse Hamilton aboard the Independent Democratic Conference as our seventh member and look forward to achieving even more results for the people of New York with his support. Six years ago, our conference grew out of a mission to make positive change in this state and today its continued growth is a validation of its success. The IDC propelled policies like paid family leave, the $15 minimum wage and the toughest gun laws in the nation. We are proud to deliver for the people of New York and know that Senator Hamilton will help us continue that vision.


The Independent Democratic Conference delivers for New Yorkers: the best paid family leave program in the nation, a $15 minimum wage, and the toughest gun laws in the country. They get results. That’s why I’ve decided to join my fellow Democrats and become the newest member of the IDC. This conference will continue to innovate, delivering to the people who matter most, my community and our fellow New Yorkers. Standing with them, I will be a prominent voice on affordable housing, quality education, safe streets and criminal justice reform. I look forward to serving with the Independent Democrats and achieving more victories for all New Yorkers.

Bronx Democratic Party to Host Election Night Results Watch Party

Democratic State and Local Officials to Join Supporters and Volunteers as Presidential Election Results are Announced
  On Tuesday night November 8th starting at 8 PM Bronx Democratic State and local legislators will host a watch party at the Bronx Democratic Party Headquarters located at 1640 Eastchester Road to view the election results as they come in. There will be food and soft drinks served as supporters and volunteers gather to wrap up what has become a historic campaign.

Election Night Results Watch Party
Bronx Democratic County Headquarters  
1640 Eastchester Road at the corner of Blondell Avenue 
Starting at 8 PM.


  Police Commissioner James O’Neill: Tomorrow, Election Day in New York City, brings with it a very unique set of challenges. For the first time in modern memory, both major party candidates for president will monitor the results here in New York and hold election night parties in Midtown Manhattan. So, in addition to securing the over 1,000 polling sites around the five boroughs all day, we also have two large venues, the Jacob Javits Center and the New York Hilton Hotel to safeguard as well.

The NYPD has a great working relationship with the United States Secret Service. It used to be Bob Sica, now it is Dave Beach and Dave is going to speak. And together, we have been planning how to best protect these sites and the people inside, while minimizing the impact on New Yorkers and the vehicular and pedestrian traffic outside. There are many ways we will be keeping you safe. There will be much the public will see and much the public will not see. In a few moments, Carlos Gomez, our Chief of Department, will provide an overview of some of the resources that will be deployed and will update you on what to expect in terms of street closures.

I’d like to have our Counterterrorism Chief Jim Waters speak to that aspect of our planning. Tomorrow, I want everyone to remember, of course, that public safety is a shared responsibility. If anyone sees something tomorrow that doesn’t look right or doesn’t feel right, let one of our officers know about it. There will be no shortage of uniformed cops around to tell – or call 9-1-1. Remember, that is what we are here for. We are here to keep people safe. 

I’ll finish up with this, planning for security events like this is a big part of what we do. You recall that just one year ago we faced perhaps the largest security challenge the NYPD and this City ever had to deal with when Pope Francis visited New York City during the United Nations General Assembly while President Obama and 90 percent of the world’s leaders were here at the same time. So this is nothing new to us. So this kind of preparation is nothing new also for the men and women of this great police department.

  Mayor Bill de Blasio: Thank you very much. Thank you, Commissioner. I want to start by saying that the men and women of the NYPD are doing an extraordinary job as we prepare for this unprecedented day tomorrow. And evidence of that is already clear from the way that the marathon was handled yesterday – an extraordinary example of what the NYPD and all the City agencies are able to do together. The marathon came off very safely and without a hitch, so I commend you Commissioner and all the men and women that you lead.

I also want to say it is a tough time for our police officers. They are feeling deeply the loss on Friday of Sergeant Paul Tuozzolo. And I have talked to a number of officers in the last few days and offered my condolences to them. And one thing is clear – is that people are feeling this deeply. And they honor their fallen comrade and the heroic act that he took to save the lives of so many others. I’d like to ask for a moment of silence for Sergeant Paul Tuozzolo.

The resolve of the NYPD and of everyone who works for the City of New York is quite clear in this moment. We told you a few days ago that we expected that there would be a level of vigilance starting on Sunday, continuing through today, and into tomorrow that would lead to extraordinary presence of NYPD officers at key sites around the city, and obviously an extraordinary effort on Election Day itself. Everyone is focused; everyone is resolved in carrying out that mission. And we know that the eyes of the world will be on New York City. We have an obligation, not only to the people of this city, but to this country to make sure that tomorrow, all through the day, and particularly tomorrow night, goes smoothly and goes well. So we have extraordinary resources in place to do that and we’ll be working very closely with our federal partners.

I want to be clear at the outset – New York City will never be intimidated – never by threats of terror, nor by anyone who wants to do anything to disrupt our electoral process. We’re focused on the big stage tomorrow night, but we’re also focused on our poll sites all over the city during the day. We will not allow any form of voter intimidation. NYPD is ready to step in if we see any evidence of that occurring.

Now, I want to thank, in addition to Commissioner O’Neill, I want to thank our First Deputy Commissioner Ben Tucker; our Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence and Counterterrorism, John Miller – all of the NYPD leadership present. I particularly want to thank the Special Agent in Charge of the New York Field Office for the Secret Service, David Beach, for your partnership and your work together as we prepare for this extraordinary day. And my colleagues in elective office –Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer and State Senator Brad Hoylman – thank you for your support.

Let me note that tomorrow it takes on a very special significance. It has been a tough election year. We all know this. It’s been in many ways a challenging and painful year. It’s strained our democracy, but tomorrow is the day when we get to make it right when the democratic process comes alive and the people choose. It is our sacred obligation to protect that process; to make sure that democracy unfolds as it is meant to be. The NYPD not only has all of its traditional extraordinary resources, but as you know over the last year or two, we have added tremendous anti-terrorism capacity, particularly the 500-plus member Critical Response Command, the Strategic Response Group as well playing a crucial role. We have beefed up our ability to handle multiple sites simultaneously. And I agree with the Commissioner’s analysis. Last year, with the Pope, and 170 world leaders in town at the – all at the same time plus the president of the United States – that showed the range and the ability of the NYPD. And you’re going to see it again today and tomorrow. We’ve also deepened over the last few years the partnership with the federal agencies, and that has allowed for a much more seamless flow of information and much greater partnership. You saw that in the aftermath of the Chelsea bombing. So, a lot is changing to help us cover more ground and keep people safer.

And again, we have an obligation to protect the voting process, so you will see, of course, NYPD officers at every poll site around the city. And if we see any evidence of voter intimidation, we have the ability to reinforce those sites quickly and make sure that any pattern of intimidation is snuffed out immediately.

Bottom-line for all New Yorkers is – expect to see a lot of NYPD presence today and tomorrow. Know that you are safe and well-protected. You will see the presence at key locations around the City. You’ll see it in the subways; you’ll see it around the locations where the election celebrations will be happening. But we all depend on the people of this city. The phrase – if you see something, say something – is a very specific idea; it’s not just words; it means we’re all responsible; it means we all have to help the NYPD. So, I remind people to keep those words in mind over these next few days.

We are a society that honors democracy, that honors freedom, that honors inclusivity. We’re a society that believes that people of all backgrounds can actually work together. We’re going to prove it over the next 24 hours here in New York City.