Thursday, May 2, 2024

Regional Leader Of Sanctioned Russian Organization Pleads Guilty To Lying To FBI


Tomas Ianchauskas, a U.S. Green Card Holder and Regional Leader of the Sanctioned Tsargrad Society, Falsely Denied Participation in Organization and its Predecessor Controlled by Indicted Oligarch Konstantin Malofeyev

Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced the guilty plea of TOMAS IANCHAUSKAS, a regional leader of a sanctioned Russian Organization known as the Tsargrad Society (the “Society”), for lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) about his participation in the Society and its predecessor during an in-person interview in the U.S.  IANCHAUSKAS pled guilty before U.S. District Judge Coleen McMahon and is scheduled to be sentenced on July 11, 2024. 

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “While enjoying the benefits of U.S. permanent residency, Tomas Ianchauskas served as a regional leader of the Tsargrad Society, a sanctioned Russian organization controlled by sanctioned oligarch Konstantin Malofeyev, who was previously indicted by this Office for willfully violating U.S. sanctions lawsOn two separate occasions, Ianchauskas lied to the FBI, falsely claiming that he had no involvement in the Tsargrad Society whatsoever, and no involvement in its predecessor entity the Double Headed Eagle Society for the three prior yearsTogether with our law enforcement partners, we will continue to hold accountable those who seek to undermine critical sanctions put in place to challenge Russia’s aggression.” 

According to the Complaint previously filed against IANCHAUSKAS, the Information, and other filings:

IANCHAUSKAS is a U.S. green card holder who principally resides in Russia.  By operation of the Ukraine-Related Executive Orders 13660, 13661, 13662, and 14024, IANCHAUSKAS is prohibited from, among other things, making any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services to or for the benefit of sanctioned Russian oligarch Konstantin Valeryevich Malofeyev or certain Malofeyev-controlled designated entities, including the Society, formerly known as the Double Headed Eagle Society (“DHES”).  

The Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) initially designated Malofeyev in 2014, explaining that he was one of the main sources of financing for Russians promoting separatism in Crimea and has materially assisted, sponsored, and provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods and services to or in support of, the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic, a separatist organization in the Ukrainian region of Donetsk.  The Society was designated by OFAC in or about April 2022 for being owned or controlled by, or for having acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, Malofeyev.  As described by OFAC, the Society was formerly known as DHES, a Russia-registered organization which has been accused of involvement in espionage on behalf of Russia.  OFAC further explained that the Society is part of Malofeyev’s “malign influence ecosystem” and “advocates for Russia to return to a monarchical system of government and counts among its core principles revanchist aims like the ‘reunification of the Russian people’ and ‘returning the Russian Empire to its historical borders’ — to include, in the Society’s definition, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic States, Moldova, Central Asia, and the Caucasus.”[1]

Following OFAC’s designations, on or about April 6, 2022, this Office indicted Malofeyev on one count of conspiracy to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (“IEEPA”) and one count of violation of IEEPA.

On or about January 12, 2022, during an in-person interview with FBI agents in the Southern District of New York, IANCHAUSKAS falsely stated, in substance and in part, that he had no involvement in the Society whatsoever, he had no involvement with DHES for approximately three years, and he never had a leadership position at DHES and never did anything on behalf of DHES.  In truth and in fact, and as IANCHAUSKAS knew, from at least in or about 2020 through in or about 2022, IANCHAUSKAS served as the head of the Penza Regional Branch of DHES, which in or about November 2020 was renamed the Society.  In his leadership capacity, IANCHAUSKAS planned DHES events in Russia and received funding from DHES in or about 2020, among other times.

Subsequent to his interview with the FBI in January 2022, IANCHAUSKAS continued his membership in the Society and provided services to the Society.  In or about April 2023, when inviting individuals to attend an event with Malofeyev in Penza, Russia, IANCHAUSKAS wrote, among other things, “we are his regional department,” and distributed a photograph of Malofeyev with the message, in part and substance, “it is thanks to him and his subordinates that Crimea was joined to Russia and Donbass began to be joined.”  During a second interview with the FBI on December 22, 2023, IANCHAUSKAS reiterated certain false statements, including that he had never been a member of the Society. 

IANCHAUSKAS, 39, a U.S. green card holder principally residing in Russia, pled guilty to one count of making false statements to special agents of the FBI, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison. 

The maximum potential sentence in this case is prescribed by Congress and is provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by a judge.

Mr. Williams praised the outstanding investigative work of the FBI.

The prosecution is being handled by the Office’s Illicit Finance and Money Laundering Unit.  Assistant U.S. Attorneys Thane Rehn and Vladislav Vainberg are in charge of the prosecution. 

[1] U.S. Department of Treasury, Press Release “U.S. Treasury Designates Facilitators of Russian Sanctions Evasion,” available online

Scheme to Transfer Money to Iran Results in Guilty Pleas


Defendants Plead to Conspiring to Violate U.S. Sanctions Against Iran

Muzzamil Zaidi, 40, and Asim Mujtaba Naqvi, 40, both of Houston, Texas, pleaded guilty for their roles in an illicit scheme to transfer tens of thousands of dollars from the United States to Iran, including for the benefit of Ayatollah Ali Husseini Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

According to court documents, in December 2018, Zaidi received permission to collect khums – a religious tax on wealth – on behalf of several Imams. Between December 2018 and December 2019, Zaidi and Naqvi collected payments of this tax, as well as donations purportedly to help victims of the ongoing civil war in Yemen, from individuals in the United States.

Zaidi and Naqvi arranged for the funds to be exported from the United States to Iran and to be received by the Office of the Supreme Leader of Iran. Zaidi and Naqvi enlisted friends, family members, and other associates to carry the cash out of the United States, in amounts less than $10,000 in order to avoid law enforcement scrutiny. One transfer of dollars to Iran involved a group of 25 travelers going on a religious pilgrimage in Iraq, and the subsequent transport of U.S. dollars hand-carried by those travelers to Iran. Both Zaidi and Naqvi were arrested in Houston on Aug. 18, 2020, as a result of this scheme.

The transfer of money was illegal because the United States has imposed economic sanctions on Iran since 1995. Every year since 1984, the U.S. State Department has named Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism. And on June 24, 2019, the President imposed additional sanctions on the Supreme Leader of Iran that prohibit the provision of funds to, or for the benefit of, the Supreme Leader of Iran.

Zaidi and Naqvi both pleaded guilty to conspiracy and violations of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) before U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, who scheduled sentencing for Zaidi on Aug. 13 and for Naqvi on Oct. 1.

The FBI Washington Field Office and the FBI Houston Counterterrorism team are investigating the case. FBI Field Offices in Dallas, Chicago, and Detroit provided valuable assistance.

Attorney General James and U.S. Attorney Freedman Recover $6.3 Million from Albany Attorney and Financial Advisor Who Looted Family Trusts


Former Guilderland Town Justice Richard Sherwood and Financial Advisor Thomas Lagan Took Advantage of Elderly Sisters and Stole Millions of Dollars Intended for Charity

New York Attorney General Letitia James and United States Attorney for the Northern District of New York Carla B. Freedman today announced that they have secured nearly $6.3 million for individuals who were defrauded by attorney Richard J. Sherwood of Guilderland, New York and financial advisor Thomas K. Lagan of Cooperstown, New York. Sherwood and Lagan took advantage of their positions as trustees of three sisters’ estates to steal approximately $11.8 million that was intended to benefit charitable organizations throughout the Capital Region. Sherwood and Lagan were both found guilty of Grand Larceny and sentenced to prison in 2019. 

“New Yorkers should be able to trust that their financial advisors and attorneys are looking out for their best interests—not stealing their hard-earned money,” said Attorney General James. “Sherwood and Lagan defrauded a well-meaning family, and in the process, cheated local nonprofit organizations out of funds intended to support their missions. Thank you to U.S. Attorney Freedman for her partnership in rooting out fraud and stopping individuals who abuse the system.”

“This substantial recovery is the result of our efforts to make sure that crime does not pay,” said U.S. Attorney Freedman. “We will continue to use every appropriate avenue to enforce restitution judgments against Sherwood and Lagan in an effort to return as much money as possible to the victims of their fraudulent scheme.”

Sherwood and Lagan provided estate planning and related legal and financial services to Niskayuna, New York philanthropists Warren and Pauline Bruggeman, and Pauline’s sister, Anne Urban of Watervliet, New York. Under the advisement of Sherwood and Lagan, the Bruggemans signed wills directing all their assets—aside from trusts for Anne and Pauline’s other sister, Julia Rentz—to churches, civic organizations, a local hospital, and a university scholarship fund. 

After the Bruggemans passed, Sherwood and Lagan led Anne to create a trust that, unbeknownst to her, made Sherwood and Lagan the beneficiaries of the sisters’ estates upon her death. When Anne passed away, Sherwood and Lagan, as trustees of the estates, continued to steal funds for themselves and concealed their theft by directing funds through a sham trust they created called the Empire Capital Trust. They would then transfer the money from the Empire Capital Trust to themselves. 

After Sherwood and Lagan went to prison for this theft, the Office of the Attorney General’s (OAG) Charities Bureau petitioned the court to reinstate Anne’s original trust to ensure the funds would go to the charitable organizations she initially designated as beneficiaries, instead of Sherwood and Lagan. Lagan attempted to stop this while serving his prison sentence but failed, and the funds will be distributed to Anne’s intended organizations.

In total, Sherwood and Lagan stole $11,831,653 from the family. Nearly $6.3 million has now been recovered and returned to the victims, including St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church, Ukrainian-American Cultural Center, Inc., Ellis Hospital Foundation, Inc., and the Bruggeman ’46 Scholarship Fund at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

The United States Attorney’s Office’s (USAO) Asset Recovery Unit is continuing work to recover the remainder of the restitution owed.

Assistant U.S. Attorneys Elizabeth Conger and Melissa Rothbart represent the United States on the asset forfeiture and restitution matters in this case, with assistance from the Department of Justice Criminal Division’s Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section.

Attorney General James thanks the New York State Police Special Investigations Unit, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of New York, the Federal Bureau of Investigations, and the New York State Office of Taxation and Finance for their valuable assistance in this investigation.

For OAG, the complex trusts and estates litigation to prevent distribution of funds to Lagan was handled by Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Allison of the Charities Bureau, under the supervision of Bureau Chief James Sheehan. The OAG appeal was handled by Assistant Solicitor General Kate Nepveu of the Division of Appeals and Opinions, led by Solicitor General Barbara Underwood. The underlying criminal case was prosecuted by Assistant Attorney General Christopher Baynes and former Assistant Attorney General Matthew Peluso of the Public Integrity Bureau, under the supervision of former Bureau Chief Travis Hill and Bureau Chief Gerard Murphy.

Van Cortlandt Park Alliance - There’s Something for Everyone in May in VCP!


Pinkster Festival
Saturday, May 4 - Noon to 4pm - FREE!

Our second annual Pinkster Festival is a celebration of African culture that dates back to the 1700s. The Pinkster Players perform throughout the day to share the unique history of this important but little-known holiday. 

Live Music • Crafts • Storytelling • Performances

Vendors include African food and clothing.  

Presented in partnership with Van Cortlandt House Museum.

Van Cortlandt House Museum Grounds 


Wetland & Floodplain Volunteer Days
Tuesday, May 7 and Wednesdays, May 8, 15, 22, 29 - Meet at 9am
Projects will vary from removing invasive plants to planting aquatic flora in the floodplain to water chestnut removal in Hester & Piero’s Mill Pond. Bring your adventurous spirit, plenty of water, a hat, and an extra pair of dry socks.


Meet at Van Cortlandt Golf House

Forest Restoration Fridays
Fridays, May 10, 17, 24, 31 - Meet at 9am
Gear up for some hands-on conservation work, including tree planting, all while learning about the forest’s ecosystem in the Northwest Woods.
Meet at VCPA Garden & Compost Site.


Birding with NYC Audubon
Saturdays, May 11 + 18 - Meet at 9am
Explore Van Cortlandt Park’s ecologically diverse grounds and celebrate a long tradition of birding in the park. Each walk will be led by a New York City Audubon guide.
Meet at the Nature Center.


Spring Garden Tune-Up Tuesday
Tuesday, May 14 - From 10am to 1pm

Turnip to volunteer and help plant our garden beds! Volunteers will learn how to care for the garden, maintain compost bins, weed, water, and harvest produce.

Meet at VCPA Garden & Compost Site.


Springtime Shindig!

Thursday, May 16, 2024, 6 to 9pm

Join us for our annual spring fundraiser, benefiting the park and making it possible to offer FREE community programs throughout the year!

Cocktails • Lite Bites • Dessert • Music • Picturesque Setting • Raffle

Tickets, Journal Ads and Sponsorships Available!

Van Cortlandt Golf House Terrace


Northwest Corner Care

Saturday, May 18 - 10am to 12pm

Join VCPA and Riverdale Main Streets Alliance to show the Northwest Corner some TLC!


Meet at W. 261st Street and Broadway.


Woodlawn Beautification Day

Saturday, May 18 - 10am to 12pm

Join VCPA, Women of Woodlawn, and Woodlawn Taxpayers Association as we continue to beautify the area around Woodlawn Playground. 


Meet in front of Woodlawn Playground.

Barefoot Dancing with Yahaya Kamate

Saturday, May 18 - 2pm to 4pm

Kick off your shoes and learn to dance on the lawn to West African Drumming with Yahaya Kamate and friends. 


Van Cortlandt House Museum


Mark Your Calendar!

Barefoot Dancing with Estelle Walkin

Saturday, June 1 - 2pm to 4pm


Tuesday, June 11 at 8pm


Wednesday, June 19 - 6pm to 7:30pm


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The park is really big. Our staff is really small. Only with your help can we grow our capacity, hire more staff, and take on projects to improve Van Cortlandt Park… for YOU!  Please consider a gift to Van Cortlandt Park Alliance today.

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Our Contact Information
Van Cortlandt Park Alliance
80 Van Cortlandt Park South, Ste. E1
Bronx, NY 10463