Saturday, May 19, 2012

Klein Holds Property Managers Accountable

Klein Property Preservation Law Succeeds In Removing Dangerous Situation 

VAN NEST, BRONX, N.Y. –  Senator Jeffrey D. Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester) announced today that his office has been successful in seeing to the removal of an illegally constructed deck that had posed a serious fire hazard to the Van Nest community. The foreclosed property, located at 840 Van Nest Avenue, is currently managed by Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC. At Senator Klein’s insistence, Carrington recently removed the illegally constructed deck which had been built upon an existing kitchen. The dangerously situated deck was a concern to many in the area in light of the recent and devastating four alarm fire on the same block. The successful removal illustrates the importance of property preservation legislation introduced by Senator Klein in the state legislature—and enacted into law—last year. Klein's landmark legislation requires banks and lending institutions who reclaim foreclosed properties to maintain their assets up to code. 

In April, neighborhood resident Patti Doyle reached out to Senator Klein’s Office to express her concerns about the shoddily constructed deck atop the property.  Around the same time, the NYC Department of Buildings visited the home and issued a violation for the deck’s construction, which was carried out without the required approval of DOB.

Klein and his staff investigated the matter and discovered that Wells Fargo was listed as the owner of this property, with Carrington as the property manager.  Upon learning this information, Klein reached out to Carrington and brought his and the community’s concerns to their attention. Within days of Senator Klein’s call, Carrington dispatched a construction crew to remove the deck from the property.  The work was completed just days ago.

The recent four alarm fire originated on the same block at nearby 726 Van Nest Ave.
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Bronx Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing


The Bronx Chamber of Commerce would like to thank all attendees for registering for the biggest Golf Event of the year!
On Monday, May 21st, there will be a complimentary warm-up and Golf Clinic at 9 AM located at

Turtle Cove Golf Center 
1 City Island Road
Bronx, NY 10464

After the warm-up and Golf Clinic golfers will proceed to

Pelham Split Rock Golf Course for registration at 11 AM.

We look forward to a wonderful day of golf.  Thank you again for all of your support.
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Thursday, May 17, 2012



  City Comptroller John C. Liu stated the following in response to questions about proposed police reforms to stop and frisk:

“The stop and frisk policy doesn’t need to be reformed, it needs to be
abolished. Remedies such as training videos and informational cards are inadequate band-aids. It’s time to end this divisive and ill-conceived tactic.

“According to reports, New Yorkers were stopped and frisked by police
  nearly 700,000 times last year – almost all of those targeted were innocent of any crime, and almost all of them were Black or Latino. It’s just impossible to say stop and frisk is not racial profiling,
and continuation of this practice not only violates the department ban against racial profiling but raises civil rights questions. It also poses a potential financial liability to the City, as evidenced by rising claims against the NYPD and the federal judge’s ruling allowing class-action status in a stop and frisk lawsuit. It’s time to stop ‘stop and frisk’.”


•       According to preliminary statistics, there were 2,241 new civil
  rights claims filed against the NYPD in Fiscal Year 2011, up 23 percent from the 1,826 claims filed in FY 2010.

•       Overall, 8,913 claims were filed against the NYPD in FY 2011
  (including personal injury and property damage), an historic high.





  City Comptroller John C. Liu stated the following in response to questions about new unemployment figures:

“Although today’s labor market report shows a record number of jobs in
  the city, the unemployment rate remains at an unacceptable 9.5 percent and continues to disproportionately impact minorities and young people.  We must find ways to create jobs for the 345,000 unemployed
New Yorkers who cannot wait years for the recovery to filter down to them.

“My office has put forth a Capital Acceleration Plan which would
  create 15,000 jobs and enhance our City’s infrastructure; all the while saving taxpayers money in the long-run. As the City Council and Mayor’s Office negotiate the upcoming budget, we are calling for the inclusion of this plan in order to put New Yorkers back to work as quickly as possible and revive the City’s ailing construction industry.”


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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Come Celebrate Bronx Weeks Grand Finally!!!


Bronx Week Parade 2012



 Audit Raises Serious Concerns over Dubious Timesheets


  City Comptroller John C. Liu today announced that an audit of Champion Learning Center, a tutoring company in contract with the Department of Education, uncovered questionable payments for dubious bills.

Many of the submitted attendance sheets that the DOE paid did not have the required documents that would prove a student was in fact tutored. An additional set of payments went to tutoring services supposedly performed between midnight and 5 a.m.

“Taxpayers can’t afford to write multi-million dollar blank checks for tutoring services that may not have taken place,” Comptroller Liu said.   “The DOE’s lack of oversight not only shows serious mismanagement, but may have also enabled fraudulent billings.  Every education dollar wasted robs students of the education they deserve. DOE should investigate these billings and recover all the money the City is owed. Doing so will send a clear message to companies that do business with the City that New Yorkers will not be taken for a ride.

Under the federal No Child Left Behind Act, eligible students enrolled in schools in need of improvement are provided free tutoring to improve their education and performance on state academic standards and assessments.  Champion Learning Center was one of 52 state-approved tutoring providers during School Year 2009-2010.  Champion entered into a $40 million contract with DOE to offer tutoring services, primarily in students’ homes, from September 1, 2009 through August 31, 2012.

The audit found that Champion lacked adequate controls and failed to live up to key provisions of its contract.  Champion’s management weaknesses were compounded by DOE’s inadequate oversight. Ultimately, Champion billed and was paid by DOE for tutoring services for which there was inadequate or questionable documentation.

The findings raised questions about the accuracy of the overall billing for tutoring services that Champion submitted to the DOE.

Timesheets show tutoring at barred or impossible hours
During school years 2009-2010 and 2010-2011, Champion billed the DOE and was paid $836,254 for services reportedly provided during hours in which it was not allowed to tutor or at odd times (midnight to 5 a.m.). The billing for these hours could signal fraud

The DOE agreed with the audit’s recommendation that it recoup the $836,254. The agency has since changed its billing portal for vendors to prevent them from submitting requests for payment for services during school hours or the middle of the night.

Billing documentation lacking or missing
DOE paid Champion for tutoring services without adequate evidence that the services were, in fact, provided.  Auditors examined a random sample of 164 attendance sheets cards paid by the DOE and determined that 10% (16 of 164) did not contain the tutor’s name or signature as required and 47% (77 of 164) were not signed by the supervisor as required. The audit also reviewed records for tutoring services for 76 students and found that of the total $151,435 the DOE spent, $22,525 (15%) covered 322 hours of work that did not have adequate attendance sheets.

DOE agreed with the recommendation that it investigate and, if warranted, recoup the total of $22,525 for payments that were not supported by attendance sheets.

Champion agreed with the audit’s recommendations that the company strengthen its internal controls to ensure that attendance sheets are properly reviewed and include the required signatures.

Liu credited Deputy Comptroller Tina Kim and the Bureau of Audit for their work on this report.  The full audit can be found at


Monday, May 14, 2012

Espada Found Guilty on 4 of 8 Counts

  Former State Senator Pedro Espada has been found guilt of stealing up to half a million dollars from the now defunct Soundview Health Care Center that he started and ran. Espada now faces up to ten years in jail on each of the four counts of fraud that he was convicted of. The bad news does not stop there, as the judge declared a hung jury on the other four counts so that Espada could be retried on those other four counts of fraud.

  Espada's son Pedro G. Espada appears to have dodged a bullet for now as his jury seems to be deadlocked and unable to convict him, but there is always the possibility of a retrial for him also unless the U.S. Attorney is content to have Espada Senior going to jail.
2009_08_espada4.jpg.Pedro G. Espada and father Pedro Espada holding another future candidate Espada in happier times.

Governor Andrew Cuomo said that he is happy that the job he started as New York States Attorney General has been completed. Cuomo added that there is no place in New York politics for any type of corruption.

 Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz Had This on the Espada verdict.
The jurors finished the job that the voters started two years ago.  Just as the voters of the 33rd senatorial district punished Pedro Espada, Jr. at the polls for his role in the discredited 2009 coup that shut down the State Senate, the jurors rightly saw Espada for what he is: a crook.  His criminal acts give politics a bad name despite the fact that the vast majority of elected officials are decent, hardworking people.  He stole from the taxpayers and ultimately from the people he was supposed to help, in order to pay for his lavish lifestyle.  Disgusting!  I hope he receives the maximum punishment under the law.
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Croton Filter Plant - Agenda for Meeting on May 17


Croton Facility Monitoring Committee Meeting
Thursday, May 17, 2012 – 7:00 PM
DEP Office – 3660 Jerome Avenue, Bronx NY 10467 - (718) 231-8470

I  Welcome                                                          Paul Foster, Chair

II Consider and Adopt the Meeting Agenda        CFMC Reps 

III Consider, Adopt 4/19/12 Meeting Minutes    CFMC Reps  

IV Update on JPR Jogging Path PDC Status      Hector Aponte, DPR
                                                                       Steve Des Noyer, DPR

V Update on Pedestrian Bridge Funding            CFMC Reps

VI NYC Water Rate Increase – Impact on         Mark Lanaghan, DEP
    Rates of Cost of Croton Filter Plant

VII Croton Construction Update, Schedule          Vincent Moorehead,
    And Costs                                                          P.E., DEP
VIII Croton Jobs and Bronx Purchases            Mark Lanaghan, DEP

IX CFMC Discussion, Set Next Meeting        CFMC Representatives

X   Adjourn
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