Monday, March 7, 2016

Council Member Andrew Cohen - Dates and Locations for Participatory Budgeting Voting

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  Bill would provide sexual abuse education for students from kindergarten through grade eight

State Senators Jeff Klein and David Valesky, announced that Erin Merryn’s law passed the State Senate today, which would help protect children from sexual abuse by providing for age-appropriate awareness and education programs for students from kindergarten through grade eight.

First introduced by members of the Independent Democratic Conference in 2012, the Senate passed the bill this year on the heel of federal legislation that would provide funding to the State for its implementation.  Despite the bill having passed the Senate every year since its introduction, it has yet to pass the Assembly.

“No child should ever have to suffer these kinds of horrible abuses in silence. With Erin Merryn’s Law, we will ensure that our children are equipped with the information that they need to help another child, or to seek the help they need. I urge my colleagues in the legislature to join the IDC, Erin Merryn, and numerous advocates in fighting to give a voice to every child who may be suffering - we can make Erin Merryn’s Law a reality in New York,” said Senator Klein.

“State law in New York already requires that we educate our children on abduction - it is high time that we updated it to ensure that we are also educating our children on sexual abuse awareness and prevention. New York now has the opportunity to join the 26 other states that have prioritized protecting their children from sexual abuse. I am proud to join Senator Klein, the IDC, and Erin Merryn in calling for the implementation of this much-needed legislation,” said Senator Valesky.

As a child, Merryn was abused by both a neighbor and a family member. She stayed silent due to a combination of threats from her abusers, and the lack of knowledge about available help. Now, it is her mission to give a voice to every child who may be suffering.

In 2012, the IDC released a report on the need for Erin Merryn’s law, as well as the economic impact that sexual abuse has on the state. “Erin Merryn’s Law: Breaking the Silence” estimated that in New York, the immediate financial effects caused by child sexual abuse is estimated to cost the State over $211 million, with ten times as much cost in long term impact.

Implementing an age-appropriate program for young students would give critically important information to victims – many of whom do not know there is a way out of their horrific situation.

“Erin Merryn’s Law recognizes that children themselves need to be not only aware of the dangers that exist in our society but provided with information and support to aid in avoiding abuse, exploitation and abduction. Too many times, we have seen the devastating results that lack of awareness and/or understanding of the dangers and warning signs of abuse, exploitation and abduction have had on our children and families. This legislation will help provide our communities with the tools to combat these terrible crimes,” said Randi Bregman, Executive Director of Vera House, Inc.

“The McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center does a tremendous amount of community education and education in schools focusing on child abuse prevention programming. The impact of education on children is immense, because we want to make sure they know what to do and how to keep themselves safe. We know that in the schools where we provide education, we regularly have one or two children who come forward after learning through our program. The McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center believes strongly in Erin Merryn's law, because we need to ensure that every single child is getting this education and the tools they need,” said Linda Cleary, Executive Director of the McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center.

The bill is currently carried  in the Assembly by Assemblyman Dinowitz.


  State Senator Jeff Klein kicked off a series of free home gardening classes at The New York Botanical Garden on Saturday.

During the first class “The Fundamentals of Home Gardening,” instructor Daryl Beyers discussed feeding, mulching, planting, pruning, watering, and weeding. Students also learned about soil and composting. Throughout the series, NYBG horticulture experts will teach participants about the basics of gardening, vegetable growing in various spaces, and budget-friendly gardening techniques.

“We are lucky to have the renowned New York Botanical Garden within our district. Gardening has been proven to be therapeutic, improve property values, and add to the beauty of our communities. That’s why I am proud to partner with the Garden to provide this free program to the constituents of the 34th State Senate District,” said Senator Klein.

“The New York Botanical Garden is pleased to continue this partnership with Senator Jeff Klein to deliver the highly successful Home Gardening Program to residents of the 34th Senatorial District. For many years in the past, this series of seminars highlighted simple gardening techniques which help keep communities green and beautiful, and we are honored to provide a fresh set of programs in collaboration with Senator Klein," said Aaron Bouska, Vice President of Government and Community Relations, The New York Botanical Garden.

Bronx Borough President Invites you to Celebrate Irish Heritage Month

Bronx Borough President
Ruben Diaz Jr.
Invites you to His Annual
Irish Heritage Month Celebration
The Rambling House
4292 Katonah Ave
Bronx, New York
     Wednesday, March 16, 2016 
    12 noon until 3pm
Mistress of Ceremonies
PIX 11 News
Mary Murphy

Seating is Limited. RSVP is Required

City of New York Announces Record Job Growth

   Total Number of Jobs Reaches All-Time High
Job Growth Since Mayor de Blasio Took Office is Largest Two Year Jump in New York City History

The City of New York today announced that based on an analysis of seasonally adjusted job numbers for January 2016 provided by the New York State Department of Labor, New York City has reached a record 4.29 million total jobs.  Additionally, the data confirm that the average number of jobs added since Mayor de Blasio took office in January 2014 through December 2015 was 249,000, the largest two year job gain in New York City History.  The City added 35,400 private sector jobs in January 2016, with largest growth demonstrated in the Educational Services field.  The City’s unemployment rate is down nearly three percentage points since Mayor de Blasio took office.
"The incredible growth we're seeing shows we can make our economy stronger and more fair at the same time," said Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development Alicia Glen. "We're making strategic investments in fast-growing fields with good-paying jobs and real career pathways for New Yorkers."

“These numbers reflect what we’re seeing on the ground. More businesses launching and growing here in New York City. More New Yorkers finding good jobs in all five boroughs,” said New York City Economic Development Corporation President Maria Torres-Springer. “And with the de Blasio administration making major investments in industries like technology, design, and advanced manufacturing, we’re primed for even greater job growth in neighborhoods throughout the city.”
During the previous 12 months ending in January 2016, New York City gained 107,000 jobs, an increase of 3.0 percent, compared to the national growth rate of 2.2 percent.  The strongest employment gains since December 2013 are in Health Care & Social Assistance and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services.

Editor's Note: 

If the picture is so rosey with such good job growth, why is the mayor asking city agencies to be prepared to cut jobs by as much as five percent?

Our Black and Hispanic Children Remain Left Behind by NYC’s “Ivy League” High Schools

By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz

  You should know that our Black and Hispanic children have little or no opportunity to be accepted and enrolled in the best public high schools in the City of New York.

According to an article written by Carl Campanile, “DROP IN BLACK, LATINO KIDS AT BEST SCHOOLS,” that appeared in the March 5, 2016 edition of the New York Post, Asian and White students in New York City’s public school system are being treated better and given greater chances than our Black and Hispanic students to attend our best high schools.
You should already know that throughout the City of New York, there are schools called Specialized High Schools. Among them are: Bronx High School of Science, Stuyvesant, Brooklyn Tech, Staten Island Tech, High School of Math at City College, HS of American Studies at Lehman College, Queens HS for Science at York College, and Brooklyn Latin School.
Those “Ivy League” Public High Schools are packed with Asian and White students with a minimal quota of Black and Hispanic students.
Mr. Campanile wrote: “Blacks (27 percent) and Hispanics (40 percent) combined account for more than two-thirds of city public-school students, but only 8.9 percent of those kids are admitted to the top high schools … The dearth of minorities in each magnet school was startling.”
It is so unfair and irresponsible for any of our leaders to fight against Charter Schools and further deny the excellent educational opportunities that Black and Hispanic children receive in New York City’s Charter Schools.
When you compare the enrollment of Black and Hispanic children in New York City’s Charter Schools to New York’s “Ivy League” Public High Schools, those figures are an embarrassing contrast to each other.  You can see that about 90% of the Charter School students are Black and Hispanic, and less than 10% of the “Ivy League” Public High Schools are Black and Hispanic.
According to the NY Post, the NYC Department of Education sources show the following acceptance rates for New York’s “Ivy League” High Schools:
Out of the 8,062 Asian test takers, 2,741 (34%) were accepted.
Out of the 4,729 White test takers, 1,386 (29.3%) were accepted.
Out of the 6,070 Hispanic test takers, 320 (5.3%) were accepted.
Out of the 5,914 Black test takers, 210 (3.6%) were accepted.
As you can see, it is nearly impossible for Black and Hispanic students to get accepted into these “Ivy League” Public High Schools.  But we all know that more than 90% of Black and Hispanic children enrolled as students in our Charter Schools are given educational opportunities to succeed and compete in college and in the world.
My suggestion to my Black and Hispanic colleagues in government who fight against Charter Schools is to take a close look at these statistics and realize how detrimental their actions really are.  
They should stop opposing the quality educational opportunities that Charter Schools provide for our Black and Hispanic children and instead, concentrate their energies and efforts to make sure that the "Ivy League" Public High Schools give Black and Hispanic children the same opportunities that they give others.
I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.

Editor's Note:

  Just how long has State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr, been in office? He first is awakened to this now. Where has he been all the years he has been in elected office, and as a parent. Also just what did he do to change this over the years he has been in office?  

Sunday, March 6, 2016


By Robert Press

Trump - Kasich

    After today's results from the Republican primaries and caucuses the call for Rubio and Kasich to drop out has come from both Donald Trump and Ted Cruz the two front runners in the Republican Presidential race. However the anybody but Trump or Cruz Republican establishment may have to settle for Trump or Cruz as the candidate for president. What the Republican establishment however can get would be the Vice-President candidate along with several key cabinet positions in a deal with either Trump or Cruz. That could be the reason that Rubio and Kasich are still in the race to make sure that neither Trump or Cruz can get to the magic number of 1,237 delegates needed to be automatically nominated. 1,612 delegates are available, and currently Trump has 382, Cruz has 300, Rubio has 128, and Kasich has 35, with about 736 delegates left to gather. However those delegates who were chosen to a candidate who is no longer in the race are also available to those candidates left in the race. That would mean that only Trump or Cruz would have any chance of making it on the first ballot, thus a Trump - Kasich ticket would be the best case scenario for almost all in the Republican Party. 
   In local races, the Bronx Democratic County organization has come out with an endorsement of Keith Wright one day after Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie had endorsed candidate Wright to replace Charlie Rangel in Congress. It was the worse kept secret as everyone knew that Heastie was going to endorse Wright for Wright's support in becoming the new Speaker of the State Assembly. Score two now for not so new Assembly Speaker Heastie, with the first one being the nomination and easy victory of New Bronx DA Darcel Clark. 
  Bronx State Senator Gustavo Rivera and Bronx Assemblyman Victor Pichardo endorsed State Senator Adriano Espaillat last week, while Bronx Assemblyman Jose Rivera has endorsed Adam Powell to replace Rangel in congress. So much for party unity in the Bronx, and it looks like there may be more defection from the Bronx Democratic County organization in endorsements from others in the Northwest Bronx in this congressional race. 
    This is a big week for events as two are scheduled for Wednesday. The Bronx Chamber of Commerce holds its Irish Heritage Luncheon from 12 - 4 PM at the Rambling House located at 4292 Katonah Avenue in Woodlawn. RSVP to the BCC at 718-828-3900. Wednesday evening Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. hosts his Greek Heritage Celebration from 6 - 8 PM at St. Peter the Apostle Greek Orthodox Church located at 3245 Kingsbridge Avenue. RSVP to the BP's office at 718-590-3989. Thursday March 10th Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. celebrates Women's History Month at Scavello's on the Island located at 101 City Island Avenue with special guest speaker Ms. Coline Jenkins. Breakfast is being served from 11 AM - 12:30 PM as the program begins at 12:45 PM. RSVP to the BP's office at 718-590-3522. Friday March 11th is the TEAM DIAZ Annual Abrozo Garifuna being held at Maestro's Caterers located at 1703 Bronxdale Avenue from 7PM - 12 AM. This is an invitation only event and you can call the district offices of State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. at 718-991-3161, Assembly members Michael Blake at 718-538-3829, Marcos Crespo at 718-893-0202, or Luis Sepulveda at 718-931-2620 for an invitation. Saturday March 12th Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj is hosting a Women of Distinction Breakfast at the Pelham Bay Diner located at 1920 E. Gun Hill Road. from 9:30 - 11:30 AM. The honorees include Marissa Soto ESQ., Ms. Diane Cerino, Ms. Andrea Siegel, Ms. Avril Francis, and Ms. Barbara Stronzer. RSVP to Assemblyman Gjonaj's office at 718-409-0109. Please note that the seating is limited at all the events listed so please call the phone numbers listed and make reservations if you plan to attend any of them. 
     If you have any political information that you want to share or have checked out, any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on this blog, you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.   

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Council Member Cohen, Assembly Member Jeffrey Dinowitz, Senator Jeff Klein and Community Board 8 Host Health & Wellness Fair

Above - Councilman Andrew Cohen, Community Board 8 Chairman Dan Padernacht, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, and State Senator Jeff Klein are joined by a few of the many visitors that attended the Health and Wellness Fair held at Vladeck Hall. The site is in all three elected officials districts, and in Bronx Community Board #8, who were joint co-sponsors of the event.  
Below - The three elected officials are joined by a representative of Thrive NYC. Thrive NYC was one of the many exhibitors at the health and wellness fair. 

Above and Below - Some more of the exhibitors who had information tables at the health and wellness fair.