Friday, March 10, 2017


New York State and New York City Jointly Offering $20,000 Reward – Latest in Series of Comprehensive and Aggressive Actions to Root Out Hate Crimes and Anti-Semitism

To Report Bias or Discrimination Complaint, Call Toll-Free Hotline at (888) 392-3644, NYPD Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS, or Text "HATE" to 81336

   Mayor Bill de Blasio and Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced an increase in the reward amount – from New York State’s current $5,000 reward to a joint State-City $20,000 reward – for any information leading to an arrest and conviction for a hate crime. The increased amount follows a significant uptick in reported hate crimes and anti-Semitism in New York City, New York State and across the nation – including a bomb threat earlier today at the Jewish Children’s Museum in Brooklyn and earlier this week at the Anti-Defamation League in Manhattan.

“The recent spate of threats against our Jewish community are threats against all of us. Those directed at children are particularly disturbing. As New Yorkers, we stand united in the face of cowardly tactics designed to frighten, disrupt and divide us,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “I’m proud to join forces with the governor as we work with our local, state and federal partners in law enforcement to see that the perpetrators are swiftly brought to justice. The NYPD is the finest police force in the world and I have no doubt those responsible for these incidents will not be able to hide in the shadows for long." 

“The Statue of Liberty holds the torch high in New York’s Harbor, an eternal reminder that our state will always be the beacon for tolerance and acceptance,” Governor Andrew M. Cuomo said. “We have zero tolerance for intolerance, and I encourage all New Yorkers to report any instance of hate, bias or discrimination. We will continue to aggressively work with our federal and local partners to hold those responsible accountable to the fullest extent of the law, keep our communities safe, and uphold our core values of diversity and inclusion.”

Reported hate crime incidents in New York State have dramatically increased over the last five months. More than 100 alleged hate crimes have been reported in New York City since the beginning of 2017 – more than double the number of reported incidents over the same period last year. The number of incidents reported outside of New York City in November and December of 2016 also doubled compared to the same period in 2015.

New Yorkers who have experienced bias or discrimination are encouraged to call New York State’s toll-free hotline at (888) 392-3644 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday – Friday or text “HATE” to 81336. New Yorkers may also call the NYPD Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS.

New York State, in partnership with local and federal authorities, has taken a series of aggressive actions to combat the recent rise in incidents of bias and discrimination. In November, Governor Cuomo directed the creation of the State Police Hate Crimes Unit to investigate and offer assistance to other law enforcement agencies investigating potential hate crimes; and this month, the Governor created a $25 million grant program to boost safety and security at New York’s schools and day care centers at risk of hate crimes or attacks because of their ideology, beliefs or mission. Earlier this week, more than 120 members of state, county, and local law enforcement agencies completed New York State Hate Crimes Investigation School at the State Police Academy in Albany to ensure that law enforcement officials are up-to-date on the latest training and investigative tactics. More information on the State’s comprehensive actions is available here.

On Monday, Mayor de Blasio, Police Commissioner James O'Neill and Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce met with Jewish community leaders from around the five boroughs at the Staten Island Jewish Community Center to discuss the alarming increase in anti-Semitic hate crimes throughout the city. Year to date, hate crimes in New York City are up nearly 115 percent, while anti-Semitic crimes have spiked nearly 200 percent. In addition to growing the size of the NYPD’s Hate Crimes Task Force to investigate the growing number of bomb threats, Neighborhood Coordination Officers (NCO's) and individual precinct Commanding Officers have stepped up neighborhood policing efforts, visiting community centers and cultural institutions with greater frequency to determine if and where additional security resources are required. Security cameras will be added and upgraded to select locations as part of the NYPD's ongoing security efforts. 


   Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. will hosted his annual Greek History and Heritage Celebration at St. Peter the Apostle Greek Orthodox Church in Kingsbridge.

The event was co-sponsored by New York State Senator Michael Gianaris, New York State Assembly Member Aravella Simotas, New York City Council Member Costa Constantinides and The Hellenic Orthodox Community of The Bronx.

The honorees were Eleftheria “Effie” Ardizzone, Deputy Director and Bronx Borough Coordinator for the Bureau of Public Affairs and Communications at the New York City Department of Environmental Protection; Marika Artoglou, former president of the parish council at the Church of Saint Peter the Apostle;Captain Christopher Stilianesis, executive officer of the NYPD’s Central Robbery Division of The Bronx and Nick Tsakonas, restaurateur and owner of the Royal Coach Diner on Boston Road.

Above - Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. with Honoree Eleftheria “Effie” Ardizzone.
Below - BP Diaz and Senator Gianaris with several attendees.

Above - Pastor V. Rev. Father Maximos Politis speaks with BP Diaz and Sen. Gianaris before the event began.
Below - After singing the American National Anthem Nektarios Antoniou sings the Greek National Anthem as the Greek flag is seen on the television.

Greek songs are sung by children to continue the Greek Heritage. 

STATEMENT FROM ASSEMBLYMEMBER MARK GJONAJ RE: Terror Threats at Christopher Columbus High School Campus

   "Earlier this afternoon I was informed by the 49th Police Precinct that administrators at the Christopher Columbus High School Campus on Astor Avenue received a terror threat this morning. The campus was immediately placed on lockdown while members of the New York City Police Department (NYPD) secured each building before giving an 'all clear.'  I would like to thank the men and women of the NYPD, as well as school administrators, for their quick response to ensure that all students and faculty members were safe from any potential danger. Threats such as these are not to be taken lightly. This unfortunate situation is a reminder that if you see, hear, or receive any type of possible threat anywhere to immediately tell an adult, an employee, or a police officer. We must all look out for each other," said Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj.  

NYC Hits Record Low Unemployment, Adds 39,000 Jobs in Jan 2017

4.5% unemployment rate is lowest since 1976

New York City added 329,800 new jobs since Mayor de Blasio took office

New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) today announced that citywide unemployment dropped to a record low of 4.5 percent in January 2017, the lowest rate since 1976, which is the earliest available unemployment data from the New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL). The unemployment rate breaks the previous record of 4.6 percent in December 2006, and is down from 5.3 percent in January 2016. Citywide unemployment is down from 8.1 percent in December 2013, representing a 3.6 percent drop since Mayor de Blasio took office.

Based on a seasonally-adjusted analysis, New York City added 39,000 private sector jobs in January 2017. New York City has added 329,800 private sector jobs since Mayor de Blasio took office.

Educational Services contributed to the majority of the job growth in January 2017, adding 12,900 jobs. Accommodation & Food Services and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services had the next largest gains with 6,100 and 3,300.

The New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) releases employment data for New York City and State that it collects under a joint program with the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This information is subject to adjustment as more data becomes available.

"As our economy continues to grow, we are seeing record low unemployment and new jobs in nearly every sector," said Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development Alicia Glen. "This is happening because we are making smart, targeted investments, building an accessible economy with more middle class jobs -- and the training New Yorkers need to get them."

“Our job creation strategy is about pulling more people into the middle class, and creating better opportunities for their families. While we are seeing incredible job gains and a historically low unemployment rate, we must focus our attention on job quality. We are going to continue to make targeted investments across the five boroughs to pull in more New Yorkers and create 100,000 quality jobs over the next decade,” said NYCEDC President and CEO James Patchett.

Mayor de Blasio has continued to focus on creating quality jobs in high-growth industries across the five boroughs. In his State of the City address, Mayor de Blasio committed to creating 100,000 good jobs in New York City over the next ten years, with 40,000 new jobs within four years. Since then, the Cityunveiled a new ‘Made in New York’ Campus at Bush Terminal which create 1,500 new jobs in film, television and garment manufacturing.

In late February, Mayor de Blasio unveiled plans for a Union Square Tech Hub that will generate 600 good paying jobs and will include a digital job training facility for all New Yorkers as well as modern, flexible workspaces designed to meet the needs of early-stage startups in New York’s innovation economy.

Earlier this week, Mayor de Blasio announced the creation of 200 new jobs through the soon to be launched Citywide Ferry Service. Through six routes, the new transportation system will connect New Yorkers along the city’s hundreds of miles of waterfronts to job centers in Sunset Park, the Brooklyn Navy Yard, and lower Manhattan, among others.

Based on economic analysis done by NYCEDC based on released City and State job data through June 2016,  jobs and wages have gone up in every borough since the beginning of the de Blasio Administration. Specifically, the analysis found that Brooklyn saw the highest growth in private sector jobs with an increase of 12.8 percent; the Bronx saw the biggest drop in unemployment, with a decrease of 4.4 percentage points; and Manhattan saw the highest growth in average wages, with an increase of 5.9 percent.


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Bronx Republican Dinner

  Last night saw the rebirth of the Bronx Republican Party under new Chair Michael Rendino. After suffering the indictment of two of the three previous Bronx Republican County Leaders, and the failing health of the past county leader John Greaney. New Republican County Leader Mike Rendino had a very successful dinner with almost 400 Republicans, Conservatives, and even Democrats in attendance. There were even three possible Republican Mayoral Candidates John Catsimatidis, Paul Massey, and Michael Faulkner, along with representation from different boroughs including Republica rich Staten Island. 

  What was seen last night had to be the rebirth of the Bronx Republican Party under County Leader Mike Rendino. The Honorees included the former Bronx Republican Leader John Greaney, Businessman Darnell Sutton, Frank Spotorno former candidate for congress who garnered 30,000 votes against an entrenched Democratic incumbent, Freddy winter a 12 year veteran of the NYPD, and Wayne Gurman Bronx actor, director, and producer. 

  Also on hand working the room was 13th City Council candidate John 'The Tax Man' Cerini who will be the candidate of the Republican Party in the 13th City Council race. There are six Democrats looking to be the candidate of the Democratic Party, and candidate Cerini did not have a preference as to who he wanted to run against. Photos are below.

Above -Chair Rendino with his candidate for the 13th City Council district John Cerini.
Below - Chair Rendino with some Bronx Republicans.

Above - Possible Mayoral candidate John Catsimatidis with New York State Republican Chair Ed Cox.
Below - Republican Mayoral candidate Paul Massey talks to the audience.

Above - Republican Mayoral candidate Michael Faulkner.
Below - Former Bronx Board of Election Republican Commissioner J.C. Polonco with possible Mayoral candidate John Catsimatidis.

Above - Chair Rendino welcomes and talks about the future of the Bronx Republican Party, and its goals which include electing a Republican Mayor in 2017.
Below the Executive members of the Bronx Republican Party. The District Leaders and State Committee members.

Independent Democratic Conference’s Religious Freedom legislative package passes State Senate

Bills to combat hate against religious groups after uptick in threats against JCCs and anti-Muslim incidents receive overwhelming support

Members of the New York State Senate overwhelmingly approved pieces of legislation which are part of the Independent Democratic Conference’s Religious Freedom package on Tuesday to combat hate-inspired crimes in New York State and to promote tolerance amongst those of different cultures and ethnicities.

The legislative package came on the heels of threats made against four New York Jewish Community Centers early last week, incidents of anti-Semitic and anti-Islamic graffiti on mass transit, and bomb threats as recently as yesterday in Brighton, DeWitt and Manhattan. Nationally, a wave of anti-Semitic incidents has occurred nationally, with 100 bomb threats called into JCCs and acts of cemetery desecration.

The Senate passed legislation to:

  • Create a specified offense for graffiti making as a hate crime - Currently graffiti is  a class A misdemeanor, but S.4777 sponsored by Senator David Carlucci would elevate this offense by one degree to a class E felony, if graffiti is made to target a person’s race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability or sexual orientation.

  • Heighten penalties for damaging property in a house of worship or desecrating a cemetery - Criminal penalties are elevated by a degree for damaging property or stealing property in a house of worship and desecrating or raiding valuables from a cemetery, under Senator Klein’s S.1786.

  • Prohibit funding to college groups that participate in boycotts of Israel and other countries that have a Regents chartered school - State aid would be prohibited from funding any academic entity or activities if engaged in a boycott of Israel or other countries.

“It is clear from the events across the country that swift action must be taken against those who try to intimidate people based on their ethnic, religious or racial background. The legislation we passed today will send a strong message that these crimes are taken seriously in New York. I will continue to ensure that law enforcement has the tools to tackle these types of offenses,” said IDC Leader  Klein.

“Threats and acts of hate directed at New Yorkers based on their religious beliefs cannot be condoned. This new legislation increases penalties for those who choose to perpetrate crimes against citizens who only wish to practice their religion in peace,” said IDC Deputy Leader David Valesky. “I’m pleased that the Senate passed these bills quickly in response to recent anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim incidents.”

“These hateful acts continue to happen in too many of our communities and it was critical that we act quickly to send a message that discrimination will not be tolerated in New York.  In the last several months hate crimes have drastically increased, creating the need for stronger punishments for those who commit crimes like race or religious based graffiti. By making specific types of graffiti a hate crime, we will fight back against discrimination and reduce an ugly trend that has developed throughout our country,” said Senator David Carlucci.

“It is unacceptable that any individual or group should face discrimination because of the God they worship. The vandalism that has been reported on sacred religious ground as of late is appalling and runs contrary to the values and ideals of our state and our country. I am proud to support this bill, and the entire Religious Freedom Package that the IDC presented, and the continued religious freedom it will bring to many New Yorkers who struggle with adversity every day,” said Senator Tony Avella.

“New York has the largest Jewish population outside of Israel and a rich diversity of numerous cultures and backgrounds from countries around the world that allow our communities to thrive. It is for these reasons that bold and swift action are necessary in order to provide our people of all creeds with the peace of mind that these hate-crimes will be promptly met with the full force of law,” said Senator Diane Savino.

"We are not going to tolerate hate-inspired crimes against any New Yorker. There is no room for violence of any kind, especially violence against a person because of his or her religious beliefs. Freedom of religion was the foundation of our nation, so it is atrocious that people are committing crimes against particular religious groups. I am glad we introduced the Religious Freedom Package to combat hate and I want to thank the Senate for passing these measures,” said Senator Jose Peralta.

“With the NYPD reporting that hate crimes overall are up 55% so far this year, and anti-Semitic hate crimes up a staggering 94%, the passage of this Religious Freedom package sends a timely message. We will not allow our friends and neighbors to be intimidated or marginalized. New York will continue to champion the values of inclusion that have served us well for generations. I am proud to stand with my Senate colleagues and reaffirm our commitment to every New Yorker practicing their faith freely,” said Senator Jesse Hamilton.

“"Religious freedom and tolerance are cornerstones of our democracy, and in these challenging times, I am heartened by the New York State Senate's fast and decisive action to tackle the recent rash of hate crimes in our state and across the nation. This legislative package, passed with overwhelming support, sends a clear message that New York will always be a place that welcomes people of all faiths,"said Senator Marisol Alcantara.

The Senate already passed legislation to increase penalties for bias-related graffiti and graffiti on religious property when the act of vandalism occurs at a house of worship, a chilling effect occurs. This legislation, S.1785, sponsored by Senator Klein adds a penalty of a class E felony and aggravated harassment for this offense. It also allows the courts to order vandals to clean up their graffiti.

Bronx Jewish Community Council - Project HOPE Passover 2017


Project HOPE Passover Package Delivery 
Sunday, March 26, 2017 - 9am-11:30am
Share the joy of the holidays by 
bringing along  friends and family to deliver 3-5 Passover packages to lonely, home-bound or needy Jewish elderly!

  Whether or not you are able to come, you can always help by sponsoring a package for only $25

For groups, questions or to deliver to a particular senior contact 
Niti Minkove, Director of Volunteers at 
Learn more about Bronx Jewish Community Council's volunteer opportunities and how to get involved at

Bronx Jewish Community Council, 2930 Wallace Avenue, 
Bronx, NY 10467


   The New York City Department of Education issued the results for the 2017 Specialized High School Admissions Test (SHSAT), which governs admission to the city’s eight specialized high schools. Those results show that, despite making up roughly 70 percent of the entire public school population combined, just 3.8 percent of all offers to specialized high schools went to black students and just 6.5 percent of all offers went to Latino students this year.

“Today’s announcement illustrates just how deep the chasm is between different communities in our public education system, and provides us with new evidence that the city is not doing enough to nurture and support gifted education in every neighborhood.

“Students all over this city have for too long been denied the opportunities to which they are entitled when it comes to gifted education. My office is co-hosting hearings later this month, in partnership with Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, to hear directly from parents and educators about the issues our communities face when it comes to access to gifted programs and the negative effects a lack of such access has on admissions to our specialized high schools,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

The first public hearing of Borough Presidents Adams and Diaz’s task force will take place in Brooklyn on Tuesday, March 14, 2017, at Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Plaza, 1368 Fulton Street. The Bronx will host a second hearing on Monday, March 20, 2017, at the Bronx High School of Science, 75 West 205th Street. Both hearings will run from 6:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m.