Tuesday, April 18, 2023



Defendant Was Drunk Driving Over 100 Miles Per Hour

Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark today announced that a Bronx man was sentenced to two to six years in prison for speeding while drunk on the Major Deegan Expressway and crashing into another vehicle, causing it to flip over the Expressway and land upside down on the street below, killing the driver.

 District Attorney Clark said, “A father of two was killed in this horrendous crash. The defendant drove drunk, and it led to fatal consequences, and years in prison. Had the defendant took public transportation or called a taxi, the victim would be alive today and his family would not be in agony.”

 District Attorney Clark said the defendant, Freddy Martinez, 24, was sentenced today to two to six years in prison before Bronx Supreme Court Justice Albert Lorenzo. The defendant pleaded guilty to second-degree Manslaughter on February 22, 2023. 

 According to the investigation, on December 12, 2021, at approximately 4:47 a.m. the defendant was driving his vehicle 104 miles per hour along the Major Deegan Expressway South. The posted speed limit is 50 miles per hour. The defendant was changing lanes without applying brakes. Martinez’s vehicle stuck the vehicle of Mamadou Diane, 46, a father of two who was going 12 miles per hour while merging on the Expressway. The victim’s vehicle flipped over the Expressway landing upside down on East 135th Street below. He was deceased by the time emergency crews arrived on scene. Martinez’s blood alcohol content was .16 percent, twice the legal limit. At the time of the crash, he told police he had just left a bar/restaurant, where he drank two cups of alcoholic beverage.

 District Attorney Clark thanked NYPD Sergeant Randal McFarland, formerly of the NYPD Collision Investigation Squad and Police Officer Idaniel Tavares of the 44th Precinct, for their work in this investigation.

Statement From Governor Kathy Hochul on Confirmation of Judge Rowan Wilson

 Governor Kathy Hochul New York State Seal

"Judge Rowan Wilson is a highly qualified jurist with a keen sense of fairness and a deep commitment to justice. Throughout his tenure on the bench, he has proven himself to be a thoughtful leader who recognizes the power of the judiciary to impact the lives of all New Yorkers. Before joining the Court, Judge Wilson had a distinguished career as a commercial litigator and became the first Black partner at the prestigious firm Cravath, Swaine and Moore. I am confident that he will use this experience and his fair-minded approach that has guided his time on the Court of Appeals while serving as Chief Judge.

"I proudly nominated Judge Wilson to serve as Chief Judge of the New York State Court of Appeals, and I am pleased by his confirmation by the Senate. His confirmation also marks a significant milestone: the first Black Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals.

"I congratulate Judge Wilson on his confirmation and look forward to working closely with him to elevate the esteem of our State's highest court, protect New Yorkers' rights and safety, and ensure that justice is administered."

Senator Gustavo Rivera on Senate Floor Vote on Honorable Rowan Wilson



“I am pleased to join my Senate Majority colleagues in support of the Honorable Rowan Wilson and congratulate him on becoming New York’s next Chief Judge. In Judge Wilson we have found an illustrious and qualified candidate for this position, a highly respected jurist whose distinguished academic background and vast body of work includes over 100 dissents and concurrences. Judge Wilson has demonstrated his commitment to impart justice for all New Yorkers, especially those who are marginalized or lack power. As the first Black New Yorker to hold this important position, Judge Wilson, a trailblazer in his own right, will undoubtedly inspire thousands across New York State to pursue a career in public service and law. I want to thank Governor Hochul for putting forth this impressive nomination and I look forward to the work Judge Wilson will contribute, particularly at this precarious moment in our country's history where so many judges are legislating from the bench."

Metro North Morris Park Meeting


Councilmember Rafael Salamanca - News, updates and more from NYC Council Member Rafael Salamanca, Jr.



Email Council Member Salamanca

Visit our District Office at: 
1070 Southern Boulevard
Bronx, New York 10459
(718) 402-6130

34 Officers of People's Republic of China National Police Charged with Perpetrating Transnational Repression Scheme Targeting U.S. Residents


A complaint was unsealed in federal court in Brooklyn charging 34 officers of the national police of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) – the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) – with harassing Chinese nationals residing in the New York metropolitan area and elsewhere in the United States. The defendants allegedly perpetrated transnational repression schemes targeting U.S. residents whose political views and actions are disfavored by the PRC government, such as advocating for democracy in the PRC.  All the defendants are believed to reside in the PRC, and they remain at large.

Breon Peace, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York; Matthew G. Olsen, Assistant Attorney General of the Justice Department’s National Security Division; Kurt Ronnow, Acting Assistant Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Counterintelligence Division (FBI), and David Sundberg, Assistant Director-in-Charge, FBI, announced the charges.

“As alleged, the Chinese government deploys an elite task force of its national police—the 912 Special Project Working Group—as a troll farm to attack Chinese dissidents in our country for exercising free speech in a manner that the PRC government disfavors, and spread disinformation and propaganda to sow divisions within the United States,” stated United States Attorney Peace.  “I commend the investigative team for comprehensively revealing the insidiousness of a state-directed criminal scheme directed at residents of the United States.”

“These cases demonstrate the lengths the PRC government will go to silence and harass U.S. persons who exercise their fundamental rights to speak out against PRC oppression, including by unlawfully exploiting a U.S.-based technology company,” stated Assistant Attorney General Olsen.  “These actions violate our laws and are an affront to our democratic values and basic human rights.”

“China’s Ministry of Public Security used operatives to target people of Chinese descent who had the courage to speak out against the Chinese Communist Party – in one case by covertly spreading propaganda to undermine confidence in our democratic processes and, in another, by suppressing U.S. video conferencing users’ free speech,” stated FBI Acting Assistant Director Ronnow.  “We aren’t going to tolerate CCP repression – its efforts to threaten, harass, and intimidate people – here in the United States. The FBI will continue to confront the Chinese government’s efforts to violate our laws and repress the rights and freedoms of people in our country.”

“These cases demonstrate that the Chinese Communist Party, once again, attempted to intimidate, harass, and suppress Chinese dissidents in the United States,” stated FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge Sundberg.  “In the U.S., the freedom of speech is a cornerstone of our democracy, and the FBI will work tirelessly to defend everyone's right to speak freely without fear of retribution from the CCP. These complex investigations revealed an MPS-wide effort to repress individuals by using the U.S. communications platform and fake social media accounts to censor political and religious speech.”

As alleged, the officers are or were assigned to a task force called the “912 Special Project Working Group” (the Group) and worked out of an MPS facility in Beijing.  The purpose of the Group is to influence and shape public perceptions of the PRC government, the CCP, and its leaders in the United States and around the world.  The Group carries out this mission by using a host of accounts created under false names on multiple social media platforms to promote narratives that portray the PRC government and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in a favorable light, while criticizing and attacking their perceived adversaries, including the United States, and Chines pro-democracy activists located throughout the world, including in the United States.  As alleged, the defendants carried out this mission in part through a campaign of threats, harassment and intimidation directed at critics of the PRC government and the CCP in the United States and around the world.

The complaint alleges that members of the Group created thousands of fake online personas on social media sites, including Twitter, to target Chinese democracy activists and critics of the CCP through online harassment and threats.  These online personas also disseminate official PRC government propaganda and narratives to counter and overwhelm the critical speech of the Chinese activists.  The topics of the propaganda and official narratives are directed by MPS headquarters, and have included the advantages of the PRC’s CCP-dominated political system over democracy, U.S. domestic and foreign policy, human rights issues in Hong Kong and Xinjiang Province, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, civil unrest following the murder of George Floyd and the COVID-19 pandemic.

As further alleged, the investigation has obtained a policy guide issued to new Group members for detailing how to create and maintain fake social media accounts through temporary email addresses; posting official PRC government content; and interacting with other online users to avoid the appearance that the Group accounts are “flooding” a given social media platform. 

Some of these online personas purport to be U.S. persons, giving U.S. users of social media platforms the false impression that individuals located in the United States advocate positions and policies favored by the PRC government and the CCP.  The Group tracks the performance of the MPS officers assigned to the Group and rewards Group members who successfully operate multiple online personas without detection by the social media companies who host the platforms or by other users of the platforms. 

The investigation has also uncovered official MPS directions to Group members to compose articles and videos based on certain themes targeting, for example, the activities of Chinese pro-democracy activists located abroad or the policies of the U.S. government.  As alleged, the Group executed a standing order from MPS headquarters to harass a well-known critic of the PRC government and the CCP (“Victim-1”) by using a host of Group-controlled social media accounts to, among other things, make death threats and demand that U.S. authorities arrest Victim-1.

In addition, Group members took repeated affirmative actions to have Chinese dissidents and their meetings interfered with on the platform of Company-1. For example, Group members disrupted a pro-democracy activist’s efforts to commemorate the Tiananmen Square Massacre through a videoconference meeting by posting threats against the participants through the platform’s chat function.  In another Company-1 videoconference on the topic of countering communism organized by a Chinese pro-democracy activist, Group members flooded the videoconference and drowned out the meeting with loud music and vulgar screams and threats directed at the pro-democracy participants. 

The charges in the complaint are allegations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

The government’s case is being handled by the Office’s National Security and Cybercrime Section.  Assistant United States Attorneys Alexander A. Solomon, Ian C. Richardson, Nicholas J. Moscow, and Jessica K. Weigel of the Eastern District of New York with assistance from Trial Attorney Scott A. Claffee of the National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, are in charge of the prosecution.

The FBI has created a website for victims to report efforts by foreign governments to stalk, intimidate, or assault people in the United States.  If you believe that you are or have been a victim of transnational repression, please visit https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/counterintelligence/transnational-repression.

Two Individuals Arrested for Operating Undeclared Police Station of the Chinese Government in Chinatown in Manhattan


Defendants Are New York City Residents Who Allegedly Destroyed Evidence When Confronted by the FBI

 A complaint was unsealed in federal court in Brooklyn charging two defendants in connection with opening and operating an undeclared overseas police station, located in lower Manhattan, for the Ministry of Public Security (“MPS”) of the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”).  Lu Jianwang and Chen Jinping were arrested at their homes in New York City.  Their initial appearances are scheduled before United States Magistrate Judge James R. Cho. 

Breon Peace, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York; Matthew G. Olsen, Assistant Attorney General of the Justice Department’s National Security Division; and Michael J. Driscoll, Assistant Director-in-Charge, FBI, New York Field Office, announced the arrests and charges.

“This prosecution reveals the Chinese government’s flagrant violation of our nation’s sovereignty by establishing a secret police station in the middle of New York City,” stated United States Attorney Peace.  “As alleged, the defendants were directed to do the PRC’s bidding, including helping locate a Chinese dissident living in the United States, and obstructed our investigation by deleting their communications with a Chinese Ministry of Public Security official.  Such a police station has no place here in New York City—or any American community.”

“The PRC, through its repressive security apparatus, established a secret physical presence in New York City to monitor and intimidate dissidents and those critical of its government,” stated Assistant Attorney General Olsen. “The PRC’s actions go far beyond the bounds of acceptable nation-state conduct. We will resolutely defend the freedoms of all those living in our country from the threat of authoritarian repression.”

“The defendants, operating on behalf of the government of the People’s Republic of China, are alleged to have operated an undeclared police station in downtown New York City,” stated FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge Driscoll.  “Upon learning of the FBI’s investigation into the police station, the defendants erased their communications to conceal their activities.  Clandestine police stations operating within our communities are not only illegal but infringe on the United States' freedom - they will not be tolerated.   The FBI is unwavering in our mission to protect the American people and uphold our Constitution; anyone working on behalf of a hostile foreign nation to violate our national security and freedoms will be held accountable.”

As alleged in the complaint, Lu Jianwang and Chen Jinping are charged with conspiring to act as agents of the PRC government as well as obstructing justice by destroying evidence of their communications with an MPS official (the “MPS Official”).  While acting under the direction and control of the MPS Official, the defendants worked together to establish the first known overseas police station in the United States on behalf of the Fuzhou branch of the MPS.  The police station—which closed in the fall of 2022—occupied an entire floor in an office building in Manhattan’s Chinatown.  Lu and Chen helped open and operate the clandestine police station.  None of the participants in the scheme informed the U.S. government that they were helping the PRC government surreptitiously open and operate an undeclared MPS police station on U.S. soil.

Before helping open the police station in early 2022, Lu had a longstanding relationship of trust with PRC law enforcement, including the MPS.  Since 2015, and through the operation of the secret police station, Lu was directed to assist the PRC government’s repressive activities on U.S. soil:

In October 2022, the FBI conducted a judicially authorized search of the illegal police station.  In connection with the search, FBI agents interviewed both Lu and Chen and seized their phones.  In reviewing the contents of these phones, FBI agents observed that communications between Lu and Chen, on the one hand, and the MPS Official, on the other, appeared to have been deleted.  In subsequent consensual interviews, Lu and Chen admitted to the FBI that they had deleted their communications with the MPS Official after learning about the ongoing FBI investigation, thus preventing the FBI from learning the full extent of the MPS’s directions for the overseas police station.  

If convicted of conspiring to act as agents of the PRC, the defendants face a maximum sentence of five years in prison.  The obstruction of justice charge carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.

The charges in the complaints are allegations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

The government’s case is being handled by the Office’s National Security and Cybercrime Section.  Assistant United States Attorneys Alexander A. Solomon, and Antoinette N. Rangel are in charge of the prosecution, with assistance from Trial Attorney Scott A. Claffee of the National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section.

The FBI has created a website for victims to report efforts by foreign governments to stalk, intimidate, or assault people in the United States.  If you believe that you are or have been a victim of transnational repression, please visit https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/counterintelligence/transnational-repression.

DEC Seeks Volunteers for Striped Bass Cooperative Anglers Program



Recreational Fishery Information Helps Guide Striper Management

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is seeking participants for its Striped Bass Cooperative Anglers Program to help biologists understand and maintain a healthy striped bass population. The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) requires New York State to provide catch information from its recreational fishery to manage this species. Volunteer anglers play a crucial role in helping DEC satisfy this requirement, and all anglers who fish for striped bass are invited to participate.

As part of the program, DEC provides volunteer anglers with logbooks and instructions to record catch information such as fishing location, gear used, and number of fish caught. Anglers may participate whether fishing by boat or from shore. Anglers may also choose to use DEC's new online logbook and record catch information on their smartphone or computer. Biologists then analyze the recreational fishery data and summarize it in an annual newsletter, providing insight into the striped bass fishing season. Participating anglers will receive the latest news and information about regulations and annual fish population surveys.

Anglers in marine waters south of the George Washington Bridge can also provide DEC with scale samples from the striped bass they catch. Biologists use the scales to age the striped bass to create length-at-age keys which are incorporated in striped bass population assessments and ultimately help guide fishery management decisions.

Visit DEC’s YouTube channel to learn more about becoming a Striped Bass Cooperative Angler and instructions on how to collect scale samples.

Anglers who fish for striped bass north of the George Washington Bridge in the tidal Hudson River, should email hudsonangler@dec.ny.gov or visit DEC's Hudson River Striped Bass website to learn more about the Hudson River Cooperative Anglers Program. In the tidal Hudson River, the recreational slot limit is 18 to 28 inches (not less than 18 inches nor greater than 28 inches) and the season is open April 1 through Nov. 30.

Anglers who fish for striped bass in New York's marine waters south of the George Washington Bridge should contact the Diadromous Fish Unit at sbcaprogram@dec.ny.gov or visit DEC's Striped Bass Cooperative Anglers website. In marine waters, the recreational slot limit is 28 - 35 inches (not less than 28 inches nor greater than 35 inches) and the season is open April 15 through Dec. 15.

The recreational striped bass possession limit for all waters in New York State is one fish/angler. DEC encourages anglers to check Recreational Saltwater Fishing Regulations for the most up-to-date information before going fishing and enroll in the annual no-fee Recreational Marine Fishing Registry before going fishing in New York's Marine and Coastal District waters or when fishing in the Hudson River and its tributaries for "migratory fish of the sea," including striped bass. Anglers can enroll in the registry online or by phone or by visiting a license issuing agent location. To enroll, go to DEC's website.

2023 Striped Bass Recreational Gaff Prohibition Regulation

On March 22, DEC prohibited the use or attempted use of gaffs when recreationally fishing for Atlantic striped bass. This regulation intends to reduce release mortality in recreational striped bass fisheries as required by ASMFC Amendment 7 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Striped Bass (PDF). DEC is accepting public comments on the regulation through May 22, 2023. The full text of the regulation can be found at DEC's website. Comments on the gaffing regulation should be sent to caitlin.craig@dec.ny.gov or by mail to: Caitlin Craig, Division of Marine Resources, 123 Kings Park Blvd., Kings Park, NY 11754.