Tuesday, July 18, 2023



Jocelyn E. Strauber, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”), announced the arrest, which occurred on Friday, of a former Supervisor at the City Department of Parks and Recreation (“DPR”) on charges of sexual abuse and harassment that are alleged to have occurred inside a maintenance closet at a park located on East 156th Street in the Bronx, between July and August 2021. DOI’s investigation was prompted by allegations reported by DPR. The office of Bronx County District Attorney Darcel Clark is prosecuting the case. 

FRANCISCO BRACERO, 63, of New York, N.Y., who is also known as “Cisco,” is charged with Forcible Touching, a class A misdemeanor; Sexual Abuse in the Third Degree, a class B misdemeanor; and Harassment in the Second Degree, a violation. Upon conviction, a class A misdemeanor is punishable by up to a year’s incarceration, a class B misdemeanor by up to three months incarceration, and a violation by up to 15 days incarceration. BRACERO was arraigned late Friday evening and released on his own recognizance. 

DOI Commissioner Jocelyn E. Strauber said, “This Parks Supervisor, as alleged, sexually abused and harassed a subordinate. The charged conduct is unacceptable in any workplace, by any employee, and particularly reprehensible where, as here, it involves a supervisor. I thank the complainant for bravely coming forward to speak with investigators, the Parks Department for reporting the allegations to DOI and the Bronx District Attorney’s Office for their continued partnership on these important prosecutions.” 

According to the criminal complaint, between July 15, 2021 and August 2, 2021, inside of 720 East 156th Street, in the Bronx, BRACERO grabbed the buttocks of a female subordinate with his hand, without her consent, and stated that he wanted to grab her breast. This alleged conduct caused her alarm and fear for her physical safety, according to the complaint.

BRACERO began working for DPR in July 2002 and was an active DPR Supervisor at the time of the alleged conduct. When he retired in September 2022, BRACERO was receiving an annual salary of approximately $80,262. 

Commissioner Strauber thanked Bronx County District Attorney Darcel Clark, and the District Attorney’s Public Integrity Bureau, which is handling this case, specifically Assistant District Attorney Kenneth Collado, under the supervision of Bureau Chief Omer Wiczyk. Commissioner Strauber also thanked DPR Commissioner Sue Donoghue and her staff, including DPR’s Advocate’s Office.

Governor Hochul Announces Historic Agreement to Export New York State Wines to Puerto Rico


Inaugural Shipment Includes Wines from World-Renowned Finger Lakes Region

Partnership Represents Special Relationship Between New York and Puerto Rico and Growing Demand for New York State Wines

 Governor Kathy Hochul today announced an inaugural partnership that enables New York State wines to be sold in Puerto Rico for the very first time. The New York State Office of Trade and Tourism, distributor Serrallés Imports, and the legendary Steuben County-based Dr. Konstantin Frank Winery are making a selection of wines produced in the Finger Lakes region available in Puerto Rico for local purchase. This collaboration marks the first-ever introduction of New York wines into the growing Puerto Rico wine market and uncorks a new era of wine connoisseurship and cultural exchange. The new partnership was toasted today at a wine-tasting launch at the New York State Office of Trade and Tourism in San Juan, attended by the New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets Commissioner Richard Ball. 

"Puerto Rico has shared so much of its culture, vibrancy, and creativity with New York, and our history and future are intrinsically intertwined," Governor Hochul said. "Now Puerto Rico will be able to enjoy what wine lovers across the world have long known - the best wines are made in New York. Cheers to this fantastic collaboration!" 

Stemming from a shared vision of New York State Office of Trade and Tourism and Serrallés Imports, one of Puerto Rico's largest distributors, the State recognized the immense potential for promoting and celebrating New York wines. Partnering with Serrallés and Dr. Konstantin Frank, New York's most awarded winery, the New York State Office of Trade and Tourism was able to work through export requirements to bring Dr. Frank's wines into the market, and leverage Serrallés Imports extensive distribution network and wine and spirits industry expertise to ensure that New York-made wines are available to consumers and connoisseurs across Puerto Rico. The winery will be providing its Riesling varieties and Rosé for export. The State hopes to expand the selection of wines and wineries participating in this initiative in the future.  

Empire State Development President CEO and Commissioner Hope Knight said, "New York State wines are of the highest caliber in the world and I'm proud to join Governor Hochul in celebrating the export of Finger Lakes vintages to Puerto Rico for the first time. Thanks to the hard work of ESD's Office of Trade and Tourism, this partnership supports local production and will continue to enrich the vibrant, longstanding cultural exchange between New York and Puerto Rico, benefitting both our communities and economy."

New York State is one of the world's premier wine-making regions, and ranks as the third largest producer of wines in the nation. Since taking office, Governor Hochul has supported efforts to grow New York's craft beverage industry and pave the way for unprecedented growth through regulatory reform and groundbreaking initiatives. Today, there are 496 licensed wineries across the State, including 394 farm wineries, making the New York wine industry an important part of the statewide economy and one of its key exports.  

The New York State Office of Trade and Tourism and Serrallés Imports are committed to expanding the horizons of Puerto Rico's wine industry. Together, they are poised to make history by elevating the wine scene in Puerto Rico and offering New York State wineries like Dr. Konstantin Frank a new, exciting market where demand for quality wine is on the rise.  

This partnership represents a significant step forward in promoting cross-cultural exchange and economic growth, which is NYS Office of Trade and Tourism's mission.  It demonstrates the power of public-private collaboration and a passion for showcasing exceptional products made in New York. 

About Empire State Development

Empire State Development (ESD) is New York's chief economic development agency. The mission of ESD is to promote a vigorous and growing economy, encourage the creation of new job and economic opportunities, increase revenues to the State and its municipalities, and achieve stable and diversified local economies. Through the use of loans, grants, tax credits and other forms of financial assistance, ESD strives to enhance private business investment and growth to spur job creation and support prosperous communities across New York State. ESD is also the primary administrative agency overseeing the Regional Economic Development Councils and the marketing of "I LOVE NY," the State's iconic tourism brand. For more information on Regional Councils and Empire State Development, visit www.regionalcouncils.ny.gov and www.esd.ny.gov

News, updates and more from NYC Council Member Rafael Salamanca, Jr.


Scenes from the unveiling of the beautiful new mural at my District Office. 
Thank you Tats Cru & Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice for your outstanding work at capturing the best of the Bronx, and for providing our community, and visitors, with such a stunning view!


Escenas de la inauguración del hermoso mural nuevo en mi oficina de distrito.
Gracias Tats Cru y Ministerios Juveniles por la Paz y la Justicia por su excelente trabajo al capturar lo mejor del Bronx y por brindar a nuestra comunidad y visitantes una vista tan impresionante!

Thank you NYC Council Speaker Adrienne Adams and my New York City Council colleagues for their support on passing my bill, Intro 200-A, that will ensure that all lead abatement order appeals are thoroughly vetted so that NYC residents will be protected against the harmful effects of lead poisoning. 

Lead in paint has been proven over and over again to cause serious adverse health effects, so it is unconscionable that corners are still being cut to allow its presence in New York City housing units.


Gracias a la presidenta del Concejo de la Ciudad de Nueva York, Adrienne Adams, y a mis colegas del Concejo de la Ciudad de Nueva York por su apoyo en la aprobación de mi proyecto de ley, Intro 200-A, que garantizará que todas las apelaciones a las órdenes de reducción de plomo se examinen minuciosamente para que los residentes de la Ciudad de Nueva York estén protegidos contra los efectos nocivos. de envenenamiento por plomo.

Se ha demostrado una y otra vez que el plomo en la pintura causa graves efectos adversos para la salud, por lo que es inconcebible que todavía se tomen medidas para permitir su presencia en las unidades de vivienda de la ciudad de Nueva York.

I had a great time celebrating Puerto Rican culture at Mayor Eric Adams’ Puerto Rican Heritage Reception!



Lo pasé muy bien celebrando la cultura puertorriqueña en la recepción del alcalde Eric Adams por la herencia puertorriqueña.


I am constantly working with public & private partners to explore how we can turn underutilized space in District 17 into uses that serve our evolving borough. 

Having a keen interest in planning, Aidan was more than happy to join me for a tour in Port Morris.



Trabajo constantemente con socios públicos y privados para explorar cómo podemos convertir espacios infrautilizados del Distrito 17 en usos que sirvan a nuestro municipio en evolución.

Con un gran interés en la planificación, Aidan estuvo más que feliz de acompañarme en un recorrido por Port Morris.

Please join me for my annual event in celebration of Dominican Heritage where I will be honoring members of our community for their impactful contributions.

Free food, beverages, and musical entertainment will be provided.




Acompáñenme en mi evento anual de celebración de la herencia Dominicana, en el que rendiré homenaje a miembros de nuestra comunidad por sus importantes contribuciones.

Habrá comida, bebidas y entretenimiento musical gratis.


Visit our District Office at: 
1070 Southern Boulevard
Bronx, New York 10459
(718) 402-6130

Statement from Congressman Ritchie Torres, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, & Council Member Eric Dinowitz on the proposal to build a temporary 34,000-seat cricket stadium in Van Cortlandt Park