Thursday, August 12, 2010

It's Down to 5 Court Challenges

   It is down to five cases that Supreme Court Judge Robert Sewald will have to decide on. The challenge to the petition of J. Gustave Rivera by Pedro Espada looks like it should go the Rivera way as Judge Sewald heard verbal arguments from each lawyer. A press release from the Rivera campaign says that an official report from a Bronx County Supreme Court-appointed referee today decreed that Gustavo Rivera's campaign collected well over the required number of signatures to qualify for this September's Primary Election and rejected a frivolous challenge made by Pedro Espada's campaign, dealing the embattled Senator yet another blow. 
   "Instead of fighting for our community, Pedro Espada tried to intimidate his own constituents and take away our right to vote for change," said Gustavo Rivera. "But the Bronx is still a democracy and our community will have a chance to elect new leadership on September 14th. Judge Sewald will give his final ruling on Friday afternoon, which should be appealed by either side to the State Appellate Court on Monday.
  Stanley Schleim, the king of election lawyers is involved in the other four challenges left. In the 32nd State Senate race Charlie Ramos will be on the ballot to face incumbent State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. In the 28th State Senate race incumbent State Senator Serrano will not face a primary challenge. In the 82nd A.D. it looks like the petition of Egidio Sementilli will fall short by one signature this year in his attempt for candidacy.
   Judge Sewald heard arguments from both sides in the attempt to invalidate the petition of incumbent 86th A.D. Assemblyman Nelson Castro, as the referee's report had gone in Assemblyman Castro's favor. Stanley Schlein was very entertaining in his argument to invalidate Assemblyman Castro's petition, as even Judge Sewald was seen smiling at times. Judge Sewald will give his verdicts on all five cases tomorrow. It is expected that the judge will go with his appointed special referee's decisions as I was told by Mr. Schlein, but he added that the judge does not always rule that way. Mr. Schlein is looking for that exception in the Nelson Castro case.

Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz to Gerson Borrero: Please Get Help.

   New York State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz issued the following statement about El Diario la Prensa journalist, Gerson Borrero: 
   "Friends and constituents have approached me today to ask if Gerson Borrero suffers from delirium tremors or just extreme psychosis?
These remarks have come on the heels of last night's performance by Gerson Borrero on NY1's Road to City Hall when he and Curtis Sliwa discussed my unification rally in Staten Island.
Apparently Gerson Borrero's outburst is causing great concern in our community.
At first I brushed off his diatribe against me as being shameful and ridiculous. Then, after thinking about it a little more, I also became concerned.
He clearly could not control himself during last night's interview as he raged and ranted and accused me of being Lucifer.  This is not the first time that Gerson Borrero has one of these outbursts on television.  I recall an interview he gave with Andrew Kirtzman on NY1 when Gerson Borrero was cursing and got up while the camera were rolling and walked off the set. It seems that  he gets fired from every job he gets - including jobs with Radio WADO and with Angelo Falcon's Puerto Rican Public Policy.  Gerson Borrero gets fired because he cannot control himself, and I have to agree that his hostility and unprofessional behavior border on being dangerous.
While his outbursts against me did offend me personally, I need for Gerson Borrero to know that I do forgive him and that I join the ranks of those New Yorkers who urge him to seek professional help immediately."

Ed. note.  You can go to to see the political rundown in question.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Senators Sampson and DĂ­az Announce Historic Funding For Senior Center Infrastructure Repair

   Senate Majority Conference Leader John L. Sampson (19th SD) and Senator RubĂ©n DĂ­az (32nd SD), Chairman of the New York State Senate Committee on Aging, today announced that twenty-five (25) Senior Centers throughout New York State would receive $545,000 in funding for capital improvements.
   Senator DĂ­az said, “As Chairman of the New York State Senate Committee on Aging, I am deeply grateful to Senate Majority Conference Leader John Sampson for his support in making these funds available.  Senior centers provide many important services for older New Yorkers including meals, social programs and educational opportunities. These services keep seniors active, independent and living in their own homes.”
   “The senior population in New York is steadily growing and it is our responsibility to do everything within our power to ensure they age with dignity, and with the security afforded by adequate senior centers. We must always strive to protect our most vulnerable and deliver the vital services they need to enjoy the safe, healthy and happy lifestyle they deserve. I applaud my colleague, Senator RubĂ©n DĂ­az for his strong advocacy on behalf of seniors across our state," said Senate Majority Conference Leader John L. Sampson.
   The funding for these capital projects will be distributed in two phases. The $545,000 announced today is the first phase of the project and award letters notifying the recipients have been mailed by the New York State Office for the Aging. The second phase will be announced in the near future.  Requests from the centers were received in response to a letter Senator DĂ­az mailed to 600 senior centers across New York State soon after he became Chairman of the Aging Committee in 2009.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Supreme Court Rulings -Thursday 2PM

   With so many court challenges to candidates petitions the referees decisions were finished today, with Judge Sewald scheduled to rule Thursday afternoon.
   Almost all hearings have been settled and almost all Board of Election decisions have been kept in place. The few challenges that have not been solved between the candidates will be decided by Judge Sewald Thursday.
   One case still up in the air is that of the challenge to the petition of J. Gustavo Rivera, which will be decided Thursday. Word from both camps is that the decision will go their way.  Meanwhile Mr. Rivera picked up key union support yesterday as SEIU 1199 and 32BJ endorsed his candidacy.
   The challenge to the petition of Dan Padernacht was dropped, meaning that Mr. Padernacht will be on the ballot in the 33rd State Senate race Democratic Primary, awaiting the outcome of the court decision to see if it will still be a three-way race.

Senator Klein Unveils New Data Showing Dozens of Registered Sex Offenders Still Illegally Living in NYC Public Housing

   State Senator and Deputy Majority Leader Jeffrey D. Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester) will join Assemblymembers Michael Benjamin (D-Bronx) and Michael Benedetto (D-Bronx), tenant leaders and community members to unveil data showing that there are more sex offenders illegally living in public housing units in New York City now than earlier this year. Governor Paterson recently signed into law Klein’s legislation to require the NYS Department of Criminal Justice Services to provide municipal housing authorities with a list each month of all registered sex offenders whose address is within the authority's city or municipality. This legislation is scheduled to take effect on September 28th of this year.
   WHO: State Senator Jeff Klein; Assemblyman Michael Benjamin; Assemblyman Michael Benedetto; Dwayne Jenkins, President of the Throggs Neck Houses Residents Council; local elected officials and community members.
   WHAT: Klein Releases Data Showing Sex Offenders Still Illegally Living in Public Housing, Announces Passage of New Law
   WHEN: Tuesday, August 10th AT 1:00PM
   WHERE: Throggs Neck Houses – Randall Avenue and the Cross Bronx Expressway, Bronx

Monday, August 9, 2010

Is Bloomberg looking For a Fourth Term Or Trying to Hand-pick his Successor?

   That is the question former Bronx Borough President and opponent to Mayor Bloomberg in 2005 Freddy Ferrer wants to know. Ferrer is reigniting an old fight against his former nemesis,  saying the mayor is again pushing nonpartisan elections so he can handpick his successor. 
   Ferrer told the Daily News that Bloomberg is using his vast fortune to either get a fourth term or hand-pick his successor. Ferrer added that it is entirely conceivable the mayor is trying to set the stage for his longtime companion, Diana Taylor, or NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly to succeed him at City Hall.
   A Bloomberg spokesman responded that Mr. Ferrer launched three unsuccessful campaigns for mayor under the partisan elections system. But in the September 2001 primary he won many more votes than any other candidate running on the Democratic or Republican line. If nonpartisan elections were in effect then, New York may well have had Mayor Ferrer instead of Mayor Bloomberg.


Saturday, August 7, 2010


   Bird to be Delivered to Recovery Sanctuary
   State Senator and Deputy Majority Leader Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester) announced on Friday that he has secured a safe, long term home for an abused rooster recently rescued from a South Bronx cockfight. The owner of the Hollywood Haircuts barber shop on City Island has been rehabilitating and caring for the rooster, Coco, since his rescue earlier this year. Following the press conference, Klein’s office delivered the rooster to its new home at the Berkshire Bird Paradise Sanctuary in Petersburg, NY.
   “Cockfights are an abusive and horrendous practice that has no place in the Bronx or anywhere else in this city. I am extremely pleased that we were able to find a good home for this rooster where he can live safely while becoming reacquainted with other birds in a natural and healthy habitat,” said State Senator and Deputy Majority Leader Jeffrey D. Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester).
   Klein’s office was first contacted in July by a concerned City Island resident who noticed a rooster running around in the street in front of the Hollywood Haircuts barber shop on City Island Avenue.  The resident was troubled by the animal’s noise level and the safety threat it posed to drivers. Klein’s office immediately reached out to the barber shop to determine why it was letting a farm animal loose on a public street. Alex Mullokandov, an employee at the shop, had the answer.   
According to Mullokandov, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) rescued five roosters from a cock fighting operation in the South Bronx earlier this year. While Mullokandov was caring for Coco temporarily, he was not able to keep it permanently in his apartment or the shop. Klein’s office stepped in began reaching out to area farms to find the rooster a home.
   Upon learning of the rooster, Riverdale resident Isabelle Weisinger immediately called Klein’s office to let them know about the Berkshire Bird Paradise Sanctuary. Weisinger became familiar with the sanctuary a few years ago when a bird in her neighborhood was in need of a new home.
    “We have a very large sanctuary with birds from all over the world.  When the rooster arrives, we will make sure the he is compatible with other birds and we will gradually introduce him to them. We have had cockfighting roosters brought to us before, and they have done very well.,” said Pete Dubacher, owner of the Berkshire Bird Paradise Sanctuar
   To report animal cruelty, contact the New York City ASPCA at (212) 876-7700. 
     Senator Klein with "COCO", and Alex Mullokando. Cocco is perched on Senator Klein's Arm.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Vernuccio for Senate-"The New State Budget is a Disgrace"

   This came in from the Vernuccio for State Senate campaign about the state budget agreement.
     The recently passed (four months late) budget represents one of the lowest points in the history of New York  government.  As families struggle to make ends meet, it raises taxes;  as businesses desperately try to stay afloat, it hikes sales taxes and drives shoppers and jobs out of the state.  It remains to be seen how many employees will be dismissed because of Albany's corruption and incompetence, or how many homeowners will lose their homes due to the failure to cap taxes.  
   For further information, contact:, or call 718-541-3286