Thursday, October 22, 2015

Bronx Chamber of Commerce - Upcoming Events

Please join the 
Bronx Chamber of Commerce 
for our 
upcoming events 

Registration Required !

Goldman Sachs 10K Small Business Workshop
Monday, Oct.26th
Veterans Brunch
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

For More Information Please Email:

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

BP Diaz and PACE to Host Gifted & Talented Open House

  FOR the second year in a row, the Office of Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and PACE (Parents' Alliance for Citywide Education) will co-host a Gifted & Talented Education Open House providing information about New York City's Citywide Gifted & Talented (G&T) elementary schools, Bronx district G&T programs and other accelerated education options. The groups will hold two events on Thursday, October 29that the Bronx Library Center – one at 10-11:30 a.m. and another at 6-7p.m.

Each event features drop-in sessions related to G&T education as well as a presentation on the public school G&T testing process by expert consultants. PACE and Bronx Borough President representatives will be on hand, and current parents at Citywide G&T schools and district G&T programs will be available for informal Q&A.  Representatives from other local educational groups will provide information and a representative from the NYC Department of Education will also be available to answer questions specific to the public school G&T process.

In addition to gathering information on educational options, attendees can sign up on site for the free G&T test offered by the DOE.

Among the five boroughs of New York City, Bronx children are tested at the lowest rate per capita, according to DOE statistics. This can change with better outreach to all Bronx communities. In fact, after last year’s Open House at which scores of parents signed up for the G&T test on site, the number of Bronx children taking the G&T test for entry to Kindergarten increased by over 13 percent whereas in other boroughs the testing rate stayed flat or even decreased.  The PACE group believes if more parents have their children tested, the demand for accelerated programs will grow in The Bronx.

“As a borough we continue to push for educational excellence and options for all of our students,” says Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. “When looking at the gifted and talented students in The Bronx, we know we have to do the work of educating and supporting parents to make informed decisions about the educational trajectory of their children.

We are working with Bronx parents who have gone through the G&T process and can offer their experiences and knowledge to assist parents, especially when signing up for the free G&T test with the Department of Education; to answer questions parents and caregivers may have about the G&T process and schools; and with organizations that provide further educational options for parents of gifted and talented children.”

Borough President Diaz added, “Supporting students is a priority of my office and I look forward to continuing these collaborative efforts to open as many doors of excellence to our parents and gifted and talented Bronx students.” 

PACE is an organization founded by parent volunteers who represent each of New York City's Citywide G&T schools and programs: The Anderson School on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, Brooklyn School of Inquiry, NEST+m on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, STEM Academy at PS 85Q (grades 2-5 in 2015/16) and The 30th Avenue School (Q300) (grades K-2, 6 & 7 in 2015/16) in Queens, & TAG Young Scholars in East Harlem, Manhattan. More information can be found at their website,

PACE seeks to advance G&T education through advocacy, outreach, and coalition building. PACE’s activities include:

    •    Monitoring relevant education policy and issues,
    •    Educating elected officials and other community leaders about Citywide gifted and talented programs,
    •    Advocating for existing and new Citywide G&T schools and programs, and
    •    Sharing experience, learning, and practices among parents at Citywide gifted and talented schools and programs.

Citywide schools are gifted and talented schools which accept applicants from any of NYC's five boroughs based on results of the NYC Department of Education’s Gifted and Talented testing.


When:             Thursday, October 2910-11:30 a.m. and 6-7 p.m.    
Free and Open to the Public, Refreshments Served and Children Welcome
Location:        Bronx Library Center, 310 E. Kingsbridge Road, Bronx, NY
Questions:      Contact Willow Lawson, Parents’ Alliance for Citywide Education,


Students K-6 invited to participate in “What are you thankful for?” Thanksgiving Day Creative Celebration

State Senator Jeff Klein today announced the launch of the New York State Senate’s Thanksgiving Day Creative Celebration for elementary school students in the 34th Senate District. To honor and celebrate Thanksgiving, students in kindergarten through sixth grade are encouraged to participate in this statewide competition.

Senator Jeff Klein said: “Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on all our blessings and thank our parents, family and friends for the kindness and support they have shown us over the past year. It’s also a time to give back, help out our communities and endeavor to make the world a better place. I hope all students in the 34th Senate District enter this fun creative contest and let me know ‘what they are thankful for.’ I look forward to hearing from you!”

The theme of the contest is “What are you thankful for?” Students should submit their one-page essay, poetry or art work electronically to Acceptable file formats include jpeg or pdf.

All entries must be submitted by November 19, 2015. Participating students will have their work published online in the Senate's Thanksgiving Day Showcase and receive a certificate from Senator Klein.

Internet Crime Complaint Center | New Microchip-Enabled Credit Cards May Still Be Vulnerable to Exploitation by Fraudsters

By October 2015, many U.S. banks will have replaced hundreds of millions of traditional credit and debit cards, which rely on data stored on magnetic strips, with new payment cards containing a microchip known as an EMV chip. While EMV cards offer enhanced security, the FBI is warning law enforcement, merchants, and the general public that no one technology eliminates fraud and cybercriminals will continue to look for opportunities to steal payment information.
What is an EMV credit card? EMV Chip
The small gold chip found in many credit cards is most often referred to as an EMV chip. Cards containing this chip are known as EMV cards, as well as “chip-and-signature,” “chip-and-pin,” or “smart” cards. The name “EMV” refers to the three originators of chip-enabled cards: Europay, MasterCard, and Visa. EMV chips are now the global standard for credit card security.
With traditional credit cards, the magnetic strip on the back of the card contains static personal information about the cardholder. This information is used to authenticate the card at the point of sale (PoS) terminal, before the purchase is authorized. When a consumer uses an EMV card at a chip PoS terminal, that transaction is protected using the technology in the microchip. Additionally, consumers will be able to continue to use the magnetic strip on the EMV card at retailers who have not yet implemented chip PoS terminals. When the card is equipped with a personal identification number (PIN), which is known only to the cardholder and the issuing financial institution, issuers will be able to verify the user’s identity. Currently, not all EMV cards are issued to consumers with the PIN capability and not all merchant PoS terminals can accept PIN entry. EMV transactions at chip PoS terminals provide more security of consumers' personal data than magnetic strip PoS transactions. In addition, EMV card transactions transmit data between the merchant and the issuing bank with a special code that is unique to each individual transaction. This provides the cardholder greater security and makes the EMV card less vulnerable to criminal activity while the data is transmitted from the chip enabled PoS to the issuing bank.
Although EMV cards provide greater security than traditional magnetic strip cards, an EMV chip does not stop lost and stolen cards from being used in stores, or for online or telephone purchases when the chip is not physically provided to the merchant, referred to as a card-not-present transaction. Additionally, the data on the magnetic strip of an EMV card can still be stolen if the merchant has not upgraded to an EMV terminal and it becomes infected with data-capturing malware. Consumers are urged to use the EMV feature of their new card wherever merchants accept it to limit the exposure of their sensitive payment data
Consumers should closely safeguard the security of their EMV cards and PINs. This includes being vigilant in handling, signing, and activating a card as soon as it arrives in the mail, reviewing statements for irregularities, and promptly reporting lost or stolen credit cards to the issuing bank. Consumers should also shield the keypad from bystanders when entering a PIN, as PINs are vulnerable to cybercriminals who work to steal these numbers to commit ATM and cash-back crimes.
The FBI encourages merchants to handle the EMV card and its data with the same security precautions they use for standard credit cards. Merchants handling sales over the telephone or via the Internet are encouraged to adopt additional security measures to ensure the authenticity of cards used for transactions. At a minimum, merchants should use secure servers and payment links for all Internet transactions with credit and debit cards, and information should be encrypted, if possible, to avert hackers from compromising card information provided by consumers. Credit card information taken over the telephone or through online means should be protected by the retailer to include encrypting digital information and securely disposing written credit card information.
If you believe you have been a victim of credit card fraud, reach out to your local law enforcement or FBI field office, and file a complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) at

Wage Theft, Sham Charities & More

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Cracking Down On Wage Theft At Papa John’s Restaurants

Nine Papa John’s Pizza restaurants in New York City will paynearly $500,000 in back wages and damages to 250 workers they ripped off. An investigation with the U.S. Department of Labor found that these restaurants failed to pay their employees proper minimum wage and overtime pay, among other violations. This is the latest is a series of settlements with Papa John’s restaurants across New York City, and the Attorney General is sending a strong message: he will not stop until workers are treated with respect and paid lawful wages. Papa John’s and other fast food companies must step up and stop the widespread lawlessness plaguing their businesses. 

Shutting Down Sham Charitable Organizations

The Attorney General announced that his office obtained an order to dissolve an animal hospice and rehabilitation charity that misused $3.1 million in donations. While the charity had been touted on shows such as Oprah and Martha Stewart, an investigation found that owner Susan Marino actually used donations to cover living expenses. The charity will now be dissolved, and the remaining funds will be directed to a different animal care and protection charity. When New Yorkers donate their hard-earned dollars to a charity, they should not have to worry that their generosity is being exploited. 

Cutting Costs For New Yorkers At Urgent Care Centers

Four urgent care centers in New York City and Long Islandhave agreed to improve their disclosure of accepted insurance plans. These agreements build upon letters the Attorney General issued to 20 urgent care centers requesting information about representations on websites that the centers’ participate in certain health plans. When urgent care centers provide clear and detailed information about their participation in health plans, consumers will be protected from unexpected medical billings and there will be lower costs for patients. These agreements also represent the first enforcement action of New York’s ‘Surprise Bill Law,” which in part requires providers to disclose in writing or online the health care plans in which the provider participates. 

Protecting Tenants During Condo Conversions

The developer of an Upper East Side condominium will pay $1.75 million to the city and state for improperly terminating leases for market-rate tenants during a condo conversion. An investigation by the Real Estate Finance Bureau found the developer terminated 82 leases during the conversion and only allowed tenants to stay for an additional six months if they waived standard legal protections. As part of the settlement, the developer will pay $1.5 million to New York City’s Affordable Housing AG Settlement Fund, which was established in 2014 to help finance affordable housing for low income New Yorkers. More than $7 million has now been given to the settlement fund from agreements the Attorney General has reached as a result of investigations into violations of state rent stabilization laws. 
Have a question, comment, or complaint? Click here. You can also learn more about the various initiatives of the Attorney General's office by visiting our website at

Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz to be Honored as the Great Defender of Life

By Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az 
District 32 Bronx County, New York 

  New York State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx) will be honored as the Great Defender of Life during the Human Life Foundation’s Annual Gala on Thursday, October 22, 2015 at 6:30 PM. This event will be held at the Union League Club located at 38 East 37th Street in New York City. 

Senator Diaz stated: “ During these days when the value of human life is undermined and undervalued, and when babies’ body parts are being sold on the open market, I am humbled to receive this award. Even though I am a Democrat and an elected official here in the City of New York, with the encouragement of Pope Francis’ words about the “innocent victims of abortion,” I will proudly continue my pro-life stance to protect and to cherish the precious lives of our unborn children.” 

The Human Life Foundation is recognized in the United States for their work on behalf of the unborn. 

I am Senator Reverend RubĂ©n DĂ­az and this is what you should know. 


Councilman Cohen allocates $65,000 of NYC Cleanup Initiative Funding to Fedcap
   Council Member Andrew Cohen of the 11th City Council District has allocated $65,000 of his NYC Cleanup Initiative funding to Fedcap, a nonprofit organization that will help maintain commercial corridors throughout District 11.

Fedcap will be rotating the cleanup of commercial corridors on a weekly basis, three days per week, beginning in October. Members of the community are encouraged to contact the office of Council Member Cohen if there are additional areas that need to be targeted.

The New York City Council’s Cleanup Initiative awards $103,921 to each member for street and park beautification in their district.

Riverdale areas that are currently scheduled for cleanup by Fedcap:

Riverdale Avenue between West 236th and West 238th Streets
West 235th Street between Oxford Avenue and Netherland Avenue
Johnson Avenue between West 235th Street and West 236th Street
Riverdale Avenue between West 256th Street and West 259th Street
Mosholu Avenue between Broadway and West 254th Street
Broadway between West 238th Street and Manhattan College Parkway

“The NYC Cleanup initiative is an innovative effort by the City Council to beautify our communities. Through this initiative, Fedcap will help us ensure that residents enjoy the dynamic neighborhoods they call home, while also welcoming visitors to experience all this community has to offer. Maintaining our district is a quality of life improvement that I believe will help encourage more people to shop at our businesses. I look forward to working with Fedcap to enhance the cleanliness of our shopping corridors,” said Council Member Andrew Cohen.

“Wildcat, a division of Fedcap, is grateful to Council Member Cohen for his support of our Neighborhood Improvement Program (NIP), and of the extensive clean-up initiatives that will be taking place in District 11 this year and beyond. Through his strong support of NIP in the 11th District, Council Member Cohen has paved the way for Wildcat a division of Fedcap to provide job opportunities and a path to economic independence for people with barriers, and to provide invaluable clean-up services to the community. In partnership with Council Member Cohen, Fedcap and Wildcat will continue to work to improve the quality of life for all stakeholders involved in this important initiative,” said Mario La Rosa, Manager of Fedcap Operations.

 Council Member Andrew Cohen stands with Mario La Rosa, Manager of Fedcap Operations, and some of his workers after announcing the allocation of $65,000 to the non-profit organization for help maintaining commercial corridors throughout Riverdale. Also in the photo are Community Board 8 Chairman Dan Padernacht, KRVC Executive Director Tracy Shelton, and Mario Curaj owner of Yo Burger one of the fine restaurants on Riverdale Avenue pictured in the background.


With lack of access to full service animal shelter in The Bronx, Klein secures $250,000 for mobile adoption center to bring man’s best friend directly to Bronxites’ doors

Animal Care Centers of NYC: “New Bronx Mobile Adoption Center is the cat’s meow”
State Senator Jeff Klein, joined by Risa Weinstock, executive director of Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC), today announced $250,000 in state funding for a new mobile pet adoption center in The Bronx.

“Providing safe, quality care to animals is critically important and nobody does it better than the Animal Care Centers of NYC. As one of the only boroughs lacking access to a full service animal shelter, I’m proud to have secured $250,000 in state funding for a new mobile adoption van in The Bronx,” said State Senator Jeff Klein. “This vehicle will not only encourage more pet lovers to adopt, but reduce overcrowding at shelters in Manhattan, Staten Island and Brooklyn. Be on the lookout for our new mobile adoption center, coming to a neighborhood near you!”

“This new mobile adoption center enables us to expand our outreach in The Bronx significantly and to find more homes for wonderful animals,” said Risa Weinstock, executive director of Animal Care Centers of NYC. “We’re very grateful for Senator Klein’s clear commitment to NYC’s shelter animals and his very generous support, without which we wouldn’t be here today. Now, thanks to Senator Klein, adoptions in The Bronx are Easy as ACC!”

"BASE thanks to Senator Klein for his outstanding commitment to animal welfare in The Bronx,” said Donna Dechiaro of the Bronx Animal Shelter Endeavor (BASE). “By providing the funding for this new mobile adoption van, Bronx animals have a much improved opportunity for adoption and for a widening audience of well-informed Bronxites on the care of animals. We sincerely thank Senator Klein. "

The announcement was made as part of Senator Klein’s annual Fall Festival at the Holy Cross School on Sunday afternoon. Families and children enjoyed fun fall activities like face painting, pumpkin picking, arts and crafts and more. Local residents also had the chance to take home a furry new friend.

With the lack of access to a full service animal shelter in The Bronx, Klein’s funding will significantly boost opportunities for adoptions in the borough. The current ACC facility, located at 464 East Fordham Road, serves as an admissions center and therefore does not accommodate adoptions or sick animals. Animals can be surrendered at The Bronx location, but are then transferred to other facilities for care, treatment and adoption. The new mobile adoption center will help connect more cats and dogs with loving homes.

In the coming weeks and months, the mobile adoption center will be at locations throughout The Bronx, including:

  • Sunday, October 25 from 12:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Petland Discounts East Tremont
New Horizons Shopping Mall, 961 East 174th Street

  • Saturday, October 31 from 12:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Petland Discounts Bay Plaza
Bay Plaza Shopping Center
2096 Bartow Avenue, Bronx, NY

  • Sunday, November 8 from 12 - 4:00 p.m.
Petland Discounts E. 170th St., Super Foodtown Shopping Center
62 E 170th St, Bronx, NY

  • Saturday, November 14 from 12:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Petco Riverdale
193 West 237th Street, Bronx, NY

  • Sunday, November 15 from 12:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Petco Riverdale
193 West 237th Street, Bronx, NY

Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC) is one of the largest animal welfare organizations in the country, taking in more than 30,000 animals each year. ACC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that rescues, cares for and finds loving homes for animals throughout the five boroughs. ACC is an open-admissions organization, which means it never turns away any homeless, abandoned, injured or sick animal in need of help, including cats, dogs, rabbits, small mammals, reptiles, birds, farm animals and wildlife. It is the only organization in NYC with this unique responsibility. For more information, please visit, and be sure to follow ACC on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Animals available for adoption can be viewed online at, or on ACC’s free mobile app. ACC adoptions include vaccinations, a microchip, spay/neuter, a free office visit at a participating veterinarian, a collar and a free identification tag.