Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Morris Park Columbus Day Parade


Morris Park Columbus Day Parade

By Robert Press

Sunday October 8th was the Morris Park Columbus Day Parade. It was the largest parade since 2019, with fifty different bands, schools, floats, or community organizations in the parade which began on Morris Park Avenue by White Plains Road turning north onto Williamsbridge ending at the reviewing stand just before Lydig Avenue. 

The Grand Marshal for the parade was Assemblyman Michael Benedetto, with Ms. Louise Delucia as the Deputy Grand Marshal, and Brianna Rachiele of Maria Regina High School as Miss Columbus. Elected officials on hand included Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson, Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark, Assembly members Michael Benedetto and John Zaccaro Jr with representatives of Congressman Ritchie Torres and Councilwoman Marjorie Velazquez.

The streets were lined with people including Candidate for City Council Kristy Marmorato. There was a float for the Grand Marshal Assemblyman Benedetto and Deputy Grand Marshal Delucia, one for Miss Columbus, and one to celebrate Veterans. Schools included St. Catharines, Cardinal Spellman, St. Clares/St. Francis, Maria Regina High School, Preston High School, PS 108, Van Nest Academy, St. Theresa, Salesian, PS 175, St. Raymond Academy for Girls, and Scanlan High School. Community organizations included the Morris Park Community Association, Uguaglianza Lodge, Allerton Homeowners and Renters Association, Pelham Parkway Neighborhood Association, and the Van Nest Neighborhood Alliance. After the parade there was a carnival at Loreto Park for the children.

The Morris Park Community Association community patrol cars led the parade.

Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson and Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark march in front of the District Attorney's banner.

With the 13th city council district having the largest concentration of Republicans in the Bronx people made their own signs. 

The Reviewing stand, (L - R ) Morris Park Community Association President Al D'Angelo (speaking), seated front row - Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson, Bronx DA Darcel Clark, Parade Grand Marshal Michael Benedetto, Parade Deputy Grand Marshal Louise Delucia, Miss Columbus Brianna Rachiele, and Assemblyman John Zaccaro Jr.  

Cardinal Spellman High school marches up Williamsbridge Road towards the reviewing stand.

Maria Regina High School and band.

Children from City Stage Dance school perform in front of the reviewing stand.

Laborers Union Local 79 were represented.

Pelham Parkway Neighborhood Association marched.

Happy Feet Dance School perform in front of the reviewing stand.

Students from PS 108 perform in front of the reviewing stand.

Students from the Van Nest Academy perform in front of the reviewing stand.

Students from Scanlan High School performed this cheerleading stunt on the street in front of the reviewing stand. 

Three Bouncy Houses were set up in Loreto Park along with games and snacks for the children.

Sponsor signs were posted on the fence of Loreto Park (L - R), Patricia's Restaurant, The Indian Village Alliance, and Patsy's Restaurant are in this photo. 

Van Nest Neighborhood Alliance Candidate's Night

Wednesday October 4th was the Van Nest Neighborhood Alliance candidates night for the 13th City Council District. The election is between incumbent Marjorie Velazquez and challenger Kristy Marmorato. Before the candidates spoke, Officers from the 49th Precinct Sector A and the NCO Sergeant Maldonado spoke about the rising crime figures in the 49th Precinct. Hondas, Jeeps, and Acuras are being stolen by organized crime, and each precinct now has a unit assigned to only stolen cars. 

After the officers left VNNA President Bernadette Ferrara announced that the VNNA Fall Festival would take place on October 15th from 12 - 4 PM in Van Nest Park at Van Nest Avenue and Unionport Road. As for the candidates night, each candidate would be asked a few questions from the executive board of the VNNA, and then some questions from the audience. She added that while challenger Kristy Marmorato was live in the room that the current councilwoman Marjorie Velazquez was not feeling well and would be on a zoom meeting hookup. 

Challenger Kristy Marmorato went first introducing herself as a woman working in the area of healthcare, has a strong work ethic, supports the New York City Police Department, parents choice when it comes to school, is adimitly against the Just Home Riker Island proposal for Jacobi Hospital, and will listen to what the community wants. The incumbent said that she has represented the district since January 2022, brought investment into the district, is doing the job, just created new legislation for outdoor dining, and should be reelected. the same questions were answered of both candidates with very much the same answers until a question about why six thousand units of housing will be built at the Morris Park and Parkchester/Van Nest stations only and none at the Coop-City and Mott Haven station. Challenger Kristy Marmorato answered "what happened to Fair Share that each station should get an equal amount of housing. Councilwoman Velazquez said that I should speak to Council members Riley and Salamanca to get them to take housing by their stations, since it was my question. I replied to Councilwoman Velazquez, "if I have to do your job, why do we need you in office?"  

The VNNA Executive Board (L - R) Treasurer John Messinger, President Bernadette Ferrara, Senior AdviSor Bob Nolan, Sergeant of Arms jOHN Fernandez, Vice-President Sharlene Jackson Mendez, Secretary Marion Manfredi, with candidate for 13th City Council Kristy Marmorato.

Sector A NCO Officer Nicewitz Gives the police update, answering a question from Mr. Nolan.

Challenger Kristy Marmorato answers a question from the front of the room. 

Incumbent Marjorie Velazquez answered on the television via zoom connection. An amateur photographer got in the way of my photo.              

Monday, October 9, 2023

Van Cortlandt Jewish Center News


Here’s part of an email with some additional information from UJA Federation about the Rally for Israel at the UN.  

If you want to participate, please respond to the email. This way we could arrange to travel together and see about transportation to the event.

“Dear Synagogue Clergy, Leadership, and Staff:  


As mentioned in our email yesterday, there will be a vigil and rally for Israel on Tuesday, October 10th at 5 PM (“Doors open at 4:30pm) at DAG-HAMMARSKJOLD PLAZA Enter on 2nd Avenue and 47th Street. We invite you and the members of your congregation to participate. The event will include remarks by community leaders and moments for prayer and solidarity.  


Please note that there will be extensive security at the event. To keep everyone safe, backpacks are prohibited.”   

Benjamin Franklin Reform Democratic Club - WE STAND WITH ISRAEL


The leadership of the Benjamin Franklin Reform Democratic Club along with State Committee Member Michael Heller unequivocally condemn the terrorist attacks by Hamas on Israel and her people. We are further disgusted by pro-Palestinian groups in the United States that have applauded the horrific actions taken against Israel in the last 24 hours. We agree with the statements made by Council Member Eric Dinowitz, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz and Congressman Ritchie Torres, and we call on all our New York public and party officials to immediately condemn Hamas as well as the Democratic Socialists of America for holding a rally in NYC in support of Palestine while Hamas commits war crimes by attacking, kidnapping, and killing Israeli civilians- men, women, and children. We further condemn statements by The Jewish Voice for Peace and Jews for Racial & Economic Justice for blaming Israel for these attacks.

[VCJC] News about Israel


Van Cortlandt Jewish Center

We have received emails from organizations regarding the war in Israel.  In the event that you have not received them personally, we are passing them on to you.

This was received from UJA Federatiion of NY

Dear Synagogue Clergy, Leadership, and Staff:


“Ein milim” -- There are no words. 


The past 48 hours have been horrific.  The tragedy of the war in Israel does indeed seem beyond anything that can be expressed.  At these moments of horror, the Jewish tradition guides us to community.  Standing together we can reflect on what has occurred and gather strength for the days ahead.


We are writing today to share that there will be a vigil and rally for Israel on Tuesday, October 10th at 5 PM in midtown Manhattan near the UN.  We invite you and the members of your community to participate. There may be no words, but we can come together to show our support and express our resolve. 

Please share the attached flyer about the event with your communities.  The exact location will be announced once all the permits come in. Please respond to this email let us know if your community will join us there and if you need any assistance with transportation.


UJA has also opened up an emergency Israel fund to support our partners on the ground. Please feel free to share this link with your communities as well. 

Lastly, we are including an invitation to a webinar from our partners at the Jewish Education Project about how to talk to children about Israel. Details are below.  We will continue to share relevant resources as they become available.

Thank you for all you do.

In partnership,

Annette Powers and Sophia Cohen

UJA Synagogue Strategy Team

This was received from the OU

The horrors experienced in Israel these past days are indescribable.
Our hearts are broken by the grief of the hundreds of families who have suffered the losses of loved ones, by the pain of the thousands wounded, and by the trauma of entire communities whose sense of security has been upended. We share in the agony of the hostages and their families as they find themselves in the hands of hate-filled captors who do not behave as people.

What can we say? What can we do?
We must pray to G-d. Everyone as an individual and every community should recite with frequency and intensity Psalms 20, 83, 121, 130 and 142.
We must show support financially. Many responsible organizations are raising funds that will provide for real needs. Give wisely and generously.
We must show support personally. Reach out to your family and friends in Israel – even those who you are not regularly in contact with – and share words of care, support, and concern.
We must show support communally. Join your community’s rally for Israel and your shul or community’s Tehillim gatherings.
Finally, we must draw strength and hope by reminding ourselves of who we are, replaying in our minds and on our lips the words – the value statements - we sang over and over again on Simchas Torah.
ברוך הוא אלקינו שבראנו לכבודו והבדילנו מן התועים. Blessed is our G-d Who created us to bring Him honor, distinguishing us from those who are so lost that they act like animals and bring no honor to G-d.
תורת ד' תמימה משיבת נפש. Hashem’s Torah is perfect, restoring the soul.
עוצו עצה ותופר דברו דבר ולא יקום כי עמנו א-ל. Enemies of the Jews: Hatch your scheme - it will be foiled; share your plan - it will fail. G-d is with us.
אחינו כל בית ישראל הנתונים בצרה ובשביה. Our brothers and sisters throughout the whole house of Israel who are in distress or captivity, may Hashem have compassion on them and lead them from distress to relief, from darkness to light, and from oppression to freedom.
אני מאמין באמונה שלימה בביאת המשיח: I believe completely in the coming of the Moshiach, and though he may delay – and there may be much pain and suffering during that delay – we await his coming every day.
We must always draw strength from who we are, from the magnificent Torah values that we celebrate, and from the strength and care that we provide each other.
בצפיה לישועה קרובה, with hope for imminent salvation,
Mitchel Aeder
Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Executive Vice President
Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
PS: We will be sharing in the near future opportunities for things that you can do to materially make a difference, both through charitable donations and possible volunteer opportunities.

Van Cortlandt Jewish Center

3880 Sedgwick Ave
Bronx, NY 10463

Statement from NYGOP Chair Ed Cox

 New NYSGOP logo 2023

NYGOP Chair Ed Cox today released the following statement:


"Exactly fifty years after the start of the Yom Kippur War, Israel’s existence is again threatened by a surprise attack of forces determined to destroy it.


"In 1973, with Israel on the ropes, President Richard Nixon ordered the Pentagon to 'send everything that can fly' to give Israel the means to defeat the invaders and secure its existence. The result: the end of armed incursions into Israel by its Arab neighbors and a halting but ongoing peace process leading to the Abraham Accords.


"Since Israel's victory in that war, none of its neighbors has dared to launch an invasion against it -- until now. 


"As the number of civilians butchered by cowardly Hamas terrorists grows, the purpose of this attack, funded and directed by Iran, is clear — to interrupt the current peace process among Israel and its Arab neighbors and to provoke an all-out war to destroy Israel.


"Iran and Hamas leaders govern by and for terror and know that peace — their real enemy — will end their reigns by terror.


"For the sake of peace, Israel has no choice but with the courage, skill and blood of its defense forces to put a swift end to Hamas’ reign by terror and thereby Iranian efforts to terminate the peace process.


"In the difficult days ahead, Israel deserves the fullest backing of the United States and all peace-loving countries. Peace through Israeli and allied strength worked in those momentous days fifty years ago; it will work again today."



"It took the New York Democrats more than 24 hours after first being called out by the New York State Young Republicans to denounce yesterday's DSA-orchestrated rally of terrorist sympathizers celebrating the massacre in Israel.

It is embarrassing that it took a major political party so long to make such a statement — but we’re glad to see that, after our persistent prompting, they did the right thing.

Young Republicans will not only stand against anti-Semitism and Jew hatred, we will also FIGHT it and anyone who enables it. Now we’re calling on the New York State Young Democrats to do the same.”

2023 General Election and Early Voting Dates and Times


  • Election Day is Tuesday, November 7, 2023. Polls are open from 6am to 9pm.
  • Early Voting Period is October 28, 2023 - November 5, 2023.


October 28, 2023 

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM 


October 29, 2023 

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM 


October 30, 2023 

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM 


October 31, 2023 

8:00 AM to 4:00 PM 


November 1, 2023 

10:00 AM to 8:00 PM 


November 2, 2023 

10:00 AM to 8:00 PM 


November 3, 2023 

8:00 AM to 4:00 PM 


November 4, 2023 

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM 


November 5, 2023 

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM 

Voters must vote at their assigned Early Voting Site. Visit Poll Site locator to find your Early Voting or Election Day poll site.