Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Con Edison Digging Again

  You may be saying - What is an Express Bus doing on Johnson Avenue at the corner of West 235th Street. The answer is in the two photos below as Con Edison is digging a trench on the Henry Hudson Parkway northbound service road up to West 238th Street. 

 Left - The sign on the West 235th Street bus stop on the HHP northbound service road says that the bus is running on Johnson Avenue due to street repaving work.

Right - A different sign at West 238th Street bus stop on the HHP service road northbound just says that the buses are not stopping here.
  However as you will see in the photos below Con Edison has marked off and even made a few cuts in the street where it thinks the new high pressure gas line should go, or do they? By the way the Public Service Commission issued a report that up to 70 percent of the Con Edison workers, and contracted workers are not fully trained in this construction work. Con Edison has had different contractors, and has had to redo some areas that some of the contracted workers did. Con Edison also has a special truck out to detect leaks in the high pressure gas lines where parts of streets have to be dug up again to repair inferior work by a contractor.   

Left - You can see that the HHP service road by West 236th Street has already been marked off and even cut into.
Right - You can see the markings that by the West 238th Street entrance to the parkway, which will mean that this entrance will have to be closed for up to a month the way Con Edison has been working. 

Left - Just how wide and where will Con Edison do their digging at this spot on the HHP service road.
Right - Con Edison has already cut one part of the street here, but their markings do not line up. Will the contractor for Con Edison have to redo their digging as has had to be done on some other streets.

Left - This is how this contractor has left this staging site, which will stay this way for over a month.
Right - These heavy gas pipes are just sitting at the curb with little protection right across the street from the busy Hebrew Institute of Riverdale. However these are common sites where ever Con Edison contractors are digging up the street to install the new high pressure gas lines. 

Bronx Borough President Invites you to Celebrate Central American Culture and Heritage Thur. Sept. 4th


Candice Giove Responds to Attack By Oliver Koppell at 34th State Senate Debate

  At the 34th State Senate debate last night on the Bronxtalk television show candidate Oliver Koppell commented about Senator Jeff Klein's campaign spokesperson Ms. Candice Giove's previous work experience. 
Here is Ms. Giove's reply --

  "It's sad that Oliver Koppell's Women's Agenda includes putting down career choices of successful media professionals like myself. While it's true that I was one of five reporters who worked on an article about Sen. Klein, I have come to know the senator as a hardworking Democrat, who truly cares about each and every one of his constituents. I cannot say the same about Oliver Koppell, who I also covered as a reporter, and who has consistently insulted the intelligence of the people of New York. During Mr. Koppell's nasty campaign, I have also been the recipient of vicious emails from his wife, Lorraine Coyle Koppell, in an attempt to intimidate me from doing a job that I believe in.Shame on the Koppells."

Monday, August 25, 2014

Bronxtalk 34th State Senate Debate

 It was the debate of the political season in the Bronx, that is the debate between incumbent State Senator Jeff Klein and challenger Oliver Koppell for the 34th State Senate seat. Above left to right are Bronxtalk host Gary Axelbank, challenger Oliver Koppell, and incumbent State Senator Jeff Klein. Candidate Koppell was asked a question about term limits, and why he voted to overturn the will of the voters of the city for a third term in office. Candidate Koppell answered that he does not believe in term limits, and then went into an  attack on Senator Klein claiming that Senator Klein stopped important Democratic legislation such as the Dream Act, a higher minimum wage, and campaign finance reform by caucusing with the Republican Senate Conference.

 Senator Klein responded that he had introduced that exact legislation that candidate Koppell was talking about, and that while the 5 members of the Independent Democratic Conference (that he heads) there were 2 Democratic senators that did not vote for it resulting in the failure of the legislation. Senator Klein then said that he supported the Democratic candidate Bill Thompson for mayor in 2009 while Councilman Oliver Koppell supported Republican candidate Mike Bloomberg for mayor.

  Senator Klein brought up the proposed 11 story medical center in Community Board 8, saying that Councilman Koppell if he had rezoned the area properly could have prevented such a building proposal, and that he and Assemblyman Dinowitz had to have a state law enacted to halt the progress. Candidate Koppell was also slammed for supporting an 11 story project on Broadway in North Riverdale that would have 25 percent of the apartment for seniors go to criminally mentally disturbed occupants. Candidate Koppell answered by saying they have to go somewhere. 
  The back and forth continued with candidate Koppell throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Senator Klein, that is until the closing statements. During his closing statement candidate Koppell brought out a New York Post article from March 2012 claiming that Senator Klein had gamed the system. and possibly broke the law on tax breaks and failure to disclose income. Candidate Koppell then said that Ms. Candice Giove who wrote the article is now Senator Klein's campaign spokesperson. 
  Senator Klein in his closing statement said that the campaign of Oliver Koppell is all personal attacks, and no record to run on. Klein added that he is proud of his record, and what he has done as an elected official. 

  Host Gary Axelbank then thanked both Senator Jeff Klein and challenger Oliver Koppell for appearing. You can read a more comprehensive review of the debate in my column the Riverdale Report in the Bronx News or Parkchester News. To see the debate you can go to www.bronxnet.org and scroll down to the Bronxtalk 34th State Senate debate, or you can catch it in reruns all week on channel 67 Cablevision or 33 FIOS. 

Allerton Avenue Festival Huge Success

  Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj not only was the sponsor of the Allerton Avenue Festival, but in the photo above he also made sure that everything was set up correctly. The crowd estimated over 500 enjoyed the over 50 vendors, and informational booths that were set up, the entertainment, and the elected officials that were on hand.
As part of Team Gjonaj are new District Leaders from the 80th A.D. Marcos Sierra, and Andrea Siegel.
The ripe pineapples are set up at this booth waiting to be made into delicious drinks.

 Birdman Taino Ray and his 2 macaws were a hit on the midway.

The local CERT team was on hand if needed.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Hundreds Attend Committee of 100 Democrats Free Community Barbecue

    There was dancing on East 204th Street as the 10th Annual Committee of 100 Democrats Free Community Barbecue took place yesterday. 

   Above a photo of the crowd around the free food that was being given out to the attendees.

  State Senate Co-Leader Jeff Klein chats with good friend, and Committee of 100 Democrats Chairman Ricky Martinez about the foot operation that has Martinez unable to stand on the foot for a while.

  Senator Klein holds award given to him for his excellence in Leadership by the Committee of 100 Democrats as band members look on. 

  Behind Chairman Martinez right to left are Candidate for Governor Randy Credico, 33rd State Senate Write in candidate Jose Padilla Jr. and Mr. Jay. 
  This could be anyone of a number of elected officials, but it is a real clown who also did face painting as you see.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

September 3rd ! Bronx Chamber of Commerce and Senator Jeff Klein

Attention Bronx Businesses !!!
The Bronx Chamber of Commerce and NYS Senator Jeff Klein would like to invite you to reserve a table at our upcoming September 3rd Job Fair (4PM-8PM) at The Hutchinson Metro Center. As an employer, you will receive a complimentary table, which will not only help fill your job vacancies but also provide valuable exposure for you company. The fair will attract hundreds of job seekers with broad qualifications. 

Please contact Michelle Dolgow Cristofaro at 718-828-3900or Michelle@bronxchamber.org if you are interested in reserving a booth and to learn more about the Bronx H.I.R.E (Help Identify Real Employment), a new program aimed at connecting Bronx workers with real jobs through a comprehensive, direct approach.  

Bronx Democratic County Barbecue Sept. 6

Chairman Carl E. Heastie,

The Bronx Democratic County Committee

& The Bronx Young Democrats present their...

Annual Community BBQ





Come see your Elected Officials participate in the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS Awareness



Corner of Blondell Ave.& Eastchester Rd.

Any questions please call the 

Bronx Democratic County Committee

1640 Eastchester Rd.Bronx, New York 10461

347-281-9759  www.bronxdems.org