Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Clarifies News Reports About Attorney General Candidate Dan Donovan Endorsement

 New York State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx) issued the following statement to clarify a statement that had been reported by Liz Benjamin in a Capital Tonight column on Monday, October 4th:

“I would like to clarify something reported by Ms. Benjamin’s in her news report that stated: “The clergy group has already endorsed one Republican statewide contender: AG hopeful Dan Donovan.”
Ms. Benjamin did not accurately report what I told her in regard to my fellow ministers and our support for Dan Donovan in his race for New York Attorney General race.
On Sunday, I told Ms. Benjamin that my ministers and I took a vote and agreed that we would endorse Dan Donovan only after if he would meet with us during one of our weekly meetings so that he could answer some questions about issues that effect our community.
As I have clarified during other public forums where candidates have attended and shared their positions, the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization does not officially endorse candidates, but the ministers themselves may endorse them.”

Monday, October 4, 2010

Will the 82nd A.D. be the Only Real Contested Race in the Bronx This November?
    In the 82nd Assembly District incumbent Assemblyman Michael Benedetto won the Democratic Primary with ease, but will have a much tougher challenge in the November general election from Republican, Conservative, and Independence candidate Mike Rendino. Rendino is a former NYC fire fighter who is Chair of the Economic Development Committee of Community Board #4, as well as running a local Bronx business. 
    Almost 100 people came to the Bronx County Republican Headquarters yesterday to see and hear candidate Rendino in what was called a "Meet and Greet" breakfast. Many in attendance were impressed by candidate Rendinos platform of wanting to restore fiscal responsibility, while fighting new taxes and fees. Rendino said that he had to retire fron the NYFD after he responded to 9/11 and the medical problems he has suffered since then, but he said that he wants to fight for the people of the 82nd now.
    The 82nd Assembly district goes from Throggs Neck up the east Bronx all the way to Coop-City, and is diverse as well as the neighborhoods it runs through. Throggs Neck seems to be more conservative while Coop-City tends to be more liberal. 
    To learn more or to get involved in the campaign of Mr. Mike Rendino you can go to WWW.MIKERENDINO.COM  , or call 347-538-6231 Mr. Robert Giuffre the campaign manager for Mike Rendino for 82nd Assembly.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Liberty Democratic Association to hold fundraiser Thursday October. 28th

Here is the last post again in its original size. See the previous posting for the phone numbers if you have any trouble reading them on this posting.

Liberty Democratic Association to hold fundraiser Thursday October. 28th

   The Liberty Democratic Association will hold its 3rd annual fund raising dinner on Thursday night starting at 7:00PM, with the cocktail hour starting at 6:00PM.We apologize for the size and small missing part, but we wanted you to have the phone numbers clear as you would not be able to read them if we made the image any smaller. What is missing on the right side is to make your checks payable to the Liberty Democratic Association, and for more information please call one of the phone numbers at the lower left.


Friday, October 1, 2010


   Insurgent 82nd A.D. State Assembly Candidate Mike Rendino will host the community for a "meet and Greet" breakfast at his campaign headquarters this Sunday from 9:00AM – 11:000AM located at 3029 MIDDLETOWN ROAD in the Pelham Bay neighborhood of The Bronx. Mr. Rendino will have the Republican, Conservative, and Independence lines for the November general election.

For more information on Mike Rendino for New York State Assembly please visit mikerendino.com

Contact: Robert Giuffre (347) 538-6231 for more information


   On Monday, October 4th,  Congressman Joseph Crowley, Councilman Jimmy Vacca and State Senator Jeff Klein will join officials from Westchester Square Medical Center to announce that a permanent operating certificate has been granted to Westchester Square Medical Center – ending years of debate over whether the facility would remain open.
     The Press Conference to Announce the Permanent Operating Certificate for NY Westchester Square Medical Center will occur on Monday, October  4th at 11:30AM.
     At the New York Westchester Square Medical Center 2475 St. Raymond Avenue.
     In attendance will be Congressman Joe Crowley, State Senator Jeff Klein, Councilman James Vacca, and Alan Kopman, President & CEO, NY WSMC                           

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Is He Mad as Hell Palidino, or Crazy Carl?

   Having just gotten the nod from the Conservative Party to run on their official party line Carl Palidino erupted into an in your face verbal and almost physical altercation with veteran New York Post Albany reporter Fred Dicker. Dicker had repeatedly asked Palidino to be more specific when referring to a statement that Palidino had said about his opponent's possible relationships. It came to Palidino saying to Dicker " I will take you out", to what is being said of a Post photographer trying to take pictures of Palidino's 10 year old daughter. Michael Caputo, Palidino campaign manager said “The shooter took photographs of the home. He pointed his lens through the window. He chased Carl’s daughter to a playground, even forcing her to flee across a busy road. Fred Dicker is responsible for assigning the photographer to take photos of Carl’s 10 year old daughter and I have that on confirmation of two Post employees. ”
   The Post’s editor-in-chief, Col Allen, has flat out rejected the claims by Carl Paladino’s campaign manager about a photographer from the paper going to great lengths to capture pictures of the candidate’s daughter. 
   The New York Post is owned by Keith Rupert Murdoch who bought the newspaper in 1976, and is rumored to be a heavy contributor to the Republican Party. It will be seen what if anything will happen to Fred Dicker, as there are reports surfacing that this was not the first time that Dicker had an altercation with  someone in Albany. 
   Then there is the other side of how the voters will feel about the outburst by what he is now being called, "Crazy Carl".

   In a statement released Thursday, State Senator and Deputy Majority Leader Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester) applauded the New York State Department of Health’s decision to extend a permanent operating certificate to Westchester Square Medical Center, thus removing it from the Berger Commission list:

    "For more than four years, I have fought tirelessly to make clear to the New York State Department of Health that closing Westchester Square Hospital would be a severe miscalculation and have devastating consequences for thousands of New Yorkers. Saving this hospital from the chopping block means nearly 700 New Yorkers will keep their jobs and that the roughly forty-thousand New Yorkers each year who rely on Westchester Square Hospital will continue to have the vital health care and treatment they deserve."