Thursday, February 9, 2017

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW - And Then Came Carl Heastie - By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz

By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz 

And Then Came Carl Heastie

You should know that the 5 cents (5¢) per plastic bag fee that the Members of the New York City Council planned to impose on residents and shoppers in the City of New York has been postponed for one year.

It is important for you to know that the senior citizens, the poor, the needy and everyone else were threatened with the imposition of paying 5 cents (5¢) for every plastic bag they receive at the checkout, every time they shop in the City of New York.

You should also know that the Republican Members of the New York State Senate, under the Leadership of Senator John Flanagan, and with the help of some Democrats: Senator Joseph Addabbo, Senator Tony Avella, Senator Leroy Comrie, Senator Michael Gianaris, Senator Jeff Klein, Senator José Peralta, Senator Roxanne Persaud, Senator Diane Savino, and Senator David Valesky, and myself, Senator Rubén Díaz voted to approve legislation introduced by Senator Simcha Felder to stop the imposition of the 5 cents (5¢) fee.

This measure was supposed to start on February 15, 2017, as a late Valentine’s Day gift, throughout all five boroughs of the City of New York.

There were some who believed that our senior citizens, the poor and needy, along with everyone who shops in the five boroughs were doomed to pay the 5 cents (5¢) per plastic bag fee, with no way out, even though the New York State Senate had approved legislation to oppose this fee.
We were all ready to accept this hardship that would be imposed upon senior citizens, the poor and the needy …

And then came Carl Heastie, Speaker of the New York State Assembly, showing great compassion and concern not only for senior citizens, the poor and the needy, but for everyone in the City of New York.

Speaker Heastie allowed for a Bill to be introduced on the Assembly Floor, and then he led the way for Democratic Members of the Assembly to vote for the postponement of this measure for one more year, while a study is conducted to find ways and solutions for the environmental problems caused by shopping bags when they are thrown in the street.

This move by Speaker Heastie and the Members of the New York State Assembly, controlled in Albany by the Democrats is laudable. This sends a message to everyone in the State and the Nation that senior citizens, the poor and the needy really, really, REALLY have a voice in their Democratic Assembly Members, contrary to what took place within the New York State Senate.

You should know that it was discouraging and painful to see and hear Black and Hispanic Senators standing up on the Senate Floor to fight in favor of having senior citizens, the poor and the needy in the City of New York to pay the 5 cents (5¢) fee for each plastic bag.
It was even more painful and disheartening to see and hear even some of the Hispanic Senators standing and speaking on the Senate Floor in favor of imposing this 5 cent (5¢) per plastic bag fee on New York City residents

As you know, they are six Hispanic Senators in the New York Senate. They are: José Peralta, Marisol Alcantara, Martin Malavé Dilan, Gustavo Rivera, José Peralta, and myself, Reverend Rubén Díaz. Only two of us, SenatorJosé Peralta and myself voted in favor of stopping the 5 cents (5¢) per plastic bag fee.

Ladies and gentlemen, you should know that all of the residents and shoppers in New York City will have some relief for at least one year, and will not have to pay the 5 cents (5¢) per plastic bag while shopping for groceries and other items.

This is all because then came New York Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and his troops, who like King Leonidas the great Spartan Warrior, who led his 300 hundred warriors against the impossible.

I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.


If you look at the six Hispanic state senators Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr. mentions, I have underlined, put in bold, and italics the name of Jose Padilla Jr. which Senator Reverend Diaz Sr. has mentioned twice. 

Is this once for Democrat Jose Padilla Jr., and one for IDC member Jose Padilla Jr.? 

Or is it that State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr, does not know who is who in the state senate with him? I don't know why the name of Hispanic Bronx/Manhattan State Senator Jose Marcos Serrano was not mentioned, but maybe State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr. can answer that if he can remember. 

That is what you need to know.

Local Elected Officials Hold Press Conference Demanding Action on Unsafe Streets Near P.S. 360

  Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz  along with his colleagues Congressman Adriano Espaillat, State Senator Gustavo Rivera, State Senator Jeffrey Klein, Council Member Andrew Cohen  stood today at the intersection of Heath Avenue and Ft. Independence Street to bring attention to dangerous conditions at the intersection and to highlight Ft. Independence’s lack of adequate pedestrian safety measures. Deputy Inspector O’Toole and Detective Mindy Ramos from the Bronx’s 50th Precinct were also present at the event.
  Parents and students walking across the intersection to P.S. 360 must deal with unsafe traffic conditions and drivers must take precautions to be wary of pedestrians.

   Currently, a stop sign is located on the east side of Heath Avenue for northbound traffic right before Heath Avenue intersects with Fort Independence Street.  There is also a yield sign on the west side of Fort Independence Street for southbound traffic right before Fort Independence Street turn into Heath Avenue. Even with the yield sign and stop sign, the three way y shaped intersection at Heath Avenue and Fort Independence remains dangerous. Vehicles that travel west on Fort Independence Street and want to make a left on Heath need to account and stop for oncoming southbound traffic from Fort Independence. As a result, the normal flow of westbound traffic on Fort Independence Street is blocked.   

   The current three way y-shaped intersection should be replaced with a three way traffic light or an all-way stop sign.

  These unsafe conditions also do nothing to alleviate speeding cars on Ft. Independence, which pedestrians, most notably children, must deal with when attempting to cross the street on the way to school or to the Kingsbridge Heights Community Center which hosts several after school programs.

  After repeated requests for a review of traffic conditions by Assemblyman Dinowitz, the Department of Transportation DOT agreed to conduct a twelve week traffic study in September of 2016.  However DOT officials have not released the results of the study, or whether they plan to make changes to the intersection, and have stated that they will not release the results until March 2017.

   “We shouldn’t wait for accidents and collisions to happen to do something about this intersection. We mustn’t put our safety and the safety of our children at risk at this dangerous location. Safety improvement should have been here long ago,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz.

   “Street safety is a top priority and impacts all of us,” said U.S. Congressman Adriano Espaillat (NY-13). “For too long, the pedestrians and young school children who cross Fort Independence Street have taken risks when attempting to cross as there are no proper pedestrian crossings. This is unacceptable and I am pleased to join in support of today’s call for immediate action to ensure that no lives are further put at risk and endangered at busy intersections in our community.”   

   “The stretch of Fort Independence Street from Heath Avenue to Giles Place is a treacherous route for both pedestrians and drivers alike. With PS 360 nearby, two bus lines and numerous intersections without enough crosswalks or traffic lights, anyone who travels through the area is jeopardizing their safety. I’m hopeful that the DOT will reason with the concerns of my community members and colleagues by implementing the proper safety measures,” said State Senator Jeff Klein.

   “Today we are calling on the Department of Transportation to take action and make adequate traffic changes to the Fort Independence corridor, including installing a traffic signal at the corner of Heath and Fort Independence," said State Senator Gustavo Rivera. "These changes will not only alleviate the current traffic issues in the area, but more importantly it will ensure that pedestrians, especially the children attending public school 360, are no longer subjected to perilous traffic conditions."

   “This intersection is used by many seniors  and children on their way to school on a daily basis,” said Council Member Andrew Cohen. With the volume of buses, cars and trucks sharing the route, we absolutely must do something to make it safer for our most vulnerable residents trying to cross safely.  A traffic control device at this spot is something I completely support.”    

  Dan Padernacht, Chair of Bronx Community Board 8, stated "The Y-shaped intersection at Fort Independence Street and Heath Avenue confuses many drivers and does not provide a safe means for pedestrians to cross. We ask that the engineers at DOT take another look at this intersection to investigate possible changes to make it safer to navigate." 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

14 Defendants Charged In Manhattan Federal Court With Narcotics Distribution And Firearms Possession In The Bronx And Yonkers

   Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, James P. O’Neill, the Commissioner of the New York City Police Department (“NYPD”), Ashan M. Benedict, the Special Agent-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (“ATF”), and James J. Hunt, the Special Agent-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”), announced the unsealing of an Indictment charging 14 defendants with participation in narcotics and firearms offenses in the Bronx and Yonkers. The Indictment also charges four of these defendants with participating in robberies of commercial establishments in the Bronx and Manhattan, and three of these defendants for participating in firearms trafficking.

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said: “As alleged, the defendants arrested today plagued the Bronx and Yonkers with drug dealing, guns, and commercial robberies. Thanks to the outstanding and cooperative efforts of the ATF, NYPD, and DEA, the defendants’ rash of alleged crimes has been brought to an end.”

NYPD Commissioner James P. O’Neill said: “The 14 defendants in this case face drug and gun charges after a multi-year investigation into the heroin, crack cocaine and marijuana trade in the Bronx and Yonkers. Four of the defendants are charged in connection with armed robberies in the Bronx and Manhattan and three are accused of firearms trafficking. Our neighborhoods are safer with these people – and the drugs and guns – off of our streets. I want to thank the US Attorney for the Southern District, Preet Bharara, Ashan Benedict, Special Agent-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the ATF, James Hunt, Special Agent-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the DEA, and the members of the NYPD for their contributions to this investigation.”

ATF SAC Ashan M. Benedict said: “Today’s indictment demonstrates the dangerous intersection between firearms trafficking, narcotics trafficking, the illicit possession and use of firearms, and violent crime. These defendants allegedly engaged in an alphabet soup of criminal activity, spreading poison, fear, and violence in their wake. Thanks to the outstanding work of the Special Agents, Detectives, and prosecutors involved in this investigation, they will now face well-deserved justice for their alleged actions. I would like to extend my gratitude to the members of ATF, DEA, NYPD, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for their hard work and collaboration in putting a stop to these individuals.”

DEA SAC James J. Hunt said: “As alleged, a violent drug crew has been taken off the streets today. For years, they allegedly acted like outlaws; selling drugs, brandishing guns and robbing businesses like they were in a time warped Wild West movie. But reality hit them today when they were arrested and brought to court.”

The Indictment[1] charges 10 defendants with participating in a narcotics conspiracy based in the vicinity of Decatur Avenue and East 194th and 195th Streets in the Bronx, New York. Specifically, the following defendants – RENE RUIZ, a/k/a “Lil’ Rene,” a/k/a “Nae Nae,” WILFREDO GONZALEZ, a/k/a “Alfredo Gonzalez,” a/k/a “Freddy,” DOMINGO RAMOS, a/k/a “Mingo,” JASON POLANCO, a/k/a “Jin,” AMAR AHMED, a/k/a “Omar,” a/k/a “O,” ZAIE ESCRIBANO, a/k/a “Zaieto,” a/k/a “Z,” JAIME GONZALEZ, a/k/a “Jimbo,” JORDAN MCDONALD, a/k/a “Umi,” EDWARD NELSON, a/k/a “Boo,” a/k/a “Bugatti,” and CHRISTOPHER CORREA, a/k/a “Chris” – are charged with conspiring to distribute, and to possess with intent to distribute, heroin, crack cocaine, and marijuana from about 2011 up to about early 2017. Eight of these defendants are also charged with using, carrying, and possessing firearms during the narcotics conspiracy.

The Indictment also charges seven defendants with participating in a narcotics conspiracy that operated in the Bronx and in Yonkers. Specifically, the following defendants – DOMINGO RAMOS, a/k/a “Mingo,” CARLOS OSORIO-PEREZ, a/k/a “C,” DENNIS POMALES, a/k/a “D,” JORDAN MCDONALD, a/k/a “Umi,” CHRISTOPHER CORREA, a/k/a “Chris,” MARK FERNANDEZ, a/k/a “Mark,” and WILLIAM RUSSELL, a/k/a “Billy” – are charged with conspiring to distribute, and to possess with the intent to distribute, heroin, cocaine, and crack cocaine from about 2011 up to about early 2017. Four of these defendants are also charged with using, carrying, and possessing firearms during the narcotics conspiracy.

The Indictment also charges four defendants – JASON POLANCO, a/k/a “Jin,” WILFREDO GONZALEZ, a/k/a “Alfredo Gonzalez,” a/k/a “Freddy,” AMAR AHMED, a/k/a “Omar,” a/k/a “O,” and ZAIE ESCRIBANO, a/k/a “Zaieto,” a/k/a “Z” – with conspiring to rob the proceeds of commercial establishments in the Bronx and Manhattan, from about 2014 up to about January 1, 2015. Three of these defendants are also charged with committing the robbery of a pizzeria in the vicinity of Jerome Avenue and East 179th Street in the Bronx, on or about October 31, 2014. All four defendants are also charged with committing the robbery of a gas station in the vicinity of Pelham Parkway South and Boston Road in the Bronx, on or about November 24, 2014. In addition, all four defendants are charged with the use, carrying, and possession of firearms during and in relation to the robbery conspiracy and the November 2014 gas station robbery, during which a firearm was brandished and discharged.

Finally, the Indictment charges three defendants – WILFREDO GONZALEZ, a/k/a “Alfredo Gonzalez,” a/k/a “Freddy,” AMAR AHMED, a/k/a “Omar,” a/k/a “O,” and ZAIE ESCRIBANO, a/k/a “Zaieto,” a/k/a “Z” – with the unlawful trafficking of firearms from in or about 2014 through in or about 2015.

Of the 14 defendants named in the Indictment, six were taken into custody in a sweep jointly conducted by the NYPD, ATF, and DEA, beginning last night in the Bronx and Yonkers (RAMOS, AHMED, OSORIO-PEREZ, POMALES, CORREA, and FERNANDEZ). The defendants who were taken into custody will be presented and arraigned in Manhattan federal court this afternoon before Magistrate Judge James L. Cott. Five defendants are presently detained in either state or federal custody on unrelated charges, and are being brought into federal custody on writs (RUIZ, POLANCO, ESCRIBANO, JAIME GONZALEZ, and MCDONALD). Three defendants remain at large (WILFREDO GONZALEZ, NELSON, and RUSSELL). The case is assigned to U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain.

Mr. Bharara thanked the Westchester County Police Department and the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office for their assistance in the investigation.

The prosecution is being handled by the Office’s Violent and Organized Crime Unit and its White Plains Division. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Justina L. Geraci, Jordan L. Estes, Christopher J. Clore, and Amanda L. Houle are in charge of the prosecution.

The charges contained in the superseding Indictment are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Indictment and the description of the Indictment set forth below constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

Bronx Democratic Party - Bronx Dems 2017 Winter Networking Reception

Congressman Adriano Espaillat Statement on Betsy DeVos’ Confirmation as the next U.S. Secretary of Education

  U.S. Congressman Adriano Espaillat issued the following statement in response to the confirmation of Betsy DeVos as the next U.S. Secretary of Education.

“I find today’s confirmation of Betsy DeVos to become the next Secretary of Education deeply troubling for a number of reasons,” said Rep. Espaillat.“Secretary DeVos is unqualified to serve in this role as she does not believe in public education nor does she have experience working in public education.  This is completely unacceptable given the Department she has just been confirmed to oversee.

“Her confirmation puts our students at risk.  Without a public education, I would not be where I am today, sitting as a Member of the United States Congress. 

“The Trump Administration is stripping this country and our youth of the opportunities that give them a stronger, brighter future.  Secretary DeVos has demonstrated that she lacks the experience and compassion to run the Department of Education, and putting students’ interests first is not on her agenda.  We need someone who puts students first – not Trump first.  We cannot afford her vision for education and it will take each of our efforts, working together in unity to ensure that Secretary DeVos does not take away critical funding from the children that need it the most.”

News From Congressman Eliot Engel

Engel Calls Out GOP Attempts to Repeal Children's Health Care

  Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a leading member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, released the following statement on the impact that a Republican repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) would have on America’s children:

“Even though they still have no plan for the aftermath, Republicans are plowing away towards their goal to destroy the health coverage of tens of millions, and drive up costs for millions more. Heartbreakingly, their plans would have particularly harmful effects on America’s children.

“Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) cover 40 percent of New York’s children. In addition, Medicaid financed 51 percent of all births in New York in 2014. Yet the GOP wants to undo the Medicaid expansion and radically restructure this program that is a lifeline to so many.

“Repealing the ACA won’t just endanger the millions of young Americans who gained insurance coverage through the law – it will hurt families’ finances. If the GOP succeeds, New York alone will lose 130,700 jobs just in 2019. Imagine a parent who loses a job on account of repeal, suddenly unable to afford a new health plan for the exact same reason.

“I wish my GOP colleagues would consider the consequences before they set this perverse chain of events in motion.”

Engel Statement on the Confirmation of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education

  Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a leading member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, issued the following statement on the confirmation of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education:

“As a former classroom teacher, I know firsthand how vital it is to do everything we can for our students, especially in our public school system. We often hear Republicans echo the mantra ‘Make American Great Again’ – but if we fail to educate our future leaders, we can never truly be great.

“I believe Ms. DeVos is woefully unqualified to run the Department of Education. The Secretary of Education should be committed to every child, not just a select few. To all children who seek knowledge, not just the ones she deems worthy. It is clear that the American people share my concerns: the Vice President needed to break a tie—the first in American history on a cabinet pick—in order to confirm her.

“Despite today’s disappointing results, I will continue to speak out in support of policies and programs that help America’s public school students and the hardworking teachers who serve them.”

You're Invited: March Fundraiser in support of Elvin Garcia for City Council

Dear Friends,

 Please join:

Kevin Jennings, Melissa Sklaz, Carmen Neely, Brendan Fay, Alan Reiff, Juan Rosa
Richard Allman, Michael Brady, Tom Kirdahy & James Felton Keith

for a reception in support of:

Elvin Garcia for
City Council - District 18

Monday, March 6th, 2017
6:30PM - 8:30PM 

The Home of
Kevin Jennings & Jeff Davis 
11 West 20th St #7, New York, NY 10011


Co-Host - $500 | Sponsor - $250
Supporter - $175 | Friend - $100

Please RSVP by email at: 
Contribute online by clicking here


I did not know that the 18th City Council district in the Bronx included 11 West 20th Street Manhattan.


The City and its partners will coach M/WBE firms on how to improve their directory profiles to stand out and be most competitive

    Mayor Bill de Blasio and the Office of Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs) today announced a new community partnership to boost City contracting opportunities for M/WBEs. The City is working with community partners to help M/WBEs get certified or re-certified as an M/WBE contractor, working with them to offer advice on how these firms may best compete for contracts.

All registered M/WBE contractors appear in the NYC Business Directory that City agencies use to select contractors for various services. The City and its partners will coach M/WBE firms on how to improve their directory profiles to stand out and be most competitive. This new program is part of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s historic commitment to M/WBEs that aims to award 30 percent of City contract dollars to M/WBEs by 2021. The partnership also will help keep the City on track to reach its OneNYC goal, which is to award $16 billion dollars to M/WBEs by 2025.

“This new partnership will ensure that all businesses and firms led by diverse individuals have the chance to compete for City contracts,” saidMayor Bill de Blasio. “We know that when all people – regardless of race, gender or ethnicity – have the proper resources to reach their full potential, communities across the five boroughs will reap the benefits of their success.”

“Certification is an important first step towards participating in the City’s procurement process. By drastically increasing the number of certified M/WBEs, ensuring they can access our capacity building services and making it easier for City agencies to identify M/WBEs they can and should be doing business with, we can expand opportunity and award more City contracts to M/WBEs than ever before. This partnership demonstrates that we can make New York a fairer place to do business – a place where everyone can succeed," said Richard Buery, Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives and Citywide M/WBE Director.

“This new partnership will perform mission critical work in helping M/WBEs compete for and win contracts with the City. For some of these businesses, a simple profile reboot can mean the difference between securing a rewarding City contract and missing out on a business opportunity,” said Jonnel Doris, Senior Advisor and Director of the Mayor’s Office of Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprises. “By helping us tap into the existing pool of entrepreneurial talent – which we know runs very deep in New York City – these new partners will expand the work of M/WBEs citywide and remove barriers to entry, keeping us on pace to meet the 30 percent contracting goal.”

“City contractors should reflect the diverse talents and skills of all of our people, and that is why Mayor de Blasio has made a historic commitment to expanding contracting opportunities for minority- and women-owned businesses,” said Gregg Bishop, Commissioner of the Department of Small Business Services. “Through this new partnership, we are working with partners in each borough to help M/WBEs highlight their services and best compete for City contracts.”

The City is working with 5 community partners, one per borough, to reach local minority- and women-owned businesses through events, workshops and counseling. The program will help these businesses get certified as a designated M/WBE contractor and help them better compete for City contracts. The initiative will help M/WBE firms improve their NYC Business Directory profiles by honing in on each firm’s strongest areas of expertise. City agencies often seek providers who specialize in specific services instead of those who list a large variety of general services. Through coaching and support, firms will be able to make clear how they can best serve as a City contractor. 

M/WBE businesses seeking assistance with certification, recertification, or building their business profile may contact the community partners listed below:

  • Bronx: SOBRO, 555 Bergen Avenue, Bronx, NY, (718)292-3113
  • Brooklyn: Brooklyn Alliance, 335 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY (718)856-4078
  • Manhattan: Jean Kristensen Associates, 275 Madison Avenue, New York, NY,(917)397-7242
  • Queens: Queens Economic Development Corporation, 120-55 Queens Blvd, Kew Gardens, NY, (718)263-0546
  • Staten Island: West Brighton LDC, 705 Forest Avenue, Staten Island, NY,(718)816-4775
  • For more information on getting certified as a M/WBE contractor or to receive assistance, please visit