Monday, September 26, 2016

The Joke is on Community Board 8 Traffic and Transportation Chair Heller with Broken Curbs on Riverdale Avenue Still not Fixed by DOT

  When the city DOT milled and repaved Riverdale Avenue during the warm weather in March the contractor hired by DOT ripped apart many sections of the curb between West 235th and West 239th Streets. That could be one reason that a car went onto the sidewalk crashing into Sotheby's last month. There was a section of the curb that was broken (not the photo above) where the car may have went over and on to the sidewalk. 
   Community Board 8 Traffic & Transportation Chair Michael Heller was notified of the broken curbs after the milling of the road was done. The answer he received was that the DOT would repair any broken curbs which its contractor did. That answer was in June, and it is now September and the curbs are still broken. One would have to guess the joke is on T&T Chair Heller and Community Board 8. 
   Well Mr. Heller what is it going to take for the DOT to repair the broken curbs? Is there going to have to be another accident where someone is hurt or worse? School children walk right by the place where the car ran into Sotheby's storefront. It was a good thing that school; was out, or we might have been writing an obituary or two. Below are just a few photos of the broken curbs, some still with the metal wire sticking out which was placed in the cement. 

Above and Below are sections of broken curbs caused by the milling of Riverdale Avenue. Yes that is the Fieldston School from where students enter and exit from.

Above - Grass is already growing where there was once a curb.
Below - Yes that is metal wires which can and probably have punctures car tires are still protruding from the broken curb.

Above - One can see that the handicap ramp was repaired, and new crosswalk lines have been painted, but a pedestrian can trip on the broken sidewalk where grass is growing from at this corner.
Below - Below - Another corner with a broken curb in the crosswalk. A garbage pail has been placed in the way so no one will get hurt here.

Above - Another section where the curb was broken by the DOT milling contractor.
Below - More broken curbs this time in front of stores where a car can easily drive into another storefront.

It's a real shame that the community board is powerless, as over six months have passed since this section of Riverdale Avenue was milled and then repaved. It is also over four months since the Bronx DOT Commissioner said that the broken curbs by the DOT milling contractor would be repaired by the DOT. Mayor Bill de Blasio - is this anyway to run a city. City Comptroller Scott Stringer - the city has known about this situation for over four months now. 
Just get it fixed before someone is hurt.


Elimination of fee will remove barrier to college application and enrollment 

Estimated 37,500 families able to save $65 application fee 

Fee Elimination part of College Access for All, one of Mayor de Blasio’s Equity and Excellence initiatives

   Mayor de Blasio, Schools Chancellor Fariña, and CUNY Chancellor Milliken announced today that the CUNY application fee will be eliminated for all low-income NYC public high school seniors starting this fall. The expansion increases the number of CUNY fee waivers more than fivefold – under the expansion, an estimated 37,500 high school seniors will qualify for fee waivers, up from approximately 6,500 waivers issued annually in previous years.

The elimination of the fee for low-income students removes a significant financial barrier to students applying to college and is part of the College Access for All initiative, one of the Mayor’s Equity and Excellence reforms. The initiative builds on a high school graduation rate over 70 percent for the first time, and the highest-ever postsecondary enrollment rate and college readiness rate.

The CUNY application fee waiver allows a student to complete and submit an application listing up to six CUNY schools free of charge. Currently, over half of college-bound graduates of NYC public high schools enroll in CUNY colleges.

“We need to give all our children – no matter the neighborhood they live in, or background they come from – the opportunity to succeed in the 21st century, and that means removing barriers to applying, enrolling, and succeeding in college. Eliminating the application fee for low-income seniors will have a profound impact for thousands of students and their families” said Mayor de Blasio.

“As the first person in my family to attend college, I understand the barriers that stand between students and college, and we must break down those barriers to deliver equity and excellence for all students,” said Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña. “Today’s announcement will make a real difference for thousands of students and families across all five boroughs, and we are going to keep breaking down barriers through College Access for All and our Equity and Excellence initiatives.”  

“CUNY is proud to partner with Mayor de Blasio and the New York City Department of Education's College Access for All initiative to expand waivers for the University’s $65 application fee from 6,500 to 37,500 high school seniors. Nearly 60 percent of New York City’s college-bound public school students enroll in CUNY and the application fee allows a student to apply to up to six CUNY schools,” said CUNY Chancellor James B. Milliken. “This dramatic increase in fee waivers eliminates a hurdle for thousands of low-income students seeking higher education and is consistent with CUNY’s historic mission to increase access to quality higher education.”

This initiative costs $2.4 million total annually, with this administration adding $2 million for the expansion and CUNY continuing to fund around 6,500 waivers for approximately $400,000.

Application fee waiver codes are being made available to DOE school administrators and counselors, who will provide them to eligible students. School administrators and counselors are already responsible for disbursing a number of application and test fee waivers to students; they will also receive additional specific guidance to ensure students and families are aware of the expanded CUNY fee waiver and able to utilize it.

In addition to providing waivers to students eligible for the Federal Free or Reduced Price Lunch program, schools will be instructed to provide waivers to students living in federally subsidized public housing, a foster home, or who are homeless; and students whose families receive public assistance. Undocumented students who fit the above criteria are eligible for the waiver, as well.

College Access for All is one of the initiatives in Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Fariña’s Equity and Excellence for All agenda, and will ensure that, by the 2018-19 school year, every student will have the resources and support at their high school to graduate with an individual college and career plan. In addition to the expansion of the CUNY application fee waiver, College Access for All also includes the SAT School Day, through which all 68,000 New York City high school juniors will be able to take the SAT free of charge during the school day on April 5, 2017. The initiative is also supporting new training and funding at 100 high schools this year to build a schoolwide college and career culture.

Senator Jeff Klein and Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj Host the 2nd Annual Taste of Morris Park

  Senator Jeff Klein, Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj, and The Morris Park Community Association hosted the Second Annual Taste of Morris Park at  Loreto Park, this past Saturday.  Local businesses showcased their culinary specialities, 'Just Us' provided live music for the crowd, and Children enjoyed miniature golf, baseball games, spin -art activities, face-painting, popcorn, and cotton candy. Photos of the event are below.

Above - Face painting.
Below - Popcorn and cotton candy.


Above - Assemblyman Gjonaj visits his friends at Go Better Healthy Eatery.
Below - Go Better was giving out samples of its fruit/vegetable salad complete with a vinaigrette dressing.

Above - Samplers of 'Cheese Meat Balls' are given out.
Below - Burger Time of Morris Park Avenue had Sliders, hot dogs and french fries. 

Above - Senator Jeff Klein checks with some tasting goers about the food and his district.
Below - Senator Klein congratulates Patricia's of Morris Park Chief Chef Carlos on the food he is cooking.

Above - Patricia of Patricia's of Morris Park chats with Senator Klein and Assemblyman Gjonaj, as both enjoy some of Patricia's delicious food.
Below - After eating it was time to go on stage and thank those who made this event possible by Senator Klein.

Above - Senator Klein give the Microphone to Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj to say a few words.
Below - A group photo with the two elected officials and the merchants who made the food for the second annual 'Taste of Morris Park'.

Senators Klein, Savino & Senator-elect Alcantara release new investigation on Airbnb ads that explicitly skirt laws

Airbnb and the Rentals of Doom: air mattresses in kitchens, beds in laundry rooms & bunk beds galore all to dangerously cram guests in apartments in violation of State & City code

Legislators propose new measures; call on Governor Cuomo to sign Airbnb bill

New York, NY — State Senators Jeff Klein, Diane Savino, and Democratic Senate Nominee Marisol Alcantara, released a new investigation, “Tourist Tenements in the Making,” revealing shocking advertisements for apartments and homes across New York City where hosts offer accommodations for between 13 and over 30 guests. In order to fit so many visitors inside, investigators turned up shocking ads with mattresses placed in odd areas in serious violation of state and city housing codes.

“This truly is a case of Airbnb and the rentals of doom. It’s frightening to see listings where guests are offered dangerous accommodations that violate state and city housing codes. We must take legislative action to prevent potential tragedy that could occur from illegally packing people into spaces and hold sites like Airbnb accountable,” said Senator Klein.

“Cramming tourists into kitchens lined with air mattresses or lining up beds next to washers and dryers is nonsensical. It might be a cheap way to stay in New York City, but it certainly isn’t legal or safe. We need to ban one- and two-family homes from turning into dangerous short term rentals and stop companies like Airbnb from advertising places that already violate the law,” said Senator Savino.

Sites like Airbnb have been granted far more leeway than their traditional counterparts due to the lack of regulation in New York State. We need to take the blurred lines these businesses walk and bold them. As shown through Senator Klein’s investigation, it is a must that legislation be signed into law by the Governor so the State can have meaningful and appropriate regulation to proactively prevent irresponsible or criminal activity from taking place. The unique business model of sharing services is not a reason to omit regulation, it is a reason to tighten regulation,” said Senator Tony Avella.

When affordable housing is stolen from our community and converted into illegal hotels, rents go up and and tenants suffer,” said 31st Senate District Democratic Nominee Marisol Alcántara. “From the Upper West Side to Inwood, Airbnb's illegal rentals are giving predatory landlords new incentives to harass and evict struggling families. With the highest number of rent-stabilized apartments in the state, our diverse district has become a key battleground in the fight to protect our already scarce affordable housing. That's why we need the pro-tenant safeguards passed by the Senate and Assembly this year signed into law immediately, before additional apartments are lost. And we need to go further next year, before the illegal hotel operators profiting off of Airbnb find new loopholes to exploit.”

The Independent Democratic Conference’s investigation examined advertisements on Airbnb for parties of 13 or more.

In New York City 110 hosts offered up apartments and homes to groups this large, and many configured their places in stunning ways — with air mattresses lined on kitchen floors, beds in laundry rooms and bunk beds in a dining room.

Of the 110 apartments, 91 advertised for overnight stays across the city. The remainder promoted their spaces for parties and movie sets. The majority of ads indicated that the rental could accommodate 16 or more people. While 16 is the cap on Airbnb, one host wrote in that accommodations could fit 32 guests.

Most of the ads were from Brooklyn, followed by Manhattan and Queens. The Bronx had one advertisement.

The sole advertisement in The Bronx, posted for ‘Fenton Lounge 2.0,’ came under scrutiny in December 2015 when Senator Klein exposed the house as a site for wild parties that included strippers, DJs spinning into the wee hours and neighborhood disturbances.

The Pelham Bay listing, yanked by Airbnb, resurfaced advertising accommodations for up to 16 people much to the chagrin of neighbors. Airbnb even marked the bad actor as a “super host.”

The Mayor’s Office of Special Enforcement recently cracked down on ‘Fenton Lounge 2.0’ issuing multiple violations for failure to provide a means of egress, failure to provide a fire alarm system and for a lack of a sprinkler system.

This illustrates how listings violate the Multiple Dwelling Law created to protect tenants as tenement buildings rose in the city. These laws explicitly prohibit more than four lodgers from boarding in a unit without direct access to an exit.

Other laws, including the Fire Code, appear to be violated. Fire extinguishers in hotels, for example, are routinely checked and safety plans are placed on doors so guests know how to safely exit a building.

The IDC will introduce two measures to protect tourists and residents from hazards created by short term rentals in homes.

First, the IDC plans to introduce legislation to ban one- and two-family homes from short term rentals by clarifying the Multiple Dwelling Law.

Another piece of legislation set to be introduced will hold Airbnb and sites like it accountable for ads that advertise illegal units and will fine the company for the postings.

The Senators also urged Governor Andrew Cuomo to sign legislation sponsored by Senator Andrew Lanza (R-SI)  and Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal (D-Manhattan) that bans the advertisement of illegal units on Airbnb and similar sites.


  Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced the appointments of Frederick Davie and Angela Fernández to the Civilian Complaint Review Board. Both Davie and Fernández bring to the CCRB a wealth of experience and a proven record serving New Yorkers, working closely with those in the LGBT and immigrant communities.

“Frederick Davie and Angela Fernández’s years of dedicated community work make them great additions to the Civilian Complaint Review Board,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Frederick’s years of experience working in social justice and LGBT programs as well as Angela’s tireless work defending immigrant New Yorkers illustrates their commitment to community and their ability to serve New Yorkers as CCRB members. I look forward to working closely with both of them.”

"As a place of dynamic discourse and critical evaluation of evidence in police misconduct complaints and trends, the Board's strength is its diversity of expertise and experience. The Mayor's appointees will add mightily to these strengths," said Maya Wiley, Chair of the Civilian Complaint Review Board.

“Public service is in my DNA. I have believed all of my adult life that good community and police relations benefit everyone. So, I am pleased and honored that Mayor de Blasio has afforded me this unique opportunity to combine these two passions and serve the citizens of New York City on the CCRB,” said Frederick Davie.

"I am thankful to Mayor de Blasio for giving me the opportunity to serve the City of New York under his Administration. The Civilian Complaint Review Board plays a critical role in providing impartial and objective investigations, with the ultimate goal of strengthening community and police relations. As a member of the CCRB, I promise to defend and protect the rights of all New Yorkers, ensuring that the rights, dignity and value of human life of both civilians and officers are protected. I am committed to building bridges between our civilian and police communities, making our city a model to be followed nationwide,” saidAngela Fernández.

Assemblyman Dinowitz, Montefiore Health System, Walgreens Pharmacy Sponsoring Flu Shots at Vladeck Hall on October 6th and at the Riverdale YM-YWHA on October 27th

  Assemblyman Dinowitz is pleased to announce that he will be sponsoring  two additional dates for flu shots for members of the community in the 81st Assembly District. Flu shots will be administered on October 6th at Vladeck Hall at 74 Van Cortlandt Park South, and on October 27th  at the Riverdale YM-YWHA at 5625 Arlington Avenue, both events will be between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. This service is also sponsored by Montefiore Health System, Walgreens Pharmacy, Congressman Eliot Engel, State Senator Jeff Klein, and Council Member Andrew Cohen.

Flu shots will be administered at no cost to the constituent, though participants are asked to bring their insurance card.

“I am pleased to partner with Montefiore Health System and Walgreens to offer this important service to the community,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz. “The flu is a serious health matter, and getting a flu shot protects not just yourself but also your friends, family, and neighbors. I strongly encourage everyone to contact my office about getting a flu shot.”

“It’s important that people get vaccinated to protect themselves and importantly, their loved ones, particularly those who are young, elderly or suffer from chronic diseases.” said Amanda Parsons, M.D., M.B.A., vice president of Community & Population Health, Montefiore Health System. “Vaccination is safe, effective, and the best way to prevent getting the flu -- yet only half of New Yorkers report getting a flu shot. Montefiore is excited to partner with Assemblyman Dinowitz and Walgreens to ensure that Riverdale residents have access to flu vaccines at no cost to them.”

“The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that every adult get a flu shot, and annual flu shots from Walgreens are a quick and effective way to protect you and your family from the most common influenza viruses each year,” said Walgreens District Manager Jerry Couch.

Please note that members of the community must be 18 years of age or older to participate, and cannot be allergic to eggs. Residents MUST contact Assemblyman Dinowitz’s office at (718) 796-5345 to guarantee a flu shot.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

A.G. Schneiderman, New York State Police, Massachusetts DEA Task Force Announce Takedown Of Nationwide Drug Ring In “Operation Dirty Dope”

25 People Indicted In Heroin Smuggling Ring That Stretched From Arizona Across Eastern Seaboard; Eight Facing Major Trafficking Charges
More Than 33 Kilos Of Heroin Seized; Total Street Value More Than $13 Million; Biggest Seizure In History Of State’s Organized Crime Task Force
Schneiderman: We Will Use Every Tool At Our Disposal To Curb This Crisis
   Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman, New York State Police (NYSP), and the Massachusetts DEA Task Force today announced the indictment of more than two dozen people for their roles in an alleged national heroin smuggling ring.
The investigation, dubbed “Operation Dirty Dope,” seized more than 33 kilos of heroin and 2 kilos of Fentanyl, with a total street value of more than $13 million.
The operation -- which began with the New York State Police Troop L Narcotics Enforcement Unit in April 2015 and netted alleged dealers and traffickers in New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and New Jersey -- is one of the largest heroin seizures ever in New York and is the single largest single seizure in the 46-year history of the state’s Organized Crime Task Force.  The bust also seized 300 grams of cocaine, two semi-automatic handguns (including one inscribed with a drug cartel’s insignia) and eight vehicles (four of which contained sophisticated concealed compartments, or “traps,” designed for the purpose of smuggling narcotics).
“Operation Dirty Dope is another step in our multi-faceted effort to curb the heroin crisis that is destroying our communities,” Attorney General Schneiderman said. “Our message to dealers and traffickers is simple: we will not tolerate anyone smuggling death into our state. I want to thank all of our law enforcement partners across the country, especially the New York State Police and the Massachusetts DEA Task Force, who helped bring these defendants to justice.”
 “The valuable partnerships developed through the Organized Crime Task Force were the key in bringing down this illegal drug trafficking organization,” said New York State Police Superintendent George P. Beach II. “I want to thank State Police Troop L, the Attorney General’s Office, and all our partners for the hard work that has resulted in 25 dangerous criminals behind bars, and a significant amount of heroin and other drugs of our streets.”
“Opioid abuse is at epidemic levels in Massachusetts and across the North East,” said DEA Special Agent in Charge Michael J. Ferguson. “Heroin is causing deaths across the Commonwealth in record numbers and DEA is committed to aggressively pursuing Drug Trafficking Organizations who are coming from out of state to distribute this poison across Massachusetts in order to profit and destroy people's lives and wreak havoc in our communities. This investigation would not have been a success without the continued commitment of our local, state and federal law enforcement partners.”
The indictments, unsealed in Bronx County Court today, detailed a sophisticated distribution ring that allegedly moved most of the drugs from Mexico into Tucson, Arizona. From Arizona, the drugs were allegedly moved in hidden compartments in cars from Arizona to the Bronx, Washington Heights, and Pennsylvania. From there, traffickers moved the drugs to sell in Suffolk County and the central Massachusetts town of Leominster.
The investigation utilized confidential informants, wiretaps, and physical and video surveillance.
In the wiretaps, the defendants can allegedly be heard discussing plans to mix other chemicals -- including chicken anesthetic, Novocain, acetone (nail polish remover), roach killer (boric acid), fentanyl, and more – in with the heroin to add to the bulk and value.
During bail arguments, it was also alleged that traffickers used people addicted to heroin as human guinea pigs to test the quality of the cut heroin, flagrantly disregarding whether the laced heroin would kill them or not.
Those charged as major traffickers include:
  • Daniel Abascal Pena
  • Argenis Grullon, a/k/a “Alpha” or “Hanley”
  • Reymon Rivera Ortiz, a/k/a “Dioco”
  • Francisco Martinez Reyes, a/k/a “Viejo”
  • Edwin Nunez Sierra, a/k/a La Papa
  • Carlos Almonte, a/k/a Luis Rivera
  • Carlos Hierro-Mata
  • Luis Aude-Mora
Others indicted include:
  • Manuel Castillano a/k/a “Cuñado”
  • Manuel Amparo, a/k/a “Cacu”
  • Tomas Salinas
  • Hector Diaz, a/k/a “Shorty”
  • Gisette Hernandez
  • Jandhel Restituyo Vasquez
  • Yeimy Matias
  • Ryan Martinez
  • Fernando Suero
  • Oscarhyl Martinez Aude
  • Manuel Torres, a/k/a “Raul”
  • Amauris Sanchez
  • Domingo Pena
  • Juan Miguel Marte Javier
  • Carlos Alberto Borges Perez
  • Jose R. Rodriquez a/k/a “Rafa”
  • Luis Martinez, a/k/a “Majimbe”
Those charged as major traffickers could face life in prison if convicted. All others could face 8 1/3 to 25 years if convicted.
Several additional agencies assisted in the investigation, including the Tucson Arizona United States Marshal Service, Fitchburg Police Department, Army Air National Guard, South Florida Money Laundering Strike Force, North Miami Police Department, New Jersey Attorney General’s Office, Bronx County District Attorney Darcel Clark, the New York Sheriff's Office of Criminal Investigation and the New York City Police Department. 
The investigation was conducted by OCTF Investigators Kerry Buttner and Naomi Jimenez together with The New York State Police Troop L Narcotics Enforcement Unit, and the New England Field Division Worcester HIDTA. OCTF investigators are supervised by Deputy Chief Christopher Vasta. The Attorney General’s Investigations Bureau is led by Chief Investigator Dominick Zarrella.
The case is being prosecuted by OCTF Assistant Deputy Attorney General James Cudden, together with OCTF Analyst Nicole Accurso. Deputy Attorney General Peri Alyse Kadanoff runs the Organized Crime Task Force and Kelly Donovan is the Executive Deputy Attorney General for Criminal Division.
The charges against the defendants are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law.

“Ygz” Gang Member Pleads Guilty To Bronx Murder And Other Crimes In Connection With Racketeering Conspiracy

    Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that ANTHONY SCOTT, a/k/a “Tyson,” pled guilty today to involvement in a racketeering conspiracy in connection with his membership in the “Young Gunnaz” (“YGz”), a violent street gang that operated in and around several housing developments in the New York City Police Department’s 40th Precinct in the South Bronx.  As part of his guilty plea, SCOTT admitted to his participation in two acts of violence in the 40th Precinct: (a) the murder of Darrel Ledgister on or about June 27, 2009, in which SCOTT shot and killed Ledgister during the course of an attempted robbery, and (b) aiding and abetting the aggravated assault of a rival gang associate on or about June 22, 2014, by helping another YGz member shoot the rival gang associate in the foot.  SCOTT faces a maximum term of life in prison, and will be sentenced before United States District Judge Valerie E. Caproni later this year.  The Ledgister murder is one of several previously unsolved 40th Precinct murders charged in this case.
U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said:  “Anthony Scott has admitted to his role in the murder of a 21-year-old man and a second gang-related shooting.  Gang violence threatens the safety and security of all New Yorkers, and we will continue to work with our law enforcement partners to prevent it and to bring those who commit it to justice.”
According to the Indictment and other documents filed in the case, as well as statements made during the plea proceedings:
SCOTT was a member of the Bronx-based street gang known as the YGz and committed acts of violence with other gang members to further the interests of the gang.  From at least 2005 to August 2016, members and associates of the YGz enriched themselves by selling drugs, such as “crack” cocaine, heroin, and marijuana, and committed acts of violence, including murder and attempted murder, against various people, including rival gang members, rival drug traffickers, and innocent bystanders.  As part of this enterprise, members and associates of the YGz killed and attempted to kill other individuals. 
As part of his involvement in the YGz gang, SCOTT participated in two shootings.  First, on or about June 27, 2009, SCOTT attempted to commit a gunpoint robbery of the passenger of a vehicle parked on 140th Street near Willis Avenue in the South Bronx, in the vicinity of YGz-controlled territory in the Mott Haven Houses.  During the course of the attempted robbery, SCOTT shot and killed Darrel Ledgister, the 21-year-old driver of the vehicle.  Second, on or about June 22, 2014, SCOTT aided and abetted the commission of an aggravated assault of a rival gang associate in which one of SCOTT’s fellow gang members shot the rival gang associate in the foot in the vicinity of the Mott Haven Houses.
SCOTT was arrested in this case as a result of a multi-year investigation by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (“ATF”), the Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”), and the New York City Police Department (“NYPD”) into gang violence in and around the 40th Precinct.  In July 2014, SCOTT was initially arrested in the vicinity of the Mott Haven Houses for possession of a firearm following a felony conviction, and was prosecuted by this Office for that firearm offense, convicted, and sentenced to 30 months in prison.  In December 2015, while SCOTT was in federal prison serving that sentence, SCOTT and more than 20 other members and associates of the YGz gang were charged with racketeering conspiracy, and some were charged with murders, attempted murders, narcotics trafficking, and firearms offenses.  The racketeering indictment in this case was subsequently superseded twice, in June 2016 and August 2016, to charge more than 10 additional defendants, two additional murders, and other offenses.  The controlling Indictment now charges various YGz members with four previously unsolved 40th Precinct murders:  the June 27, 2009, murder of Darrel Ledgister; the January 24, 2011, murder of Dykeem Etheridge; the December 22, 2011, murder of Taisheem Ferguson; and the April 16, 2012, murder of Moises Lora. 
Mr. Bharara praised the outstanding work of the ATF, the DEA, and the NYPD in the investigation of this case.   He also thanked the Bronx County District Attorney’s Office for their support in this case.