Friday, October 7, 2011

COMIC-CON Bioware & Dark Horse

BioWare™, a division of Electronic Arts, and Dark Horse Comics announced today a special edition of Mass Effect: Invasion #1, the first installment in a series of comic books detailing the events following Commander Shepard’s epic journey in the critically acclaimed Action Role Playing Game, Mass Effect™ 2. The special edition of Mass Effect: Invasion #1 features brand new cover art designed by the Mass Effect team and signed exclusively by Mass Effect Lead Writer, Mac Walters. The special edition will be available in a limited run only at New York Comic Con, New York City’s premiere comic book convention, from October 13th – 16th.

The Mass Effect: Invasion series features a unique story by Mass Effect lead writer Mac Walters, an original script by John Jackson Miller, best known for his work on Star Wars: Knight Errant, and artist Omar Francia known for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2. Mass Effect: Invasion focuses on a story arc featuring a key figure in the Mass Effect universe, Aria T’Loak. The self-appointed queen of Omega, a seedy space station catering to the galaxy’s underworld, T’Loak must defend her territory from a terrifying new threat unleashed by a pro-human organization called Cerberus. Mass Effect: Invasion will launch its first issue this October.

Mass Effect: Invasion #1 will be available at comic book retailers starting October 19, 2011.

To learn more about Mass Effect, please visit, follow the development team on Twitter at or “Like” the game’s Facebook page at

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Senator Jeffrey D. Klein honors Amelia Romano McCann on her 100th Birthday.


Senator Jeffrey D. Klein, (D-Bronx/ Westchester), (left) honored Amelia Romano McCann on her 100th Birthday. McCann, a former second grade teacher at Holy Rosary Catholic School, was presented with a proclamation thanking her for her years of service to the greater Allerton Community. Also pictured: City Councilman James Vacca and members of the Allerton Avenue Homeowners Association.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mayor Launches "Desperate" Attempt to Derail Living Wage
"Fight for Economic Justice Ramps Up"
On Wednesday, in a typically Bloomberg attempt to slow the growing support for passage of the legislation, his administration released its already discredited, biased million-dollar living wage study. To no one’s surprise, the study’s findings support Bloomberg’s position that rich developers should not have to pay a living wage when receiving millions of dollars in public subsidies. This release comes after the coalition announced revisions to strengthen the bill on Monday. The revised bill will bring additional support for its passage and set-up an eventual showdown with the Bloomberg administration and its failed economic development policies.

Living wage warrior Rev. Dr. Peter Goodwin Heltzel, Director of the Micah Institute at New York Theological Seminary, and a leader of the Living Wage NYC Faith Caucus, added this: “It is immoral that our billionaire mayor used a million dollars of taxpayer money -- that’s money from the pockets of poor, working New Yorkers -- to pay for a study that tells them that they don't deserve a living wage!”

Linda Archer, a member of the growing coalition who works at a low-wage job with no benefits, put it this way, “Rather than doing what he can to help New Yorkers, the mayor continues to spend his time, and our money, to help his rich friends. It’s not right. And it must stop.”

As Bloomberg cements his legacy of aiding the rich at the expense of everyone else, Living Wage NYC is taking it to the streets and joining the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators in the shared fight for economic justice.

“The Bloomberg Administration's economic development policies have failed 99 percent of New Yorkers,” said Dr. Ray Rivera, member of the Living Wage NYC Faith Caucus and President of the Latino Pastoral Action Center. “What we are fighting for is just and fair. Now is the time to pass the strengthened Fair Wages for New Yorkers Act!"

The Living Wage NYC coalition will continue to ramp up its grassroots campaign in preparation for a large mobilization Nov. 21st at The Riverside Church and passage of the Fair Wages for New Yorkers Act.
RE: NYCEDC’s Release of Full Report on Living Wage

“Supporters of the ‘Fair Wages for New Yorkers’ Act have known since the announcement of  NYCEDC’s study of living wage laws  that  it would be nothing more than a ruse designed to provide cover for Mayor Bloomberg’s clearly stated opposition to living wage mandates. The mayor made it clear from the beginning that he does not support this bill, and the City then hired  consultants to conduct  the study that have  long and extensive records of bias against not only living wage laws, but minimum wage laws as well.
 “As we predicted more than a year ago, the final study released today is biased and scientifically defective.  In fact, given the significant changes that this bill has seen in recent months, this study has no relevance whatsoever to the ‘Fair Wages for New Yorkers’ Act, and represents little more than $1 million in wasted taxpayer money. 
 “I will continue to fight to make the ‘Fair Wages for New Yorkers’ Act a reality. When developers ask for heavy taxpayer subsidies to make their projects work, they must be willing to do better by their employees. This bill will make that premise a reality,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.
The “Fair Wages for New Yorkers” Act, which was introduced into the City Council at the behest of Borough President Diaz, would require developers that receive heavy taxpayer subsidies to pay their employees a “living wage.” The bill, which was introduced by Council Members Annabel Palma and G. Oliver Koppell on behalf of the borough president, currently has 30 City Council co-sponsors.
 In May, a poll by Baruch College Survey Research was released, showing that New Yorkers overwhelmingly support such “living wage” laws. The survey showed that 78 percent of New Yorkers agree with requiring employers that get taxpayer-funded city subsidies to pay $10-an-hour plus benefits, while just 15 percent do not. This includes 83 percent of all Democrats, 74 percent of independents, and 56 percent of Republicans.


City Comptroller John C. Liu announced today that an audit of the Department of Education (DOE) found that many elementary schools do not meet state guidelines for physical education (PE) and that despite documenting high rates of obese and overweight students, the DOE has not filed a PE plan with the state since 1982.

Childhood obesity can lead to lifelong health problems such as diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. In a 2009 report, the DOE and the Department of Health (DOH) warned that local rates of childhood obesity were higher than the national average. That report, “Childhood Obesity is a Serious Concern in New York City,” stressed that test scores rise alongside physical fitness.  The report recommended that schools ensure that “all students receive the required physical education instruction each week, as mandated by the New York State Education Commissioner’s Regulations.”

“The DOE has failed to give students the legally required amount of physical education and failed to follow its own recommendations for fighting high rates of childhood obesity,” Comptroller Liu said.  “The DOE is failing gym.”

“We are delighted that Comptroller Liu shares our commitment to the health and well-being of the city’s students,” said Amy J. Schwartz, Chair of the Task Force on Physical Education for the Women’s City Club of New York, which is celebrating its 95th year and has a long history of advocacy on education policy. “This audit should serve as further inspiration to the DOE to implement what research has shown — that improved physical education leads to better academic

Schools Fall Short on Exercise:

Not one of the elementary schools auditors visited met State Physical Education Regulations for all grades.  Only 6% of the audited schools came anywhere near offering the required amount of PE to their students:

       Kindergarten through Grade 3 students must participate in daily PE for a total of at least two hours each week.

       Grades 4 through 6 students must receive PE at least three times each week for a minimum of two hours per week.

       Grades 7 and 8 students must receive PE at least twice a week for a minimum of one and a half hours per week.

Some schools either had no space designated for PE instruction or no PE teacher.  Detailed findings on the schools and each grade’s performance are available in the audit’s appendix.

Obstacles to DOE Offering Enough Phys. Ed.:

The DOE does not monitor whether schools meet state requirements for PE, leaving principals solely responsible for making sure students receive the required amount of physical education. However, auditors found that the majority of school officials were not familiar with the state PE requirements. Officials at 65% of the sampled schools did not know any of the state’s PE requirements.

School officials said that it was difficult for them to provide students the required PE due to the time needed for subjects such as math, English language arts, science, and social studies.

Rates of Overweight, Obese Students in NYC:

The 2009 DOE and DOH report stated that 21% of children in grades K through 8 were obese while another 18% were considered overweight.

The report stated that childhood obesity was epidemic throughout the United States, increasing the likelihood of adult obesity, which is associated with heart disease and cancer.


The audit recommended that the DOE:

       Create, implement, and regularly update a PE plan that meets state regulations for all schools.

       Adequately monitor school compliance with the state’s PE requirements.

       Ensure that principals are aware of the state’s PE requirements and advise them that it is their responsibility that students receive the mandated amount of PE.

Audit Scope:

The audit focused on elementary school students because they face a greater risk of developing long-term health issues due to childhood obesity.  Auditors visited 31 elementary schools in all five boroughs during the 2010-2011 school year.  Fifteen of the schools were selected randomly and the remainder were selected based on their proximity to the other schools in order to allow two site visits in one day.

Comptroller Liu credited Deputy Comptroller for Audit Tina Kim and the Audit Bureau for presenting the findings.  The full report is available at

Monday, October 3, 2011

Assemblyman Dinowitz Reminds Community of Heat Regulations


With the cold weather of the winter soon upon us, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz is reminding his constituents of the rules and regulations regarding heat and hot water.

The heating season began on October 1 and continues until May 31.  Between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. heat must register 68 degrees Fahrenheit when the outside temperature falls below 55 degrees.  Between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. heat must register 55 degrees when the outside temperature falls below 40 degrees.  Hot water must be at least 120 degrees 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

            If these rules are not being followed, tenants can file a complaint with the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development by calling 311.  If they live in a rent stabilized or rent controlled apartment, tenants can also apply for a rent reduction with the NYS Division of Housing and Community Renewal.  The application form for a rent reduction is available in Assemblyman Dinowitz’s district office.

Tenants should keep good records of each time the required heat service is not maintained.  “If you are not receiving proper heat, you should write down the inside and outside temperatures and the date and time of each occurrence.  You can then file a complaint using this information,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz.

Assemblyman Dinowitz has prepared an easy to follow card with a chart to help people keep records.  Constituents can receive the free card at his district office located at 3107 Kingsbridge Avenue (just off West 231st Street) or by calling 718-796-5345.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Comic Con Update  "New Romanian Comics"

Romania Rocks NY Comic Con with “NO SCHOOL: New Romanian Comics,”
A premiere presentation at the 2011 New York Comic Con

The Romanian Cultural Institute in New York is proud to announce their first ever participation as an exhibitor at this year’s New York Comic Con, October 13-16 at the Javits Center in New York.  NO SCHOOL:  New Romanian Comics will be the premiere presentation at Booth #2018 and represents Romania’s largest comics exhibition in the U.S. to date.

NO SCHOOL is the apotheosis of the long and storied history of Romanian comics and is so named because it symbolizes the avant-garde nature of this explosive comics renaissance.  NO SCHOOL doesn’t follow any past or current strand of comics styles.  It is new, fresh and edgy. For a taste, click here.

Although the comics giants like Marvel and DC steal a lot of thunder, there a great deal of effervensence in comics in Romania. That’s right – Romania the country that spawned not just Dracula but some of the greatest comic geniuses of all time including Will Eisner and Stan Lee. So take a quick jaunt through the behemoths’ 3000-square foot booths, but spend some quality time at the 200-square foot Romanian Cultural Institute’s booth for a fascinating glimpse of what’s happening beyond the U.S. comics world.   

Three top comics artists who hail from Romania, Sandu Florea, Matei Branea, Alexandru Ciubotariu, along with Milos Jovanovic, the publisher of the cutting edge magazine, Hardcomics, selected the best of the best of Romanian funnies since 1891 to 2011. The artists and publisher will be on hand to present NO SCHOOL as well as to sign their own books.

The comics renaissance in Romania is particularly remarkable because of the struggles of the last fifty years.  The communist regime forbade comics because it considered them a typical capitalist product. The regime “terminated” cartoonists for drawing “incorrect” characters.  Yet, at the same time, the government used comics to indoctrinate children with propaganda.  Still, even under censorship, the genre found its niches and developed. The fall of the regime triggered an immediate revival and comics began to thrive and diversify. 

Today, artists and publishers such as Florea, Branea, Ciubortariu and Jovanovic are pushing the envelope with comics that are provocative, political, sexy, funny, satirical, dirty, and everything in between. Come explore Romania’s fascinating dark and (sometimes) funny past, its current vibrancy, and its brilliant future at booth #2018

Events: Guest artists in focus
Booth #2018

FRI, October 14, 1-3 pm: Alexandru Ciubotariu (Pisica Pătrată)
SAT, October 15, 1-3 pm: Sandu Florea (Spider-Man, Batman, etc., and his own Garda)
SUN, October 16, 1-3 pm: Matei Branea (OMULAN comics & animation)

About the Artists:

Romanian comics and street artist Alexandru Ciubotariu is the author of the first street-art album in Romania (Pisica pătrată, Vellant, Bucharest, 2009) – featuring his character of national fame, discretely present (and recognizable) in cities all over the country – as well as of six comic books. Ciubotariu’s work has been published in newspapers and magazines in various countries, and he has participated in numerous international exhibitions and shows. He was awarded over 30 national and international prizes, most of them for comics. He co-edited The History of the Romanian Comics 1891-2010 (Vellant 2010) and is involved in organizing the International Comics Festival in Romania. Ciubotariu’s name is linked also to the first urban-toys and the first website dedicated to comics in Romania (

Sandu Florea
is a veteran Romanian and American comic book artist living in New York. In 1980 he received the Eurocon award for his original comics work in În lumea lui Harap Alb. For the past 20 years Florea has developed diverse collaborations with comics magazines and publishers such as Marvel, DC Comics and Dark Horse, created storyboards and other graphics for the motion picture producers Full Moon, as well as book illustrations for The Princeton Review. Specializing as an inker, he is most known for his work on Conan the Barbarian, The Amazing Spider-Man, Avengers, Batman, Elektra, Mighty Thor, Captain America, Dr Strange, and X-Men.

Born and based in Bucharest, Matei Branea
is a comics and animation artist, the creator of OMULAN, a comics character which became a local hit with the publication of its dedicated Hardcomics issue in 2002, and has enjoyed a robust life in the animated world as well. Branea is a producer of comics, animation and illustration from main stream to underground, from TV shows & advertising to web shorts. He currently teaches animation at the Bucharest Film School (UNATC). Branea is in production phase for a short animated film about Balkan robots and a new OMULAN book.

About Hardcomics:

Hardcomics is a self-financed magazine based in Bucharest. Launched in 2002, it aims to create a market for comics in Romania and to set a standard in content and form. Acknowledging financial failure, but achieving artistic success, Hardcomics just keeps on offering underground Romanian artists a platform for expression and denial. Editor Miloš Jovanović will also attend NYCC

Milos Jovanovic made his first money as an eight-year-old kid selling and swapping comics on the Saturday flea market in his hometown – it was 1980s’ Yugoslavia. Thirty years later he is doing pretty much the same thing, but now living in Bucharest. Since 2002, his majesty runs a small but strong publishing house – Hardcomics, boasting over 30 titles in different forms (books, zines, newspapers) and more than 100 authors, mainly from Romania. He is very good at drawing phallic symbols, particularly in color. He also runs a design studio and speaks more than 6 languages. He was into the Alex Raymond/ The Spirit/ DC/ Marvel thing as a kid, but then went into a Dark Horse/ Crumb/ Shelton phase and ended up at Top Shelfs and Fantagraphics (“USA lovers, I salute you”).

About the The Romanian Cultural Institute:
The Romanian Cultural Institute in New York (RCINY) aims to promote Romanian culture throughout the U.S. and internationally, and to build sustainable, creative partnerships among American and Romanian cultural organizations. The Institute acts as a catalyst and proponent of initiatives across artistic fields, striving to foster understanding, cultural diplomacy, and scholarly discourse by enriching public perspectives of contemporary Romanian culture. For the past five years, RCINY has been an active enabler and supporter of the presentation and promotion of contemporary arts, urban culture and emerging Romanian artists in the U.S.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Comic Con Update Dark Horse

Dark Horse Unveils Signing Schedule for New York Comic Con 2011!

What do a rock star, the lead writer of Mass Effect, and the ever-charming and talented Ms. Becky Cloonan all have in common? They’re all signing at the Dark Horse booth!

Following up on Wednesday’s announcement of Dark Horse’s 2011 New York Comic Con programming, it’s the moment you’ve been waiting for: the 2011 Dark Horse New York Comic Con schedule!

The full schedule of Dark Horse’s in-booth signings and activities can be found below: 
Spin the Dark Horse prize wheel for a chance to win free digital comics, including Mass Effect and Star Wars: Crimson Empire bundles!

Thursday, October 13 
6:00 p.m. FREE T-SHIRTS, COMICS! Come to the Dark Horse booth for a chance to win a Hellboy T-shirt and free digital comics!

Friday, October 14
10:30 a.m. The Occultist—Tim Seeley (Hack/Slash) and Jenny Frison (Criminal Macabre)
11:00 a.m. Bunny in the Moon—Tara McPherson
11:00 a.m. FREE T-SHIRTS, COMICS! Come to the Dark Horse booth for a chance to win a Hellboy T-shirt and free digital comics!
11:30 a.m. Orchid—Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine, Audioslave, The Nightwatchman) and Scott Hepburn (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)
FREE Orchid poster featuring art by Massimo Carnevale. Ticketed event. Please talk to a Dark Horse staff member at the show.
12:30 p.m. Dethklok—Jon Schnepp, Jeremy Barlow, and Nate Piekos
1:30 p.m. The Immortal—Ian Edginton
FREE poster revealing never-before-seen art from the upcoming comic The Immortal, adapted from an acclaimed Japanese novel and written by Ian Edginton (Scarlet Traces, Star Trek: Early Voyages, Warhammer 40,000)
2:00 p.m. FREE T-SHIRTS, COMICS! Come to the Dark Horse booth for a chance to win a The Thing movie T-shirt and free digital comics! Read the FREE digital prequel comic of The Thing now!
2:30 p.m. Star Wars—Andrea Mutti
Find out what Star Wars series Andrea Mutti (Rage) will be working on at Friday’s Dark Horse panel (1:30–2:30 p.m., Room 1A15).
3:30 p.m. The Massive—Brian Wood and Kristian Donaldson (DMZ)
4:30 p.m. Star Wars: Jedi—The Dark Side—Scott Allie and Mahmud Asrar
6:30 p.m. Dr. McNinja—Christopher Hastings

Saturday, October 15
10:30 a.m. Mass Effect—Mac Walters
11:00 a.m. FREE T-SHIRTS, COMICS! Come to the Dark Horse booth for a chance to win a Hellboy T-shirt and free digital comics!
11:30 a.m. The Last Dragon—Jane Yolen and Rebecca Guay
FREE face painting inspired by The Last Dragon! FREE miniprint to the first one hundred people in line for the signing.
12:30 p.m. House of Night—Jenny Frison
Get Marked! FREE House of Night face painting during the signing with cover artist Jenny Frison! FREE House of Night poster. And the first twenty-five people in line for the signing will receive a copy of The Fledgling Handbook 101 by P. C. Cast with Kim Doner from St. Martin’s Press!
1:30 p.m. Beasts of Burden—Evan Dorkin
1:30 p.m. Avatar: The Last Airbender—FREE face-painting event           
2:30 p.m. Dragon Age—David Gaider and Mike Laidlaw
FREE print to the first one hundred people in line to meet the lead writer and lead designer of Dragon Age!
3:30 p.m. Angel & Faith—Christos Gage and Rebekah Isaacs 
4:00 p.m. FREE T-SHIRTS, COMICS! Come to the Dark Horse booth for a chance to win a Hellboy T-shirt and free digital comics!
4:30 p.m. Comic TBA—Brian Wood (DMZ, Demo, Northlanders) and Becky Cloonan (Demo, Pixu)
Find out what Dark Horse comic Brian Wood and Becky Cloonan are going to be working on together at Friday’s Dark Horse panel (1:30–2:30 p.m., Room 1A15)!
5:30 p.m. Evelyn, Evelyn—Cynthia von Buhler 

Sunday, October 16
10:00 a.m. Beanworld—Larry Marder
10:30 a.m. FREE T-SHIRTS, COMICS! Come to the Dark Horse booth for a chance to win a Hellboy T-shirt and free digital comics!
11:00 a.m. Mignolaverse—Mike Mignola and John Arcudi
Ticketed event. Please talk to a Dark Horse staff member at the show.
12:00 p.m. Creepy—Dan Braun
It’s trick-or-treat time, but not for the kiddos! FREE Creepy comics to the first one hundred people in line, plus an array of crazy Creepy prizes just in time for All Hallow’s Eve!
1:00 p.m. Behind the Scenes of Mass Effect—Mac Walters
Mac Walters discusses the process of writing Mass Effect comics and walks through a digital preview of Mass Effect: Invasion #1.
2:00 p.m. FREE T-SHIRTS, COMICS! Come to the Dark Horse booth for a chance to win a Hellboy T-shirt and free digital comics!
2:30 p.m. Kult—Jeremy Barlow
3:00 p.m. Robert E. Howard’s Savage Sword—Jeremy Barlow, Paul Tobin, and Joshua Williamson
4:00 p.m. Falling Skies—Paul Tobin and Juan Ferreyra
Are you missing Falling Skies? Talk to the creators of the preview comic and get a Falling Skies pin from TNT, while supplies last!