Monday, May 14, 2012

Espada Found Guilty on 4 of 8 Counts

  Former State Senator Pedro Espada has been found guilt of stealing up to half a million dollars from the now defunct Soundview Health Care Center that he started and ran. Espada now faces up to ten years in jail on each of the four counts of fraud that he was convicted of. The bad news does not stop there, as the judge declared a hung jury on the other four counts so that Espada could be retried on those other four counts of fraud.

  Espada's son Pedro G. Espada appears to have dodged a bullet for now as his jury seems to be deadlocked and unable to convict him, but there is always the possibility of a retrial for him also unless the U.S. Attorney is content to have Espada Senior going to jail.
2009_08_espada4.jpg.Pedro G. Espada and father Pedro Espada holding another future candidate Espada in happier times.

Governor Andrew Cuomo said that he is happy that the job he started as New York States Attorney General has been completed. Cuomo added that there is no place in New York politics for any type of corruption.

 Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz Had This on the Espada verdict.
The jurors finished the job that the voters started two years ago.  Just as the voters of the 33rd senatorial district punished Pedro Espada, Jr. at the polls for his role in the discredited 2009 coup that shut down the State Senate, the jurors rightly saw Espada for what he is: a crook.  His criminal acts give politics a bad name despite the fact that the vast majority of elected officials are decent, hardworking people.  He stole from the taxpayers and ultimately from the people he was supposed to help, in order to pay for his lavish lifestyle.  Disgusting!  I hope he receives the maximum punishment under the law.
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Croton Filter Plant - Agenda for Meeting on May 17


Croton Facility Monitoring Committee Meeting
Thursday, May 17, 2012 – 7:00 PM
DEP Office – 3660 Jerome Avenue, Bronx NY 10467 - (718) 231-8470

I  Welcome                                                          Paul Foster, Chair

II Consider and Adopt the Meeting Agenda        CFMC Reps 

III Consider, Adopt 4/19/12 Meeting Minutes    CFMC Reps  

IV Update on JPR Jogging Path PDC Status      Hector Aponte, DPR
                                                                       Steve Des Noyer, DPR

V Update on Pedestrian Bridge Funding            CFMC Reps

VI NYC Water Rate Increase – Impact on         Mark Lanaghan, DEP
    Rates of Cost of Croton Filter Plant

VII Croton Construction Update, Schedule          Vincent Moorehead,
    And Costs                                                          P.E., DEP
VIII Croton Jobs and Bronx Purchases            Mark Lanaghan, DEP

IX CFMC Discussion, Set Next Meeting        CFMC Representatives

X   Adjourn
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Sauti Yetu Center for Women Open House and Reception    

Sauti Yetu Brings Together Supporters for
Open House and Reception in the South Bronx

Sauti Yetu Center for African Women and Families will welcome policy makers, community leaders and service providers to their new office space in the Mott Haven neighborhood of the Bronx at an Open House and Reception on May 17th from 4-6:30pm.   The event will highlight Sauti Yetu’s work as both a culturally-responsive service provider and an advocate for the growing African immigrant community in New York City.  It will also share how Sauti Yetu has expanded their services to meet the growing needs of community members, as well as their plans for the future. 

Sauti Yetu’s first Open House and Reception will showcase both their new office space and the culturally and linguistically responsive work they do in the Bronx and throughout the United States.  Speakers include (1) The Honorable Aurelia Greene, Deputy Borough President of the Bronx, (2) The Honorable Maria del Carmen Arroyo, New York City Council 17th District, and (3) Zeinab Eyega, Executive Director and Founder of Sauti Yetu Center for African Women.  The event will feature music by a griot, Assetou Kouyate and a kora player, Diabate.  It will also feature African cuisine.   Sauti Yetu staff members will offer information about the work they do with African immigrant women, children and families in the Bronx—and beyond. 

Founded in 2004 with 1 staff member, Sauti Yetu has since expanded into a multi-service agency with a staff of over 20.  The organization meets the diverse needs of New York City’s African immigrant women, families and youth through its direct services, advocacy and public education campaigns.   They offer domestic violence services in over 25 languages, as well as academic and leadership support for newly arrived African adolescent girls.  The organization also helps newly arrived immigrant families build their collective strength and achieve self-sufficiency. Sauti Yetu additionally conducts trainings and performs advocacy at the city, state and federal level on the topic of Female Genital Cutting (FGC).  Their work on FGC has been most recently recognized by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Nationally, Sauti Yetu builds the leadership capacity of African immigrant and refugee women in over 11 cities throughout the U.S.

511623_Summer Flight Deals - Latest Promotion



Responding to calls and petitions from his constituents about the proposed closing of after-school programs, Council Member Oliver Koppell vowed to fight to restore the funds.  The Mayor’s FY 2012-2013  Executive budget cut $22.1 million for 172 after-school programs citywide and reduced subsidized slots for child care centers.

Families in my district would be heavily impacted by these cuts which would force the closure of after-school programs at PS 8 and PS 94 in Norwood, at Riverdale Neighborhood House and the Marble Hill Community Center and reduce the number of children who can be accommodated in after-school programs at PS 95 and PS 20”  Koppell said.

According to Don Bluestone, Executive Director of Mosholu- Montefiore Community Center, over 33% of the organization’s Out-of-School Time (OST) funds for after-school programs were cut, a loss of approximately $1,200,000.  Riverdale Neighborhood House lost $280,000 for its after-school programs and The Children’s Arts & Science Workshops, who run the Marble Hill Center, lost $380,000 for its after-school and summer camp programs.   Koppell said, “It is imperative that funds be restored to The Department of Youth and Community Development’s OST program. Without this restoration, thousands of children in my district and throughout the city,  will be deprived of the positive academic and recreational activities these programs offer, putting them at risk of engaging in negative behavior during these unsupervised hours.”

Koppell referred to research that has shown that after-school programs keep kids safe, have a positive impact on self-concept and decision making and promote positive social interaction among students.  Also, he referenced studies by the Department of Education that have shown crimes involving youth usually occur between the hours of 3-6 p.m. “The risk that our community will see an increase in violence,  vandalism, gang activity,  drug and alcohol abuse, as well  as an upsurge  in the number of latchkey children, is virtually inevitable with the closing of these after-school programs,” he said.

Koppell also said it was necessary to restore the cuts for early child care, which has proven to provide academic and social benefits to children stretching well beyond their early years.

“In the upcoming budget negotiations, my Council colleagues and I are determined to do all in our power to protect the child care and after-school programs on which our most vulnerable families depend. I am hopeful that these efforts will produce results and that there will be restoration of funds to keep these programs open.”  Koppell  concluded.
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What You Should Know
By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York


You should know that when Andrew Cuomo was the New York State Attorney General he used his power, influence, title, and office of the Attorney General to go after Senator Pedro Espada accusing him of stealing $14 million dollars.

During the weeks that followed Andrew Cuomo’s announcement, newspapers (including Hispanic ones), television media (including Hispanic ones) and almost every reporter (including Hispanic ones) went after Pedro Espada.

They would stakeout his house, his office, and his business.  They even went where he was dining.  They had a field day with Pedro Espada.  They called him crooked. They called him a thief.  They tried their best to convince the community that Senator Pedro Espada stole $14 million dollars – because the Attorney General Andrew Cuomo said so.

You should know that Gustavo Rivera, who ran against Pedro Espada, used the $14 million dollar issue throughout his campaign calling Pedro Espada a crook.  He defeated Pedro Espada by campaigning about the $14 million dollars that our former Attorney General Andrew Cuomo accused him of stealing.

After weeks and weeks of persecution and mockery, Pedro Espada was accused of only stealing half a million dollars.  Not one single news reporter or media organization, not even Hispanic ones, had the courage or the decency to question Andrew Cuomo’s integrity and motive about what happened to the $14 million dollars.

“I am pretty sure that if it were another individual from another race, things would have been different.”

You should know that this gets even better.  After weeks and weeks of a jury trial, the New York media, especially the New York Post, have been trying to influence the jury by publicizing only what the prosecutor stressed, and never indicating any rebuke of the defense.  By doing this, they are trying to make sure that the jury will finally condemn Senator Espada.  But in spite of all this, even the jury can’t seem to get it together and make a final decision about Pedro Espada.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is an indication that there is doubt in peoples’ minds.  The community is questioning Andrew Cuomo’s motive and integrity in accusing Pedro Espada of stealing $14 million dollars.

Please understand that members of the community know that Pedro Espada has been the victim of a political witch hunt and political vengeance for his participation in the 2009 Senate coup.
I believe that even if the jury now finds Pedro Espada guilty, he has already won in the eyes of his community.

I am Senator Reverend RubĂ©n DĂ­az and this is what you should know.  
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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Bankers Breakfast Bronx Week 2012

     On Friday May 11th The Business Initiative Corporation of New York in partnership with The Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation held the 14th Annual Bronx Bankers Breakfast at Villa Barone Manor. This was a gathering of over 400 leaders of the banking, business, real estate, and technical assistance industries to hear Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg  discuss the accomplishments of both administrations along with future goals of both leaders in economic development. 

     BP Diaz spoke of the new development going on all over the Bronx from his helping to keep the Hunt's Point Market in the Bronx, getting "Fresh Direct" to expand and relocate to the Bronx, and the new development on two separate sites on the Broadway business area in Kingsbridge. Diaz also mentioned that this year "Bronx Week 2012" will feature over 120 different events all around the Bronx, ending on Sunday May 20th with the Bronx Day Parade, then the Music and Food festival both on Mosholu Parkway.

    BP Ruben Diaz Jr.Diaz then introduced Mayor Michael "Ruben" Bloomberg who said that he once was endorsed by Ruben Diaz in his three elections, but that was by Ruben Diaz senior and not the junior Diaz. Bloomberg went on to say how New York City and the Bronx were better of under his administration, and also spoke of the new development going on in the Bronx, such as the expansion of the Bay Plaza shopping center. Bloomberg praised Assemblyman (and Democratic County Leader) Carl Heastie for his help in passing the new "Taxi Bill" in Albany, and said that people in all five boroughs will now be able to hail a safe reliable cab. He added that he has little over one year left to his term in office, and still has a lot of work to do. I was able to ask the mayor about a City Planning initiative on global warming, and the mayor said that we must give very much concern to global warming and how it can effect the city..
  Here you can see a short video of BP Diaz and Mayor Bloomberg. from the breakfast
  Below are a few photos of the event, click on a photo to enlarge it. 

Right - Mayor Bloomberg is seated between Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr. and his Chief of Staff Mr. Paul Del Duca. Ms. Marlene Cintron of BOEDC asks BP Diaz to address the audience.    Right - BP Diaz speaking during the breakfast.

Left - Deputy BP Greene and Assemblyman Carl Heastie are seated by the mayor as BP Diaz is speaking.      Right - Mayor Bloomberg addressing the audience.

Some Bronx elected officials on hand.Left - is Assemblyman Marcos Crespo with State Senator Gustavo Rivera.    Right is Assemblyman Crespo with Councilman Joel Rivera, and the owner of Metro Optics.

Left - is BP Diaz center with Assembly members Vanessa Gibson and Jeffrey Dinowitz to his left, and Councilman Rivera and State Senator Rivera on his right. Right - is the unity of Bronx elected officials as Assemblymen Crespo and Heastie join the group.
Chippewa Democratic Club 
114th Annual Dinner Dance

  Thursday May 10th the Chippewa Democratic Club held their 114th Annual Dinner Dance at Villa Barone Manor. While some of the members have been around a long time, no one could remember the first few Dinner Dances. The Honorees were Mr. Bob Kappstater (with the Daily News for over 40 years, and now editor of the Bronx Times Reporter), Mr. Louis Mahoney (Owner of Jerome Florist in Throggs Neck), Ms. Rose Lobianco (a local resident and Department of Education supervisor), Mr. Patrick Welsh ( a union leader fro the CWA), and Mr. George Archambault (longtime Chippewa Democratic Club member and volunteer). 

  Over 250 people were in attendance including local elected officials Councilman Jimmy Vacca, State Senator Jeff Klein, Assemblyman Michael Bennedetto, as well as Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. Many union leaders and members were also in attendance, including United Federation of Teachers President Michael Mulgrew who dropped by during the dinner.Also in attendance were Bronx Chamber of Commerce President Lenny Caro, Bronx Democratic County Executive Director Ms. Iashia Bravo (who stood in for the County Leader Assemblyman Carl Heastie), many other local party leaders, and even 80th Assembly District candidate Mr. Mark Gjonaj. 

  Below are a few photos of  event, and you can click on the picture to enlarge it.

Left - is the band "Just Nuts" led by Mr. Victor Sabatini that provided the music for the night.         Right - is Councilman Jimmy Vacca.

Left - is UFT President Michael Mulgrew with Councilman Vacca.    Right - is Councilman Vacca explaining his latest position with honoree (and new editor of the Bronx Times Reporter) Bob Kappstater.

Left - is BP Diaz with Steamfitter Union rep and 80th A.D. State Committeeman Joe McManus.    Right - is Ms. Iashia Bravo with honoree Bob Kappstater.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Statement by State Senator Rubén Díaz

Re; President Obama's Statement on Gay Marriage

  “As a conservative Democrat, I am very disappointed with President Barack Obama regarding his announcement today in favor of gay marriage.  It is well known that in every state where the people have had the opportunity to vote, including in North Carolina this week, the people have rejected gay marriage.  Even though the polls indicate that the majority of Americans favor gay marriage, the reality is clearly very different when the people are given the right to vote on this issue."
  Thirty-one (31) states have already expressed that sentiment in the voting booth. I am afraid that with this pronouncement, the President has hurt the Democrats’ chances of regaining the Senate and will hurt many Democratic candidates throughout the nation.  I will not be surprised if in the next few days you  see in the polls that Mitt Romney has surpassed Barack Obama.
  “Gay marriage has been the Achilles Heel in New York State since it became law.  The Democratic party has lost every single election to Republicans, even in Democratic controlled areas.”