Monday, May 21, 2012

Councilman Koppell Endorses Espaillat for Congress

“A new district and a new day demands new leadership”


  Today, New York City Councilman G. Oliver Koppell endorsed State Senator Adriano Espaillat for Congress in the newly created 13th Congressional District. Koppell has been a longtime elected official in the portion of the Bronx that was recently added to the Congressional District.

“I am pleased to endorse State Senator Adriano Espaillat in the upcoming Democratic Primary for the 13th Congressional District seat,” said Councilman G. Oliver Koppell. “I appreciate and commend Congressman Charlie Rangel’s long service in the Congress.  However, a new District and a new day demands new leadership.  Adriano Espaillat has been an effective public official in the State Assembly and State Senate. He is committed to job creation, economic development, public education and affordable housing. He will bring the same passion and energy to Congress where he will continue to fight for us and work with President Obama.  He will also be an important role model and advocate for the Dominican and Hispanic communities in my District and beyond.  I endorse Adriano Espaillat.”

“I am proud and honored to receive the support of Councilman Koppell, who understands that important issues of our time and recognizes the need for new leadership to address today’s challenges,” said Senator Adriano Espaillat. “I look forward to campaigning with Councilman Koppell as we talk to voters in the Bronx and Upper Manhattan about bringing bold, new ideas to Congress and moving our communities forward.”

Councilman Koppell’s endorsement comes at a time when Espaillat’s campaign for Congress is enjoying momentum, particularly in the Bronx, where Espaillat has been endorsed by two former Bronx Borough presidents, Fernando Ferrer and Adolfo Carrión; State Senator Gustavo Rivera; Assembly Member Neslon Castro and other local Democratic officials.
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 The Third Workshop in a Series of Public Safety Workshops 

  Senator Gustavo Rivera partnered with 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care to host a community conversation on Stop and Frisk last Thursday, May 17th at 6:00PM. Dozens of Bronx residents engaged in a dialogue about their experiences with law enforcement and about how to proceed if stopped by the police. Some audience members, including Senator Rivera, participated in skits that portrayed both good and bad behavior when individuals are stopped by law enforcement officials.

" I believe the policy of Stop and Frisk as it is has been implemented in New York City, is unconstitutional and discriminatory," said Senator Gustavo Rivera. "I thought the exchange between the community and members of law enforcement was an important first step to addressing community concerns as it relates to this issue. In order for Bronxites and people of color throughout New York City to continue to feel safe in their neighborhood, they need to be able to trust their local police. That is why I decided to hold a workshop with former law enforcement officers to get folks talking about Stop and Frisk: what it is, and ways to avoid escalating conflicts if they are stopped and frisked by the police."

"The problem with 'illegal' Stop, Question and Frisk and the impact it is having on members of the Black and Latino community has become the primary civil rights issues of today," said retired officer and founding member of 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care, Noel Leader. "As Black and Latino law enforcement officials, we deem it to be very important to educate our communities on how to navigate these mostly unnecessary interactions."

Senator Rivera continues to believe that the policy of Stop and Frisk should be changed and will continue to advocate for changes at the city level. This was the third in a series of Public Safety Workshops, which have been held every Thursday in May.

 All are welcome to attend the next and final workshop on Domestic Violence:
 May 24th from 6:00PM to 7:30PM - Domestic Violence Presented by STEPS to End Family Violence.   2432 Grand Concourse Bronx, NY - 4th Floor
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Bronx Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing Rescheduled for May 31



The Bronx Chamber of Commerce
would like to thank all attendees for registering
for the biggest Golf Event of the year!


We are proud to announce one of our celebrity golfers, Chris Lemmon showed up at the golf course bright & early and is just as disappointed
as the rest of us.  He will be joining  us
on May 31st as well.

On Thursday, May 31st there will be a
complimentary warm-up and Golf Clinic at 9 AM
located at

Turtle Cove Golf Center 
1 City Island Road
Bronx, NY 10464

After the warm-up and Golf Clinic
golfers will proceed to

Pelham Split Rock Golf Course
for registration at 11 AM.

Shot Gun will be taking place at 12:30 PM.

We look forward to a wonderful day of golf.  Thank you again for all of your support.
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Top 1% Takes One-Third of NYC’s Income

City Comptroller John C. Liu today released a report that details the income disparity in New York City. The study found that the top 1% of income tax filers receive one-third of all City personal income, a share that is almost twice the national average.

“Such a wide income gap has financial consequences for the City,” Comptroller Liu said.  “Income inequality can weaken or destabilize the local tax base, reinforce patterns of racial and economic segregation, and undermine the vibrant social, cultural, and economic mix that is the foundation of New York City’s identity. It also threatens the very fragile economic recovery we are now experiencing.”

The report found that New York City tax filers in the top 1% accounted for 32.5% of the City’s entire reported income in 2009, based on the most recent micro-data available from the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance. By comparison, the top 1% across the U.S. accounted for 16.9% of income.


The income gap is further highlighted by the concentration of income among the very wealthiest. The most affluent 15,000 New York City households (the top 0.5% of filers) took in 26.7% of the City’s income.  The top 2,000 households (the top 0.05% of filers) accounted for 18.9% of all income reported in the City.

Unequal gains in good years
The top 1% of earners ended the past decade with an average income of $2.2 million, the same level at which they started in 2000. This reflects the volatile nature of investment income earned by the ultra-wealthy. However, the gains made by these top filers in the boom years (2003-2007) illustrate the speed with which income disparity grew in New York City.

During the good years, New Yorkers in the 99% of income earners made gradual gains that raised their average annual income from $41,000 to $50,000.  In those same years, the income of the top 1% skyrocketed, more than doubling from $1.5 million to $3.9 million. From 2007 to 2007, 66% of the income growth citywide went to the top 1% of tax filers.


“We must not repeat the pattern of the last decade when a few gathered enormous wealth, while the vast majority of New York families were left behind or saw very modest gains,” Comptroller Liu said.

“Income Inequality in New York City” was produced from research by the Comptroller’s economic advisory team led by Dr. Frank Braconi, Chief Economist in the NYC Comptroller’s Office. 

Download the full report here:

Saturday, May 19, 2012

13th Congressional Race Mr. Clyde Williams

    Redistricting has changed the once majority black district into a majority Hispanic district. While Harlem, East Harlem, Washington Heights, and Inwood remain as part of the district 200,000 Bronx voters have been added to the district. The mostly Hispanic communities of Bedford Park, Kingsbridge Heights, Van Cortlandt Village, and most of Kingsbridge were placed in the new 13th Congressional District. A date of June 26th was also place as the date of the new congressional primary.

   Charlie Rangel has claimed to be the incumbent in this new district as most of it came from his old 15th Congressional District. Rangel has the backing of the Manhattan and Bronx Democratic county machines (and we said that both Democratic county leaders were looking at the proposed district lines for a possible future run). State Senator Adriano Espaillat announced his intention to run in the now majority Hispanic 13th C.D. Senator Espaillat has nothing to loose if he does not get elected to congress, as he can still run for his state senate seat in the September Democratic primary.

   We sat down last week with Mr. Clyde Williams, who is another candidate in the 13th Congressional race.  Mr. Williams is concerned how the district has problems that have not been addressed by Congressman Rangel. High unemployment, lack of jobs, poor public education, lack of accountability, and high oil prices are high on his priority list of things to get done. How can Clyde get that done, I asked. Mr. Williams who first praised Congressman Rangel for the good things that he did in the past, and said that there are new problems now then there were in the past. He went on to say that there are huge health care disparities and education gaps.

   Mr. Williams spoke of putting people to work in the jobs that are needed, such as nursing, auto mechanics, electricians, and other good paying jobs. when I asked about the Empowerment Zone that Congressman Rangel set up, Mr. Williams said most are out of business by using the funds for the community, but that "the Harlem Empowerment Zone still has lots of money left". Mr. Williams said that up to 5,000 new jobs could be created right now if tourism was set up not only for lower Manhattan, but the rest of the city. New Hotels and restaurants could be built for tourist to stay over rather then come for an hour or two, or to see the Yankee game then leave.

  When I asked Mr. Williams what his qualifications for congress were, he said that he knows the D.C. area very well, the president, and how congress works. He added that he worked for both President Clinton and President Obama in high level positions. Mr. Williams believes like others do that in this election the Bronx will play a key role in determining who the representative from the 13th Congressional District will be. He is making important connections in the Bronx, and plans to keep them. when asked if he is doing all this to set up for a run for office when Congressman Rangel decides to retire possibly in 2014 or sooner, Mr. Clyde Williams said "I am in this race to win this race".

Mr. Clyde Williams stands in front of the Kingsbridge Armory with two of his supporters.

Here the trio stand by the Kingsbridge Road Subway station of the   # 4 subway line. On Mr. Williams left is Mr. Ephraim Cruz of Bronx For Change, and Mr. Anthony Rivveccio of NWBD on his right.

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K.A.L.E.A.C Honors 50th Pct. Officers

  The Korean-American Law Enforcement Advisory Council came to the 50th Precinct to bestow honors upon the police officers and Captain Kevin J. Burke for the swift apprehension of the two individuals that killed 26 year old Hang Yang on his way home for his I Phone. Mr. Yang was shot at the corner of Cambridge Avenue and West 232nd Street, and died a short time later.
  Mr. Joo Tae Yoo President and Mr. Yeon S, Hong Vice-President of K.A.L.E.A.C. said that their organization tries to bridge the gap between citizens and the police department. The organization also raises money for fallen hero's and provides scholarships to their children. Both thanked the officers of the 50th Precinct for the swift apprehension of Mr. Yang's killers. Also  on hand were Mr. Yang's mother and sister who conveyed the same message. 
  Captain Kevin J. Burke, Lieutenant John Gogarty, Sergeant Lucas Miller, Detective James Campbell, and Detective Joseph K. Oneil all received awards from. K.A.L.E.A.C. Captain Burke in speaking about the case said “it was the fine police work that his detectives and officers did to crack the case, and the arrest of the two killers”. The two men identified as Dominick Davis and Alejandro Campos (when they were arrested) tried to sell the I Phone on Craigslist. “Have 2 I Phones 4 sale Inwood/Washington Heights” the ad read, and the detectives took it from there. 
  Local Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz and Councilman G. Oliver Koppell also presented awards to the police officers. Assemblyman Dinowitz commented "that there had never been an incident such as this in Riverdale, and the community was outraged. Dinowitz added that these two men must be tried and sent away to jail for a long time. Mr. Adam Sandler of Councilman Koppell's office said that crimes like this will not be tolerated in our neighborhoods and that Councilman Koppell hopes that the swift apprehension of these killers will deter any similar events in the future. 

Left - Captain Kevin Burke explaining the details of the crime, and how officers apprehanded the two men responsible for the crime. Next to Captain Burke are Mr. Joo Tae Yoo President and Mr. Yeon S, Hong Vice-President of K.A.L.E.A.C. Right- Assemblyman Dinowitz presenting award to one of the officers as Captain Burke looks on.

Left - Assemblyman Dinowitz is between Mr. Yoo and Mr Hong from K.A.A.E.A.C., with Mr. Sandler of behind the officers and Captain Burke (Sergeant Miller was not at the ceremony, and is not in the photo).  Right - Community Affairs officer Mindy Ramos stands in for Sergeant Miller in this photo.
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Klein Holds Property Managers Accountable

Klein Property Preservation Law Succeeds In Removing Dangerous Situation 

VAN NEST, BRONX, N.Y. –  Senator Jeffrey D. Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester) announced today that his office has been successful in seeing to the removal of an illegally constructed deck that had posed a serious fire hazard to the Van Nest community. The foreclosed property, located at 840 Van Nest Avenue, is currently managed by Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC. At Senator Klein’s insistence, Carrington recently removed the illegally constructed deck which had been built upon an existing kitchen. The dangerously situated deck was a concern to many in the area in light of the recent and devastating four alarm fire on the same block. The successful removal illustrates the importance of property preservation legislation introduced by Senator Klein in the state legislature—and enacted into law—last year. Klein's landmark legislation requires banks and lending institutions who reclaim foreclosed properties to maintain their assets up to code. 

In April, neighborhood resident Patti Doyle reached out to Senator Klein’s Office to express her concerns about the shoddily constructed deck atop the property.  Around the same time, the NYC Department of Buildings visited the home and issued a violation for the deck’s construction, which was carried out without the required approval of DOB.

Klein and his staff investigated the matter and discovered that Wells Fargo was listed as the owner of this property, with Carrington as the property manager.  Upon learning this information, Klein reached out to Carrington and brought his and the community’s concerns to their attention. Within days of Senator Klein’s call, Carrington dispatched a construction crew to remove the deck from the property.  The work was completed just days ago.

The recent four alarm fire originated on the same block at nearby 726 Van Nest Ave.
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Bronx Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing


The Bronx Chamber of Commerce would like to thank all attendees for registering for the biggest Golf Event of the year!
On Monday, May 21st, there will be a complimentary warm-up and Golf Clinic at 9 AM located at

Turtle Cove Golf Center 
1 City Island Road
Bronx, NY 10464

After the warm-up and Golf Clinic golfers will proceed to

Pelham Split Rock Golf Course for registration at 11 AM.

We look forward to a wonderful day of golf.  Thank you again for all of your support.
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