Thursday, July 26, 2012

Councilman Larry Seabrook Found Guilty on 9 of 12 Charges

   Bronx City Councilman Larry Seabrook has been found guilty on 9 of the 12 charges presented by the Federal Government in its retrial case against Councilman Seabrook. The first trial ended in a hung jury which left Seabrook a free man until today's trail ending, but Seabrook remains out on bail until he is sentenced on January 8, 2013 

    Seabrook in a Daily News Story here   has been canned from the City Council, and that a special election date has been set to fill his now vacant seat for the date of the general election November 6th. The Daily News story has it as the end of an era of "Cash and Carry Larry".

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.   had this to say after the verdict came back

“Today’s conviction of Council Member Seabrook will allow our borough to move forward, beyond his unfortunate actions.

“The Bronx, as well as the entire City of New York, deserves honest, corruption free government, and the actions of one individual should by no means cast a bad light on the hundreds of hardworking elected officials, in my borough and beyond, who work everyday to represent their constituents and solve problems for their communities. That is the level of service and commitment the public deserves, and I intend to work with my colleagues to rebuild and restore the public’s faith in government,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

John Sampson Car Accident Now Costing 70 Thousand, and Climbing

Just How much will this Accident cost New York State, or should we say you the taxpayer. The 2012 Ford Taurus valued at $35,491.00 was totaled in the crash, while other cars were damaged in the accident. More on this can be found at this link to Capital Tonight which goes into detail about the damages to each car that was involved in the accident. Capital Tonight also includes that the New York Post reports that the car has piled up 23 parking tickets over the past 30 months.

I Will Be a Bionic Man

By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York 

I Will Be a Bionic Man
You should know that according to Doctor Louis Rose, MD, a well-known orthopedic surgeon located at 3058 East Tremont Avenue in the Bronx, who will be performing knee transplant surgery on my left knee, if everything goes according to plan, I will end up being a bionic man.

This Thursday, July 26th, I will be having a knee transplant.  (Unfortunately, I will not be able to make it to the Abrazo Dominicano celebration that I have scheduled for this coming Friday night.)

So, to all of my friends and to all my foes, you should know that I will be out of commission and out of sight for the next 5 – 6 weeks.

Meanwhile, I already know that it will be very hard for me to remain idle for that period of time because knowing  how impatient, hyperactive and  the demanding person that I am, this will be torture for me.  This is an election season and I am up for re-election.  This is going to be a hot summer.  There are a lot of things to do, a lot of constituents to assist, and a lot of people to help.  To all of them, I extend my sorrow, but I have to take care of my leg.

But I assure you that If Doctor Rose’s prediction is correct, “I’ll be back”!!…..stronger.... better…and faster!

I am State Senator Reverend RubĂ©n DĂ­az and this is what you should know. 

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At the Public Hearing conducted by the Board of Health on July 24, 2012, Council Member Oliver Koppell opposed the proposed ban on the sale of sugary beverages over 16 ounces in all restaurants and theaters, food carts and sports arenas regulated by the Health Department. In his testimony, Koppell said, “The proposed regulation is an obstruction of the rights of New Yorkers to choose for themselves the size of the beverages they want to consume and is a clear overreaching of the government into people’s everyday lives.”
He pointed out that the regulation is arbitrary and capricious insofar as it does not apply to all stores and other outlets serving drinks and it does not cover all high sugar beverages, just a select few, not based on health criteria.  Only the size of the cup is regulated, enabling a customer to purchase two or more 16 ounce drinks. It does not prohibit free refills and does not limit the prohibition to minors who arguably do not have the maturity to make a sound choice.
Comparing this regulation to the ban on smoking in restaurants, Koppell said that tobacco is a much more dangerous substance and, furthermore, the rule was enacted after it was passed by the legislative body elected by the people and then signed by the Mayor.  He pointed out that the prohibition on the ban of oversize sugary beverages, which affects thousands of businesses and millions of consumers, will be promulgated only by the Board of Health, an agency whose members are solely appointed by the Mayor.  )

Koppell acknowledged that obesity is a serious issue in New York and across the country, but said, “This regulation is neither a proper nor effective way of addressing the problem.” People are concerned, he said, that this infringement on the rights of New Yorkers will expand to other areas, such as mandating vegetables at every meal, regulating the size of candy bars or pizza slices or prohibiting bars from serving more than two drinks a customer.

Many healthy and health-conscious New Yorkers consume sugary beverages as part of countless pastimes such as movies or sports exhibitions and most of the time it is not reflective of an unhealthy lifestyle,” Koppell said.  “Regulation of this consumption will be regarded by many as an intrusion on their individual freedom, an opinion with which I concur.”
In conclusion, he said, “Let the people choose for themselves how much soda they wish to consume.  There are more effective approaches to battling obesity.”

We will add other comments as they come in.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012


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City Comptroller John C. Liu stated the following on the announcement that same-sex marriage has generated $259 million in economic activity:

“Thirteen months ago our legislators did the right thing and voted to make same-sex marriage a reality, ensuring that New York State was among the leaders in equality. Today’s announcement is simply the icing on the wedding cake.”


Co-Op City Residents Rally Against 2013 Transit Fare Hike

Co-Op City Residents to Rally Against 2013 Transit Fare Hike

Call For Restoration Of Local Bus Service And Access-A-Ride

Co-Op City residents are tired of being asked to pay more for less when it comes to public transit. To get almost anywhere in New York City, they must transfer from a bus to a subway or even worse, from a bus to another bus before making it to the subway. Since the 2010 service cuts, this has been a fact-of-life in the transit desert that is Co-Op City

The loss of the Bx26 and the Bx28 and unpredictable Access-A-Ride service make public transit unreliable in a neighborhood that is home to approximately 55,000 New Yorkers.

WHEN            July 25, 2012, 7 pm

WHERE          Section One Greenway
                      Co-Op City The Bronx, NY, 10475 

WHO             State Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson
                       Assembly Member Michael Benedetto
                       Office of U.S. Representative Eliot Engel
                       Retirees of Dreiser Loop
                       Co-Op City Against MTA Cuts
                       Transportation Alternatives
                       Local transit riders

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Monday, July 23, 2012


By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York 

New York State’s Highest Ranking African American Leader: John Sampson
You should know that Senator John Sampson serves as New York State’s highest ranking African American elected official.  While Congressman Charlie Rangel serves in the U.S. Congress, it is John Sampson who serves as New York State Senate Minority Leader and as such, he is officially the highest ranking African American leader.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the National Action Network founded by Rev. Al Sharpton, the National Rainbow Coalition founded by Rev. Jesse Jackson and many other national and local organizations were created with one purpose in common: to fight for, obtain, and protect political, educational, social, and economic equality for the African American community.

You should all know about heroes in that struggle such as Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and others who gave their lives to ensure that the African American community would be respected and that the African American community would obtain their fair share in participating in America’s political process.

In regards to John Sampson maintaining his leadership, I have to question: where have these organizations all been?  It seems to me that John Sampson has been abandoned.

All of the previously mentioned African American organizations have allowed Governor Andrew Cuomo and the political establishment to abuse, to make a mockery of, and practically destroy John Sampson.

They have even allowed four “Independent” Democrats to disregard Senator Sampson’s leadership and form their own Committee, creating a force that has practically ignored and disregarded the official political achievements of African Americans and the minority community in the State of New York.

Rev. Al Sharpton and his National Action Network seem to have dedicated themselves to  raising their voices on civil rights issues by engaging in lawsuits whenever there is abuse in the community.  On the other hand, the NAACP seems to have shifted its purpose to using its resources and energy to align themselves with the gay marriage and abortion issues.

I can remember that from time to time, my mother used to give my father grief when he would be out spending time with his friends.  I remember how my father used to tell my mother: “My friends are my friends with their virtues and their defects.”

My humble suggestion to the NAACP, to Rev. Al Sharpton, and to Rev. Jesse Jackson is to wake up and smell the coffee.  It’s time to get behind Senate Democratic Leader John Sampson right now and make sure that the African American community takes action to ensure that he doesn’t lose his leadership in New York State.   I only hope it’s not too late to make them realize what they may have lost already.

Instead of bowing to Governor Andrew Cuomo and others who make a mockery of what the African American community has already achieved, now is the time for the African American leadership nationwide to take a stand and extend to John Sampson, New York State’s highest ranking African American leader, the support he needs.  It’s time to show him the courtesy and respect he deserves and give him everything he needs to maintain his leadership position.

Because ladies and gentlemen, like my father used to tell my mother about his friends, John Sampson with his virtues and defects, is still a friend.

I am Senator Reverend RubĂ©n DĂ­az and this is what you should know. 



RE: Shooting Death of Four-Year Old Lloyd Morgan

“I am deeply saddened by last night’s incident in Morrisania, where four-year old Lloyd Morgan fell victim to gun violence while playing at a playground where his family and neighbors were enjoying a basketball game and barbecue. My heart goes out to his family through this difficult time as we keep little Lloyd Morgan in our prayers.   These senseless acts being committed in our borough, and in fact across the City and nation must stop.  It is disappointing that our residents can’t relax on a Sunday without fearing their life will be taken by a thug’s bullet. My office will continue to work to take as many illegal guns off of our streets as we possibly can.

I urge all Bronxites with knowledge of illegal guns in their community to call 866-GUN-STOP to anonymously report those guns to the police, a program that my office continues to promote through our ‘Peace in our Streets’ campaign,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

More information on the 866-GUN-STOP program can be found at the following link:

Statement from Assemblyman Marcos A. Crespo

First and foremost I wish to convey my deepest condolences to the Morgan family for the tragic death of 4 year old Lloyd Morgan. While no words can erase their pain, we must come together as a community and stand together to comfort and support the Morgan family during this difficult time.

I hope that anyone with any information about the individuals or groups responsible for this tragedy come forward and help law enforcement in their efforts for a expeditious investigation and arrest. If anyone has information, I urge them to call 1800 577 TIPS (8477).

Lastly, as the media discusses this case in relation to the debate over stop and frisk policies, it is my hope that our continuous pleas for reform will not get distorted into something they are not. We must proactively use every tool to address illegal guns and criminal behavior in all communities, but tools must be used appropriately. The numbers related to stop and frisk do not support the theory that it has been used effectively or that it has deterred the use of illegal guns.

We welcome and are always willing to partner with law enforcement to eradicate criminal behavior and put an end to this violence. But we will achieve nothing with a war of words and no real discussion. Our communities remain desperate for resources and services to offer alternatives to violence for our youth, and not addressing this very real need serves no one. The loss of after school programs, resources for local volunteer groups, and little education and job placement services must be discussed as part of the answer to go along with law enforcement.

As I stated to Ms. Morgan, I will do my part to support her family, and strongly encourage any witnesses to come forward with information that will lead to the arrest of those responsible.

Statemant from Senator Rev Ruben Diaz:
“I wish I could find a way to offer some comfort to the family and neighbors of 4 year Lloyd Morgan.  My thoughts and prayers are with them. We cannot allow  the killing to continue.  We cannot allow the violence to continue. We cannot continue to tell parents of innocent victims “I’m sorry and I feel your pain,”  while practically giving criminals and thugs a carte blanche to continue with these shootings.

I understand that there are many people that will not go along with my decision to support the Stop and Frisk Policy but if the Stop and Frisk policy can make a difference, then we need to realize that it’s time to support Stop and Frisk,  and that a life such as Little Lloyd Morgan is worth more than  anyone feeling discomfort by being stopped and searched by the police.