Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Weiner Continues Issue Discussions During His Keys to the City Tour with Idea #32

  Anthony Weiner visited Riverdale Senior Services to discuss a proposal from his book, Keys to the City - 64 Ideas to Keep New York the Capital of the Middle Class, that would provide much-needed relief to those who care for the elderly or long-term ill in New York City.
Weiner’s proposal reduces the financial burden on caregivers by providing a city exemption for those who provide care to their loved ones at home. 

Today, there are over 1 million New Yorkers who provide care to older family members with chronic illnesses and about 200,000 of them live with their dependents.  This number is expected to rise as the number of New Yorkers over the age of 65 grows by an estimated 47% between 2005 and 2030.  The average national expenses for family caregivers – on items such as household goods, food, transportation, medical co-payments and pharmaceuticals – is $5,531 a year. 

Idea #32 – Subsidize New Yorkers Who Are Caregivers at Home – By providing a “Caregiver Tax Exemption,” burdens so that families no longer have to make choices between providing care for their family members or the basic life necessities. Weiner’s proposal would:
  • Double the existing federal tax relief for at-home caregivers by providing a $7,800 exemption from the filer’s personal income tax burden at the city level.   
  • Save 104,000 middle-class New Yorkers who provide at home care an average of $250 per year, easing burdens so they can now more easily buy necessities like a tub chair, which costs $280, or a motion sensor, costing $325, to turn off the stove automatically. 

Claimants must receive the Federal Dependent Exemption be a full-time resident of New York City, live with their dependent, and not have an income of over $100,000. Those who qualify would simply check a new box on the state tax form, lowering the amount of income on which the city would levy personal income tax. Weiner’s proposal is expected to have a positive impact on the wallets of over 100,000 New Yorkers

“Many middle class New Yorkers and those struggling to make it are trapped in a vice, caring for children on one end and elderly relatives on the other,” said Mr. Weiner. “As more of us face these realities, the City can send a message that caregivers are providing a valuable service and no longer have to choose between food and medicine.”

Monday, July 22, 2013

Weiner Visits Riverdale Senior Services

  Candidate for mayor Anthony Weiner came back to Riverdale once again to talk with seniors at the Riverdale Senior Services Center located on Netherland Avenue. He brought with him his story of Grandma Weiner when she lived on Waldo Avenue. The WG stood for Grandma Weiner and not Waldo Gardens he said Grandma Weiner told him.  
  After the ice breaker candidate Weiner spoke of Obama Care and his role in helping pass it. Weiner went into several other items  that were geared for the mainly senior citizen audience he was standing in front of. After finishing speaking Weiner took some questions from the audience. When asked who he might vote for if not running, Weiner said someone who is a supporter of the middle class like himself, has a history of fighting for seniors, and was a nice guy. 
  When it came to funding for seniors that seems to be decreasing each year under Mayor Bloomberg (he was told) Weiner said that he would fight for more funding for senior centers, and "keep the money coming from the Department For The Aging" (DFTA). Weiner then mentioned that all the democratic candidates spent a night in public housing, decrying the New York City Housing Authority management, and calling for the unemployed laborers to help fix up the NYCHA housing.
  Weiner lambasted the Rent Guidelines Board when asked about rent stabilized housing saying that unless something is done in 2013/2014 that in 2015 people from outside the city will determine the rent increases again. Weiner also said that the Erstead Law need to be revised since times have changed since that law went into effect. Weiner then took individual questions from the seniors gathered, and toured the Riverdale Senior Services Center with Executive Director Julia Schwartz Leeper.


Left and Right - Mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner uses his arms to help get his point across to the audience gathered to hear him at the Riverdale Senior Services Center.

Weiner also spoke to many individual people after he finished his talk to the group .

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Mark Gjonaj Fundraiser

  Next year recently elected Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj will be up for re-election. To run a successful campaign like he did last year Assemblyman Gjonaj has already started to raise funds for next years campaign as you see below. Just the right border is cut off to enlarge the print.

FREE mammography screenings this Monday

  This came in from Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda.

In the interest of helping to stir conversation and awareness concerning women's health, next week, there will be FREE mammography screenings for uninsured or under insured females 40 and over.

Date: Monday, July 22, 2013
Time: 9:00am-1:30pm
Location: E. 180th Street (Between E. Tremont and Van Nest Avenue)

Appointments necessary. Please call 718-931-2620 to reserve your spot now.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Bronx Democratic County Committee Dinner

  Wednesday night July 17th was the annual Bronx Democratic County Dinner. Before you entered the driveway however were protesters (from the Freedom Party) who were complaining about political corruption. Public Advocate candidate Lettita James (endorsed by the BDCC) greeted you at the door. In the main ballroom there was not an open space to be had as tables and chairs were set up to the max. I was told that over 1,000 people were expected during the course of the night, and that being with the Bronx Democratic County organization already having endorsed candidates in what seems to be a large field in almost every race. 

  BDCC Chairman Carl Heastie had lots of help from 77th A.D. Male District Leader Venancio "BENNY" Catala, BDCC Executive Director Ischia Bravo, and all of those who participated in the preparation of the dinner. There were lots of politicians in the house as Bronx BP Ruben Diaz might say. Citywide only Democratic candidate for mayor Bill Thompson (endorsed by the BDCC) was on hand, as well as current Manhattan Borough President and candidate for City Comptroller (endorsed by the BDCC) Scott Stringer, and  current Brooklyn Councilwoman and candidate for Public Advocate (endorsed by the BDCC) Lettita James.

   Statewide Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, Attorney General Eric Schniderman, and Comptroller Tom Dinapoli were in attendance. Almost every Bronx current City Council member and State Assembly member also attended. I did not see however any of the four members of Congress in attendance, but did see reps of a couple. It was good to see Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj at this years dinner after being shut out of last year because he ran against a BDCC backed candidate. I won't go into what we both said, but we had a good laugh.

  I almost forgot to mention the Honorees at the dinner. Mr. Mitchell Draizin of Longview Capital Partners, Ms. Sandra Erickson of Sandra Erickson Real Estate inc., SEIU BJ32 President Hector Figueroa, Mr. Kenneth Knuckles of the Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone, Mr. Michael Mcguire of the Mason Tenders District Council, and Mr. George Miranda President of Teamsters Joint Council 16.


Left - Father Richard Gorman Chair of Community Board 12 gives the invocation as 77A.D. Male District Leader Venancio "BENNY" Catala and BDCC Executive Director Ischia Bravo stand with BDCC Chairman Heastie.
Right - BDCC Chairman Assemblyman Carl Heastie welcomes everyone.


Left - Could New York State Attorney General Eric Schniderman and Comptroller Tom Dinapoli be giving Manhattan Borough President and candidate for City Comptroller some advice in his race now against former Governor Elliot Spitzer, or just fixing Stringers tie.
Right - Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver addressing the audience.

Left - Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr. poses with Deputy BP Greene.
Right - Bronx BP Diaz with his good friend Mayoral candidate Bill Thompson.

DeBlasio Headquarters Opens in the Bronx

  The Roselyn Johnson Democratic Club of the 87th A.D. located at 1512 Castle Hill Avenue has become the Bronx Headquarters for Mayoral candidate Bill DeBlasio. The official opening was Thursday July 18th, and due to to him being in Queens protesting the closing of a much needed hospital Bill DeBlasio's wife had to stand in for him at the grand opening of his Bronx office as you will see below.
87th A.D. Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda rallies his troops for the grand opening of the Bill DeBlasio for mayor Bronx headquarters in the Roselyn Johnson Democratic Club located at 1512 Castle Hill Avenue.
While he was protesting the closing of a much needed hospital in another borough, the wife of Bill DeBlasio  stands in for her husband.

Foxy Family 2nd Annual Reunion at Orchard Beach - July 27

The Foxy Family Inc. Announces the
Foxy Family 2nd Annual Reunion at Orchard Beach
  The Foxy Family Inc. organization along with the South Bronx Network and Puerto Rico Sun Communications will hold their 2nd Annual Reunion on Saturday, July 27, 2013 from 7am to 4pm.
The event will be held at Orchard Beach in Section 4. This is a great opportunity to meet new friends and spend quality time with friends and family.

During the event everyone can participate in volleyball, dominoes, steal the bacon and other childhood games.
There will be music, dancing and special guests.
Admission is free. Everyone should bring a dish to share with everyone.
It is a great opportunity for everyone to Network and meet new friends.
The Foxy Family is a Non-Profit Organization that is rebuilding families by uniting them during hard times.

BP Diaz to Celebrate Ramadan

Evening Honorees 
Hamud Al-Silwi, Ph.D.
Director of Islamic American University, New York Branch

 Ramatu Ahmed
Community Organizer & Activist
New Settlement Apartments