Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Items From Comptroller John Liu

In response to the ongoing blackout of CBS (NYSE: CBS) and Showtime by Time Warner Cable (NYSE: TWC), City Comptroller John C. Liu has asked Mayor Bloomberg to convene an emergency meeting of the Franchise Concession and Review Committee (FCRC) in the next 24 hours to discuss actions to bring an end to the blackout. Comptroller Liu has repeatedly called on Time Warner Cable and CBS to resolve their contract differences without resorting to a blackout that unfairly punishes cable viewers. His letter to the mayor is reproduced below.

August 5, 2013

Hon. Michael Bloomberg
The City of New York
City Hall
New York, N.Y. 10007

Re: Emergency FCRC Meeting

Dear Mayor Bloomberg:

As members of the Franchise Concession and Review Committee (FCRC) established by §373 of the New York City Charter, the Mayor and the Comptroller share an obligation to review and enforce cable franchise agreements with the City of New York.  On Friday at 5 pm, because of the dispute between New York City Time Warner Cable (TWC) and CBS, more than a million customers lost the ability to watch the programming of CBS and Showtime, services for which they continue to pay. 

In order to end the dispute, I ask that you convene an emergency FCRC meeting in the next 24 hours to review TWC’s franchise agreement with New York City.  At the meeting, my representative will urge that the City aggressively pursue any and all possible penalties and enforcement actions that can be levied against TWC, including, but not limited to, the following:

(1)   A penalty for each day a cable channel is dark;
(2)   Possible termination of TWC’s franchise agreement, which is set to expire in 2020; and
(3)   A fair credit for TWC customers.

New York City customers are suffering because of a standoff between two corporate giants. We need to send a strong message to all cable providers that receiving a New York City franchise is a privilege they must not abuse.

John C. Liu 


City Comptroller John C. Liu stated the following in response to questions about the State Supreme Court's decision invalidating the prevailing wage law for building-service workers.

"The decision striking down the City Council's prevailing wage law is a loss for working men and women. Workers employed in structures that receive major City subsidies or where the City occupies significant space should be entitled to a prevailing wage. We must continue to fight to ensure all New Yorkers receive fair compensation for their work.”


  City Comptroller John C. Liu stated the following in response to early reports on City schools’ results on the new state “Common Core” test scores:
New York City public schools’ reportedly dismal results on the new state tests send a clear message: Mayor Bloomberg and his Tweed cronies have been cooking the books on student test scores for 12 years. Pointing to rising high-school graduation rates, the Mayor claimed that high-stakes testing was leading to greater student achievement and teacher accountability. He excoriated teachers and others who pointed out the flaws in his analysis. In fact, the regime of teaching to the tests pushed kids out the schoolhouse door, even if their diplomas were worthless and their skills did not permit them to succeed in college or jobs. Mayor Bloomberg had 12 years to advance his so-called reforms and pad his educational legacy. He failed. He cannot spin these results to mean something they don’t. New York City’s children deserve better.




KHNIA Health & Wellness Fair-- September 21, 2013

The Kingsbridge Heights Neighborhood Improvement Association is sponsoring a Community Health Fair on Saturday, September 21, 2013 from 10 AM to 6 PM on Reservoir Avenue between 197th Street and University Avenue.

The purpose of the fair is to help the attendees to learn to take better care of themselves and their families.  At the fair they will have a chance to speak with medical professionals, get blood pressure screening and learn the benefits of massage and body work.  This is a free event with no charge to attendees.
 Volunteers are needed to help make the health fair a success.  There are a limited number of spaces available for health related vendors.
For more information or to reserve a space please contact us at the number below. 
Thank you, we hope to see you on September 21.
Al Chapman
Chair, KHNIA
RSVP:  718-618-7550

The Kingsbridge Heights Neighborhood Improvement Association
2805 University Avenue Suite B    Bronx, NY 10468-2608
718-618-7550       FAX: 718-618-7549

Sunday, August 4, 2013

15th Council Debate on Bronxtalk

  Monday night on Bronxtalk hosted by Gary Axelbank starting at 9 PM the candidates for the 15th council district square off for a live televised debate. See which candidate knows what the issues of the 15th council district are, has the best record of achievement, and real goals that can be met for the 15th district. 
  The candidates are Kenny Agosto, Albert Alvarez, Raquel Batista, Joel Bauza, Joel R. Rivera, Cynthia Thompkins, and Ritchie Torres. There have been challenges to all the candidates petitions, and the Board of Elections has ruled at least one candidate off the ballot, but there are still some court cases pending.

  Bronxtalk airs on Monday nights beginning at 9 PM can be found on Cablevision channel 67 or Fios channel 34

  There will be a full recap of the debate on this blog the next day.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Parkchester National Night out Tue. Aug. 6th

  National Night out will be on Tuesday August 6th this year. Across the Bronx in each police precinct local neighborhood people, elected officials, and community leaders join with the local police precinct to celebrate national night out to fight against crime. This event will be held in every Bronx police precinct.
  This came from Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda about the Parkchester National Night Out.
The Parkchester National Night Out is an event sponsored by myself, the NYC Public Advocate Bill DeBlasio, and City Councilwoman Annabel Palma. 
Date: Tuesday, August 6th 
Place: Parkchester Train Station (6 line/ Hugh J. Grant Circle) 
Time: 3PM-8PM
There will be free food and drinks. Free entertainment for children. Live music, and more. 
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Friday, August 2, 2013

11th Council Debate Bedford Park

  Last night there was a debate between the three candidates Andrew Cohen, Cheryl Keeling, and Cliff Stanton in the 11th council race in the Bedford Park area of the district. Moderator Alex Kratz opened up by saying that candidate Cheryl Keeling had been ruled off the ballot by the ballot by the Board of Elections after being challenged by the Stanton camp, but because she was appealing the decision in the courts that she would be in the debate. Kratz also said that there would be opening statements by each candidate, questions by him mixed in with audience questions, and then closing statements by each candidate. During the question and answer round each candidate would be given a chance to answer, with the original candidate answering to be given time to rebut the other answers. That happened only twice.
  Candidate Keeling was first up and spoke of her mother a world record holder in the 60 meter run at various ages over 85, brought her mother up to where she was standing in front of the candidates table, and said that she could be trusted. Candidate Andrew Cohen spoke of his position on Community Board #8, friends of Van Cortlandt Park, family life, his endorsement by almost every local elected official and union, and closed by saying that he would be a full time councilman. Candidate Stanton said that he was the local kid in the race, raised in Kingsbridge, graduated from Bronx Science High School, was Chief of Staff to a councilman (however not naming who), was a successful small businessman, and recruited a new middle school. 
   The first question was "What will be the first piece of legislation you pass in the city council. Cohen spoke of the Living Wage battle, Stanton said he already submitted legislation, and Keeling wants to put music, art, and competition back into the public schools. About the different neighborhoods of the district Keeling was first, and said that she spoke Spanish, that the district was diverse, and named some of the different ethnicity's. Cohen mentioned other ethnic cultures, that he has been from corner to corner of the district, and the main problem is Quality of Life issues from the people. Stanton now said that he grew up in Van Cortlandt Village played little league in Kingsbridge, and his kids go to school in Riverdale. He said that he started a senior transportation program adding, because of his mothers problems. 
  As to where the district office would be Stanton said that possibly a mobile office, but had no answer as to where he would have a district office. Cohen said that the current council office is 20 years in the same location, but is not easily accessible by public transportation. Somewhere in Kingsbridge maybe on Broadway he said. Keeling said her first office would be on a major corridor, and her second shared with a business.
  To the question of allocating monies to schools Keeling wants more art, music, and dance. Cohen spoke of being Youth chair on CB 8 noting after school programs as a priority. Stanton said that items like smart boards and I Pads are nice, but not the right tools. As PA President he said PS 24 raised record funds to help supplement the school. 
  How to get more discretionary funding? Cohen has assembled a strong coalition to help him in city hall to help him get more funding he said. Stanton said that he is not running for Secretary of State. He said that he would be fighting for the community. Keeling said that she learned from a former councilman (not naming who), and that she would do it the way it was done when she was growing up by protesting. 
  On the subject of District 10 schools Stanton said when he went to PS 95 it was a good school. but now it is a troubled school. Keeling said that all schools should be equal, and she moved to Riverdale for the good schools. Cohen said that schools are a mixed bag which he wants to advocate for, but the school system has been under a dictatorship the last 12 years.
  About mayoral control of the public schools, Cohen said it has given the mayor to much control. Stanton said the change is in ourselves, as good parental involvement will make the school successful. Keeling spoke of a movement by parents to take back the schools. 
  As far as the businesses wanted by each Keeling said the malls are coming and we need other stores. She spoke of over regulation and the need to take care of the businesses. Cohen bemoaned the lack of variety in local shopping. A possible Business Improvement District for Webster Avenue, and better restaurants and stores. Stanton said "We just can't wish things to happen".
  On the DOE Fund new supportive housing on Webster Avenue all three candidates opposed the project. On park funding all three agreed that more city money is needed, but Stanton asked Cohen "What have you done as a member of the Friends of Van Cortlandt Park"? Cohen replied that he cleared trails in the park. and has redone the mission statement of The Friends. 
  On a question of work hours as a councilman both Cohen and Stanton said that they would be full time councilmen. Cohen then said to Stanton "If you say you are going to be a full time councilman what about your business"? 
  On public safety Cohen said crime is heavy in pockets of Norwood, Perry Avenue as an example, adding that the level of police officers is declining, and the district and city need more police officers. Keeling said that teenagers need jobs to keep them off the streets. Stanton bashed Stop N Frisk mentioning a man who had been through it, and to a follow up question said that he was stopped while driving on his block for talking on a cell phone and given a ticket. Stanton then said that he had a blue tooth connection. Cohen mentioned that 700,000 people have been stopped and Frisked some more than once, and it was unconstitutional. Keeling said that only one percent resulted in an arrest for the original stop.
  To the decline of Bronx students at Bronx Science High School Stanton said that he graduated from the school in1981when kids came from the local area. He said now there are buses lined up to take kids home to Queens, saying that standards do not need to be lowered to accept more Bronx students, but make Bronx schools better. Cohen said to offer more support to students such as prep classes so the student would be ready and do better on the entrance exam to Bronx Science. Keeling downplayed test prep saying that the student needed to be prepared for the courses.
 As to why the Bronx is always being dumped on Keeling said that the 15th Congressional District is the poorest in the country. On affordable housing that she had spoke to six voters in one house, but said they were not from the 11th council district, which brought chuckles and laughter from Mr. Stanton. Cohen said to be careful what you wish for, and that people may get priced out of affordable housing. Stanton said there is a long way to go, change is needed on all levels, not to shot ourselves in the foot.
  To homeless families Stanton said he left a meeting where he heard much of what does not work and very little of what does work not giving any examples. Keeling said people are being evicted to raise prices to make it unaffordable housing. Cohen said that there are 50,000 New Yorkers and 20,000 children who are living in shelters, there needs to be homeless prevention, and the number of homeless has increased under Mayor Bloomberg.
  When asked about the choice for the Putnam Trail Keeling said not paving, Cohen said Crushed Stone, and Stanton said pave it. Council committees to be on Stanton Land Use, Finance, Education, and Transportation. Cohen Land use, Health, Education. Keeling Land use.
  When asked to answer yes to the importance of Section 8 housing, summer youth, day cae, ESL, and after school programs and how to pay for more, Stanton said all yes, leave it up to the Finance Committee. adding to cut down on outsourcing. Cohen also said yes to all adding that economic growth and policies that will generate the growth to pay for the needed services. Keeling said head start slots are needed as some have been cut due to Washington.
  About co-location of charter schools Keeling said that she was not in favor of it. Cohen said that there are two issues one of multiple schools in one building with the added cost of the administrations, and the other of placing charter schools in public schools. He said that he was against co location in public schools. Stanton said that he also is not in favor of co location in public schools adding that is why his charter school is located in a free standing building. He said that charter schools are public schools. 
 Closing statements Cohen went over some of what he said including the endorsements he has gotten. Keeling spoke of her eighteen months with a Jewish family and the experience she received from it back in the 1960's era. Stanton said to compare the candidates and their records. Of the endorsements he said look at where it comes from, and then attacked the Ben Franklin Democratic Club for paying for endorsements for candidate Cohen. Cohen then stated that Stanton was the one who had to pay for an endorsement as reported.
  The debate was then over, but there were questions as to why certain questions were not asked such as one person who said he gave in a question that was not asked. He wanted to know more of this contribution taken by candidate Stanton from the owner of Scores and another strip club, and what it meant.

Left - The three candidates before the debate as candidates Cohen and Stanton seem to be on friendly terms.
Right - Candidate Cheryl Keeling during her opening statement.

Left- Candidate Andrew Cohen giving his opening statement.
Right - Candidate Cliff Stanton.

Left - Stanton attacks Cohen mid-way through the debate about his volunteer work for The Friends of Van Cortlandt Park.
Right - During his closing statement Stanton attacks the Ben Franklin Democratic Club for paying for endorsements for Andrew Cohen. Cohen answers "It is you Cliff Stanton that has paid for your endorsement".


  Huge Endorsement for Surging Public Advocate Candidate 

  Cathy Guerriero, candidate for New York City Public Advocate announced that her campaign has earned the endorsement of the Uniformed Firefighters Association (UFA). 

Guerriero leads the way in this race with a total of 57 endorsements, from unions/locals, advocacy groups, faith-based leaders, political clubs and media.  Of those endorsements, 20 are from organizations representing uniformed personnel.

“This endorsement is as personal as it gets for me,” said Guerriero.  “I have family members – past and present - who are part of a proud tradition of serving in the FDNY.  The brave firefighters who risk everything to help others in dire need, and the retirees who have done their service deserve elected officials who will stand with them.  They all deserve a Public Advocate who will stand with them to unequivocally oppose the closing of fire houses; they deserve a Public Advocate who will work closely with them to fix the city’s emergency 911 system; they deserve a Public Advocate who will oppose any further reductions in staffing, the thought of which is patently ridiculous since the city’s population is growing.  The talk about closing more fire houses must stop – if anything we need to reopen some of the engine and ladder companies that have been shortsightedly shuttered.  I will be that Public Advocate.  I will stand firmly with the UFA and work to give them the tools they need to continue to protect live and property.”

Steve Cassidy, President of the UFA said, “New Yorkers need elected leaders that will fight aggressively for the resources needed to keep our communities safe and secure.  The last 12 years have been the busiest in the FDNY’s 148-year history and as New York City’s true rescue agency the FDNY needs to be adding resources to address the growth in population and massive development plans in communities across the five boroughs.  Cathy Guerriero has displayed passion, dedication and the work-ethic to make a difference as Public Advocate.    The UFA and New York City Firefighters are proud to endorse Cathy Guerriero to be the next Public Advocate.”    

The Uniformed Firefighters Association represents more than 8,000 New York City Firefighters, Fire Marshals, Marine Wipers and Marine Engineers in the FDNY.  It is the largest firefighters union local in the world.

A senior adjunct professor, former star athlete and small business owner, Guerriero comes from a union family of teachers, police officers and firefighters.  Both of her parents were public school teachers, and for 35 years her father worked two jobs: teacher by day and at night he worked as a longshoremen’s security guard for the Port Authority, helping to provide for Cathy and her five siblings.  

For a complete listing of Cathy Guerriero’s many endorsements and more information on her candidacy for NYC Public Advocate, go to www.cathyguerriero.com.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Bill Thompson Returns to the Bronx

  Earlier today Mayoral candidate Bill Thompson came to the Pelham Diner in the Eastchester section of the Bronx to have lunch with Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Carl Heastie, Assembly members Mark Gjonaj (80th A.D.) Marcos Crespo (85th A.D.) and several other community leaders. As you will see in the photos below Mayoral candidate Bill Thompson received a warm welcome from the patrons in the diner when he and Borough President Diaz introduced themselves. In the 2009 Democratic primary Thompson sweep the Bronx with roughly 75 percent of the vote cast. In the 2009 general election Thompson carried almost 60 percent of the Bronx Vote. 


Left - Before Mayoral candidate Bill Thompson arrived this truck with two union sponsors was on hand to greet Thompson  and the slew of reporters that were with him.
Right - Thompson and Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr. went around to greet the patrons. 

Left - Thompson making one of his many points about his campaign as seated to his left is 80th A.D. Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj, and to his right Paul Del Duca Chief of Staff to BP Diaz, BP Diaz, Bronx Democratic County Leader Carl Heastie, and 85 A.D. Assemblyman Marcos Crespo.
Right - Looking over County Leader Heasties back in this view, Thompson listens to what BP Diaz had to say.

1199SEIU, NYC’s Largest Union, Endorses Victor Pichardo for Assembly in the Bronx

  1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East today announced their endorsement of Victor Pichardo for the 86th Assembly District in the Bronx.
Mr. Pichardo is part of a new group of community leaders working for a better future in the Bronx. Kevin Finnegan, Political Director of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, said “During the many years Victor has been working as a public servant, he has put the interest of working people first. He has a strong vision for the future of the Bronx, including good jobs, affordable housing, quality education and health care for all.”
“I am honored and proud to receive the support of 1199SEIU, which has one of the most effective, member-driven political programs in the country. With over 220,000 members in New York City, 1199SEIU’s membership represents the hardworking men and women of the 86th assembly district,” said Victor Pichardo. He added “I look forward to working with 1199SEIU members, who are very politically active and engaged, to help improve the lives of the diverse communities that live in the district and the Bronx.”
Born in New York City, Victor spent his childhood living in the Fordham Road section of the Bronx and the Inwood section of Upper Manhattan. After graduating from the University at Buffalo in 2007 with a degree in Communications and double minors in English and Sociology, Victor pursued an internship with Senator Charles Schumer in New York City. After completing his internship, Victor became Senator Schumer’s Staff Assistant and was eventually promoted to Community Outreach Coordinator/Latino Liaison.
After serving 4 years in Senator Schumer’s office, Victor expanded his career and became an Associate Director of Public Relations at Mercy College. Although it was a wonderful experience, Victor missed the life of public service and decided to return to his true calling. In 2012, Victor became the Director of Community Affairs for State Senator Gustavo Rivera in the Bronx.