Monday, August 19, 2013

John Liu to Visit Tracy Towers Thursday Aug. 20

Special Announcement District Leader Kenny Agosto
Date: Thursday August 22, 2013
Time: 6:30PM  
          Food and refreshments will be served                 
 2435 Jerome Avenue Bronx New York 10468   
info 646-490-9818

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Albert Alvarez Opens Campaign HQ

  15th City Council candidate Albert Alvarez today opened his campaign office on Webster Avenue just south of Fordham Road. As you will see in the photos below the place was packed with supporters. It was an unusually large spectrum of people from throughout the 15th council district. There were even some old strategist from many past campaigns who came to help candidate Alvarez become the front runner in this race. More than one candidate in this race has questioned "Why has Jimmy Vacca put a candidate in our race"? That reference is to Ritchie Torres a staffer for Jimmy Vacca, and one of the candidates in the 15th race.
  There were a few surprises at the grand opening, one being that the Albert Alvarez campaign has joined forces with the Eliot Stitzer for City Comptroller campaign. This sort of marriage between candidates often helps both candidates. Alvarez will help Spitzer in the Latino community, and Spitzer could give Albert Alvarez the needed boost to gain a few more votes that could make the difference in this race. The other surprise was the endorsement of Albert Alvarez by former 15th candidate Kenny Agosto. Many have aid that it was the Torres campaign that went after and knocked off Kenny Agosto, but Mr. Agosto denied that. Agosto said that he is backing who he feels is the best candidate in the 15th council race and that is Albert Alvarez.

Left - You can see the terrific banner for candidate Albert Alvarez that lines Webster Avenue south of Fordham Road complete with his photo, phone number and Website.
Right - You can see the Eliot Spitzer for Comptroller posters next to the Albert Alvarez posters.

Left & Right - you can see the packed campaign office.

Bill Thompson Campaigns at Tracy Towers

  Led by 80th Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj Mayoral candidate Bill Thompson spoke with close to 100 people who attended the Tracy Towers Tenants Association candidate forum last night. Other candidates in attendance were 11th City Council candidates Andrew Cohen and Cliff Stanton even though Mr. Stanton left before the event started. Ms. Jean Hill President of the Tenants Association said that they were giving the tenants a chance to meet the candidates running for office. 
  Assemblyman Gjonaj introduced Mayoral candidate Bill Thompson. Thompson spoke of his families heritage, and how fortunate his family was to have been given opportunities to succeed which now are closing fast. How his mother was a teacher, and his father became the first black State Senator, City Councilman, and Judge, and is still active at the age of 89. Thompson said he is running "to turn the city around to give all the people the same chance his parents had many years ago.
  Thompson spoke of the recent poor showing of New York City students on the recent statewide exams, and said that the students are not getting the education they need to compete with others for the jobs that are out there. He said he wants a real educator in charge at the Board of Education mentioning former chancellors Ramon Cortines and Rudy Crew as example when he was President of the Board before mayoral control which has gone no where. 
  Thompson would bring a new era of policing by getting rid of current police commissioner Ray Kelly, add more officers to an undermanned police force, and end the misuse of Stop N Frisk. He spoke of working with the private sector to get more good jobs, stop outsourcing municipal jobs, and train students who may not get into college for the high paying trade jobs. 
  On housing Thompson wants to have 120,000 more units of affordable housing in his 8 years as mayor, with 70,000 of them new units. He said that in the 20 years of the Giuliani and Bloomberg both only cared about one borough that being Manhattan. 
  Assemblyman Gjonaj then introduced City Council candidate Andrew Cohen who spoke briefly, but ended by saying "Better days are ahead for Tracy".
  Questions were taken that included how to cut crime that was answered by Thompson of having more programs and schools open longer to keep students away from trouble. Who will be the new police commissioner was answered that Thompson did not know yet, but that he would be in on the interview process of Ray Kellys successor. When asked about the polls Thompson said that 4 years ago the polls had him down by 20 points. When he asked how many people in the room had been polled only 2 raised their hands (with me the writer of this story being one). Thompson said not to be fooled again like in 2009. On a question of contracts and pay raises to city employees Thompson blasted Current Mayor Bloomberg for letting all city worker contracts expire at one time. He said that he would sit down with the unions to see just where and how the contracts could be done.

Left - 80th A.D. Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj introducing Mayoral candidate Bill Thompson. 11th City Council candidate Andrew Cohen is seated near Thompson, and spoke later.
Right - Mayoral candidate Bill Thompson telling the voters of Tracy Towers why they should vote for him.


Left - 80th A.D. Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj (Right), 11th City Council candidate Andrew Cohen (center), and Mayoral candidate Bill Thompson (left) pose for photo.
Right - The three are joined by 81st A.D. Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Ms. Jean Hill, and other officers of the Tracy Towers Tenants Association.

New Carlos Danger Weiner to Debut Labor Day

  This one comes from Celeste Katz at the Daily News. 

  An outfit pushing “Carlos Danger Weiners” plans a Labor Day weekend NYC launch replete with “super hot Weiner Girls” promoting an extra-large frank that “rises to any occasion.” 

  The all-beef (but non-kosher) dogs weigh in at a quarter-pound each and “plump up to about the size of a 50-cent piece around” when cooked.
  A 40-dog “Super Tailgater” pack selling for $79.95 comes with a dozen stick-on moustaches thrown in as a tribute to Weiner’s infamous online alias.

  It was mentioned that team Weiner had no immediate comment. 

  To read the full story by Celeste Katz go to Hot Dog Entrepreneurs .

Friday, August 16, 2013

Weiner Visits Bronx Again

  Mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner visited Soundview Park in the Bronx’s 43rd Precinct, which had the borough’s second-highest number of stops in 2011, to discuss a proposal from his book, Even More Keys to the City – 61 Additional Ideas to Keep New York the Capital of the Middle Class, to require beat cops to wear cameras so that stops can be police-citizen encounters, can be recorded and accountability is heightened. 
  Weiner said that in  Rialto, California, (about the size of the average NYC Police Precinct) a body-worn camera pilot program implemented between February 2012 and July 2013 resulted in an 88% decline in the number of complaints filed against police officers and a 60% reduction in the use of force by officers as compared to the year before, increasing accountability and protecting both civilians and officers.  The program has been considered such a success that the Rialto police department is expanding it this fall.  
  Weiner stated that each year, the NYPD interacts with on average 23 million civilians, and the end of 2012, lawsuits against the NYPD were at a historic high, costing taxpayers $185 million in 2011 alone the previous year.  
  Idea Key #74: Require Beat Cops to Wear Cameras as a vehicle for ensuring citizens a higher level of accountability from the NYPD and protect officers from false accusations. Weiner’s proposal, part of several measures to improve crime abatement, would drastically improve the relationship between officers and citizens. Implement a pilot program in 20 high-risk, high-poverty precincts with the goal of gauging the lessening of crime and arrests in the area due to this measure. Cameras are a small investment for the city that will pay for themselves in savings the city will receive from clearing the back log of tort and civil actions and administrative costs associated with an arrest.

 “Each day we send our NYPD officers into communities with the expectation that they will treat communities with ‘Courtesy, Professionalism, and Respect’ and we have an obligation to modify the enforcement of a policy that is clearly straining relationships with our citizens,” said Weiner. “This proposal is one solution worth pursuing in the effort to continually bring down crime while building strong community ties,” Weiner said.  
   You can go to  to find out more.

Left- Mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner talks about Idea Key #74 Implement a pilot program for police to wear body cameras to improve crime abatement, and the relationship between police officers and the community.Right - one such camera is in Weiners hand to show the size of it.


Left - After answering reporters questions Ms. Roselle O'Mara and Mr. Shawn Roberts confronted Weiner over the Stop N Frisk issue. Mr. Roberts said that he had been stopped twice for no reason.
Right - Weiner answers the pair.
 Weiner then went to the James Monroe Senior Center located at 1776 Story Avenue to meet the seniors and listen to their concerns. As seen in the photos below.

Ben Franklin Dem. Club Votes Not to Endorse Again

  Wednesday August 14th the members of the Ben Franklin Democratic Club voted again not to endorse any Democratic candidate in this years primary.  There was a little scuffle however when one member who is supporting Christine Quinn questioned a letter from Councilman G. Oliver Koppell that was some what negative about the speaker. The Councilman's wife stood up to blast several members without naming them for sending out an e-mail about Councilman Koppell's negative letter to the members of the club about Speaker Quinn. Councilman Koppell then said candidates go after each other all the time. The letter said that he had been in the City Council for almost 8 years now with Christine Quinn as speaker, and that she was doing things mainly for political gain. 
  A little more mayhem was thrown into the mix when Male District Leader Bruce Feld warned that some members might vote not for their candidate seeing that tonight that candidate does not have enough support to win. One member then stated that he was supporting De Blasio, but would vote differently because it looked like De Blasio would not win the club endorsement that night. Another member said that an endorsement should unite, and not divide the club. Assemblyman Dinowitz said that Councilman Koppell had the right to send his letter out, as harsh as it was to candidate Quinn. He also said "The club needs to focus on the candidates that have already been endorsed", mentioning Public Advocate, City Comptroller, Bronx Borough President, and 11th city council. Dinowitz suggested as many other members of the club had said that there be no endorsement tonight. After State Senator Gustavo Rivera thanked the club for helping him win ion 2010, he stated that he was supporting Speaker Quinn. A voice vote was then called for, which by a 10 - 1 margin was in favor of not endorsing for mayor at this time. 

Left - Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz addresses the club as to why he thinks "No Endorsement" should be taken at this time.
Right - Councilman Koppell states his case.


Left - Lorraine Coyle Koppell blasts club members for attacking her husband Councilman Koppell in a secret e-mail sent to certain members.
Right - BFDC member and De Blasio supporter David Kornblau speaks of how he will vote seeing that his candidate may not have enough support to win the endorsement.

Left - 11th City Council candidate Andrew Cohen (endorsed by the BFDC) thanks the club for their volunteer work in helping him get on the ballot, and asks for more volunteers for the rest of the campaign.
Right - State Senator Gustavo Rivera mentions that he is supporting Christine Quinn for Mayor.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Morrison Avenue Festival Sat. Aug. 17th

Kellner, Pichardo and $1,000

  86th Assembly candidate Halle Rivera sent us the following.


Bronx, NY  --- In light of the recent allegations of Assemblymember Micah Kellner's sexual harassment of staffers, it is troubling that one of my opponents Victor Pichardo has not yet returned the $1,000 donation he recently received from Kellner.

The news of this recent scandal has hit close to home for me in two ways. First, I am a father and a husband who strongly believes that every woman deserves to be treated with dignity and respect in the workplace. The allegations are serious, disturbing and alarming. This is yet another reason why I continue to denounce this ongoing "cover-up culture", of which I believe Speaker Silver is fully responsible for and should step. If this continues, we will never be able to inspire trust in our elected officials.

It is very irresponsible and alarming that as a candidate running for a seat wrapped in scandal, Pichardo would be careless enough to seek and accept contributions from Kellner.  Shame on him!

I am calling on Pichardo to immediately return the $1,000 donation to Kellner.  We as citizens cannot stand by and allow this to occur behind closed doors without making them known to the most important stakeholders, the people.