Friday, August 15, 2014

Two Major Unions Release September Primary Endorsements

Two major unions have released their endorsements for the September Democratic Primary.

DC 37 the largest municipal New York City Union has endorsed the following Bronx candidates.

Bronx State Assembly   * denotes incumbent
77th A.D.           Latoya Joyner 
78th A.D.         *Jose Rivera
79th A.D.           Marsha Michael
86th A.D.         *Victor Pichardo

Bronx State Senate   * denotes incumbent
33rd S.D.        *Gustavo Rivera
34th S.D.         *Jeff Klein
36th S.D.         *Ruth Hassel-Thompson    

The Public Employees Federation New York State's 2nd largest public employees union made the following two endorsements.

Governor           Zepher Teachout
34th S.D.            Oliver Koppell

Fernando Cabrera Ruled On the Ballot for 33rd State Senate District

  Judge John Carter has ruled in the challenge to candidate Fernando Cabrera for the 33rd State Senate District. In his five page ruling Judge Carter has ruled that the challenger to the Cabrera petition has failed to meet the burden of proof. The application to disqualify candidate Fernando Cabrera has been ruled against and dismissed, leaving candidate Fernando Cabrera on the ballot for the 33rd State Senate.


 Weeks after Senator Gustavo Rivera’s campaign challenged the legitimacy of opponent Fernando Cabrera’s ballot petition signatures, a State judge removed several names from Mr. Cabrera’s petition on account of fraud, but ruled to keep him on the ballot for technical reasons. The judge wrote that a key perpetrator of the petition fraud was “not properly served with a subpoena,” and refused to consider a key piece of information about her fraudulent activity because it was presented too late in court proceedings.

In response, Gustavo Rivera campaign spokesman Karthik Ganapathy issued the following statement:

“While the judge refused to consider a number of our objections on technical grounds, this much is certain: Fernando Cabrera’s campaign repeatedly forged petition signatures from voters who testified that they had never signed; and callously signed under the names of deceased people. This fraud, like Mr. Cabrera’s decision to illegally transfer taxpayer money into his campaign account, show just how little actual support he has for this race, and it's yet another reason he will fail to win this seat for the Republicans on Primary Day.”


  Music Legend makes history performing at Loreto Park

State Senator Jeff Klein hosted Music Icon Engelbert Humperdinck for a lively summer concert in front of an enthusiastic crowd of more than a thousand fans Thursday night. Bronx residents of all ages enjoyed the spectacular evening free of charge at Loreto Park.  Humperdinck performed as part of Senator Klein’s 2014 Summertime Symphonies Series, an annual event that provides free concerts throughout the month of August to Bronx residents.
   State Senator Diane Savino and Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. welcomed the crowd on Senator Klein’s behalf, as he was in transit on the way back from Israel as part of the New York Unity Delegation. State Senator Jeff Klein brought romance back to the Bronx tonight with Humperdinck. His Summer Symphonies series, a tradition in his district,  continues to bring fun, cultural evenings for Bronx residents,” said Senator Diane Savino.who also told the audience that she was Senator Klein's girlfriend.
  Humperdinck’s concert included all-time favorites Release Me, Spanish Eyes, After the Lovin’ and Last Waltz.  During the encore of his performance Thursday night, the singer tossed red towels to a crowd of cheering ladies, wrapped himself in a red robe and exited the stage to a roaring audience.
Also on the stage before the concert were Morris Park Assemblymen Mark Gjonaj and Mike Benedetto, Klein's September primary opponent Oliver Koippell, and Republican November general election opponent Aleksander Mici were also in attendance to try to get some votes.

Left - Koppell stood by the entrance of Loreto Park to greet voters.
Right - Republican candidate Aleksander Mici.

 Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj chats with candidate Oliver Koppell, as he welcomes Koppell to the other side of the 34th State Senate district. Assemblyman Gjonaj is holding his favorite newspaper the Bronx News. 

 No, its not Engelbert Humperdinck singing, but Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. welcoming the almost 1,000 people who came out to see the conceret. On stage with BP Diaz is State Senator Diane Savino, Assemblymen Mark Gjonaj and Mike Benedetto.

As the sun went down the lighting was set so that photos could not be taken. BP Diaz, Senator Savino, and Assemblyman Gjonaj toss out soccer balls to the audience before the concert.

25 MPH Speed Limit Comes to Jerome Avenue

  New signs like this one are posted on Jerome Avenue showing a 25 M.P.H. speed limit. This one is posted not to far where a speeding driver was killed when his car was split in half by one of the train support beams just like this one. Will these signs work, or will it be just like before where many cars are driven recklessly?

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Why Didn't We Come Together, where was Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins?

What You Should Know 
By Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az 
32nd Senatorial District 

Why Didn't We Come Together, where was Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins? 

You should know that this week, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has been quoted again and again in the media about his visit to Israel with Senator Dean Skelos, Senator Jeff Klein and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver saying: “The fact that we came at this time, the fact that we came together. They understood this was not the usual state delegation. That was not lost on them and I think they were very appreciative." 

You should know that even though now more than ever, every gesture of support for Israel is crucial, the New York State Senate was not properly represented in Israel.  Senator Dear Skelos represented the Senate Republican Conference, and Senator Jeff Klein represented the Senate Independent Conference, but no one accompanied the State Legislative Delegation to Israel on behalf of the Regular Senate Democratic Conference.  No one from the Senate Democratic Conference even showed up on this mission to Israel to voice our support for Israel, so "we" did not, in fact, come together. 

This was, as Governor Andrew Cuomo said "not the usual state delegation." A State Delegation would properly include the leaders, and since the State Senate is divided into three Conferences, all three of these Conferences should have been represented.  They were not. 
Was the Senate Democratic Conference Leader Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins even invited to travel to Israel with Governor Andrew Cuomo and her fellow Senate Leaders?  If Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins was invited and refused to go - or for some reason was unable to travel to Israel with the State Leadership Delegation - was it not possible for the Senate Deputy Democratic Conference Leader Mike Gianaris to take her place so at least someone could represent us to show our solidarity with Israel? 

We all know that Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos and Senate IDC Leader Jeff Klein met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Reuven Rivlin, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz, and Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat to express their solidarity with Israel.  On a trip of this magnitude, where was the Leader from the Regular Senate Democratic Conference?  What does this say about the regular Senate Democrats and our partnership with Israel? 

Ladies and gentlemen, like most of my colleagues in the State Senate, I believe that Israel needs our support, too.  I just can't understand why the State Delegation did not come together so all three Senate Conferences - the Senate Republican Conference, the Senate Democratic Conference, and the Senate Independence Conference - could stand beside the other State Leaders to reinforce the strong ties that bind New York and the State of Israel. 

This is Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.



   Music Legend to serenade Hundreds of Bronx Fans at Loreto Park

State Senator Jeff Klein announced Thursday that Music Icon Engelbert Humperdinck will take the stage for what is expected to be a lively and fun summer concert for Bronx families to enjoy free of charge.  Humperdinck is performing as part of Senator Klein’s 2014 Summertime Symphonies Series, an annual event that provides free concerts throughout the month of August to Bronx residents.

Grammy Award winner Engelbert Humperdinck is a music legend with more than 150 million records sold. His remarkable voice and enduring talent has endeared him to millions of fans around the globe for decades.

WHO:  Music Icon Engelbert Humperdinck
State Senator Diane Savino (D-Staten Island/Brooklyn)*
Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr.
Hundreds of concert goers

*State Senator Jeff Klein will be unable to attend as he is traveling back from Israel as part of the New York Unity Delegation.

WHEN: Thursday, August 14th, 2014, 8PM SHARP.
WHERE: Loreto park, Morris Park Avenue between Haight and Thomlinson Aves, Bronx, NY

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

International Family Day on Sunday, August 17

Join Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj for the second annual International Family Day on Sunday, August 17, 2014
at DeWitt Clinton High School
on Goulden Avenue
12 pm - 6 pm

DNA Info - DeBlasio Would Dump Bratton For Sharpton

  DNAinfo writes that sources have said that Mayor Bill deBlasio would dump his police commissioner Bill Bratton in a showdown with Al Sharpton. The DANinfo story begins that Police Commissioner Bill Bratton had better watch his back when the mayor is deciding what to do, and who to trust in the aftermath of the Staten Island 'Chokehold controversy.' DNAinfo says that Mayor deBlasio would throw Bratton under the bus to keep peace with Sharpton. The story continues that Bratton was not the choice of the minority community, who wanted a person of color, not a clone of Ray Kelly. 

  The mayor's office declined to comment for the DNAinfo story, but in a New York Observer Story  Mayor deBlasio defended his relationship with his police commissioner Bill Bratton as he called the DNAinfo story 'Idiotic' to say that he would side with Al Sharpton over his police commissioner. DeBlasio is quoted as saying that he is "sick of" stories that are trying to make an issue of his relationship with Sharpton and his police commissioner from unnamed sources. The Observer story ends with the mayor talking about the arrest procedure and what every citizen should do when being placed under arrest, and not fight the arrest as there is a due process system afterwards.