Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Mayor de Blasio Announces 120 New Speed Cameras by PS/MS 95


  Mayor Bill deBlasio came to PS/MS 95 this morning to announce 120 new speed cameras for streets around NYC schools. Standing in front of two (and next to one in a photo above) of the six new mobile speed camera cars Mayor de Blasio praised State Senate Co-Leader Jeff Klein saying that Senator Klein was an intricate part of getting this and other legislation such as the new slower 25 mile per hour NYC speed limit passed in Albany. There will be 120 new speed cameras an increase from the present 20 for a total of 140 citywide. These speed cameras will give students an advantage when school returns said NYC DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg.

Also on hand were Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., Councilman Andrew Cohen, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Community Board 8 Chairman Dan Padernacht, 50th Precinct commanding officer Deputy Inspector Paul Rasa, and many others.

Right to left are Community Board 8 Chair Dan Padernacht, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Mayor Bill de Blasio (at the podium), Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr., and NYC DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg.

NYC DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg tells why the additional speed cameras are needed.

Senator Jeff Klein tells why he works so hard to get legislation like this passed.

 BP Diaz thanks Senator Klein for his hard work in the state senate.

Mayor de Blasio (center) with Senator Klein, Councilman Cohen, Assemblyman Dinowitz, and Bronx BP Diaz Jr.

Monday, September 1, 2014

What Happens if Tim Wu Wins Primary For Lt. Gov.

  Fred Dicker of the New York Post writes some of Governor Andrew Cuomo's political operatives are preparing for a possible Tim Wu victory over Kathy Hochul for Lieutenant Governor on primary day. Dicker writes that should WU (who is picking up more momentum every day) win the Democratic primary that Kathy Hochul would remain on the other lines (Independence, Working Families, and Women's Equality). The votes on those three lines would not be counted since Cuomo would have a different running mate from the Democratic line. 

  The one saving grace for Cuomo is that he would have until September 16th, one week after the primary to have Kathy Hochul be placed on the ballot for a judgeship position, which would allow for Cuomo to put Wu (should he win the primary for Lt. Gov.) on the other three ballot lines. 

  Dicker also goes into what even a 30 percent vote for Wu and running mate Zephyr Teachout for Governor would have on Cuomo's political future as a candidate for President. The entire New York Post article by Fred Dicker "Cuomo may Dump Hochul Fearing a Tim Wu Primary Win can be found HERE.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

STATEMENT FROM BP DIAZ RE: Sen. Ted Cruz's Bronx Bashing

  Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. has issued the following statement in response to Republican Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s attack on The Bronx, made during a speech before the conservative group Americans for Prosperity on Saturday:

“Ted Cruz's willingness to traffic in the outdated stereotypes of past decades is disgusting, and is totally devoid of truth. The Bronx has seen unprecedented positive growth in recent years, and Senator Cruz's infantile attempt to score cheap political points by slandering our borough is revolting, and unworthy of the title of United States Senator." 
"Grow up, Senator Cruz," said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr."

Coverage of Sen. Cruz’s remarks can be found here: http://read.bi/1Cg0PaV.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

DiNapoli: State Agency Overtime Tops $316 Million Halfway Into 2014

State agencies spent more than $316 million on overtime in the first six months of 2014, a jump of $22 million over the same period in 2013, New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli announced today.  State employees worked more than 7.8 million overtime hours, up 7.6 percent over the same period in 2013.
“This troubling trend could again result in a record-breaking year of overtime hours and overtime pay,” DiNapoli said. “Our state agencies need to examine their practices, get to the root of what is driving high overtime and better manage these costs.”
DiNapoli’s office routinely issues reports on ways to improve the efficiency of state operations, including periodic reports on how overtime is managed by state agencies.
The total cost of overtime as a percentage of gross payroll rose slightly from 3.9 percent to 4.3 percent in the first six months of 2014. If overtime continues to rise at this pace, total costs for 2014 could exceed $640 million.  Last year, overtime at state agencies rose to a record $611 million, up nearly 16 percent over 2012.
Some of the increase is due to recent salary and other increases paid to state employees, which resulted in a higher cost-per-hour of overtime worked. However, total overtime hours also rose for many agencies.
The four agencies identified below accounted for 97.6 percent of the statewide increase in overtime costs in the first six months of 2014.
OT Spending
 (Jan-Jun 2014)
$ Increase
% Increase
Dept. of Corrections
Office of Mental Health
Taxation & Finance
Three of those agencies, which operate institutional facilities, accounted for 62.7 percent of total overtime spending: Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, Office for People with Developmental Disabilities, and Office of Mental Health. These three agencies also accounted for 63.2 percent of all overtime hours worked.
The highest increase in overtime hours was at the Department of Taxation and Finance, which saw a 128 percent jump, followed by the Office of Information Technology Services with 110 percent. Last year, Taxation and Finance ran up more than $8 million in overtime costs due in large part to problematic monitoring and processing of paper income tax returns.
Other state agencies decreased overtime spending in the first six months of 2014. The highest percentage decreases among agencies which spent at least $500,000 on overtime were: Department of Labor, down nearly 72 percent; Division of Homeland Security, down 67 percent; and the Department of Financial Services, down 65 percent.
Generally, state employees who are eligible for overtime compensation are paid at a rate of 1 ½ times their regular pay. Overtime may also impact pension payout calculations.

First Bronx H.I.R.E. Jobs Fair

Bronx Chamber Logo

New York State Senator Jeff Klein 
The Bronx Chamber of Commerce 
cordially invites you to the First Bronx H.I.R.E. Jobs Fair

Wednesday, September 3, 2014 
4 PM-7 PM 
Hutchinson Metro Center
1200 Waters Place, Bronx, NY 10461 

For more information please call: 718-828-3900 

Friday, August 29, 2014

79th AD debate - no shows! AGAIN! ON BRONXTALK

 This statement came in from Bronxtalk host Gary Axelbank in relation to 3 of the 6 candidates not showing up to be a part of the 79th A.D. Assembly District debate.

  This afternoon we recorded the debate between the candidates for the Democratic Primary in the 79th AD in the Bronx.  Of the six candidates, only three showed up.  It's the fourth time of the five debates we've held this summer that has had empty chairs.  This is an outrageous insult to the voters in the Bronx and an indictment of the nature of democracy here.  Thanks to Michael Blake, Frederick Ricks, and Raul Rodriguez for participating in this important forum.  The debate will air during our regular broadcast time at 9:00pm Monday night on Cablevison's BronxNet channel 67 and Fios channel 33.  It is streamed live and archived at www.bronxnet.org

 Bronxtalk host Gary Axelbank added.  For the record, Lanita Jones sent an email in the morning saying she would not attend, George Alvarez was in the hallway outside the studio and five minutes before the show sent an assistant into the studio to say he had an emergency and couldn't stay, and Marsha Michael just did not attend.


   To the backdrop of the Whitehall building last night's FREE Tony Orlando concert in Seton Park was enjoyed by an estimated 1,000 people. This was one of Senator Jeff Klein's Summer Concert Series in the parks, which last year saw Aretha Franklin in this same park. The photos below will tell you the story as Tony Orlando warmed up the crowd with his boyhood days of growing up in the Bronx by Fordham Road. Then he went into his 90 minute concert and all who attended wished it could continue. Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz introduced Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., Councilman Andrew Cohen, and the sponsor of the concert State Senator Jeff Klein. Dinowitz, Diaz Jr., and Cohen all thanked Senator Klein for sponsoring the concert. Senator Klein said that he only wants the people of his district to enjoy their wonderful amenities such as Seton Park, and a concert such as this is the perfect way to enjoy Seton Park. You can click on a photo to make it larger.

Left - Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr. Stands next to Senator Klein as he waits for his turn to congratulate Senator Jeff Klein for the great concert.
Right - Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz introduces the sponsor of the Tony Orlando Concert, and his good friend Senator Jeff Klein.

Left - Mr. Michael Blaustein of Senator Klein's office with Tony Orlando as Orlando points to what he use look like.
Right - Orlando poses with a local woman. 

A few more photos of the concert. 

An early photo of part of the crowd.

Cash For Guns Sat. Sept. 20th