Tuesday, January 27, 2015

And the Next Speaker of the Assembly IS --

  With his future as the speaker of the assembly in great doubt ever since having been arrested by the U.S. Attorney's office on several counts of corruption, assembly Democrats are scrambling to find an interim speaker if and when Silver steps down as speaker. That move however would require a change in the assembly rules.  ODDS for a new speaker EVEN MONEY.and dropping every minute.

Current Assembly Majority Leader Joseph Morelle who is now being touted as a caretaker speaker until mid February or even for 90 days, then a permanent replacement to Silver will be chosen. ODDS 8 - 1


Bronx Democratic County Leader Carl Heastie has gained some momentum, as it appears that Heastie may have the backing of Queens Democratic organization. However that will not be near enough votes to become the next speaker. ODDS 20 - 1

My money is on Manhattan Democratic County Leader Keith Wright. In the redrawing of the 15th congressional district one version had the district go through the Bronx and into Mount Vernon. This was the best case scenario for Assemblyman Heastie, but the district remained a majority Manhattan district to the advantage of Assemblyman and Manhattan county leader Keith Wright.  ODDS 3 - 5

Any other assembly Democrat ODDS are 10 - 1.to 99 - 1.
Any assembly Republican  the ODDS are off the board.

Monday, January 26, 2015


  "As the members of the Democratic conference of the New York State Assembly consider the future of their leadership, one thing must be clear throughout the process: the next speaker of the Assembly must be elected from New York City.

“New York City has always been at the forefront of Democratic Party polices and principles, and the New York State Assembly has traditionally led the charge on issues this city holds dear, be it rent control and tenant protections, the minimum wage, public education and transportation funding, to name a few.

"Without an Assembly Speaker from the five boroughs, no leadership position in the legislature would be held by a legislator from New York City. Abandoning that tradition would be of grave concern to the 8.5 million residents of the city of New York," said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

Assembly Leader Hopefuls Down to 2 Names

    Rumors are swirling around Albany that the proposed 5 person care taker assembly leadership team is now down to only 2 names. The original 5 included Denny Farrell (former Manhattan Democratic County Leader), Carl Heastie (Bronx Democratic County Leader), Kathleen Nolan (Queens), Joe Lentol (Brooklyn), and Assembly Majority Leader Joe Morelle (Rochester). 

   And the 2 finalist are - Denny Farrell and Joe Morelle. Farrell is from Manhattan, but turns 83 soon and Morelle is from upstate Rochester, unlike Sheldon Silver who was from Manhattan only. It has been said any new speaker would have to come from NYC. 

  Governor Andrew Cuomo has publicly rejected the idea of an assembly leadership by committee, as has Senate Democratic Conference Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins. Assembly and senate Republicans have only said that Sheldon Silver should step down, and have no name to replace him.

  Just like the snow falling outside, it could be a while until we see the end to both items.


City  issues Winter Weather Emergency Declaration restricting all non-emergency travel after 11 PM Monday

All public schools closed on Tuesday

   Mayor de Blasio today updated New Yorkers on the approaching winter storm, warning people to refrain from travel as the storm’s intensity worsens this afternoon and through Tuesday. The mayor will issue a local Winter Weather Emergency Declaration restricting travel in all cases except emergencies beginning at 11 PM Monday. The latest forecasts anticipate approximately two feet of snow and near-blizzard conditions across New York City.

“Our message to New Yorkers is to not underestimate this storm. Make preparations to get home this afternoon before the worst of the storm hits. The combination of heavy snow and wind will make travel dangerous. We need cars off the road so that our equipment can do its work and keep streets passable for emergency vehicles. This will be mandatory at 11 PM tonight,” said Mayor de Blasio.

Latest Forecast
A blizzard warning will be in effect from 1 PM today (January 26) through Tuesday night (January 27). Snow accumulations between 20 and 30 inches are anticipated, with the heaviest snowfall occurring late Monday night into Tuesday morning. Heavy winds, with gusts reach up to 65 miles per hour, will severely reduce visibility.

A Coastal Flood Warning has been issued for parts of Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx during overnight hours. A Coastal Flood Advisory is also in effect for parts of Manhattan and Staten Island overnight as well.

Streets and highways will be closed to all but emergency vehicle travel at 11 PM Monday night until further notice. Only vehicles related to emergency services, vital City services and delivery of vital supplies will be permitted on streets until the order is lifted. New Yorkers are also urged not to walk or venture outside once the worst of the storm hits this evening.

Schools are open today but will be closed on Tuesday (January 27). Regents exams scheduled for Tuesday will be rescheduled for Thursday. After-school programs, adult education programs and PSAL activities are canceled today and tomorrow.

Snow Removal
The Department of Sanitation has 12-hour shifts of 2,400 workers each on duty, with 1,800 collection trucks outfitted with plows (up from usual 1,500) and another 500 salt spreaders, also outfitted with plows. City agencies have dedicated a further 250 pieces of equipment, for a total of 2,550 vehicles now dedicated to the effort. Plowing progress can be followed via the PlowNYC feature at nyc.gov/plownyc.

Parking and Trash Collection
Alternate side parking and garbage/recycling collection are suspended Monday (January 26), Tuesday (January 27) and Wednesday (January 28) to facilitate snow removal. Parking meters remain in effect.

Emergency Response
911 should only be used in case of emergencies. All other snow related inquiries and reports should be made to 311. FDNY has added 110 additional ambulances to its operations this afternoon—bringing its total to 380 on duty. The agency is also adding a fifth firefighter to each engine company. More than 500 additional personnel will support operations over the next 24 hours.

City parks will close at 6 PM Monday and remain closed until further notice, to avert danger from falling tree branches weighed down
with snow.

Ferry Service
Staten Island and East River Ferry service are operating on a normal schedule until further notice, but modified service is possible as conditions worsen.

Heat and Hot Water
Any tenant lacking heat and hot water should immediately call 311. The Department of Housing Preservation and Development has crews responding.

Homeless Services
Code Blue protocols are in effect. No one seeking shelter in New York City will be denied. Anyone who sees a homeless individual or family out in the cold should call 311 immediately and an outreach team will be dispatched to assist them.

Further Notifications

For information and updates related to weather and travel conditions, visit NYC.gov/severeweather. New Yorkers are also encouraged to sign up for Notify NYC, the City’s free emergency notification system. Through Notify NYC, New Yorkers can receive phone calls, text messages, and/or emails alerts about traffic and transit disruptions and other emergencies. To sign up for Notify NYC, call 311, visit NYC.gov/notifynyc, or follow @NotifyNYC on Twitter.


Legislation Prevents Level Two & Three Sex Offenders From Residing in Shelters With Families and Children 

Jeff Klein
  Independent Democratic Conference Leader Senator Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester)today announced that the State Senate overwhelmingly passed (52-0) legislation he sponsors that prohibits level two and level three sex offenders from living in temporary emergency housing and homeless shelters used to house families with children.

“Allowing high-level sex offenders to stay in family shelters where vulnerable women and children are trying to get back on their feet is not only troublesome but dangerous. With more than 60,000 homeless New Yorkers sleeping in New York City shelters and thousands more out on the street, we need to take every measure to protect those in our care,” said Senator Klein. “Just days after finding two such predators residing at a Bronx-shelter in my district, I am proud this legislation has passed the Senate. This marks a critical step in protecting the thousands of women and children seeking shelter and I look forward to seeing this important bill pass both houses in the coming weeks.” 

Senator Klein’s legislation (S.851-2015) prohibits level two and level three sex offenders from being housed in family shelters and requires by law that they be placed in adult-only shelters or shelters without children.  This legislation amends current Social Services Law and brings the shelter system up to speed with current law concerning public housing, where sex offenders are already prohibited from residing.

“The issue of high-level sex offenders taking up residence in emergency shelters intended for homeless families remains a concern since first coming to our attention in 2007. Federal law prohibits public housing admission to level 2 and 3 sex offenders – and we are seeking to extend that protection to our most vulnerable children and families.” said Assembly Matthew Titone (D-North Shore), co-sponsor of the 2015 bill. “Today 80% of New York’s homeless are women and children; every day that the current law remains in place, each of New York’s 25,000 homeless children remains in avoidable risk.”

Last week, two male sex offenders were found to be residing at the Crystal Family Residence, a 95-room family shelter and former location of the controversial Capri Whitestone Motel in the Throggs Neck section of the Bronx.

Keith Wright Calls On Silver To Resign

       In a stunning course of events that continues to unfold Manhattan Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Keith Wright has called for current Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver to resign. One by one it seems that Assembly Democrats are deserting the singing Sheldon Silver ship. There had been a call for a 5 person caretaker administration of the assembly while Speaker Silver fights the charges of corruption levied on him.

     The 5 names were all possible replacements for silver with one exception, that being Keith Wright. They were Assembly Majority Leader Joe Morelle, former Manhattan County Leader Denny Farrell, Bronx County Leader Carl Heastie, Joe Lentol of Brooklyn, and Kathleen Nolan of Queens. 

     The lack of the Manhattan County Leader and possible candidate for Congressman Charles Rangel's seat could mean that Wright is seriously looking at the 15th Congressional seat. Therefore it would not make any sense to include Wright in any replacement process for Speaker Silver if Wright was to leave the assembly in less than two years.

     The game continues, but it is looking worse for current Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver each and every day. How long will it take until Silver joins his friend Vito Lopez as a private citizen, and former assemblyman?

The Chips Start to Fall in the State Assembly

Assemblyman Luis SepĂșlveda Calls on
Speaker Sheldon Silver to Step Down

“I understand that this is an incredibly difficult period for the Speaker Silver and his family, and my thoughts and prayers are with the Silver family.  We should be grateful to Speaker Silver for his service as Speaker since 1994.  He has accomplished many great things, including securing Universal Pre-K for the state, ending the Rockefeller drug laws, the passing of the SAFE Act, the passing of the DREAM Act, and so much more. 

With a strong belief in the presumption of innocence I believe that Speaker Silver deserves his day in front of a jury before we pass judgment on his alleged actions.  However, as this body moves into budget negotiations, one of the most important parts of the year, the criminal complaint filed against the Speaker has clearly become a distraction and has taken the spotlight away from so many of the important issues we should be debating.  Issues like education, criminal justice reform, and infrastructure, among others, have now taken a back seat due to the Speaker's unfortunate situation. 

The focus of this body right now must be budget negotiations, an area where the Speaker is an instrumental component.  In light of these recent issues his position as a negotiator has been greatly compromised.  The Governor’s proposed budget will have an impact on every New Yorker, and our job as legislators is to ensure that our communities are represented in this budget.  Our constituents are our first and most important duty.

There comes a time when an institution must come before any individual, and it is for these reasons that I believe that Speaker Silver should step down as Speaker and allow for this body to get to work on these issues without being distracted.  Already since the Speaker’s arrest the Assembly was forced to cancel Session on a day that we should have been honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  It is likely that distractions like this will continue throughout the legislative session period if Speaker Silver remains in his leadership position.

It is my hope that my colleagues and I can elect a new Speaker and continue to work together through this difficult time so that we can do what we were elected to do.  Again, my prayers go out to the Speaker and his Family.”

Assemblyman Luis SepĂșlveda.

Night Lights at Wave Hill

  For the first time in its illustrious history, Wave Hill invites the public to experience the enchantment of its garden landscape after dark. Night Lights at Wave Hill, the culmination of the institution’s 50th anniversary celebration, offers not just the unprecedented opportunity to visit on spring evenings, but also to view a spectacular installation by award-winning artist Chris Doyle, commissioned by Wave Hill to help celebrate the garden’s anniversary year. Doyle’s The Lightening: a project for Wave Hill’s Aquatic Garden combines rear-projected animation, light and sound in the serene space of the Aquatic Garden.

On Thursday, Friday and Sunday evenings from April 24 to May 24, the public is invited to explore the gardens, to experience Doyle’s immersive installation and indulge in delightful offerings from The Shop and The CafĂ©. “Night Lights will give visitors the rare opportunity to see Wave Hill as the sun sets over the Palisades, and to experience the grounds at night in an entirely new way,” notes Claudia Bonn, President and Executive Director of Wave Hill. “These evenings pay tribute to Wave Hill’s unique position at the intersection of horticulture and art—a feature that distinguishes us as a place of complex, dynamic beauty.We are especially delighted to be working with an artist as talented as Chris Doyle.”

Inspired by the lush surroundings, The Lightening provides an electrifying experience during daylight and at night. Three faceted structures hover over the water, their mirrored surfaces reflecting the garden and pool in daylight. As evening approaches, they glow with light and animation inspired by the aquatic life below. A soundscape created by innovative composer Jeremy Turner emanates from each structure, completing the experience. Night Lights at Wave Hill allows the public to view these intricate animations, inspired by life above the water, the reflective surface and the life below.

Chris Doyle: Landscape Fictions, an exhibition of Doyle’s animations and light boxes, brings the excitement of The Lightening indoors to Glyndor Gallery. Doyle's ongoing investigation of landscape and culture is evident in the three animations exhibited: "Bright Canyon" (commissioned for the Midnight Moment by the Times Square Alliance), "Apocalypse Management," and the award-winning "Waste_Generation."

A recipient of a John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship and the Borusan Contemporary Art Collection Prize, Doyle explores the way that human anxieties and collective attitudes about the environment are projected through representations of landscape.

Night Lights at Wave Hill takes place rain or shine. Tickets will be available starting March 4, online and onsite at the Perkins Visitor Center.

What:     Night Lights at Wave Hill
West 249th Street and Independence Avenue, Bronx, New York

When:    Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays, April 24–May 24

Tickets:  Same-Day Tickets: $25/$20 Wave Hill Member/$12 children.
Purchase in advance and save $2. No refunds or exchanges. All sales final.
Tickets available starting March 4, online and onsite.

The arts at Wave Hill are supported by the Milton & Sally Avery Arts Foundation, The New York Community Trust, the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, and by the Cathy and Stephen Weinroth Commissioning Fund for the Arts.

Wave Hill, Inc. is an independent, non-profit cultural institution governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The buildings and grounds of Wave Hill are owned by the City of New York. With the assistance of the Bronx Borough President and Bronx representatives in the City Council and State Legislature, Wave Hill’s operations are supported with public funds through the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs; the Zoos, Botanical Gardens and Aquariums Grant Program administered by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation; the National Endowment for the Arts; the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation; and the New York State Council on the Arts.


A 28-acre public garden and cultural center overlooking the Hudson River and Palisades, Wave Hill’s mission is to celebrate the artistry and legacy of its gardens and landscapes, to preserve its magnificent views, and to explore human connections to the natural world through programs in horticulture, education and the arts.

HOURS  Open year-round, Tuesday–Sunday and many major holidays .9AM–4:30PM, Nov 1–Mar 14. 9AM–5:30PM, Mar 15–Oct 31.

ADMISSION $8 adults, $4 students and senior 65+, $2 children 6-18.
Free Tuesdays and Saturdays until noon. Free to members, children under 6.

DIRECTIONS Getting here is easy! Located only 30 minutes from midtown Manhattan, Wave Hill’s free shuttle van transports you to and from our front gate and Metro-North’s Riverdale station, the W. 242 St. stop on the #1 subway line, and to and from our free offsite parking lot. Limited onsite parking is available for $8 per vehicle. Complete directions and shuttle van schedule at wavehill.org.
Free Tuesdays and Saturdays until noon. Free to members, children under 6.